HOOD BIVER:amciEB,f THUKUDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1008 THE OCTOPU3. It Terrible Armr of Saalttra aa It Fowcrlal Jam, Both Uie octopus aud tho cuttlefish tavo arms that are clothed with formidable array of sucker wblch ar wonderful pieces of mechanism. When tlie sucker comes Into contact with an object the central piston, having pre viously been raised bo as to complete ly fill the cavity of the sucker, Is at ?nce withdrawn and a perfect vac uum produced, explaining the great te nacity with which the suckers cliug. They number upward of 100 pairs to each arm of the octopus, and once they obtain a grip on the victim, unless the arm is actually torn away from the body of the octopus, It is practically impossible for its prey to disentangle itself. In addition to these suckers the octo pus has a powerful pair of jaws, shap ed like the beak of a parrot, behind which is a formidable armor plated tongue used as a rasping organ. The octopus will attack and kill crabs and lobster of conulderable size, ripping open the body by moans of its powerful Jaws and devouring the contents. In spite of being a creature of such aws Inspiring looks the octopus has several enemies in various species of whales, sharks and conger eels. In fact, the latter are particularly fond of devour' lug the smaller octopuses. Conger eels bunt for the octopus and, when found, proceed to browse on its limbs. The octopus tries to hug the slippery, slimy conger tight; but in vain, and, finding its limbs growing less, discbarges Its ink In the face of the foe and under cover of the turbid water beats a hasty retreat. It Is to escape the too pressing attention of its foes that the octopus possesses the power of changing Its color to corre spond with that of its surroundings. WHEN WE STAND UPRIGHT. A Special Complex MerbanUm Bau ble! It to Do It. We are so accustomed to standing upright as a natural attitude that few of us think what a special complex mechanism Is required for this pur pose. A moment's consideration win show that the ordinary explanation of the erect position (the center of gravi ty to be directly above the feet) u ia- sufficient When a man is suddenly shot, whether from tho front or behind, ho drops on his face, for the truth Is that there is much more weight In the front of the spinal column than be hind It The fact Is that when we are stand ing a large number of powerful mus cles (both front and back) are simul taneously at work, the effects of their action being to neutralize each other. Thus the legs would fall forward were it not Hint thny ore kept vertical on the feet by the strong tendon (the "Achilles") at the back of the heel. At the same time tho muscles of the thigh are tightened so as to prevent us taking a sitting position, aud the mus cles of the back are pulled tense so that the trunk does not stoop forward. The head is prevented from dropping on the chest by the ligaments in the nape of the neck. That the upright is not its normal position is easily shown by the fact thnt a man nods as he is falling asleep, for as soon as the controlling nervous force Is doadened the head drops for ward by its own weight, only to be pulled back into position again with a Jerk when the brain becomes sud denly aware of an unusual attitude. TAMMANY SOCIETY. He Orlcla of the Ora-aaUatloa Ia 4b Time el JeCereea, Tammany was the heir of the spirit Of the Sons of Liberty of the Revolu tionary war. It was kin In some of its purposes at leaBt to those who were then beginning the revolution in France. It was enthusiastic in its sup port and approval of that revolution. Indeed a misty legend has been banded down from generation to generation in the hall that the suggestion came from Jefferson himself, who, called from France to Washington s cabinet was pained to see that aristocracy, English in its impulse and fostered by the So ciety of the Cincinnati, was rooting It self so early in our national