The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 15, 1906, Image 2

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    Mrtnn nnirn nt irirn
Issued inn Thursday bj
tna ! ubMrlptloo-t'l.M J l MB fM
To the voters of Wasco county :
I wish to annonoa myself a candl
data for renomination for tbe office of
County Commissioner at tbe primar-
es to be field April -Attn, iswe.
To the Citizens of Wasco county:
I wish to announce myself as a can
didate for nomination on tbe KepuWi
can ticket for Commissioner of Wasco
county at the primary election to lie
beid April zutn, imm, ana u nominated
and later elected. I pledge myself to ful
fill the duties of the officii to the best of
my ability and integrity. Yours sin
cerely O. R. CABTNER.
To the Republicans of Wasco county:
I hereby announce myself as a candl
date for nomination upon the Republi
can ticket lor Bherill ot Wasco county,
subject to the votes cast at the primary
election to be field April zutn, ioo,
If nominated and elected, I promise
to fulfill tbe the duties of the office to
best of my abilities by being courteous
to all and giving the office the same
careful attention that I would if it was
my personal business.
Yours respectfully,
Hood River, Ore., Jan. 16, 1006
Editor uiacier:
I wiiih to announce through the col
umns of your paper that I shall be a
candidate at the primary election to be
field In April ot tins year for tne repuii
lican nomination for representative in
tne legislature from Wasco county.
If I should receive the nomination
and be elected I shall, to the utmost of
my ability, serve the interests of Wasco
county, and especially the interests of
the western portion of tne county and
Uood River Valley. A. A. JAlJNJi
To the Voters of Wasco County ;
I hereby announce my candidacy at
the primary election to be held In this
stale on April via, iw, tor tne JU-puun-can
nomination of Jlepretentative in
the ieglslutnre rrom Wasco Uotinty.
Notice is hereby given that the regis
tration books in my office will close for
the primary election on the 10th day of
April at 3 p. ni. In order to vote it
will be necessary to register and give
your party alliiliations. All those not
registered and wishing to vote will be
compelled to swear in their votes, and
procure six freeholders as witnesses.
Kindly register a once and avoid the
trouble of swearing in your votes. Reg
istration officers are provided through
out the county for your convenience.
County Clork.
The announcement fiomE. L. Smith
that he Is a oandlate for United States
Benator has placed Hood River in tbe
strong limelight of politics and bis
many friends and admirers must now
be satisfied since they have succeeded
In getting him before the people as a
political aspirant. As to Mr. Smith's
wrtb and fitness for the offioe he re
quires neither commendation or in
troduction and desires none. We do
not like to make any prediction, but
it looks very much to us as though the
man has not yet been named who can
beat him for the office for which he
has declared himself.
i ..- i
"Harmony" and Senator Whealdon.
In recent Issue of Th Dalles
Chronlole the newly-fledged editor of
that sheet takes a fling at A. A.
' Jayne, who has announced himself as
candidate for representative because
as he says he could not work in "har
mony" with the member of the upper
house of the last legislature namely
Senator Whealdon.
Perhaps a little past history may
enlighten this gentleman to the effect
that the harmony loving member of
the upper house was a candidate two
years ago for tbe office he now holds
. and to which he was elected by the
voters of Hood River. Having been
lu the somewhat vulgar parlance of
the day "turned down" by the olti
tens of his owa town, he was natural
ly very grateful to the good people of
Hood River "nothing was to good
for them," said the senator.
How he showed his gratitude Is too
well known to require repetition, ex
cept to remark in passing that it was
indioated in the same manner as that
of the serpent which was takeu In to
be warmed Into life and then bit its
benefactor to death.
As to the statement that there were
other considerations at the last ses
sion of the legislature that required
equal atteutlou with the Cascade couu
ty bill and that the delegation re
turned almost empty banded, we will
aay that there were others and that in
so far aa lay in his power Mr. Jayne
did what he could for them can Sen
ator Whealdon say as much for his
Is It possible for Mr. Jayne or any
other man to be in "harmony" with
one who wants to take all and give
nothing in return? We thluk not. As
to temper, a little righteous Indigua
. Hon under tbe circumstances is a
feather in any man's cap who has any
spirit and If the representative from
this district showed his temper it was
the most eousplououa badge of his in
dependence that he could display.
The primary law was framed for
candidates who are willing to submit
to the will of the people and not to
act In "harmony" as expressed by the
Chronlole which means one-man rule.
If ere Business at the Locks.
The Princess May, a gasoline boat,
which fortwsrly ran "between Lvle ana
The Dalles, is now running between
Cascade Locks and Carson. The
Princess May seems to be doing a good
business here, This is proof positive
that there are more people to support a
boat here than at The Dallos.-tHeveu-aon
Pioneer. ,
r i iauktc i;icitc
C. A. Johns of Baker City, h'epuM
can candidate for governor, made
short visit in Hood Kiv r Tuesday,
Mr. Johns is considered one of tl
strongest candidates in the guberuu
torial race and is most popular
eastern Oreaon. where he is best
known. He stands for an admiuistr
tlon that can not fail to win hi in
votes and which is fearless and fail
Some of tbe thlnus which Mr. J(jIju
advocates are:
To have a state bank examiner ap
To give the primary law a fair trial
A liberal suooort and a biuh stau
dard of education.
Rich and poor to receive alike oonr
teoua treatment.
