HOOD! RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1G06 HARR1MAN LINES TO MAINTAIN SUPREMACY 11 is evident that the management "i iue uregon onori line and U. K. & . propose to make every effort to Lave its lines aMe to compete with the norm ubdk road wnen it is finished. Tus Portland Journal suva that dnlnr. miued tomHiutain the claim of having the shortest line from Portlaud to tne eaKt, Uarriman Iihh met the north dbiik project of the Hill companies wiinapum to nuiiii a culolf from Malad City to Mountain Home, In Idaho, reducing the Oregon Short Line by 1.H miles and cutting the run ning time or tlie Uhicago l'orland spe cial from 70 hours to 05 hours. Two surveying parties have beon placed in the Held, one working from Malad Ulty and the otbop from liurloy, to Bud a feiiMlilo route. Malad Ulty is the present terminus of the branch running from Ogden northward along the Malad river. The proposed line would run nearly due west from Malad City and intersect the Twin Falls brunch that swings siiiitn and west from tne present main line at Miunidoka, idabo, and follows the Snake river westward through a ricn country tbat is becoming the cen ter of a large and growing irrigated region. The proposed cut off, joining the Twin Falls line at Hurley, would use the same track west to Twin Falls, the terminus, and then continue along the Snake river and connect with the ? resent main line at Mountain Home, 'be route is said to afford easy grades 11 nd an almost direct line between Og den and Mountain home. 8200 a Month fur Spencer's Pilot. Unemployed river captains and pi lots are scarce so that great die Hi ulty is experienced iu securing officers to command the various craft says the Journal, liecause of the unprecedent ed demand for their services, the men who can be prevailed upou to accept new positions do so only when prom ised large salaries. The Charles K. Spencer would have been placed in aommssiou the first of the week had it not been for the scarcity of lioeused officers. Captain Kiggs,' who was employed yesterday to go out as master on the Spencer, will receive WOO a month. John Zumalt, who will be pilot on the steamer, will receive the same salary. It in said that uo other river captain has been paid more than 8125 a month. They get free board and lodging. If more men are not soon fitted to All positions as musters und pilots on the Willamette and Columbia rivers, it is said, there is every likelihood that the wages will be still higher. The steamer Telephone aoou will be ready for service and a captain and pilot will be needed for her. As there are uo idle licensed officers in the city, it is supposed that she will be obliged to remain idle much longer th:in the owuers anticipate. More over, it is contended that, uot every captain is qualified to take charge of a steamer which is placed ou the up per Columbia route. More Railroad Ne-g O. R. & N. surveyors were on the Deschutes river west of Grass Valley during the week, saya the Grass Val ley Journal. The have surveyed ou the west side of the river to near the free bridge, and then oroesed to the east side. Srveyors being in the field is always followed by many reports, one being that they will connect with the Columbia Southern survey made last summer from Sbaniko out south, at a point southwest of Antelope; tbat the Columbia Southern to avoid the heavy grade south of Sbaniko, will leave that city to one side, running within a mile or two of Antelope and connecting with the Deschutes survey. This is one of many reports and the render can form bis own' conclusion. Pioneer. Select lire' dors for Rest Result. Thtit the whole Hock general may be a high average physically, as well as a gre.it lining strain, a bird undersized or weak (in not be expeoted to bring forth oife.ring thut would be r roliiio enough. Selections in bird life applies us well us it does in plaut life. The study of the quail shows that the Ktrongo.