The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 01, 1906, Image 8

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    ome Baking
Baking Powde
The United States Agricultural Department
has issued (and circulates free) a valuable report
giving the results of elaborate experiments made
by and under the direction of the Department,
which show the great saving from baking at home,
as compared with cost of buying at the bakers.
All bread, cake, biscuit, crullers, etc., are very much
f resher;cleaner,cheaper and more wholesome when
made at home with Royal Baking Powder.
That Hood River lit gottlng Iti share
of ttie oolouixt tralilo ia indicated by
the fact that ten tumilies have arrived
here this week looking for land. The
newconmri are from Minnesota. North
Dakota, Kansas and MisHOiiri. They
are anxious to no into apple urowin,
and real estate men are busy showing
them over the valley. Kaon day re
cord several piirehaHOi of land which
U uow set to apple trees or will be
oloared for that purpose, and indica
tions are that there will be a still
larger duinand for fruit laud.
Tbe houieseekers who have arrived
say many more will oome as soou as
sprln opens in the Middle West, peo
ple there being slow to believe that
spring is so much earlier here.
Real eHtate purohaties are not con
fined to Eastern people, as Portland
men aio Investing in apple lands, go
lag as far bank as Mount Hood. They
are relying on the etfeot the Mouut
Hood railroad will have on land In the
upper valley. This road is now Hear
ing completion, and the first oar of
freight was shipped over it yesterday,
oousigued tn Moro. Much of the
wood formerly burned in clearing
fruit lauds will soou be marketable at
a nomiual expense, thus reducing
thn cost of clearing laud.
The WBrm, wet weather of the past
few days has started plant life luto
activity, and berry growers will Bonn
commence cultivatiug.-Urogouian.
Miwol Law Inltetrardtu Examinations
lu view of the recent misunder
standing in one of the school districts
In the valley as to the application of
the school law, we print a communica
tion which has boou handed lis to
make the mattor clear, aud which is
as follows:
It may be an advantage to some
people lu the future to have a clear
and accurate knowledge of the law
regulating tho Kighth Oracle Examina
tions, so far as it relates to the per
son 01 persons who may, and who
may not, conduct the examination in
auy district in the stute of Oregon.
House Hill No. Ill, 8eo. 2 says: "It
shall be the duty of the chairman of
the district board of the district In
which said examination is being held
to conduct said examination lu per
son, or designate some member of his
h.J nr. flio ufliniil I'.lnrk. or some
person other thau the teacher of the
sohool, suggested uy IUB UUUUljr BU
peiiutendent to conduct such exami
nation." Speaks Well for Mr. Aitkin.
The best way to ascertain a man's
real worth and standing is to go to
his home neighborhood, whore his
dally walk and conversation are au
open book. Such a test will disclos
onlv nood for John H. AlUin's cause,
for his friends and neighbors Bre
lumtiluif at the chance of saying good
things about him as a citizen aud also
regarding his standing as a successful
business man. mere can tie ao ques
. tlon hut what he is a man well worthy
of the confidence nud respect of the
poople of Oregon, aud he Is going to
make a mighty tine official, one who
would relict much credit upon this
great commonwealth. umpqua Valley
Nows, Kosouurg.
Hood Uiverltes at Ilojrd.
Miss Kdith Moore who is teaching
at Wamio made a Hying visit to Kail
Hollow last week. Bho was on her
wav to The Dalles to take the exami
nation. She also made a short visit
to her homo iu lloud River.
Revival meetiiigs have boou held at
the liovd M. K. church by the Rev.
L. U. i)ix. nastor of tho l'lrst Day
Adventixt church, during tho past
ten days. Mr. Dix is accompanied
by his wife and Miss Ona ticrogin.
Their residence is in Hood River.
Miss Lulu Dix of Hood River is vis
iting friends at Uoyd this week.
