The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 08, 1906, Image 4

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I'y liouwfcll Shelley.
Do you know tbitt we are almost in
tlio lap of Hiring? (JnttiiiK nut at the
r-eop of day, wo wnlk with the Inula.
An orclmatra in the pinos iurnUlies iih
with (loIiKhttiil, CBtoliy mimic. As
the birds jump from liow to how of
the drooping pinos, they warhlo and
twitter, tttlliiitf ua of the nih approaub
of spring; while all about ub the silent
force of nature in an unwritten lan
guage apeak to us and point us on
ward and forcibly remind us that in
this brief life there is little time for
looking backward. A fitting illus
tration of this we have record of in
the oase of Lot's wife. The sun peeps
over the bill tops first spreading a
halo of splendor on old Dofliinoe in
the went an 1 Hood to the south, ibeu
nature's cost is olf and she gets in her
work in the opening and expanding
of the buds junt bursting into life.
The wheat and voteu flel Is greon up
and the old linn as she sits on ber
warm nest ru lilies her feathers and
sputters at you as you happen to pans
her way and you almost hear the
chirp of the chicks that will soon
1100k and burst thoir sheila. The de
lights and luxuries of the country
cau only be understood by experience.
E. P. Powell in his last week's lot
tor to the Independent on the follow
ing subject, "Khali we apologize for
the country." says: "Our cities have
so solidified until it is said that only
two persons in the world are known
to New Yorkers, that is Murphy and
Jerome." He further says, "An in
teresting census was a few years ago
taken and among the religious statis
tics It was shown that in Now York
City there weie soveral hundred per-
sous who had never heard of Jesus
the Christ." While it is hard to con
ceive that such a condition could ex
ist In the heart of oity life, yet when
we think of it it Is not only the light
of the Christ life that they are shut
off from but the sunlight of day that
animates all nuturo and mankind as
well, 'i'hore is an indescribable woo
ing and beckoning that comes to those
faiuiiiar with the hook or nature that
is their inspiration. That Is the
reason why li P. Powell at 70 years is
still a young man.
Mr. Edgar L. Kleiner who last week
purchased forty acres from Alfred
Wood is on the ground making his
borne with Mr. Wood at present. He
Is already the man behind the grub
hoe. His father who came with him
and aided him in securing this apple
land, returned last Hiiuday to his
home at Fairbault, Minn., where be
is engaged in the manufacture of
woolen goods. Mr. Kleiner j.inior 1h
young lu years yet Is equipped with
knowledge along horticultural lines
and Intends to have nurHery stock as
soon as the ground is cleared. He is
anxious to contract for the clearing
of a part of all ot the 10 acres as soon
as possible. We welcome such young
blood and wish him success.
The Doctor First
Then to us with tho Prescriptions.
We Do Not Prescribe
That is the Physician's business. WE DO, however, COMPOUND
THEIR PRESCRIPTIONS exactly as they want them, with Stand
ard Drugs of Known Purity.
Our prices are always fair.
n 1
wauco. specialists
A word that means much to the ones
who carry a watch. It is especially
applicable to
away Watches
For increasing sales demonstrate their ability to ren
der perfect service
That sale of R. R. Harbison's of 80
(acres for -J000 is another link in the
; chain of evidence that is surely going
i to convict Hood River valley under
the charge of being the very hett val
ley in ail the northwest. Wo con
gratulate the iliirbisoiiti on the fact of
what appears to be a good tale and
congratulate the people of the valley
on tue fact that the Harbison bave
no intention of leaving a valley that
has dealt so generously with them.
This deal leads us to remark that the
present seeming good prices being at
present paid for apple laud will io a
few years appeal a mere pittanoe,
simply a tithe of what bearing orchards
will be permanently worth. It is a
noteworthy fact that there are only a
few commercial bearing orchards in
all the valley at present writing. Then
noting another fact that the next two
or three years will unfold what non
residents persist in calling our litera
ture on the valley (another fairy tale).
fJut let the knocker knock, the kicker
kick, and the pessimist look through
the ho e in lirotlier Dennett's; dough
nut, but the work of transferring
Hood Kiver valley into the first ad
dition to the garden of Kden will still
go on and orange lauds of California
will bo a drug in the market along-ide
of the red apple orchards of Hood
Kiver valley.
