The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 01, 1906, Image 6

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The Chicairo and Northwestern Rail
roud company baa recently issued a
pamphlet giving a description ot ad
vantages' and resources of the Pacillc
Northwont. Hood liiver ia proroi renreseuted in it. both In plo-
ttire and matter. The troutinpiece 1b
an illustration showing an apple ranch
in tho upper valley with Mount Hood
in the diatauce. It also contains a
picture of the Hood Kiver near tblt
city at the point where it i divided
by an ihland, and on page 15 a straw
berry ranch is showc with a orate ol
fitr& w fcjorrloflt
The pamphlet is both artistic and
interesting, and in speaking of the
fruit industry of the Northwest, it
Oregon and Washington fruit seenif
to possens a shipping quality that ren
dors it very valuable and that has car
ried its fame to the farthest corner
of the earth. The big, juicy cherrlet
sent east in perfect condition are a de
licious surprise. The berries, too,
bear travel we'l, and one of the most
profitable branches of horticulture it
the raising of winter apples.
Some of the greatest fruit growing
country in the world Is contained in
the Willamette and Hood Kiver val
leys In northwestern Oregon, in the
Kogue Klvei valley in southwestern
Oregon, the Orande lionde valley in
the northeastern part of the state,
the Yakima and Wenatchee valleys in
central Washington, and the Palouse
country in southeastern Washington
and western Idaho.
Thousands of nores are being plant
ed to fruit trees, not only in thesi
valleys, but throughout the Htatet
named, and turned into "apple
ranehos," where tho Newtown Pip
pin, the lieu Davis, the Jonathan
and other good shippers are renowned
for quality and quantity. Usually
they are sold in the orchards, and tin
bulk of the prod ict is shipped abroad.
Over 200 carloads of apples and HX
carloads of other fruit chiefly peart
and plums were shipped from the
llogue Kiver district in 100.1, 200 car
loads from Union county, 100 carloudt
from tho Cove district and a large
product from the Orando Hondo val
ley and tho territory tributary to
Lewiston, Idaho, while the Vaklms
vail y, In the Irrigation district,
with more than 2,000,000 acres of irrl
gable lands scuds out hundreds of cai
loads of apples and peaches annually.
In 1901 the Hood Kiver valley apple
crop was over 50,000 boxes, valued at
$100,000, yet the liidustiy is compar
atively new there. and the district,
nestling in the eastern foothills ol
the Cascades, at the base of the fam
ous peak that gives river and vail y
their name, is only a small one
Orowers report receipts of from (MX)
to (HOO revenue per acre from apples,
with profits proportionate to the
amount of labor put on the trees and
the ca-eful attention given to details.
Kasteru people can scarcely realize the
size and number of apples a single
tree will bear. At the recent fruit
fair at Bpnkano one tree was described
as six feet around the trunk, the first
limb being forty feet from the ground
and with a circumference of four feet.
This tree bas produced in one year 40
biiHbels of marketable fruit.
The orchards enjoy a length of life
not common In tho eHt. An Instance
of this is an old orchard set out by
Chief lied Wolf of the Noz Forces in
lH'M, which is still producing payng
The fruit is shipped to all parts of
the world, to the various cities of the
United State, to Knglaud, Kuropi.
China, Japan, the Philippines, and
Siberia, finding a ready market in
London, Paris, St. Pot?rsburg and
Kerliu, where it brings the highest
prices. Washington sent apples to the
Pan American exposition at llulfalo,
which rocoivod a gold medal for size
an excellence. At the Chicago World's
Fair Oregon won sixteen medals on
fruit and took the award for tho largest
apples and tho largest cherries, while
Washington showed the largest pears.
Oregon received awards for its finit
exhibit at the World's l''air iu St.
Louis iu 1001, as follows: Two grand
prize (tho only grand prizes given for
fruit), seven gold metals, HI silver
modal; 111 bronze medals, This is
certain testimony of tho wonderful
production of Oregon iu fruit culture.
Doth the Hood Kiver and the Kogue
Kiver valleys produce peaches, pears
and prunes and the lluost or Koyal
Ann and Lambort chorries. Peaches
are also produced in the Wenatchee
valley In central Washington ana in
tho Orando Hondo. Walla Walla and
Willamette valleys and tho Palouse
country. Ashland, a point iu the
Kogue Kiver district, ships alone over
IMi.OOO boxes ot peaches annually.
