HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, MARCH IB. 1808. JONATHAN BOURNE, Jr. if"'-" .. . . "UST.. "'''''r, !'' ' ' ' ' f . " , 1 ' ' ' , - " ' '. ' - ' . v ":- - '' - ' S ; . ; , . . . - Republican Candidate for United States Senator. CHAMPION OF STATEMENT ONE. Jonathan Bourne, Jr., candidate beore the Republican primaries (or th nomination of United Slulea Senator in Congresa, for the long term coimiieiicine March 4th, 1907, waa born in New Bedford, Mans., February 23d, 1855; was h member of the claps of 1877 at Harvard University j came to i'nrtlaud May 16th 1878; waa a Republican member of ihe Oregon Legislature in the session of 18W and tbe extra session of 18S0; waa one of Oregon's delt-gaies to the Republicai National Convention of 1888 and Oregon1! member of the Republican Natiuna Committee from 1888 to 1802, and a delegate lo the Republican Natiuial Con vention of 1892; and was elected aa a Miicbull Republican .0 the Oregon Leninla ture in 1896. Mr. Bourne haa been more prominently idnetifled With the development of tbe mineral reaourcea of Oregon than any other man In the Btate, having expen ded In the laat twenty yeara over $1,000,000 of bin own. money In the aequioitio and development of Oregon minea. While Mr. Bourne baa had hie residence and main office at Portland sine 1878, be haa had another office at New Bedford, Mass., and bus carried i.n th bualneas of hia father's eatate aiuce 1889, which makes him familiar with man; of the large interests and leading men of the. iat. These, qualifications, in em lunctlou with his tremendoua energy, origlauilty, executive alulity and exper ience in busiiiees and political affairs pre-eminently talify him for making an able and influential Senator for the State of Oregon. Mr. Bourne haa always favored extending the direct power of the people over their government aa far as possible. He was one of the leading spirits in the Initiative and Referendum movement from lfi'.K until it was approved by the votera at the June election in 1902. In 1901 he was a member of the executive committee of the Direct Primary Nominations League, and holds the same pos ition with the People's Power League at this time. In all theso movements he has been one of the few to guarantee the necessary expenses of preparing and proposing their measurea to the people. 3e lays that the choice of United Htates Senator should bo by direct vote of the people, and that tho Legislature should le compelled to elect the man the people select. To i accomplish this result, he is championing Statement No. 1 of the primary elections law aa the only method by which.,)ulilic opinion may be crystallised and made effective upon the I-egisliituru; In his petition for nomination he flays: "If I am nominated and elected I will, during my term of oflice, favor: Republican Politiees. Amending National Constitution for People's Election of United States Senators. Publicity Political Campaign Expenses. National Control of Corporations in Interstate Com merce. Rigid Exclusion of Asiat ic Coolie Labor; (iood Wages make Good Citizens. Legal Limitations Labor Hours for Safty on Railroads. Parcels Post, including Rural Delivery. Puro Food Laws. Liberal Appropriations for Panama Canal, Coast Defen ses, lliver and Harbor Improvements, including Colum bia and Willamatte Rivers, Coos, Yaquina and other Oregon Harbors, Celilo Canal, (iovernment Canal at Oregon City. Fair Share of Irrigation Fund for Oregon. Loyal Support for Successful Candidates. Rigid Enforcement Statement One. Roosevelt for Second Elective Term. I desire that the following statement be printed after my namo on tho nominating ballot: I WILL STJPPOBT PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S DETERMINATION THAT JUSTICE BE DONE ALL MEN. Fruit No ten. Aorlisl hanging over the fruit districts of southern Michigan. For the last three seasons disastrous rains have come just at the wrong time to spoil the peach crop and nov many of the grower are grubbing out their trees to engage in less hazardous farm ing along more common lines. To us here in the dry and salubrious olimate of Colorado the news of these disasters noma aa an inspiration to be up and doing more valiantly than ever, foi what ia one mail's meat is another ruan'a poison and we have the whip