The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 18, 1906, Image 7

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    Q Cl!a tL.L. . f 1 ".! -1 1 " ' gmmmm
0 Where Everything I E""
n is Reliable f y3"
3 CZh
13 Cm
S3 Chh
3 C3
THe big' snow is Here and we are here with the goods
Warm blankets, comforts, overcoats, cloaks, furs, gloves, wool underwear for all mankind
ubfoer Footwear, Raincoats, Macliinaws
0 Get our prices before
0 sending elsewhere
Money to loan. E. H. Hartwig.
Mr. Bartmess is on a cash basis.
Do you use Naptba soap? 5c per bar
at McDonald's.
Fresh Olympla and Eastern oysters at
the Gem Candy Kitchen.
Bee that dandy line of Folders at the
Deitz Studio.
Shingles. See us for best prices.
Oregon Lumber Co.
If you want something that will be
unique, we have Japanese ware. It
can't be duplicated and yet is service
able At Clarke's, the jeweler.
Sidewalk lumber. Delivery same
day order is received. Oregon Lumber
Co. ,
Do you use LathT Get our price and
compare it with that of coniietitors.
You will make money this way. Ore
gon Lumber Co."
All the latest styles Photos at the
Deitz Studio. .
There is nothing, perhaps, that a wo
man admires so much as a diamond
ring. If you want to make yourself
solid with your best girl or your wife, it
is always a winner. Clarke, the jeweler.
Patronize home industry by buying
ranch butter at McDonald's.
The Gem Candy Kitchen makes fresh
candy every day.
Pulverized Mocca and Java coffee a
(o to Mr. Onthank for abstracts and
notarial work, renting and collecting.
Pension papers execmed and legal pa
pers carefully drawn. Money to loan
on tirst mortgages.
It is to your interest to refer to Mr.
Birtmess' ad under the new system.
Jtubber boots half soled while you
. wait in 20 minutes. Guaranteed not to
leak. At Don an's Shoe shop. Oppo
site Williaiu's Pharmacy.
Don't io through life without a clock
or a watch to record the fleeting bours.
Time is money. Most anything might
happen to you by guessing at the time.
Get a time or clock at Clarke's,
the jeweler.
Extra fine pig pork sausage at Mc
G.iire Bros.
What looks more handsome on the
sideboard than some nice silverware?
Nothing. Mother of father would ap
preciate thin, and in fact we don't think
anyone would object to ha.'ing it. At
Clarke's, the jeweler.
Use Williams' anti-septic hair tonic
and keep off gray hairs.
The party who rented my orchard
having taken sick and is not able to
work, the place is open to another
reutor. Will give two-thirds of apples
raised if I get a renter who will attend
to the orchard as be agrees to do. I
want a man to begin work immediate
ly. W. L. Adams, Paradise Farm.
Clarke still has a few good watches
and diamonds whose prices don't need
lowering since Christmas for they have
never been raised from rock bottom
Dressed chickens lor Sunday dinner
at McGuiro Bns.
Madam Brown, Palmist and Phren-'
ologist, is at the Thompson house.
Tells you your past, present and future
and every thing you you want to know.
Readings 50c for a few days only.
Pure leaf lard home made, at Mc
Ouire Bros.
Begin the new year by getting your
self some of Clarke's china.
Any one needing anything in the line
of footwear would do well to call on W.
S. Gribhlo of Mount lloud.
Don't forget Alcorn's phone number
is (Mil.
Shoes half soled while you wait in
20 minutes. All work first-class and
guaranteed. Ladies' sewed soles and
O. Sullivan's rubber heels a specialty.
Donovan's Shoe Shop, opposite Wil
liams' pharmacy.
Long Evening's are hard to
pa?s time away. Get you a good
book to read. Lots of interesting
fctorit'M her, paper covers. IOc
Have a Light thut.aiilhe
tome enjoyment to yon. Our H
and II lamps are brilliant, simple
ami economical. They are the
safest and best lamp made. Your
money back if they don't suit.