life. To crush that Impulse, at least to fetter it Jefferson gave the bint, and Tammany, with its tomahawk, stood facing the Cincinnati and Its sword. William Mooncy, an upholsterer, but like many of the mechanics of that day, keenly Interested In politics, sugge sted that there be brought together In an as sociation those who dreaded the urls tocracy and who suspected that the purpose of Hamilton was to force the government into something like a lim ited monarchy. Mooney found a good many mechanics and merchants who thought as be did, and so a common purpose, the grouping Impulse rather than any cunning plimnlng of one man for personal advancement, brought some of the ablest political and per sonal foes of Hamilton and Jay togeth- J er, and with some mystery of oaths and ritual, the pipe of peace, the feath ered headdress, even the painted face and leathern cost nine, with wampum ror its ornament, thene men were bound In one association as the Tam many society, or Columbian order. MT. HOOD THESPIANS HELP LIBRARY FIND BURIED LIVING PERSONS. Brltlah Coatraata. Their wealth, their luxury, their cul tivation of arts which we have not yet had time to seriously contemplato, their civilization, their strange class distinc tions, but above all the great wealth and the great poverty of their people, stir our wondering faculties more than any other things can ever do. When we behold their wealth we aro as poor children brought suddenly into a rich child's nursery and lost in astonish' mcnt at the number and profusion of toys strange to us. Wbeu we see their povorty we are rbarlsees who thank God that we aro not as these others. But lu either case are we besot with groat amassment From "An Outland cr In England." Horrible Cutea of Japaa.a. Prle to Veer 640 A. D. Prior to the year 640 A. D. the Japa nese bad one of the most horrible burial customs that can be imagined Uiut of burying all the Immediate friends and retainers of a prince or other person of note In a standing po sition around the potentate's grave and leaving them In the earth up to their necks to perish of thirst and hunger. The custom cannot be said to have been general as late as the date given, for the Japanese records prove that in the time of the Emperor Sulnln (07-80 B, C.) the burial rites of royal person ages were so modified as to partially abolish former cruelties. Speaking of young brother of Sulnln, who died and had his retinue burled standing around bis grave, the old record says: "For many days they died not, b9t wept and cried aloud. At last they died. Dogs and crows assembled and ate off their beads. The emperor1! compassion was aroused, and he de sired to change the manner of burial. When the empress died, soon after, the mikado Inquired of his otlicers If some thing lu the way of a change could not be suggested, and oue proposed to make clay figures of men and bury them as substitutes." That this did not entirely do awav witn the former custom is proved by an oflict iMsued In the year 040 A. D. the dote given first above, which forbid the burial of living persons and pro vided a penalty for further adherence to the awful rlte.-St. Louis Itepubllc. Bla Gxeaae, A Scottish parish minister met the laird's gamekeeper one day and suld to him, "I soy, Davidson, why is it I never see you in church?" "Well, air," replied Dovidaon, "I don't want to hurt the attendance." "Hurt the attendance! What do you nietinl" asked the mtnistor in surprise, "Well, sir, you see," replied the game keeper "there are about a dozen men lB the parish that go to church when I'm not there, and they would go poaching If I went to church." An Eiplaaatloa. "Why lit," said the young man with long hair, "that tho average woman would rather marry money than brainsi" "She takes less chance," answered Ulss Cayenne, "The average woman hi a better Judge of money than she Is of brains' Washington Star, nil I.nck. Friend of tho Family You are very lucky, my boy, to be