The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 29, 1906, Image 6

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Republican Candidate for United States Senator.
Jonathan Bourne, Jr., candidate before the Kcpublican primaries for the
nomination of United Mates Senator in Congress, for the long term commencing
March 4th, 1007, wan horn in New lledford, Mass., February 23d, 1 856; was I
member of the claf-s of 1877 at Harvard University ; came to Portland May Kith,
1878; was a Republican member of tho Oregon Legislature in the session of 1885
and tho extra session of 1880; was one of Oregon's delegates to the Republican
National Convention of 1 888 and Oregon's member of the Republican National
Committee from 1888 to 1892, and a delegate to the Republican National Con
vention of 1802; and was elected as a Mitchell Republican to the Oregon Legisla
ture in 1890.
Mr. Bourne has been more prominently idnetifled with the development Of
the mineral resources of Oregon than any other man in the state, having expen
ded in the last twenty years over $1,000,000 of his own money in the acquisition
and development of Oregon mines.
While Mr. Roume lias liad his residence and main office at Portland since
1878, lie has hud another office at New Bedford, Mass., and has carried on the
business of his father's estate since 1889, which makes him familiar with many
of the large interests and leading men of the East. These qualifications, in con
junction with his tremendous ouergy, origlanilty, executive ability and exper
ience in business and political affairs pre-eminently qualify him for making an
able and influential Senator for the State of Oregon.
Mr. Bourne bus always favored extending the direct power of the people over
their government as fur as possible. He was one of the leading spirits in the
' Initiative and Referendum movement from 18(K1 until it was approved by the
voters at tho Juno election In 1002. In KHM lie was a member of the executive
committee of tho Direct Primary Nominations League, and holds the same pos
ition with the Tropic's Power League at this time. In all these movements he
has been ono of tho few to guarantee the necessary expenses of preparing and
proposing their measures to the people.
:lu says that the choice of United States Senator should be by direct tote of
the people, and that tho Legislature should be compelled to elect the man the
peoplo select. To accomplish this result, he is championing Statement No. 1' of
the primary elections law as the only method by w hich public opinion may be
crystallized and made effective upon the Legislature.
In his petition for nomination ho says:
"If I mil nominated and elected I will, during my terra
of otlice, favor:
Republican Politices.
Amending National Constitution for People's Election
of United States Senators.
Publicity Political Campaign Expenses.
National Control of Corporations in Interstate Com
merce. Rigid Exclusion of Asiatic Coolie .Labor; Good Wages
make (iood Citizens.
Legal Limitat ions Labor I lours for, Softy on Railroads.
Parcels Post, including Rural Delivery.
Pure Food Laws.
Liberal Appropriations for Panama Canal, Coast Defen
ses, River find Harbor Improvements, including Colum
bia and Willamat to Rivers, Coos, Yaquina and other
Oregon Harbors, Celilo Canal, Government Canal at
Oregon City.
Fair Share of Irrigation Fund for Oregon.
Loyal Support for Successful Candidates.
Rigid Enforcement Statement One.
Roosevelt for Second Elective Term.
I desire that the following statement be printed after my
name on the nominating ballot:
Is Din The Aeknunledged Standard,
The Hood River apple seems to br
the acknowledged standard or pernio
Hon. From all sections of the conn
try where apples urn grown an effort
is Ixiinn made to raise fruit that will
measure up to tho Itooil Jilver stand
lird of quality. Whether this can be
(lone remains to be seen. While the
same met hod may be pursued, we do
not think t'.iat other sections have the
null which gives to the liood River
lruit it h L'reiit keeninu qualities. The
hiteHt to bo heard from is Cluckuiiiio-
uounty ..f which the Silver Lake Ore
k'ouiau hiitm:
"There will come a time when the
famous apples of Hood River will II ml
a close rival in the apples of Clacka
mas county. And why not? The soil
nnil conditions in Eastern Clackamas
county are pronounced to be as (food
s Hood River's for apple raising.
The great trundle with this part of the
country is that it haa been isolated
until now, and the next few years will
Hoe a great many experiments inrais
ing fruit which will prove beyond
doubt the superior adaption of this
section of npplo culture."
Property Here (iood Investment.
ti. A. SchitlW, the well known tail
Tir, has purchased city property in
llooU liivor, adjoining somo property
he has owned for some time in that
oity. He believes Hood River will be
coine one of the most prosperous and
thrifty little towns in Oregon in time.