N -tii'o is hereby given to the patrons
of the Water Supply Company that ap
plications for water for the season of
19 (I can lie luul at the resilience ot r.i ,
Sherrieb, President, or F. (. Church,
Secretary. Same to be applied for by
March 15th, HKIti.
K. (1. CHURCH, Secretary.
F.C. SlIKI!, Froa'dcnt.
One would think the Laxative idea in
a cough syrup should have been ad
vanced long before it was. It soeins the
only rational remedy for coughs, and
colds would be to move the bowels and
clean the mucous membranes of the
throat and lungs at the same time.
Kennedy's Laxative Honev and Tar
does this. It is the original Laxative
Couh Syrup, the best known remedy for
coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough,
etc. Taste good and harmless, Sold
by Williams' Pharmacy.
Has Opened Store at The Dalle.
A branch second hand store Is to be
opened iu The Dalles by O. P. Dab
ney, who oouies from Portland,
where a largo store of the same des
cription is carried on. Mr. Dabney
also has a store iu Hood River.
Koo (1. W Kenuedv. who owns a
number of acres of land near this city
wMr.h he has been having cleared wltb
ti.o Wantinii nf shttimr out mmle
trees, has accepted a call to the pas-
torate or the Maim on uny, iuhiw,
M. K. Church. Rev. Keunedy and
Mrs. Kennedy loft Monday for that
til una
Mr. Kennedy left a man on his place
bore to complete the work of clearing
the land and getting it ready for cul
tivation. He will return to this city
to August aud spend bis vacation
here, aud eventually intends to make
Mils hiu hnmn. for as he savs. "he has
traveled the oountry ovei and yet
there is no plaoe like Hood Kiver."
vifto.f lirun inori sun Mr. Kenuedv
came to Oregon, traveling across tbe
plains In a ptalrie schooner with au
ox team. Most of that time be has
.... i in ti.U cti.t lla Imlnnil tn nr
ganize tbe church to which he is now
going as pastor, and which was tbe
first church to be orgauized in that
nitv. Wltd tuo exception or a lew
it,.ra gi.unt In t.hA atntA nf WashinU
ton, two years in laano ana one year
in Alaska, ne nas spent me rest oi um
tl.,.s l,i Ormm.i li'rir 3.1 VRHrS hfl hBB
labored iu the Lord's vineyard, and
during tnatlime nas irBveieu over tv
(XK) miles In the discharge of bis pro
fauni.iiiul .liit.iay IIa tutu ascended
the pulpit 3.000 times to preach the
good word, lias inane over law con
verts, and I'M couples nave siooa ue-
fnra him tn he hound into a state of
of single blessedness,
lie is now going away to stay for a
Mm. twit la Innblni tnl'WArd in the
day when he can return as a resident
of the valley of which be is 10 fond.
Horticultural Society Elects Ofilcers.
A meeting of the board of direotors
of the Horticultural Boolety was held
Saturday and the followirg oltloers
elected for the ensuing year ;
PreBidont-D. H. $eari.
Vice President C. II. Sproat.
Secretary aud Treasurer J. L.
Tbe members of tbe board are D. H.
Hears, O. H. Bproat. J. L. Carter, K.
11. Hhepurd and 11. R. Tucker.
It Is the iuteutiou of this society
to hold two large meetings during the
co ning year which will be addressed
bv outside sneakers as well as those
from here and to make these events
both luteresting and prolltableto fruit
Low Kate From Eastern Points.
From February 15 to April 7, and
September lfi to October 31, 1000, sec
ond class colouist tickets will be sold
from all eastern points to points on
and via the O. R. A N. These tickets
will lie good for stop-overs of ton days
at one or more stations, regardless of
limit on tickets.
From Missouri river oommon points,
Kansas City, tit. Joseph, Atchison,
Omalia, Sioux City, St. Paul and Du
luth to Portlaud the rate is ir, and
to Buokaue aud points east of Umatil
la to Huntington. '.B.&O. For rates
from points not given here, apply to
anv O. K. & IN. auont. II so (leu red
tickets may be pur based at this end
and prepaid order sent to party us
ing It.
