The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 15, 1906, Image 6

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J . .'
t '
A biuiMT travel to the nortliwefet
than duriuu the Lewis and Clurk ex
position year is redicted for the
summer by W. A. Cox, Kouorul HKeut
of Die Chicago it 'ortliwewtern inil
war. who lias luwt loluriied from a
tiiiHinosH ttin to Chicaiio. New Vork,
Pliiladelithiu, Boston, Indianapolis
and other points.
"If the railroads put lu sum.rer
rates that are now under cousidora
tion iu the eiiht, I pobitivtly believe
the travel to this coast this year will
equal, if it docs not exceed, that of
last year in 1'oi tland, is the way Mr.
Cox puts it.
This statement, eouiinx teriously
from ouo of the best informed rail
road tratlie men, fresh from the mid
dlo west and eastern territory, from
which Oregon expects to draw inves
tors, settlers and tourists this year,
will surprise niout people, it is said
that few realize the immense travel
that will come from the east to the
i'acillc coast this yeur.
Mr. Cox closely observed indica
tions that came within his view on the
trip eaft, and his opinion is bused on
personal knowJedKe of what he saw
and heard. Jle says tho people who
came to the Lewis and Clark fair have
done an immense amount of ellective
advertising lor the 1'aciilo Northwest,
und not only are many of tho same
people coiiiIuk back, but thousand
of others whom they have told of the
resources, opportunities and Koimrnl
favorable conditions hero. Air. Cox
saiil :
'"Ihe Lewis and Clark exposition
did moro for tho 1'aciilo coast than
any other exposition has ever done
for u country. The Louisiana Pur
chase exposition was a )reat thinK for
Ht. Louis. J tut it bmmlltted chielly
tho city of Hi. Louis. The conditions
around that city did not allow of ex
tousivo rosults favorable to tho coun
try, as it was already developed. Or
c'Kon has all tho wealth of resources ol
eastern states, and then some more.
The thing lackinK is population und
capital, The people of the east are at
last sooliiK this fact. The railrouds
are realizing that the l'ucillo North
west is really the only great region
romaiuinK for exploitation. They are
now ii.'hiK it serious attention."
Mr. Cox added that announcements
might soon bo looked for from the
railroads giving low summer rutes for
round trips to the I'acillc coast, and
that there would bean immense travel
besides the colonist and tourist travel
to this coast. There will be large con
vention! in California and a large pro
portion of tho delegates will arrange
their trip to come or return via the
northern routes. They want to see
tho country that has boon so much
tulked about in connection with the
fair. Old men who have boys are in
vestigating here for tho younger geu
eartiou. lie met men of wealth who
have no plans of their own for devel
opment, but who are convinced that
Oregon is the place for their sons.
Kastern people who have been ao
oustomud to traveling abroad aro be
ginning to realize that there Is some
thing to see in tho this wonderland
tho I'acillc Northwest. Tho onorinom
volume of railroad advertising that
hsii been done and is still being car
ried on exploiting this pint of the
United Wales is bringing actual re
sults as all good advertising will.
Men with capital to invest uro seeking
tho openings that are now known to
exist hero for making largo profits on
Regarding the building Into this
territory by the Northwestern line,
Air. Cox says his olllcials have noth
ing to say, but mills that the line he
represents is going farther than usual
in tho oll'ort to properly euro for the
increase In North l'acillo coast trallto
and that the olllctals aro dl"gontly
seeking detailed inlormiit ion as to the
possibilities and natural advantages.
Mr. Cox has been instructed by his
people to obtain promptly all statisti
cal mutter possible with regard to
crops and conditions, including
wheat, barley, Max, fruit, hops, sugar
beets, live stock, poultry and dairy
ing, mining, llsheries, climate, etc,,
all for incorporation in a new booklet
of extensive character ou "Tim l'ucillo
Northwest. "Journal.
Writes About New Hospital.
Hditor Clacier In as much as 1
have been at the hoHpital iu Hood
Uiver, and for the reason that there
are some people hero who do not
know that there is a hospital here,
anil others who believe that they have
to be a pat lent of one of the local doc
tors to gain admission to It, 1 feel it
quite right t hat 1 should say a word
ill support of this hospital.
