3C 3 CmZ1 3 Cm! 3 GK NEW ARRIVALS RELIABLE RELIABLE OUR SPRING 0 3 C This Week Just Opened Wash Goods of Every Conceivable Weave and Design 5000 YARDS Of French Gingham at 12 1-2 Cents New Lace Curtains Suits Skirts New Spring Wraps RESOLVED . THAT A NEUHAT LIKE ANEW RooF CcVEIZS A MULTITUDE or "WE KNOW WE ATTRACTED To THE G!R WITH THE NEW AND SWLL HAT. NOW IS'UT IT TRUE? BWTER, BfloVN The UoratoraDate Store AND IT THE GIRL DoES NOT HAVE -SOMETHING -SWELL To WEAR UNDER THAT HAT THEN -SHE S NOT COMPLETLY ATTRACTIVE. LITTLE BU-STER 5ROWN THINK-5 A GREAT DEAL OF HI-S SWEET HEART, MARY JANE, BECAUSE MARY JANE AL WAYS DRE-SJES WELL. BIG BUSTER BROWN IS JUST THE SAME AS THE LITTLE ONE; HE LIKES THECIRL WHO IS WELL DRESSED. A WOMAN CAN KEEY ABETTER HOLD ON HER HUSBAND'S AFFECTION TOO IF IF SHE ALWAYS LOOKS NEAT. IN READY MADE SUITS-IF ONE WISHES To SAVE THE TROUBLE OF GOING To THE DRESSMAKER WE HAVE THE LATEST DESIFNES. WE CAN GIVE YOU A REAL TASTY SPRING SUIT FoR $13.20. WE MADE LARGE PURCHASES AND OUR PRICES ARE LOW. OUR NEW SUITS FoR $13.90 AND $14.40 ARE BEAUTIES. NoR HAVE WE OVER LOOKED READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS FOR LITTLE MARY JANES. TASTY BUSTER BROWN GIRLS DRESSES ARE HERE IN EVERY COLOR, PRICES 33 CFNTS TO $T.50. " RESPFCTFULLY, FRANK A. CRAM. Suits and Top Coats are the Wonder and Ad miration of everyone who gets near them. The Prices seem a mere Shadow of the Actual worth NEW SHIRTS Gloves Neckwear Hosiery and Spring Underwear i Wear Our Shoes o PRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. Mnney to loan. E. II. Hart wig. Mr. Bsirtmess is on a cash basis. Until carries a line of paints. Do you tiwt Naptha soap? 5c per bar at McDonald's. Fret-h Olympla and Eastern oysters at tlie (inn Candy Kitchen. Sie I hat dandy line of Folders at the Dei I. Studio. All the latest styles Photos at the Deity, Studio. Don't forget Alcorn's phone number is lull . Shoes half soled while yon wait in 20 minute?. All work first-class and ' lan'iih x'd. Ladies' sewed soles and (). Sullivan's rubber heels a specialty. Ii"iii'aii's Shoe Shop, opposite Wil liams' pharmacy. Everything up-to-date at Alcorn's. Father time has left some good time pieces at Clarke's. Begin the new year w itli a clock that keeps perfect time. Silt Mackeral and Eastern White C.-h at Jackson's. Save money by buying your paints at McDonald's. Step in it ml sec Alcorn in his new lo i ..t ..n. II' y. u want always to look on the lo iel.t side of life, come and let Clarke lit yo t.r eyes to a pair of glasses. His apparatus for testing eyes is of the best r.ii.l most complete. 1 !:n ke will iiii.k.' it easy for you to ! ,. :i iliai id Consult him about it. Say, ju t try u roast put up by Alcorn. T y our las-cade butter. Every roll j.. ii rinteed. Alcorn's market. ( '; uilienies at McDonald's. M ,pv Syrup and New York State I', n k Wheat at Jackson's. I!; ui-v and get your Photos at. the ) .1 St'i.lio. WnHi Clarke's watches so. 1'iilk New Orleans Molasses at Jack- S'.ll's. i t -an mix a bucket of Paint or (.' ; fr y.m anv time. . e . t tt'v liiee" the popular ver- i ft "i til I'ei'Z Photos. i ll.n Hunt's IVint & Wall Paper t . an. i j!'l sample cm of Chinamel. A", kinds of feed for poultry at Jack- : 'llV. S me iiiii new Puffed Hies Candy, at tee ( .'tin ('unlay Kitchen. ,-..,t n aekera1, a!iiioii and white fish, . 