Btrawberries, too, are an important
product, tho Hood Kiver district ship
ping 1)0,000 orates in 100.1, of the flu-
est quality, the producers realizing
from fJOO to (HOO per acre for their
fruit. Excellent berries nre raiBed
also In the Willamette valley, in the
region trilmatry to The Dulles and in
the Orando Konde valley; 50,000 crates
wore raised In the ruyallup, Wash.,
district in 11KM. the fruit raising in
dustry iu the valleys of the Puyallup
and White rivers luting full or promise,
The prune crop ot Oregon foi IStOlt
was 2.1,000,000 pounds, a large patt of
which was grown in tho Willamette
valley. An acre of prune orchard in
Oregon will produce fiom 8 to 10 tons
of fruit, worth from (10 to (12 per
ton. In Washington, the region north
from Vancouver, on the Columbia
river, to Olympla, is a most famous
prune growing district, and the fam
ous Palouse country, of which Colfax,
in the euHtern part of the state is tho
center, is also noted for their success
ful culture. At Klberta. in the Pa
louse country, is located tho largest
fruit dryer in the world.
North Idaho is a natural fruit grow
lug region, too, apples forming one
of the staplo agricultural products,
while Idaho prunes aro already fa
vorably known iu the eastern mar
kets, drupe culture Is largely fol
lowed iu several of these fini grow
ing districts with nouderful results.
The grape is grown to unusual perfec
tion in the region tributary to Lewis
ton, Idaho.
For the year l'Afl Oregon's fruit crop
amounted to (2, OM, 000 prunes, (SlHl,
000; apples, (dlil.OOO; pears, (HS,!it)0;
peaohea, T."),tHK.I; grapes, (,'0t000;
chorries, (X,000; other fruits, ?t!;2,
00. Trellis (u the Fruit (irower.
Individual instances are cited from
all parts of the three states showing
what can be done by the grower un
der favorahlo circumstances. One ap
ple raiser, in tho Hood Kiver dis
trict, gathered 2O0 bushels of apples
per ucres from his six yeur-ohl trees,
for which fclOO per acre was realized, j
and another orchurd iu the same re-;
gion produced apples on five acres'
which realized (2!W per acre, aud In
the Yakima valley, one grower sold i
fruit fiom eighty acres of Irrigated1
land value at (11,000, and anotber.from
nine acres of orchard, sold 1100 boxes
of apples, realizing (1200.
Iu March, HW, a Portland shipper J
nAn.imiJ n ourlmul nf Oreffnn nfn.
pins to Hamburg, where they sold at
publio auction ior ej.uuper uusuei.
Ketail dealers in New York have paid
as high as (I to (5 for the choicest
Oregon apples.
Walla Walla. Wash., 's also a noted
fruit growing center, aud has a reo
ord ot 000 bushels of apples to the
acre, while from one tree iu Whitman
oounty GO bushels of marketable iruit
were gathered. Walla Walla took the
first prize on apples at the Paris expo
sition against all the world.
At the Spokane fruit fair in 1900,
apples were exhibited, grown near
Troy, Idaho, which measured two feet
in circumference, and a display was
made of apples grown near Coeur dV
Aleuo Lake, on the border between
northern Oregon and Idaho that
weighed a pound apiece.
Strawberries are equally profitable
to raise. The Hood Kiver shipments
for 1900 sold for $88,000, or (252 for
every acre put In strawberries, net
ting the growers about (170 to the
acre. One grower, at Vlneland, near
Lewiston, Idaho, began picking ber
ries in May and continued uutil Oc
tober, selling them for (185 per acre;
and another man, situated just north
of Spokane, picked 1,750 pounds of
strawberries from one and one-half
acres and sold thorn for (525 per acre.
The beiries are of superior size,
color and texture, and lose little in
canning and preserving.
Oregon cherries are fast Supplanting
imported varieties as confections and
for other purposes, and this means
the development of a considerable In
dustry. One grower from the Hood
Kiver district holds tho record of hav
ing gathered 2(1,000 pounds of cherries
to the aero, netting bim (1,950 per
acre clear, on one season's crop; and
a carload of Oregon cheriies last year
sold iu liostou for ftl,00O.
Established (ominiinloatlon.
Kealizlng the Importance of main
taining communication between The
Dalles and the portage, a gasoline
launch has been secured by the mer
chants' association of that place, and
commenced February 20th to trans
port passengers aud freight, making
not loss thau two and as many more
trips as the association may direct
during the twelve hours of 0 a. m. to
6 p. m. Special trips to Lyle will also
bo mado, if necessary, touching at in
termediate points en route.