President's Roosevelt's position tii
the lecisiation and labor question,
Office of land aiteut must be afoote
armnirtinn and without adjuncts.
Franchises should pay reasonable
ExDress and similar compamuk
should pay tax on gross earniuK tc
While here Mr. Johns made a very
favorable impression and uimiy
friends. Ho felt for his home Iueniuy
Tiad a Bad FalL
Joaeoh Wrluht and Andrew Oatcli
ell, who weie working on a scaffold
alongside the Paris l air buildiug hi.d
a bad fall Tuesday. The scanold uroi;
and Dreotoitated tbe two men into the
excavatiou tbat bas been made for the
new building. Wright was cut ou tl,
bead and had bis fug hurt and tor
time was unite dazed. He boom re
oovored, however, and was none the
worse for his (all.
Uatchell did not get oft so easily an
bad to be taken to his home, bit it
was found that he had liaotured Lis
libs. He is suffering considerable
pain but in not sorinufiy hurt.
Feed The Birds.
Our attention has been called by
well known horticulturist to the vulu
able help of song and other birds in
ridding orchards of worms aud in
sects. With a little attention and
feeding these birds can be made to iu
crease in number and become aitiios
domesticated. This gentleman but
been feeding a number of them and
Unda that they have become accustom
ed to his efforts and appear daily foi
their meal. He has also been leeciing
number ot quail aud helping them
to Jive through the cold snap.
Walnut Orchard.
Quite an interest is taken by several
enterorisinit citizens of Moinmouth, Or
iron, and vicinity, in me culture oi
English wolnuts ami filberts.
There are at present about seveniv
five acres of nuts nluntcd in this inline
diate neighborhood ami the coming sen.
sou promises to more than double t Is
Those pluming walnuts recently lire
B. Stump, 10 acres iu addition to 60
acres planted two rears airo; irii i
t'owell, 10 acres, lv. II. nickttionse, two
acres, and Dr. rarnsh two acres lu con
nection with hi nursery.
These erowers alter visitliii! wulnnl
orchards already yielding aud iiiiikiiij!
careful study of the climatic and mul
conditions of thin place and others linn
this neighborhood erpcciully udaptuu t
nut culture.
By comparing the nuts of trees al
ready yielding with the Imported one
thev arc found to be greatly superior lo
them and experts (rum other parts
the country generally agree that the
mild summer, niUiiit;, well drained
lands anj deep subsoil of the Willttm
etle valley tire ideal conditions for mie
turlug the nuts us well as lor the growth
of the trees.
Talks on Osteopath).
Osteopathy is the latest development
of medical tcicnce, coiistiliiunii n it en
tiroly new ami complete practice Unit is
most 8iiwssliil in treating hunum
both medical and suruical. by skilled
manipulations which cutthlu Mature to
do her allotted work without recourse t
anile or uruga. the lundainciilut con
oeption Is, that, abnormal fimetioiiiiiii
ot the body is ot necessity dependent
upon structural ueiect: mat inu unlit
of structural alteration first in order
occurence is mechiiiiical displacement
deranguinent in reliiliniisliiii. mul
adjustment of nulls; and that such
mechanical disorder serves tit olistruc
nerves or blood vussels, thereby perveit-
tng nutrition. Disturbances of function
result which, if not checked, lead on
finally to the visible, palpable ilctorior
ation in fona known as "organic Ins
ions." Thus the earliest and 'common
est cause of disease is (tHinncd to lie
not ac iriiuo in the substance ol ones
tissues, hut a disturbance in their le!
alive arrangement.
Her Last Thoughts Mere for Oregon.
Rociikstkk, N. Y., MlU'l'll 10. Tin
indontitatlle spirit of Susan H. Anllioiu
will not recognize even the grim de
stroyer, but to those around Iter and V
her physicians it is plainly evident Unit
the great woman snllrHtflst Is ou het
deathbed. For the last four iluvs flit
has been growing steadily weaker, ami
ouly her tremendous will power is keep
ing her up.
A touching scene took place at, Miss
Anthony's bedside this morning. Her
lifelong friend, the Hev. Anna Shaw,
who bad just had a narrow escape from
(leant in a a reck on tun i.elnuli all
Railroad, came to see Iter. Miss Slum
is a physician and as soon irs she eu
tered Miss Anthony's room the Krcitt
leader said :
"Tell me, Anna, do you think 1 will
get well?"
ion nave no nsosie" snlil 1 r.
Shaw evasively. "There is nothing to
prevent recovery, burring your great
"Oh," exclaimed Miss Antlionv. as
she clasped her emaciated hniiils to
getlter in an attitude of prayer. "Let
me live ta see more victories. Let nit
at least see the triumph of our cause in
Horticulturists Meet at While Salmon
A big and enthusiastic horticultural
meeting was held nt I iSO o'clock last
oamruav I tiiiein.ioii in i.auleriiaiigh s
O . I ... . .
Hall, While Salmon. The outlook f
the fruit growing wnsiin approaching
was uisciiNsod ami an address made by
( otlnty Fruit Inspictor Injriin. Cat I
r.Koss Manager of the bite Sainton
Union also spoke on matters i i ituin
ingl'o the good i f tbe union.
1 lie conditions tor a line crop ol
apples and stra Itorries ou t lie other
side of the river tits year me said to
look very favorable. About lit) or 70
members were present.
Ad erf Nil Litter Ms).
Rosa linker. Anna Fischer, ITulia P.
