HOODIfHIVBBIQLAOIEB, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1806 HOW TO STUDY PROPERLY. Book Should Be Well Cheaea an Read Carefully, Not Devoared. Study Is Ilka a dinner. The vlanda must be well chosen and eaten slowly, not devoured, tLen we I turned over In the mental stomach for awhile va: tu with ease and comfort they are per- iecuy aieeated and furnish nutriment to the brain. Most students study without thought, which Is like eating without digesting. Others read merely as a fad and soon forget all they may have learned. The most satisfactory method of tudy Is the digestive. It Is the thor ough one the one that gives strength to the brain. Take the Bubject you are studying. llcnd a few lines or a few pages, as the case may be, then put the book down and think on what you have read. Turn It about In your mind from every standpoint. Do not accept It Immediately. Argue for and against It in your mind. In other words, masti cate It. You need not be at your leisure to do this. Do It In your walks, In your Idle moments, at any time. When you have satisfied yourself on the subject go on with a little more In the same way. In a short time you will find yourself more a thorough student than If you bad read all at a sitting. The best educated man lu the end Is the man who learns slowly, but surely. COINED MONEY. The Moat Ancient Bpeclmeaa Known Are Thoae of Arglna. Throughout the early parts of Scrip ture as well as through the poems of Homer not a single passage occurs from which can be Inferred the exist ence of stamped money of any descrip tion. It is agreed that the Egyptians had no coined money. Herodotus Is authority for the statement that the Lydians were the first people who coin ed gold and silver. The Palran Chron icle, however, ascribes the first coin age of copper and silver money to rheldon, king of Argos, 895 B. C, In Aegina, which Aellan corroborates, and the best numismatic antiquaries agree In considering the coins of Aegina from their archaic form and appearance the most ancient known. They are of sil ver and bear on the upper side the fig ure of a turtle and on the under an In dented mark. Coins are among the most certain evidences of history. In the later part of the Greek series they Illustrate the chronology of reigns. In the Roman scries they fix the dates and succession of events. Gibbon ob serves that, If all our historians were lost, medals, inscriptions and other monuments would be sufficient to re cord the travels of Hadrian. The reign of Trobus might be written from his coins. NOSE CHANGES. They Are Gradual and Imperceptible, but Contlnnoaa. Don't worry about the' shape of youi baby's nose If it Is a snub nor be sure if It pleases you by Its regularity that It will be the nose that will grow up with It, for scientists have observed that no feature changes more as life progresses. The length of the nose Increases so ; much faster than Its breadth that the snub nosed baby may evolve a long, even hooked nose. This change In the shape of noses is gradual and Imper ceptible, generally more expeditious In tho male than In the female, correlated with various other characteristics, such as Intellectual attainments or weak constitution, and producing different results. During maturity and senes cence tho bridge of the nose becomes more and more prominent, often more convex, so that extreme old ago may even develop an aquiline nose, so that one need never despair of possessing a satisfactory nose at some period of his life If ho only lives long enough. But, like so many other blessings that are deferred, the right kind of a nose may arrive too late to affect one's fortunes or happiness. A Study In Wrinkle.. When George Klgnold was playing Henry V. a friend visited him In his dressing room and remarked a large and handsome photograph of Words worth hanging on the wall. Said the friend, "I see you are an admirer of Wordsworth." "Who's Wordsworth?" queried the actor. "Why, that's his picture Words worth, the poet." . "Is that old file a poet? I got him for a study of wrinkles." London An swers. Commercialised. "This Is Indeed the age of commer cialism," said the man of sentiments. "What makes you think so?" "Some of our statesmen never men tion the American eagle any more and are continually applauding the work of the American hen." Washington Star.' Making a Name. "Yes, she made a name for hernelf." "In what way?" "Why, she used to be Ellen Cummins Brown. . Now she Is Alleen Comyna Browne." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Knowledge. Knowledge will not be acquired with out pains and application. It Is trou blesome and deep digging for pure wa ters, but when once you come" to the spring they rise up and meet you. The Enaraa-ement Waa Recent. He I wonder if there Is another girl In the whole wide world so sweet as my little sweetheart. She What's that? now dare yon think of another girl? I shan't speak to you for a week. We know books by reading tbem, horses by handling them, houses by liv ing In them and men by trusting them. They never grip or sicken, but cleanee and strengthen the stomach, liver and bowels. This is the universal verdict thousands who use Dewitts Little Karlv Kisera. Tbese famous lit tle pills relieve headacne, constipation, biliousness, juiidice, torpid liver, sallow complexion, etc. Try Little Early Kis ers. Sold By Williams Pharmacy. To the Voter of Baldwin Treclncl. The registration books for Baldwin precinct are now open. I will be pre pared to register you at any time at Gribble's store. O. Fredenburg, Notary Public. DIAMONDS. K Tern Want to Make Them, Here la the PrLreaa ot Manafactare. Would you like to know how to man ufacture diamonds real diamonds? The process is somewhat difficult, requiring time, patience and some outlay of mon ey, but then consider the possible re sults! The diamond, we know, Is sim ply carbon In a transparent crystalline form. It conies of humble parentage and Is brother to the lump of coal. Unlike easily crystalllaable bodies, carbon la Insoluble in all ordinary solv ents, but molten metals will combine with It. Let the diamond maker choose Iron for a solvent for charcoal, melting It In an electric furnace, allowing It to take up as much carbon as It can in other words, saturate Itself with car bon. The crucible containing the white hot metal should then be plunged Into a bath of molten lead. The result will be that globules of iron will rise to the surface of the lead and are quickly coolfd on the outer surface. Inside the hard crust the Iron remains for some time in a molten condition, and as iron expands lu solidifying the contents of these little globules receive a pressure unattainable by any other means. When the lead becomes solidified some bullets of iron will be found bound up In the mass. Dissolve with some pow erful acid first the lead and then the iron, and a residue of carbonaceous matter will be found to contain tiny crystals renl diamonds. Any chemist with a well equipped laboratory can make diamonds in this way, but the largest of them will not be more than a fiftieth of an Inch in diameter. THE CULT OF SILENCE. Troeat Intercoorae Between Congen ial Spirits la Without Words. Now, to keep one's freshness there ought to be a zone of silence around every human being during soma part of every day. It is significant that the great religions of the world have come out of silence and not out of noise, and the finest creative work Is done, as a rule, In seclusion not necessarily apart from men nor lu solitary places, but away from the tumult and away from distracting Bounds. It is lu silence alone that we come Into possession of ourselves. The noises of life disturb us as a cloud of dust in tervenes between the eye and the sky. There ought to be a cult for the prac tice of silence a body of men and women committed to the preservation of the Integrity of their souls by nei ther hearing nor making speech for certain periods, pledged to the culture of the habit of quietness. Maeterlinck has pointed out the fact that the best things ure never spoken, and the truest Intercourse between con genial spirits is carried on without words. If we said less and thought more there would be far fewer things to explain, niuny sources of irritation would be dried up at the sources and the prime cause of irritation, which Is nervous exhaustion or excitement, would be removed. Outlook. Lonir Beards. Howell's "Welsh Celebrities" says: "Llewenn had the longest beard of which we have record. When Irene and flowing It fell down over his horse's shoulders almost to the ani mal's knees. It was of a peculiar yel low or straw color, which was all the more curious, both his parents being dark haired mountain Welsh people. Years