the seventh son. It will bring you everlostlng fortune. Bon No. 7-4t hasn't so far. All it's brought yet is the old clothes of my six brothers. Illustrated Bits, NoUMug- bat Praia., "J havo nothing but praise for our new minister' "So I noticed when the plate cams round' Chicago Journal. CarlyU's Blaalaeae. inomas tarlyle once took Lord Houghton (Richard Milnes) to task in regard to the proposed pension for Lord Tennyson. "Hlchard Mllncs," said Carlyle, taking his pipe out of his mouth, "when are ye gaun to get that pension for Alfred Tennyson?" MUnes tried to explain that there were dim CulUes in the way and that possibly his constituents, who knew nothing about Tennyson, would accuse him of being concerned In a Job were be to succeed in getting the desired pension for the poet. "Hlchard Milnes," replied uie sage, "on the day of Judgment, when the Lord asks ye why ye dldna got that pension for Alfred Tennyson nn no uo to lay trie blame on your constituents. It's you tbsfll be damned." A Careful Patient. A woman whoso throat bad troubled her for a long time, says a writer in the Philadelphia Ledger, grew Impa ueui at uie slow progress she was making and made complaint to her doctor, who said: "Madam, I can never cure you of this uiroat trouble unless you stop talk tug and give your throat a complete ret" "But doctor," objected his patient "I'm very careful what I say. I never use harsh language or anything of that kind." What Noah Did. i,ne story is told of a congressman that he once declared In an address to the house, "As Daniel Webster says in bis dictionary." "It was Noah who wrote the dic tionary," whispered a colleague who sat at the next desk. "Noah nothing," replied the speaker. "Noah built the ark." Doable. you don't admire Miss "Apparently Skreech." "No, I don't like her airs." "What airs?" "Those she sings aud those wears." Exchange. aha If wo neglect to exercise any talent power or Quality It soon falls from nl -Wood. Pastime Card Club Entertained. The Paxttrae Curd .' olub was enter tained at the home of Mr. aud Mrs, I). U. Jackson Thuisday evening, lie- sides the members of the club there were several guests. The incentive of the gathering was as usual whist. Mrs. K A. Frnnz took the first prize end J. R. Kaud won tha second. At tar the game nu nppetiziug lunch was served and the guests departed after thanking their newt and hostess for a very pleasauMiveuing. If you want something that will be unique, we have Japanese ware. It can't bo duplicated and yet is service- able. At Clarke's, the jeweler. Cettlas. Qaggs I don't see why everybody calls Miss Keen clever. I think she is very dull. Waggs That is very atrgnga, for I beard she cut you yes terday in the street. JOrtune Is ever seen ustry. Goldsmith. accompanying The New Cough Syrup the one that acts as annul cathartic on tne bowels is Kennedy's laxative Honey and Tar. It expels all cold from the system, cots the phlegm out of the throat, strenghens the mucous membranes of the bronchi! ul tubes, and relieves croup, whooping cough, etc. Sold by Wil liams Pharmacy. Eureka Market. Our prices are popular prices and our meats fiiKt-elass. We bny no Chi nese fatted hops and don't have any rubber necks. Who is the government meat inspector? Special Correspondence. The entertainment held at the Mount Hood hall Friday evening, Jan uary 2G, was pronounced a decided success by the large audience which was present. Xbe roads were bad. and the night was dark, but all who possibly could turned out, even from as far away as the town of Dee. They all felt amply repaid for the trip in the enjoyemnt of the excellent pro gram which was rendered. Every number was good. Kspeoial notice should be given to tbe doll drill by tbe little girls aud boys and the "Eastern Band." Tbe little comedy, An economical Boomerang, was very laughable. Mr. Knox as Mr, Dabbleton showed quite an experience in domestic afiairs, and tbe troubles of marrle l life should have