i HOCD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1906 I P : r ? 1 ! oooooooooooooo A . w-'' - w- V r " 0 THE 'I CROWD 5 Br JLeftA Cordon O Oopirieht, larf, litf T. C. Mr lure , otooooooooooooa After awhile alio came to look for him when tlij train stopped at the Fifty-third street stntion In the morn ingthe tall, broad shouldered man with the nBgresslVe ' chin and deter mined month. She felt vaguely dis appointed whenhe did not nee him. InsenniMy ho. became the touch of romance , In the drejiry monotony of her days, five and a half out of seven of which were spent In Wall street, a place where the advantages of being a woman are not glaringly apparent Often during the flagging afternoons of Bummer, v,'hen bunlnegs was dull and the haudu of the clock approach ed 5 but slowly, she would sit resting her fuce oa her bunds and wondering about him.' Who was bet ,Whut was he? Was he married or singlet The noise of the street blow, dulled by distance until It was as dreamy as the bumming of ', bees at noonday, droned softly In her ems n sort of liv ing melody, nnd her thoughts defied oUlce hours and went far afield in a fantastc search for the reality about hlui among tho crowd o( possibilities. Over and over she gave him a local habitation and a name, but these '(.hanged always wllh her mood. No name that she could hit upon seemed to express bis personality, and sho finally discarded them all nnd thought of him only lis The Man. The weeks melted into months, but her interest In him did not flag. Itiith or It beenmo deeper us time went on. Curiously enough, It was what might bo termed tho nonessentials that baf fled her. About tho man himsclf-his character and what he would do in any given emergency she felt the same ssnurnnco that she did about her self. . Hho had decided that he was a law yer, though precisely why she thought so she could not have told. Then one day she saw him with a child, a girl of ten, who bore a certnln fleeting re semblance to him. He was married, then! An almost Imperceptible sigh escaped her. Then, as the absurdity of the matter dawned upon her, sho laughed softly to her self. Wlmt difference? Josephine and Mario Louise hud never dampent'd her affection for Napoleon. Wie even be gan to feel n mild Interest In the lady. Sometimes, for two or three weeki at a stretch, I hey would not encounter each other. It was after one of these breaks that, watching him as he en tered the car, her Interest nud satis faction at seeing lilm again shone all unconsciously In her face, and his glanco was arrested by It, As tho faint, color touched her cheeks under his gaze he looked casually away. For a moment ho had thought her some half forgotten acijaulnUini'i from the wohoiuo that be had sur prised iii her eyes, but her quick an noyance na she returned to her reading forbade that Idea. SUe did not look toward him again, but more than once his keen, blue eyes rested upon lior as she sat there, slim and straight, with masses of pale brown hair piled upon her small head. After this he, too, began to watch of a morning. A habit Is very easily form ed! Then for weeks ho disappeared. The girl wondered anxiously what had be come of him. Had ho gone abroad? Mayhap ho was 111 or dead! At the thought sho shrunk like onu hurt, for he bad become, In n whimsical way, a purt of her life, lie had become tin near and dear us oulyildeuls can be. When he did appear one morning, towering nbovo a crowd of lesser men like a god, there was a new gravity In hlB face which held her ntteutlou even before Bho noticed tbnt be was In mourning. That, then, was what these weeks of aboenco from business meant. Sick ness and suffering and death. Ills wife undoubtedly, from the sorrow nnd oppression that ho showed. The quick sympathy that sho felt hovered In her soft, wide eyes as they rested briefly upon bis face. And lie, reading that look, felt a curious thrill, p Long sliieo he had begun to regard her with a sort of tacit, silent