HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, MARCH 29. 1908. CORRESPONDENCE MOSIER. S. 1). Fisher was a paaHeiiKer on Thursduy'a train for Hood Kiver. Mitts Lottie McDonald left laxt week to visit friend a in Grans valley. Mrs. Alex Stewart, who has been viaitlna for the lat two weeks in White Salmon, returned on Batar day's evening train. Mr. A. P. Uatehain returned on the Saturday evening train from busi ness trip to Portland. After having spent two weeks visit ing iu The Dalles, Miss Mattie Green returned borne on inursuay. Mrs. Parish was a passenger forJThe Dulles on Monday. Mr. J. K. McUrejfor is making rapid strides in clearing up his land east of town. He 1ms a force of ten men at work and intends to nut into condi tion ton acres in which he .will plant a cherry or apple orouard. Dennv Sc Oreun have recently had Hhinned in a car load of lumber for manufacturing purposes. The box tao torv machinery is kept in rapid opera tion turning out boxes, and there is no doubt but that the company win r prepared to meet all demands of the coming season. Mr. Tyler and family, who have re sided In town through the full and winter months, have moved into the house owned by A. P. liatebam, situ ated on bis farm east or town. After an absence of two years, Mrs. P. A. Cramer returned to Mosier on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Cramer will make her home temporarily with Miss 1). Moser. Mr. Fred Evans Is developing a magnificent water supply on his farm one mile from town. Having sunk a well 80 feet in depth, be has reached an abundant vein of water over which he is erecting a wind mill that will propel water suftloient to furnisb him all irrigation purposes. C. D. Morgan left on Sunday's noon train for Omaha. At a recent election Miss Agnes Uu lovson and Miss Dollie Mosier wore elected dologatea to attend the Sunday sobool convention, which will be held at Hood ltiver some time in April. Mrs. Jas. Smith of The Dalles spent a few days in Mosier last week looking after the interests of her farm. While playing on a lumber pile near the railroad track,llttle Jlmruie Depee fell therefrom, sustaining very serious injuries. Dr. Dumblo of Hood liiver was summoned, who, on arrival, dis covered that the little lad had broken bis oollar bone, mashed bis right band badly, sustained painful laoera tious of the lace and bead. The orohardists of Mosier are dili gently appropriating soma of our fine days to the application of the winter Npray to their fruit trees. While not a great many orchards are infested with the scale, the majority of the farmers cling to the truth of the old sayiug that "a' strtoh in time saves nine,' and are siezing "time by the forelock, " ere the evil day drawetb nigh. There Is, without doubt, an euthusl astlo spirit of improvement pervading the community of Mosier. In fact, Our BESIDES SELLING YOU ONE FULL POUND of Best Benzo-Borato Perfumed Talcom Powder for 25c, WE GIVE YOU FREE ONE BEAUTIFUL POWDER PUFF This guaranteed absolutely pure powder alone usually sells for twice this amount. SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOW o SMITH BLOCK 3C K As watch specialists Satisfaction A word that means much to the ones who carry a watch. It is especially applicable to Laraway Watches For increasing sales demonstrate their ability to ren der perfect service LARAWAY The Watchmaker and Jeweler SMITH BUILDING HOOD RIVER one passing through might suspect that the epidemic bad reached this place. On all sides can be seen men at work with the grubbing machine, clearing up land, either for themselves or for some one else. As to the results of such Industry there cannot but flat tering encouragement be given for the future prosperity of this thriving little neck of the woods. Rev. J. 11. Spight spent last week with tbe people of Mosier, giving them quite a season of refreshing with a well delivered sermon each evening during the weekk. A. P. liatebam, E. J. Mlddleswart, Amos Boot and J. P. Carrol are care fullv Dreoailng the government horti cultural report tor this section of the country. Willie Stewart, while playing with some of bis playmates on Saturday, fell on bis right arm and sprained it quite badly. BARRETT. H. Uroff, of tbe Mount Hood settle ment, was a visitor at tne Kooxiora for two days last week. We thorough ly enjoyed bis company and we say, oall again, H. U., for tbe latch string is always banging out. Sargent, of tbe Ilarrett ranob, is a very busy man now days, so busy with tbe spraying that be cannot afford time to go to town. Well, call at Kookford and get all you want. Mrs. E. In Kails has installed some new batteries in tbe phone, so now the bells will jingle. A. D. Perry on tire C. Wallace ranob sold a very fine team and outfit for tbe small sum