The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 15, 1906, Image 5

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m. Vi-.uderuool, Hying two mi leg
oi th of White Salmon hud an experi
ence last Saturday night that Le will
uoi so .mi forgot aud which caine near
trMiMiig him to lose his life.
Vuiulorponl is a bachelor aud lives
in a lonely log hut in the woods far
from any other habitation. Daring
(t:ii iiitit while he whs In lied the high
wi (It; blew down a big tree, wniob
tell o ik to break the through roof
i.ii.; pin him iu bid The walls of the
hut wore ttrong enough to hold up
the tree trunk but the heavy brunches
milii-hed through the roof and held
him immovable.
i bo uiRbt whs exceedingly cold and
the wind swept through his cabin iu (lists while be struggled and
called for help until he wag almost ex
hauntod until finally discovering that
his efforts were useless he waited for
daylight to rerhaps release bim from
his fl.'oiiiziuj position.
With tlfe coming of dawn he again
male an eltort to release himself but
without avail and at intervals shouted
until he whs hoarse and weak from
his efforts and lack of food.
The day went on and no help bad
come. The afternoon passed aud the
shadows of eveuing were almost be
ginning to fall. Vanderpool with de
spair at his heart was afraid that he
would have to pass another night In
his lonely and deserted cabin. Mas
tering all his strength and courage he
gave one more shout long and loud.
Away in a Held a long distanoe from
the cabin was a daughter of Edward
(Iroaliong of White Salmon who had
ttiyed into in the atternoon picking
wild flowers. She beard the despair
ing cries of Vanderpool and going in
the direction of bisci'ies finally ai riv
ed at the cubin and went in. The
eyes of Vauaerpooi were turned to
wurd the door as the entered and al
though ho saw thut she was too small
to be of any assistance he soon com
municated to her his predicament.
So she hurried home and told ber
father who summoned several neigh
bors aud the party went back.
After vainly trying to extricate the
imprisoned man it was finally found
necessary to saw off the branohes of
the tree end the bedposts of the bed
in order ro release bim.
Upon examination it wag found that
Vauderpool bad not sustained any
serious injuries, but was somewhat
bruised and iu a weakened condition
from cold und hunger and.was taken to
the home of his neighbors where he
was cured for aud in a few hours was
no worse for his singular adventure.
The location of the railroad station
t liingon has not seemed to have any
e l'eot on the growing prosperity of
White Salmon. Katber it seems to be
booming it. Last week five families
moved in aud there is not a house in
town to rent. Many people are living
iu touts. The Smith brothers have
Htarted a flour and feed store and two
parties who wnnt to start banks have
been looking the situation over aud
rut of them bbg a rented a building
for Unit puipo.-e.
The Odd Fellows an going to build
a hill which will cost 111,000. It will
be 40x82 feet, with two stores on the
ground floor and '.odge rooms on the
i-econd lloor.
The Trout Lake Electric railroad
Company commenced the work this
week of surveying for the new line.
It win aunouueed Monday that one of
the projects oonnected with the new
line is to ferry cais aoioss the river
fro.i. the terminus of the road on the
White Si.l i on tide to the other side of
the und I. Hie tbom run on a
vv. ileh to t l.e O. U. & N. It is expect
ed ti hud fbe cars with fruit aud
1!. Field recently told for K. D.
Ciiii cron 6 small tiacts of land in the
fruit lolony to Mr. Lapelle, ot Spo
lano. i i.ldhlso repoits the sale
of i ons tor Joho Nielson to Mr.
I'liUiit-s of Hood River and Mr. Clark
of Pun hud. 1 Le property is three
milrs north of .While Salmon. Con
sideration 8:1,500.
Lust Tuesday the Odd Felbws of
White Salmon held a meeting to cele
bi ate the lf:t!i Miniversary of the or
ganiaztion of the Grand Logde in the
statu of Washington. After the meet
ing whs over aud the lodge was about
to adjourn the Kebekahs surprised
heir fellow membors with the an
nouncement that a lunch was ready
for them Hud '.eo rtst of the evening
whs spent in a very enjoyable supper.
Siv end Portland people have bought
tracts iu the Wnite Salmon district
recently, varying in size from 10 to 80
acres, 'which they will improve by
cleuring and netting out to trees of
ttanibiid vmittios.
J. C. Mclnnes was iu Hood Rivet
TuPHi'nv elosinir on some business in
coitKli'cu with th A. F. Saiith place.
tame time, be intend to move to bit
home on Moiser Creek.
Mr. Ooracke end family, who hve
pent the winter in Mosier, ere mov
ing to Grass Valley.
School opened in district 12, Mon
day, March 12, with e good attend
ance. '
Mae Cooper spent last week with her
sister Mrs. J. A. Cook of Odell.