Ha tun r, Roy Anderson, Celesli L:m-
daizo, K. N. Drew,W. 8. Oieken, Jas.
II. Davis, John .Mullen, r . V. JUetiov-
ern, D. K. Martin. Scott Mesliltt, Ad
am Pylkkauen, 11. K. Perry, Wallace
Co., J. W. Wheeler. Charley Wilson,
Hen Willy, Harry .erka.
Everything New mi Desirable in Sprint? tuiil Sum :n r Fabrics. All the.
Latent Weaves find Styles in White Goods, Wash Goods, Shirt Wtiii-ts,
Ladies Washable Suitn, Outside Skirts, Under Skirts, Corset Covers,
I'fints, Corsets ami hi fact Evarything that goes to'ninke up a Complete
Stock of Spring and Summer Goods. Our Buyer lias bought Right and
us wo have always done we will sell Right. Fair treatment and honest
dealing will always lie found at the PARIS FAIR.
We still have souk1 bargains left in Men's, Ladie's and Children Shoes,
Shirt Waists, Skirts and Jackets that will paf you to investigate.
r Worth from $3.50 to $4.00
Your Choice $2.45
Worth from $2.60 to $4.00
Your Choice $193
Misses Shoes worth $1.75; $2.00
Your Choice $1.33
We will make it worth your while
Store by gving you the Best
money obtainable. Call and see
i.ftJ jt
1. 0. 0. F.
Tito contracts for the 0(J1 Fellow
new $10,1100 V'.liicL in teirm ex-
avHtod for on the corner whore the
Hnirs i'Vir li.. Ituil ijt,rt ot Uh Ktoro
liuro been ltlnml Struui htin Ac HlnveriH
ItiiH Boonreil en , vtliioiz but the iiluinb-
riK, sirlnwalkM hh'1 concrete founda
tion which v. i'i i,o Lu ft by the lodge
under the snperrifion of the architect,
M. Hull-Lewid. ilio plumbing will
bo done by Norton A Smith flini the
irou iintl bkcktiiitithinu work by the
firm of Wnow & Liwtii.
Work on the luiiniftttiou wits com
menced toduy, mid it itt the expecta
tion to Imve the tlr4 two stories com
pleted by the middle of Mny hud the
.nlire bnildinu by the l.'ith of July.
it huu been the aiiit of both the odi;n
ttiid the architect to patronize home
induHtiieH tin fur hb ptiHnible iu making
oitriiCtM Hiid fieloctlitii litbor for the
inrloiiM kindii of work on lh buildiiiL;
and only where it hits been f.iund ab
solutely neceisHrtry have they gono elsie-
a here.
Mr. Devoid, who owna the "Kamo-
ii tl " ItoardltiK tiotikO Iihh ttotielit Itio
wooden ttructiire which btood o 1 the
oi nor npponito L1h pluco and Iihh
m lived it onto a lot he oiviih back of
hid pri'Ht'tit place i f butluetH. It in
his inteution to Flinhtly remodel it
utd later lit it up an an annex to bitt
oardltiK house I.UHinohH.
Veg, Underwood i.-t oil the map, even
it wo are unable to trade with Jour
it a prolit, our ttore ihere fiivint; o
priceH eitunl lo Jotieg on inoht thingu.
Lout woeK 1 fluted thut Underwood
people were acciietouted to "my uoth-
i iiiz and aw wood, ' hut havmu given
that a thorough trial, we ure uow about
to try the Hood Kivtr formula of at
ttilnlug to fame aud ciUirlng Hhi kels.
As there may lie home (xtrauuorH of
eonrHO) who are not fuinlliar with thin
we quote from mciitory a follow s:
"lie who whiHiet (Iiumi a well,
About the gooilH ho had to seU,
Will never gather in the great big
Hhiniiii! doilarri,
Like ho w ho i lium a tree and hcl
Now in out wood tawing, we ave
pitied feverij trten, and being natur-
tlly ai-ful ouiMlei we are negotiating
ivit Home of Hood liiter's expert "hol
lers" with the purpose of having the
attent ion of hoini stekets called to the
tact, that while Unde wood itt city two
iiilca from Hood bher hi.iI hence pc si
irHHing like conditions of noil and cli-
iitnte, 1 -nd here cult he had for about
one third what ih iiked in Hood Kiv-
r, owing to the fact that no have
leen w i limit raliroad liil'lllt ten, I, lit
with two and po-siMy three big rauih
building by our door, we will lie the
favored ones in the tutiiie.
There will be meeting at the cchoo!
liotii-e Haturday to decide win ther oi
not to accept tho proposition made I v
I lie railroad company in regard to
changing tho old loud and deciding
ou the location ol crosnliigs.
Made an Inspection 1 1 llontl liiver
II. S. Van Ditsi ii, State Fish Warden,
W. linker, of foliage (in, ye, State
iauie Warden and I.. S. I'liU, of The
'nlles, deputy li-h warden, wero all in
iw it .Monday in respene to a request
f" I
nitiKe an itisperiioti j iioini Kuer in
sard to the protection of the It
, j
Complaint had been nmdo that the
state gunie and tislumt laws were beine
tolnted and the about named gentle-
men ciime licic and lit cotnpanv With
eral Hood liiver peeplv were taken
over me Ait. uood railroad. 1 hev ex
amined the ti s-li ladder coiiktructt'd by !
e Kleclrio l ight and I'ower Company j.
and other smaller ones along the river.
ing as far as the new dam of the Ml.
lb'od Hail Hoiul Company.