friend' ship. "Tho little girl with her soul In her face," ns ho once described her to a friend, shaking his head deprecatlngly at the thought of a woman like her having to wrestle with the world, She seemed to him too exquisite for tho ups and downs of such a life. lie watched her surreptitiously now, wondering Idly who she was and whether bo should ever meet her. There was a way ho might follow her aud bestow a quarter on the elevator boy, and the thing would be done. But tho coarseness of such methods re pelled htm. She seemed the sort of a woman who would resent that kind of thing. Moreover, In his heart of hearts and In splto of his bigness and worldllness, he was a fatalist, If It wero wrltteu from the beginning it would occur! No man could dabble in the affairs of fate! It was ncarlug tho end of the third year. Ho took the same train now with a regularity which made her sus plelous. The results of chnnee were never so unerring. Intention was ap parent. But through it all save at unexpected moments when the curtain would lift for a second and nn unintentional glance betray n deeper knowledge they regarded each other with the buMlne, Impassive eyes we keep for the tin tuowu. No rweiitietn century romance pver moved so slowly. Then Billy Stoughton, who in this particular ease tvus the Instrument of fate, awakened one morning with an unaccountable but imperative yearning for Broadway. Five years earlier an equally eonipelM-i desire had landed tihn on the ranch, where be had bided contentedly enough up to that particu lar morning. The evening of the next day found him In Ienver, from which (dace he proceeded with as much haste is the railroad facilities would permit lo New York. I ,! t It A On V ,11 ;.m wrrjVIM rwatf'' to dine .with Reulck, the Closest 6"f his college friends. He had Just time to catch him by telephone before he left his office, which he did, arranging to meet him at the elevated station and go up town with him. The first effervescence of their meet ing aver, Stoughton's beaming eyes roved over the other passengers. A slight figure at the far end of the car held his glance. He looked again to be sure. "I'nrdon me a minute, Jack," he said, rising and making his way toward the girl, with whom a moment later be was shuklng bands cordially and talk ing with the ease of long friendship. I'resently he returned to Renwlck, and os be did so a revealing look passed between the two. A bridge at last! "It's Natica Alston, a couBln of mine, yon know," be explained to Itenwlck. "Tough luck they hud, I tell you. But she's a plucky girl. She has earned her own living now for four years." "Will you present me?" demanded Itenwlck eagerly. . "Certainly. I'll take you up there with me. Natica will be glad t' re ceive any friend of mine." "Thank you, old fellow; than!; you." Itenwlck paused awkwardly. 116 seemed to have something else to s i. v. but scarcely knew how to say It. "When I sald-nsked you to intro duce me-I didn't mean the usual thing. I'm going to nsk you to do something queer and to do it without asking too many questions." "What kind of a mystery Is tbls'f' inquired Stoughton. "If I didn't know that there Isn't a grain of romance In you I should certainly think" "Now, don't think-there's a good fellow," soothed Itenwlck. "Just fol low Instructions. Tell Miss Alston all about me, and mind that you tell her everything good thnt yon can or I'll wring your neck, and make an appoint ment for me to call. Don't make any mistake. I want to see her and sco her alone. 