The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 18, 1906, Image 5

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It Orlsln IbtoItm lata. Mi
niuicnioas Bit of History,
Plynioutn has been called toe cradle
of New Englaud. It is ou the coast
thirty-eight milea south of Boatou and
U a thriving and prosperous New En
laud town, with good schools and
'churohes oud town hall and sHops ol
ail kiuus and comfortable homes.
On the flat strip of land that runs for.
miles up and down the shore of the
hay tho diminutive white houses of
the fishermen are crowded close to
' gtuer. In the center of the same flat
land strip, flanked on both sides by th
flaherinen'g homes, is a large, open
square forty, yards from the wate
front. Here stands Plymouth rock, the
flint sight of which gives one a mental
Bhxk, for, no doubt fancy has pictured
nu Immense boulder rising grandly out
of the sea, but instead the visitor seea
only an oblong, irregularly shaped gray
sandstone rock twelve feet in length
and five feet In width at the widest
point and two at the narrowest Across
one part runs a large crack which hai
been filled with cement and which gtvei
to Plymouth rock a highly artificial
nppearunee. The origin of this crack
Is a bit of unique history and bean
evidence to the early differences that
at times divided the Inhabitants Into
two factions.
For a long time there waged spirited
and bitter wrangling between the op
posing parties, and It even settled
down upon the much cherished Ply
mouth rock, which one party declared
ought to be removed to a more worthy
position In the town square and thi
other wranglers protested It should not
be moved an Inch from Its position,
even though they had to guard It with
their pikes and guns.
Finally the stronger faction drew up
their forces around Plymouth rock
and in attempting to move It up th
hill split it asunder, which seemed a
bad omen for those who bad attempted
such a thing until an ardent Whig
leader flourished his sword and by an
eloquent appeal to the other zealous
Whigs convinced them that they should
not swerve from their plan of carry
ing the rock to a place In the town
"The portion that first fell, to the
prroimd belongs to us," he cried, "and
that we will transport with all care
and diligence to Its proper home."
Twenty yoke of oxen drew the Whig
section of Plymouth rock up the hill
amid the shouts of the throng that
pushed forward around the liberty pole
which was to mark the new site. The
new position was very Impressive, and
the people stood with bared beads and
in reverent tones chanted their high
pitched psalms In token of thanksgiv
ing. In the town square this part of Plym
outh rock remained for more than
half a century, when a committee of
the council resolved to move It back to
Its original position and Join It at best
they could to the other half. Accord
ingly, In 1834, on the morning of the
Fourth of July, the Plymouth rock had
been reunited In all seriousness to Its
long estranged portion and the union
made complete by a mixture of cement
and mortar.
Today four granite columns support
a canopy of granite that offers Plym
outh rock an Indifferent protection
against the rain and the sun and serves
to keep back In some measure the
thousands of sightseers that go to
Plymouth with only oue object in view
namely, to press up around the Iron
bars and to gaze through them at the
revered rock, on which they see the
single Inscription, cut In the middle of
Its face in long, plain figures, "1620."
The rock Is surrounded by a high
iron railing composed of alternate boat
hooks and harpoons and inscribed with
the illustrious names of the forty men
who drew up the pilgrims compact
on board the Mayflower that Novem
ber day as they sighted the coast that
henceforth was to be their home.
Cornelia Hickman In St. Nicholas.
The Judge' Treat.
The judge's boyhood home was in a
small New Englaud village, where he
had the reputation of being a very kind
hearted and generous man. He was
always glad to see his old friends, no
matter how rustic they might be.
On one occasion the Judge had some
legal business in the capital of his na
tive state, and there met an old farm
er from his birthplace who was taking
an unwonted holiday and looked rather
bewildered. . The Judge Invited the old
man to dine with him at the hotel.
When the farmer took his seat at the
table one of the waiter's laid a bill of
fare before him. The old man looked
at It, and, then, turning round to look
the waiter squarely In the face, he
said In a tone that rang through the
dining room:
"No need to gimme that young fel
ler. Judge Brown cal'lates to settle
my bill. He came from our town, an'
I know his ways,."
"Death Rlnvs."
norrlble are the stories of the pot
sonous rings by mean of which it
many a murder has been done, M
many an undesirable friend or rela
tive got out of the way. The famous
ring of Caesar Borgia was massive, but
hollow, and in this cavity he carried
a deadly poison, which by means of a
cunningly devised slide, was dropped
into the wine cup of any guest
whom he might desire to be rid. Other
'death rings" communicated poison by
means of small, sharp steel claws, cleft
in Buch manner that when the hand of
the wearer pressed that of the des
tined victim a slight wound was In
flicted and the poison forced out Still
others concealed In the Inside a poi
soned needle, which, on pressure, dart
ed out like the sting of a bee, and,
though the puncture was of the slight
est, the victim was cold In death with
in a few hours.