Advertised Letter List.
For week ending Feb. 20, 1900.
Davis A Dry, Miss Hester Qetrel,
J. M. Johnson. Peter Koowoqa, Harry
Strand, Homer Pool, Mrs. Ida M.
Jones, Mrs. John Kelt, May K. Hwei
gert, Mrs. J. N. Wood, O. A. Clark,
F.lmer lleskiu, J. Wang, Calvin Rich
ardson, T. J. Rishford, Victor To
haut.ur, U. A. Wells, L. B. Wllsou,
Oleuu Young.
W. M. Yates, P. M.
A Scientific Wonder.
The cures that stand to its credit
make Ilucklen's Arnica Salve a icieu
tilio wonder. It cured E. K. Mulford,
lecturer for the patrons of Husbandry,
Waynesboro, Pa., of a distressing case
of Piles. It heals the worst burns, Sores,
Holla, Ulcers, Cuts, Wounds, Chilblains
and Salt Rheum. Only L'ftc at Chas. N.
Clarke's drug Btore.
Don't frown look pleneaut. If you
are Buffering from indigestion or sour
stomach, take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
Hon. Jake Moore, of Atlanta, Ua., says:
"I suffered more than 20 years with in
digestion. A friend recommended Ko
dol. It relieved me in one day and now
I enjoy I iclter health than for many
years.'1 Kodol digests what you est,
relieves sour stomach, gas on stomach,
belching, etc. Sold by Williams' Phar
macy. Jiotice.
This is to notify all whom it may con
cern that 1 have "disposed of my Inter
est in the Acorn Cream company stock,
all debts being assumed and all bills
collected by O. D. Katinger.
' K. C. STOUT.
Notice to Stockholders,
Stoekholdersof the East Fork Irrigat
ing company take notice that their an
nual Hireling will be held on Saturday,
March 10th, at 1 o'clock p. m. at N. C.
Evans' office, Hood River, Ore. C, R.
Bone, president.
Among Them, AeeordlBf to MM-
Ical Maa, Arm Baked mm.
Ahnlinh inun from the dinner table,
eschew tea and coffee, pass the baked
beans with silent contempt, Deware ine
genuine pancake, be not lured Into
turning traitor to your stomach by
America's common enemy, pie; be .tran
quil and cheerful at mealtimes, even If
you are nursing enrome groucu
rest of the time, and never, never go to
bed with your stomach filled.
These are scattering rragmenia or a
tMrtv-twn inch shell of advice fired be,
fore the Chicago Medical eoclety by Dr.
Edwin B. Tuteur, who lectured on
"When to Eat, What to Eat and How
to Eat"
"Hmin " declared the doctor, "la su
perfluous In a substantial dinner menu.
on taa and so Is coffee and. In fact,
any moisture except that which la nat
urally contained In the roods, uoup in
the form of beef broth, without eggs,
cereals or vegetables, would starve a
dog to death In ten aays. oeei tea
made from the eolid extract sold for
the use of invalid la a mere stimulant,
a non-nutritious, queer tasting temper
ance drink. Tea and coffee are not
f,vxi hut stimulants. They retard di
gestion and often cause gastric catarrh,
nervousness and insomnia.
"Deans, the dried and baked variety,
coolted with salt pork, are baneful.
Teamsters, aoldlers and Boston Intel
lactnnla anhalHt tinon them to some ex
tent Pass them by ."-Chicago Record-
Herald. .
Taa Balehar Artesla Well.