-t mail quails captivates the hen quails away from his weaker brothers of the sumo flock thereby proving that iu breeding in bird life seems to do no particular barm provided the strong est and best birds are selcetod to breed from. In about lSf0, Darwin, the great natnraliht, fmind by selecting for breeders pigeons from parents of large breasts that after a few generations of selecting them in that way he pro duced a strain of pigeons with im mense breitsts and thus found that he could bring out any characteristic tbat was de-tired iu bird life. I was prob ably the Hrst in the Northwest to ex periment with breeding pigeons for protUable squab raising, but hundreds have started since, iu the squab busi ness and could not make it pay and there are many now that would be glad, to dispose of their plauts for what they could get. I soon found that this was the natural and ideal climate for the Homing pigeon. The longer they became acclimated here, the more proliHc the strain becomes if care is taken in always (electing breeders from the strongest, biggest and most prolific parents. By pursu ing this course of careful selection for the past several years, we now have all our pigeons at such a high stan dard of breeding, producing squabs weighing 10 lbs. per dozen average and more, when only three weeks old and each pair of breeders will average ten pair of squabs per year. Those who have had our squabs gladly pay us from 50 cents to il per dozen above market price at Seattle. As with the pigeons, so it is with chickens that our future success or failure depends upon the way we select our breeders. By this method of breeding up, we are now rewarded with a strain of squabs breeders which pay us handsomely in 3 weeks old squabs for the market and we cannot begin to supply the demand for such squabs. Knowing the fact that pro ducing good birds of any kind creates a greater demand, no one would have a chance to breed any kind of a bird from poor unprofitable parents if I could preveut It.-H. B. Orr, Rich piond Beach, Wash. Appreciates the Glacier. Canton, Obio, March 15, 190U.-Der Mr Kditor: I notice that my time expires next month, therefore, as I do pot wish to miss any issues of the pa per, I enclose money to pay for the continuence of tbe same. Hood River news is interesting and refreshing. Vou teem to be a lively set out there. I saw ou.e big red npples in Chica go the other d'iy. They were beauties. Hood bier S iteuMirg, I think, it, h-..'"' i., Si.b.-i-riber. Grubbing. W ,tl l.-t -.. nf land to H)il n ' on tecltured j Sdoe, liiutUr oflice. Can Sot Deceive Dealers. "It has beta den osutrated'that flrts- ciaia apples can be raised in this val ley. Car loads of Willamette valley appres nave been packed and shipped as me simon-pure Hood Kiver article. and do kiok reigetered, except from our good Hood River brethren, who indulge the pardonable oonoeit that good apples don t grow outside of Uood Kiver valley." The above was taken from an article written by II. C. Atwell for the Forest Grove Times, who probably refers to an attempt by a firm of apple buyers to market seven cars of Willamette valley apples as Hood River fruit. inree cars or tne consignment were shipped to New York and on their ar rival the firm received a lettei asking how it came that such apples had been shipped from Hood River, and saying that tbey would have a cieat deal of difficulty in disposing of them. The other four cars were put in cold stor age In Portland and worked off on the market there at inferior prices. A good many attempts bare been made to deoeive apple buyers into be lieving that tbey were getting Hood River fruit, but few of them have been successful. Dealers are getting so that they can tell the genuine Hood River fruit on sight. Hood River growers are willing to concede 'bat good apples do grow outside of Hood Kiver, but they stoutly maintain that the best that can be found anywhere are grown here. American Apples Abroad. Extraots from speech of C. C. Elffe, made at banonet of Pavette Fruit Packing Co., Deo. 16, 1906. "When at Bremen the second larg est harbor in Germany, aaid Mr. Eiff e. "I attended the auction sales of five thousand boxes of American apples. On the morning of the sale I had in spected them, and found one barrel in good erudition, the rest contained many rotten apples, of suon a nature that it would not pay to keep them to feed hogs on during tbe winter. When I estimated that about one fifth of the contents of those barrels were spoiled, men in charge of tbe warehouse con sidered this estimate very low. Con sider what this means in