The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 18, 1906, Image 4

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5. ,.
i si l s m 11 1 ---mmmmmmnrmmmrm-mmmi.
liy Roswell Shelley.
Odoll, East Hood River Valley, Jan.
17. Forty thousand dollars la already
subscribed by the business men of
1'ortland to be usod in advertising tlie
ktiite during tbe year lawi. 1'bit fund
will probably be nwnllod considerably
by outside ooraintinities. Thin mouey
in to be lined In bringing big people
and entertaining large conventions
representing different enterprises that
are needed in tbe development of tbe
fctute wbich la going forward this year
by leaps and bounds, Brother Bennett
of the Irrigon Irrigntor in hie talk Inst
Friday before the press association
eiuid that a few yeara ago tbe country
press aud oountry people were saying
a good deal about thn Portlani bog,
but Mr. JJonuott la now oonviuoed
that if that couditiou ever did prevail
that it la today a thing of tbe past,
llennett says that this Portland bog
hug been killed aud we are living off
hit) fat. We commend tbla statement,
coming as it doea front the country,
for we are of the opinion tbat there In
a spirit of fellowship and nnity be
tween city and country, mich aa nevei
Itofore prevailed. For some time we
have f 'It tbitt way, but our couvio
lions along this line wore materially
strengthened by attending the meet
ings of the Oregon Stnle Development
League, and tbe Oregon Press Asso
ciation bold luut week in Portland.
The stata la too small (large aa it Is
In area) to foster sectional strife.
There is too brilliant a future for the
tttute of Oregon within easy reach of
us to stop and light sollltdily for the
lion's share of it for any speoiul lo
cality. We are altio glad to note as
we grow lilK aa a stuto we grow broad
er aud more charitable toward other
This la aa it should be. There are
plums for every section to gather, so
int us all pull together to the end that
we all get rewards. The immense
itruouut of money which will be dis
tributed in railroad build lug iu Ore
gon aud Washington, (Oregon getting
the larger part of it), will increase the
pay roll to such large proportions that
this foul n re alone means much to Or
egon, to say nothing of the lurger ben
ollts which will accrue to the state
through Increased tnxutloti of perma
nent Improvements and Investments
that lugitiinntely follow the channel of
rJuuiming up tbe many good things
that ate recocted through the bow of
promise for this year, we should sure
ly be content to lend a helping hiiud
and not have to watch Oregon grow,
as Tuooina does, but lie right amidst
this growth and grow some ourselves.
Within a few weeks there will be a
drama placod In front of tbe foot
lights In one of the 0lolI theatre that
will eclipse anything vet presented
during the season of Odoll 'a pleasant
winter entertainments. In this you
will agree with the writer when I tell
yon th. t tbe whole "bloomln' " show
will be iu charge of Miss Nettie Kemp
the unanimously and well deservedly
popular elocutionist of Odell. While
your eye is on Odoll remember that
Mstory is being made and that more
than one person will go into history
as having aided In making Odell fam
ous and along the lines of elpi utiou.
It takes no prophetio finger to point
to Nettie as having, during t!,o village
days of Odell occupied a conspicuous
place on the roll of honor. First get
tbe date and then rustle the price of
a reserved seat, and come and have
the time of your life. Particulars
later when tickets will be on sale at
the opera bouse on tbe Btreets of
While attending the state develop
meut league last Friday in Portland,
the Hood River contingent was a
prominent factor. With the Hon. E.
L. Hmith as its president. While la
the audience we saw the faces of E.
II. Shepard, A. I. Mason, Joe WiiHon,
Mr. Carter, P. 8. Davidson, H. F.
Davidson, C. II. Strauahan, K. R.
llradley, A. 1). Moe, J. C. Porter, II.
M. Poole, Frank E. Runcorn, Wm.
Khrlck and others whose names I do
not know recall and when I listened to
the silver tongued orator, JHge
Lowel of eastern Oregon, who in I ' ru
iug words of eloquence pictured tbe
untamed west, the greater west belug
harnessed and moving onward and up
ward along the lines of commercial
success, commanding tbe respect of
the nation, sud wheu In one of bis
loftiest of oloqueuce aud by way of
comparison, Hood River was tbe pres
ent ideal and the best developed spot
of them all. Then it was that my
beart beat high and fast for tbe future
of our scenic und productive valley.
