HOODJIRIVERf GLACIER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1806. NEWS FROM COUNTY SEAT The college boys of the State Uni versity KHve un eiitrrtH.liinie.iit at The Dalles liint week. Tim alfair wag a mnaioul one huJ was given by the glee club of tbHt Institution. The Chroni cle pronounces it as huving been first class, and iu pranking of it Bays: The cany stupe preeeiiee of the boys was aJuo marked. Tlieir poses were artistic, and ei.eh seemed to be per fectly at Lame, whore in reality sev eral of them should have been, for the club has not escaped the ravages of the awful typhoid wbioh has Ku geue in its grasp. Our neighboring Hood River young man, Lew Hender son, who is loader of the glee club, has sea. rely reentered finm an attack, tod in Saleiu Monday uigbt fainted on the stage. Others were - lit nearly as bad condition, but it detracted none from tbtir work lust night. Dafly service on the Regulator line has been resumed, the steamer Undine having been secured to run in con junction with the (Jeo. W. Simon. , The attempt to raise the Dalles City is said to be meeting with success, and it is soon expected to have the steamer in & position where the ex tent of her injuries can be known and also to commence the work of re pairing her. : i ; Mrs. J. A. Martin of The Dalles died in the state insane asylum at Salem last week. Mrs. Martin was about 41 years of age and had been living at The Dalles about six years. A forger whose . name was John Smith was arrested at The Dulles last weok by Ottlcers Wpod and Gibbons. He was wanted in Portland on the charge of passing worthless- checks and Detective Murphy of that city went to the county seat and took him back with him to answer to the charge. Editor Chronicle- Until recently your paper made a practice of . pub lishing the bills allowed by the county court at each sitting, but of lute I, with other taxpayers in the county, have been unable to find the list in your columns. Why this omission, when the law provides for their pub lication? The people of ; The Dalles have a right to know what bills are contract ed, aud 1, for one, but not the only one, think they should be published again. If there has been an change in the law, perhaps the county court will tell us about it. Otherwise, the people should insist on their publication. Taxpayer. The Chronicle has not published the list simply because the county court makes no provision for their publication. So tar as we know, there h is been no change in the law. Mrs. V. E. Djuo left this afternoon for Hood Uiver, where she w ill spend a fortnight with relatives. Articles of incorporation of the Mount Hood Telephone company have been filed by W. 8. (Iribble, O. M. Wishart , and 1. W. Lafferty. The principal place of business is Mount Hood, and the purpose of the com pany is to furnish telephone service between that place and Hood River. The capital stock of the company is 8U.00O, shares being valued at 850. Chronicle. Hood Meeting of Pine lirove (J range. Pine drove Orange No. 35G, held their fourth regular meeting last Fri day night. The meeting was opened by Worthy Master, A. 1. Mason. Then fillowed a long business session. Four new members were received and one new application. A set of stirring resolutions on the United States Pos tal Department investigation were uniauiously adopted. The meeting night was changed from the first aud third Friady to tho first and third Saturday nights of each mouth. It was deciced to make the next meeting, March :i, an open meeting and invite our friends. Three delegates rind three alternates were elected to the connty Orange. Mrs. J. Jan is, Misi Arlene Wlncbell and Kdv.ard Lne were delegates. Mr. aud Mrs. li. H. Ivjge and P. II. Mohr were alternates. A motion on our high school ques tion called forth what might have been a lively discussion, but owing to the lateness of the hour it was tabled lor future consideration. Our worthy lecturer then gave us the fol lowing program aud judging from the numerous enchores, it was mucn en joyed by all. , , Recitation Salutary Addiess, Joe Vaunier Song, . By Chorus Recitation The New Church Organ, Ivy Clark Questions answered by different mem hers ' Song Silvery Colorado, By four girls Recitaticn Dutchman s Uream, Carl Ouligan Solo and Duet The Stranger's Story, Mrs. Lage and Mrs. Jarvis Recitation Liithtumg Rod Dispenser Carl Johnson The questions and answers were very interesting and educational as well. The worthy lecturer gave each member a written question at the last meetins and the members had to pre Dare an