Hade It Emphatic.
"What's Maude crying about nowr
"Oh, she asked her husband If he
would marry again In case she died,
and he declared that he wouldn't"
"Well, nothing wrong about that"
"No; but you should have heard him
say lf-Louisville Courier-Journal.
And Her Maacr.
"Yes, I was sorry to see Jack Good
ley married to Miss Roxley."
"Sorry I For his sake or hersT
"For mine. I wanted her." New
Oao of tho Heat Baaatlfal Spectacles
la the World.
There la a fine description of Vic
toria falls In the Zambezi river in E.
F. Knight's "South Afilea After the
War." The author aays: "The nature
of the extraordinary" volcanic fissure
that created the falls cannot easily be
realized without reference to a map,
hut at the point under consideration
the mighty Zambezi flows, roughly,
from north to south. At about half
a mile above the falls the river Is a
mile and a half In breadth. Then It
contracts, and the breadth at the falls
themselves Is a little over a mile, or,
to be exact, 1,036 yards. And here,
to one looking over the edge, the great
river seems suddenly to come to an
end, no continuation of Its channel
being visible. The Zambezi for Its
whole mile of breadth thunders down
precipitously iuto a comparatively nar
row, profound trench or canyon, which
extends at right angles to the river's
course from shore to shore. Beyond
the falls one Is faced by the perpen
dicular wall of the canyon. Below the
madly whirling spray obscures the
view of the bottom of the cauyon,
and It seems as if the whole mighty
flood were falling into the tenter of
the earth through this awful chasm.
But the river has Its exit, a precip
itous cleft only ten yards in breadth,
near the eastern end of the canyon,
through which the whole of the con
tracted Zambezi rushes with Incred
ible speed, fury and confusion, form
ing at this point what Is called the
Boiling Pot, surely one of this earth's
most terrific scenes.
"I believe," the author adds, "that on
that day I was gazing at the most per
fectly beautiful spectacle of all this
beautiful world. It was the lovely
tenderness of the rich coloring, bathed
In that translucent atmosphere of thin,
pearly haze, rather than the awful
majesty of the scene that imwssed
one. At our feet far below. rag
lng flood thundered away down the
canyon toetue exit In the misty dis
tance. On our left the line of the cata
ract, plunging into the swirling spray
beneath, was clearly visible for some
way out with its white avalanches and
coruscatki;; spray, and then gradually
became less distinct in the thin haze
until at last far off beyond Livingstone
island It disappeared from our vision
lu the luminous pearl-like mist that
formed the background to all the land
scape. "On our right, facing the cataract,
loomed tho 500 foot high wall of the
canyon, topped by the lush green Rain
forest with Its ever dripping branches.
And as we looked new wonders be
came gradually revealed to our won
dering gaze. I began to perceive lu
nooks of the black precipices halfway
down strange plants growing, as in
happy confidence their fragile rainbow
hued blossoms ever shaking in the
wind and driving spray, but safe and
unharmed amid this eternal storm.
And down the black cliff wall on my
right I saw hundreds of tiny white
streamlets pouring, formed by the re
turning Bpray from the Rain forest.
And as I watched them I discovered a
strange thing.
"These falling streams never reached
the bottom of the chasm. They dropped
Into little cascades to about a third ol
the way down, and then, as If defying
the laws of gravity, they literally turn
ed round and came back again, mount
ing vertically. It was curious to tee
these cascades, after breaking lntc
spray, appear to hesitate and faltei
and then begin to rise, first slowly, but
soon rapidly, shooting upward in whirl
ing foam columns and feathery foun
ding, being carried up by the fitful
blasts of cold air that the dropping cat
aract forced out of the narrow chasm
Into which it thundered."
The Time o' Day.
Strictly speaking, the word "morn
Ing," which first meant the time of day
dawn and then the early part of the
day, Is now confined to the time be
'tween midnight and midday, or noon
But It has long been usual in society
to apply the term to the whole of the
day before dinner. So long ago at
April 10, 1796, the Hull Advertise!
gave the information that "the Duki
of Devonshire took a morning's rid
before dinner yesterday at 7 o'clock lr
the afternoon." "Noon," too, once bad
a floating meaning, but Is now defi
nitely 12 midday. But at first It meant
the ulnth hour that Is, 8 o'clock lu the
day, the time of reciting the "nomcs"
In the Roinah Catholic church. As th
hour for this office fluctuated, so did
tho meaning of "noon," which might bt
any time between midday and 8. And
Anally the word assumed its present
limited signification. It was dinner
tune, the most important moment of
the day to .an Englishman. London
Chronicle. '"
Not Alwara Orana-e Bloaaoma.
