The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 22, 1906, Image 2

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All Broken Lots, Extra iStock-and Odds and Ends
The Odd Fellows having decided to erect a three-story brick building on the site of our present quarters we are compelled to vacate
the wooden portion of the building we now occupy and must crowd our stock into the brick building now filled with Dry trooas ana lo
tions. This is going to crowd us very much, and in order to give ourselves as much room as possible we are going to sacrifice all odds
and ends and broken lots in all departments.
1 '.
t '
r : .
! - r
g Men's, Ladies' and Chil- B Men's Dress Shoes ITT? Ladies' Shoes Boys' Shoes
J dren'S Shoes y&L ' , ' . 1ftft. . , , ? 17 p,H About 80 l,airs of ,adie8' About 75 pairs of boys' shoes, two
Vi We lmve about 100 pair of men's II shoes in patent leather and mt . , ' ,
We have some of those big bnrguiim I f shoes-notone pair of which sells for 2K1 vici kid uppers,welt and turn good heavy soles clear through
I ( loft in shoes worth from 1.2.-) to f.'J.OO less thnn ..50, a id from that up to f Kole, good value at the old to herl, of box calf, Puritan calf and
l that are going for only 930 a pair. I $4.00. Sizes 5 to 10J$ in box calf, ve- V V price of f 2.50, f 350 and 4. vici uppers, worth $1.60, 1.75, $1.90,
(V J They are getting pretty well run down ( 1 lour calf and viei kid, welt soles. JNc In order to rnn them out $2, $2.25, while they last, sizes 9 to 5,
1 for sizes, but if we can fit you this is a V'-k Your CI AC!
J J hoie . 49 SoYce $1 -93 choice
Misses' Shoes Ladies' and Misses' Rubber Boots Men's Underwear Nen's Wool Underwear
. , , . In this line the sizes are somewhat
Sizes 8 to 2, of vici kid, box calf and patent We wiU giye yQU ft discount of 25 per cent on all Sanitary wool fleeced silk finished under- broken, but here are some exceptional
leather, Al good shoes of standard make, worth ladies', misses and children's rubber boots, You can ' bargains.
$1 50 f 1 7r f 1 95 $2 00 $2.50. While they last, well afford to buy these and keep them until next wear for men, worth any old place 50 cents a All wool underwear in red worth
nuLtll2l)lhLS' ' ' winter rather than let this chance slip by. Rubber garment, you can now have at only 350 a Snnt garment; fr the fif).
and that wont be long, ,8 win all be higher -n next year which is )ot h . garment ....... 80C
Your M OO very encouraging when one realizes how necessary garment; all sizes. iii
Choice they are in winter. ment.. '.. !! 60c
Ladies' Shirtwaists
In this department we will give you some Big Bargains. We
have one of the largest and best assortments in ready-made
Waists that one could think of.
Waists of all the latest patterns and of the very choicest ma
terials. You must take time and see what values we are offering
in this line. It will not pay you to bother making a waist when
you can get them at such Bargains as we are offering.
Afk to see them.
LadiesrCoats, Capes, Jackets, Skirts
We carry the largest stock in the City in this line and our
prices are always the lowest. In order, however, to give us a little
more room we are going to offer you these garments at such fig
ures that if you need, or are going to need anything in this line,
you cannot help but appreciate and take advantage of this great
offering. Now is the chance to get a skirt, coat or jacket at a
genuine bargain. Now is the time to buy. Money sa ved is money
earned and you cannot earn money easier than by taking advant
age of this sale.
ish underwear, worth $1.50
a garment; for the garment... t.10
All wool, medium weight, light
blue color, worth $1.00 a
garment ; for the gaement 78c
Men's woolen undershirts, rib
bed, medium weight, a bar
gain at the regular price of
80c a garment; for the gar
ment 69c
Men's flexible ribbed, silk finish
ed undershirts, medium
weight; something that will ,
wear and give satisfaction, -at
the regular price of $1 a
garment; for the garment 75c
Issued isvarr Thursday by
AKTHUR D. MOB, PuMlsker.
lerou or subscription li.W a feat wka at4
j tdTHIIM.
To the voters of Wasco county :
I wish to anuooce myself aa candi
date for renoinlnatlon for the oltloe of
County Commissioner at the pritnar
es to be held April 20ln, 11100.
To the Citizens of Wasco county :
I wish to announce myself as a can
didate fur nomination on the Republi
can ticket for Commissioner of Wasco
county at the primary election to be
iiciu April I'tiui, low), aim u nominaica
nnd later elected. I ulodira myself to ful
fill the duties of the Glllcu to the best of
iuy ability and integrity. Yours sin
cerely U. R. CA8TNKR.