answer. The questions most interesting were on history, the army, horticulture, etc All niernberi who did not respond to their questions at this meeting are requested by the W. L. to be prepared for the next meet ing. The riublio is cordially invited to come to our next meeting, Saturday evening, March 3. The program for the eveniiiB will be published next week. Watch our Orange grow. lHlrt Meetin? United Artisans, In its account of the big meeting of United .Artieaus at The Dallea the Chronicle favs: Tho United Artisans of Wasco countv held a family reunion iu The Dalles last uiirht. at which were repre sentatives from every assembly in the nnnntv.xcent one. lhe different as semblies were the guests of The Dalles Aseecb'v No. 'it. and ngnt well aid tho local Artisans assume the role ot host. The evening's enjoyment com menced with the exemplification of the degree work, when 11 strangers were initiated, the work being put on by the Hood River exeinpliDers, cod sisting of Messrs. -I'M. Lage, B. H Hartwis. Elbert Vanchan. W. E. Van nier and C D. Hendricks, Misses Netta and Cora Peagb, Virginia Crow nnH Mamie Boweo. After thn degree work a musical and literarv nroeram was renderea, inter spersed with tesponseg from members and instructive addresses by Supreme Master Artisan Hudson. When the mental feast bad been concluded the visitors were invited to the banquet ball, where an elabor ate spread was served, aud the con viviality concluded at 2 o'clock in the morning. Visiting Artisans from the several assemblies In the county were: 1 uf n r Assembly No. 102 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dufur, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hendrix, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Staats, Mr. aud Mrs. W. U. Vauder pool, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Hendrix, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brown, Mr. and Mrs. John Brown. Mesdnmes Rebec ca Wilson, Maud Johnson, Susan Van derpool, Josie Ward, Lou Mulkius, Messrs. Ed. Hill. Brenton Slusher, Ar thur Davie, John Heisler, William Ragsdale, Oeorge Miller, Al. Sigman and Dick Cantrell. Anchor Assembly No. 266 Messrs. W. F. Smith, C. E. Nolin, Frank Koehler, Oeo. H. GUI and Miss Floe E. Oill. Hood River No. 103 Messrs. W. II. Peugh, Ed. Lage, E. II. Hartwig, R. O. Massiker, U. R. Knutson, C. R. Oieison, John Rodcliff, W. E. Van nier, C. D. Hendricks, Elbert Vaugh an, Earl Clark, Mr. and Mrs. John Ko berg, Mr. aud Mrs. Kuthbeit, Misses Neta and Cora Peugh, Virginia Crow aud Mamie Bowen. Mosier Assembly No. 215 Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Mosier, Misses Edna and Nora Root, Amelia and Jessie Mo Clure, Messrs. A. P. Buteham, Oeo. Chamberlain, A. L. Root, E. O. Wln ans, W. A. Marsh, Robt. 11. Lebetter, Chris. Nickelsen. Mount Hood Assembly No. 2T6 Mr. and Mrs. W. S. dribble, J. U. LafTer ty, G. N. Wishart and J. Vauthies. ODD FELLOWS WILL ERECT $10,000 BLOCK Excavation was commenced last FridMy for the erection of a three story brick block on the corner now occupied by the Paris Fair. P. M. Hull Lewis is the architect of the new building which will be 50x100 feet and cost $10,000. It is being built by the Odd Fellows. It will be of the slow burning, semi fire proof construction with s leoted common red brick front. The belt courses, corbels and lint 1 courses will be laid in red mortar. The exca vation will extend under the side walks which will have steel supports with concrete arches and will be of the latest approved type iu use in New York, Baltimore and other East ern cities. The first two floors will be built to conform to the needs of W. O. Ash & Co. for the Paris Fair, giving then room for greatly increased sto e Bpace iu their rapidly growing br.kintes The third floor will be devoted tt lodge rooms and ante rooms for the Odd Fellows aud other organizations that now meet in their present rooms lt is the intention to have the first two" floors ready for occupancy by Muy 1st, and an effort will be made to have this portion of the building completed as near that date as pos sible. While the building is in oourse of construction the business of the Paris i'u'r will be conducted in the brick part of the store which is now in use. xlie now store will be nttea ud who what is latest in nxiures ior dry goods stores, and everything made to conform to the needs of its pat rons. A Protracted Meeting. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Cunning, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Newby and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Markha gave two valen tine w hist parties on the 15th and 16tb lust, at "High.and Home, " the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. 1. J. Cunning. The rooms were nicely decorated witb Oregon grape, pendant hearts and a pair of swinging Cupids. Each gentleman presented the receiving hostess with au original vaientine In comic or sentimental rhyme which was drawn by a lady who became the gentleman's whist partner at a desig nated table. Appropriate to the occa sion ouly hearts were trump, aud af ter each deal the winners moved in different directions to other tables in regular order, the losers remaining at the same table, but taking the victor for partners, thus making an entire change at each hand. The excitement of the game was lost in the pleasure ol meeting and remeeting as partners or opponents, aud toe ntniott good feeling prevailed. A substantial lunch was served about 11 p. m., in which heart shaped sandwiches were conspicuous. Each guest was served apple salad iu a cup made out of a Bpitzenberg apple, which seemed to me a menial u-e of oue of Hood River's best products, but then my taste is perhaps pieman, rather than putrioiau. Coffee, cake aud nine apple sherlet completed the menu,-after which tne ladies read tne valentines they had received with the name of the authors, and nf course thi raised the merriment to over flowing. E. L. Smith almost blushed himself hands me when bis ardent lines were read. His valentine was peculiarly appropriate "l'armer Smith" being in the center of a gor geously colored and embossed repre sentation Gf garden products, sucn as pumpaius, cabbage, carrots, eto.,wlto one ot bis latest pictures, as it ap peared in the Oregon ian in abbreviat ed clothes, saying, "Ob, who will be my Valentine Dear Mrs. M, or N, or C? 1 really cannot, dare not choose. Oh, happy thought I'll take the three." But he looked very dignified when Mrs. Smith read that Mr. Kinnard wanted her for his "Tootsie.Wootsie." The reading of the valentines was attended with hilarious laughter, and developed the fact that Hood River has about forty unnamed poets, and the poets laureate will have to look to their laurels or Hood mver win win another prize. The prizes on the first evening were won by Mis. Mattie juarknam ano Mrs. Brock, aud the next night by Miss Clara Hlvtbe and Vtm. Nichols, and cousisled ot a choice bouquet of flowers and a nauiature world. Jt is hoped the pleasures of the evening will outlast the fragrance of the flow ers, or the memory of earth. xxx Death of Tilinon II. Smith. Tihcon H. Smith died Monday at his home near Tucker's Bridge from an illness affliction from which he had been a sufferer for nine years. Mr. Smith is survived by his widow and two sou , V. Hugh Smith and Frank O. Smith, and by a brother, Milton Smith, of Hood River, and a brother and two sisters who reside in Nebraska. In another month be would have been 62 years of age. The funeral arrangements were in the hands of 4. E. Bartmess and ser vices took place at the home of the deceased Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, being conducted by the Rev. W. A. Elkins, of the Valley Christian church. The Interment was at Oak Grove cemetery. TACOMA BOOMING AS WELL AS SEATTLE Tacoma, Wash., Feb. IS. Dear Gla cier: Leaving Hood River on Satur day's No 1., I Bud myself this Sunday evening a long way from Udell. 1 am here for a day or so to "watch laoo mn grow." In May, 1S89, ihen Taco ma was booming and when people were riding on tun of the street cars for want of space inside iu order to get home to dinner, I bought some property. Several years afterward 1 visited the city of destiny again to look op the property 1 bad purchased In lsifi), and then found people walk ing home. These were during the pa n icy days of the nineties. Today I return again and find real e tate ac tive. The fact is I came here to see for myself what means the recent mes sages received, each containing offers ou these lots. There is evidently something here, as well as at Seattle. In railroad circles two or three lail- roads are fighting for entrances from the south and exits from the east Into Tacoma, aud recently muoh property has cbauged bands at fabulous prloes, and the end is not yet. Koswell Shelley. New Engine for Mount Hood ltnail. A small logging engine was received by the Mount Hood Railroad company last week for use ou its road. The engine was bought from the Salt Luke and Ogdeu Railroad. It is light and can be used to greater advantage than toe heavy engines which the new road has