R. J. Molsaac has returned from
Iowa here be has ' been spending the
winter. Mrs. Molsaac stopped et
Spokane to visit relatives, but will be
at hotLe in a few days.
Clinton Gregory, brother of Mrs.
Mclsaacs, came west to look over the
conntiy. We hope he mi'.l like onr
charming valley aud make op his mind
to stay with us, we extend the glad
hand to him. Last Thursday night
some of the members of "Progresisve
Tnougbt" gathered at their place of
business and proceeded with their
meeting till it came time for the
"Professor" to do his Instructing and
then they knew not what to do as the
"Professor" was not there to they
turned It Into a play party or a danoe,
which it wag we are doable to say, but
they all gay it was the best aeeting
We cannot agree with Mr. Shelley
about being spring yet even if the
robing are - here and the tan hot
enough to make bim sweat.
E. C. Miller is borne for a few days
and bas been improving bis ranch.
We understand they want more men
at the Moody camp, go no one need
lay idle.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles flel
mer, Maroh 5, a girl. '
A couple of Hood River gentlemen
came up last Friday to look over a
route for an electric road aud see in
what way the settlers would be willirg
to help the move along. We want the
electric road and they all seem willii g
to help all they possibly can.
The ground hog did not fool us thit
year and we . le now having the bard
wiuter for tbU year. Wonder how M'.
Shelley likes this for epriug?
Jesse Davidson reports young chick
ens and says it is not the, best of
weather for the chicks. ,
L. W. Baldwin of Hood River came
up Sunday with the expectation ot
starting E. W. Cribble's new house,
but was delayed by the enow.
Mrs. Frank Peeler returned Monday
night by stage from a visit with her
husband, who is in the hospital.
The entertainment Monday night
was a great success in spite of the oold
weathe.r After a conversation they all
departed for their many homes.
Telephone is all the go here now.
Shares are going like hot cakes. Come
early or you are liable to be left, they
are only $50 a share and only a few
As the old correspondent has return
ed I heieby band in my resignation in
favor of bim from now on. We would
like to have bim write up his trip next
week if he has not already done go.
W- Of B.
-AT A-
. . it i i
BY the time you have rend this we win aispiny a line
of Carpets, Hugs, Art Squares, Burlaps, Linoleums,
Oil Cloths, etc., never before attempted in other than
a city store. We appreciate the patronage extended to us
on these goods in the past and will show you what can be
done to prove this appreciation. By April 1st this line
will be displayed on ball bearing racks (no troubletoshow
goods), and as our room rugs range from f 6.00 to $ 45.00
each, you time inspecting will be well spent. .
C. A. Weygaudt le working for
George Orolf aud they are tearing the
great trees right and left. That loons
like improving.
The Mount Hood school started the
first Monday iu March.
L. G. Grotf has sold 80 acres aud is
now going to build a new bouse and
barn. 4
Cass Weygandt rot u rued borne from
Portland. Sunday
Mount Hood is in action ugain.
Al (bickelbaiy is goirg iDto the
dairying business accordn g to all re
oorts. Al has a cow tli-.l uites 26
quarts of milk a day aud 2 quarts of
creHin. isu t luai a uig uuubw
Mount Hood.
Allen Wright and Dr. Macrum came
.... -,,, p,,.i lu.i.l .11 Wednnsdav and
returned on the traiu of the
...,.. .1 ... 'I'h.. uuiilln.iinn Hoent the
c-ctiuu .,,. n - .
r. 'nun iii terveniue trams on tnelr
.1 K Mf.G rector made a business
t, TI.q I Lilian lnut. W0nk.
bU Alia a-'mt:' -
Miia I'.dna Root and Miss Elsie
Mtddloswart were raseeuKB" on
'11 hnol fnr Hnnit River to
AlluiCMjuj. es vjli.1 u " -
utiie)i nlen thev went to attend the
ribbon social given by the Fraukton
, i .1
Airs. Troup aud daughter Burnie of
Ai-hland, Ore., who have been visiting
Mrs. Troup's patents at Pine Flat the
past winter, spent a lew nours iu iw
- .... lln,ln,lnlT nf ntit WAk. MTS.
Troup had not visited Mosier for 13
yesis, and she expressed mucn pict
ure in noting the many improvements
hut. hum been maue annua mow
year; of her absence. J. W. Weidrick,
i 11. ituffaln N Y. who Dur-
leuriniv ui uuuu.w, - -
cluuedthe Captain MoNulty estate,
1 .;tk isiti fnmilt? intnnnr neiffh-
llllUl-U HU a -- - -
borhood last week. The residents of
Mosier otxend a hearty welcome to
M Wo Hrinlr mill tMlllllV. BS We ve
il .V ... l.a nannlA vnrthv of eg'
teem und appreciation aud just such
people as we are pleased to have come
bore to make tceir nome wuu u.
