The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 18, 1906, Image 2

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J issued every Thursday by t
AKHIUK D. MOB, Publisher.
amis of iubscriplioo-tl-SO a )mi i eei
IB advance.
To the Republican of Wasco county:
1 1 hereby announce myself as a candi
date for nominal ion upon the Republi
can ticket for Sheriff of Wasco county,
subject to tlio votwi cast at the rimary
election to bo :fl(l April 2(tli, 11MI0.
Jf nominated und elected, I promise
to fulfill the the duties of the office to
betit of my abilities by being courteous
to all and giving the oliice the game
careful attention that I would if it was
my personal business.
' . Yours respectfully,
Hood River, Ore., Jan. 16, lOOti
hditor Olacieri
I wish to announce through the col
umns of your paper that 1 shall be a
catid'dute at the primary election to he
held in April of tuis year for the repub
lican nomination for representative in
the legislature from Wasco countv.
If I should receive the nomination
and be elected I shall, to the utmost of
my ability, serve the interests of Wasco
county, and especially the interests of
the western portion ol the county ana
Hood River Valley. A. A. JAYNE.
Ringer Hernial appeared .in the
house of representatives Monday and
was sworn In' as a member of the
present sessiou. This will fusur bim
bis mileage and puy. It is not expect
ed he will take his seat and attempt
to take part In the proceeding of
the house. Mr, Herman has not en
tirely recovered from his late lluess.
. Tho Dulles Chronicle has installed
the latest Improved Merganthaler type
sotting machine? .With this machine
the management , will be able to still
further improve the dally and weekly
editions of the Chronicle The sub
stantial increaso of brwin ss accorded
tbe Chronicle by tho husiuess moij of
The Tiitllos bus made it possible; to
' add thin Improvement, The' Olaqier
is glad to note tho' success of its con
temporary ut tho county seat, ,
While wo think the people at large
und tho majority of Republicans of
Die slate of Oregon endorse the new
law with reference to the nomination
and election of candidates, yet it Is
our opinion that iu order to make it
what the trainers of the law intended
and what the voters desire, ' some
amendments are ueeesfury. We give
It as our opinion that after the n 1
miiries are held there should be cmlil
ty conventions in evory county of tjhe
state to endorse .the whining chijI.1
dates, and whiuh' convention would
adopt u platform upon which cnncU
dntos of the respective parties aould
' go before tho people. Then the
. others could Iw assured upon the elec
tion of a man upon trw platform of
bis party what could be expected of
the winning candidate ouce elected.
Under the provisions jjf Mia presut
untried lw ft Is everybody Jfor
nunsoir ana ,ifie aovii lor me ninu
, njost. . , .... ,. . ' ., I
A tilting . illustration of this was
brought to light at tbe last olty elec
tion iu Portland wherein the veuern
ble aud honorable Ueo. W, Wlhlaips
. was defeated for Mayor. Several can
didates wore In the Held at the prima
ries, und for some cause, presumably
aome of them were soro over their de
feat, they failed to warm tbe collar at
the election and the residt was tbe
' old man was defeated. It Is oar
opinion that nothing can succeed with
out an intelligent leadership. No
church, uo lodge-, no business can ex
pect suoccsa without leadership and
management. Then why not have au
advisory committee made up of rep
resentatives of each party to look out
and endorse certuln candidates, then
by uulted effort whoop thorn up and
have some aspiration that they- will
come out in the election and once
elected then we would know where to
find them. As it Is each ca'udidu(e
must make and stand upou his own
platform, Kometimos platforms are
made to get on only, but as republi
cans under the Rtiuare deal admitiis
trutlou we want a platform that will
do to ride on as well as to get aboard
View Points on Development. 1
I u all work . for achievement there
must be a recognition of Nature's
process, and wa must not forget hut
there Is uo domain outside of Nitturu,
oonsetiuetitly all movements shout!
be along her lines.
Back of all attempts ut of Improve
ment lies the creative force of thought.
In the iiniil- t do lies the abiiitj
to achieve, the ouly wanting factor is
tho knowledge ol' the how. That stage
reached, the active will soon put the
idea lulo reality, nut wo must follow
along certain lines that have Iu them
the spot-lilt) moral quality that will
insure the highcNt success. This
quality is hugely ox pressed by har
mony, and harmony menus the bring
ing together with faith In each other,
those who possess the various ele
ments necessary for tho work.