bad in use. Until the track is ballasted the use of these heavy en gines will be discontinued. Talked About Washington. The usual Monday exercises were in charge of the 10th grade pupils this week. Tbeie was a varied program. the principal feature of which was an address by Hon. A. A. Jayue on the life of Washington. Mr. Jayne's talk FOR THE LUGS FOR LIFE I . - I I M i n Cured of Consumption in Its Final Stages : J.O. R. Hooper, a merchant, of Woodford, Tenn., writes: "Fifty witnesses here, will swear that Dr. King's New Discovery cured Mrs. Mollle Holt of Consump tion after her family had watched at her bedside for the end, which doctors said was near." SUREST CURE IN THE WORLD FOR COUGHS AND COLDS! Prlca 60c and $1.00 GUARANTEED Trial Bottles Free r:::7rT SOLD AND recommended BY : ivew List of Real Estate Bargains ..I linker & Co. offer the following tic oil pn p'laitiona In real estate this wrek : 52 acriM. Between 25 and 30 acres cleared ; 12 aeres in bearing orchard, 15 in sltrtU irerries and elover. Mouse and barn, 'i'.iia In a good bey. Price (or a hort time, :1500. 30 ncies 5 miles out. 25 acres cleared, 20 in iiielinrd 5 of which is in full bear ing; i-tanilard varieties. Price, $!KXX). 70 acres 4 miles out. 45 acre cleared, 10 in orchard, 12 in full bearing, 12 ac es meadow land. All ne.essary buildings on place. Price per acre, 200. 80 acres 0J miles out, Unimproved. No waste land. Price, 40 per acre. 120 acres 6 i miles out. All necessary buddings, good well and springs on place. Una is an unusually good buy. Small orchard and all kinds of small fruit; 45 ucres cleared. Price per acre, ftiO; terms to suit purchaser. 40 acres. All under cultivation. Nice laige lioiife, ordinary bam and two ware houses. 6 acres apples full liear ing, standard varieties; also young Newtown orchard. 20 acres grass, 6 acres pasture; under irrigation ditch. This is a good buy at f 10,000. We call special attention to one 10 acre tract, all cleared; about two miles from town. Price, $1250. VS'e have a number of 5, 10 and 20 aero tracts that art) bargains. Home good propositions iu regard to land from the Mount Hood district. Com and see us aliout it. Also land in Mo sier, White Salmon and Hingen. We have fine alfalfa ranch in Baker county, another In Morrow ; also prop erty in the Willamette valley to ex change for Hood R ver realty. Houses and lots for rent or sale in all farts of Hood River. Collections made, nsurance written iu your choice of three companies. Wood & Gray DEALERS IN Confectionery and Cigars AGENTS KOU Troy Steam Laundry Shepard & Franz HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Are in correspondence with all parts of the United K-ates and are in good posi tion to sell your Farm Property LOCAL AGENTS Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. Orient Fire Insurance Co. on the life of this greatest of all Americana was in euology of his pre paredness at all times tor emergency and In bis beiug able to defeat the enemy by strategy rather than by open battle, for which the American troops were so illy equipped, and le sultiug in the end In the great victory which gave the citizens of this coun try the right of "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Held a Pigeon Shoot. A blue rock pigeon shoot was held on the beach near the Regulator boat landing last Sunday. Several good scores were made and it is the inten tion to hold a shoot there each Sun day for a time. The scores were: Ben Theyson, (ten shots), 1; O. H. Gray, 7j Bradpead, 10; W. M.Gray, 3; Bob Wilktaon, JL A five room house, and lot 80x140 can be secured on the hill for $1,100 if taken soon. Terms reasonable. See J. L. Henderson. NOTICE FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County Court of the State ot Oregon, for Wasco County. In the matter ef the estate of William Web ster Foes, deceased, by I'boebe Foss, Adminis tratrix. Notice la hereby given that the undersigned has duly riled ber final account unci report as Adinintsslratrix of the estate of William Web ster Foss, deceased, late of Hood Hiver, Ore ton; with the clerk of the County Court of Wasco county, Oregon, mid I hut the Judge or said Court has fixed Tuesday, the DOth day of March, 1MM, at 1 o'clock, p. m., of sstd day as the time, and the County Court room at the Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, as the place for bearing said final report aud ac count. All persons Interested In said estate are hereby notllied to appear at said time and place and show cause, If any there be. why said report should not In