The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 01, 1906, Image 4

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By Hoswell Sliolley.
Odoll, East Hood River Valliy, ioh
'm ImlBiuif from the spirit of entuu
uinam mull liented at tbe btab school
meeting last Saturday at Jlood liiver
t would at) near that thera would be
lit t in trouble in uettinB a majority
vote for consolidation when tbe time
nnmAH. We reeret the tact that it
seemed necessary to drop Urajipor di
trict from the list. Ilut ai tbe ma
jority should rale, and it teemed that
they were not oady to take the mat
tor up, and a failure on the part of
one district to vote tbe measure would
kill tbe whole thing, it is best to al
low them to withdraw, yet we feel
that when tbe good resulti of ceutial
izad work are demonstrated they witt
other and more remote disiricta will
be glad to come in. It appear! that
all along the line wherever this plan
has been tried that it baa proven a
decided success, and to tbe writer
there is only oue aide to this question,
nud with this oDinion firmly fixed W.
Ij. Carues, 11. S. Oalligan and Koswell
Shellev hereby challenge any oue or
nartv of three to debate tbe following
questions, tbe parties making tbe
challenge assuming the ailinuative
side of tbe question :
"Resolved, That It is to the inter
est of the people of Hood River vullrj
to consolidate tbe school districts 01
lower Hood River valley Into one dis
. J . 111. A ... I I, 1 . . U ..knnl
the pupils to bo transported to and
from said high school, outside thi
two mile limit, at tbe expense of tbe
The parties making this challengf
bo ilia aJ residents of Odull district,
would prefer having tbe debute at tbe
Udell school bouse, vet w uid meet
their opponents at any oue of tbe live
districts in this consolidation move'
Absence from home last week inter
fered with writing the usual grist of
notes last week, and as there is al
ways somothiu doing at Odell wortb
recording, 1 found on my return that
tbe ains of omission are about as bad
as those of commission, for several
things I have been reminded of tbe
fact of no notes last week and asked
for a reason why. This failure on my
part is regretted by the writer from
tbe fact that there was an opportunity
to write up tbe drama put on the
boards bore at Odull on tbe Kith
which was worthy of special mention,
and by a more gifted writer than the
author of tho OdoU notes. During
tbe entire season of Udell's sp.'eudid
outertaliiinents that was the red let
ter day. The very best talout had
been solocted and with patient and
prefoct drilling on that memorable
evening was Hashed behind the foot
lights and before tbe four hundred of
Odell the most brilliant entertainment
ever present ml to the good people of
Odell. Tbe role of ohm actors was
well sustained, every one of whom
were worthy of spociid mention. The
Then to us with the Prescriptions.
We Do Not Prescribe
That is the Physician's business. WE DO, however, COMPOUND
THEIR PRESCRIPTIONS exactly as they want them, with Stand
ard Drugs of Known Purity.
Our prieoH are always fair.
As watch specialists
A word that means much to the ones
who carry a watch. It is especially
applicable to
Laraway Watches
For increasing sales demonstrate their ability to ren
der perfect service
audience was expectant and attentive,
being represented by the majority of
tbe residents of Odell with quite a
sprinkling of the elite from Pine
Grove, Mount Hood and Rurrett.
From every point of view tbe whole
bloomiu' sbow a decided success,
tho proceeds being t'M, which went
into tho school library fund. Pres
sure is now being brought upon the
troupe for a lepetition of this play,
and should it oome to pass then we
will have opportunity to redeem our
selves by going more into details.
During tbe three years lust past we
bave devoted quite a bit of time to
tbe work of writing tbe notes from
Odell, and many has been tbe time
that had we consulted our own per
sonal feelings we would perhaps have
put in the time reading or resting in
stead of pumping hot air luto theUla
oier from Odell, as we are sometimes
accused of doing. But from tbe first
day we sat fool on the pine clad park
of the Little White store grounds
'ueatb the shadow of these grand old
snow covered mountains we bave al
ways bad an abiding faith in tbe fu
ture of this most oharmiug valley, and
a light sense of responsibility in help
ing in a small way to make tbe outside
world know something concerning tbe
indescribable charms and Unanoial re
ward awaiting those who bad piuued
tbeirfaitb and pitched their tent here.
Then again I admit a selfish motive.