The Belcher well in St. Louis la one
of the famous artesian wells Of 'the
world. The boring of It was begun in
tbe spring of 1849 by William II. Bel
cher, who had a sugar refinery near the
river a few block north of where the
Ead bridge now Is. After the expendi
ture of $10,000 the well was in 1854
driven to death of 2.100 feet, where a
flow of seventy-five gall00 a minute
was struck, but tue water provea io oe
an Imnreirnated with mineral matter
that It was unfit for use In the sugar
refinery, for which Mr. Belcher wanted
It. It 1 used now only for medicinal
purpose and for sanitary batbs.-t
Louis Republic.
has a very bad effect en your sys-1
tern. It disorders your stomach '
and digestive apparatus, taints your
I blood and causes constipation, with
all Its fearful His.
Is a bland tonic, liver regulator, and
blood purifier.
It gets rid of the poisons caused
by over-supply of bile, and quickly
cures bilious headaches, dizziness,
loss of appetite, nausea, indiges
tion, constipation, malaria, chilis
and fever, Jaundice, nervousness,
Irritability, melancholia, and all
sickness due to disordered liver.
It Is not a cathartic, but a gentle,
herbal, liver medicine, which eases
without Irritating.
Price 28c at all Druggists.
New List of
Real Estate Bargains
'. J. Raker St Co. offer the following
flood propositions In real estate this
week :
o2 acres. Between 25 and 30 acres
cleared ; 12 acres in learing orchard, 15
in straw lierries and clover. House and
bam. This Is a good bey. Price for a
hort time, f;io(K).
.10 acres 5 miles out. 25 acres cleared
20 In orchard 5 of which is in full bear
lug; standard varieties. Price, flHKK).
70 acres 4 miles out. 45 acres cleared,
ltl in orchard, 12 in full bearing, 12 aC es
meadow land. All necessary buildingB
on plaoe. Price per acre, 2tK).
80 acres 6 miles out, Unimproved.
No waste land. Price, 40 per acr$.
120 acres 6j miles out. All necessary
buildings, good well and springs on
place. This is an unusually good buy.
Small orchard and all kinds of small
fruit; 45 acres cleared. Price per acre,
ffiO; terms to suit purchaser.
40 acres. All under cultivation. Nice
lingo house, ordinary barn and two
warehouses. 6 acres apples full hear
ing, standard varieties; also young
Newtown orchard. 20 acres grass, 5
acres pasture; under irrigation ditch.
This Is a good buy at 110,000.
We call special attention to one ltl
acre tract, all cleared; about two miles
from town. Price, $1250.
We have a number of 5, 10 and -0
sere tracts that are bargains. Some
good propositions In regard to laud
from the Mount Hood district. Com'
aud see us about It. Also land in Mo
Bier, White Salmon and ltingen.
We have fine alfalfa ranch in Raker
county, another In Morrow; also prop
erty fn the Willamette valley to ex
change for Hood R ver realty.
Houses and lots for rent or sale In all
parts of Hood River. Collections made.
Insurance written in your choice of
three companies.
Richardson Bros,
Horseshoeing a Specialty
All repair work neatly
and promptly done.
Corner of Oak and First Streets
Swift's Arsenate of Lead
' 13c per lb. in 100-lb. lots, at
i ii
j, .. .The, place where .vqiuv Prescriptions .are al
ways filled correctly'nnd everything fit reas
.(" onahle prices.
7 Agents for Eastman's Cameras
-- and Supplies. ,
CHARLES HALL, Proprietor.
Bartmess' Furniture Store
Malleable Iron Beds, guaranteed against breaks by the
factory for 25 years, and yet cheaper than the cast neas
We fret them direct from the East. Call and look them over
Oraphophone on household goods free for 80 in
trade. .
Building Material, Carpets, Paints, etc.
Undertaker and Embalmer.
Blacksmiths and Wagon flak ers
The most completely equipped power plant in Oregon.
Contract work a specialty. Grubbing supplies and Log
ffera' tools alwavs on hand.
The care Of the horS9'S hoof is essential. We are
experts in that line and cure corns and interferes.
vSeason of 1906
Our seala of charges lor services as Architects or Engineers, (Hiring
the ensuing 'season, will be as follows: ,
Plans, details and specifications for now buildings, 2 per cent of to
tal cost, based upon the AVERAGE of bids received, where total cost
Cannot be determined. For alterations to old buildings, 5 per cent.