Price J2.50
Cloves) We're selling some
gloves these days. People come
here year after year for gloves, be
cause they get good wearing gloves
There is a largo quantity to select
from and at Little Prices
Kitchen Utensila- You
have no idea how many little arti
cles we have that will help you in
your work aDoul me kitchen,
they don't cost much and help to
make men work a pleasure. J-et
us show you.
O. RCastner and wife, J. L. Carter
and Mrs. Charles Castuer were among
the visitors from this place to Portland
last feeakt
Say,' just try a roast put up by Alcorn.
You will be sure of a perfect cure for
all watch diseases if they have been to
Clarke's watch hospital for treatment
Everything up-to-date at Alcorn's.
Father time has left some good time
pieces at Clarke's. Begin the new year
with a clock that keeps perfect time.
Alcorn's meat market is now located
in the old Wood & Smith building.
There are a few pretty bracelets at
Clarke's that would make good gifts for
people who are a trifle late deciding
what to get.
Try our Cascade butter. Every roll
guaranteed. Alcorn's market.
Watch Clarke's watches go.
Cudahy's Rex brand hams I5c per lb.
at Mc. Guire Bros. '
Step in and see Alcorn in his new lo
cation. .
Monthly Ball.
On the 19th of this month Professor
and Mrs. Hoist will give a grand ball
at the opera house, Hood River, and
every suooeedlng month hereafter will
give a grand ball at same place. Prize
given to most popular lady at Hood
River. Splendid niusio insured. Gen
tlemen, 75o admission ; ladies free.
Dressed chickens every Saturday at
McGuire Bros. We had. the only big
supply of chickens in town last Saturday.
It's a cold day when we get left.
Spoiled Her Beauty.
Harriet Howard, of 209 W. 34th St,
New York, at one time had her beauty
spoiled with skin trouble. She writes:
"I had Salt Rheum or Eczema for years,
but nothing would cure it, until I used
Backlen's Arnica Salve." A quick and
sure healer for cuts, burns and sores.
25c at C. N. Clark's drug store.
Danoing school a the opera house
Monday and Friday evenings eaoh
week. We are organizing our seoond
class now. .Come all who wish to
join. Terms, adults, nine Wessons for
five dollars; children under 12 years,
nine for three dollars. Prof. Hoist.
Eureka Market.
Our prices are popular prices and
our meats first-class. We bny no Chi-ne(-e
fatted hogs and don't have any
rubbernecks. Who is the government
meat inspector?
To Trade.
We have a client who wants to trade
RiO acres of good improved land in Al
berta, Canada, for fruit farm or fruit
land in Oregon. Send full particulars
and detailed description to
133 First St., Portland, Ore.
Fur Sale.
Full blooded Jersey cow with calf in
March, sired by Jersey Bull King Coffee
Count, Jr. 'Phono G. R. Abernathy,
Farmers 417. janl8-2v
Dr. Cooper's Nine Cs.
Is a wonderful medical discovery. Af
ter thirty-five years 6f active practice,
and having treated many hundred cases
of catarrh and other throat and lung
diseases, Dr. Cooper discovered the med
icine called tho "Nine Cs."
The ''Nine Cs" will cure any curable
case of Catarrh, Asthma or Consump
tion that has not passed to the lat
stages. It is a great remedy for hoarse
ness of public speakers. It Is a sure
remedy for croup and a great benefit in
whooping cough.
The remedy i9 pleasant to use, even
for children, and is sold by the drug
gists in Hood River, under a guarantee
to benefit the patient or the money re
funded. This medicine was formerly
manufaetUied in Villisca, Iowa, but will
now be manufactured in Hood River.
Night Gowns Dont you
n-i-d warmer ones, for these cold
nights? On'ing flannel in solid
and fancy col th, the good weighty
s 't il! a-h Hnd wear.