1 don't want you there." When poor, mystified Bill Stoughton broached the subject to Natica her be havior was doubly mysterious. No, who didn't want to know anything about him. Then n moment Inter:. "Did you say he Is a bachelor?" (In nocently.) "I thought he was a wid ower." Stoughton, Indignantly, "I thought you knew nothing about blm?" "I don't, but ho wore mourning." "That was for his mother." In the dim little pallor of the small apartment whero she and her mother lived they met for tho first time alone save for the dead and gone Alstons that looked down upon them from the walls. Surely never was such a first meeting before. When the mall ushered him In, Natlcn, looking rather more like a lily than usuul In her long, soft black gown, rose with every Intention of greeting him in the most formal man ner. Then a most unlocked fur thing occurred. . For a moment they looked Into each other's eyes. Then he stretched out his hands toward her, and she placed hers in them. A moment later sh" was swept up Into his anus us If uliii had been a child as he murmured soft ly, "My deur, dear love!" "What shall wo frll mamma?" wall ed Natica In despair a half hour later. "How can we over explulu ourselves?" "Wo can't," replied Renwlck com fortably. "We-uilght Just as well re sign ourselves to being thought mad. It nil comes from the ridiculous su perstition that in order to know people you must talk to them," And then well, then they forgot the world and its opinions to talk of far lovelier things. The Pariah. It Is to be remembered that, as lu the apostolic go tho work of converting tho world started from the great towns, so was this emphatically the ease lu Gaul. How early or how late the practice became general of ca'llnu tho country cure tho parish nnd the episcopal see the diocese I have never beeu able to discover. As eurly us the fourth century we find mention of country churches with hinds belonging to them, and lu the next century the number of these foundations so much Increased that Bldoulus (A. D. 4:10-188) mentions a vtsltutlou he made of the rural churches In his diocese (Au vergne), and we uotice that by this time these settlements are sometimes called parlochlae aud sometimes dio cese. Later on Gregory of Tours (A. D. KIU-S0.1) more often calls tho country cures dioceses aud the episcopal see the pnrochla. lint, call them what you will, we are fairly woll instructed as to the manner lu which the country parishes (as we call them now) rose up lu tin ul, aud I have a suspicion that what was true of Gaul was true, mu tatis mutandis, of Ilrltalu. I havo suspicion that If we had for British history auythlug approaching to thnt wealth of orlglnul sources which wo have for early French history during the first live or six centuries of our era we should havo evidence that some, perhaps many, of our English parishes existed as ecclesiastical parishes, with pretty much the same boundaries as they have today and are survivals of coudltlou of affairs anterior to the Sax on conquest Nineteenth Century, Felon and Felony. "Were you In the garden for the pur pose of committing a felony?" nuked the English judge of tho small boy. "No, "sir," said tie boy. "Me and my couslu were after the gentleman's fowls and eggs." Forfeiture of luuds and goods and "corruption of blood" 1 (loss of hereditary stnudlng) were for I nierly the penalties for felony. Before ! they got their technical sense, however. "felou" and "felony" (connected either with Latin "fallere," to deceive or "fel, gall, bitterness") counoted wickedness, anger, courage or melancholy, as tha case might lie. "The admiral began to laugh for felony," says Caxton, mean lug thnt he laughed, not feloniously, but recklessly. Also a boll or whitlow was a "felon" ad choiam "felony "What makes reek look so worried r "Ht's beeu contesting his wife's will." "Why, I didn't know his wife was dead." "That's Just It; she IsnV-Clevelaud Loader. lie who speaks fot ny length of time lu the presence of others without flattering his hearers awakens their dlsuleagur-loth. , Tla Dnar'i Farloagh. Countless drummer boys have swell td the rolls of heroic deeds, and tin heart of many a stern officer has been moved to Dior for the ciinaisn arum- mers In his regiment In the critical days of the civil war an order was 1 sued that under no clrcumstancei should a furlough be. granted. Jusl then "General Scott," Ohio drummei boy, aged thirteen, became