, 1.1 1 f f.l.llaatirart and dauffh
iTJIB. 1 J- (' . ...I......
ter Mr Win. Rowland oame up from
I . J ' : - nn lwlrloif
Mr. George Chamberlain spent
Thursd iy of-rast week in Portland ac
quainting Limsolf with the different
H-iiu Mr Chamberlain
speaks with much favor of the Hurley
dirll, and expressee nig mwuiwu '
purchasing one in the near future for
operation on a mining claim, ror
the purpose of operation, a company
bus been formed to develop a claim
which gives encooraging evidence of
being rich in mineral production.
Mrs.W m. Stevenson took Staorday
train for Pennsylvania, she expects to
be gone throughout the summer
months. , n .
Mr. Dickenson came up from Port
land on Saturday's boat, baring
shipped bis household good at the
About thirty-five youug people
gsthered at the Malloy home on
thnrsday evening and made tne ntgtit
marm u it h mnsin. 'The occasion
nus a faiewell party in honor of Miss
Zona Miller, who left the latter part
of the week for Enbersday, where she
mill tnlca chnrae of a sohool. While
her denaituro is regretted iby the
rn inu neonle. thev rejoice with ber
in ner gooa loriuoe.
On Friday evening ten Pine Grovers
will meet an equal nunioer 01 uueii
it.ea at Ofell in an old faihioned epel
ling match. ,
"The nof h A begun in the sloam
111(7 111(1 hnallv nil the uiuht. bad
hu'n huiinino flald and hiuhwav with
n aitenne dten and white." So ran
. . . 1 10..
dur rhniitrhr.a wnnn we awaiceneu out.
iirdoo mnrllino Blld looked Out UCOQ a
trunsiormea worm.
I'iraj fnp onrl flnnnnlls have taken
the place of the shirt waist and straw
Tknm.i Wullixr nnd familv arrived
from Pueblo. Mr,
a-uiknr in Mr. Lobh's father. They
will remain during the summer' and
will settle here if suited. We venture
in npadint that, tha flnmmnr of 1907
will Hud them here singing the praises
of tiood uiver vauey.
M 4 Hlinnuh nnd fnnillV from UBK
ville are living in the Plough house
until the weather moderates when
thav will pamn. Thev came here for
ti.. hanaflt. nf Mm. Hhoush's health
. . . m a J
If you care to stop you win uuu
fresh flaked hominy at the Pine Grove
J. W. Albin and one of the Sbough
boys are clearing land lor mm. auei.
u;.. totra tha lihartv nf correcting an
If Am tn last, naak'a notes to the effect
that James Davis who recently pur
chased tne unmore place oas uiu
This is not the oase.
The infant child of Chester Sears,
now of Eugene, was burned to badly
frV.nt It Hiaii Tmm IDA ITAttE. 1H IU
bljab IK w -
tnrrment took place at Hood River.
Miss Ruby Davis is out of school on
account of a Heavy coio. u. n. "
We are having quite a change In
weather, the thermometer here aver
aires 20 above.
The Giange delegation from Pine
Grove to The Danes, returned num
Saturday aftrenoon. They we e, Ed
Lege, Mrs. Joe Jarvis and Miss Arc
line WinohelL
u. C M .Tankann alan returned
Saturday from The Dalles, where he
had been on a business trip, noiio
there be met on the street our old
.i ..ukkm Wultar Thnmnann.who
VI1UO ouijuw., .... -r
will be remembered by old residents
of the East Bide, it was oeiievea xor
nnn Cm. that ha huh Hand. He was
on his way to Nevada, where be said
be bad mine.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Will Kolas
of Pine Grove, Saturday, March 10,
1906, a aon.
J. Oliver, former owner of the little
store on the corner, ia in our com
munity again.
The owners of the new store are
building an addition on tbeir store
building and expect soon to move here
from Odell to live.
fl j
10 acres of very early
strawberry and fruit land,
with a southern slope, 1
miles from White Salmon. 1
mile from dock; plenty of
water; 4 acres cleared. It's
a great bargain for 1350,
part en si i.
We have other bargains.
White Salmon Land Co.,
White Salmon, Wash.
Hardware Stewart's Furniture
Mass Stewart's Trockery
Are you helping build up
Hood River by patroniz-
ing Home Industry?
Cupid Flour is the very best Flour
on Hood River market. The Perfection Bakery is
using it, after trying all the flours on Hood River
market, and they say it excels them all. White and
Do you know how much better Graham,
Whole Wheat and Farina are when fresh than when
they have lain around in a ware house? If not, try
Hood River products and be convinced.
Hood River Milling Co.
Square Deal Store
Honest Goods and a. Square Deal" in my motto.