Tho Cottage Hospital is located ou
the north side of Oak street iu what
is known as the Cox residence. It
was bought by Hectors Humble, Uros
ius, Watt und Shaw, to be used as a
hospital, iiml for which it is well
mluptod. Of course it is not a model
hospital such as you inigiit .expect for
llfty or a hundred thousand dollars.
It will only accoiiiodato from twelve
to sixteen people at a time. Hut
these twelve to sixteen people can be
oparated on jimt us successfully and
looked niter mora sucossfully here in
Hood Kivor than they can by going to
Portland or The OuIIoh.
Tho Cottage Hospital Is supplied
with hospital beds, ii sterilizing or
operKting room and is healed with
hot uii. It has at present two nurses,
nach of whom is a graduate of the
.Minneapolis City hospital, and each
tins had ten years cxporloui'o in hos
pitals The building has ulso hot and
cold wnl r and a kitchen and pantry
in the basement lull of all sorts of
good things to eat. It has i f course,
also a cook and a janitor.
It is not necessary to gain admis
sion to this hospital t In in iv' Ii one of
the local doctors. ou can make your
Arrangements w ith (lie matron. And
if it is neccsmirv that you undergo a
Hiirgical operation which you think is
technical und demands an expei't,then
by nil mans sei.d for the expert with
the advice of your local doctor and
make the expert come to you, to your
own town and your own hospital.
Knilroad fareco.-ts ilie doctor no moro
than It does you. Ilesides you are go
ing to pay a good price for the opera
tion, sn he can alt'onl to pay the rail
road fare, lint Ihe fare is so small
that it will not betaken Into account,
and if you insist on it tho doctor will
be glad to come, if he liuds that you
prefer to have it done at home. You
aro then surrounded with you family
und in touch wit h your friends and
your business. This seems to nio far
bettor than to pack your grip and
journey olf to Portland and locuto
yourself in one of tho cells of a live
story hospital surrounded by Strang
era who are as lndillerent to you us
you aro to them.
It is true that tho doctors did not
invest their money lu this enterprise
for the glory of it. Hut it is ut pres
ent not u profitable investment for
them, and if it should have to be
dosed inglorious? for the lack of our
patronage, it will be us much of a loss
to tho community as itwill be to the
doctors. I have merely said this
inucii because 1 believe mat it is an
enterprise deserving of our patronage.
1 believe of course that there are some
cases where it is best to get medical
or surgical aid elsewhere, but thoce
cases aro the exception.
!A. Dennett, editor of the Irrigon
rrigutor, who is ulso vice president
of the Oregon Development League,
and who has just completed an ex
tended tour of the state in the inte'
ests of Hint organization, is iu the
city for the purpose of consulting
with local members of the league.
Mr. llennett is entliusiastio over the
great awakening that has come to the
entire state cs a result of the Lewis
and Clark fair and ut the CouimeicisI
Club yesterday gave an iutenstitg
account of his trip.
"My tour took me us fur east i.s Lu
orando and us far sent Ii us Uorvul.ix,
he said, "and, judging from what 1
saw and heard iu the various towns 1
visited, Oregon Is on the eve of the
Kreutest era of development in her
history. In not u town that 1 visited
did 1 hear a complaint of dull times
or poor business. On the contrary,
everywhere 1 went 1 found the stieets
full of people, the mercnuuts busy,
money plenty, produce in good de
mand und every honest inau welcome
to credit.