Having embarked in business here I
was exceedingly anxious to increase
t'te selling capacity of tbe Little
White store Jtiot bow well I bave
succeeded In one or both of the things
that lay near my heart I am willing
the people ahull judge. At any rate,
eitob week I take the pencil nnd record
a small part of tbe local huppenlDgs
here, my faith In the future of our
beloved valley, and 1 feel a tinge of
satisfaction concerning my work, al
tho' poorly done. Bo with renewed
eneigy and unbound ing and untram
uieled fi 1th in the vale of Hood River
that will unfold In tbe near future un
der the work of development now be
ing crowded, 1 am quite content to
woik and wait, for tbe eud is not yet.
Clint Wood, who is at work with the
Davenport people at Ureen Point,
spent Handiiy at Odell with his pat
ents. Clint informs us that tbe new
mill is fust approHoblng completion,
and whnn once Mulshed will be a lni y.
It will bave a rapacity of 150,000 feet
iuily. Lumber seems to be In de
mand and baa already advanced In
Portland, Tacoma and other large
lumbering centers. CHd is always
welcome by bis friends about Odell.
Miss Nettie Kemp, whose home is
at OdoU, aud whom all of OdeU de
lights to honor, has seemed a position
with tbe new real estate firm of J. 11.
iieilbronner & Co. of Hood River, aud
will now be in easy reaoh of her
fi lends. We are glad to know that
Nettie is to be with us and congratu
late this real estate concern upon the
fact of securing tbe services of such a
capable and worthy young lady as
"Our Nettle. " lly the way, this con
cern that advertises to do things
seems to be already doing something.
Their methods of advertising should
bring many people, all of whom will
look, aud many of them buy in tbe
valley of Hood River. We think there
is room for this wide awake concern,
and we give them tbe glad baud.
We dosiro to correct an item that
ii pear ud in the News-Letter written
Watchmaker and Jeweler
by its Odell correspondent last week
relative to the shipping of the 11 rut car
of freight from Odell over tbe Mount
Hood railroad. It was the Little White
store people who are entitled to this
honor, and we object to our neighbor
(listening this laurel from the brow of
tbe senior inembmr of tbe Little White
store, fi r he intends to drill bis grand
children so tbut when he has sharp
ened his last pencil and gone to bis
last reward that they will say tbut
their grandfather shipped tbe first car
of freight over this road.
Why not get about it and open up a
county road from OdeU to tbe Pine
Grove settlement, starting at Odell
and running across the bill between
the places of Wru. Khrlck and the
Kemp ranches and continuing to the
east side road, would open up quite
a lot of country that at tbe present
time is isolated. The opening of this
road would out only Increase business
at Udell, but put a sbarp advance In
land lying adjacent to the proposeil
8.'-re rid parties from Mount Hood,
Dm ret t aud Pine Grove attended the
entertainment at Odell recently, in
cluding Oscar Predenburg and Mr.
Davidson of Mount Hood, J. U. Jack
sou and wife of Pine Urove, and sev
eral persona from Barrett.
Roheit Leasure, W. S. Oribble aud
Win. Huckaby of Mount Hood passed
through Odeli last week. Tney were
talking a telephone line to Mount
Hood, uhlcb we trust will be an ac
compli) lied fact. Nothing is too good
for Motn.t Hood, for it is suburb of
Hood River.
Land lookers are lu evidence about
Oedll almost every day. Tbe wave is
spreading and has reached Odell. The
further out they go tbe cheaper they
find prices,and as prices decline other
advantages except distance Increase,
The advent of tbe railroad closes up
tbe gap of distance, and now Odell
bus man inducements to oti'er those
who aie seeking home sites, for with
tbe investment they make in land are
thrown in free pure water, fresh air,
sheltered retreats and scenio effects
that are peerless, and as tbe years go
will become priceless. Come this
way and get in on the ground floor.
How is this: A. lteuuett of the Ir
rigon Irrigatoi, places us on tbe deuil
bead list and furnishes us a copy of
his paper, ail on account of having
read tbe Odell notes, aud we beg to
say that Bennett is not only running
a sond live paper, but is proving that
be Is perhaps tbe best advertiser
there is in tbe state of Oregon, con
sidering bis facilities.
Clearing land is now tbe daily occu
pation of country folks here. boon
planting time will come and by and
by the harvest. There Is always, a
seed time and a harvest for thone
who are willing to work aud wait, lu
looking over tho pioneer field here we
can now see what it means to improve
opportunities. The uiau wbo planted
the red apple tree 10 years ago is now
on Easy street. Opportunity, like the
poor, are always with us.