Only in England, France and Amer
ica is the orange blossom the bridal
flower. When the German frauleln
becomes a frau her bead Is garlanded
with myrtle, except In certain sec
tions, where gaudy wreaths of artifi
cial flowers replace the natural blooms
and are treasured from generation to
In Italy and the French cantons ol
Switzerland white roses are dedicated
to the brides as well as the dead, but
in Spain red rosea and pinks lend an
additional touch of color to the brldul
dress of black and yellow.
Creel: brei iv:? jrirlanded, appro
priately enough, with vine leaves, and
In Bohemia rosemary is supposed to
bring luck to the bride who wears it.
In most of the countries of Europe,
however, the bridal wreath Is consid
ered as essential as the veil, and pretty
sentiment clusters about the failed
wreath that Is laid away, whether Tat
wreath be of orange blosssuil or In
tel The Month of Aaaroat.
Few persons know why August has
thirty-one days. July, which takes Its
name from Julius Caesar, has thirty
one days, and Augustus, who complet
ed the calendar, declined to submit to
the Indignity of seeing his own month
branded with the inferiority of one day
less. The astronomers had according
ly to reshuffle the lunar cards, and, aft
er some perplexity, bit upon the ex
pedient of shearing twenty-four hours
from February's glory In. order that
August might face the world on a
footing of perfect equality with July.
Totave a happy home
you should hare children, j
They are great happy-home '
makers. If a weak woman,
you can he made strong;
enough to hear healthy chil
dren, with little pain ot dis-'
comfort to yourseif,fcy taking
A Tonic for Women
It will ease all your pain, reduce
inflammation, cure leucorrhea,
(whites), falling womb, ovarian
trouble, disordered menses, bade
ache, headache, etc., and make
childbirth mtural and easy. Try
At all dealers In medicines,
fl.00 bottles.
Is my baby girl, now two weeks
old," writes Mrs. J. Priest, of Web
ster City, Iowa. "She Is a fine
healthy babe and we are both doing
nicely. I am still taking Cardul,
and would not be without It la
the house." ,
A Seventeenth Centary Incident In
the State ol Maine.
In 1670 James Adams of Tork be
came affronted with oue of bis neigh
bors, Henry Simpson, and determined
to avenge himself upon two of Slnip
son's children, whose ages were six
and nine years. In a solitary place
four or five miles from the dwelling
bouses of he inhabitants he' built of
logs beside a ledge of perpendicular
rocks a pen or pound several feet high,
with walls Inclined Inward from bot
tom to top. Aftc- lie had built this he
decoyed the i hihlrcu iulo the woods
under a pretense of scorching for birds',
nests and caused them to enter wlthlu
Electric "Sad Irons"
For Domestic Use
We ai . now prepared to furnish Electric Flat Irons,
which are . i, :reat relief from the over heated room when
doiri"' we, .; v i roiling. Several in town have already
adopted theui. )ur representative will call and leave a
sample inn Mir" explain its working.
iin tes, 7 o cents per month.
Pr ice s c i Irons, $5 and $6.
Ciii! i.s ii 1 1 by phone 73, or visit our office in the Da
vidson !)iii!(Ui
Price of Incandescent Lamps Reduced.
J Itiviii"- made a new contract for lamps, hereafter the
prices w ill In- iis follows:
4 to G .-. p., 20c.
i2 mm I f0 c. p. clear, 3."c.
Fiii- ri .luring and frosting
1 n.p..4. p.,2c.
i in ."() c. p.. "e each.
lhA I ooJ River Electric
Aicorn's Meat Market
Now occupies the old Wood & Smith Bros, build
ing. We are better located and better prepared m
every way to supply the demands of our fast in
creasing trade. We have a full and complete line
of everything carried in the modern meat market
of to da.
As for our meats, they are honest in every re
spect, and government inspected.
Confid nt of your satisfaction, we merely ask
you to give us a trial order. Our phone number
is Ofll.
White Salmon, Wash.
General Contractors and Builders.
Kstimutoa on all kinds' of iv irk cheerfully furnished and the best of work
man 'iip guarant 'i d. We. are doing the building of this section at present. Our
vi -rk will -pe ik fur it !.
Tht 'Stay Satisfactory "Su2
tne pound, wnere ne left them connnea
to perish. The place hat since been
called the Derll'e Invention.
' The children were soon missed, and
the alarmed inhabitants searched for
them more thau forty-eight hours. The
boys, when aware of their wretched
situation, made various attempts to
get out. and at length, by digging away
with their bands the surface of the
earth underneath one of the bottom
logs, effected their escape. They wan
dered In the woods three days, being
at last attracted to the seashore by the
noise of the surf, wher they were
The depraved criminal was con
demned to have thirty stripes well laid
on, to pay the father of the children
3, the treasurer 10, besides fees and
charges of the prison, and remain a
close prisoner during tlie court's pleas
ure or till further order. The same
month he recognized before two of the
Judges, "conditioned te sen,! htm, with
in twenty-one days, out of the Jurisdic
Hon- Their Claims Were K.lablUhed
In tho Middle Ar.