A full line nf
Groceries, Flour and Feed
to select from
Farm Implements of all kinds
Wagons, Buggies and Hacks
Osbourne Spring Tooth Harrows and
Canton Reversible Extension Discs
are complete orchard tools in themselves
Agent for DeLavel Cream Separator
the only first-class separator on the market
Have just received a Carload of Dynamite
and Stumping Powder
100,000 Brick for sale m lots to suit
Phone 741
3rd and River Street.
Hood River. Ore
1 Don't Forget I
When yon wain tirst-i'lms work at home. All kind nf
Laundry Work and Cleaning
Lace curtaing, 50c; blankets and
carpetg, 25c to 50c. Phone m9U
Clan rbrick, Prop.
Patronize Home
Our Work cannot be
We Will Give You-
There is no Shoe that
You can put on a Man's
Foot that will give him
as Good Wear, as Good
Fit and as Good Style
as the Walk-over Shoe
Hood River, Oregon
e,,.,,., . l . ada v, -
For further particulars regarding the SMITH GRUBBING MACHINES, call
on or write '
' Jly, ': 1i,E:-Ai'.W....'. J
Free Electric Light
For one month if you will allow us to install it in your
residence within the next 60 days, you agreeing to con
tinue the service for one year. We will do the wiring at
a nominal COSt cheaper in fact than ever done before
in Hood River.
You cannot afford to miss this
Of having in your homes the electric light service
which you will use in many oiner ways man
for lighting.
There are a great many electrical appliances that are prac-
a?i . 1 J 1. .v.-.l4U.f.-il ...,1 ltwl tVio ffn
UCai, Ver UUUUJ, IIUJULHIUI uuu n wuiMiiu.ui,
ionnthiffh. Yon should investiffate this offer and
call in to have a talk with us about it at once.
Yours for business,
The Hood River Electric Light, Power & Water Co.
New List of
Real Estate Bargains
' . J. P.aker & Co offur Iho following
flood propooitioii-' in ivul catulci this
week ;
1)2 seres. Between L'.'i anil 3il lifiren
cleared ; 12 arre in lieai ing nreliard, 15
in strawlierrieB and clover. IIouhh hiuI
bam. Tliix Ih a K'"'d u"y- l'riec for a
4iort time, .US.
30 acres 5 inileH out. 25 a' ri s elriired,
20 III orchard 6 of whii li ih in In I hear-
ln(j; Btamlard vaneiM. l'rieo, lH()(K).
70 acres 4 mile at. 45 m ien cleared,
1(1 in orchard, 12 In f ill hearing, I2nc eg
meadow land. A I ih i'ps;ity buildings
on place, nice ncie, .f.-uu.
811 acres 5 miles out, L niinproved.
No waste land. J'riee, ID per acre.
120 acres J mil h out. AH I eHeary
liuildins, good ell and Kprinirs on
place. Thin is an unusually ood buy.
Small orchard nn.l nil' kinds of small
fruit; 45 acres cle .red. 1'i'i-e per acre,
U0; terms to tun pnrcluwr.
40 acres. All undi-r culliiution. Nice
Iaie bouee, ordinary harn and two
ware houses. " a res apples lull near
inir. standard viiiiities; mIso yoiiiiK
Newtown orchai I. 'A) acres kihkh, 5
acres pasture; under irrigation ditch.
This is a (?ood buy at flO.Oott.
We call spi-i'liil attention to one 10
acre tract, all cleared; about two miles
from town, l'riee, 12uO.
We have a nuinber of 5, 10 and 20
acre tracts that are bargains. Home
(iood propositions in regard to land
from the Mount Hood district. Com?
and see ua alxmt it. Also land in Mo
sier, White Salmon und Jiingen.
We have fine alfalfa ranch in Baker
conntv. another in Morrow; alfo prop
erty frt. the Willamette valley lo ex-
cliaiike lor Uooil It ver icaiiy.
Houses and I-1 for rent or sale In all
imrtaof Hood Huer Collect ioiiH made,
Insurance writien in - jour choice of
three companies.
f.Ksi.iK lii'Ti.un, President
Tuuman Biiti.kk, Cashier
Who Deposits your Money?
Sooner or later it gfits into the bank whether
you put it there or not. If you have a bank
account and save, it is deposited by you. If
you spend all, some one else deposits your
money. : : : : : : : :
fuUpaid $50,000
Hotel Waucoma
A First-Class House
Moderate Rates Good Service
Farmer's Dinner 25 cts
Hood River Prop.
The Ice Cream Season
Perfection Bakery
"Ilomt" llriutl l lirt nil ihuhj.
Ptrkrr Uoime KdIIx, Chtiiiiiintn mm,
lie, in wdi ri d a liny luforr.
J'hone Main S3!,
And we are prepared to serve our patrons with the
.Best Ice Cream in the City.
"The Mount Hood Brand" our own make from pure
cream, no adulterants; the only kind to buy.
The Favorite Oyster Parlor Lt.IS