On our swift trip Jntt week to tbe
Sound, we were glad to note all along
tbe way evidences of growth and de
velopment that has come to stay. All
over tbe Northwest there is a feeling
of confidence that prompts develop
ment work such as bus not been tor
years, and with siuh development
values are climbing aud a condition
of permanent prosperity is now fas
tened upon' this favored 'sectiou that
will grow and as the years grow into
decades the march of progress will
fetill go on. ,
Lust Friday's literary marked an
other pleasant evening's entertain
ment. Tbe upper part of tbe school
building was for tbe first time thrown
open to thi literary club. Six new
bracket lamps lighted the double room
nicely, and with the vocal and instru
inuutul talent and the literary make (f
tbe crowds which assemble tbere, it
proves a good place for the listener,
arid to be a good listener means some-,
thing. This literary ibis winter has
been a prominent ' factor in' unifying
suutiiiient and the building up of bet'
ter conditions here.
While in Tacoma last week we met
old friends of our neighbor, T. P,
1'rlday, wbo were exceedingly solioi
tous about bis welfare. Mr. Friday
was once a familiar and prominent
figure at Everett and Tacoma, and his
oia mends tnere wish him well.
Last week by using the time while
res ing, I hastily read Jaok London'
book entitled. "A Call to the Wild
Tbe hero was Buck, a large dog stolen
f om Judge Miller and Cala, and sold
to viasKHU paruos whose after lit
and occupation was that musblng on
cue trail under "Club and fang.'
Thorp is innoirMtinii and tbe nromnt
lngs to a higher life reflected between
tbe lines of this little - book, teaching
us that after all we ' are' animals and
many of us not .far removed in con
duct from the dqmb 'animals that do
our bidding. Buck, from all acoounts,
distinguished himself as the hero
aud Loudon leaves him. In tbe wilds
of AlHHka, heading " a pack' of half
wolf dogs, leading, training and
civilizing them.
One fresh milch oow with, calf by
her side for sale for fcSo by tbe Little
White store people.. Also a secdnd
baud back ohoap; "
. Mrs. Khrck, nee Miss Hull, resumed
her work as teacher of tbe primary
gr de last week. Miss Davenport of
Mosiorhad successfully carried on tbe
work during lier abseuce aud has re
turned to her home-iu M osier.
'The sloppy condition of the Odell
streets canted . an accumulation of
mud ou the bridge spanning tbe creek
until it became almost impassible for
teachers and children to get to school,
so our prluclpaL a. J. ttunis, be
came the mau behind tho hoe tbe
other day aud caused a transfer in
real estate aud di1 the communitv
eei vice for which he ' is entitled to a
vote of thanks.
L. A. 10. Clark last , year invested
iu a span of mules, paying 1150.
Since theu be has sold two bead, and
lust week got 1120 for one of tbe two
originally ruirchaned. This leaves him
the owner of half tbe team which owe
him very little. We think Clark lost
bis calling. when be became a anober,
lie should become a horse merchant.
Tbere are a string of fine looking
horses being paraded about tbe streets
of Odeli every ' day that oughi to
bring a good price. Got Clark to sell
them. This reminds us that with tbe
Hue German coach stallion in the val
ley tbe standard of fancy bred horses
snouiu do raised.
Frank Strung and J. W. Wilson
shipped a car of wood last week from
C. S. MoDuifuH and sous are arraug
lug to have some land cleared that
they recently purchased from John
tvrooger. "
W. P. and 1). It. Kemp completed
tho cutting of lie ricks of wood last
buturday lor the JLitllu White store
people ou tbe old ISnsey place. This
represents ubout half of their ttock of
rick wood, with which they are bor
dering tin 50 rod frontage of tbeir 25
acre tract.
W.A.Lockmati and Frank Neff bave
been coufinod at home for tbe past
few days with la grippe. They are
not seriously ill and we hope to see
them out soon.
Froth ranch eggs are now plentiful
aud a legal tender at Udell.
We all bave our troubles, but we im
aglne that tbe crop of 11)06 candidates
uuuer trie mysterious wormngs or tne
nominating primary la find them
selves in tbe worst mixup they were
ever iu. Perhaps the intent of the
law was good, but it will evidently re
quire some ameudmenta before it is
satisfactory to either tbe candidates
or tbe people. , With no provisions for
conventions to endorse candidates or
place tbem upon party' platforms be
fore the people, it becomes a free for
all proposition, and tbe fellow wbo
proves himself the best mixer will get
tbere. Every member of the legisla
ture seems to think that he must pass
some remedial legislature, but like tbe
sport who follows tbe raoe course and
best on tbe Held and wins out, -so tbe
time has come in Oregon with a cum
bersome oode containing many ob
noxious aud inoperative laws, that the
member wbo goes tbere to amend, re
peal aud vote against the majority of
bills presented would best serve bis
couutry and rememlering "that the
man wbo serves his country best
nerves his party best." It would be a
good thing for a few members next
time to try it.