"Naturally 1 visited the olllces ol
the country newspapers in the placet
passed through, and, as everybody
knows, there is no better place to get
into intiuiute touch with u common
ity than in the lucul eiiili r's sautum
"The ciedil for this condition ol
alfaiis is largely due, 1 bel eve, to the
work that has been done of late l.
the Oregon Development Li ague, liy
bringing together i'.l comeicial bodies
in all parts of the state, it is in u po
sitiou to wield u wide and benellciul
I n II nonce. Nearly every town of any
importance iu Oregon nowadays has
its commercial club or other business
men's organization, and what is more
to the point, ouch of these various or
gauizatinus is growing and prosper
ing beyond all precedent. A typical
case is that of Albany, whore tho Aloo
Club, deriving its name from the ini
tials of Albany, Linn county, Oregon,
is doing great things for the upbuild
ing of the town und surrounding
"Woodhiirn, of the valley towns,
particularly Impressed me with its
evident prosperity. S'lveiton, too,
struck rue us a hustling, bustling
place wnen 1 was there huluruiiy a
week ego. All thro 'gh the valley u
feeling of optimism prevails and finds
warrant in the inllux of new settlers
and increasing demand for farm lands.
"On my wuy to the east 1 found
Hood Hirer as prosperous us any com
munity could hope to bo. Likewise
The Dalles. On the hrunoh line lone,
Lexington and ileppuer are making
a splendid growth and have bright
prospect. Never since the great
Hood of a few years ago has lleppner
displayed more business activity than
at tho present time.
"In my own town we are looking
forward to a lug year, inasmuch us
not less than IU) small tracts which
were planted in fruit trees a few years
ago will come Into bearing this season.
Arlington, Irrigo i ami even sleepy old
old Umatilla, awakened from u Kip
Van Winkle nap, are deriving great
b Miellt from the construction work ou
the north bank road, lie ho is hum
ming with prosperity and has a news
paper that is a credit to the commun
ity. "Pendleton is taking oucitillod airs
with a business men's club which has
a membership of 400 und a home
equipped with a gymnasium, shower
baths, billiard parlors and library.
Lu (irunde is doing a big business and
Hot Lake, a little further on, is ngog
ovro the report that a a company of
capitalists is planning to spend more
than WO.OOO lu making it the Carls
bad of the West.
"Crop prospects in Kastern Oregon
were never better, owing to the heavy
fall of snow iu the mountains east ol
the Cascades. "
( lliiiallc Cure.
The iiilliicnce of climatic conditions
in the cure of consumption Is very much
overdrawn. Ihe poor patient, and the
rich patient, too, can do much better nt
home by proper addition tu food diges
tion, und a regular uscof (icrmiin Svrup.
f ree expectoration iu the morning is
made certain by del man Syrup, so is a
good night's rest and theabscmcof that
weakening cough and debilitating night
sweat. liestlesH nights and the exhaus
tion due In coughing, the greatest duu
ger and dread of the consumptive, can
be prevented or stopped by taking tier
man Syrup liberally and regularly.
Should you be able to go to a warmer
clime, you will Iiml that of the thou
sands of consumptives there, the few
w ho uro bencliltcil and regain strength
arc those w ho use Herman Syrup. Trial
bottles, l!."ic ; regular si.e, 7')c. lor sale
by C. N. Clarke, druggist.
Win n Will It Ilcuch I si
Alasons throughout Michigan are
waiting with interest for the time
when they will receive a trowel re
cently started from tho New Vork
City Masonic Temple ou a trip that
will probably take several years to
complete. W ith the trowel, which Is
taken as a symbol of cement ing the
members of the order together, is a
register, in which will bo inscribed
by each lodge receiving it, date in re
spect to the trowel and the lodge.
I'.very Masonic lodge iu the I'nited
States will receive the trowel. After
it has completed the trip, it with the
register, will be placed in the archives
ol the lodge sending it out. -Hoscom-
mon News.
All old-time cough syrups bind the
'.lowels. This i.4 wrong. A new idea
w as advanced two years ago In Ken
nedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. This
remedy iet-on the mucous membranes
of the throat and lungs und loosens the
b iwels at the same time. It expels all
cold from the system. It clears the
th out , strong! hens the mucous mem
branes, relieves coughs, colds, croup,
w hooping cough, etc. Sold by U. K.
of a woman' life Is the name often
given to "change of life." Your
menses come at long Intervals, and
grow scantier until they stop. The
change lasts three or four years, and
1 causes much pain and suffering,
which can, however, be cured, by
Woman's Refuge In Distress
It quickly relieves the pain, nerv
I ousness, Irritability, mlserableness,
fainting, dizziness, hot and cold
flashes, weakness, tired feeling, etc.