Then It was tut 1 rejoiced over tbe
fact of it bappy home In Hood River
Our neighbor and competitor across
tbe way is closing out aud will retire
from the grocery business. We under
stand that bo has purchased 10 acres
of laud from Chas. M. liusy and will
be a resident of Odell. Just who Mr.
lioardmau's successor will be we are
not informed, yet report has it that a
grooery will still be conducted there.
We should have extended our thanks
to tbe patrons of the Little White
Store for their liberal patronage dur
ing tbe past year, sooner. It requires
some time to lay the Inundation fur a
successful business in any place. Yet
Int he building of tbe Little White
store we built better than we knew.
Throe years ago the forest on our cor
ner yielded to tbe erection of the
store, the name of which throughout
the valley soon became a household
word. Its management has been snob
that Its business has steadily grown
and pausing through tbe throes of
competition last year its business was
never bettor and today we are glad to
say that it bus passed the experimen
tal stage aud few stores are better
known than is the Little White store,
it W tbe iutjntlon of the management
to enlarge 'he stock In accordance
with the demands of the trade aud,
tbe public cuu rest assured that the
buisuess will col! I line right along at
tbe old stand until tbe end of our
lease which has a life of seven years
While I was absent at the meeting
of the literary lust Friday evening,
but wife Informs me that there was a
delightful v and interesting program
rendered, several members being en
cored, notable among these were tbe
Neffa,Miss Nettie Kemp, Miss Rogers,
Miss Blanobe Wilson and P. T. Shel
ley. The entire program was well ren
dered and a pleasant evening was en
joyed. Odell is there to stay.
Among those attending tbe develop
ment league at Portland last week
from Odell were, Wm. Ebrck, II. M.
Poole, Frank K Runoorn and the
C, L. Rogers was doing buslnexs
latas week in Portland. An old friend
of Mr. Rogers and also an acquaint
ance of tbe writer of the notes, Mr..
C. & MoDuffey of Portland will soon
move to Odell with his family. Mr.
McDuffey is a good citizen and be
and bis family will find a welcome
Mr. Thomas E. Avery, one of tbo
Eggertnont people received a prize at
the apple exhibit last week in Port
land. The prize was a cup and he
won out on the famous Newtown. We
congratulate Mr. Avery for be is our
neighbor, living not far; from Odell
and this leads us to ask: Who said
Odell was not tbe bub of East Hood
KlverT We extend you the glad hand,
We again desire to say to all politi
cal aspirants in this neck ot the woods
that we are now ready to register vot
ers for tbe June election. It should
be remembered that petitions for can
didates oan ouly be signed by voters
who have registered. Borne of the pe
titions for candidates are on my desk
which can be signed by voters who
desire after they register.
Last Saturday 1 received a letter
from Frank W. Benson, of Roseberg,
a prominent republican who is a can
didate for secretary ot stat). Mr.
Beuson I consider both qualified aud
worthy for tbe position and I should
say that it is my opinion tbat his
candidacy should be considered by
tbe voters throngbout the state at the
primary election. . . '
A party of Portia n dors arrived here
Saturday on their way to Cloud Cap
Inn. Bert Sandman, Peter Felthau
en and Mark Weygandt made the
trip Friday to break the road and take
up provisions. Bert and Mark re
turned Saturday morning to assist the
orowd. They report tbe snow drifted
to the depth of 20 to GO feet. Tbe
party, twelve in all, left Weygandt's
on webs at 12 o'clock and expected to
reach their destination by tip. ni.,
provided that everything went well.
They will not get word to any one
until their return, wbich they expect
to make Tuesday morning. They bad
a number of cameras, and no doubt
will get some flue pictures to show
their many friends.
We understand tbe singing and lit
erary class will be conducted under
the name of "Morton's pi ivate class."
Tbe members report a very enjoyable
time for the first meeting, there be
ing over 20 members present. '
Tbe Buldwin Sporting club elected
officers Saturday evening at the regu
lar meeting. 1 Ley are as follows : O.
R. Kuox, president; Chester Monroe,
vice president, aud J. P. Cooper, sec
retary and treaenrer, - Three new
members were also admitted to the
Peter Mohr is taking oare of things
on tbe ranoh for his brother-in-law,
WTWf'.iTfc sM
From those cold East winds by wearing one of the
We have both ladies' and gentlemen's styles in a
size that will fit you.
s -Try c" " t j
Sb CD CssssiiSb3 CsiWMttsttlMl!slisiBHlD CMhMllUsMsMai
the New Year RIGHT
By having' your work
done where accuracy
oi workmanship will
Where ? Why at
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
quiets tickling throats, hack
ing coughs, pain in the lungs.