1... Vet ' .1.1: I . ri i - meat market Is now located old U'o' il i4 Smith building. h, i:m-, c over and garden seeds industry bv buying eD-naldV Kitchen makes fresh itiviiiz.' Imme ... :i I utter at M 'I ... ' i.-n ('nndv . :,. .i . . Vi I i!ty. l oh i i . .1 .loeca and J aa coffee a ell maid's. io Mi. Ont' nnk for abstracts and n t. ial tvoik, it nting and collecting. I -i. n ;.i. ei i seen ed and legal pa-.i-.;iefol drawn Money to loan . n ; I : t in. i"j:ay:t s. C..me to the licit. Studio forfirsl cla?s P : -top Don't put it off, but get jour I li..: s now at the Detlz S'.utlio. Mr. Silas 11 Soule, professional piano tmer. from Soule . Jiros. riano uo i'or iaiid, will be in Hood River the v.. i k Ik uinniiiir March 19 Ordera for p ..no tuning may 1 left t this office. Jos. A. Wilson iBtakinir orders for a W'11 Open Jiew Koail. carload of wooden water pipe. Order! Judge Lake and Commissioner Ilib at once if you want the benefit of the bard went out to Straight's Hill last carload rate. I week and viewed the piece of rond Jot c winch the valley Rubber boots lmlf aolnd uliil inn going Up the Hill tO ttie wait in 20 minutes, (iuaranteed not to residents i i that pint r.t leak. At Don nil's Shoe shop. Oppo site William's Pharmscj. Doctor M. II. and Edna Brown Sharp, Osteopathic physioinus, grad uates of the American tchool of Oste opathy, Kirksville, Mo, who have lo cated here permanently, have opened an office temporarily in the house now occupied by Mrs. Eutrican. A five room house, and lot 80x140 can be secured on the hill for $1,100 if tafen soon. Terms reasonable. Se J. L. Henderson. Mr. liedbug "My dear, we will have to leave this country. Mrs. lied bug "Oh, my; how you frighten mo. Whats the matter? Mr. liedbug "So many people aie nuying uartmess Malleable Iron Beds and they'l never break." It is to your interest to refer to Mr. Bartmess' ad under the new system. had asked to have opened. The piece il owned by Mr. II. ill. wit, who bought thejold Lawless place, and he asked ?500 damagea for the right of way. There has been an old road laid out, through his property and dedicated' whioh ia not being used owing to the steep grade, and this will be closed. As the amount of land in the old road equals that of the new, tho cou-t de cided to allow him only to), which will pay him for forcing the new road. The road up the west side of the liiil will remain open. At the Clin relies. Riverside Cougrgatonal W. C. Uilmoro pastor. Sunday school at 10' 1.. U. .... . II Ul. wuiHUlgi ami JiunuuiUK nh Ji. ' Qlljce Methodis' Preaching at 11 ii. m. rind i 8 p.m. Sabbath school 10 i. ni.; Ep- wortli league i p m. l'rsyer meeting Thursday evening. All cordially invit ed. W. C. Evans, pastor Lnvit n Literature mi Fxh Lit ion. J (). Marks bus hit at this ollico it hunch of literature received finm Thos. W. Lmwsoii in connection with his fight against tho tig insurance companies, it includes circulars and proxies, the former desciibing vi ht Lawsou is tr.v im: to do for tho policy holders and i ho latti r when prnpcily signed making Liu: their attorney to vote on questions affecting Iht ir in terests. Anv one wishing to i y.urice . .. ithetnlmay do so by culling i.ttl.is 81 ' m.,o C. A. Bell spent a couple of days lu Pcithind last week. Dr. and Mrs.Carus went to Portland Thursday for a few days. Ceo. T. Prather went to The Dulles