The association reserves the tight
to fix the freight and passenger rates
and guarantees Mr. lioyer that tbe
gross receipts of the boat shall be
upon an average for each mouth, of
not less than (7 a day for each day the
boat runs, and they are to be equally
divided between the- contracting par
ties. Another agreement Is that the boat
shall not be required to make regular
trips to Lyle in opposition to tbe Si
mons or boats of the D. P. & A. N.
Co. Also that Capt. Iieyer will not
be required to iuu bis boat when
weather conditions are such as to
make it unsafe to make the trips.
The association decided to enter
into the aureomont for one month in
stead of two, as at tlrst considered,
with the understanding that if, at the
end of that time March 20th they
shall dosiro to continue the ooutraot
thoy shall have the right to do so
upon the same terms.
Hazy I'uslliun of a Commission.
Distrust of the Inter tate Commerce
Commission has been growing in the
publio mind. The rate making power
is a delicate one, and must be han
dled with discrimination and with a
grave souse of responsibility.
We have bad too much agitation and
too little action on the part of the
Commission, It has allowed its unde
niable power to be unused, while It
reached out for new power or claimed
power undoubtedly denied to it.
Commerce tiourisnas uesi in an ai
mosuhero of certainty and justice.
Change aud confusion, doubt aud fa
voritism, agitation ana aisturtiauoe
check oomnieroo aud render its ser
vices leas satisfactory.
We noed to have the power of the
oommission more clearly doflued;
some of its assumptions denied ; its
character advanced aud Its worn tan
en fiom the field of agitation and put
within the scope or jurisdiction ol a
recognized executive department of
government. From the Louisville,
Ky., Post.
Climatic Cures.
The intluenco of climatic conditions
in the cure ol consumption is very much
overdrawn. The peer patient, aud the
rich patient, too, can ilo mueli better at
homo hy proper attention to ioou uiges
tion. and a regular nee of (lernmn Hyrup
1'iee expectoration in the morning i
made certain by German Hyrup, so Is a
good night's rest and t he absence of that
weakening cough and Ueliintallng nigni
sweat. Kgstlcss nights and t he ex onus
tion due to coughing, the greatest dan
ger anil dread of the consumptive, ran
be prevented or stopped by taking Her
man riyruti liberally ami rcguisriy
Should you bo able to go to a warmer
clime, you will nmi mat oi me inou
sitnila of consumptives there, the few
who are benefitted and regain strength
are those who use Herman Syrup. Trial
bottles, 25c; regular sine, 75c. For sale
by ( N. Clarke, druggist.
New Engines for 0. K. & .
No other railroad iu tbe west la now
so well et mi nned with motive powei
aa the O. K. & N. since tbe arrival
from the Philadelphia shops of 15
monster engines for use on tho system
bet weeu La Hrande and Portland.
Within the past week 15 cousolidat
ed freiuht euulnos have been received
at La Hrande and are now being
ulaced iu service as rapidly as possi
bin. The engines were manufactured
bv the llaidwln Locomotive works
of ! Philadelphia, and are the largest
and best engines now in service in
tbe northwest.
The best safeguard against headache,
constipation and liver troubles is Ie-
IVi.t'.. I ;l.i l.trlu Piuitfa lvwi.ll a Mh1
. IIV D ..IlllU .jwi.j f -. .... .....
of these famous little pills in the house
and take a dose at lieu "me wnen you
feel that the stomach and bowels need
cleiuii-liig. They don t gripe, mini oy
Williams' Pharmacy.
Ofllces and Kooins.
The very best for rent in Smith Block
The activtiviy In railroad construct
ion throughout the northwest bas
created a large demand for telegraph
We teach TKU'.liUAPHY, TIIOH
Ol'HLY, QUICK I, Y and secure
positions for our graduates.
Salary 75 to fiH) i-kr month tuition
For terms and particulars, w rite,
Portland, Orkoon.
It la said that opportunity knocks
once at every man's door, if that be
true, she is playing a tattoo at the
present moment on the doors of every
farmer in the eastern and middle wes
tern states, who is not satisfiod with
the long cold wluters, and the longer
dry and hot summers of tboso less fa
vored localities. On the door of ev
ery man or woman who desires to
better bis or her condition physically
or financially. On the door of every
one who bas money to invest, and is
seeking to place it to the very best
possible advantage.