of 11225. H. Uroff was tbe lucky purchaser. Well, we are glad that tbe team has fallen into good hands. Sherif Sexton was seen on our stieetj last Fiiday. Tbe Sheriff stop ped at the Rockford store and set up the cigars for the boys. Weart & lieatty are busy with their new grubbing machine and in a little while the land will be cleared up and look somewhat bett r. Levi Chrisman of Tbe Dalles, who is oandidate for the sherltt'a ofBoe, oalled at Rock ford store on Saturday morning last, leaving bis card, also a box of cigars for the boys. Mrs. EL Brayford sold two settings of Plymoub Rock eggs to Mrs. Avery, a resident of the East Side, Hood River. B. F. Shoemaker Is somewhat under tbe weather. Jack Nealey says that be has the best horse in the valley if he could only get a little flesh on his bones. Well, get condition powders at Rock ford. C. A. Merriam of Oakdale farm, lost a valuable horse last week. Tbe trou ble was Inflamatlon of the stomach. J. Ingalls is a very busy man nowa days. Jim Is tearing things tip by the roots and Nicholson farm is beginning to look as though some one was work ing on It. Uood for you James. Mrs. E. Ingalls says it Is too bad when you feed a hog and have him fat and then there is no one to do tbe butohoring. Well, every body is busy on the ditch. PINE GROVE Frank Boardman had tbe misfortune, Big' Leader (j EIR & CASS to cut his hand quite badly one day last week wbile chopping wood. Bert Can Held is cnttlng wood for L. M. Wilson on tbe place recently pur chased of Mr. Oliver. To be well up to life both In Odoll and in Pine drove, you must spell anything and everything from the front of the book to tbe back, for it is by tbe ability to spell that a Pine U rover is judged in these days. Clearing is going on io spite of the unsettled weather and Pine Drove is forging to tbe front. Our neighbor ing settlement bas long claimed to be tbe "bub" of be alley, while we lay no claims toward being "the bub" .of the valley, still we oan justly oall for our share and proudly claim for our oorner toe name of the little nuo. While tbe little wheel Is not so im portant io looks as tbe big wagon wheel yet it Is generally in front. Likewise ttfc bub. Lhst week M. . Thomas completed tbe living rooms which he bas been building on to tbe Pine Drove store. His family are comfortably settled in them. L. D. Boyed and family of Odell called at tbe Pine Grove store on Sat urday. Miss Naomi, the eldest daugh ter is still suffering from tbe effects of tbe runaway which oouured over a month ago. Walter 81111 man bas purchased a buggy and oan be seen most any Sun day spinning along tbe streets of Pine Drove. Patronize home Industry and see tbe Pine Drove store for prices before go ing elsewhere. H. Drossnr's brother who bas been spending the winter in California, arrived in Pine Drove the last of the week. Even from tbe sunny south they came back to Oregon and inci dentally to Pine Drove. Levi Chrisman of Tbe Dalles, Re publican candidate for Sheriff, oalled at tbe Pine Drove store Monday. A. Uramea is nursing a sore thumb with what promises to be a felon. Last week tbe residents of Pine Drove were tteated to a blood curd ling sight wheu two of Draraes' mules ran through the wire fence. One or them got about a quarter of a mile of wire wrapped abound bis neck and then be started in to do things. They ran down tbe road to Mrs. Mohr's place, where they were stopped by Sam Silliman and one of tbe Mohr boys. Luckily tbe mules escaped without serious injuries. - - WHITE SALMON. FROM TUB KNTKHPHIHK. Last Saturday morning, Mark, tb young son of Indian Frank, dropped dead on Main street. His mother had sent him over to Mr. Wyers for water and while on the way back he was taken suddenly with a hemorrhage and fell over dead. He has never been a strong boy and it is thought that tbe exertion of carrying tbe water caused the bursting of a blood vessel in his lungs. Tbe funeral took place Mon day morning at nine o ciock ana in terment was in the ludlan cemetery at tbe foot of Burdoin mountain. From tbe time of death until tbe funeral left tbe wigwam the tom-tom never ceased to beat This was to keep the evil ghosts away from the spirit of little Mark, wbile be passed HI RELIABLE DRUGGISTS eJ For hard colds, bronchitis, asthma, and coughs of ail kinds, you cannot take any thing better than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Cherry Pectoral. Ask your own doctor if this is not so. He uses it. He understands why it soothes and heals. " I has Urrtbls conch lor waekt. Than I look Ayar'a Cherrv J'acloml and only oita bottla completely rureil me " mas. . B. VANPOIITH, SI. joacpn, MICH JSe 4e. .fl.N. .1 0. TIC I! CO., f.owAll. M:i. n n nrngtri.tii for Coughs.Colds YttU UUlll haaAM atAtAuavu lu L, win vim vi