Paid Jo'ies. one of Dr. M. A. Jones'
little sons of Hood River, is v'slting
his aunt, Mrs. M. I). Odeli. He spent
lant Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kos
well Mholluy. The presence of chil
dreu tame and soften us and call us
back to the years when our little oues
were with us, and as we pause we I la
ton for the laughter of children com
ing to us like the musio of the rip
pling stream or the foot fall that comes
no more, but come to think of .it.
there will come a ti when all things
will be lighted. Uutu that glad day
we must wait.
1,' T rfln...... Il.k..lf f (.. I.
company with his son, Edgar L., last
Monday piiMnaJtud Sir acres or Alfred
Wood of Odell. The land is situated
about half a mile east of the Little
White storo, and the trici paid by
Air. f airiiauit was Via an acre, uou
idcring Mr. Wood's age and condition.
tbe sale was a good one. The latter
will now retire from aotive life to en
joy the comforts of a modern home,
which he has been buildiugand which
is about completed.
A mini tier of Ihe young fellows from
here attended the ''Kag Time' mas
querade at Odell last Thursday night.
I bey all report a good time, but were
sorry to think the judges could not
decide iu favor of one of our boys who
had over patches on his clothes.
Hugh Kuight of Columbus, Wash.,
was here week to get his father's
apples packed aud hauled ; also to do
some work on the place, so they could
turn It over to the renter, R. B. Mor
ton. Hugh returned home Sunday.
The school celebrated Washington's
birthday ith exercises to suit the oc
casion. A number of visitors were
present and they all enjoyed tbe ex
ercises very much.
Another telephone meeting was held
at the Mount Hood ball Saturday.
Ibettock books were opened to be
signed by those wbo want to take
Give nature three helps, and
n.o-lw ....... ,1
sumption will recover. Fresh
air, most important of all.
Nourishing food comes next.
Then, a medicine to control
the cough and heal the lungs.
Ask any good doctor. ...
I flrit ated Avar's Cherry Pectoral .13 year,
ego. I hava wen terrlbl cie of lung dift
MM eiir(l lr it. 1 mu tiftTer wltliont it."
AUBiaf (1 IlAHILTOH. Mrl.tu. Ohio.
j. o. atr oo
r.owpll, Mas.
Ail (irmrtrmn.
Health demands dally
bowels. Aid nature wit
action of the
Aid nature with Aver's Pills
stock in tne companr. Home propo
salons were offered by tbe iiell com
pauy, but tbey cannot be takeu up for
a while. Mr. Wood of Hood Kiver
representing the Bell telephone com
pany, was present at tbe meeting.
J. P. Cooper spent last week with
bia brother, J. T., ou tbe latter
place near Tbe - Dalles, where they
expected to drain a lake and antici
pated having great sport catching the
osb afterwards.
Joe Demick and . his family bave
moved from Dee, where Joe has been
working in the logging camp, to bis
piaoe on Mam street.
M.i Dumas and family spent Sunday
at the f redeuburg home.
Oue of the old land -marks in the
Barrett district is fast disappearing.
F. Deusmore, having, bought tbe old
Barrett bouse fiom -Mr.' Sargent, is
now tearing it down, and moving it to
bia own land, where he expect- to
utilize most of it. As these old land
marks decay and pass away, 40 with
our bid pioneers. Oue by one tbey
are passing away. So with ug when
the summons oome we shall have to
passion into the great beyond, from
wneuoe no traveler ever returns to tell
tbe story.
- Roland Phelps is busy hauling lura
ber for the new house be is building
lor flir, liowley, near town.
Tbe freight team baa begun to run
tip to the Parkertown saw mill, so we
expect the. milt will be running at full
blast in a very short time. '
B. F. Eadelman says he will make
things pretty lively in a few days, by
putting a little giant powder under
the ! Id stumps ou the road. He say
no win nave goou roans as rar as pjg-
Mrs. E. Brayfbrd bns just purchased
a ten dollar Plymoutb Kock rooster.
which makes a very fine addition to
her flock. No expeuse is going to be
spared to bave tbe best, so as to give
perfect satisfaction, iilood will tell
L. Dart is a happy man nowadays,
because of the newcomer at hisi place,
lint, alas I It Is a beil'er calf. 1
A. Buttey has been breaking a nice
young horse iu to work during tbe
last week, lie says it will take a good
stake to buy bis borse.