loss to tbe growers in money paid for transpor tation. At one week's sale tbe loss was 1000 barrels, together with freight, picking and all attendant charges, apart from tbe fact that bad all the apples been good, they would have brought a muob higher price per bar rel. Tbe sale was held tbe last day of October, and there was no reason why tbe apples should have been iu such condition, uuloss they were picked up off the ground. Gem State Rural. Adopt Big Red Apple Badge. Tbe smoker by the Cashmere Com mercial club drew the largest gather ing in tbe history of the club. Many guests were present. Speeches were delivered by Colonel; Houston, Leon ard Fowler of Weuittehee, Rev. h. N. B. Anderson and other. A badge, designed by O. M. Brooks, was unan imously adopted as tbe official insig nia of the club, and the secretary was instructed to order 200 for mem bers. Tbe badge, or button, is the size of a half dollar, and shows a red apple on a background of gold. On the red ap ple in blaok letters appeals, "Com mercial Club, Cashmere, Wash.," while around the golden margin, in white letters, is tbe legend, "In the vale of Cashmere, where tbe big apples grow." Uood Showing for New School. Mies Lizzie Elder, ou Friday last. closed the second year of very suc cessful school wnrk in Rose Hill, dis trict No. 73. Hoae Hill is a new dis trict, but that the people take a great deal of pride, and show a great deal of enthusiasm in their school is shown by tbe fact tbat tbey have just closed an eight months term without a single tardy mark. On next Monday Miss h.ltler will commence a spring term in tbe Mosier Ridge district, where she taught last spring. The beet way to rid the system of cjld is to evacuate the bowels. Ken nedy s Laxative Honey and laraets us i pleasant, yet effectual cathartic on me bowels. It clears the head, cuts the all phlegm of the throat, strengthens the bronchial tubes, relieves coughs, colds, c:oup, whooping cough, etc. Sold Williams Pharmacy. Dr. Cooper's Nine Cs. Is a wonderful medical discovery. Af ter thirty-live years of active practice, and having treated many hundred cases of catarrh and other throat and lung diseases, Dr. Cooper discovered the med icine called the "Nine Cs." The "Nine Cs" will cure any cnrable case of Catarrh, Asthma or Consump tion that lias not passed to the lat stages. It is a great remedy for hoarse ness of public speakers. It is a sure remedy for croup and a great benefit in whooping cough. The remedy is pleasant to use, even for children, 'and is sold by the drug gists in Hood River, under a guarantee to benefit the patient or the money re funded. This medicine was formerly manufactuied in Villisca, Iowa, but will now lie manuiactured in Hood River. DR. F. COOPER. California SiveelPca (Seed Kerry lulr ho !. tl.U u,t- rut lar ds Vitt. k pjtcktgt nf t'-JJiwrai Ntwi l' RIEGZR THE CALIFORNIA PERFUMER h arm ht,iMK) W dUlHbuW fret ( til. Com at on bt-f..f th-y mrt (one tH tig not tiatve t hf ftuyiUiti tin eed art A linml omf (n it li HfWrM to tht My who plant t -l --! grow ru bmi-l- imnt huri'ia-1 ; i , ih one who brings ; 11, to Ih 1 Ot Villi iMnqart Miii'tiM Itrtftt vat in of ft. lor , font i ! uow in f vlftfevt far prit a m-i (!" nf cml t, Uvval CiiKKir Ik-Mi the latest pcrfiiiM. CV im pad aiMi iU Williams' Pharmacy U. $. Commissioner Notary Public GEO. T. PRATHER Tbe Oldest Insurance and Real Estate Agent In town Insurance Loans Abstracting Hood River, Oregon Effluent Doctors Pnlsi itt iRgradliots. We refer to that boon to weak, nervous, n (faring women known as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Dr. John Fyfe one of the Editorial Staff of Thk Eulbctic Mkihcal Rkview says of Unicorn root (HtlonUu IHoltw) which is one o( tne chief Ingredients or tne vorlta Preserlotlon" : A remedy which Invsrttblr acta as a uter ine tnvururttor makes for normal ac tivity of the entire reproductive system." Be continues in Helonlas we have a medica ment which more fully answers the above purposes Item any otlur drug with wAfcfl I am acquainted. In the treatment of dlsesses pe culiar to women It Is seldom that a cane Is seen which does not present some Indication for this remedial went." Dr. Fyfe further ssysi "The following" are anions the leadinc Indications for Helonlas (Unicorn root). Pain or achina tn the back, with leuoorrtkes: atonic (weak) conditions of I lie reproductive orvans of women, mental depression snd Ir ritability, associated with chronic diseases of the Kiproductive organs of women, constant sensation or. heat In the region or tne kid neys; monorrhagia (flooding), due to a weak ened condition of the reproductive systems amenorrhuea (suppressed or alwent monthly periods), arising from or accompanying an abnormal condltiou of the digestive organs and annmlc (thin blood) habit; dragging sensations tn the extreme lower part of the abdomen." If more or less of the above symptoms are present, no invalid woman can do better than take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, one of the leading Ingredi ents of w hich Is Unicorn root, or Helonlas, and the medical properties of which it most faithfully represents. Of Golden Seal root, another prominent Ingredient of "Favorite Prescription," Prof. Finley Elllngwood, M. D., of Ben nett Medical College, Chicago, says: "It Is an Important remedy In disorders of the womb. In all catarrhal conditions and general anfeeblement. It is useful." Prof. John M. Scudder, M. D., late of Cincinnati, says of Golden Seal root : "In relation to Its general effects on the system, furs 4s no medicine in we about whu-h then is sueA general unanimity of opinion. It Is untrwrtaity regarded as the tonic useful In all debilitated states." Prof. Bartholow, M. D.. of Jefferson Medical College, says of Golden Seal : "Valuable In uterine hemorrhage, menor rhagla (flooding) and congestive dysmenor rhesa (painful menstruation)." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription faith fully represents all the above named in gredients and cures the diseases for which they are recommended. Apple Shippers Your shipments, large or small, re spectfully solicited. We can get you good prices. Prompt returns. Send for shipping stamp. jncr.VYEN & KUSKKl, Commission Merchants, Portland, Ore. Arrival and Departure of Mails. UOOD RIVER. The postofflce is open dally between 8 a. m. and 7 p. in.; Humiay (mm 12 to 1 o'clock. Malls or tne E.asi close nt ii.m h. iu., b.iu p. in. suu t n. ni.: for the West, at l.M v. in. snd p. iu. The carriers on K.K.I), routes No, 1 and leave the postomee at 8.:t0 a. m. Mail leaves For 11 U Hood, dully st 12 in.; arrives 10.20 s. m. For Underwood. Wash., at 12 m.. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; arrives same dsys at II a. in. For White Hnlmon, Wash., dally at 12 m.; arrives at it a. in. WHITK SALMON. For Hood River, dully at 9 a. in.; arrives at 2 p. m. For Hiisum, rroui uiKe ana unier, wiisn., dally at 7. Hi a. in.; arrives ft p. ni. For lilenwiHiil, FmIiIh uiul (Jilmer, Wash., dally at 7.30 a. in.; arrives ut 5 p. in. For I'lne Flui uiul Snowdcn, Wash., at 1 p. m. Tuesdays ami Saturdays; arrives same days at 12 ni. For Blniten. daily at 4.4ft p. m.; arrives at 8.45 a. m. O. R. & N. TIME TABLE. Cast bound No. 2, Chicago Special. 11:40 a. m. No. 4, Hpokane Fiver, ::io p. m. No. 8, Mall and Kxrts, 10.-42 p. m. No. 24, Way Freight, 12:15 p. iu. No. 22. Fusl Freight, 4:05 a. m. Wst hound No. 1, 1'oi lhmd Special, 2:5(1 p. m. , No. 8, Portland Flyer, 6.-8H a. m. No. 5, Mull and F.s press, 4:42 a. m. No. 2:i, Way Freight, s:25 a. in. No. 55, Fast Freight, 1:06 p. m. 1 OREGON SHOT LINE and union Pacific 3 Trains to the East Daily Thioueh Pullman standards snd tourist sleeping cars dally to Omaha. Chicago, Hpo ksne; tourist sleeping cars daily to Kansas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping oar (personsully conducted) weekly to Chicago. Reclining chair curs (seats free) to the Kast dally. .