Cardul will bring you safely through
this "dodging period," and build
up your strength for the rest of your
life. Try It.
You can get It at all druggists la
fl.00 bottles.
I uffjrtd," wrlttt Vlrrlnli Robjon.of Eit-
1 on. Md., until I took Cardul, which cured
me so quickly tt surprised my doctor, who
I didn't know I wu uklng lu"
We publish helowr an article taken
from the Spirit Lake (lu. ) Koucon,
which will no doubt be of interest to
our readers. It was evidently sent
out by the American tress Associa
tion as an item of news of sulllcient
importance to be disseminated. We
will leave our readers to determine
to whom it applies:
A (iermnn, a bit illiterate and not
rated us very smurt, still knew ennui, h
to buy ten years ago a tract of it'
acres of out olf timber lurid nitla
Hood Hiver Valley iu Oregon, which
ho planted nut when cleared to Kpit
zenberg und Newtown Fippin apples.
ihe laud erst him lu per acre, ami
lately ho has I een otlered fc'lUM) for
bis little farm. 1 hete t hoice tipples.
which Hud their rcry highest develop
ment ou tho soii , mi in tho climate of
this valley, represent about the most
irotltuble brunch of horticulture to
le found iu the whole country. This
fruit is all taken for export ut, fancy
prices, some of the lllteen-yeiir-olil
trees bringing iu tin income of ."iU
each. "
Harriet Howard, of LI ill V. ,'iltli St..
New York, at one time bad her beauty
spoiled with skin trouble. She writes:
I bail Salt libeurn or Kceina for years,
but nothing would cure it, until I used
limklen s Arnica Salve. A uuick ai,d
sure healer for cuts, burnt, and sores
!"ic ut C. X. Clark's drug store.
Mill Slay in Hood River.
Tho remedy that makes vou cat, sleep
and grow strong, called I'ahno Tablets,
will be sold regularly by W illiums
Pharmacy, Hood River. These great
nerve and constitution builders cost only
fttle per box, six Ikixcs t'2 .50.
Scientific Americas
Agency for
Rivcrvicw Park and Idlcwildc Additions
Easy Grades, Fine View and Good Water
Cheap lots for buildi Small Houses near Flour Mill
Office next to Wauconni Hotel
I'illeiit Medicines Stationery
1'hoto'jTaplier.s' SnpplieH Toilet Articles
Slmviiitf Outfits Soaps brushes
Powders (Tooth and Toilet) Combs
Stock Foods Syringes Trusses
Pipes and Cigars Paints and Oils
The iibove list represents only "i small pnrt of ihe
lines we carry, and if you don't see what yon want in
the list, come in and tell us about it. We can fit you
out and will guarantee that the price will suit you.
Clarke, THE Druggist
Bartmess' Furniture Store
Steam and Hot Water Heating .
All jobbing promptly attended to. 1 '
IFSICOnT stable
..Livery, Feed and Dray ing.
Hood River, Ore.
Ilurcs Ixiuglit, sold or exchanged.
Pleasure purtiea can secure first-class rig.
Special attention given to moving furniture and
We do everything horses can do.
Hunts P'kint
Have added a complete line of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH
Our stock of paper includes latest designs in Wanks, Gilts
and high Grades, From 10c up, A full stock of room
molding, Picture rail, Plate rail and a small line of
novelties in Framed Pictures. CALCLMO, the
latest thing in room tinting, mixed to order.
Painting, Paper hanging, Sign work etc.
Phone 071. First and Oak Streets.
Kor information iml frtw Handbook wrlto to
OIiImi biirtmu for Mcurltix pMmita In Aiiwrtm
Kverr patent takftn out lf tin Is ItnniKlit liofonl
Uiti publlo by . uotlc. glv.n t roo of chargo In Luq
watific tucriciw
Lanrnit circulation of any adcntlflr paper In tho
HorKl. Hpleti Jkllr llluitrattxl. No lulillliimit
run should bo without It. Woekir, .l.e a
tuari fl.M) sit month. Address MllN.N 4 Ut,
imuftuiuu, Mil Uruadwar, Now York.