Monday for a day or two. Erauk Chandl r went tb The Dalles Tuesday on a business trip. Sheriff Sexton of The Dalles spent Thursday and Friay In Hood Eiver, County Superintendent Nell visited Hood Kiver the latter part of the week. Truman Butler and C. T. Early iniide a business trip to Portland Thursday. J. F. Stranahau of White hnlinon, went, Tuesday, to Coudon, where he wls culled on business. .Mrs. Ellis Carretson of Tacomit, Wash., is visiting her niother, Mm. . J. Baker, and family. Tho Cascade Literary Circle will meet Friday evening with Mrs. Orr. Members w ill please be prepared to respond to the roll cull with quota tions from "All's well that ends well." Dr. II. D. W. l inen, dentist, has rented ollices in the Smith building, which he will open this week for the practice of his profession. The olllce is lilted with every thing in the line of dental appliances to do proper and elHelont work. Di. Piueo is lately of Boston, uliere he practiced for a num ber of years. While blasting in the sewer opposte Abbott's millinery store Friday sever al connecting pipes were wrenched out of the water niiiin, which lies ehuo to the sewer at that point,, ami tho new sewer that has been completed up to that point, got a thorough Hushing. The water washed out tho ditch to W. U. Ellis, of Pendleton, candi- Hn1B extent, tint the sewer carried oir date for Congress, was in Hood Kiver tl10 wt(r so that it did not get out for a day or two the first of the week, i uf the ditch. elms. Hull, proprietor of the Will-. Chas. N. Chirk has n unique display buns Pharmacy, returned from Port-1 in his drug store window. A mother land, Tuesday! where he had been for ly Plymouth Hook lieu is very pleas si ontl days on business. autly locuted in the window with a Assistant Conuv Assessor tioi who ' h" of clucks, where she has a lawn Will Set I.envo the V licy I!.. E Harbison, who scld h f.u ; to (3. T. Hoberts of Pcrtlcud lut.t vm '.:, nai that he has no inteuton i: ! , i fliiod Kiver. He will prolail-ij e i it 0 town, w'hrtio it will bo inula Co.: venient fcr l.ia children to go !o school, and take life a little eiier. Mr. Koberta, the new p.rnpii. tor '1 the Harbison farm, tit's moved h;s family onto tho place i.nd wili etiirl e.t once nt his new occup.atiou. Will Plant Li.rgo (bi lm d. Wenalchce, Wush., March McLean, pnsi.ient of the Sjiik.1: Canul Company, is on his way to 1 i lioniesteMo near Chelan Fulls, v. lice lie wiil hi gin the irrigation of his 2: . ) ; acre Iri.ct of laud. He w ill comment o 1 plan I ii g one of the largest peach t.i- 7 .'in Phitt lull- cron Soil, r,v even- filar l- in Hie woiid. lb win lil.-o e ' iv. ovt,wl i.nrriinl iniitution the lnrt'cst orchard of any kind in li s) ,.. ii in uiton.l the sei vi. PHof tt, : State cf Wanu!nton, even exceeding day. W. A. Elkins, pastor. Belmont M. E. Church.--!!. C. CUrli, I nastor. Services, Helniont: Siinda St Murk's Episcopal Church. II .ly Communion at o o'clock; niornn g pr.-vcr t 11, and evening prayer at 7:30. U. 15. Church Sabbath sclioo', :V; preaching, 11 t. ni.; .1 nni.-r services un der the leadership of M s. Kllie Heeler, 3 p. m. ; Christian F.ndeRvor meeting, 6:.'