General supervision of works, which will includo the survey of build
ing lines and setting of grades, and drawing of contract or bond, mid su
perintendence to completion or acceptance new buildings, 2 per ce.ntr
alterations, 5 per cent, or full services for 5 per cent of actual cost.
. On engineering works, surveys, etc., $10.00 per day and expenses, nr
as provided under special agreement for large projects.
Transportation to and from works outside. .of city limits, and the em
ployment of necessary help at expense of client. ..
Ch irges are based upon the total cost of all works forming part of
construction and permanent equipment of any .buildings In connection
with which the Architects render service. ,
The rules "of The American Institute of Architects, governing I he
practice of Architects, provide that -
"All drawings and specifications, as instruments of service, shall be
tbe property of the Architects, and must be returned to them upon e m
pletion of works," and, "fees are successively due, as works are
completed, uhlesB otherwise stipulated in agreement."
We make no charge for consultation or preliminary
sketches, and guarantee economic and faithful service
r -. P. M. HALL-LEWIS fc CO.
Davidson Buildint ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS ' flood River", Ore.
We Will Give You ; '. 1
Free Electric Light
For one month if you will allow us to install it in your
residence within the next 60 days, yoti a?reeiiir to con
tinue the service for one year. We will do the wiring at
a nominal cost cheaper in fact than ever done before
in Hood luver.
You cannot afford to miss this
Of having in your homes the electric light service
which you will use in many other ways than
for lighting.
There are a great many electrical appliances that are prac
tical, very handy, healthful and economical, and the. cost
is not high. You should investigate this offer and
call in to have a, talk with us about it at once.
. ... 1 - - Yours for business,
The Hood River Electric Light, Power & Water Co.
if The Hood River Bakery pur-y
chased 200 barrels of our:. Golden
Crown Flour Oct. 1, 1905. They
have just placed another order
with us for 100 barrels more. At
Mr WilliaWTtekprv can be found
the best bread in the ' city, and it "
is maae irom our uoiaen urown
flour. The bread speaks for itself;
Our White Kiver and,Oolden Crown flour
can be found for sale at' all the leading gro
cers. Try a sack. Once used, always used
For Sale By
Hood River Oregon
F. S. STANLEY. Pren. E. L. SMITH, Vice-Pres. E. O. BLANCHAB Cashier
V, C. Brock, Asst. Cashier
Tlc First National Bank
Capital and Surplus, $30,000.00
We offer you the facilities of a well managed and a well
equipped biink. The interests of patrons . receive our
careful attention.
Buy Your Fruit Boxes
Hood River Box Factory
and Patronize Home Industry.
Best Quality Lowest Price
Home Made
Phone Main 71
they're first in quality
at Your. Store
I wish to say to all our old friends and custom
ers who for so many years came to pur shop for
their meats, that it is useless for me to introduce
Wood Bros., our successsors, as their 18 years in
the batcher business in Wasco county has made
them so widely known that an introduction is un
necessary. Being honest, capable business men,
they have the means and ability to rwn a business
as it should be run, and in. a -way that will be a
credit to our city.
I expect to stay'with the new firm for awhile,
and will be glad to see you all at the old stand. 1
' will guarantee that you will get just as much meat
for your 'money, just, as courqonsv treatment and
just as prompt service as can be had in the city.
We will have a full line of everything good "to
eat for the Spring trade. ' "
.-. , " Respectfully yours,
- Ers: Mayes.
New Location.
We are now located in the Smith Building, in the
room formerly occupied by J. E. Rand, where we will be
pleused to see all of our old customers as well as new ones.
This large and well-lighted store has been fitted up
with the best and most complete stock of
Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour andTeed
ever displayed in the City. Fresh Vegetables received
daily. Call and inspect our stock.
WOOD & SMITH BROS., Proprietors.