all things be allowed, ratified, approved and confirmed, and lhe said Administratrix discharged and her bondsmen exonerated aud released. That tlx order of said court Is dated the 12th day of February, 1M6, and provides for four wteks fiubllcatlon of the snld notice, consecutively, u the Heod Klver Ulacier. Pate of first publication hereof is February 1Mb, 1D06. Dated at Hood River, Oregon, this 14th day of February, MM. I'HOKHK FOSS, E. 11. Hartwig Administratrix. Attorney. M5-m-l EATIH1 TO ALL DISEASES OF BOTH 10b PL JiFli mm CONSUMPTION CHAS. N. CLARKE Announcement Season of 1906 Our scale of charges for services as Architects or Engineers, during the ensuing season, will be as follows : Plans, details and specifications for new buildings, 24 per ren' of to tal cost, based upon the AVERAGE of bids received, where totul cost cannot be determined. For alterations to old building'", 5 per cent. General supervision of works, which will include the survey of build ing lines and setting of grades, and drawing of contract or bond, and su perintendence to completion or acceptance new buibMngs, 2 per cent; alterations, t per cent, or full services for 5 per cent of act nil cost. On engineering works, surveys, etc., $10.00 per day and expenses, or as provided under special agreement for large projects. Transportation to and from works outside of city limits, and the em ployment of necessary help at expense of client. Ch irges ate based upon the total cost of all works forming part of construction and permanent equipment of any buildings in connection with which the Architects render service. The rules of The American Institute of Architects, governing the practice of Architects, provide that "All drawings and specifications, as instruments of service, shall l.e the property of the Architects, and must be returned lo them upon e ni pletion of works," and, "fees are successively due, as works are completed, unless otherwise stipulated in agreement." We make no charge for consultation or preliminary sketches, and guarantee economic and faithful service. P. M. HALL-LEWIS & CO. Davidson Building ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS Hood River, Ore. We Will Give You- Free Electric Light For one month if you will allow us to install it in your residence within the next 60 days, you agreeing to con tinue the service for one year. We will do the wiring at a nominal COSt cheaper in fact than ever done before in Hood Uiver. You cannot afford to miss this opportunity Of having in your homes the electric light service which you will use in many other ways than for lighting. Remember There are a great many electrical appliances that are prac tical, very handy, healthful and economical, and the cost is not high. You should investigate this offer and call in to have a talk with us about it at once. Yours for business, The Hood River Electric Light, Power & Water Co. ANNOUNCEMENT Spring Clotihin. Have just received all that is latest in Spring' Suits and Overcoats. New styles and nobbiest designs ever shown in this city i FOR THE THROAT n n 7 nj ulsuilu VOGT BROS. Hood River, Oregon Hardware Stewart's Furniture Picture Framing and Furniture Repairing w.. i ...1.1...1 .. f...... n i;t..,u ,, ;,, n,.... i;,,u ,,,i,.iii. 1 V III" nilllll lUUMl .,, v f , nv-v it.cn nut iiouib in ttit-.-v ttiitn, mt. nun him the newest, in frames, mats and furnishings. Reducing our work to a sys- tj.tn l.uu r.wl..M.ut nnr pnutH Xtwitv utitre cttntil iiniimvtt nor stli nor nit nnr price. Clearing house for Stock Taking Odd pinees in China and Glas, enro l aud malting reninitnls, high grade, furniture, aim some beautiful Morris elmir 'and roekers that arrived too late for the greatest Xtnas sale known here, will be put to t lie knifo to clear out kdore inventory. No duplicates. Don't wait, then blame u. liny now. Paints nts Cfpwofl'c Stoves Glass oieWdllb crockery 0 Are you helping build up Hood River by patroniz ing Home Industry? Cupid Flour i tln very best Flour on Hood Kivor market. The Porfwttion Bakery is lining it, after trying all tho flours on Hood Uiver market, and they say it excels them all. White and Light. Do you know how much better Graham, Whole Wheat and Farina lire when fresh than when they have lain around in a ware house? If not, try Hood Uiver products and be convinced. Hood River L OREGON Siiorp Line and union Pacific 3 Trains to the East Daily Through Pullman utanditrda and UMiriat alntplna; cam dally to oiiiajiit. fhluw, Mpn kne: tourlnt alwplna: crt dully la Knnai Cltv; through I'ullinaii UiUrlKt