!0; sermon by parlor, 7:,'i0. All are invited to any and xll of these services. U. M. Peeler, pastor in charge. Unitarian Corner State street and Park avenue. Service at U a. m. Sun day school at 10 a. m. Valley Christian Sunday school at 10 a. in. ; ptenching lit 11; V. P. S. U. E. at 6.3(1 p. ni. ; '.reaching nt school at 10 a. ni. ; Class .nec ting at. 11 a. m.; Epworth League? p. in.; preach ing every Sunday evening and 2d Sun day in month at 11 a. in. ; Prayer meet ing Thursday 7:il0 p. m. Services nt Pine (i rote same as above except preach ing, which is on 1st and :M Sucilayfl at 11a in. ('rapper 1-t and :M Sundays at3::;0; Smuiay school at 2::i0. Moiini Hood.-'l'lie 4ih Sunday at H ant ; Siimlav school m 10 a. m. Baptist church-Sunday school 10 a.m.; preaching 11 a. m.; subject, "Putting Away Slu." Junior B. Y. P. U. at 3 p. in. ; evening service at at 7:30, tubject, "The Model Young Man." The Christian chinch will hold its reunlur services at the K. of P. in size the well kuowu Bhilock orchaid ! of Wall i Walla, which comprisej ll'i'1 acres A. Van Holderbeke, excommis-ioi.. r of horticulture fur Washington, wiil select the trees and manage the orchard. Liimls. Hoard is a recoiuinenilal lo n 1 1 . 1 1 State Lund Agent Oswald N est, to ivot all state lands available for grazing pnv- Wnuhl Kent State The Oregon State L'tnd COIIMUel nig pot-es I'ni- pola The O. K. N. and th S:ates government pursue tin Mr. West estimates that at live ei per acre it would lie. possible to h, an anii'ial income of at least f 10,00) nmi Snndnv both morninB and even ing. A cordial Invitation is extended to all services. Kavtrr Opening. Easter opening of pattern hats, March 22, 23 and -'4th. Ladies attending our display on Saturday will lie presented with a souvenir. " Mine. Abbott The edict has gone fourth that t! e wormy apple must go from the mark. t and here is encouragement for tie hall grower who goes to the trouble and - liensc of cultivating ami spraying Irs ! orchard, in order to be abl. to fiuni Ii i the market with first elites fruit.. I-e w I burg (iraphic For Hi nt. For n long term of vears. south half i of Block 8, Piirk!iiirst.!ind thrtc a. i -s ip'tst of ParUhixst. W..I. Baker .V ( .i. V'J 7.Ki rkdT If V. liWiiiwiijiirfiiiBrtrniri CI is itl.-o h surveyor, run tne lines on the llelmer property at Mount Hood, which has been in dispute, hist week. K. h Smith atteuded the installa 'i oi services of Wui. O. Elliot, Jr., mi ) the pastorute of the First Uui t i inn cl urch at Portland Thursday. Airs. Nelson niov6d up from They pluu of green grass and gntveled walk, with living water on the place, mid all the comforts of home. The occasion for the demonstration is the advertise ment of Holly's Chick Food. The display attracts a good tloid of attention. GET IN THE HABIT OF TRADING AT THF BIG STORE WITH LITTLE PRICES i It V a r. J Ml ! i I ST PATRICKS DAY The Lridics of the Catholic: (.'liurcii will h wo (li;irp of oi;r store on Saturday, March 17th, ami will ci'l.'brate the M 1 ...... A. .... t- i- .... .1 f- dny by holding a Rummage baiO, winni wo ur-' y.m mi m. ... will be unusually interesting to any one who is fond of jMtmjr n'i'il art ides at very little prices. Long row s of speeml counters fire arm ng ,,1 in sorHonfi from one cent, unto ninety-eight cents, and articles of every description are piled on these, so you can walk along and pick the article you want, making your pennies do the work of nickels. . rlmn in n.nri take a stroll through this busy store on Saturday and if you're not glad you came. Remember