I heollteers were mtished that if any
astin lor complaint existed it is one
ml eitn not very well be remedied at
csent and that artiii:emenls Were
ing or Had lieen nude tu comply
111 the law and returned to town,
tier in the ,l.ti- leaving for their homes.
If you are troubled with Piles and
tu't find a cure, try Witch Hazel Salve.
ut lie su e you get Unit made bv V.. C.
Witt Co., Chicago, it is liir oriir-
ttl. It von lave used Witch
ll., ,1
I I .
live without lun g leheved it is iooba-
ble that hold of one ol li e inaiiv
inhlesa euiintt iieits that are sold on
the reputation of the irenuine IVWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve.
While Hood liiver is going ahead our
White Sainton neigiiholB are not
standing Mid. They are going to have
an electric road ami bIho a line water
supply. Kt'Ccutly A. li. Jewett and J.
0. Mi Innis, ''of White Salmon, filed a
claim at Cinldendale on 5 cubic feet of
water per second in l!ig buck Creek,
hive cubic feet of water per second Is
equal to IJTJa gallons per seconil which
would give a supply of 3,247,000 gallons
a day an amount suMieit'tit to supply
10,Ki) people with ;I00 gallons apiece
each day let theni be us dirty or clean
as they like.
Ihe supply wdl l i- it ii i it iied to domes
tic and ordinary m-es of a cily not im
I'lndini! pmvi r ll is estimated that it
will cost f'.Ti.liOi) to bring it, down ti
town mid worx "t surveying' for pipe
line or dttc-li will le cotnenced inside ot
thirty days'. One of the hydraulic en
giuiTi's in tiic northwest lias been
secured to make a preliminary biiivc
i f Hie lire ami w ii arrive on t' e ground
in a few ilii.iti and l.iiet- ii in k f report.
1 lie Ing Hear ( reek Ium Its source in
the ghu ter ol Jit. Ada ins at d the w iiti-r
is ni.surpiis-i'd in quality, An analysis
has lieen made ot it and it litis oeett
found absolutely pure and good at nil
seasons of the year. It is said that this
supply would give l.ile Salmon the
beet water supply "between Vancouver
anil YValula.
Although grevn anxiety has been
felt the pi.t-t few d:,ys about the result
ot the cold weather to Hood Hlver'g
line i n hards, d lij.ent inquiry fails to
ili veliip tiny cause tor the same. Ap
ple trees are not tar enough advanced
to bo hurt, but pear, cherry and peach
trees may he slightly altected In ex
posed places.
Kepurts received today from various
districts iu tho valley tail to show that
any iiutin lias peeu done to fruit or
vegetation. The cold snap of the past
lew days is said by the Oregon iau to
lie unprecedented lor the last SO years.
Old inhabitants here and elsewhere
bear this statement out and consider
it very fortunate thut it did not come
a lew days Inter.
Democratic Meeting.
The Democrats of Hood Klver held
a nifoliiig leceutly and effected an or
giinbat Urn by electing 8. K
pie.-tdi'iit and Lou Morse vice presi
dent (!. I. ('tilliertson was made sec
retary ttiid treasurer. A committee was
apt uinted to secure space in one or
butii of the local papers for th t pur
pose of bringing to public notice some
of the reasons for taking a different
method iu securing the fulllllluient of
public duties. The next meeting will
lie held Saturday, March 17, at SiIM.
in lite city hall.
One w
a i'ohJi
utild think the Laxative idea in
siup slinuttl nave Oeen ad
vniieed long before it was. It scents the
only rational remedy for coughs and
colds would be to move t Ho bowels and
clean the it iti-i him membranes of the
throat and lungs at the same time,
kellnedv's .untivo Hoiliv ' mid Tur
docs this. It in the original Laxative
i I mi I Si run. the best known reniedv for
coughs, coMs, croup, whooping cough,
etc, Tastes good and harmless, Sold
ty illiauiii ITiurmacy.
In the neuter of the estate of )aves Divers,
Nolle,, is hereby u-iv-en that the understisoed
h ave ilit Died their Dual account and reHirt
'as ex, viilor ot ttie last will and estateol
l'ii.s Pixel's, decease)!, late of llisld Klver.
J M a-.-M ,'"iiiiT , t ireon; w ith the clerk of the
isiimi eoiii t ot Wasco county, Oregon, and
' tint Hie jti.UM'ot said iHsurt has fixed Matur
; liny, me .'Hi day of April, men, at the hour of
; I oYJiM'U p. in. of said day as the time, and
I the county court room at the Jtallea city. In
j Waeo coimtx , tuvgou, as the place for u'eur-
illC said tilliil ies,rt.
All ikimi.s Interested In said esuate are
hereby untitled lo appear tit said lime and
plnec :,nu stiow eaust,, if any there be, why
said reMii si,ould noi In alt resiHtta be al
low, tl, iatule.1, iipprox-e,! and ouflrint-d, and
tiic said executors tlux-hargisl and llieir
hot.dvincu , . Iionornt)! and released. That
I ssod or.U r ot s.n.l court Is ttMbtl March i. IS, i.
ueieoy pniuisiien tor tour I'onsD-iitive
u., , . t,.,,,,.... , ii.,...) ,j -
U lacier tieiiv on Maivli S, ltOii, and Ihe last on
A, l.b l'i
I'ated it ll.vsd Kiver, Oregon, this Srd day
of .March, lt,. w. K N K.l'K,
St. r. NKKK.
ni.lao Kxecutors.