no terrors for biui, after tbe expeileuce he bad in the pnrt assigned to him. Mrs. War en Cooper was excellent as Mrs. Dabbltton, and Mr. Monroe and Miss Mae Cooper made a moi-t adorable newly married oourue. Matson Baldwin as tne spruce vouuit doctor sustained his part well, and Mrs. Hulciwin as Mbkkuj the Irith lurrunt wps inimitable. Taken altogether. tne wnoie cast was most creditable and gave a very entertaining little play. Tne teachers and pupils of the school foel very grateful to all who took part in any way and thereby helped to increase tbe libraiy fund to the amount of about 27 north of books. ine luncn and candy couuteis were well patronized and seemed much ap predated. Alter tne entertain n.ent was over a few houis were spent in sociul enjoy meut, all wishing as they departed mat sucn auairs would Happen often The program was as follows: PA It'll I. Instrumental duet, Mae Cooper and F.rucy Noble Recitation, Ceoil Laffertv Doll song, Eight little girls liurlf sque don drill, Eight boys Hecituton. "Xhe frlde or lot tery H," Laura Miller Duet, "Those Evening Bells." Mae and flattie Cooper eastern uand Solo, "Where the Silver Colorado Winds Its Way," Chestoi Monroe PART II, "Tbe Economical fioomeiang" Characters: Mr. Dubblbton, O. "A. Ki:o. Mrs. Dabbloton, Mrs. W. M. Coopoi air. jura i-iover. une 'er Source Mrs. Bird Plover, ft! u C ooei Doctor, i atoi Ilaldwin Maggie, A:rs.,l'Bldwin. Vllnctto Cures. .. The inlluence I climatic conditions In the cure ol cons.. motion Is verv much overdrawn. The poor patient, and the rich patient, too, can do much better at home by proper attention to fond diges tion, aud a regular weal (erman Syrup. Free expectoration in the morning is made certain bv Herman Svruo. so is a good nl(jlit's rest and the absence of that wettKuning cougn and ueDiiitaiinii night sweat, KeNtlots niulits and the exhaus tion due lo coughing, the greatest dan ger and dread of the consumptive, can be prevented or stopped by tulung (ler man Syrup liberally aud regulmiy. Should you be ablo to go to a warmer clime, you will find that of the tin u- sands of consumptives there, the U- who are benefitted and regain strength are thote who use Herman Syrup. Trial bottles, 25c J regular tize, 75c. For su'o by C. N. Clarke, druggist. O- -CHOIOE RESIDENCE LOTS FOR SALE IN- Rivervicw Park AND Idlewildc Additions Pure leaf lard Quire Bros. home made, at Mc- t4 Solentlfle America -t. Aaencv for Easy Grades, Fine View and Good Water X 'Ti ALSO MANUFACTURING SITES FRONTING ON 0 R. .. -, N. TRACK WITH DEVELOPED WATER POWER Clieap; lots for building Small Houses near Flour Mill , FRUIT LAND FOR SALE IN TRACTS TO SUIT HOOD RIVER DEVELOPMENT CO. Office next' to Waucoma Hotel HOOD UIVER 0 .iEossoiiNOni3sn " 0 1 irMSrHSSl Patent Medicines Stationery Photographers' Supplies .Toilet Articles " - w Sliaving Outfits Soaps Brushes . ' Powders (Tooth and Toilet) Combs ' ' Stock Foods ' ' Syringes " Trusses ' 1 ,'i -U'ipefi and Cigars ; Paints and Oils The iibove list represents only a small part of the . lines W'0'Carry.j and if you don't see what you want in the list, come in and tell us about it. We can fit you out VijrgUftrant.ee th'at the price will suit you. q iqarto, THE Druggist J Baftmess Furniture Store ON A CASH BASIS R. D. GOULD, PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating . All jobbing promptly attended to.. - iFasiEzicasr STABLE ..Livery, Feed and Draying.. STRANAHANS & RATHBUN. Hood River, Ore. Horses bought, sold or exchanged. Pleasure parties can secure first-class rigs. Special attention given to moving furniture and pianos. We do everything horses can do. 53 Hunts Faint CSt all Paper Co. Itave added a complete line of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH ES and BRUSHES. HEATH & MILL1GAN MIXED PAINTS. Our stock of paper includes latest designs in Blanks, Gilts and high Grades, From 10c up. A full stock of room molding, Picture rail, Plate rail and a small