It relieves congestion, sub-
dues Infllmmation. 'It heals,
strengthens. Your doctor will
explain this to you., He knows
all about.thjs cough medicine.
-We have ttgeil Avftr'j VhfTTf Pectoral In
our funilly Inr v-i.ra for tliriwt ami lunu
trouble, and we think no nipilintne equals it.'"
Una. A I'ouKUoV, Apltton. AllllU.
v.,m..t m.
i. c. Arm ro
Weak Throats
Ayor's Pills t.'sntly eifl recovery.
ruroiy vt!gti.i;io, genuy laxative,
' The Watchmaker and Jeweler
Bert Hftuduiuu, wliu is at Cloud Cap
Inn. ' ? L .: : : ; ' " , ,:
W. It. aud J. U. Davlcldui attended
the literary at Odoll Friday ' night.
Tboy say it is a long nays to go, hut
thoy have none Ht home. After liter
ary they touk in the dunoe given by
Mr. Crosby,... ( '
Perry iliins who etayed with Je
David boh a while this fail, has re
turned from an extended tiip through
California to hi old home at Center
bnrg, Ohio. Air. AlitfKins-is telling
tbe people! there what kind of apples
We raise htiro by gpruying, cultivat
ing, thinning and pruning. Thon he
tolls what kind of prioes we get for
our fancy pack and you can juat bet
your old hut Unit inout of them would
ike to see the apples for themselves.
If thoy will only come ti the lnd of
big red apples they can then see how
gold is picked nit' the trees.
fi. P. Adams of Situth Beud, Wnsb.,
is looking around over our neck of
the woods with the expectations of
returning next hi miner to invest iu
Home fruit land. Mr. Adams thinks
there is no ptaco like Mount Hood for
tine fruit.
I. It. Coopor and bis ivife sre t
Saturday with .Mr. and Mrs. George
Work bus T ceased once more, for
winter lij bore tn proper shape this
tinis. It Htarted last Thursday with
a northeHHt wind which deemed to
make the old timers hunt the s.ove.
P.C Parrisb left for Portland TueE
day for a two months' visit. ?
1).' C'Mlller returnod to Poitluud
Tuesday alter u week's stay iu our
A. Pi. Hillings recently sold two lots
of land. K.N. (jibble purchased 13
acres and Mr.,. Fuss 'A acres. - - '
A. M. Kelly, one of our local saw
mill mcrv. juade a '.business trip to
Portland Thursday, returning Hatur-
Ou Friday . eveningj January J2(i,
there is to be given at , the ball au mi
tetainmeut for tho benefit of tbe
school library. The laughable' farce,
"An economical lioomerung" is to be
presented liy a splendid cin-t. I lie
eastern band will make it first ap
pearance lit Mi.uut Hood on tl at even
lug. Other interesting millibars will
be given by the children of the S'bool.
An admission of i't cents will be
charged for adults, 15 omits for chil
dren. Lunch and colfne will be serv
ed for a siniill consideration anil deli
cious homo mailo candies will be ou
Oocrgi and Charley Camp may be
seen pnsdng tl raugli nur slie ts with
it foue. horse team hauling fieight up
to Parker town. Yes, the boys will
be at it. -
Frank Davenport passed along Kook
ford avenue oji his gray mare, buckled
and belled up like a rogul t bronko
buster. F, as uiHuul had no time to
stop, ho must have quite a lot on his
mind. I hope he will not breuk down,
M. M. Daveupoit, with a force of
men and teams is busy hauling rocks
aud pulling stumps and iu a general
way is clearing up his lutid opposite
hts'dwelliiig, . . ,v -
IX F. Fdlenmn has heou quite busy
the last few tiny a hauling spt.ds to
Hnckfonl. li, took' in,, about 60
sucks of nice puds. Unod for you
Pen. ..':' . ,
J. II. Mcrriem says that ho has got
a pointer f'om liockford about the egg
business, be says to get good returns,
yon must have i:nnd stuck and then
take good care ef them, then tbo eggs
will rool in, sunimur and winter.
Meu and teams have .been passing
through this district on their way to
where the new Irrigation ditch is to
be dug aud as soon as the snow is
gone tha dirt will Le moving.