Quito a number of Shirt Waists
very nice Material and neatly mtidn
worth from f 2.00 up to $3.00
Your Choice, only $l.f 0
Just arrived. An endless va riety at
from 25 cents up
to trade at our
Goods for the
t party oi engineers and surveying
under tin- employ of the Waluln Pacific
has been making its headquarters at
uie uoiti rvaucomn at iiooa Kiver
lately, Ihc party includes H. A. Hand,
chief i tititn es of the party, A. Itaiid,
Chas. '1'hiu lit, son, f. A. jthotles, Wil-
Ireil A. lute, and v w l'rebstel.
The surveying paity Is engaged in es-
taDitsntng tne lute ot tho rttflit of wav
bought by Hie Walulu I'aeilie many
years ago and whose corners and mark
ings have became indistinct. It; has
been thought that this somewhat mv
thicnl railroad had about been climated
from the fight for right t.f way along
the north bank, tint every little while
It bobs up at some p tint and gi es
merrily on with the contest,
It was not km nit that the AValulu or
whatever road is ba-k of it had any
holdings in this vicinity. The party
has been travelling tip and down I he
river in a steam huiuclt making land
ings at arious points in to lind
corners that have become obscure by
the ravages of time,
It is the intention it is said after find
ing them to make a resiu vey and dis
cover il polite of tlie property that has
been secured by the north bank road
his not been illegally secured from
parties who had no right to dispose of
Several cases of this kind have been
taken to the court at (ioldentlale mul
Vancouver and contests tne nlmo l
daily occurence. From the amount ,,f
money being spent in rigid of way mul
the width it is being made indications
are that more than one railroad is in
terested in the building of a line along
that wide of the river.
ITImhT Land, Art of ,1 tine .1, is:s
United plates Liind Oltlee. The Dalles, Ore
gon, Jan. itr,. IHOii. Notice Is lierel.v Kiveu
tltat in compliance with the prnvisiortsoi the
act ol ('oiiifress of June 8, 1S7S, vntlileil "An
act for the sale of tlinhor Ittmls In the stittes
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to ull the pulillc
land stnles by act ol Aiiiiiisl 1. Ih'.r,
ofHt Johns, eounty of Multnomah, slate of
OrcKon, has tills day tiled In this otllce tils
sworn statement Mo. 27111. for the purclmseor
the lots a, 4, 7 mid s of Section a, I ,,. l north
ratine K., W. M.
That he will offer proof to sliotv that the
ImiiiIh raiiKht arc more valiiuolt lor the tint.
her or stone thereon titan lor at-rleultunil
purposes, and to estublkili his claims to said
iiiuiis neiore me Hegister and Keculvur at the
land oltice In The Dulles, Oregon, ou May
f.'tli, Watt. . ' .. '
He names the following witnesses,- KllsC.
Olson nd Win. l. llalhgitte of I'orlltind, Ore
gon; Joint C. Ileltgesof I'llH In 1 1 o, I IrcKutl, 1, lot
K. Krutchy of H's'd Hiver. ongon. '
Any anil all tiersons elHiniliiviidverweiv i,,,e
of the alHive tlescribcd iainls are reqne.ili!l ti,
tile their claims In this oilice on or before lite
said l'lll day ot.Mnv, Htm,
niSmlO Ucgister.
In the County Court of the Suite of or. ,..,
for Wasco County. 1
In the mailer of the estate of rto-l.e .t,,,,.,k
deceased, '
Notice Is hereby given that the inwlerslu,,. ,l
has been duly amsilnteii hy n,e . i , ,,,,,,
Court (or Wasco Coun ty. Oregon, administra
trix of theestate of i'lifhe .oms, deceasid,
and all persons havlngclalms auulnst lhesi,l
estate are re,ttl ed to pies) nt same with Hie
LSMU'er vouciiers attacneu. w i n v i,i,o.a
'nun thednleoftllB first rtllbl ItHl of tins
nonce, at me otllce ol l outs ,t lirhy, Hood
liiver, Oregon.
I'ZM R. ,1i ini:s, .
Administratrix of the estate of Pl.tbe Jotiee,
laited and first pnblisliei March is, pui'i
KtU'TS A lU IiltY,
Atlotneya tor Administralrix.
(Timber Ijind, Aet JuneS, Is7.i.i
I'nlted States Land tlfflce. The Mallei,
Oregon, January 15, urns. Notice Is hereby
giVBll that In compliance with Hie provisions
of the act of congress ol'.lune t). Is s, eiiMtled
"An act for the sale of timber lands Hi tne
stales of California, llieion, Nevada and
Washington Territory." as - t-xlenik-d Ui all
the public land slates by act of August 4, Isirj,
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, haa this day filed in this office ids
sworn statement No. J7:, for the purchase of
me svi 4.r.l4, i '4sM, and 5i,stvi s.
lion 5, township 1 north, ntnge K .; W. M
mat he will oiler proof to show that the
imi" soiiKni are more valuable for the tim
ber or sume thereon than for agrictiltuiai
pitrissses, and to estabdsh his claiins to
said land before the Register and K,ieivcr al
ihe land office in The JJallea, Oregon, on M.ty
IlttK iiiu(
He names Ihe following witnesses: Nils
l Olson. t W. Kmtasdv. llcniumit, k- 1-ivS.-
of Portland, Otvgou, and Johu K. Hedges, of
Any and all persons claiming adversely
anyol ihe atiove-Uesrr ii.eil holds are niiir-t-ed
to tlie their claims in tbisollice ou r be
lore lliesald lOtll dav of May lull
niaiilll) illc'IIAliL T. Ni'l.AN, Keglster
Pnip a ear,l to Chas. K. Terrlll and gel vour
Oivans, Machines eu-., etc., cleaned anil ie
)ialreti at your home. I'rlcca very reaaouable.