In view of this we hail with glad as
surance the convening of congress, of
gatherings of any sort which bring to
gether those who represent' the vari
ous factors in improvement, l'ovelop
mont means taking crude material and
placing It to higher use, means open-
II :i i.-iiii . . . , . , .
iiik "i ma bom iiy linage, planting ana
seeding it and oaring for its products;
it means taking what the anil has giv
en forth aud putting it -whero it cau
be used; it means delving into the
enri.ii tor us stores or treasures to te
used as now resources of energy; it
means threading continents with linos
of stool and during ou tho seas huge
burden bearers to make highways be
tween producer and consumer; it
menus, in line, to correlate all agen
cies in honorable assistance, ono with
the other, to advance the possibilities
of the earth aud tho human race, Na
ture's specillc ultimate.
Theao uew pojeetions then of the
workers ou tho different linos of later
coming together and prea,)utlug the
various sides of the questions ot tike!
hour predicates one of the great steps
of thl new century, prophesied as
tbe beginning of the great new' era of
. When the man who has money calls
upon the man who has supply, or tbe
elements of the work with him, and
they call on tbe traffic managers for
their assistance we bave tbe begin
ning of harmonious methods in de
velopment. The man with the hoe is tbe equal
of the man with tbe hammer and plane
and both are equals of the man whose
abilities lie in a direct financial line
or who deals iu the commodity of ex
change, money. All are parts of the
workings whole ot the legitimate busi
ness world. Business ought to be
written busyness ,for that is what it
A cleurer understanding through
congenial fratership of tbe industrial
problems ot tbe day is the thing in
order now.
Organized capital aud organized la
bor are stops toward a better indus
trial f ltuation, and now we want tbe
close afllliution ot tbe two because
both are needed in tbe days that are
npon us and each needs to find that
they are tbe two handles of the great
chest which bolus tbe crown it sue
cess for future dujs.
Tbe earth, tbe air and tbe sea are
the great storehouses' whence come
tbe supplies for tho bumau race, and
while we Inhabit tbe earth, plane
it is our work to make use of that of
which, for tbe time, we are stewards.
and in the work to find the base line
of more exalted life when we are trans
ported to anottiei aud higher place of
Ho tiara needs to be harmony here
In order, first to carry out the work
of developing the resourcs of tbe
country, which n.cans betterment, and
secondly, opening up the resouices of
ourselves, which neumlietterniont al
so, both being In direct evolutionary
method according to cosmic law and
lilstnrhlng Equallbnim of Omiiierre.
j. waiter Liora contributes a
thoughtful article to the November
number of the North American Re
view, under the caption "A brief re
view of the Subject of Federal Railroad
Regulation." Therein he writes In
pait as follows: "Rate making, while
not an exact science, Is one requiring
special skill aud training, but most
of all, a thorough knowledge and close
observation of the varying conditions
to wblch rates are adapted. Ou tbe
railroads or tbe country, several bun
drnd experts, t acb with a large staff
ot assistants, are exclusively engaged
upou tbe business of making aud ad
justing rates. These rates have to be
changed from time to time, and not
Inrremioiitly upon vory Bbort notice.
Would It, therefore, Le wiso to com
mit this power to a very small body
of untrained men, who could not
have the opportunity to keen them
selves accurately Informed as to tbe
diverse conditions attending railroad
As to the advisability to any change
in the existing astern. Mr. Lord
says: "Assuming the right of Congreas
to invest the Commission with such
power, could Unit body satisfactorily
adjust rates witu out i.isiuriiiug eqmi
curium and without woikiug a prefer
enco to some ports? And as a nieas
nre of doubtful constitutionality. In
vulvlug a radial departure from our
previous governmental policy, to le
preferred to an existing form of legis
lation which has dune useful service
In minimizing au evil similar to the
ones desired now to be corrected, is
it auvisuoier"
There Are Naur of Them Scattered
About (he Country.
The desk of Salmon P, Chase, a plain
piece of furniture made from niabog
any, Is In one ot tbe rooms ot tbe treas
ury department at Washington. There
are many of these old desks scattered
about tho country, their chief claim to
Interest being that once some well
known man loaned over them.