terriblj homesick and hungry for a sight of hli mother. I'oor little General Scott! He had been in many battles, always obedient and fearless. But he was beaten al last. His lip quivered aud his eyei filled with tears. The bandmaster wroto out a brlel statement of the case, but careful! avoided asking for a furlough, and sent General Scott with it up the line ol officers. Generals Comly, Hayes anil Crook each added a line, aud then II was laid before Sheridan. "No furlough can be granted," wrott the hero of Winchester, "but Genera. Scott is hereby ordered to repair t( his mother and to report again ul headquarters In thirty days." Tutu It was that one drummer boy wenf tome on duty. Youth's Companion. Peraooal. "Do you really maintain that there exist dogs who are more Intelligent than their masters?" "Certainly. Such clever animals are rare, but I've got a' pointer what are all you chaps laughing about?" Thla Ufa of Oars. At the end of life we discover that wo have passed nearly one-half of It in being happy without realizing It and the other In imagining that we were miserable. Climatic Cures. I lie iiillnence if il. unite cumlithiiip in the cure of cmsnntiin is very much overdrawn Ih-pior patient, and the rich patient, too, can do much better at home by proper attention lo food digee t on. and a letinlsr ieof German Kvrup, Free cxpecoritiou in the morning is made certain by GuViiihii Syrup, so is a ii' kkI night's rest and the absence of that wen'.ciiii'K cough and debilitating night sweat. K.'stlesM nights and the exhaus tion due to coughing, the greatest dan ger and dieud of the consumptive, can lie prev nted or stopped by taking Ger man Snip liberally anil regularly. Should ynu be able to go to a warmer clime, urn will find that of the thou sands f hi nstimptivcs there, the few who arc In nefitted nnd regain strength are tlui e who u-e German Syrup. Trial bottles, 2'w. ; regular size, 75c. for sain by ('. N. I lurke, druggii-t. IVrfi i tion can only be attained in the pity chI Ii v allowing nature to appropri ate and mi- ilifsipato her own resources. Cathartics (i 'i weaken dissipate, while Ill-Witt' L:it. Knrly Kisets limply ex el all putrid n at'er ami bile, thus allowing the lier lo s !"ime normal ac tivity. Good fur tl.e r un, lexion. Sold hv G. E. Williams. W II Mai n lini'l Kivi-r. The rciiii dv tl at iiihIch you est, sleep Hi d kir w itriiK, imI'ciI I'alino Tablets, w II be h -lil hlmiIm Iv hv Williams I'iiMi iinicv, thiii Itiwr. These great nerie mnl cunstr.iitinii milliter cost only 60c per box, six boxes $2.50. Apple Shippers Your shipments, large or small, re spectfully solicited. We can get you good prices. I'roinpt returns. Send for snipping sunup, McEWEN & KOSKEY, Commission Merchants, 129 Front street. Portland, Ore. Soientlflo Americas Agenoy for T TRADB MARKS, jj-O OtSIOM PATENTS) VHVBM I Os COPYRIGHTS, ato. for infnrmnllon and free flundbonk write to JHl'N.H CO., Hli HlKiADWAV, NBW YohR, OldiMt liuroau f nr awmiins puttmtii In Aimrlcit Kver? mlent taken out bf iw II broiifrtit Lxiforo Uie puUlo bjr a notloa to free of oliajtfo lu ihr ffittttific ittMtatt tunroit ctronlsttnn of an? solontinn paper In tho world, Hplwjldlr lltmlrated. No tiitellliinnt nan ihmild ba without It. Wnekif , a.l.OII a IKr $1.30 U room hi. Addri'il JltlNN WI, uausauukaoi Hroadwat, Naw York. NEEDED Annually, to All the new positions created hy ltiillnwii ami 'leli-uriinh emu Dun lea. We win it YOUNU MEN and l.ADIKHuf good liublla to LEARN TELEGRAPHY AND R. R. ACCOUNTING W furnlnh 7S per pent of the oiM-rntont nnd Stntion Af'titM in Amertni. Our Mt x nI.v srhonlM nre the mint 'Hi exclusive leieirriipn rtimoiMs in THK woKi.h. h,w(iUMiNiit d $t y- tint and en domed hy nil leiidtii Hallway otHHnIn. We execute u fr-M) Hond tn ie y tdudent U furnlhli him or her a portion tmvln from $(0 itiytOH mom u in niHieH e:ti 01 1110 uncky MmintHin, or from $"h lo n month In SlntfHwrst or the Itot'kieo, 1 M M rli A TKl Y rroN uKAiaiATioN. Htudi