For Sale
For Bale Buir Orpingtons n(t Bud Leg
horns vrry line; etiK" per setting, Orplnsrlons,
5 hunt. Ieliorns, 'ftc. Mrs, A una Anderson,
Hond Klvcr. I'lione l-75. at
For HalrA span of mules, hlgbt IS hands.
l,aboiit 1 1 oil nu ll; 1) yesre old, tiood drivers
and it"' workers. Address Jl. A. Moore,
Hood Klvcr, Ore.
For Sale Eggs for batching from pure bred
prize winning Hurrpd l'l) month. Hocks. Mm.
J. .1. Ward. Phono l'Hx. Mil
Kor Sale-Young pigs and le g,
Pctiler, K. F. 11. No. 1. 1'hotie 1247 x.
II. W.
Kor Kale Good, dry, oak wood, tl 60 per
cord, delivered. V. W. Angus.
for Hale Brown oire,or will trade for bay.
Weiglit about WO. iranlc Parker.
Kor stale A good Jersey family cow.
tr. Hoy JO I Is. ' ;
nt 16
Hor Buyers. Attention!-
About February
iltl It 1 will have driving and draft i"irses lor
sale at Odell. Call or nltoue K. T. t ol . IDI
For Hale The very best strain of Plymouth
Hock chickens. Ti ose that have a record and
from stock which gave perfect satisfaction
last year. Kggg and stock for t.ale. Place
your orders early. Mrs. H ray fold, Hot-kford
SUae. B. F. I). No. 3.
ForSnle-Pekln duck eggs "5 eenOt for 11.
II. W. I'.eler, H. F. D. No. 1. Phone 1217. mi8
For Kale Twenty tons of wheat hay. In
quire at Hie Pine lirove store. IlllW
For Sale Horses, young or old, from Hi ee
tomiyage. Price flu u S11I0. Kmtulre of P.
F. Httelley, Kast Hide. nra
For Hale Two fresh helfeta; also one 3U-ton
stave silo, IU. J. II. Kobe rg. Phone 801. ni
Will trade a two-year-old eolt, broken to
ride, for chickens, l'hone 1313. Farmers. m2S
Kor Hale A msre 8 yean old, weight 1100
pounds; drives single or double. Hultable for
all work, and a gi od roadster. It. IS. Hurbl
nn.. Pltone.m. - MIU
Kor Kale Hlxteen-lnch oak wood, at Trans
fer and Livery Company's. Mid
For Hale Dry Its-Inch oak wook.
Main 71. Uavldson Fi'illt Company.
For Bale One big team for heavy hauling;
I doable row wheat disc, Walla.Walla make,
nlttiost as good us new and at half price. G.
I. Sargent, Barrett ranch. . M16
Kor Hale Het of spring tooth harrows. Will
Irade for sdt of common harrows. Address
It. w. Caldwell. Mlii
For Sale,-J75
i per acre. Twenty-four acres, a
I lie Barrett schtsol house. In-
tew tods trout
quite ofK. M. lamp, Hood Klver. ore., or D
. III1I, C'urvallis, Ore.
Kor Hale Two Utls
D. li. Jackson.
ou Shermans A vanuc,
For Hale Good Mix-to,im house besides hath
pantry and closeis, tor tiW. Also other good
hu8. luiiii.e of A. W. oulhank.
For Ha ie A business lot on Htranahan ave
nue. For part. culars apply lo T. I). Tweedy.
For sale tJreat Bargain Tea acres Smiles
out; small orchard, best variety ot liees; two
small bouses. Price, $875, W75 down. Inquire
For Sale Fifteen acre land, unimproved;
will contract to clear same if purchaser de
sire, r. w.AugiiH. uv-ir
ror Kent At K.ast Beltnont, a seven room
house with y. ol an acre of land gissd for gar-
din put poses: I Inch of water with place.
r,u(uiie ui a. vy . oooruiuu. i none rati.
ForHale HO acrea5 miles from town, near
lor alfalfa, and 41 acres partly cleared. uhani
iwfcn a unit: i.s acres IU wneai., i acres reau
ant water; protected front wind; excellent for
Spilz.eiibergs or Newtowns. A bargain; time
or casti. win ne nere iwo or three weeks.
Phone M25. L. W. Jones. ml6
For sale for .10 days-Klghlv acre of fine at
pie land, patlly cleared; especially adapted
for Newtowns aud dpititenhergs. only Ml aa
acre. Can also locate you on homestead or
timber claim. Uood saw mill at, half price.
Come and see me. K. Fields, White Salmon.