IOc per yd
Ladies WooIenUnder
wear Light weight, but soft
warm. Elegant finish, sep irate
pants and vests in all sizes.
Little Prices
Shawls and Fascina
torsSome very pretty ones left
that you can have at half the reg
ular price. This is a good oppor
tunity for you. Don't miss it.
Rubbers for ladies, misses,
and children. Arctic overshoes.
Lcggins for men, boys and chil
dren. Warm mittens and caps
for school kids. Little Prices
r We Offer
Dr. Kent, of Barstow, California,
is visiting bis sons at Hood River.
C. H. Shaw of Mount Hood arrived
in town from Wawaka, Ind.. Saturday
after spending month at his former
home there.
The ladies aid society of the Con
gregational church will meet on Fri
day afternoon at the residence of Mrs.
Kinnaird. Come early and bring
thimbles. '
C. A. Dano and R. D. Gould have
purchased the LaFranoe building and
Prather'a meat market near the Ore
gon Lumber Co. 's store. Mr. Gould
takes the east balf and Mr. Dano the
west half. Consideration, 13,000.
W. Shipman of The Dalles made a
visit to our city Monday and inciden
tally dropped Into the Glacier oltioe
and advanced bis subscription. He
reported things quite lively at Xbe
Dalles at present.
W. F. Byars publisher of the Gold
endale Sentinel, this week bought the
subset Iptiou list and good will of the
Centerville Journal, lie will consoli
date the two papers, which will be
published under the name of the Sen
tinel. The W. C. T. U. will bold a Fran
chise meeting Friday afternoon Jan
nary 23. The exercises will be held
in the Cougregational oburoh at the
usual hour. A cordial invitation is
extended to all.
A dauoe will be held at Odell hall
Friday evening 26, given by Mark
Cameron -and William Wheeler. Ev
erybody cordially invited. Tickets,
75 cents. Supper will be given by B.
G. Boardman at 50 cents par couple.
Last week the Dalles Chronicle In
stalled a Merghenthaler Linotype ma
chine. This new feature will enable
that excellent paper to get up its news
with greater facility, and the manage
ment promi-es with its aid 'o ktill
further improve its publications.
The Glacier is in receipt of a letter
from O. D. Rea, who is well know in
Hood Ritei, aud who is now at Esbon,
Kansas, taking a course of treatment.
He says that while he is not altogether
well he is ini roving rapidly. Mr.
Rea say they have fiue winter weather
there but he ttill likes Hood River
best. We hope to soon see him once
more in our midst.
. We are in reoeipt of an anonymous
communication regarding forming of
a now tcbool district out of parts of
Mount Hood hu 1 other districts. As
the writer neglected to Insert bis name
the Glaoier must refuse to publish
same. It is a rule of all newspaper
otllces not to publish anuonymous
communications. Names should al
ways accompany game, not for publi
cation but as an evidence of good
G. R. Castner had a flue box of
Newtowns at the state horticultural
society's meeting at Portland last
week, which ran 54 to the box. A
Miss Sueigert purchased these beauties
and had them shipped to Naples,
Italy, where they will be eaten on
board a steamer operating on the river
Rhine. Mr. Caster also furnished a
permuueut exhibit of a box of mixed
Splt7enburg and Newtown apples, for
the Clia ber of Commerce in Port
land. After a long spell of open weather
the snow came on the night of Janu
ary 10. Up till yesterday snow fell
every day since that date and piled
up to a depth of two feet. Tuesday
afternoon a Chinook oommenoed
blowing overhead and the mercury at
once commenced to soar upward.
For 24 hours we have bad rain, and
now the slush in the roads and streets
makes not the most agreeable going.
For a day or two the sleighing was
good, and the roads of the valley were
tilled with turnouts of every descrip
tion on runners. The Chinook has
not as yet struck low enough to affect
the snow in the valley, and the same
may be expected to stay with us for
some time. The snow is welcomed
by the strawberry growers.