line of novelties in Framed Pictures. CALCIMO, the latest thing in room tinting, mixed to order. Painting, Paper hanging, Sign work etc. Phone 671 . First nnd Oak Streets. WlK.lll j. eiviiTn. . D"ION PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, .to. Ifor Information and fif Handbook irrtte to MUNN CO.. ail Broadway-, Nitw Yowc OldflHt bureau for leciniiur patonti In Amurlc Krerr pMant taken out lif us li brought before Uu) public lr notlo. (Ivan free of duuve lu lu rictttifif Jtnmciw Ijinrett rimUatlnn of anr elertl"c paper In tha world. Hplen.ll.1lT llhutraiM. No lmelllntii laan ihould be without it. Weeklr, ,l.(fo turt II.A0 Hi niontba. Ad.iri.m MIINiN a CO. uaUfMiu. m UruaUwar. New k'ura. gQQO TELEGRAPHERS NEEDED Annually, to fill the new jhmUIoiu crcalfd by UullroKil and Teltitriliciiniimnli'H. We wiuil VOUNU HKN and LAIN KM of iMd Intuitu to LEARN TELEGRAP.HY AND R. R. ACCOUNTING We rurnlnh 75 per cent of Die rntnra and Hint Inn Agcnta In Amerlra. Ourslx RixK'luul are the lament pxrlumve Tclfumi'li Holiools in th woHi.n. KulHbllHhid til jc'iim nnd on. uni uy an lean inn UHllwuy Utlk'lnu. Weineut ftf.0 llonii In eve y aUuleot In mrnlali hi m or tier a position paying fiotn Jul ... m fitwimi li, niNini rnl Ol MIH JKI.'ky MoiinlaliiH, or from IV r to tun) a ttiontli In Htaleawml of the Ktx'klea, I.MMKH1VT1I.Y Lill.n UIIAI'l'AIIU,, Htudenm i'hii enter at anv llni. Voni iiona. ror run part ionium reKardlng any of our nriiooin, wi ne uin ei 10 our exit-iimo of iii'o ai i ini inniiii, u. i ittHioKiie nee. The Morse School of Telegraphy Cincinnati, Ulilo Atlitnu, Ua. Texarkatm, Tex. Hiifl'nlii, N. Y i.m rotwe, win, Han Kranrlaco, I'al, Do you want a snap? You can't loso if you buy a tract in famous MAINE & BOWMAN PLAT Cut up in tracts to suit you. Just sold ten acres for two thousand dollars and the rest, than that which we re serve will soon be sola. The finest berry mul apple land in the work). Within the city limits ol White Salmon. Ten-acre or smaller tracts Just tho thing lor berries and vegetables. . Alter you have lookod around come and aee. ua and you wilt find just what you have have been looking for. Cherries from tract this year are t lie winners m tl ruit exhibits. le great MAINE & 30WMAN, White Salmon, Wash, in Malleable Irpn'BedS) guaranteed against breaks by the factory ior sv years, ana yeccneaper tiian tne cast beds. We get them 'direct from the East. Call and look them over. Cira'pliofihojie on household goods free for SJJO trade..' J'' . . , SSl E. BARJMESS Building Material, Carpets, Paints, etc. Undertaker and Embalmer. Square Deal Store "Honest Goods and a Square Deal" is my motto A full line of Groceries, Flour and Feed " to select from . Farm' Implements of all kinds - : ; WagonsBuggies and Hacks - : , Osbourhe Spring Tooth Harrows and Canton Reversible Extension Discs s ;: are complete orchard tools in themselves Agent for DeLavel Cream Separator the only flrt-class separator on the market Have just received a Carload of Dynamite and Stumping Powder 100,000 Brick for sale in lots to suit Phone 741 D. M'DONALD 3rd and River Street. Hood River, Ore Hotel Waucoma -TRY THE- "North Coast Limited" The Electric Lighted Observation Car Train between Portland and St. Paul. Pullman First Class Sleepers, Pullman Tourist Sleepers, Dining Car, Day Coaches, Observation Car. The Acme of Travel Comfort is found on any of the DAILY TRANSCONTINENTAL TRAINS . A First-Class House : Moderate Rates Good Service Farmer's Dinner 25 cts Hood River P. F. FOUTvS, Prop. S. J. FRANK Dealer In Harness & Saddles All Repairing Promptly Attended to HOOD RIVER OREGON Send four cents for our Lewis and Clark Booklet, or six cents for "Wonderland 1905." Yellowstone Tark Literature can be had for the asking. The Ticket Office at Portland is at 255 Morrison St., Cor. Third. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Mine. ABBOTT, Bligvki. Class illizierr AND HAIR GOODS Hood River, Oregon,