Miss Pool returned home last week
much improved iu health after several
week's absence.
Horse swapping and selling is now
the daily occupation of seveial fellows
about Odell. The ntreetB of Cairo
present a busy sceuo, several different j
kinds of horses ami horse Fanciers ap
pearing there daily each or.e making
money from the other fellow.
The prospective opening up of a new
road running east from Udell to the
Pine drove road and the straighten
ing of tho road running through Odell
is tie absorbing topic hero. Last
Saturday a non resident who is inter
ested iu one of tho roads called me up
and made a big talk against the lay
ing out of a road which has become a
public necessity. We hereby serve
notice on all such non-residents that
this country is going ahead and if
they can't stand tor publlo improve
ments that aro necessary they bad
best sell out, for they will not be per
mitted to knock a spoke out of the
w heels of progress.
Koport has it that Mr. and Mrs. 13
1 1. lioardman will soon move to town.
Mrs. Kandman, who bus charge of
1!. 1). Shelley's home and of our grand
children, spent last Saturday at
Mount Hood.
C. 8. McDufrer, Odell'i commercial
traveler and whose family lesidos
here, Hundayed with them at Odell.
Lat Friday evening after recess at
the literary there was an old fashioned
spelling match lu which the Odell
quill driver came off victorious. Hut
1 assure your readers that it was no
fault of his that he won out. Forty
years ago when spelling was not a lost
art he was a fair speller, but as we
grow older we foiget the thing) we
should remember and remember the
things we ought to forget.
J. W. Wilson's brother of Dakota
arrived at Odell last week. He seems
pleased with our valley and will prob-
alily remain, lie Is in soarcti or a lius
iness location. There is room iu Odell
for additional lines with large exper
Watchmaker and Jeweler
ience and small capital. Come along.
Mrs. Crockett, our former neighbor
who for several months past has been
living at Rupert, Idaho, is expected
to return to Odell the last of tin
month. Mrs. Crocket has a host of
friends here who will welcome the
return of herself and family.
Nettie Kemp spent last Sunday at
O loll. Nettie knows where to find a
quiet place to spend her Sunday and
she rlso knows where her borne and
friends are.
M. D. Odell had charge of the ser
vices last Sunday. It was Kev. Trey
She'ley's appointment bat be was un
avoidably absent. Miss Sharp irom
Pine Orove furnished excellent spe
cial musto to a large and appreciative
T. A. Our bade of Portland was out
last Sunday looking over his Willow
Flat ranch. Mr. GUrbade is staking
a good deal In this country and will
dually win out. Mr. and Mr. Ouy
lalmi ge are living on bis ranch.
Mr. Kogers the photographer cf
Hood liiver with bis family was look
ing tho valley over last Sunday. Tbey
lunched at the Little White Store
It. D. Shelley went last week to
bunch grass and lined up a string of
9 head of horses for thia section that
had been over there during the win
ter. They all got home but some of
them are advertising for oats. It
bardlr pays to eend horses Into win
ter quiii ters when it is scarcely less
thau feti. r-Hliun.
Judging rroin rumors which are
afloat prubul ly entiiely without fouu
dution, in fact tb Hook of Proverbs
would prove good reading at this
R. E. Callit-on has leased the Watt
orchard tor the coming season. This
is a large orchard of bearing trts
and under proper care should p'ove
If you want to sell your ranch call
and see the real estate department of
the Little White stor.
After talking wltb outside parties
and considering the large amount ot
development work on every baud it.
requires no prophetic linger to point
to the year of I'M) as being the busi
est iu all the annals of the history of
the state of Oregon and Hood Kiver
in particular.
The methods employed ' by the
Chronicle of The Dalles lu the mutter
of the division of the county is uny
thing but dignified. It is to be re
setted that any one capable of run
ning a newspaper should adopt, such
methods, and yet it will aid Ilort
Kiver instead of proving a iletrimei.t
iu the long run.