Property is advancing in price and
new settlers are going into the conn
try every week. Mr. Scbilllei'a son,
J. li. Sehilller, is in the tailoring
business at that place. Kast Oregon-iau.
No .Mure Iiabhitvillc.
KdttorA. Hennett announces his re
tirement from tho Irrigon Irrigator,
The Irrigator without the Sage of liub
bitville reiumda ono of Shakespoaie's
Kreatest tragedy with llumlet left ont.
N'ewberg Unipbio.
Killed Fruit Pests.
While the cold weather baa appar
eutlv done no harm in this section,
Eastern Oregon was not so fortunate
oarlr fruits were hurt there but a (lis
patch from Walla Walla says: "The
recent cold weather proved beneficial
to the fruitgrowers, notwithstanding
union of the early rtuit was killed. Au
examination of the trees in the fruit
tielt reveals the fact that the San Jose
scale was killed. Nearly every oreharu
lu the valley was slightly at! ected with
the scale before the freeze oame, and
orchard ists were preparing to do an
immense amount of spraying. Thi
will not b necessary now, as there is
no Bign of the pest anywhere."
A Rare Kvent.
A very Interesting event oooured at
the home of Thoman tioss, near liel
iiinut, on March 21. The occasion was
the marriage of "throe couples, three
of the contracting parties of which
were from ono family.
The names ot the parties
Cleorge M. Eddie and May li.
(lustave A. Jaoroux and M.
lions, and Oeorge (1. Ooss and Myrtle
A. lirowu. The otUclating minister
were Kev. llrown and Elder L. O.
Dix. Mr. Itrown is the father of Mrs.
Oeorge II. Ooss. The gests were Kev.
Ilrwu, Mr. and Mrs. Harney, Air. and
Mrs. L O. Dix, Mr. Skinner, Mr.
Harvey Kudo, Miss Lulu Oix, and
Miss tlraoe Upton. Their many
friends wish them long and happy
To the Voters of lialdwln Treriurt.
The registration books for Baldwin
precinct are now open. I will tie pre
pared to register vou at any time al
lirlbble's store. O. Fredenbnrg,
Notary Public.
Pigeon Shoot.
Kverv Sundav afternoon near Reeu-
ulator I ion t landing. Ten bird matches
AO cents. Kverything furnished and
everybody invited. i
E. L. Smith of Hood River has an
nounoed his candidacy for the nomi
nation of U. B. Senator on the Repub
lican ticket. Mr. Smith is one of the
strongest nieu the party could put up,
and would well represent Oregon in
Congress. Antelope Herald.
Hon. E. L. Smith, of Hood River,
has decided not to enter the race for
gubernatorial honors, but instead, has
surprised bis legion of friends
throughout the state by announcing
himself a. candidate for United Htates
Senator. Mr. Smith possess those
qualifications wbiob would make Oie
gon an ideal representative in the up
per bonse ot uouirress. wneeier
County News.
Hon. E. L. Smith, of Hood River,
who has beeu boomed by bis friends
for the Republican nomination for
governor, has formally announced his
candidacy for the United Htates Hen-
ate. The announcement comes as a
ereat surprise, as Mr. Smith haa been
urged by his friends all over the state
to enter the race for the nomination
for eoveroor and it was not generally
known that be bad aspirations for the
Mr. Smith east bis maiden vote for
Abraham Lincoln In 1800, since which
time he has beeu a staunch Repub
lican, belonging to the Btalwait wing
of the party in this state. He is
prominent in tbe industrial organiza
tions of tbe state, being chuirman of
the state board of Horticulture and
president of tbe Nowrthett Fruit
Growers' Association and tbe Oregon
Development league. He bas also
been very proimneut in the politics of
this state, and he was Speaker of the
House In the legislature or lnsu.
Madras Pioneer.
A. Ilennett Nominated.
The directors of tbe Irrigon Fruit
Co. have presented the name of A.
Bennett of Irrigon for pjesident of the
Oregon Development League. The va
cancy ts caused by reason oi ine
resignation of former president lion.