hand over our fellow growers iu the east when it routes to producing peaobes that will ship and sell. We never heard of a rase of rot from rain iu Oolorad . aud this seems to be the vreatest atlllotlou with which the Miohiganders are stricken. The Lane county fruit i sped or has just finished hla rounds for the win ter and reports Kan Jose scale iu Hour ly all of tbe orchards, lie finds It particularly bail ou the fruit trot and shrubbery of Kugeuo. A few ot tbe oro hards were so budly atteeted that they have been destroyed. In most cases he fouud the owners ready nd anxious to spray for the eradica tion of the pest. Dr. Blalock, the well knowu fruit man of Eastern Washington, has made arrangements with Seattle capital for the orgauization of the lilalook Island Fruit Company, which will develop 6,000 aorea of fruit laud on aud iu the viciuity of lilalock Island. Tho entire traot of 0,OUO aioes will be set to fruit. State Quarantine OUloer E. M. Ehr horn, at the st.te Fruit Growers' con vention, estimate that Cnliforuia produces annually betweeu ?,jO,0ih.iiwh. nd 100,000,000 worth of fruit According to W. K. Newell, the Baldwin is the beet variety of apple to grow in tbe W'llauiette Valley ; Jou atuan and Northern Spy next Colorado's Top 1'rce Loner Than Hood Kiver' Lone!. The statement is being published with a pood deal of pride by Colorado papers that "the Fremont county, I (.'obi. ) Truck Orowers' Association, recently sold a oar of smiles, half be lug Hen Davis and half fancy grader of mixed varieties, for l,0'ir uot, and claim that to bo the reoord prioo for such fruit iu that state. On these "record-breaking" priori for apples, real estate men are otter ing land ia some of ihe Colorado ap pic districts for fliiKI to 11,000 au acre, The cheapest car of lloo I River ap pies that went oil1 here last fall, when prices were lower r,n n iney are now, biotmht over PI 100 f. o. b. Hood Kiv er. While if we look for "record- breakers," there were cars of Spitzeu burgs that sold for over f'i.ftOO. Comparing theso two itHtoments, Hood River orchards at PIOO to iM au acre ought to be snaps that should he picked up at once. Horn! River Ntrawberrie Attract an Kasterner. Peter Peterson, ot Elk Point. S. P., was iu Hood Kivcr last week looking over the valley. Mr. Peterson says that last summer be saw some very flue strawberries In his town and they looked so good he bought some of them. After driv'ng teu miles hon e iuto the oKiinlry Cue beirles were still in tirst-clasa condition, and hi ntfe said they were the btat lr ies that she ever saw. nu nauteii to kuOA where they ere grown. They I ad no ditliculty hi IM linn the Hoi d Kivcr brand. Mr. IVtoisou had nmdo op his mind to seek a new home ou the Pacillo coast where the winters were not so severe as in South I'akota, aud he made no his mind to see the coun try tlr.-t vvlieie such tine (,tra lorries -io iHirc.i. Alter looking over lue valley he is well pleased, end may become a resident of tbe valley. Ilcod Kiver Apple Itlgger Than the Sivy. Admiral Togo says we need a big navy. All admirals say we do. It is tbe admirals' buisness to bave a big navy. Well, if we are to Lave a big one, let's have tbe biggest one on earth. We are tbe biggest nation. We can build it. if we want to. liut we think there is something bigger than a big navy. The American hen ! The Irish potato! Tbe Hood Hirer apple) Keaily, what is a navy for? Or an 4rmy? To kill, to kill! That Is all. It is tbe things that make alive, tbat belp right living, that ought to be supported, rather than tbe (Linus tbat kill. We are semi barbar laus, though, and so are the rest of tbe I'foplos, living In fear and Hatred jf on another: and so perhaps we need a great navy and inany admirals I lint e worsers have to pay tue price, let us not forgot that! Poitland join mil. Fruit Pests In Eastern Oregon. The problem of keeping pests out of Grant county bas passed and in its place has come tbe problem of fighting them. Codlin motn bas come in con siderable uumbers, but prompt meas ures may save muoh time and money. Not so with the aphis, as it has evi dently coir.o to stay. In si aking of the presence of this pest in the North Fork country, a farmer from l bat section reported tLat tbe willows along the river are covered with them. Orchards iu