We question If there is anotbei state
in tbe union that offers the golden
oppoitunities for investment' where
such large returns are assured as can
be f oi ml in Oregon. Not only to the
farn i r is tbe way open to wealth, but
to the livker, manufacturer, railroad
builder, miner, fiuit grower and to
any ether vocation, and those who
bate been so fortunate as to cast their
lot - in tbe most favored state have
been amply repaid both in health and
Oregon is one of the large states,
hating about 95,000 square miles-witb-in
its holders, or nearly 62,000,OCO
aores. Of tbi" 35,000,000 acres are In
timber; and such timber! gigantic
forests, compared with which the for
ests of the east and eouth are briar
patches, it is said the four counties
in Oregon coutuiu the largest foretts
in tbe world. Only 3,000,000 acres ate
in farms and not all of that iu culti
vation. We lave a population of lit
tle more tbau half a million and'one
fourth are in I'urtlaud and a large rer
oeut of the balanco in smaller towns.
consequently those who till the soil
are numerous, notwithstanding, for
the population area under cultivation
we arc tbe largest producers In the
Another Railroad for Goldendule.
The traus-ooutinental railroad com
pany, which is constructing a railroad
through tbe Yakima vnllcy to the
Sound, Is now surveying a line
through the Satas Pass to Ooldeudale
and the Columbia river. The com
pany wants a share of the Klickitat
white pine for eastern shipment, also
Klickitat's wheat.
The survey follows that of the
Northern Pacific, surveyed three years
ago, with the exception tha ileaves
the Little Klickitat at Three Crecss
and comes by way of the Jess AII511
place, which will save considerable in
construction, The' survey may go
through Camas Prairie ind Trout
Lake and on to Vancouver, connect
ing with the liarrliuan line from Poit
laud to tbe Sot nd. This would tap a'
rich country noted for timber, wheat,
dairying aud mining, aud would be
a big paying prr; ration.
W. A. Co Leaves C. k S. W,
W. A. Cox, general agent for -the
Chicago & Northwestern, has tendored
his resignation, becomiug ellective
March 1. He will leave Portland
with bis family for lialtlmore, Md.,
where be has accepted the position of
general agent for the Western Mary
land. Indigestion is much of a habit. , Don't
get tbe habit. Take a little Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure after eating and you wilt
quit belching, puffing, palpitating and
frowning. Kodol digests what you eat
and makes the stomach sweet. Sold by
Williams' Pharmacy.
Will Stay In Hood River. " ,. V
The remedy that makes you eat, sleep.
and grow strong, called Pulmo Tablets,
will be gpld regularly hy W illiams'
Pharmacy, Hood River. These great
nerve and constitution builders cost only
50c per bos, six boxes $2.50.
44, SclentMo Amerlcal
t 'V -Auencyfor .
'HTff " COPYRIGHTS, eto.
FVrtnfannatl(nan41rM'Hiin(1bonk'rltto '
MIJNN 10.. All Bhoadwat, Niiw Volt.
Oli1Mt bureau for ACiirtiiA ptnt In A morion,
HT6I7 potent taken out bf ua la bnsipht befitro
tlie hUU bj a nutloe given free of ouarue In Iht
f ricutific jtumow
lArteat fltrmilatlnn of any arfpntlflo paparln the
oorlil. SplandldlT llluatraled. No Intclllemit
Dan ahould b without It. Wceklr, SII.OO a
taan 11.90 all month. Addraaa MflNN CO.
uaUNtcas, Ml Bruadwar. t'ew xurk.
Annually, to till t tie now poult lonn cmtletl by
Kul In mt i mid 'lvloirnuth comiwintes. We want
YOU IN U MKN ami LAP! EH of kmm1 hubitH to
W fiirntrth 7ft percent of the operator
Station AKentHtu America. Oumtx tlx tr bonis
are ihtt luivtt exclusive TeUxmph Hchoolm is
tmk wnHi.o. KNtubhKbttf 2) yearn antl en.
it o rued by all leading Hallway oflU'lttlH,
We execute a tJftO Bond to eve'y Htiident lo
ftirnttd. him or Iter a potditon paying from SM0
hi m iiimuii in maiea vnm oi me ivoeity
Mountain, or from 7f to ftiK) a intuit li In
Stale went of the Hookies, 1MMK1HATKLY
Htudenta ean enter at anv time. No vaca
tions, For Ail) part Ion lain regarding any of
our wenoms, write uinci to our executive or
flee at rtnctunaU, O. CuUlogue five.