E. U Smith, of llooci Kiver. . Mr.
Dennett is absent from the city and
could not be seen in regard to tbe
matter, but the fruit company never
theless feel justified in presenting his
name, lie Is now, by reason of tils
untiling energies in behalf of the
league, its first vice president. We do
not know ot another man in the
state who bas given more of bis time
and energies to boost this organiza
tion. Tbe directors of the Irrigon
Fruit Oo. feel that it would be a great
help to the community at large and a
direct service to the development
league and state should we succeed in
electing A. Dennett to this oltlce.
A year or so ago the Oregon De
velopment League bad a vice-presi
dent In nearly eiery city and 'village
in the state. Uecause of their untiring
efforts a few have been retained and
tbe great built of names dropped, un
til now A. lionnctf, S. H. Friendly,
Ueo. T. Baldwin, Dr. J. S. McCormic
and fi. F. Mulkey, In tbeordor named,
make up tbe list of vice-presidents.
If out of all that wero originally cho
sen Mr. liennett stands at the very
head by reason of good servloe render
ed, would he not make a good presi
dent? The Irrigon Fruit Co., in
nominating him, thinks he would.
Climatic Cures.
The influence of climatic conditions
in the cure of consumption is very much
overdrawn. The poor patient, and the
rich patient, too, can do much better at
home by proper attention to food diges
tion, and a regular use of German Syrup.
rree expecorauon in ion uioiiiiiik
made certain by German Syrup, so is a
good night's rest and ttie absence of that
weaKening cougn anu ueuiiiuuiug nigni
sweat. Restless nights and the exhaus
tion due to couching, the greatest dan
ger and dread of the consumptive, can
be prevented or stopped by taking tier
man Byrun liberally and regularly.
Should you be able to go to a warmer
clime, yon will find that of the thou
sands ot consumptives mere, the lew
. .... i . -
who are oeneiuuui anu regain strengm
are those who use German Syrup. Trial
bottles, Uftc; regular size, f)C. ror sale
by C. N. Clarke, druggist.
Will Stay in Hood ltiver.
The remedy that makes you eat, sleep
and grow strong, called 1 almo tablets,
will be sold regularly by V illiams
Pharmacy, Hood Kiver. These great
nerve anu constitution builders cost only
bUc per box, six boxes IZ.W.
Is a Strung Candidate.
The candidacy of Win. J. Clark for
state prluter seems to be meeting
with considerable success. He is said
to be a strong candidate throughout
tbe state and au exohauge says of
him: "Mr. Clark is one of the oldest
printers in the State and one of the
best known country edi org in Ore
gon. His nomination will be a tribute
to tbe country press and they are
backing him heavily for the place."
The best safeguard against headache,
constipation and liver troubles is l'e
Witt's Little Early Risers. Keep a vial
of these famous little pills in tbe house
and take a dose at bed time when you
feel that the stomach and bowels need
cleansing. They don't gripe. Sold by
Williams' Pharmacy.
Secured Franchise In Portland.
The Mount Hood Electric Light and
Power Company, which recently ap
plied for a franchise in this oity has
just beeu granted one In Portland and
has been granted the privilege of lay
ing wires aud conduits and disposing
of light aud power in Portland, was
oidered advertised by the oity coun
cil. 8. II. Cobb, the president of the
company, proposed several amend
ments, the most important of which
whs to etxend the time limit for which
10,tXW horsepower of electricity should
be brought Into the city from two to
three yenis. He is willing to consent
to bring ft, IKK) horsepower into the
city within two years.
Indigestion is much of aliabit. Don't
get the habit. Take a little Kodol Dys
pepsia t ure after eating and you will
quit belching, puffing, palpitating aud
frowning. Kodol digests what vou eat
(tnd makes the stomach sweet. Sold by
Williams' Pharmacy.
A professional room burglar, siving
his name as Fred Martin, was captured
by Marshal Wood this moruing. He
ts a man about thirty years of age aud
a oon Aimed morphitie fiend. He came
in on a night train, securing a room
at the Union street lodging bouse.
Early this morning the landlady, Mrs.
DeWolf, discovered that the house had
been burglarized and immediately no
tified tbe otllcers. When arrested,
some of the stolen goods were found
In his possession. He was given a
preliminaiy hearing before Justice
Douthit, plead guilty, aud was bound
over to tbe circuit court. Chronicl .