To the Republicans of Wasco county:
I hereby announce myself aa a candi
date for nomination upon the Republi
can ticket for Sheriff of Wasco county,
subject to the votes cast at the primary
election to bo held April 20th, ltKKl.
If nominated and elected, I promise
to fulfill the the duties of the ullice to
best of my abilities by being courteous
to all anil giving the oilice the same
careful attention that I would if it was
my personal business.
.Yours respectfully,
Hood River, Ore., Jan. 10, 1900
l-.ditor Ciiacier:
I wish to announce throuizh the col
umns of your paper that f shall be a
candidate at the primary election to lie
held in April of tnis year for the repub
lican nomination for representative in
the legislature from aHco county.
If 1 should receive the nomination
and be elected I shall, to the utmost of
my ability, serve the interests of Wasco
county, ami especially the interests of
the western portion of tne countv ana
Hood River Valley. A. A. JAYftE.
Thu announcement is made that Y.
YY. Knowles, of Dufur, and E. J. Hen-
drick. of Cascade Locks, are out for the
nomination of Representative. It Is
said that these gentlemen have been
brought out bv M. A. Moody, of The
In a recent Issue of The Dulles
Chronicle we observe the following
rofureuce tollou. A. A. Jayue's candi
dacy for the nomination of represen
tative: "Wasoo county la entitled to
two members in the lower branch of
the legislature and Hon. A. A. Jayue
of Hood River appears willing to go
back aud make auother trial at divid
ing the county, aud all the rest of It ;
but while Mr. Jayue may not object
to devotiug his services to the publlo,
it is possible the public may have
some objection. However, when de
velopments begin to develop we shall
see what we shall see. " It is possible
that the publlo may have some objec
tion to Mr. Jayue becoming a public
servant, but it is not probable that it
wiU receive the Chronicle's opinion
in the matter as evidence of it.
The district convention of the
Knights of Pythias, held at The Dalles
Monday, was largely attended, and
those who were prewnt speak in the
highest terms of their entertainment.
The oocaslou was the 42nd annivers
ary of the organization of the order,
aud a number of the prominent
Knlghs of the state were present, in
cluding (Irand Chancellor Davis of
Union. Supreme Representative W.
M. Cake, Supreme Representative W.
L. liradshaw of The Dalles. Grand
Keeper of Records and Seal L. K.
Stluson of Salem, and Past Oraud
Chancellor D. K liuohanan.
A banquet was served at the - Hotel
Albert commencing at 11:30, at which
many after dinner speeches were
made. Past Grand Chancellor J. A.
Douthit was toaxt master, and I the
Hood River Knights in attendance
who spoke were Geo. T. Prat her, tR,
II. liragg and C. . Markham.: The
Hood River Knights who were in at
tendance are:
Geo T. Prather, Carl P. Rosa, C.
R. Markham, U. W. Graham, C. II.
Jenkins, II. ' Ilellou, M. II. Nickel
sen, Frank Picket, A. J. Strauahan,
Thomas Johnson, Geo. Stianahau, K
H. Miller, Perry Ilelieu, Joseph Fra
zter, jr., R. R. llragg, R. Orr, aud
Norman Tostevln.
The Hood River delegation returned
on the early morning train Tuesday
Receives Appointment.
Rev. J. L. Hershner has received
the appolutmeut of assistant state
superintendent tor the state of Wash
ington under the auspices of the Con
gregational Sunday school aud Pub
lishing society, whose headquarters
are at liostou.
This society maintains four work
ers, one siiperiuteudeut and three as
sistants in Washington whose head
quarters are at Seattle and Spokane.
Mr. itershuor will continue to reside
in Hood River, while his work will
be foi the most part in the southern
part of the state, especially along the
uorth bank railroad. The work of
this society is the organization of
Sunday schools and their development
into churches.
Mr. Heishner was in the employ of
this society when he came to Hood
River twelve years ago.
Have nought Property Here.
Mr. M. L. Howard of Lincoln, Neb.,
spent several days last week in Hood
River aud vicinity looking for desira
ble p operty. The following was se
lected by him aud purchased through
A. W. Outhnuk: Four of taeohoioest
lota on the heights, two of them be
longlug to K IN. lilythe and two to
J. L. llendersou; also two large lots
ln.Harrett-Klpmn addition. It is Mr.
Howard's Intention to erect a fine res
ideuce on the tlrst property lietween
the residences of Mr. Onthauk aud
Mr. Richmond. Mr. Howard comes
hern with the expectation that the best
high school advantages will lie furn
ished, and if sutlloient inducements
are ottered he assures us that some of
his friends will follow iu the near future.