Miss Marguerite Shelley, assistant
teacher In the Oilllspie school of ex
pression of Pritluiid, will gire au eu
teruinmeut al I he chimb in Odell on
Saturday evening, the 10th lust.
Mrs. Ouy Tallin y,a will furnish tho
music Miss Shelley is well known v.t
Odoll and yonrs ut training along el
ocutionary lines insures a pleasing
en tertainmeut.
Charles Plug, of the west side, aul
Louis Plog of Odell in company with
two friends passed through Odell lie t
Sunday, showing up this end of the
vail' y.
There will be a spelling match (it
Odoll on Friday evening the 10th be-
s3 Ga
fa j
V i
tween a select 10 of Pino Orove and
the same number at Odell. A largi
crowd will be present and something
will he doing. Come out.
John Kroner sold ten aeres of land
laft week to H. U. Hoard ma i. This
sale was made without au agent and
tinth parties are happy.
ve judge Hood Kiver inutt be very
(jiiiet these days. It is probably due
Urgoly to the ijict that there has been
no Unduiwood notes for south
time. Asa rule-Underwood pleoplo
any nothing and saw wood, for
bave too good a thing here to care to
spend much time telling other what
we bave, and cau do in the way of
growing fancy fruit. If any one do
wires information on these points,
look over the books of the Davidson
Fruit Co. or the Union, and then
come over via the Underwood feny
Biid we will show yon around without
charge. Underwood, in proportion
to her population, has made greater
trifles ahead in every direction than
any place on the Columbia; and what
nho has done is nothing to what
coming. A recent conference with
the oflioials of the north bank road
has made us all feel good, for we bave
liton assured that Underwood Is to
be on their map, they having just
learned that it is the natural outlet
for all the White Salmon country
unit, while they had made arrange
meuts to stoie a few box oars, lay
out extra freights, etc., up at Kin
gen, Underwood would be "it" when
it conies to depots. All we need now
is n few more nine people to come in
and cleHr np some of our timber land
to make Underwood one of the nicest
little communities on the river, for
we. hate all the advantages of soil and
climate tua' Hood Kiver people have,
and some that tbey have not. Not
ably, these Underwood berries are at
least one week and sometimes two
weeks earlioi thau Hood River ber
ries, which makes from one to three
dollars difference in the price. Un
dorwood is entirely free from tbose
"trade winds" 1 tint are so trying to
Hood Kivor tempers and complex
Ions. If you don t believe it, in
quire at Smith & Clarke's- store and
they will tell you all about it.
Our new school house is a source of
great satisfaction to old anil young
alike. It is the real thing now since
tiie bell was installed iu the belfry
and, barring a few eccentricities of
the school house clock, there is not
much chance for improvement.
the completion ot the dock Is now
promised at an early day, all the tim
hers being on the ground and part of
tho rock for the cribs hauled, while
tho piliug has beeu iu place fur some
Fred Lutby, Will Wendorf, Keely
and Dubois, Obas. Walthers, W. F,
Cash, Jim Hayues, C. 11. Cromwell
and several others are all busily en
gaged iu clearing land.
Our Sunday school now has a large
regular attendance. .
Kev. H. (ioyu of Portland hold ser
vices iu tho fchool hoiiHO Sunday,
nearly all Underwood beiug present.
We understand that Robert Leasnre
has gone to work ut a logging camp
kjiowu as tfto Ueliner camp. Mr.
Moody is running it tbis winter.
Marguerite Hbeiloy will give an en
tei'taiuineut at the .Mount Hood ball
Monday niulit, March 12. There will
bo no need of telliug how good it will
bo, as all have beard her before, this
being ber third appearance at Mount
Hood. Mrs. Ouy 'ftilmnge. will furnish
the limine, which insures it being
llrHt class. Everybody como and have
a good time. Admission only zoo for
adults and loo lor children.
Deputy Olinger had some business
to transact in our neighborhood last
There will he preaching at the school
bouse next Sunday, botli morning and
eveuiug. Kvreybody invited. A step
will he taken towards building
church also, I lion rut donation was
made by Miss Nan Cooper, who do
nated her expenses when she went
to The Dalles as a delegate for the
Sunday school.