nyer nils m oeatime. through the valley of the shadow and crowed the river Styx into the happy ouuiinesroDndaDd.it tbere la anv fear in those wiuked spirits it is cer tain tbey kept their distance. If tears and lanienUtloua are an indication of sorrow, then these people mourn their dead just aa sincerely as do their more enlightened white neighbor-. When the prooession arrived at the grave yard, they proceeded to dig the grave. or rather to open up the family grave, for all the Indians of one family are burled in the si me crave. I'hev dust down until they came tp where the last one was buried, when tbev laid little Mark in tbe bole, put bis play things In beside, biin, covered him over with blankets and matting and filled up the bole. Mark was a bright little brave upon whose tangled looks tne sun of but nine summers had shone, but be was dear to bis parents and relatives. He was tbe seveuth of tbe family to be laid in tbe grave. Rosegrant & Everhart got tbe con tract for building Wyers & Krepa new livery stable, getting under a Hood Kiver firm by just one dollar. 0. L. Moore, of Trout Lake. Diesi deut of the Trout Lake electrio road, is in White Saloinn with a crew of surveyors. They began ti e survey at tbe Wbite Salmon dock and are sur veying up towards the Jewett home. just where tbe Kutei prise said it would be located several months ago. The real estate business heretofore conducted by A. W. Estes and W. A lilesanz, under the firm name of A W. Kates fc Co.. have by mutual con sent dissolved, Mr. Biesanz retiring from toe business. Mr. Estes will continue tbe business under the same name, and we predict a bright future for him. Wo undoistand that be bas closed a deal with J. II. Humphrey foi the 120 aore tract of C. L. Colburn at Gumas Prairie, for 1,500. Death of Pioneer Uolilent. George Swan, aged 81 years, a pio neer resident of White Salmon died there at !2 o'clock, Sunday afternoon. r. iswan hud been a resident of wnite Maimon ror zi years and was a widower, his wife having died about a year ago. Mrs. Joseph Purser, who resides iu this city is a daughter of Mr. Swan. The funeral arrangements wete in charge of S. E. Barttness and the fu neral was held from bis lute residence at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon. Ser vices were conducted by theUougrtga tional minister of that place. HUSUM Mr. Plattkett of White Salmon is working on his homestead. He in tends to build Boon and move his fam ily here. J. he weather ia tine and people are getting ready ot plant garden. Geo. Carter made a trip to Tbe Dalles last week. E. L. Minton of Trout Lake Is haul lug freight for Smitb-Peets Co. Miss Cora Cameron was thrown fn m her horse wbioh resulted in a sprained ankle. A basket sooial and ghost party will be rgiveu by tbe Husum school chil dren at tlia eohool house, March 31. The ocoasion ia tbe last day of school. The proceeds of the social are to go toward buying an encyclopedia for tbe school. Kveryoue is cordially luvi ed to oonie and bring a basket. The stages are doing good business beiug heavily loaded every day. The preliminaiy survey is being run from White Salmon to Trout Lake and a good grade is reported, so it begins to look like tbe electrio railway and power company meant business. Mr. Fox purohased a team while at Ooldendtilo. He is now building a barn. D. E.Witt stopped at Husuni Friday night on bii way to Uyle, As Reported by The Dalles Chronicle. J. II. Heilbrouuer, a Hood River real estate man, was heie lust evening. Ross Shelby, a Hood River mer chant, was up yestreday, returning on the late train in the eveuing. M. P. Isenberg, the Hood River apple man, was also here, Jack Hagley, the well known cap italist, was up from Hood River yes terday, registering from "Caroarette" county, at the Umatilla. Filed at County Clerk's Office. J. S. Harbison to K. K. ' Harbison, assignment of mortgage, Hood River. R. M. Young, et ux, to Amanda Ledgerwood, warranty deed, 1400, l'ood River. Peter Kopke to Maggie Hanna, sat isfaction of mortgage, Hood River. George E. Foray the to Leslie But ler, trustee, Trust deed fU Hood River. Leslie Butler trustee to Dead Point Improvement Co., warranty deed, 3,000, Hood River. Candidate for Representative. S. F. Blythe has aunounced himself as a candidate for the Democratic nomination - of representative. Mr. Blythe bas been a oitizeu of Hood River for a good many years and ia held iu bigu esteem by his fellow citi zens. Since we must have a Demo cratic oandidate from this district no bettor selection could have been made. j Don't frown look pleasant. If you are suffering from indigestion or sour stomacn, take rvoilol I'yspepsia Cure. tion. Jake Moore, or Atlanta, ua., says: "I suffered more than 'M vearg with in digestion. A friend recommended