A New Mac rnnt for You
I am bringing out another new magazine that you will come pretty close to
liking. I wouldn't be surprised if it hit you harder than anything in the
shape of a magazine you have ever seen. There isn't much style to it, but it
has the stuff in it that you and everybody else will want to read. It is called
Tor Sale
For Hale-Two lots on Hhermans Avanue,
D. U. Jacksoo.
For Hale A span of mules, higbt is hinda,
wt. about 1160 each; years old, good driven
and good workers. Addratm H. A. Moore,
Hood Klver, Ore.
For Hale New store and stork of goods with
17 acres good fruit laud near flue Grove.
Very chmp. Apply to (Jeo. D. Culbertnon,
Hood Klver.
For Sale Eggs for batching from pure bred
prize winning liarred Plymouth Korks. Mrs.
J. 1. Ward. Phone ll'.ix. MS
For Sale Young pigs and h- ga, 11. W.
Pealer, K. F. D. No. 1. l'hone I247X.
For Hale Good six-room house besides hath
pantry and closeui, for fWMI. Also other good
buys. Inquire of A. W. Onthak.
For Hale Good, dry, oak wood, 81 50 per
cord, delivered. K. W. Angus.
For Hale Bureau. Call at residence of 8am
For Hale Fancy eggs for hatching. Mingle
comb, Brown leghorn and Barre l Plymouth
Hocks, l'en headed by a bird that won a
prla at Lewis A Clark Fair. Kggs tl per set
ting. Mrs. K. J. Nicholson. Mil
For Hale Brown mare, or will trade for bay.
Weight about 1050. Frank Parker.
For Sale Orthlngton roosters.
Ellen Blount, phone Ur3x.
Enquire of
For Hale A good Jersey family cow.
H5. Koy Ellis.
Real Estate
Horse Buyers, Attention! About February
itllh 1 will have driving and draft horses for
sale at Udell. Call or phone E. T. Foils. 19f
Lutheran -Services will be held
asalu next Sunday. February 25, at
the Advent chruch, three miles south
or town. Sunday school at a p. m. ;
English preaching at 3 p. m. The
continuation class meets Saturday,
February 24, at 1 p. m. II. J. Kolb,
Something New in Magazine Making
THE SCRAP BOOK is the most elastic thing that ever happened in the way of a
magazine elastic enough to carry anything from a tin whistle to a battleship. Every
thing that appeals to the human brain and human heart comes within its ficiion,
which is the backlxme of periodical circulation; biography, review, philosophy, science,
art, poetry, wit, humor, pathos, satire, the weird, the mystical everything that can be
classified and everything that cannot lie classified. A paragraph, a little bit, a saying,
an editorial, a joke, a maxim, an epigram.
Nothing Like It in the World
There isn't anything in the world just like THE SCRAP BOOK. It is an idea on
which we have beeu working for several years, and for which we have been g ithering
materials. We have bought hundreds and hundreds of scrap books from all ,w r the
country, some of them a century old, and are still buying them. From these looks we
are gathering and classifying an enormous, number of gcnis, aud facts and figures, and
historical aud person il bits that are of rare value. Furthermore, we have a corps of peo
ple ransacking libraries, reading all the current publications, the leading daily papers,
and digging out curious and quaint facts and useful facts and figures from reference book,
cyclopedia, etc., etc.
Don't fail to get a copy of this first issue of THE SCRAP
BOOK. It sells at the price at which all our other maga
zines sell Ten Cents a Copy and One Dollar by the Year,
On all news stands or from the publisher
FRANK A. MUINSEY, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York
For sale Great Bargain Ten acres Smiles
out; small orchard, beat variety of trees; two
small houses, frlce, g76, U"5 down, inquire
C. A. Uano. dUtf
For Sale Fifteen acres land, unimproved;
will contract to clear same If purchaser de-
airua. r. W.Angus. sv-ll
For Kent At East Belmont, a seven room
house with of an acre of land good for gar
den purpose; i men 01 water wiin place.
Enquire of A. W. Boorman. I'bone 1'21.
For Sale li acres 5 miles from town, near
Tucker's mill; V acres In wheat, 7 acres ready
for alfalfa, and 44 acres partly cleared, abund
ant water; protected from wind; excelleot for
Hpitzenbergs or Newtowns. A bargain; time
.,.,, k. I. ... ..r ...
t noue nun. l.. yv. joues. mis
For aale for 30 days Klghty acres of fine ap-
I'li: mini, pMiuy i-ieareu; tmiieciauy aaapittO
ror Newtowns and Hpltaenbenrs. Onlv tJU an
acre. Can also locate you on homestead or
iimnercutm. uoon saw mm at half price.