the vicinity of willow groves are badly infested, with a promise of much worse to come. Spraying is perhaps the only relief, and that will have to be done as a remedy, not as it ouce might bave been, as a preventive. The bad effects of the parasite are appearing in blighted and balf fomied branches, bearing inferior fruit. The plague of the Willamette is ap pioaching nearer and nearer. John Day News. Contracts for Residences Let. Louis L. ISoyd wis tbe successful bidder on two residences last week, the plans for which were made b; P. VI. Hall Lewis. Tbe resiliences are forlE. A. Franz and V. C. Iirock. Ihe Franz residence is a modern eight room house and will cost about fJolK) outside of tbe heating plant. It Is located on Oak street next to W. J liaker's residence, and commands ne of the lined views in tbe city. V. C. Brock's resideuce is alto on Oak street, and in a very sightly loca ion. It will oost about I1H00 for tbe oontractor's work, which does uot include several items. These new icsidences will be a val uable addition to the list of flue Hood Kiver hoires. Mr, Hull-Lewis is al o making plans for a cnttHtre for )',. L. Smith. The small baru on thx Oak street aide of his residence block will be moved across the street to the coi ner lot next to the U. B. parsonage and remodeled into a nice littlo cottage. This is the property Mr. Smith urchased from Ueo. I, Slocom. Indigestion is much of ahabit. Don't get the habit. Take a littlo Kodol Dys- peosia Cure alter eating and you will quit belching, puffing, palpitating and frowning, Kodol digests what yon eat wnd mak( the stomach sweet. Sold by Williams' Pharmacy. Climatic Cures. The influence of climatic conditions in the cure of consumption Is very much overdrawn Th-j poor patient, and ihe rich patient, too, can do much better at home by proper uttention to food diges tion. Hnd a regular m-eof derman Hyrup. Free expectoration in the morning i made certain by (ierinau Kyrup, so is a good niulit'a re?t and the absence of that wea'tciiing cough and debilitating night weat. Kestlcrs nights and the exliaus inii due to coughing, the greatest dan ger and dread of Ihe conxiimptive, can be prevented or stopped by taking (ler mini Syrup liberally and regularly. Should you be able to go to a warmer clime, you will tind that of the tlu ands of coiihiimiilivi'S there, the few who are benefitted and regain strength are tliofe who uce derman Syrup. Tiial bullies, 2c ; regular ciw, 75c. For sale bv C. N. Clarke, druggif-t. W II Stay in Hood Kiver. The remedy that makes you eat, sleep and grow strong, called Palmo Tablets, will be sold regularly bv Williams' Pharmacy, Hood Kiver. These great nerve and constitution builders cost only 00c per box, six boxes fa.bO. Advertising In Poetry, The man who whispers down a well About the gooda he has to sell Will never reap the shining golden dollars Like he who climbs a tree and hollers. Moral (let out and beller lly advertising in the Teller. The best safeguard against headache, constipation and liver troubles Is De Witt's Little Early Risers. Keep a vial of these famous little pills ill the house and take a dose at bed lime when you feel that the stomach aud lioweis need cleaning. They don't gripe. Sold by Williams' Pharmacy. Offices and Hooms. The very best for rent in Smith Block soo Tfj,j:c,rai'iu:i!s Needed. Leaijn Teleorapiiy and Kail ko a n Accopn tin a The aotivtlviy in railroad construct ion throughout the lioithwext bas created a large demand for telegraph 'iperiilors. We teach TKLKORAPHY, THOK Ol'ULY, giJICKLY and secure li-itioiiH lor our graduates. Salary $75 lo 00 CK(i H"N"ru tuition IKK LOW. For terms and paitlcuhin, write, I ' A C I FIC T K I. Ft i R A PH 1 nstitvtk, Portland. Okkuon. t,M444j Scientific America 4. AnsiMtv for ,lO DtSION PATtMTa "vTff COtVIiOHT, eto. for mfomnHoa in4 trr nuKOM irrltt to Ml NN OO., Wl Bhoauwat, Niw York. OUIeat tmntau tor ti-urlitf pa!nt In Atmvltn Krerr ptmt UktMi nul tT be 1 brought befat (tie public k7 1 BotJo given tre of atuiye 1b lie grientiftc mericau f .art rtrralfttlAB of any otentlfN' PPr In th urlj. aplasjullr llltutrateil. No InKtlllcoiit msn rhould b wlthnat It, Wiir, 3.00 (; !.: HI nxintbl. AMrM Wt N.N a CCH f vasftissfiMlibijBslatetf tsBlv vSLAUGHTd TST T ALB 1! II Irtl IsM m Jill I &..JLJ ii- XL