Miss llagerinan of Jfortalnd oame
up Thursday to see some of ber folks.
J. C. Davidson, O. II. Shaw and F.
li. lless took in the open meeting of
the Pino Urove Orange Staurday ev
euing. Ihey report a very good time,
A collection was taken up Sunday at
Sunday school for the starring Japan
ese. Another one will be taken next
Sunday, as some ef the women
thought they would like to holp the
little Japs, but were unable to do so
till next Sunday, for they were not
equippod with pookets to carry their
purses, as the men were.
W. 1!. Davidson hag been having a
round of the sore oyes. He says they
are nothing to brag of.
Mrs. Alex. Stewart, postmistress
M osier, is visiting ber sou, Ira,
wnre Maimou.
Mis Katharyne Davenport, who has
Due n numg a vacancy in the l'ine
Oiove school for the past two months,
la. ut home again with ber mother,
Mrs. ii. Davenport.
On Friday afternoon a grange lodge,
consisting of t hirty members, was or
ganized by Mr. Voorheea, who has
been with us for the past week labor
ing in le half, ot tbis organization.
! 1 ho estate of the late Capt. John
MeNulty was sold recently to a Tort
land man for the consideration of
Miss Anna Godborson, teacher in
district No. 8, was a passenger ou Fii
day's evening train for The Dalles.
Mr. Led better, who Is manager of
the Abbot fruit farm, has purchased a
valuable team of horses with which to
perform hie farm work.
Mrs. Amos Root returned from The
Dalles Friday, at which place she bad
spent the week receiving medical at
tention. . '
Mr. Kodgers of Hood River is visit
ing his daughter Mrs, Price Hunter.
Kev. J. Lt. Spight of Hood River
will begiu a series of meetings on
Sunday next, which will continue
throughout the week following.
S. D. I'Ulior came no from Hood
Li; Kiver on Thursday am) spent a few
W days with his fafniiy.
On Friday Mrs. Parish returned
j? I from The Dalles, to which place she
i'j j had taken tier little eon, who was
M ! sintering from au acute attack of ton
sil j silitis, tor uiedioal attendance.
Dr. . T. Cooke, his wife and son
Harold of 1'nrtlaud spent Saturday and
Similar visiting Mrs. Cook's sister,
Miss Dollie Mosier. The doctor, ac-
enm null i..l In h a fumlltr la an rstnta
to Denver.CoL, to which place he goes
iii the service of the O. li. A N. Co.
to deliver lictuivs ou dry farming.
Having purchased a bill of lumbei
roiu the C'liamberluiu mill, Mr. Dick
iusou expresses his inteution of erect
ing a neat cottrge on his homestead
up Mosier creek.
i imi i i in
7c know what all good doc-1
fors think of Ayer s Cherry
'Pectoral. Ask yourown doc
tor and find out. He will tell
you how it quiets the tickling
throat, heals the inflamed
lungs, and controls the
hardest of coughs.
" Ater'i Cherry Pertnral U well known In
our amj. We think it it the twst mediclim
in the world for roughs urn! c.uUU."
Katib i'jcmttfoN, l'etalum,
2.V.,,Vte.,ffl.W). ,j.r AVitir ro.,
All itrmrifints. l.owHr.
Hard Coughs
Ona of Asr'a
Pills at bodfin will
:ry. O-rtly I ' " -' "j.
Mr. Wilson and wife, recent dm i: kIs
here from the Fust, have moved Irto
the house owned by Mrs. ft, li Weed.
The pupils in District 52 who sre
worthy of having the name placed mi
the roll of Honor for the month end
ing March 2, are as follows: I. re
Fivaus, Flora Stradley, Ele (Joracke.
Clare Bailey, Ora Waite, Alice Mosier,
Willie Stewart. Douglas Morgan, Mary
Morgan, Emily lint-bunds, Aldiuo
Hudson, Annie Ilaacke, Alefora
Haacke, Leodica IJaacke, James
(Iroeue, Mamie Oreen, Johnnie Ep
ping, Oartriido Davenport, Willie
Depee, I!ay ISailey, Floesie Bailey
Husum Is on the boom ; there has
been several meetings here iu refer
ence to the electric line, which isle
go up the White Hainion valioy io
Trout Lake in the near future.