that you are also helping these srood ladies in their work, as every penny you spend on that dny fit. The ladies will serve a Chicken Dinner from 11:30 to 1:30 and a dainty lunch in tl ning. Remember the Day. ft out lust see t, St. Patricks Day Souvenirs Special Souvenir Postal Cards BOOTH eve- ...r an : ... i i .n.l last tveek. (net u l'cxidonco on tueir luud and make Underwood tlioir future liome. ll.e ladies of the W. C. T. U. will meet Match 2D, at the Cougrenntioiial rl, in ch to make Haul arrangements for il:" Milt rage meeting. All should make nu . Sl ot t to be present. 'Uie veutlier of latt week brought enl; v. tew ttraw liata and spring suits. Anion,; ilie number was Auioa Under tvootl, who looks ten years younger in jaunty suninior attire. O. Ilolf, State Commissioner of Liil.or loonted ut Sulom, was a visitor ,:t, ilood Kiver Saturday. Mr. Hotf tvits here looking up information in run licet ion wth his position. II. K. Claxton of Park River, N. 13. is visiting in Hood Kiver. Mr. Clax ton has b:en making a tour ol the ci.!i! t and having heard considerable .iluiiit, J lood Kiver came hereto look the town over. Levi Chrisman of The Dalles who is i candidate' Tor the nomination of sheriff on tho Kepiiblioim ticket in this county, was a visitor nt Ilood Uivor Wednesday. !!. II. Ilartvtig sold his house and let on Kiver ptreet Monday to K A. Mehilfler, of Pendleton. Mr. llartwig l;ou(.-hT. tho property as an investuiont il.ont a year ago aud sold it at a sitb tantial increase. ! oatiirdav, March 17th, the ladies of l l,c l;iptUt church will hold a window ale of home cooking and things for children's wear at lloyd's hull on the lull. There Will also be on sale thing oenil for the house aud in the eveu ii.g an oyster supper will be served. Saturday, March 17th, the ladies of ll.it Ji.iptist church will hold a window i-ide of home cooking anil things for children's wear at lloyd's hull on the hill. There will also be on Bfljo things u.-oful lor the house and in the even ing an oyster supper will be served. Clii.s. liedfor.l, of Tucohia',' attorney ti.r the north bank railroad, vfas regis r. n il ut the Mount Hood Hotel Mon- .1. v. Mr. lledford was here in cou in i t inn with some right of way aoross t.io river for the new road, lino. D. Culhertson, who was taken -..-vk la.-t Tuesday with what was l -ought to be typhoid fever, is doing a-, well ns can be expected. It ha n t l ee u definitely determined just u ,.;.t Mr. Culbertsou's troulile is yet, In;: indical iuns" point to typhoid. .. II. Hoggins & Co. makes an an n ...ui'lineiit iu another coluiuu that . !.,.y i;l o en their tote for busiue. ; .turii.iv. March 2illt. it was men , lion lo oiieu for bnsiliei'S next .i ,r iv but were unable to get theii : ck oi goods iu position A new inillinerv shop has been , , 1 1 . i ic . 1 in tne building formerly i i; 1 by A. W. Onthank, culled ti e '..lodel Millinery." The opeuing will i.o held to-moiTow and you are iuvit e l to cuil and inspect the spring oller- icg. K S. Warwick, of Ooldcndale, eher i:f tf liliekitat couuty,vinited iu Ilood I iver Mouditv and luesday. Jir. Wii.-.ick hud been at white Salmon ! ..ikinif up some county mutters. :.n!ac ii lull t while here he took a : ..jj reo'i ii the Odd Fellows Lodge, re ruing to Ooldendalo the next day. ; (I. lildridiw of Clintout Wis. "i t new ritnbiei fit the" 'Hoftd Miver tio . .Mr. l.liiridge hns ftf ked lor .si iliitieiu Line l l.