Evening Amusements
Crokinole and Cbecker Hoards,
Flinch, Whist Cards, Cribbage
Boards, Poker Chips, Dice, and a
great many other card and board
games. Little Prices
Mixing Bowls in yellow,
blue and brown ware, very pretty
new tinted bowls which are so
useful about the kitchen, all sizes.
Little Prices
Stoneware Ever need a
bean pot, vinegar jug, churn, milk
crock, a big stone jar or a little
stone jar? Come here, we've got
the goods. Little Prices
Wouldn't Tou like tome
new music? We are constantly
setting in new tongs, waltzes.
marches and two step, that are
pretty and popular. Come in and
look them over. Little Prices
Nothing but Reliable New Goods
j Elders Johnson and Garntr of Port
land held tervioes la the Odd Fallows'
hall Sunday.
A. D. Moa left Saturday evening on
a business trip to Minnesota, where
he will remain for t oouple of weeks.
The Unitarian congregation bald a
oboreb meeting and dinner Sunday
and elected officers for tbs ensuing
The dance given by the Tilmany
Orchestra last Thursday evening was
a decided suooese. The danoing floor
was nicely filled and the niusio was
excellent. It Is said to be the Inten
tion of tbs Orchestra to bold these
danoes as often, as they can be made
W.'R. Wlnans is starting a move
ment for the purpose of impoving the
road oa Tucker MIL This place, 1
badly In need of filling, and wa trust
Mr. Winana will be successful In get
ting the ball rolling is good abase.
The ' node body of s babe 4 or 5
months old was found Saturday night
at 9 o'clock In the center of the walk
leading up Biewery bill at The Dalles
by a boy wbo was delivering milk.
The body was frozen stiff when found
and there was a small spot of blood
where the body lay. Tbe boy notified
bis father, wbo went to tbe plaoe and
bid tbe body securely under tbe walk
and telephoned the sbei iff. The next
morning when the sheriff came the
body bad been removed. There is no
clue to tbe person who placed the nak
ed babe on tbe walk.
A terrible fight took plaoe near
Grangeville last week In which two
lumbermen, Brad Walsbaw and Lank
Fran igan were the participants. Wal
shaw bit off one of Fran Igan 's ears.
Tbe latter retaliated by beating Wal
sbaw almost insensible, aud forcing
him to eat tbe severed ear. Walsbaw
salted aud peppered the morsel and
gulped it down before tbe assembled
crowd n tbe saloon where tbe fight
Good news is heralded through tbe
stock sections of tbe Northwest by the
announcement that a large wool-scouring
plant is to be Installed at Sell
wood at once. This should have a
tendency to stimulate the western
markets, as it will do away with the
necessity of shipping wool to tbe east
ern states to be scoured and then
shipped back again before it is ready
for the manufacturer. There is no
reason why all of the woolen goods
used In tbe West should not be the
product of our own scouring plants
and mills. The wool that is exported
to other states could also be scoured
here, which would result In a saving
of freight and net the growers more
for their wooL
A Very Pleasaut Occasion.
Dr. and Mrs. Watt and Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Rand gave a very pleasant
party at the K. of P. hall last Thurs
day evening. The hall was beautifully
decorated for tbe occasion and caused
much comment upon its tasteful ap
pearance. Wbist was the principal
diversion followed by danoing. A
very dainty lunch was served during
tbe course of tbe evening, which was
well taken care of by tbe guests. In
the whist contest. Mrs. D. D. Jack
son carried off first prize a baudsome
silver candle stick, while C. T. Early
secured toe gentleman's prize, which
was an onyx paper weight with elk
horns. Each of tbe - prize winners
made a score of 40. Following were
tbe persons to whom invitations were
issued :
Mr. and Mrs. Cram, Chipping. Jack
son, Dumble, Williams, Jenkins, Kel-
I. Itnna " tMmrk Ulnn.l.J If
Clark, P. Davidson, II . F. Davidson,
Butler, Early, Vaughan, Whitehead,
Chandler, Haynes, Friday, Sherman,
vanaermit, w. uraham, jj. uraham,
Shepard, Jayne, Moe, Blanohar, Hux
ely, Kay, Shoemaker, Franz, Broslus,
Brock, Markham, Newby, Frederick
Roberts, Marshall, Stewart. Mrs. E.