Ko dol. It relieved me in one ilnv anil nov I enjoy better health than 'for many years." Kodot digests what you eat, rvlievva sour stomach, cas on stomach. beL'liinft, ftc. Sold by Williams' Thar-niacy. Lace Curtains and Curtain Goods A good line of Nottingham Lace Curtans in white, per pair, - 75cto$4.00 White Brussels, per pair, 7.00 Ecru In Nottingham, beau- tiful patterns, per pair, 4.00 Large single curtains for single door and window, each, - - - 550 Curtain goo -in in Fish-Nets. Nottinghains, Bavins and Swisses, - - - 15 to 35c Table Linen We are showing some extra good values in Table Linen at from 45c to $1.00 Some extraordinary fine Linen Dam ask, 72 inches wide in beautiful pat terns at $1.25 and $1.50 Also Nottinghams to match. Ladies' Waists An extraordinary pretty line of White Waists, em broidered fronts and lace trimmed. Are beautifully made up and extraordi nary good value for the price at which we are offer ing them. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Untied States Land office, The Dalles, Ore., March Jil.liyo.t. Notice U hereby given that In compliance with the provision of the act of congress of June , 1K78, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds In the Mates of Call fornlH, Oregon, Nevada, BDd Washington Territory," ax extended to all the public hind states by act August 4, im'A PAUL P. MCCUI.LY, ofPortland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has this day tiled in this onlce his sworn statement No. asto, for the purchase of Lot I. sec. 4, Lots 1 and , and HRi Mr.'j, see. f, In Uwnshlp 1, range 0 east, W. M., and will oiler proof to show that the land sought Is more vaiiianie inr its limber anu stone man for agricultural purposes, and to establish hi: claim to sttld land before the Register and Re ceiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on the Stlth day of Muv. 1WW. He names as witnesses: Nllos C. Olsen. PorU land, Oregon ; rred Krautehy, Hood Kiver, Oregon; ueorge Handley and llavls Foulkes, I'.irlluml Oroirim Any and all persons claiming adversely the stMive described lands are requested to rile their claims in tins ome on or berort, tne mn day of May, IWW MltJHAKI. T. NOI.AN, ni29 mu ltegister. CONTEST NOTICE Department of the Interior, United states Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, March 10, lvwtt. - A sufficient contest affidavit having been tiled in this onlce by Andy Mi Beatly, contestant, against homestead entry No. I&30, made March 10, 11MI, for NK1., section S, township I. south, range 10 h. W. M., by James F. Walt, contcstec. in which It Is alleged that said James V. Wait has entirely aoanuniu'ti sam entry ior six niontns last pat find that there are no Improvements thereon: that said alfc'gi'd absence was not due Ut his employment in the ai my, navy or ma rine corps of the United Htaies In tlineof war. Haid parties are hen by nettled u appear, re spond ana oner evidence loucmng said alle gation at lOu'clock a. m. on May 4, Mm, before Ueoiye T. Pralher, a U.S. Commissioner, st his office In Hood Kiver, Oregon, and that tlnal hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on May 11, l'JOli, before the Register and Iterelver at the United Hlales Land Office io The Dalles, Oregon. The said contestant having, In proper aflda vlt, tiled February S7. ISOii, set forth facts which s'iow that after due dliligence personal service of this notice cannot be made, It is hereby ordered and directed tbat such notice be given by due publication. MICHAKL T. NOLAN, - Register Timber Land Act, June 8, 1878.1 NOT1CK FOU PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore gon, March 5, IWXi. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress ol June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of limber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to nil the Public Land Htaies by act of August 4, lHitt, LOUIS H. CAMPBELL, of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has this day tiled In this office bis sworn statement No. 28H7, for the purchase of the NKl-k of section 21. In township 2, N. range K. W. M., and will oiler pnar to show that the land sauglit Is more valuable tor Its timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his chiiiu to said land before the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on the SStll day of May, IHUil. He names as witnesses Louis Morse, Hood Kiver, Oregon; W. K. Rand, Hood River, Ore gon; P. Hart, Portland, orcgot.; John A. Kmnlord, Portland, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said iith day of May l!l. M22 altl MIC'HAEL T. NOLAN. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, United State Ijtna Office, The Dalles, Oregon, Msrcli ID, ill. Notice Is hereby given that the follow Ing named settler ha tiled notice of his In. teotion to make final proof in sunnortof his claim, and thai said proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver at The Dalles. Oregon, on May 7lh, lUOii, yt. : KKL8 NEURON. of Vlento, Oregon, on H. E. No. 12H73, for lots Sand 4, NE', section 4, and lot 4, section 8, townships!, N., ranges E. W. M. ne names tne roiiowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence noon and .uiliiva. tion of said land, vis. : Ernar W ilia. Portland. Oreaon: 8. W. Cnr. ran. Vlento. Oregon : Thomas Helle. Vint Oregon ; M. Kstegaard, Viei to, Oregon. U XI U K Ull'll A L'l T V.lt a ? 1,. 1-.-- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Denartment of the Interior lTnttjut BD,.. Land office. The Dalle; Oregon, March nth, iHoa. nonce is nereoy given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his In tention to make final proof In aupport of bis claim, and that said nnsif will hn ta,iu before Geo. T. Prather, U. 8 Commissioner. at his office In Hood River. Orea-on. on Anrii 4,liJK, vlt: MARK K. THOMAS of Hood River, Oregon, H. E. No. Sims lor the li'l- SKU MH'UHk'L Mu kk c.H MIDI tl,,. Section 3), township 2. N., range 11 K. V M He names the following wltneaaes to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultiva tion of said land, vis : i-ewr Maiinman and uens p. Hanson, Hood River. Oregon. ma, aid MICHAKL T. NOLAN. Register NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMEFT Notice is hereby given that the nnneniiirnod executor of the estate ofj J. W. Hlark, decesed, baa riled his final account and rejiorl Iu said estate with the clarK of the County Court of the stale of Oregon, for Wasco county, Oregon, an i that Monday, the 7i h day of May, ltKM, at the hour or 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the couuty court Momtt tbe oountv cinirt bonae. In Dalles City. Wasco County, Oregon, has been fixed by the court as the time aud place for hearing said report. All persons Interested in i. estate are hereby notified to appear at said time and place and show cause, if any there be, why said report should not be approved and an order made diacharging said executor and Monoratlng his bondsmen. lhited tltl 7th day of March, Wirt. KOSWKLL SHELLEY, Executor ofthe Estate of J.W. Black, deceased mia. aid It ia to yoor interest to refer to Mr. Bartiue88' ad under the new aystcm. White Goods Our line of White Goods ia well assorted. India Linen" - - 12 to 30c Glasgow Linen, -25 to 40c Irish Linen, - 30 to 50c Colored Linen in Blue and Tan 22c A large variety of mercer ized White Goods 25 to40c Percales A fine line of Percales, 31 inches wide, in Blues, Reds, Blacks and grays At Ten Cents These are prettv patterna and very Low Priced New Patterns Our new patterns for April are here The Peerless Patterns ARE THE BEST F. S. STANLEY, Pres. E. L. SMITH, Vice-Pre. The First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER Capital and Surplus $30,000.00 We offer you the facilities of a well managed and well equipped bank. The interests 61 patrons receive o da o (T 1 " 1 ,""""1 "" " j c ." o a 0 Patent Medicines Stationery Photographers' Supplies Toilet Articles Shaving Outfits Soaps P.rushes Powders (Tooth and Toilet) Combs Stock Foods Syringes Trusses Pipes and Cigars Paints and Oils The above list represents only a small part of the lines we carry, and if you don't see what you want in the list, come in and tell us about it. We can fit you out and will guarantee that the price will suit you. q Clarke, THE Druggist g 1000 acres select aDule Hood River Valley; small prices on 5, 10 or 40 acre tracts by owner. Buy where you can real ize advancing values on' your" improvements. Lots in Winans City are profitable investments. You can reach this place by rail. , W. R. Winans Tlood TJivA,. W R. D. GOULD, PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All jobbing promptly attended to. IPaSIHIXOIfcT Livery, Feed 3 Men's Underwear Men's Women and Chil dren's Light Underwear ranging In prices. Ladies' garment lOc Union Suits, 50cto$1.25 Men's underwear per gar ment, - 25 to (LOO Shoes The new Guaranteed Shoes for Ladies in Oxfords. This ia the Latest Novelty in leather for shoes. Also a variety of styles of Low Cut Shoes in Kid Try a pair of cushion sole shoes. Dress Goods In all our line of Mohairs, Brilliantiens, Suitings, Meltons, Albitroses, Serges and all dress goods we are offering exceptionally low prices. E. 0. BLANCHAR, Cashier V. C. BROCK, Asst. Cashier land, best locution in ..v., Ma.w WUUUJ, ViLUll, m STABLE and Draying.. STRANAHANS & RATHBUN. Hood River, Ore. Horst-a bought, aold or exchanged. Pleasure partiea can secure flrrt-claas rigs. Special attention given to moving furniture and pianos. We do everything horses can do.