-coii i. r a good many yearn nud while lie !.,: a great lote for bib native state, i( thinks Hood Kiver is a better place to lite. A pair of spectacles await the owner at this office. Or. !'. (V.opor having Keen mi item tol in the (ilncicr about feme iM cur rency wis jvt! ii. in Hi" t tiue oi.b ti.i.v this week and exhibited a 2 bijl which tti.n e: ; ; I im liming his Hist year In the aiiny in (heeiuly sixties. it was cue el the tlit grei'li-hucltH i( r Usiied did I cing a gn at curios ity at that tin.- th doct.tir lias always kept It. Tne bill bears I ho signat ure of Kalmon P. (Tiase, who was secre tary or tlie IrriiMiiy ul that tune. Mis (lail l.aiigliliu will lecture March 'JO fit the Opeia limine on wo man Hiltrnce. The following Is one of the niHiiy ,t.i ibiittis pint to her as a bliiliatit spoiiker: "Mi.s I.aiighlin is one ol tin., luigl tt .. I iimiils ul tlie woman siiflrHgo ii'ovi iin nt. A gradu- ate of Weiie..-Je.y Ct.lli .'e, bin) entered Cornell University, where she studied law and received her degree. It was said by the head of the law depart ment that JieiH tin., t lie bent legal mind iu tho t lafs. " Oniaha (Neb.) lice. Foreign I is i o n :i r y 'leillinr. The V. I'-. M. S. will hold an open meeting next Sunday ut 11 o'clock, at the Methodist church. The fallowing program, interspersed v. itli rliujoo n:i ::c : Doxcrlogy. Mni'ty-t-evt h IVi.lin h fpnusivnly. I'layer. lieudiiig- T he Dark ('oiitintmt in U)IH!, liecitation - "That little girl iu China," told I y u little girl iu Amer ica. Tilly V Thhiil. Oilnring Doilar. lJat : A wt .l l of gratitude. I'liper If l l.ey had our chance. f.Oltl. .'. ! 'Keciti.tiou- I (,n lioy yvho curried tlie uicj-cagn... . l'lipeiThe I hank olfei iiig of l uir- towu." Paper In Manila. 1'aper Motives for gising. , llmtik Oll'erii i:. - Much Intcr('."l in liiglilaml Literary Cluh. The llighliiiid Literary Club has been holding iu meetings regiilaily on the IloighU with ever increasing in terert. Alter reinling several ol SliakespeareV plays, for a change iu the program tl.o meeting lnt I riday night was l- . id to J.o i ll anil Long- ello.v, tvlio.-e biittii-s have just pn.j.-'"d. TIih n ci ting tvas ludd at the 'Sideuco of l i. I.ilgicgten, Hiitl the i olluu h : ! Vernon llellj. !' life ul Lowell, T. J. .' ii.ili.eaitil at iou :,v on Lincoln, - n ti. 1. k i in Ihe Iiiglotv Papers, ; ton. ;e of Longlellow, !), lu'orgniii wi.m Chortv y. Sktleli oi Ciiiiiiing. Select i-.m-i Ode and Lo. A. W. Ontha Keleel i'.ii 'iill.ert Kdg.i Sketch of tl .1 Treiht-r. Solo Tho 1 ri.lg", M.ss llowermun. The IVuliii et lile, Mrs. Wood. Tlie latino' inn ol the whip, Dr. Kdg illgtOll. Ihe Im'eii d i.-'mii Moiituri Hulut aii'.us, Mrs. I. i!'I"i:..ii1. Koiuethiii:.' if .undone, Miss 1'attce TLb "i't. lien's hour, (iiace Ldging ton. Music bv '. '.e t rel e-tlu. 'I lie oi l cluck Ci.it tiirg. The wiocli of liiadley. 'The ilia '" ' iu, lull. t'li-eiilu'n ui,s.. -iai!!i:-li " bv Mih. ftair., Mrs, the i too llesperiis, n:i!.h, Kliis Peurl K'ig .V.ilct Kost Standi!-h. u tlejceii.ieiit ol Capt.