L. Smith, Miss Kntrloan, MissKelsay,
Mr. Slocoin.
Movement for New Cenaty.
At a meeting of a number of tbe
oitizena of Hood River affiliated with
tbe Republican party held Monday
evening, January 15, an organization
was perfected to promote tbe creation
of Cascade oounty. A obairman and
secretary were elected, and a com
mittee appointed to confer wltb citi
zens of the precincts composing the
proposed Cascade county, and to en
list them in the work. A resolution
was adopted commending the Hon, A.
A. Jayne for the splendid effort be
made during the last Legislature to
secure the creation of tbe new ooun
ty, aud requesting him to become a
candidate for reelection, and assuring
bim tbe earnest support of tbe or
It was also declared to be tbe sense
of the meeting that the representative
sboujd he left entirely to unpledged
as to any policy other man lo use all
honorable and oroDer methods toward
creating Cascade county.
Tbe secretary was Instructed lo pub
lish and thereby request all persons
who are in sympathy with tbe above
movement to correspond with or call
upon tbe secretary with a view to aid
and encourage tbe movement.
P. S. Davidson, Chairman.
Seneca F. Foute, Secretary.
Sottee te 8 terk holders.
There will be a special meeting of
tbe stockholders of the Farmers' Irri
gating Co. held at the Commercial
Club ball on Saturday, January 27,
1906, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the pur
pose of voting to rebond the ditch
and flume for $40,000 for tbe purpose
of reconstructing the ditch ana flume.
By order of directors.
W. H. Nlckelsen, Seo'jr.
James Edward McNamara, formau
of tbe Chronicle, and MUg Graoe Ann
Lauer, a compositor of the same, wore
married as The Dalles recently iu St.
Peters chnrch by Rev. A. Bronsgeest.
Miss Josle Keating was bridesmaid
and William Uliloh an employe of the
Chronicle was best man.
A residenoe which is being built
for Mrs. S. S. Darkness took fire Sun
day and burned to the ground. The
firemen managed to keep the fire from
spreading, however, and the damage
was confined to the unfluiushed struc
ture. The loss is said to be about
750.' Tbe origin of the conflagration
is not known.
It is said that The Dalles may have
a gas plant in the near future as Port
land capitalists are considering such
a project. Citizens of The Dalles are
said to be favoring the sliotne by sub
scribing liberally toward it.
A good joke is being told by Wheal
don, who says be can't determine
whether the joke is on tbe Great
Southern or the "Alabama Company. "
Coming Into his office one day lant
week a man chanced to gaze npou the
bills for the excursion to Dufur given
by the "Great Southern and the 'Ala
bama' Company," the latter being
our amateur aotors. Reading it out
loud be said: "Excursion by the
Great Southern and Alabama Com-
fany, eh? Well, I'll be gosh durued,
alius said that the Great Southern
was backed by some other company."
Mr. aud Mrs. E. E. Allen were at
The Dalles recently visiting their
daughter, Mrs. T. E. Hughes.
"Talk about your severe wind
stoims, the gale which raged over this
section of the country on last Satur
day "takes the cake." After the
storm baa eased up to aome extent,
it was discovered that considerable
damage bad been done, among which
we will mention the blowing out of
the skylights of the Edward C. Pease
Co.'s big store and blowing over The
Dalles stage near Thorn Hollow, caus
ing tbe driver to lose three buttles of
Huntlnglons' Rye, " Shaniko Repub
lican.. Advocate Putting on Local Train.