Wash. ,,,15
For Hale one of the best lmnroved fruit.
wheat and aliiilla farms In Wasco county; III
miles souteol The Unllesat Euderely. Address
II. Simons, Kiidetely, Ore. mis
Wanted To cxrli.utge either Hill acres ol
land lu Croik county or a line oiatio tor a
leant of horses and rig, cows, hogsor poultry.
appty to j. Aitriau r pplng, Heconu and Mor-
soil hltt els. rortianu, Ore,
Wanted-Ten acres of Siiitenlieia or New.
town orchard with trees 4 eurs old or over
(JksIi. Address Ii, care (Hacler office.
Kor lient-4-ioom cotiiit'e In lllowers' odni-
t:on. i tee water. s ir niouih. Mrs. 11. J.
Iirmlertik. istr
Vs'iit.ied Woman lo do
lu.liii'e of Alts. Ja ne.
Wanted Two boarders at
family wasiong.
'The Kirs." Ap
1 1 1 - 'J
ply K, W. Cross, phone lllt;l.
Wanted I'artieB lo contract cutting cord
.vood. Mppa orchard Co.. Hood l'iver. Ore..
K.F. D.1U. n,2S
Wanted Kainlly washing to do. Will call
for and deliver the cloihes. Address Marv
Wolhart, HiKid Klver. mai"
Wanted 'Jld rubber, brass, coonpr. lend
zlnn, lili es and lur. Call or address U. C
basieny, noou Klver, rid No. 2. ii
Wanted Two boarde-s at "The Kirs '
K. W. Cross, phone HID.
Wanted O d rubbers. I will he In H,i
niver every smiuruay rail on or adiiressii
i.. E-asieny, noou niver; rta. .ui
Bids for hauling
four-fiHit cord
wood about of a tulle,
Address O. I,. Hellish,
Menominee, ore.
Hauled A work team. Welirln nt less
inaii i,nw loa. u. A. l.itlleneld. K. K. V. No.
Wsmed-Room and hoard for four or five
aitig men. Would preier renting furnished
muse when arrangements could he mni rr
nuaru. aiusi oe close to town, liood usiking
leisireu. n iiiuti; to iay mr nrst-class accom
ino.lutlons. Address "It. K," Oalcier office.
. A1I6
Wanted-Agents to cauviss for Internat on,
all'ilhlisliln i;otn)Htiy, MM to lC).l.t)aday
A id rem Mrs, K. C, Kruger, cilv. Mill
wm k for
Men and teams on construction
runners iirigauu company. A,
.C. Stattn.
Wanted-Woman to do housewerk. wages
v- 1-, ..c.iii,,. r.uquue oi ot jonn inland
iieituersjon. - mid
Wanted-oune man K or IS, to work In
siorc near inaiu itiver. Must, nave reference
Addre s s and C uiacier ottlee. Htate wages
"I' Mill
Lost-A blue silk umbrella with natural
wood bundle. If found retmn to .Mrs. A J.
UruUaun. '
Lost-A gold filled watch, with leather watch
gnurd on rt. isih. J-ind. r please return to
Ihisonlce. t,. 1). Thotntou.
Foiiud In this office an umbrella, owner
can tiuvesame by apply t tins ottiw.
J K wi(id-I offer a stand ng reward of JS0
for information leaning u the mi iwi and eon
vl'eflou ol ihe pany or parties who mallclou--u
c"'l1"vn ,'p"' tn my orchard beiw en
H "oHtiverinl Mosier. K. (i. Stuar. MJ
Klftylo7S per month for your spare mo,
nietits. Nocauvussing. New Kra Exchange,
Vtyetb.Ore. Mli
- Timber land Aft, June .1, 1K?
t'tllted States Land Ofnoe Tho nniin.
Iron. Feb. 13. It),- .alice is herehv ulveii ti,i
in eoutpiiauoe with the provtslom nf the act
of (smgiessnf J mien, istx, entitled "An act f.e
inc sate ot liniia-r lands lu tiie slates of I' ll,
fornia Oregon. Nevada and Washington ler.
r.wry, as extended to all the public land
slates by act of Atlguat 4, lJ2, Mary E Tick
ner. of Honlaml. county of Multnomah, state of
Orarnn, has ihis day tiled in this office her swnrn
alalement No. for the pui cha.)e of the NW
of Section No 34, in Township No. 2N Raiise
Na KB, W.M . and will offer proof to show that
the land sonrht is mere valuable for ita timber or
atone than fur agricultural purposes, and to es
UU'jh her claim to sa'd land before the Register
and Receiver i I'hc Palles. On-gon, on the alat
day of Map. lloH - . -. V
Shenamas as witnejses; Fred Fniotachy, of
Hl Kivw. Oseiroe. J. J,'. Rnsin, of Houd River
Or.m. Nilea aOih,of Portland. Oregon. I
L. Tickner, of Portland. Oregon
Any and all (a rsons claiming adversely the
shhve described lends are requested t0 file
their claims in this office on or before the said
2lt day of May lsos.
mlSnU7 AliviHAELT. NOLAN, Register
Real Estate
Five room house, ami lot 80x110 feet,
on the heirhts, 1,HHI. Terms reaoti
ahle if taken soon.
WO acre mountain ranch, all under
irrigation ditch, twelve miles from Hood
River; six acres cleared, one aire or
cliaidjgood bunch u.atkilablo timber.
Also four lots on hill near residence of
Charles Caslner; terms reasonable. ,
5 acres, one mile from Hood Hiver;
all apple. 1 acre bearing. Piice for 3U
days, flSoO.
40 acres 6 miles from town, east side;
20 acres cleared, 10 acres orchard, f IL'5
per acre, cash.