' Mr. Fox is building a m at JiM j
log bouse on his place, and is il o
having lumber hauled for a barn.
The Menominee camps have b eu
sending a large amount of bv douu
the Wibte Salmon : rhtr the i utt few
Mrs. Abreus has returned bonie af
ter a few months' visit iu the East.
Kev, Mcintosh holds services in
the school houso the iccoud Sunday
of each month.
Miss Wallers and M s. llyndinnu of
the heigths are iu Portland for a few
W. II. Dean Ib in Trout Luke ou
business thiB week.
Mr. OIon is building a new house
on his homestead,
Mrs. liogo of Pine Flat, who has
been waiting on Airs. Williams for
the past week during ber tiokntsi,
has returned hume. t
Home?eekers are coining iu every
day looking for locations.
C. W. Moore, vice president of the
proposed electric line, passed through
Hnsuln-ou his leturu from Portlaud
last week.
Max Ladigus of Camas delivered
teu head of boef cattle to O. li. Hart
ley of Hood Kiver this week.
ihe new grade from Huhuui over
the mountain to Piuo Flat country is
Hearing completion.
S'art a Hraneh Olllce at Seattle.
H. F. Craft, of the Arm of J. II.
Heilbrouner & Co., left with his fam
ily for heattle, yesterday, where he
will establish a branch oilioe at Ur,t
point for the firm. Seattle is the ob
jective point for many eastern people
looking for western locitiom, and Mr.
Craft will be able to meet many per
sonally and explain 'he advantages of
the Hood River coun'ry. Mi.-is Ain a
Pettis, of Oakland, Cab, who has been
visiting ber sister. Mrs. Craft, at
Hood River, will accompany them.
ITImber Ijind, Act .1 tine 8, 1X78.1
United Rtatnn Land Offlee. The Dulles.
Oregon, January lft, MOif. Notice In hereby
given that Id cunipltunce with the provlHiens
of the act ormncrwiH of .liine 8. lain, pru n ed
An set tor the sale or timber mimn n the
Mates or can tor n I a, Oregon, Nevada and
W UHhlnirlon territory, ' as exleuded to all
the public land mitten by set ! Aunul 4, lt!rj
of Portland, county of Mtmnomuh, s!nt of
Oregon, has thin day nled In thin ortlee hlii
Hworn Muiemeui No. 271m, lor the purcliatie el
ine n!'4ivi, W4MIV4 una iVjpw i, s
lien 5. lownidnii 1 north, rnnre II ti.. W. M .
That he will offer proof to hw thai the
land sought are more valuable lor the lim
ber or auaie thereou than tor agricultural
urnoHCM, sad to establish his claims to
wild land Ielore the KeitNier and Kccelver ai
the land office In The Pal lea, Oregon, ou May
He names Ihe following witnesses: Nils
C. Olson, (.'. W. Kmbody, licnlainln K. Klsher.
of l'ortland, Oregon, and Joliu K. Hedges, of
luataiin, orcgon.
Any sad all persons claiming ndverselv
snyol the above-described lands are rumiest-
ru ui uie ineir claims iu this diiiiu on or be-
lore iucmihi loth day ot May,
IliNllllO 11IOH AKIi T. NoLaN, Ueglster.
In Ihe mailer of the estate of Haves Divers
Notice Is hereliv given that. Ihe nnderalimcd
bave du y tiled their tlnal accounl and renort
aa execulors of Ihe last will and estate 01
Paves hivers, deceased, late of ild Kiver,
Wasco ctauity, oreuon; w iih the clerk of tin-
ctmnly court f W iisi-o county, Oregon, and
that Ihe Judge ot said court has lixtd Satur
day, the 7Ui day of April, I'HUi, at the hour of
1 o cum k p. 111. or saul nay as ihe lime, and
Ihe county court room hi thu lialles city, In
v asi) coumy. Oregon, as Ihe place forbear
ing said dual reMrt.