-lL Mil 's St indi-h Solo ihe Arrow and the Si ng, Mr, Onthank. Ir from " liner, nee STATIONERY We are showing a fine line of Whiting & Ea ton, Ilurlbnrt's Stationery. Also fancy pa per in bulk. Call and look it over. It is sure to please you. BLANK BOOKS Full line just arrived Ledgers, Journals, Cash Books, Day Books, Desk Blotters, Rec ord Books and everything in the Memoran dum and Time Book line. Picture Frames made to order at SLOCOM'S V Mb-. -V W ' -y.r. n". f U. " Easter Opening' Saturday, March 24 All the Latest Novelties on Display Knapps ANNOUNCEMENT Two car loads of goods have arrived and other consignments will arrive in a few days. ' We have spent several weeks in the East in buying this stock of goods, and by careful selection and close study in this line of business, we are enabled to pre sent to the public the nicest line of goods ever shown in Hood Kiver. This magnificent stock, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ladies' and (tents' Furnishing Goods, Clothing, Etc., will be opened to your inspection Saturday March 24th, in the Blowers Block. You are invited to visit our store and secure our prices, which will be the very lowest that reliable goods can be sold. Come and get acquainted with us; and let us get acquainted with you. , . i L. H. MUGGINS L Coi (iuciil Knails Oil! fit Working Thli Way. The following news item would in dicate that the uooil roads train ia moving out this way, and should be due iu Hood Kiver very ioon. Now iu Ihu limn Inr nur local uood roads organization to get busy and make the proper arrangements lor ineir recep tion : "A mile of the real sood kind of mml. which is iroatlv needed In the northwest, is to lie constructed near Pullman, Wash., by the federal gov ernment In order to give the people up that way gome practioal deuioui trillion in the ait of making better highways. A. Wilbert, roller operator for the good roads department Is theie. A 10 -ton steam roller baa ar rived and other machinery, including rock crushers, sprinklers, dumpoarts antidl necessary machinery for road taunting, will le tnere in a lew oaya. A. K. Loder, Hist assistant highway engineer of the United Statea, will superintend the work. Under the provisions for instruction in good rouds building, the government furn ishes machinery, while the county, town or road district auppliei labor and material. The government ex net is will start work, in connection with tho road district supervisor, who will be under the direction of the oouuty oomiBBssloucra." 0. It. Kca Is Cured of Cancer. O. D. Rea. who left Hood River last siiuimei for Kansas to be treated for a cancerous growth that was forming on bis neck, writes recently as louows; "1 wlsn to jei my irienns anow uuw f am I nrrlved here from Kansas City, Mo., three weeks ago. I am not altogether well yet, dui am improving fust. The soie is alomst healed and I think that it is all killed. I may have to go back again, but will get a permanent cure as i nav seen nun Hmda of cases cured since 1 went to Kansas City. The Dr. O. A. Joho- son cures 'Jo per oeni oi au me cases that come to him. 1 would like to see Hood Kiver again. We are having tine winter here, there being no snow, out i nae tiooa Kiver uesi. Advertised, Letter List. For week ending March 5, 1906: Mrs. O. E. Beamer, Mrs. Scott Dreuieman, Mrs. K. Godsey, Julia Uodsey, Anna Karl, Wat. A. Arm strong, Samuel Drover, D. D. Bronson, J. E. Harrington, V. E. Hull, Rlohard Iven, (Jeorge Ireland, i. W. Kirk wood, Oust Koootin, Chester MoOar ty, D. 3. Moore, Jim Moore, J. E. Steed. J. R. Htatta. W. M. Yte, P.M.