Special notice is being siven throned
tbe Oregon dailies that tbe couutv
clerk's otlloe will be kept open until
y 'VolocK, so that worklngmen mav
register. You are reminded tbat yon
oan register at Rockford, papers for
that purpose having been se t bere
by the county clerk, so be sure to
Li. Jones 01 walla Walla is now vis
iting with his sister, Mit-s Emma.
at Uamp Liookout. Mr. Jones has de
cided to sell his 160 acres of laud on
reasonable terms.
Several of tbe boys have just return
ed from Ureen Point, and tbey assure
your correspondent that the snow is
s x feet deep on the level and still
deeper in tbe woods, so-that tbey can
not fall timber. Well, more snow
more. water for irrigating purposes, if
we can only get it. down bere iu time
for tbe crops, . 1 '
There is to be a meeting of tbe
electors of the irrigating district of
Hood River at the Barrett school
house Friday, March 2, at 7 o'clock
p. m. Let all come, as matters of im
portance will be discussed.
J. L. Neil was a passenger ou tbe
little boat to Hood Biter a few days
ago.. -
C. W. Parsons and wife are spend
ing ia few days in Hood River visiting
with relatives of Aire, rarsouc, and
specially a tirotner who has lately re
turned from uanada.
: Commissioners' Proceedings:
In tbe matter of tbe application of
U. W. Smith and others tor a red no
tion in the rates by The Dalles &
Rockland Ferry company, a corpora
tion, same is set for hearing April i,
lOOti. ..........
lu tbe matter of the application of
W. M. (JlauHsen for license to operate
a saloon on tbe Columbia river adja
cent to lots 1, 2, 3 and 1, sec. 32, tp
A uortn, range Vi east, tbe board hav
ing duly oousidered tbe matter tbe
license was denied.
In the matter of tbe application of
tne White Walmon, Trout Lake A
Ulenwood Telegraph .and Telephone
company for a franchise to erect, op
erate and maintain telegraph aud tel
ephone lines along certaiu public
roads and highways iu hlickitnt
county for a term of 50 years, it is or
dered that tbe date of bearing said
petition be fixed for April 7th, aud
the county auditor is hereby diiected
to give notice by public tion of said
hearing as prescribed by law.
Tbe board finding tbat tbe offices
of constable and justice of tbe peace
are vacant in Centerviile prtcinct,
aud tbat the citizeus of tbe precinct
are desirous of having these otlioes
filled, and that James 1. Muudeu is a
suitable person for constable aud L.
B. Smith a suitable person for jus
tice of the peace, it is hereby ordered
that James I. Muudeu aua L. B.
Smith be appointed to the olliees re
spectively of countable and justice of
the peace of Centerviile precinct.
It appearing to the board tbat the
Portland and Seattle Railway com
pany is interfering with and destroy
ing county roads in various parts of
Klickitat county, it is ordered that
the county surveyor, in conjunction
witn tbe county commissioner of his
respective district examine the cross
ings of said railway over tbe cooutv
roads and take such action as tbev
may aeeoi necessary for tie preserva
tion of tbe road system of the county.
New Waists
Just arrived a very
Pretty Assortment
in white and colored
embroidered lawns,
T 1 1
maia lawns, per
cales, ginghams and
other materials.
Call and look at
Lace and
New lot iust in, in
exceptionally neat
patterns, that we
are offering very,
very cheap.
Collars & Belts
A very pretty -line
of new turnovers
at 15c and 20c. -Ask
to see the belts.
Our new goods
are arriving for the
springy, trade and
we will have some
thing new to show
you almost every
ime you call.
R. B. Bragg'
dl Co.
. S. Commissioner Notary Poblic
The Oldest Insurance and
Real Estate Agent in towa
Insurance . Loam Abstraetini
Hood River, Oregon
Sssorrj Line
3 Trains to the East Daily
Ttamtifh Pnllman standards snd tonrist
looping can dally to Omha, Chicago, Spo
kane: tonrl.t sleeping; can dully I Kansas
Cltv; thmnsh Pullman tourist sleeplnf cr
(pefaonully conducted) weekly to ChlCMO.