Aiimmlly, to ttll the new po-Hlon rmiUil hy
muiroHti ana i t'U-urupn t'onipanieH. c want
YOl'Nli MKN Hiid I AIM KH ,.f k,hh1 tint. lis to
W furnish T.i per rent of 1 lie operators Mini
Stallon AKt'tilM in Atnerlea our hi Hi x ftehnols
are the 1hik'1 exeluslve Telegraph KrltonK i n
I hk KmIuIiIImIm (1 i.t fiirs ami en.
doixeil by nil leading Hallway otllehils.
We exeeute u J.'M) Itomt tit eve-y Nhitlent to
furniMi hint or her n posit Inn pay ing from jit)
lotHiii mono, in is title east oi the
Mounlalns, or from 7fS to Jim' a month in
stateHWCNt of the HiM'klen, I M M KI1 A 1K1.V
Students ean enter at tuiv time No vaca
tions. Kor full particular reuai ilitiir anv of
iir SehiMh. writ din et to our exeeulUe of-
Hen ut CliielnnHtl, . t 'uUlomie fire.
The Morse School of Telegraphy
Inetnnntl, Ohio
Allanta, (in.
xarkana. lex.
tnr!'ulo, . V
I ,n( 'rosse, Wis,
Han h ram-isro. i al.
Do you want a snap?
White Salinon-llood Uiver
Two big snil boats, two
ig ierfeetly safe gasoline
auiuhes and two big ferry
seows. hxpert sailors m
charge. Moats leave at all
hours. DK.VN & Pl.AHSON
I.icctwrd Ferrymen.
Olllci's and It minis.
Tlio very boat for rent in Smith Block
You can't lose if you
buy a tract in famous
Cut up in tracts to suit vou.
.lust sold ten acres fortwo
thousand dollars and t he
rest, than that which we re
serve will soon be sold.
Malleable Iron Metis, guaranteed against breaks by tin
factory for 2." years, and yet cheaper than the cast beds
e tret them direct from the hast. I alland look t hem over.
(iraphophone on household goods free for $.
Building Material, Carpets, Paints, etc.
Undertaker and Embalmer.
Square Deal Store
"Honest Goods and a Square Deal" my motto.
A full line of
Groceries, Flour and Feed
to select from
Farm Implements of all kinds
Wagons, Buggies and Hacks
Osbourne Spring Tooth Harrows and
Canton Reversible Extension Discs
are complete orchard tools in themselves
Agent for DeLavel Cream Separator
the only lirst-class separator on the market
Have just received a Carload of Dynamite
and Stumping Powder
100,000 Brick for sale in lots to suit
Phone 741
(( - I
"North Coast Limited"
The Electric Lighted
Observation Car Train between
Portland and St. Paul.
Pullman First Class Sleepers,
Pullman Tourist Sleepers,
Dining Car, Day Coaches,
Observation Car.
3rd and River Street.
Hood River, Ore
Tin' Hiiift lirrry ami niilo lam in
tlit worlil. Within the city limits i
Whito Salmon. TtMi-acru ur hiiiuIUt
tracts Just the thing for berries ami
After yon have lookeil around come
ami Kee ns ami yon ill Iiml just what
you have have lieen looking for.
Cherries from tract this year
are the winners in the gVeat
fruit exhibits.
Hotel Waucoma
A First-Class House
Moderate Rates Good Service
Farmer's Dinner 25 cts
Hood River
The Acme of Travel Comfort
is found on any of the
Send four cents for our Lewis and Clark Booklet,
six cents for "Wonderland 1905."
Yellowstone Park Literature
can be had for the askinjr.
The Ticket Office at Portland Is at 255 Morrison St., Cor. Third.
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
W hite Salmon, Wash,
Dealer In
Harness & Saddles
All Repairing Promptly Attended to
Ivzlo ABBOTT,'
grli Class 2vIlllnez3r
Hood River, Oregon.