All names n crested In wild: estate are
hereby uotitied to aepeur r.l said time and
place and show cause. It an v llu-re be. u bv
aald report should not In all respects be al
lowed, ratinca, approved ana continued, and
Ihe said executors discharged mid Hielr
bondsmcn exlioaoraled and leleascd. Thai
aald order of said court is dated March j. m ri
and la hereby published lor lour consecutive
weegi. ine nrst insert on 111 the e mver
Olacier being on March 8, nisi, and the hist on
api 11 a, ii"i.
Hated at Hood Kiver. Oregon, thin Srrt duv
of March, I9u. WK. MM', '
M. 1'. M i l',
ni8n5 Kxccut'ira.
ITImbT l,nnd, Act of Junes, I st" S
Vnited Stall's Land Ortlce. The Italics, or-
gon, Jan. 2;tnl, ltnai. Notice Is hcit-l v giv, n
hat In compliance wilh the provision.. th
&rl of Congress of June .1, 1S7S, cutii ii u
act for the sale of timber hut. Is In ll;c s;n
of California, Oregon, Nevada and Whim;-
ton lerrilory, as extended to an tiie public
land stales by act ot August 4. Isiy,
of St Johns, county of Mullnomih, snte ef
Oregon, naa tins ttay na-ti in ibis ottice bis
sworn alatement Ntt. 27'.. for the parchus of
be lols :t. i. 7 and H of Section s. To. 1 mirth.
ranges K., W M.
That he will offer proofs to show that the
lands sought are more valuahlt for the lim-
Iter or stone thereon than lor aurlculumJ
puriHises, ami loeslabllsh his claims to said
lanns neiore (he itegister and lv
eceiver al tb
land oithe
The Dalles, Orcgon, on May
l-.'th, I'.ior
He names the following witnesses: NtlsC.
Olson nd W in. II, ItatlutHte of Portland. Ore
gon; John i Hedges of 1 mil in In. Oregon, and
K. Kruaiachy of H""d Kiver. orcgon. n
Any and all persons claiming adversely nv
of the atiove described lands hi c reiue.-ien li.
fllrlheir claims In ibis olllce on or bciore ilji
aald lllh di J of Mat, lHOri.
niSmlo Hegister.
New Waists
Just arrived a very
Pretty Assortment
in white and colored
embroidered lawns,
India lawns, per
cales, ginghams and
other materials.
Call and look at
Lace and
New lot just in, in
exceptionally neat
patterns, that we
are offering very,
very cheap.
Collars & Belts
A very pretty line
of new turnovers
at 15c and 20c. Ask
to see the belts.
Our new goods
are arriving for the
spring trade and
we, will have some
thing new to show
you almost every
time you call.
. B. Brag'g'
U. S. Commissioner Notary Public
The Oldest Insurance and
Real Estate Agent in town
Insurance Loans Abstracting
Hood River, Oregon
Sjiot Line
and Ujnion Pacific
3 Trains to the East Daily
Thtongh Pullman standarda and tourist
sleeping cara dally to Omaha. Chicago, Spo
kane; tourist sleeping cara dally to Kanrw
City; through Pullman tourist sleeping car
(peraonsally conducted) weekly to Chicago.
Reclining chair can (neat free) to tbeKtt t
V"1 p.rtl.nil. Or. "
Cblcago Rait Uka, Dcnvw, 1 124 . la.
Portland Ft. Worth.Omalia,
Bpeclal Kantaa City, Ht.
:Ua. m. Louli.Chioafoand
Tia HuL
AtlantU Bait I.aka, DenTer, liNll.
Kipreat Ft. W ona, Omaha,
ill p.m. Kan.aa City, Ht.
yla LouU.Chlcagoand
laaUngtoa. Kaak
Walla Walla, Lewis
M. Paul ton.Bpokane.Wal- lUa, .
Fait Mail lac, Pullman, .
1:16 p.m. Minneapolis, Ht.
Tla Paul, Duluth, Mil
pokaM waukea, Chicago
River Schedule.
KOR ASTORIA and :00 P. M. 6:110 P. M.
way polnta. connecting Dally Dally
with stemer for II aco except except
and North Beach steam- Hnnday, Sunday,
er H'uwalo, Ash atreet Haturdav,
dock (water per.) 10:00 P. M.