The Morse School of Telegraphy
Cincinnati, Onto
Atlanta, Ja,
IVxarkana, Tex., n. y
Lm roMwe, Wis,
Ban Francisco. Cal.
Do you want a snap?
You can't lose if you
buy a tract in famous
Cut up in tracts to suit you,
Just sold ton acres for two
thousand dollars and the
rest, than that which we re
serve will soon be sold.
The Burst berry ml apple land in
the world. Within the city limits ol
White Salmon. Ten-acre or smaller
tnu-U just tho thing for berries and
a tia l,u. k l.ulra,l anMinil i.n,a
and see us' an J yon will find just what
i i i
you nave nave wvn looamg ior.
Cherries from tract this year
are the winners in the great
fruit exhibits.
White Salmon, Wash,'
m. 1 - 1 A
vr:V 1
iverview Park m
Cheap lots
' -; ; -i
" "" " 'Office1
l'ant 3ledicines (
0 -. - v.- ':. ... . .-.
f iMtographers Supplies J oi let Articles
; ,! Shaving Outfits Soaps brushes
1 ' 1 ' Powders (Tooth arid Toilet) : Combs' " :
- Stock Foods ' , Syringes Trusses
' '' Pipes and Cigars Pn ints and Oils '
T4ie above list repo'sents only a small part of the
linejs we Carryj and if you don't see what you want in
ihe-liHt, come iii and tell us aboiit it - We can fit you
out and will guarantee that the pricivwijl suit you.
;fjaTHE Druggist g
Nice lot of Yellow Newtowns, Spitzenberg, Baldwin, Marii
rriQtVWcii Tyijg, Jonathan, Home Beauty, Lawver, etc.
lso large line of general nursery stock. Send for catalog
and price 'list Breeders of Shorthorn Cattle and Berk
shire Hogs; all stock registered.
fully taid
" Officio its a'kI) Directors
L(!slie BiiT.ler, President J. N. Teal, Vice President
- Truman Butler, Cashier
W, French
Sqimr e Deal Store
"Honest Goods and a Square Deal" i my motto.
- 1 ' A full line of
Groceries, Flour and Feed
r to select from
' Farm Implements of all kinds
u Wagons, Buggies and Hacks .
Osbourne Spring Tooth Harrows and
Canton Reversible Extension Discs
Agent for DeLavel
Have just received
and Stumping Pqer. . ; .
. 100,000 Brick for sale in lots to suit
Phone 741 D. M'DONALD
3rd and River Street.
Hotel Waucoma
A First-Class House
Moderate Rates Good .Service
Farmer's Dinner 25 cts
Hood River
All Repairing Promptly Attended to
"va ; Easy Grades, Fine View and Good Water
for buildi g Small Houses near! Flour Mill
nexWAVaucoma. Hotel
C3 O
It. T.jDox
' are complete orchard tools in themselves
Cream Separator
-vthe'onlyfirst-class.separator, on. the market
a Carload of Dynamite
- Hood River, Ore
Dealer In
Harness Sr Saddles
Steam and Hot Water Heating
All jobbing promptly attended to.
..Livery, Feed
unts FMiit (Si
Wall Paper Co;
Have added a complete line of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH
Our stock of paper includes latest designs in Blanks, Gilts
and high Grades, From 10c up. A full stock of room
molding, Picture rail, Plate rail and a small line of
novelties in Framed Pictures. CALCIMO, the
latest thing in room tinting, mixed to order.
Painting, Paper hanging, Sign work etc.
' Phone 671. First and Oak Streets.
"North Coast Limited"
The Electric Lighted
Observation Car Train between
- .... .
Portland and St. Paul.
Pullman First Class Sleepers,
Pullman Tourist Sleepers,
Dining Car, Day Coaches,
Observation Car.
The Acme of Travel Comfort
is found on any of the-.-
Send four cents for our Lewis. and Clark Booklet,
or six cents for "Wonderland 1905."
' Yellowstone Park Literature
' can be had for the asking.
The Ticket Office at Portland is at 255 Morrison St., Cor. Third.
v-.. ... i
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
. . , Portland, Oregon.
2v32Q.o. ABBOTT,
aHCIghi. Class llvillIrLex3r
Hood River, Oregon,
and Dray ing..
Hood River, Ore.
Horses bought, gold or exchanged.
Pleasure parties can secure flrst-clasa rig.
Special attention given to moving furniture and
We do everything horsei can do.