afterward the mountain people bad proverbs which referred to this freak, they often using the expression, 'About as long as Howlund's beard' or 'Yellow as the whiskers of Llewenn.' " George Klllngworth, whom Queeu Mary sent to Russia In IGoG as one of her agents to Czar Ivan the Terrible, had a beard five feet three inches in length, and Count Ruloff of Poland, 1097, rejoiced In the possession of a mustache which was so long that he could not touch the ends of it with his fingers. Salphnr. Sulphur is a solid, nonmctalllc min eral which has been known from earli est ages. It is hard, yellow and brittle and has a most offensive odor. It Is found in veins or beds, mostly near active volcanoes. The Imported sul phur mostly comes from Solfatla, In Sicily, but large quantities are also pro cured from copper and Iron pyrites. Tbese minerals are heated, and the sul phur being volatile files off In fumes, which are conveyed by means of pipes to a condensing room. If left In the powdery state In which It condenses It Is called flour of sulphur. If melted and cast Into bars It Is called roll sul phur. Written In Si ana;. Matthew Henry's commentary on the Bible was written for the common peo ple and In the slang of the day. In commenting on Judges ix he says: "Ws are here told by what acts Ablmelech got Into the saddle. He hired for his service all the scum and scoundrels of the country. Jotham was really a fine gentleman. The Sechemltes were the first to kick htm off. They said all the 111 they could of him In their table talk. They drank health to his confu sion." Ber Pocket book. "Oh, my!" exclaimed Mrs. Schoppen. "I've lost my pocketbook!" "Never mind, dear," replied her bus band. "I'll got you another pocket book, and you can easily collect mora dress goods samples." Kansas City Independent. Elecanca. Elegance Is something more than ease; It is more than a freedom from awkwardness or restraint. It Implies, I conceive, a precision, a polish, a sparkling, spirited, yet delicate. Ha- Blltt. Here Is a Bargain. Five acres first-class land, one mile from Hood River; all in orchard ; new ImililingH on place. Must sell at once. For particulars see John Leland Hen derson. Apple Shippers Your shipment?, large or small, re spectfully solicited. We can get you good prices. Prompt returns. Send for shipping stamp. McEW EN & KOPKEY, Commieeion Merchants, 129 Front street. - Portland, Ore. Can She Save Them? 0?T Manv a Door mother who feel! that thosa she holds most pre cious are gradu ally slipping away from her over the terrible precipice of disease, would be thank ful to know what Doctor Pierce's wonderful "Golden Medical Discovery" has done to restore thousands of weak and wasted chil dren to complete rounded, rosy, healthy, activity and nto. "Fire years o.'o this last fall I was taken down with a (ever and was very had fur several months." writes Mrs. Henrietta Bell, of Diamond. Ohio. She continues: "Finally recovered from the fever, then my luiiirs became very bad. The doctor aatd I had consumption, and that he had done all he could for me. and he did not think that I could get well. My case was a very danger ous one. Became very weak, had night sweats, also a very bad cough, nlcht and day. At times would spit blood. I felt as though my ttme on earth would le short. Uequested my husband to get me a bottle of Dr. I'ieree'a (iolden Medical Discovery, and perhan It would help me. Before 1 had taken one bottle mv cough was almost gone. The next to disappear were the night-sweats, l am almost sure that If It had not lieen for your medicine 1 would not have been here to-day." If mothers will only write to Dr. Pierce concerning tho ailments of their family he will send them sound and valuable advice In a plain sealed envelope, and without any charge whatever. Ilis remarkably wide experience has qualilied him to deal with diseases which ha tile the local prac titioner. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buf falo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation. One little "Pellet" is a gentle laxative, and two a mild cathartic. CHICAGO The greatest comfort, maximum of safety, least delay and fastest schedules are assured by travel ing over the Chicago & North western Railway and its connect ing lines to Chicago via Omaha or via St. Paul and Minneapolis. This is the route of The Overland Limited and of The Atlantic Express daily trains, with direct through service from Portland via Omaha. Direct connection at St. Paul and Minneapolis with four mag nificent daily trains to Chicago. All agents sell tickets via this line. Pol lurtb.t taloraltloa apply Is IIS LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Library The Best In Current Literature 12 Complete Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 PER YEAR ! 