An effort is being made to have a
train put on II. e O. R. A N. between
Portland and Arlington to give pat
rons along this section of the road
better local service. There is doubt
that the Inauguration of such a train
would meet with a good deal of en
thusiasm by residents of tbe towns
affsoted aud that it would be well pat
ronized. Tho Oregon Journal i .
speaking of tbe matter says:
"It would seem the time bus arrived
when some special attention should
be given to purely local business. Sup
pos tbe train started at Hoppuer at
5:30 in the morning. It would make
decent daylight connections clear
through to Portland, reaching here,
say at 12:30 p. m. If the return train
left at 3 :30 the same afternoon this
would allow time to transact ordinary
business, reach Hood River, say at
6:40, The Dalles at 7:30, Diggsat 8:20,
Arlington at 9:30, Hoppuer Junction
at 9:55 and Heppner at 11:20 p. m.
"There Is no doubt a growing de
mand for just such a train. Now that
tbe tendency is in tbe direction of
better service everywhere aud tbe
railroads are looking for new avenues
to accomodate the publio and at the
same time increase their revenues we
daire to submit this suggestion to the
general manager of tbe O. R. & N.
and ask blm to give it the prayerful
consideration It dosvtres. "
Sherman Observer Hun on the Hog.
You will tit ver know the pleasure
and trouble of life until you rai.w
hogs. Tbey ate a bother' and a rela
tion to the spirit of muu while the?
live, but bring joy bih'I contentment
to the soul of man when they die at
hog-killing ti. i.e. The American bog,
however, is tbe dadblun.edet, split
hoofed, long-snouted, busybody ani
mal we ever saw. He can make a fel
low madder t ban other animals that
Infest tbe premises. He will always
squeal and n oddy your pants when
he knows you are trying to feed bim.
He will get in your garden tlnough a
knothole and destroy enough produce
in three minutes to feed your wife and
cbildrtn for three months. Ho will
pay no attention to a wide open gate
where you want him to go through.
but will shovel out several cubic yards
of dirt to make a bole Into a place you
don't want him to go. He is tbe
biggest nuisance and the most profit
able on tbe farm.
Uovernmest Wants Better Service.
The postofSoe department has served
notice on tbe railroads that in future
all mail trains on the branch roads
which are late will cause a fine to be
imposed by tbe government. This
order has been msde necessary on ac
count of the Inferior service rendered
by tbe railroads on their branch lines.
We hope this will cause the trains on
tbe Heppner branch to pull into town
wltb tbe mall sacks, instead of s op
ping a quarter of a mile below the de
pot, which now seems to bo tbe rule,
Ions Proclaimed
4:00 ITe-w Titles
Cooper, Stevenson, Doyle, Opie Read, Ross,
Holmes, Lynch, Pinkerton, Dumas, Cobb,
Southwortli, etc. You pay 2oc for the first
book; return it, pay 10c and get a new one
V. iTiflHA Kk
fill in im m J
I f " -Mill! ' - 1
1 i
Oregon Good Enough.
California, from Red Bluff to Sau
Diego, is said to be suffering for laok
of rain. For hundreds of miles,
through a country devoted to agricul
ture there is nothing but dustySelds
and starving stook. In the great val
leys of tbe Sacramento and San Joa
quin rivers, tbe farmers are watching
for clouds that nevei oome, and the
unvaried sunshine and blue skies are
positively distressing, when the seed
grain is rotting lu tbe fields for lack
of moisture to sprout It. There is
"climate" in abuudanoe, but nothing
else to recommend the.state. Oregon,
with its bouutoous rains and never
failing crops, is good enough for the
average mottal.
New Method for Rat Killing.
A Wiscouisu man has been arrested
by tbe game warden of Le Soeul for
killing thousands of ducks by scatter
ing pellets of oorn meal mixed with
dynamite In tbe waters of favorite
feeding grounds of the wild ducks.