it he can enter at anv time. No vaca tion". Kor full pHrtlonlHi-M rem id inn any of uv Nrtiotn, write ei lit our exectimu 01 ii e at nucmmili, o. i iiiiiiojiue nree. The Morse School of Telegraphy Clnrinmitl, Ohio HutValn, N. Y Attunlii, Uh. i.itt'rossv, I u mum. IV,x, Sun Kmnetsco, t'ul. Vtui onn't lose if tyou luv a tract in famous MAINE & BOWMAN PLAT Cut up in hacks to suit you. lust soltl ten acres for two thousand dollars ami th rest, than that which we re serve will soon be sokl. Tl o fluM l en v mnl tipi'le luiul in the xwrlil. Within the city limits White Salmon. Ten-aero or smaller traets Juki the thing for berries ami vegetables. . Alter yen have looked arounil come and ee ns and you will find jut w lint yon have have been looking for. Cherries from tract this year are the winners in the great fruit exhibits. MAINE & BOWMAN, White Salmon, Wash, 5000111111 youwMajnap? iverview ALSO KAET'FACTURING SITES FRONTING ON 0 R. & N. . TRACK WI I H DEVELOPED WATER POWER Cheap lots for building Small Houses near Flour Mill i fRUIT LAND FOR SALE IN TRACTS TO SUIT 00D ' ' ' ' Office I n ' ii . . .. Q'M 0 uui tip 0.41 If von linvo a iiU" - will. Cfiu ror 11 aim neuver no iiietnniie w , ou y wltlimir cvtin eli:ivr. w OR it' vcmj wniitn doctor, let ns know and we will il '. " licli von find the one you want . CC-'ME'.IN AND SEE US - .' if von wish any infovmatiiMi aliout any inedi . , '. cine up (iriii We would he pleased to serve ! , you in any way. Grarke, THE Druggist Uartniess ruffitoe More ' ON A. CASH BASIS . Malleable Iron beds, j'uaranteed against breaks by the factory for .Ycfns, mtkI yet heaper than the cast beds. YYe.m'ei them tlin t't from thoKast.. ( 'ail and look them over. (ir.iplKiphone oa household tiodn free for in S. E. BARTMESS M Materia!, Csrpets, Paints, etc. Undertaker and Embalmer. iquare Deal Store Honest Goods and a Square Deal" is my motto. A full lii.e of Groceries, Flour and Feed to seltct from Farm Implements of all kinds Wagons, Baggies and Hacks OsTbournu Spring Tooth Harrows and Canton Reversible Extension Discs Agent for DeLavel Cream Separator t lie only tirst-clnss separator on the market Havo just received a Carload of Dynamite and Stumping Powder 100,000 Brick for sale in lots to suit Phone 741 v D.M'DONALD 3rd and River Street. . iofel Waucoma A First-Class House Modus ate Rates Good Service Fanner's Dinner 25 cts Hood River S. J. FRANK hi a All Repairing Promptly Attended to HOOD RiV.liR OREGON -CHOICE RESIDENCE AND Easy Grades, Fine RIVER v DEVELOPMENT CO. next t V.'nuco.na Hotel crii'tirm to be filled. We n u . ."'5 I are complete-orchard tools in themselves Hood River, Ore P. F. FOUTS, Prop. Dca'er In mess Saddles LOTS FOR SALE IN- Idlcwilde View and Good Water HOOD R. D. GOULD, PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All jobbing promptly attended to. .SX-ZIOnST STABLE ..Livery, Feed and Draying.. Huntla Carries everything in the line, including Krinked Silks, Sik Embossed, Tapestries, Moires, ngrains, Varnished Tiles, Banks, etc. Up-to-date Paper Hanging, Sign, Carriage and House Painting. Phone G71. -TRY "North Coast Limited" The Electric Lighted Observation Car Train between Portland and St. Paul. Pullman First Class Sleepers, Pullman Tourist Sleepers, Dining Car, Day Coaches, Observation Car. The Acme of Travel Comfort is found on any of the 3 DAILY TRANSCONTINENTAL TRAINS 3 Send four cents for our Lewis and Clark Booklet, or six cents for "Wonderland 1905." Yellowstone Park Literature can be had for the asking. The Ticket Office at Portland is at 255 Morrison St, Cor. Third. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. IvCncLe. ABBOTT, HigTlb- Clsiss Ivillixi.ex37 AND HAIR GOODS Hood River, Oregon Additions ItlVER STRANAHANS & RATHBUN. Hood River, Ore. Horses bought, sold or exchanged. Pleasure partial can secure first-class rigs. Special attention given to moving furniture and pianos. We do everything horses can do. First unl Oak Streets. THE-