C. K. Markhnm and wife havo been
spending a tew days ia Portland last
week, soth ia gave his futt team alittle
The Pock crusher quetsioa fboulj
be agitated right Ihtoiigh th'p'va'Hoy
and let Mot-icr tnke a part, a few mills
levy would buy the uuttlt- and' hen
we could keep it iu the valley and
Mosier, this is the only way to serAru''
permanout roads.
This is a fact, Kockford .is now. tells
ing a ou cent can of condition powder
for 'it) con's, mid it .hat- almad.v been
proved tbnt the condition powders are,
good and no Is the tune to get them
to tone up j".)ur.,tock durtng t lie cold
winter months-
YJ11 Davenport and family took ad
L iifiV1. of fthe uow by takiiitf .a sleigh
pide iinjay, . , .
As wo look iut'pf our wiudew and
see ninthi r arth covered with a beau
tiful mantle ot white ami the snow is
still fallinn : lHrt it looks cold and
dreary while.-t we are enjoy ing an oak
wood tiro, rtor mind goes - out to the
starviug pour., some who have been
brought into such circumstances by
misfortune, it teems to mi that we
should have lie re chiirity and as ne
look at on.' ovi individual Mres how
uugrututul we have) I wen for the rtinnv
rich blessings aud comforts received
during the past year it would be well
for us to inoiiire what can 1 do to help
tho poor and spread thntiospel seeing
mac i he inrine mm J ef providence
has so richly Messed us. We brought
nothing into this woild neither can
we take anything out : let us thon hare
inoie obiM'ity nod,iympathy. so that the
Master will say unto us "luasumch as
ye did it unto the least ye did it unto
me." . s-
. 0 Hi ccs and nomas.
The very best for n-nt in Smith Block
A five room house, ami lot SOxUO
can be secured on tty bill for fl , lot) it
t;ikcu e,vm Terms nasonuble.
J. L.IIendcrson. -"' '
This is the time of year we are preparing for
our annual invoicing and general cleaning up,
getting qur business generally in shape to
know the results of the year's work, and start
ing in to the new year with as clean a stock and
slate as possible. We have a lot of seasonable
goods that we will put prices on that will cer
tainly move them before commencing the in
voice. We invite you in to enjoy some of the
great bargains we will have for you.
Wishing you a happy and prosperous New
Year, we are Yours
Strnnire) Storr of Hovr the Sewing;
Machine Hlildle Warn Solved.
Ellas Howe almost beggared hlumelf
before he discovered where the eye of
tbo needle of a sewing machine should
be located. His original idea was to
follow the model of the ordinary noodle
and havo the eye nt tho heel. It never
occurred to blni that It sh iuld be plac
ed near the point, nuil he might have
failed altogether If he hud nut dreamed
he was building a sewing machli for
a savage king In a strange country.
Just na In bis. actual waking experi
ence, ho was rather perplexed about
the needle's eye. He thought the king
gave him twenty-four hours to com
plete the machine and make it sew. If
not finished In that time, death was to
be the punishment.
Howe worked and worked aud puz
zled and puzzled aud finally gave It up.
Then he thought he was taken out to
be executed. He noticed that the war
riors 'carried spears that were pierced
near the head. Instantly came the so
lution of the difficulty, aud while the
inventor was begging for time he
awoke. It was 4 o'clock in the morn
ing. Ho Jumped out of bod, ran to his
workshop, and by 0 a needle with an
eye at tho point had been rudely mod
eled. After that it was easy. This la
the true story of an Important Incident
iu the invention of the sewing machine.
Spontaneity In a Nereanurr Inaredl
ent t ICiiKuirliiu Talk.
''What I wish," says an essayist in
Cornhlll Magazine, "is that people
would apply the same sort of serious
ness to talk that they apply to golf;
that they should desire to Improve their
game, brood over their mistakes, try
to do bettor. Why Is it that bo many
people would tliluk it priggish aud ef
feminate to try to Improve their talk
and yet think It mauly aud ratioual to
try to shoot better'; Of course It must
be done with a natural zest and en
joyment or It Is useless.