25 CT. A COPY NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF IJJ MIDWAY CHOP HOUSE RKOI'KNED t'NDKR OI.I) MANAGEMENT. RKMEMBKR YOU CAN GET A HOOD SQUARE MEAL OROOOD LUNCH AT ANY OLD TIME PROMPT SERVICE RENDERED. :o: C. L PIERSON, Prop. vXni Apples From now on we look for a better market in Portland SHIP to PAGE & SON Pioneer Fruit and Produce Dealers PORTLAND, ORE. Underwood Hotel Mrs. Mary D. Olson PROI'HIKTKENH First-class accommodations for travelers Meals and lodging. Meet all boats, Lunches at all hours. Waiting room, Comfortable rooms. Underwood, Wash. BEN THEYSON Best line of Cigars in the City Also handle line of Pipes, Tobaccos and Fishing Tackle 1 1 n w. a. cox. . . U Qassral rV TM I Have you any money that is idle? Idle money may be spent," or lostr or stolen. Money on your deposit book will work for you. Don't trust to luck. Put your money where it will be absolutely secure. WE PAY a PER T CENT INTEREST SAYINGS DEPARTMENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Do Ton Suffer with Iijspppsla or indigestion? Clarke's Dyspeps a Tablets will cure vou. Price only 50c. DAVIDSON FRUIT CO FRUIT DEALERS and Manufacturers of nil kinds of Fruit Highest Prices Paid J. R. N1CKELSEN DEALER IN Vehiclesand Agricultural Implements (Seasonable Goods) Qrubbing Machines, Wire Cable and Extras Gream Separators, Feed Cutters, Buggy Tops, Spray Pumps and all sundries for above. . -DEALKlt IN- Staple and Fancy Groceries AND HARDWARE. SOLE AGENTS FOR Majestic & Mesaba Ranges and Stiletto Cutlery. HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS, C. T. RAW80N. HOOD RIVER NURSERY. Stock Grown on Full Roots. We desire to let our friends and patrons know that for the fall planting we will hare and can sup pi j in any number Cherry, Pear,Apricot;Peach& Plum Trees, GRAPES, CURRANTS, BERRY PLANTS, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitzen berg and Jonathan apple trees. RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River. Or. Closing Out Ladies' Top Skirts These Skirts are of the latest Fall and Winter styles, in blacks, browns, blues, plaids and tans. Exceptional good values at these prices. Ladies' Top Skirts, worth $9.00, reduced to $7.00 Ladies' Top Skirts, worth $7.00, reduced to 5.50 Ladies' Top Skirts, worth $6.00, reduced to 4.50 A L; CARMICHAEL HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS PHONE 51. PHONE 51. JTJST KsECaE:iT7"aE3ID Another Car of those Pino R ed Cedar Shinales BUILDING MATERIAL on hand. We solicit your orders. Oregon Lumber Hood River, Oregon. Boxes for High Grade Fruit. GILL, jz? OREGON. F. H. STANTON FULL LINE OF WllOLKSALE THE DALLES NURSERIES U. H. WKl'.KU, Prop. THE DALLES, OREGON. UKOWKR AND DKA1.KK IN FRUIT, SHADE AMI TREES ORNAMENTAL Evergreen, Roses and Shrubbery. Remember, Our Trees are Grown Strictly Without Irrigation. Houses -IN- Goe's Addition Cheap for Cash or on your own terms. Now is the Time to Buy. Phono Farmers 1233. H. C. COE. JACKSON & JACKSON, Dealer in General Merchandise and Lumbermen's Supplies, Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts Free Delivery. Phone !).'tl ..Mount Hood Store... W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor. Dry Goods Ammunition Roots and Shoes I lurdware Graniteware Hay Oram Flour Feed Full line of Groceries HOOD RIVER TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. TICLET OFFICE FOR THE REGULATOR LINE OF STEAMERS. Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready. Phone l.'H. NORTON & SMITH Tinners, Plumbers and Steam Fitters Handle Pumps. Windmills, Spray Fittings and Hose SNOW & UPSON Blacksmiths and Wagon Hak ers The most completely equipped power plant in Oregon. Contract work a specialty. Grubbing supplies and Log gers' tools always on hand. The care of the horse's hoof essential. We are experts in that line and cure corns and interferes. Co RKTAI.L GRAPE VINES -AXD- SMALL FRUITS and Lots HOOD RIVER, OR. J : A..