Alexander Hamilton's traveling desk
made of mahogany and measuring 12
by 111 Inches and 10 Inches high, la an
Interesting object. Upon this desk was
written much of his literary work, aud
tho worn greeu baize with which It is
lined attests to the use to which It was
put. There Is a drawer in one Bide and
several compartments for pens and
Ink, while upon the top Is Inlaid a all
ver piste with tbe nam "General Al
exander Hamilton" engraved upon It
Within the top Is a strip of parchment
which says, "Olvcn by Mrs. General
Schuyler to her daughter, Mrs, Gen
eral A. Hamilton." No doubt the con
lenient size was what recommended It
to tbe general.
Nathaniel Hawthorne's desk Is pre
served at the custom, house, Halem,
Mass. A desk at which be wrote some
of his Inimitable romances was Just a
board standing nut from the wall at an
angle. This Is still In tho tower room
at Wayside, his home at oncord,
Mass. victor Hugo had in bis Gucrn
sey house a study built almost entirely
of glass u ud perched upon the roof,
Like Hawthorne, be, too, stood at bis
writing, aud bis desk was a mere shelf
fastened by hluges to the wall. Deline
Origin of a Phrase.
Many, years ago the wild deer that
roamed through tho forests of England
used to dig holes In the earth with
their forefeet. Thoy pawed It out
sometimes to the depth of several
Inches, sometimes a foot or more.
These holes were called "acrnpes," and
travelers at dusk or night or those who
were careless about their footing often
tumbled Into them. They were laughed
at for their heedlessness when they
came home covered with mud, and, ns
this frequently occurred after they had
been Imbibing a bit, they wcro Bald to
have "got Into a acrupe." Some Caw-
bridge students took up this expres
sion, mid thus It came to lie applied to
people who bad got Into difficulties of
various sorts.
Cooked l ader Water.
In 1700 ono James Austin laid a
wager of $500 that he would cook a
plum pudding ten feet beneath tbe Bur
face of the Thames near Rotbcrhlthe.
Tho bet was readily accepted, and
many people flocked to the appoluted
locale to watch this strnngo exhibition
of the culinary art Inclosed In a tin
pan In the center of a sack of lime tho
pudding was lowered beneath the wa
ter, whore for two hours and a half it
romalned. It wag then taken up and
partaken of by a committee, who de
clared that Austin bad won his wager,
the pudding being, if anything, over
done. ,
Praise the tea, but keep on the land.
." v?
- We carry pno of the
a, ,
prices will always be found to' be the lowest. :
Muleskin gloves,' just the thing for rough wear the pair...;............. 250
Goatskin gloves, nice and soft, ari all right glove for light work the pair.... 250
Calfskin gloves, Saranac make, an all around work glove the pair 600
Good heavy buckskin mittens for, the pair.... 650
Gauntlet gloves, Are aud water proof, a good driving glove the pair. 750
Gauntlet gloves of heavy horsehide, the pair....'. ... 950
Gauntlet gloves of genuine buck, very soft and pliable and a good wearer, .
the pair ;, 1.35
Heavy horsehide gloves for heavy work, worth $1.25, for the pair 1.00
Horsehide work gloves, asbestos tanned, tbe pair. 950
Horsehide gloves of best quality, worth $1.40, for.... 1.25
For gloves for any purpose, give us a call.
See our Bargain Tables of Shoes
You can't make money easier than buying these snaps.
r nil .i.l ii mmt mil " i' l- ni il iMiiiiaiii.aiii .lai .. , ammm Minn I inii
Cured of Consumption in Its Final Stages:
J. O. R. Hooper, a merchant, of Woodford, Tenn., writes: "Fifty witnesses
here, will swear that Dr. King's New Discovery cured Mrs. Mollis Holt of Consump
tion after her family had watched at her bedside for the end, which doctors said
was near."
Prlct 60o and $1.00 CUARAfJTEEP Trial Bottles Free
" ::'" ccld and recommended by t - :
"Winaui Clty.where la that Wimuia
City that la trying to take our old
mull route from ua. We luivo hud this
mall route for years, tbitt la uot ro
giegi to take thia route from iih, tint
can that olty do lt.time will tell."-J.