4 room cottage. East 45 by 150 fet of
Lot 2 block U, Parkhurst, $1050; T50
House and two lots in Burrett-Sipma
addition. $700.
Fine business lot on main street for
f 1000 on installment, or $1500 cash.
New 6-roomed cottage, patent bath
and closet, four lots, 3 blocks from depot,
center of town, $2100; terms reasonable.
Two lots centrally located, $550.
Two lots, new 6-foomed house, patent
bath and closet, 3 blocks from depot,
center of town, $1700.
Two-story 8-roomeii cottage, lot 70 by
140. on the hill, $1200; terms reasonable.
ForSaUs 9000 acres iiine limber; 1
saw mill, cuts 20,000 per day; 1 planing
mill, capacity .30,000 feet per day ; 1
store and stock of liierehamliM', about
$3,500; 1 hotel ami contents; 1 saloon
building, rented ; 3 houses, rented; 10
head horses and harness ; H road wag
ons, 3J H; 1 lodging truck; 5 pair
sleighs; 3t head cattle; 60 head bogs;
600 feet lumber; 2000 cords wood. All
located at and near Hilgard, Or.
For Sale New two-story 9-room
house; Htranahan addition; $1100; terms
14 acres across the road from the M.
M. Davenport residence. $00 per acre.
TermB easy.
100 acre mountain ranch, all under ir
rigation ditch, twelve miles from Hood
Kiver; six acres cleared, one acre or
chard; good hunch marketable timber.
Also four lots on hill near residence of
Charles C'astner; terms reasonable. In
quire of John Leland Henderson.
One goat ranch on mountain east
of valley on county road. Trice $1,500;
has small house, running water, and is
fenced. Terms, easy.
For Sale Heautiful lots in Park addi
tion, center of town, from $200 to $;!IKV
lajfs 10, 11, 12, block 5, Waucotna ad
dition; improved; price $1,000; 4 or
more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent
For Sale Residence on State street at
head of Front ; $2,500, ineiudiiij,' ;i lots.
For Sale or Exchange for Hood Kiver
property Fine residence in business
center of Sumpter.
Money to loan.
21 a. at Frankton; improved; $2-100.
First-class Surveying Outfit.
At the Emporium are kept 2 first-elasa
transits and solar attachments, and the.
proprietor, a practical surveyor, Is pre
pared to do the work of laving out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
City Kntjineer.
ITiuiber Land. Ael June 3, l;s,
United States Land otllce, The Mai lea, Ore
gon, Jan. 'iird, ltmt,. Notice is hereby gixen
that In compliance with the provisiuit- oi ti,e
act of congress of June 8, 1S78, entitled "An act.
for the sale of timber laads lu tin: stales ol'
Callloinia. Oregon, Nevada and Vi'iislniieton
lerrttory," as extended to all tne public I,,, ml
.Slates by act of August 4, lsirj,
of Portland, county of Multnoinuh, state of
Oregon, has this day filed In this otllce Ins
sworn sliilelnelil, N0., for thcpllielinse of
the lots 1,1 and II, seel Ion ;1, lot 4, suction a.!,
tp. '2 N., K. U Kast ami lot 4, section ii, IV 1
north, ran e K, W, M.
That slie will oiler proof to show the lands
tight are more valuable tor the timber or
stone thereon than for agricultural pin poses,
nu io esLiiousn uer Claims to salil ialltls
before the Keglster and Receiver at the Ian, I
ollieeln Tlie Dalles, Oregon, on May is, liiHi.
Hhe names the following witnesses: Nils r.
Olson and W. H. Kalhgale of Portland, Ore.;
Walter Uneed of St. Johns, theiron: K. l-oiol-
schy of Hood Kiver, Oregon.
Any and all iH-rsoua claiming adversely
any of the above described lauds are reijuesi
ed to rile their claims in this oitteu on ot bis
tore the said lilli day of May, Hum.
mm 0 Register.
United States Land Office, The Dalles. Or- pon.
March 10th lS0.-Notice is hereby given that the
following named settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of hia claim
and that said proof will be made before the Reg
ister and Receiver at The Dalles. Oregon on Apiil
lath, 1'.'08.
of Hood River. Oregon, on H. E. No. 8740, for the
SK'4NirV4.8W,4NB,'4. NW'iSE1, and NE' .SWU
Sec. 8. Tp. 1, N.. R 11, E W. M
He names the following witnesses to prove his
contlnous residenie upon and iul: Vdion of taid
land, viz: John Wctt, of Hood Kiver. Oregon.
Emd D. West; of Hood River, Oreiron. William H
Davis, of Hood River, Oregon. John W. Mavis, of
Hood River, Orep-on.
Wood & Gray
and Ciirars
Troy Steam Laundry
White Salnion-Iiood River
Two bitf nail bouts, two
bi perfectly nafe a.oline
aunche.s and two bi IVrry
scows, hxpert sailors m
charge. l?oat.s le'ive nt all
lours. DEiN & I'EAIISON
L'u:ritd Firrjnun.
U. S. Commissioner Notary Public
The Oldest Insurance and
Real Estate Aent in town
Insurance Loans
i.oi. ,it,
Hood River, Oregon
Will let contract tn clenr 311 n, r' of liio l In
reunnsihle rth. About W acre .1. t hi'i
lug, stump ail rutted out, and c:in led and
with a .Hd team and baud grubbini. A. ll.
Moe, Uiacier office.