We have purchased from the Assignee of Royse & Sons at Waits-
burg, Wash., a $10,000 Stock, consisting of
Which we are selling at less than WHOLESALE PRICES. Sale is NOW OPEN in the
Smith Block back of the First Nat ional Bank. We can save you 30 to lOO per cent.
Rivcrvicw Park and Idlewilde Additions
Easy Grades, Fine View and Good Water
Cheap lots for building; Small Houses near Flour Mill
Office next to Wauconia Hotel
Ofllces and Itttoius.
Tbe very beat for rent in Suiiib Block
tints Faint
Wall Paper Co.
Have added a complete line of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH
Our stock of paer; includes latest designs in Blanks, Gilta
- and high Grades, From 10c up,. A full, stock of room
; molding, Picture rail, Plate rail and a small line of
' V novelties in Framed Pictures. CALCIMO, the
latest thing in room tinting, mixed to order.
. Painting, Paper hanging, Sign work etc.
Phone 671. First and Oak Streets.
Season of 1906
Our scalo of cbargos for services aa Arcbiteds or Engineers, during
tbe ensuing season, will be as follows:
Flans, details and specifications for new buildings, 1 per cent of to
tal cost, based upon the AVERAGE of bids received, where total cost
cannot lie determined. For alterations to old buildings, 5 per cent.
General supervision of works, which will include the survey of build
ing lines and setting of grades, and drawing of contract or bond, and su
perintendence to completion or acceptance new buildings, 2J per cent;
alterations, 5 per cent, or full services for 6 per cent of actual cost.
On engineering works, surveys, etc., 10.00 per day and expentes, or
as provided under special agreement for large projects.
Transportation to and from works outside of city limits, and tbe em
ployment of necessary help at expense of client.
Ch irges ate based upon the total cost of all works forming part nf
construction and permanent equipment ol any buildings in connection
with which the Architects render service.
The rules of The American Institute of Architects, governing the
practice of Architects, provide that
"All drawings and specifications, as instruments of service, shall be
the property of the Architects, aud must be returned to them upon cm
pletion of works," and, "fees are successively due, as works are
completed, unless otherwise stipulated in agreement."
We make no charge for consultation or preliminary
sketches, and guarantee economic and faithful service.
Nice lot of Yellow Newtowns, Spitzenberg, Baldwin, Mam
moth Black Twig, Jonathan, Rome Beauty, Lawver, etc.
Vlso large line of general nursery stock. Send for catalog
and price list. Breeders of Shorthorn Cattle and Berk
shire Hogs; all stock registered.-
Dealer in
Harness Sz Saddles
AH Repairing Promptly Attended to
Davidson Building ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS Hood River. Ore,
Square Deal Store
"Honest Goods and a Square Deal" is my motto.
A full line of
Groceries, Flour and Feed
to select from
Farm Implements of all kinds
Wagons, Buggies and Hacks
Osbourne Spring Tooth Harrows and
Canton Reversible Extension Discs
are complete orchard tools in themselves
Agent for DeLavel Cream Separator
the only first-class separator on the market
Have just received a Carload of Dynamite
and Stumping Powder
100,000 Brick for sale m lots to suit
I ::,,1frf;L-
i -i w
The only one which shows the amount con
tained therein without opening it. This beau
tiful and practical bank may be hail in Hood
Uiver only at
The First National Bank
Call and secure one an I start a Bavings ac
count that will be a perpetual source of gatis
fnction to you.
Blacksmiths and Wagon Hak ers
Special attention given to making and repairing
Grubbing Tools and Loggers' Tools
Phone 74!
3rd and River Street.
Hood River, Ore.
No matter whether you eat to live or live to eat
you are entitled to pure, clean food. So are your
stock. Take a stroll around the warehouses of the
outside mills and see land plaster, house plaster, fer
tilizers and other odifferous dirty stuff piled in with
the flour and feed, then come down to the Flour
Mill and see the cleanliness of everything and it will
iiot take yon lo ;g to decide to use '-CUPID'' flour and
to see that your stock -vt HOOD RIVER FEED.
You will live longer and so will they. We intend to
see that those wanting dean Hour and feed can get it.
If your dealer will not, furnish it we-will give you a
list of places where you can get it. No carbonic acid
gas ui- wthi'i r.rtiMcia! means used to I. l.-a.-li nr flotir.
Can other mill.- .is iniich"'
Hood River Milling Co.