uleeplug car fprrmnaHllv reuduetd) wei'kly In Chicago. Ri'HInlng 'chair cam (WhiIji free) to the Kant dally. r till i ictuoUtli AUIT1 P1"" fartltn. Or. " Chicago iaJt likt. DMrer, I8f.v Portland Ft. Warth.Omaha, Bpeclal Kaniai CUT, it. :lta. m. Lonli,Cklcagoan4 la lul HuotlDgto. AtlantU Bait I,k, Denrer, t a. , KipraM Kt. Worth. Omaha, I ;11 S B. Kinni City, Bt. Tla Ixmli.chlcagoand Hontlngtoa. Kast. Walla Walla, Uwl- t. Fanl ton, gpoiana.Wal- Tili." Faat Mall lac, Foil man, ;lp. m- Mluneapolli, At. T(a Paul, Imluth, Mil- pokan waukea, Chicago and fcaat. River Schedule. KOR "ASTORIA nn S:lrP.M6:li(ri'. M. whv itolnta. connecting Dally i Imlly with tttcHfncr for Il .'acot except 1 except Hod North Beach Mtcain- Hlinrlay, Holiday. er H?alo, Ah street Haturdav. dock (water per.) jlO:() 1". M VIM Dnvfon. nrpirnii A. M. 5::l V. M. City and Yamhill Itlv . Dally Dally er point. Anh atreetl except except dock (water per.) j Hunday. Hunday. FOR I. K W I H TO N, l.-OO A. M. About Idaho, and way points, Monday, Km P. M from Klparla, Wah. i Wedn'd'y j Tueailay, I Friday. Thunday, I I Hunday. A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. r. D. WOODBURY, Agent, Hood River. Milling Co. iTIiiiher Land Act June 3, 18 78 NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. United Hint Land Oltloe, The Dalles, Ore gon, Feb. &!, IIKKi. Notice l hereby glventhat In cotnplltince with tho provlKlons of the act of OuiKrcNH of June II, 1H7S, entitled "An act lor I hi) Mileof tlinhor lands In the stales of California, ort'Kun, Ncvuilaaud Washington Territory," as 'extended to all the l'nhllc Land Hlates by net of AugiiNt 4, IMiej, the fol lowing named istrsoiis have tiled Iu this ofllce their sworn sUilcineuts, lo wll: JOHN KOHKUTH of Tualalln, county of Washington, stste of Oregon, sworn Hlittcmcnt Mo.27Wi, tiled In this olhce January lllh, lHthl, for the purchase of IheSi.jNK1, of Miction cl, and H'.SW1, ol sec. 5 twp 1 nortn, range U eaNt, W. M. HAITI K M. O'CONNOR of Portland, county of Multnomah, slate of Oregon, sworn statement No. 27S9, filed Jan ary 1:1, hKHi, forthu purchase, of the Lots li, II, in and 1 1 of section li, iwp. I north, range It eiiHl , V . M. That they will offer proofs to show that the lauds Hougnt are more vuluahle for the tiinta-r or stone thereon than for agricultural pur poses, and to eHtsoiiNii ineir ciauns to saiu lands tiefore the register and receivers! the land ofllce In The I'ailus, Oregon, on April ift, w. They name the following witnesses: jonn K. Hedges of Hherwtsnl, Oregon; Waller 'I homosou.of Tualatin, Oregon; Nils C. Olson, or i'ortlsnd, Oregon; llatlle M. O'Connor, of I'ortland, Oregon, and John Roberta, of Tual atin, Oregon. Any and all person claiming adversely any of the ahov-ilesi:iihed hinds are requested to tile their claims In this utiles ou or before said ih day of April, WW. rai!ti AUCltAEJ' T. NUbAN, itcgisier. CONTF..ST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United Hlates hand (mice, The Dalles, Oregon, February 10, '. -A aulllcient coolest silldsvlt having been HI"! In this olllee by Russell (lohiu, eontcHlant.HKulnst homestead entry No. 7iH i, niMder-cpl.'l.MMM. for M Vf' Nee. Jl). tp. I,S., range 1(1, K. W. M., by bavld C. Klggs, dee d, contcstee, In which It Is alleged th i ald en tryman died more than two yeaM ngo; that his heirs heve wholly abandoned said land lor more than one year next prior lo fit ng emihwt herein; thai said failures still exlstand are not due lo service, or enlistment In the army, or navy or marine corps ol the United Niatcs in lime of war; that the known heirs of the said deceased eutryniaii are: Mary Rlur:;s ol.Mt. Hood, Ore; John I'. Klggs, Caldwell, Kan.; Nancy (ialhralth, YouhaCiiy, Cal.: An s'line Henderson, lanlson, Texas; Katie Wielicry, Csldwell, Kan.; Keuben lUggs,otia Decring. Carthage, Mo.; John C. RlgK, Cald well, Kan.;.l. 1', Kiggs, Piano, III.; Mrs Utaatl J. Ilutler, Klngsley, Oregon. If there are any oiher heirs, their names and pluce of resi dence Is unknown. Knld parties and unknown heirs If anyre hereby notified to appear, respond and otter evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. in. (oi April 3, l'.HHi, before the Register and KeeeKeral the tin I led Hlates LaudOUloeiu Hie Dalles, Oregon. The "aid contestant having, In a proper affi davit, tiled January 11, set forth facta which show that aiter due diligence personal service of this notice can lot be made, It la hereby ordered and directed tbat aucb nolioe be given by due and proper publication. MICtlAUlt T. NOLAN, 23ra29 Keg later.