Come and aee me, K. Fields, White Salmon,
Wash. nu5
For Hale One of the best Improved fruit
wheat and alialfa farms In Waaoo county; IU
nines smite or i ne ianesair.nuerely. Address
n. simons, p.uaereiy, ore. ni16
Wanted To exchange either 100 acres of
land in (Tort county or a tine piano lor a
team of horses and rig, cowa, hogs or poultry.
Apply to J. Adrian Kpplng, Wecond and Moin
riaou streets, Portland, Ore.
Wanted-Ten acres of SpiUenberg or New
town orchard with trees 1 years old or over.
Cash. Addreas U, care (Jlacter office.
Wanted Two boardeii at
E. W. Cross, phone HH3.
The Firs,"
W anted O.d rubbers. I will be In Hood
Klver every Saturday. Call on or address u.
1 . Kaateriy, Hood Klver; I ti t. oil
Wanted-Klda for haullnc four-font mrrt.
wood about ?4of a mile, AddresaO. U Redish,
.neuomtnee, ure.
Ixwt A blue atlk umbrella with natural
wood handle, if found return to Mm A.J.
Lost- A gold ft lied watch, with leather watch
guard on r'eb. Irttli. Finder pleaae return to
tulaoffice. E. 1). Thornton.
Strayed From my place at ML Hnnri i
brown mare; weight about l.Ouo lbs., with star
In forehead. Branded J. P. or J. T. nnhm
Suitable reward will be given flnaler. M. Du
Five room house, and lot 80x140 feet,
on the heights, $1,100. Terma reason
able if taken soon.
160 acre mountain ranch, all under
irrigation ditch, twelve miles from Hood
River; six acres cleared, one acre or
chard; good bunch marketable timber.
Also four lots on hill near residence of
Charles Castner; terma reasonable.
5 acres, one mile from Hood River;
all applet, 1 acre bearing. Price for 30
days, $1850.
40 acres 6 miles from town, east side ;
20 acres cleared, 10 acres orchard. $125
per acre, caah.
4 room cottage. East 45 by 150 fet of
Lot 2 block 9, Parkhurst, $1050; $750
cash. .
House and two lots in Barrett-Sipma
addition. $700.
Fine business lot on main street for
$1600 on installment, or $1500 cash.
New 6-roomed cottage, patent bath
and closet, four lots, 3 blocks from depot,
center of town, $2100; terms reasonable.
Two lots centrally located, $550.
Two lots, new 6-roomed house, patent
bath and closot, 3 blocks from depot,
center of town, $1700.
Two-story 8-roomed cottage, lot 70 by
140. on the hill, $1200; terms reasonable.
For Sale 9000 acres pine timber; 1
saw mill, cuts 20,000 per day ; 1 planing
mill, capacity 30,000 feet per day; 1
store ana stock of merchandise, about
$3,500 ; 1 hotel and contents; 1 saloon
building, rented; 3 houses, rented; 10
head homes and harness ; 9 road wag
ons, 3J H: 1 logging truck; 5 pair
sleighs ; 30 head cattle ; 50 head hogs ;
600 feet lumber; 2000 cords wood. All
located at and near Hilgard, Or.
For Sale New two-story 9-room
house; Stranahan addition ; $1100; terma
14 acres across the road from the M.
M Davenport residence. $60 per acre.
Terms easy.
160 acre mountain ranch, all under ir
rigation ditch, twelve miles from Hood
River; six acres cleared, one acre or
chard; good bunch marketable timber.
Also four lots on hill near resident of
Charles Castner; terms reasonable. In
quire of John Leland Henderson.
One goat ranch on mountain east
of alley on county road. Price $1,600;
has small house, running water, and is
fenced. Terms, easy.
For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi
tion, center of town, from $200 to $300.
Lots 10. 11. 12. hlnrk fi Wluenma .H.
dition; Improved; price $1,600; or
more casn, oaiance, l year, 8 per cent.
For Sale Residence on State street at
head of Front; $2,500. including 3 lots.
For Sale or Eichange for Hood River
property Fine residence in husinpss
center of Sumpter.
money to loan.
21 a. at Frank ton; improved; $2400.
First-class Surveying Outfit
At the Emporium are kent 2 firat.eUi.
transits and solar attachments, and. the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laying out acre
age property in lota and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting:.
City Engineer.
Found In thla office an nmbrella nmnmr
can bave same by apply at this office.
Drop a card to Chaa. r. Terr! 11 and let Tour
anted A worn team. Welaht not laaa Organs. Machlnea mv i rWni .nj
than 1,100 lb. U. A. Littlefield, H. F. 11. No. 1. P-tired at your borne. Prices very reasonable.
i a