' "What a ghastly picture one gets of
the old fashloued talkers and wits,
committing a number of subjects to
memory wheu Uiey are dressing for
diuuer aud then turning over a com
monplace book for, apposite anecdotes
and Jests,- adding dates to thoso select
ed that they may not tell the same
story again too soon, learning up a list
of epigrams, stuck In a slinvUig glass,
sallying forth primed .to bursting with
"It Is all very' wcll to know before
lnuul Uie kind of line you would wish
to ta;k, but spoutaueity Is a necessary
ingredient of talk,' and to make up
one's mind to got certain stories In Is
to deprive talk of Its fortuitous charm."
The I-lacId, Well Burn Cilrl ol the
. 1 Little Green Isle.
"The Irishwomen never worry," said
a womnu' who has mixed much In the
jiipper (circles of the little green Isle;
VlthorefcTre they preserve their youth
better than the women of any other na
tion. A peculiar type of personality
bus been left In Ireland. ' England and
America have drained off flte progress
ive and hustling England from the
upper classes, America from the lower.
.Those who are left uro of a placid,
contented type, from whom the rest
lessness of present day civilisation
seems fur removed. Tbo dullness of
the life led by the average well born
Irish girl would be pathetic If it were
not; 'that she seems to thrive so well on
it Year after year she follows the
sitrpe monotonous rouud, meeting the
same people at tennis in sunlmer or
hockey matches In winter. If her home
Is In a hunting district, no matter at
how low an ebb the family finances may
be, they will manage to give her a
good mount, but for the girls who do
not hunt the long, wet winter, with
few neighbors and few books, passes
almost as drearily as In a mediaeval
castle."-New York Trlbuue.
So Life Goea, Alware Hae Gone and
Alware Will Go.
Here are man's four views of time:
"You still have forty years to Uve,"
said the guardian spirit to the youth.
"It Is a -long, long time," the youth
replied, "and I will do a great deal
before it Is past."
"You have thirty years yet to live,"
the guardian spirit said to the still
young man.
"Well, that Is quite awhile," was the
reply. "Probably I cannot do all I had
intended, but I will make quite a show
ing." "You have twenty years to live," the
spirit said to the middle aged man.
"Only twenty! Well, I suppose I
will bare to do the best I cau In tbat
length of time."
For the last time tbe guardian spirit
appeared. "You yet have ten years
left," he said to the rapidly aging man.
Tbe man sighed. "But ten years,"
be whispered in reply. "And what can
one do in those few days?"
And when the end had come the man
looked backward and moaned, "I am
leaving It nearly all undone!"
And so life goes, although youth will
not believe It, and only old age fully
realizes that It is so. Philadelphia In
The Twe Claeaes of Insects That Pro
dace Audible Sounds.
Insects that produce sounds audible
to human ears have been roughly divid
ed into two classes fiddlers and drum
mers. The grasshopper Is a fiddler and
makes music by scraping Its fore wings
against the rows of splnelike teeth that
ornament Its thighs. The katydid also
plays an entomological fiddle. It pro
duces its notes by rubbing the Inner
side of the bind legs over tbe front
The locust, on the other hand, la a
drummer, and a loud one too. His
drum Is formed by a membrane situ
ated at the base of the fore wing, and
he can make a forest ring with It The
cicada, or seventeen year locust, car
ries a drum at the base of the abdomen
and makes with It a noise that seems
to be quits as terrifying In the Insect
world as that produced by the gorilla
pounding Its resounding chest Is among
wild beasts. It Is said that the cicada
sometimes frightens away Its enemies
with the rattle of Its drum.
There are other drumming Insects
which make good music, but the violin-
lsts, after all, carry off the palm, for
the great insect soloist, the cricket Is a
Select Hip Grade Berry Plants
Ph.nomen.l Berry
Great money maker; as high as fl,4X)
per acre baa been realized from n sln
gle acre here the last aeason. Fruit of
enormous sire, varying from one to
twolbchesln length; a brilliant rose
red color, deliciously flavored; ex
ceedingly productive; very firm and a
Kood shipper. Price, per ID, 91.00; per
100, 7.50; per 1000, StA.OO .
New Mammoth Blackberry
Crops between theCrandall Hlackberry
aud the Calif. Wild Dewberry. It, Is
thevery largest berry fruit of anything
known In the world today. The fruit
averages from two to three Inches in
length and la produced In the greatest
abundance. The highest flavored and
moat delicious of all blacxberrles.
They ripen three weeka before any
dewberry or blackberry. A great ship
per and money maker. 11,00 per 10,
fS 00 .per 100, (oO.OO par 1000.