-, Tilt SCHEDlllll .,. PlfA" Partland. Or. Chicago Salt Uka, Denver, l!2ia.a. Portland Ft. Wortn.Omaba, Special Kansas City, M. 1:15 a..a. Louls,Ckloagoand via last. Kantlngtoa. Atlantis gait Lake, Denver, tgsa. av Iipreas ft.Vtorth, Omaha, l:U e aa. Kansas City, at. via LouU.Chlcagosnd BoaUngtoB. last. Walla Walla, Lewis St. Paul ton, 8poktns,Wal- Tilla. at Fast II ill laes. Full man, ;1b. as. Mlnnespolls, Rt. via Paul, liuluth. Mll- Ipoksas waukes, Chicago and Keit. Ri-er Schedule. KOK A8TOHIA and ,:00 P. M. 5:00 P. M. Dally except Sunday. way points, connecting with steamer for 11m aco and North Beach steam. Dally except Snnday. er Hassalo, Ash street Satnrday. a oca (water per.) 10:00 P. M. FOR Dayton. Oregon 7KW A. M. 5:90 P. M. City and Yamhill Klv er points. Ash street dock (water per.) Dally except Sunday. Dally . except Sunday, FOR LEWI8TON .4.00 A. M.I About in.iiir, ni.11 wa.r fn from Rlparla, Wash. Idaho, sad way points,! Monday, 100 P. M. I Wedn'd'y Friday. Tuesday. Thursday, Sunday. A. L. CRAIG, General Pawenger Agent, Portland, Or. r. I. WOODBURY. A rent. Howl River. LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A .Family Library The Best In Current Literature 12 COMfUTC NOVIL YlAAUf MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2,60 pkryiar; 25 era. a copy ;NO CONTINUED STORIES tVKSJV NUMttn COMPLCTK IN ITSCL White Salmon-Hood River J 'tJ -rCrr Two big sail boats, two big perfectly safe gasoline launches and two big ferry scows. Expert sailors in charge. 15oats leave at all hours. DEA.N & PEARSON Licetmd Ferrynmt. Apples From now on we look for a better market in Portland -SHIP TO- PAGE & SON Pioneer Fruit and Produce Dealers PORTLAND. OK E. Wood For Sale All Kinds at TiO'vest Market Price. Prompt delivery, pbone. Murray Kay. BEN THEYSON Best line of Cigars in the City Also handle line of Pipes, Tobaccos and Fishing Tackle DAVIDSON FRUIT CO FRUIT DEALERS and Manufacturers of all kinds of Fruit Highest Prices Paid Vehiclesand Agricultural Implements (Seasonable Goods) DiSC HarrOWS, Reversible and Extension PLOWS, HARROWS AND CULTIVATORS IRON AGE GARDEN TOOLS Grubbing Machines, Wire Cable and Extras Cream Separators, Buggy Tops, Spray Pumps and all sundries for above. J. R. NICKELSEN COR. 4th. and COLUMBIA Stin ts -DEALER IN- Staple and Fancy Groceries AND HARDWARE. SOLE AGENTS EOR Majestic & Mesaba Ranges and Stiletto Cutlery. HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS, - a T. RAWBON. HOOD RIVER NURSERY. Stock Grown on Full Roots. We desire to let our friends and patrons know that for the fall planting we will hare and can sup ply In any number , . t Cherry, Pea r,Apricot, Peach& Plum Trees, GRAPES, CURRANTS, BERRY PLANTS, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitzen berg and Jonathan apple trees. . RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River, Or. Closing Out Ladies' Top Skirts These Skirts are of the latest Fall and Winter styles, in blacks, broMns, blues, plaids and tans. Exceptional good values at these prices. Ladies' Top Skirts, worth $9.00, reduced to $7.00 Ladies' Top Skirts, worth $7.00, reduced to 5.50 Ladies' Top Skirts, worth $6.00, reduced to 4.50 A L. CARMICHAEL HOOD RIVER, HEIGHTS niONE 51. Wood consumers will find it to their advantage to call on us. Have on hand 1500 .Cords of Dry Slab Wood Prices have not been advanced. Oregon Boxe for High Grade Emit. B La OREGON. F. H. BTANTON L TjrG aKTOTIC-E Lumber Hood Kiver, Oregon. vi!oi,i:sai.i; RETAIL THE DALLES NURSERIES U. II. WK11KIJ, Prop. THE DALLES, OREGON. (IliOWKR AM) DKALKR IN FRUIT, SIIADE TQECC GRAPE VINES ORNAMENTAL ' ftLLJ SMALLRUITS Evergreens, Roses and Shrubbery. Remember, Our Trees arc Grown Strictly Without Irrigation. Houses Cheap for Cash or on your own terms. Now is the Time to Buy. Phone Farmers 1233. H. C. COE. JACKSON & JACKSON, Deder in General Merchandise and Lumbermen's Supplies, Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts Five Delivery. I'liono 031 UOOD RIVER, OR. ..Mount Hood Store... W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor. Dry Goods Ammunition Roots and Shoes Hardware . Granitewaro Hay Grain Flour Feed Full line of Groceries HOOD RIVER TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. TICLET OFriCE FOR THE REGULATOR LINE OF STEAMERS. Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready. Thonel.'U. NORTON & SMITH Tinners, Plumbers and t Steam Fitters Ilaml!.'- Pumps. Windmills, Spray Fittings and Hose . J. E. NICHOLS UNDERTAKER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1 l.olJ lin ii'f from the Stii'.o IVianl of Orrgon and Washington, and am qualified to ship boilies to any point. 1'rompt service either day or night. IleaiHe furnislieil on all occasions Parlor I'hone Main 1143 Residence Phono Main. U'Jl PnONE 51. Co. and Lots IN dition Sehiffler Building, Uood Kiver, Oregon