KM -JEW We have purchased from the Assignee of Royse & Sons at Waits burs: , VVash., a $10,000 Stock, consisting of ( DRY GOODS, SHOES, CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS Which we am soiling at less than WHOLESALE PRICES. -Sale is NOW OPEN in the Smith Mock back of the First National Hank. V can save you 30 to lOO per cent. COME EARLY WHILE LINES ARE C0MPL!:Tf: Cif',"'.'ifcli" a GuZteuwi BLOVERS BROS. n ra . . Jp J zz3 CiT::.) csasivj sss cs 1 2JS Overview CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS FOR SALE IN- Park AND ewildc Additions Easy Grades, Fine View and Good Water ALSO MANUFACTURING SITES FRONTING ON O R. & N. TRACK Willi DEVELOPED WATER POWER Cheap lots for building Small Houses near Flour Mill FRUIT LAND FOR SALE IN TRACTS TO SUIT HOOD RIVER DEVELOPMENT CO. Oflice next to Wancoina Hotel HOOD lllVElt vAHMv 111111" j------ 9j0 lga G 0 RUGS sp ' i Patent Medicines Stationery Photographers' Supplies Toilet Articles Sh)i;vin; Outfits Soaps Prushes. Powders (Tooth and Toilet) Combs Stock Foods Syringes Trusses " Pipes ami Cigars Paints and Oils The above list represents only a small part of ihi lines vi eiirrv. ntid if von don't s e what von want ii . - - - 4 . the list, come in and tell us about it. We can tit you f. out aud will 'uaranteo that the price will suit you. Clarke, I nb Druggist g FRUIT . TREE R. D. GOULD, LUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All jobbing promptly attended to. PASHION STABLE ..Livery, Feed and Draying.. STRANAHANS & RATHBUN. Hood River, Ore. IIor(.'8 buiisslit, silil or exchanged. Pleasure parlies cn secure lirt-elas-" riirs Specinl attention given to iiiuviiig furniture ami pianos. We iln everytliii g horses can ilo. Nice lot of Yellow Newtowns. Spitzenber"', Paldwin,- iMani- inoth l'.laek Twig, Jonathan, Home Iieauty, Lawver, etc. j lso large line of general nursery stock. Send tor catalog and price list. Breeders of Shorthorn Cuttle and Berk shire Hogs; all stock registered. nuts F 1 Wal aint . Paper Co, PACIFIC NURSERY CO. TANGENT i i t i i OREGON t iMkU' I-' 1 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK SAVINGS . DEPARTMENT Have added a complete line of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH ES and BRUSHES. HEATH & MILLiGAN MIXED PAINTS. Our stock of paper includes latest designs in Blanks, Gilts and high Grades, From 10c up. A full stock of room molding, Picture rail, Plate rail and a small line of novelties in Framed Pictures. CALCIMO, the latest thing in room tinting, mixed to order. Painting, Paper hanging, Sign work etc. , Phone G7L . First and Oak Streets. OPFKKS TO ITi PATHONS T1IK . NEW SAVINGS BANK The nlv one which show the amount con tained therein wilhotltopeliinu it. ihia hemi tiful ami praetieal bank may he hail in Hood Kiver only at ' I The First National Bank Call and ceeure one an 1 start n pavinii ac eoitut that will be ft perpetual pouree of satif faction to J'ou. F. S. STANLEY, - K. O. IU.ANCII.VK, President, Cashier. CTYf 1000 acres select apple land, best location in Hood River Valley; small prices on .", 10 or 40 acre tracts by owner. Buy where you can real ize advancing values on your improvements. Lots in Winans City are profitable investments. You can reach this place by rail. SNOW & UPSON ; Blacksmiths and Wagon flak ers The most completely equipped power plant in Oregon, Contract work a specialty. Grubbing supplies and Log: gers' tools always on hand. ,' The Care Of the horse's hOOf is essential. We an experts in that line and cure corns ami interferes. Spray Your Trees and Bushes ' V V Tt 1 "VT TT, Hood River, Wasco county, Oregon. Kvery owner if fruit tives or bushe is reipiired by -law toFprav! them to prevent the spread of sra'e an.l kill injurious pests. If yotl :.r"e 'f: n"t eqnipH'd to d this work, write u? for illusiraied cataloj; deM ri hinn im.i.wl,.!,. Snrnv Pnnitis all the way from 7,"o to fT.i.OO. alo the pr oper i. sprayi' to use. 'I'' H us how many t ret y u bave and we w ill. Ull nf aNoit what kind of an outfit you will need. . Millinery Announcement We are now ready to show you the latest crea t. ' ' ' ations in Millinery. ' -,lme. ABBOTT Q, A (Hi IV A. LLC I '. ui..;t, ih i S. J. FRANK , Dealer In ' Harness S: Saddles All Repairing Promptly Attended to HOOD RIVER ' ' ' o