FOR Dayuin, Oregon 7.-09 A. M. 5:;W P. M.
City and Yamhill Rlv Dally Dally
er polnta. Ash atreet except except
dock (water per.) Sunday. Sunday.
FOR Ti WIHTON, 4:00 A. M. About
Idaho, and way points, Monday, 6:00 P. M.
from Hi par la, Wash. Wedn'd'y I Tuesday,
Friday. Thuraday,
I Sunday.
General Passenger Agent, Portlaud, Or.
K. D. WOODBURY, Agent, Hood River.
Select High Grade Berry Plants
Ph.nom.nal Brry
(Ireat money maker; aa high as Ji,10
per acre has been realised from a sin
gle acre here the last season. Kl'illt of
enormoiia size, varying from one to
two Indies In length; a brilliant rose
red color, dellctously flavored; ex
ceedingly productive; verv firm and a
good shipper. Price, per 10. f 1.00; iter
100. 7.f)0; per 1000, H5.00. ....
New Mammoth Blackberry
.rosB ueiweeu (nev;raauau tiiacgoerrr
and the Calif. Wild Dewberrv. It is
the very largest berry Irnil, of anything
known in the world today. The fruit
averages from two to three Inches in
length and la produced in the greatest
abundance. The highest Havered and
most delicious of all blackberries.
Tbey ripen three weeks before any
dewberry or bluckberry. A great ship,
per and money maker. 81.011 per 10,
in 00 per 100. SoO.Oo p -r icon
Logan Berry
a laiiioua oerry, now being widely
planted all over the country, Kruit
very laige and a handsome dark red
color; exceedingly productive, and
poasessed of a rich sub acid flavor.
One of the best canning berries known.
80 cents per 10, per Hill, 825 per low.
Himalayan Giant Blackberry
Will yield I0M quarts oi fruit to a plant
during a season. Berries ripen In
July and August; they aro nearly an
inch in diameter: Jet black, round and
of exquisite flavor. 81.00 per 10, 88.00
per HiO, m.OO per 1000
New Golden Blackberry
Kruit a glowing gnluen yellow. In
tensely highly flavored, verv produc
live, and In size as large as the Kar'
Harvest blackberry. 15 cents eac v
13.00 per 10, 818.00 per 100
Matchless Blackberry
One of the finest flavored and most
productive of all upright growing ber
ries. 81.00 per 10,87.50 per 1U0. ....
Rogers Early Dewberry
Karl test ol all dewberries; large, veiy
firm, great shipper. 50 cents per t,
S3.f0 per 100, 820.I.K) per 1000
Mayes Hybrid Dewberry
The largest and best dewberrv in tho
world. Ripens 10 daya after Rogers
Karly; a great ship er; berries J t
black and of the highest flavor; enor
monsjy productive, fill cents per III,
la.&o per loo, 815.00 per woo
ilest all-purpose strawberry on earth;
the largest strawberry known, and one
of the most dellctously flavored: gives
three crops a year; will succeed anv.
where. 25 cents per 10, 81.00 100, 88(10
per 1000. . ,
i . . AHOVE PRICKS. . . .
S. L WATKINS, Grizzly Flats, Cal.
I am prepared to furnish mill and slab
wood, also other kinds ol wood.
I have a new steam wood saw and am
prepared to do sawing. Also do general
team work.
Phone 121.
Shepard 4 Franz
Are in correspondence with all parts ol
the United H:ates and are in good posi
tion to sell your
Farm Property
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Orient Fire Insurance Co.
Richardson Bros.
Black Km i
Horseshoeing a Specialty
All repair work neatly
and promptly done.
Corner of Oak and First Streets
Nature's Wondrous Handiwork
Through Utah and Colorado
CaatleGate, Canon of th Grand
Ulack Canon, Mar-hall hipI -nwse
We, and tl,P w
Fametig Royal Gorge.
Fordesrrlp-Weand tllnstnued :mpl,
leta. write to
W.CHcBRIDL Gcn.-a' i-.,-
124 Third street, TOKrL i sZ. . R