Reclining chair oars (seats free) 10 the Kast
CkWaio Sail Lake. Peaver,
rertlaoA fl. Vt orth.Oiaaht,
Iseelal Kanau VI17,
1:1 a. m. Loui,Chloa(eaa4
via East
Atlaatlt Ml Lake, Beaver, I Ma, a
Bzprew W.Worth, 0h a, .. Kaaaas City, St.
via Leuia,CBloafoaa4
laatlDftea. last.
' Walla Walla, Lewis
It. real toa, lpokan.Wal- Till, m
ru4M.ll laee, full -as,
ilfs. ah Muineapolli, St.
via Faul,Duluta,llll
laekaa -waukee, Caleam
ana laat,
Rlwor Schedule.
FOB ASTORIA and IKW P. M. 5:00 P. M.
way points, connecting Dally Dally
with steamer for IWaco except except
and North Beach ateam- Sunday, Sunday,
er Haaaalo, Ash street Hatnrday.
dock (water per.) 10:00 P. it.
FOR Dayton. Oregon 7K A. M. 6:30 P. M.
City and Yamhill Rlv Dally Dally
er points. Aab street except except
dock (water per.) Hnnday. Sunday.
Idaho, and way points, Monday, 1:00 P. M.
from Rlparla, Wash. Wedn'd'y Tuesday,
Friday. Thursday,
General Pamenger Agent, Portland, Or.
r. D. WOODBURY, Agent, Hood River.
Select High Grade Berry Plants
Phenan.nal Be
Great money maker; as high aa 11,400
- per acre baa been realised from a aln
gle acre here the Ian season. Fruit of
enormous alee, varying from oue to
twolnehealn length; a brilliant roes
red color, deltcioualy flavored; ex
ceedingly productive; very Arm and a
f ood eblpper. Price, per 10, 11.00; per
00, 17.60; per 1000, M5 00. ....
New Maatmoth Bl-ckbarr-
(,'roaa between theCrandall Blackberry
and the Calif. Wild Dewberry. It la
the very largeat berry fruit of anything
known In the world today. Tbe fruit
averages from two to three lncbea in
length and ia produced in the greuteat
abundance. The highest flavored and
most delicious of all blncKberriea.
Tbey ripen three weeka before any
dewberry or blackberry. A great ship
per and money maker. 11.00 per 10.
fc 00 per 100, foO.OO par 1000
Loafam Borry
A fanioua berry, now being widely
planted all over tbe country. Fruit
very large and a handsome dark red
, color; exceedingly productive, and
possessed of a rich sub-acid flavor.
One of the beat canning berries known.
60 cents per 10, S&60 per 100, 126 per 100U,
Himalayan Giant Rlavcacborrr
Will yield looquartaol fruit ui a plant
during a season. Berries ripen In
July and Anguat; th.y are nearly an
Inch In diameter: Jet black, round and
of exquisite flavor. 11.00 per 10, W.0O
per 100, tM.00 per 1000.
Now Goldan Blackberry
Frnlt a glowing golden yellow, In
tensely highly flavored, very produo
tlve. and In site aa large aa the Kar'
Harvest blackberry. V6 cents eacn
12.00 per 10, 118.00 per 100.
MatcHlaaa Blackberry
, One of the finest flavored and moat
productive of all upright growing ber
ries. 11 .00 per 10, r.&0 per 100. ....
Rogers Early Dewberry
Earliest of all dewberries; lurge, very
Drill, great shipper. 50 cents per lv,
$3.50 per 100, 120.00 per 1000. .... ,
Mayes Hybrid Dewberry
The largest and beat dewberry in th
world. Hlpena 10 days after Roger
Karly; a great ship er; berrlue Jet
black and of the highest flavor; enor
moualy productive. 60 oenta per 10v
IS.S0 per loo. 115.00 per 1000. .... .
Beat all-purpose strawberry on earth;
tbe largest atrawberry known, and one
of the most dellcioualy flavored: glvee
tbreecropaa year; will aucreed any
where. 26 cents per 10, 11.00 100, taOO
. per 1000.
. . . ABOVk FRirBS, . , .
S. L WATKINS, Grizzly Rats, Cal.
: I tin prepared to furnish mill and ilab
wood, alao other kinds of wood.
,. I have a new gleam wood saw aud am
prepared to do sawing. Alao do general
team work.
Phone 121.
Ideal Home for Invalids
Climate and view nnanrpatsed
in the United States.
Wood & Gray
and Cigars
Troy Steam Laundry
Shepard & Franz
Are ia corregpondenoe with all pert r,f
the United W atoa and are in good dosI-
tioa to el vour
Farm Property
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.
uriect Fire Insoraace Co,