Tbe same man has invented a rat kill
er made of 70 per cent corn meal, 19
percent dynamite aud 5 percent of
glue. Tbe mixture is rolled into balls
and a little cayenne pepper plaoed in
tbe center of it ; when the rat sneezes
he is blown to pieces. This mixture
is not effective on mice because tbey
do not sneeze bard enough.
Easy When You Know How.
A farmer left to his eldest son one-
half of bis seventeen horses, to his
seoond son one third and to his third
son one ninth. The executor did not
know what to do as seventeen will not
divide eveuly by neither two, three or
nine, in the afternoon a nelgnobr
drove over and learning of the diffi
culty said, "take my horse and you
will then have eighteen. Xbe exe
cutor then gave one half, or niue, to
the eldest son ; one third or six, to
the second son; and one ninth, or
two, to tbe youngest, and tbe neigh
bor took bis horse borne aud ever aft
er calle I him "Problem" In the morn
ing und ' Solution in tbe afternoon.
Four Thousand Inhabitants In a Week
Gold Held, Nev., Jan. 17. One day
a mountain valley, with JU inhabit'
ants, in a week a pulsating mining
camp of 4U00 people that Is tbe bis
t iry of Manhattan, 80 miles northeast
of Goldlleld. A low estimate places
the exoduus to tbe new Uelds from
Goldlleld alone at 2000 persons. Two
hundred dollars a day has been bid
for automobiles by those anxioua to
reach tbe camp iu a hurry. Hundreds
of teams Hue tbe two roads to tbe Lat
est camp.
Vesterday tbe crowded stage tipped
over and killed tbe driver and slightly
Injured other passengers.
Life at tbe new camp is strenuous.
There is no law or order. Lots have
jumped iu price from 125 to $3000.
Meats are very high. A bath in a
round tin sold the other day for 13.
saloons are making hundreds of dol
lars a day, and at night space is sold
on the floors for sleeping room.
So Tired."
A woman 61 years old took her own
life in Chicago recently, leaving to
ber sorrowing family this only explan
ation: '1 am so tired, so tired there
is so much to do. " She bad finished
her task before she had sought death.
Her borne bad been made clean and
neat. A heavy washing had been dried,
ironed aud laid out In neat orderly
piles. Then she bad gone to the attio
I of the little home and ;with ber own
j bog,Kssh J
25c. each
10-INCH . . .
60c. each.
W. D. Rogers
Hood River, Oregon.
tired hands had welcomed death.
There is a sad lesson to the living who
may still have a tired mother iu the
household, bearing tbe heavy burdens
uncomplainingly, and should be dear
to whom she cares for so faithfullv.
She should be given every help pos-
siuie iroiu the stn nger sons and
daughters who are neglecting the borne
duties that they might perform, loav-
ing them for the tired mother to do.
"1 am so tired, so tired there is so
much to do." Too many a good moth
er feels It as she goes on aud on bear
ing the burdens. Too many well
grown children forget it as tbey seek
pleasure and pastime and constantly
add to tbe burdens of the mother
which should be lightened as the years
go by. Exchange.
The "Teller" Tells.
Ned filvthe drops into Doetrv about
tbe advertising columns ofjbis new
paper, the "Teller," and the follow
ing lines tell all about it :
The lonely batch has now a wife,
lie was a bashiui teller ;
But he was spared the agony,
lie let the Teller tell ber.
My lady's house is spick and span
From attio unto cellar,
And if yon want a maid like her'a,
r ou let the Teller tell her.
Visit Extraordinary!
The Marvelous Zazell
Famous exponent of palmistry and
In Hood River for one week at the Lan
gille building, Oak street. Advice on
all business, speculation, law suits, di
vorce, love affairs and all unsettled con
ditions. If you are ill, no matter what
the disease, consult
Consultations free. All business strict
ly confidential. Office hours from 10 a.
m. to 9 p. m.
j RT
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