A curious meeting was held In Lyons
on Jan. 4, 1690. The roynl commis
sioners solemnly set lu council te de
cide the question if lawyers and doc
tors could be regarded as gentlemen.
It proved too hard a problem for the
wise heads, and the doctors and law
yers themselves were summoned to
prove their right te gentility. The mat
ter was settled to the satisfaction ef
the professional parties.
In the middle ages of England her
alds went through the comities to ex
amine into the claims of landholders
to be called gentlemen. There Is In ex
istence an Interesting list of the dis
qualified, and ene reads today the
shame ef a certain Thomas RebMa
who failed te establish tht tWe a&l
wat writ among the ignoble. Ofcejtet
Anscete, a representative ef ens ef Ike
oldest families, It registered as "en
titled to be styled a ntlema, al
though worth net mere (has 2000."
Brooke, an eld writer, has given the
world hit opinion of what constitutes
a gentleman, and bis definition hat
never been excelled:
"The character, or, rather, quality, ef
a gentleman does not In any degree ex
pend on fashion or mode er state or
opinion; neither dees it change with
customs, climates or ages. But, at tht
spirit of God alone can insyire ft, se It
is that quality of heart which to An
same yostsrday. today and forever."
HylolGtol, GOc.
Genuine frosted,
32 c. p., 45c.
. Hi c. p., 2-"c
Light, Pcvyer k Water Co.
Monarch Malleable
Ranges Awarded
Highest Prize
At the Lewis and Clark Exposition
Because the Monarch ill llie only ran(t
with a patent Duplex Shaft, which cauet-t
the fuel to burn evenly in the firebox.
Because the Monarch was the only range
shown with an emery polished top, requir
ing no til hc king.
Because Monarch Ksnget have oven
thermometer! made especially for them,
which tell the degree of heat required for
roasts, bread or pastry.
Because the Monarch Range bodies are
made of the heaviest Welliville blued
steel, without enamel, and do not discolor.
forSleby W. BAYJfES
teMf m
as we are going to discontinue
to carry them. They MUST GO
and will be sold at Cost. It will pay you to buy NOW.
Hardware Stewarts Furniture
Picture Framing and Furniture Repairing
We have added to "in- ! r.-e :i li'M-Hass nicclmnic in tliene lines, and with
him the neufHt in frames, inM and furnishings Ui'iliicing our work to a ays
tern has relinked our coslc .N 'o city More could improve our style nor cut our
Clearing Housc for Stock Taking
Odd pieces in China ami ilaH, cinvt and matting rem null t H, high grade
furniture, and some beautiful Morris chair.- and rockers that arrived too lute for
the greateHt Xinus sale ktimv n here, will lie put to the knife to clear out before
inventory. No duplicates. I,m'i wait, then blame us. Buy now.
Glass Stewart's Mockery
KsT.uiUNllKD 1 900
iseoiii'oitATiin 11)05
fullyd $50,000
Leslie Iintler, President, J. N. Teal, Vice President
Trimum But ler, Cashier
-L W. French II. T. Cox
i-w-7 . 'jjlifv'T RESIDENTS
ijtii5 r GRANT 'i
ml0-rml0m0rr 6 ftNJ. HARRISON
merit nave
dividends to
For additional informal imi npiily to F. V. LHAVY, Manager, 711-712 Marquam Building, Portland. Oregon, or
JOHN LELAND 1IKNDEKSON, Agent, Hood River, Oregon.
-. . ...
We have decided
to close out our en
tire line of Boys'
Knee Pants Suits,
Hood River. Oregon
ASSETS $44,000,000.00
INSURANCE IN FORCE $216,000,000.00
th Irwestrrients ars not excelled by those of any company In
the world. It has no fluctuating etocks and bonds. For Over
twonty years Its mortgage loans on farm-Unds nave earned
the highest rate of ,-O.ui '"te1"' f ny American company
Its ratios of death "J losses and xpens of manage
always been very tow. m a result it exceit
policy noiaers, among wnom are oivioea me
VI lilt? company.
Union Central
' " - - I .,' - -' :
'-" -zrvr V 1
If your tloketa read over the Denver
and Rio Grande ltailroad, the
"Heenie Line of the World,"
There are eo many soeulo attractions
and points of Interest along the line
between Ogden and Denver that
the trip never becomes tiresome.
If you are going East, write for Infor
mation and get a pretty book that will
tell you all about it.
W. C. McUEIDE, General Agent,
124 Third Street,
Ideal Home for Invalids
Climate and view unsnrpaased
In the United States.
in targe)
ing Man
Droiiis- I
t mm