Lotn Batrry
A famoua berry, now being widely
planted all over the country. Fruit
very large and a bandaoine dark red
color; exceedingly productive, and
possessed of a rich sub-acid ttavor.
One of the heat. canning berries known.
60 cents per 10, per 109, tS per 1000.
Himalayan Giant Blackberry
Will yield IWquartaof fruit to a plant
during a season. Berries ripen In
July and Auguat; they are nearly an
Inch In diameter; jet black, round and
of exquisite flavor. SI. 01) per 10, SS.oO
' per loo, (50.00 per 1000
New Golden Blackberry
Fruit a glowing golden yellow, In
tensely highly flavored, very produc
tive, and in sine aa large aa the Early
Harveat blackberry. K5 cents each,
R.OO per 10, 118.00 per 100
Matchless Blackberry
one of tbe finest flavored and most
productive of all npright growing ber
rlea. $1.00 per 10, S7.&0 per 100
Rogers Early Dewberry
Karlteat of all dewberries; large, very
firm, great ahlpper. 50 cents per 10,
83.50 per 100, tAMU per 1000
Mayes Hybrid Dewberry
The largeat and best dewberry In tho
world. Hipena 10 daya alter Itogerx
Karly; a great ship, er; berrlea Jet
black and of the highest flavor; enor
moualy productive. f0 centa per 10,
SJ.50 per 100, tl5.H0 per WOO
Beat all-purpose atrnwberry on earth;
the largest strawberry known, and one
of the moat deliciously flavored: gives
three crops a year; will succeed any
where. 26 cents per 10, II. U0 100, t5ui
per 1000
. , . ABOVR FKICKM. . . .
S. L WATKINS, Grizzly Flats, Cal.
1 am carrying more aocounts on my
books than I can afford and earnestly
request all persons owing me to rail
ana settle as promptly as possible.
Dr. Dumble.
If a man should cross a deadly snake In
ui painway, ne wouiu quicKiy crush It
beneath bis heel before It could sink It
poisonous fangs Into his flesh. He would
not step out of the way and temporize
mw. win uaiiKei
ous reptile. And
yet how many
peoplo aro there
who temporize
His Insanity.
"Your honor," said the attorney, "this
man's insanity takes the form of a be
lief that every one wants to rob him.
lie won't allow even me, his counsel, to
approach him."
"Maybe he's not so crazy after all,"
murmured the court In a Judicial whis
per. Loudon Express.
with a still more
aeaoiy enemy
consumption. Like
a silent serpent, it
glides along almost
unnoticed. First
a cold, or sore
throat, then a slight
cough, then catarrh,
then bronchitis, then
bleeding from the
lungs and finally death. The way to
crush out the threatening evil Is to fortify
the system and purify the blood with
Dr. Pierce's Oolden ilodical Discovery.
Kvery weakness and abnormal condition
that precedes consumption is cured by
this non-alcoholic remedy. At thn first
siirn of derangement of stomach, liver and
blood, liHik out! It is only a question of
time until the lungs will be attacked
through the Impure Hood, and then the
danger will be most deadly.
It should bo known to every sick person
that Dr. R. V. Tierce will give carefully
considered, fatherly, professional advice
by mail to all w ho write him at Huffalo,
N. Y. No charge or fee of any nature is
asked. .
Mr. Moses Homer of Stahlstown. Penn's,
writes; "Last tall I took a severe cold (the
result of wet feet) and this brought on ca
tarrh and bronchitis which lasted all winter.
I used three bottles of Dr. Plen-e'a Golden
Medical Discovery and two or three vials of
the "Pleasant Pellets. also one parkatre of
Ir. Safe's Catarrh Remedy. I im now cured.
Many thanks to you."
An honest dealer will not try to per
suade you to take a worthless substi
tute In place of the 'Golden Medical
Discovery" for the sake of a little added
I am prepared to furnish mill and slab
wood, also other kinds of wood.
I have a new sleam wood saw and am
prepared to do sawing. Also do general
team work.
Phone 121.
U. S. Commissioner . Notary Public
The Oldest Insurance and
Real Estate Agent in town
Insurance Loans
Hood River, Oregon
Shepard & Franz
Are in correspondence with all parts of
tbe I'nitdl H ates and are in g v il pn-i-tion
to ivll your
Farm Property
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Orient Fire Insurance Co.
Richardson Bros.
Horseshoeing a Specialty
All repair work neatly
and promptly done.
Corner of Oak and First Streets
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