1J. HlllHtroui.
The above article appeared iu hint
week'a Glacier. Keep your old until
route, Winaua City haa no use for it.
We're Baking for a poatollloe at this
place. Don't go otf at half flock liko
that or kick before you are spurred.
If you want to find Wluaua City, get
olt the O. K. & N.train et Hood Kiver
aud follow the orowd. Now let ua giro
tlio Mount Hood ipecial correspondent
a straight tip iu the matter of V. H.
Winaua et al petition for a uew school
diatriot In the vicinity of WiiiMua
City. W. K. Winaua and other pion
eer aettlers have been paying acliool
tuxea for yoara iu tbe districts direct
ed by the petition, but being 5 or 6
in Ilea from any school house, have lutd
to roaort to private teaching for their
children, their tax money going all
these years to maintain schools iu
these other districts. Now in all jus
tice we are entitled to a acliool dia
Irict located near enough for our
children to atteud. We were ouly
proposing to take such portions from
tho other districts that were so remote
from the school houses aa to nnike it
impracticable for scholars to utteiid.
Wo were uot cutting out a single'
scholar that is attending any of these1
other schools. Wo did not get a large
petition, dcpeuditii; on tlio iilitiu ins-
tlce of the case; we had talked with a
number of promiue t residents of
these other districts aud thev as-siiwd
us that the proposition wan a fair ono
and in justice due us, but the Oregon
Liiniher Co. butted in by their i,getits
Mr. Karly and Mr. Hell, crying sic em,
wheu the whole pack of knockers hit
our trail in full cry. Mr. Hell was
very active circulating the remon
strance and appearing before tlio dis
trict bouudary board where he made
the 'tatemcnt that W. K. Wimiiis was!
tho only voter In the proposed new i
distiot and would control the location !
of the school house and that the Ore-
gon Lumiier Co. wanted tho school!
house located at or near their mill, I
which is one half mile outside the
lauda of Winaua City. Well, the!
noumiary Hoard reiused to grant the
petition of these Ipioiieera, putting it !
oir, we take it, uutil theOrcgou Lum- j
Iter Company can Import enough vot- j
era to control the location of tho
school house. All right, let the major-1
ity rule, we're uniliug through our j
teara aud taking our turndown as a
bleasing iu disguise. Yea, wheu youi
anuex wiuaua uity mere u be some
thing doing that will maks your eye
rB5k r - twwsk m tpa
best assortments of work gloves in the city, and our
balls jingle. Laat week, Mr. Shaw of
liOHtou, Mass., bought four lota and
Mr. Stanley Houle of Portland bought
an eutiie block. With two electrio
railway lines making for the City,
tho hourly sevice of the electrio oar
la what the valley needs.
We had the pleasure of attending
the Hood Kiver Commercial Club's
banquet an I joined the club, iu fact
where everybody swore by the big ed
apple to quit knocking and work for
Hood Kiver Valloy. Ah! That's the
stuff, come out of your holes and shake
on it and will say here that Hood Kiv
er Valley is a square deal from the top
of Mount Hood to the Columbia and
f 1 0111 Its eastern to its western water
sued, and one spot ia just as good as
mother, yea a darn site better. Yet
it would not bo Hood Kiver valley if
it wa not in the atate of Oregon.
Hnllulo, New York, January 13, 1906.
Dear Mr. Wiuana: Will you please
contract with some one to remove all
of tho stumps from lot 5, block 2. I
desire to start a building on it and
any dynamiting ought to be done now.
Wo will leave here February 15, and
arrive at Hood Kiver about tbe 20th.
Thorn is quite a tine display of Hood
Kiver apples which are on sale in two
of our largest grocery stores on Main
t-treet. . 'ihey are being sold at CI. 2D
per doen or ?,". per box. Our choice
celebratid Niagara county apples
bring 1 ss tliuu halt that price, ft
seems like bringing coal to Newcastle,
ns it has been generally understood
that Niagara county apples could not
i u cent ou account of tne perfet color,
llaror ami good keeping quality. The
Hood Kh-cr apples are bonnd to bring
n tiincy price and aa the supply will
ul'.'. le limited aud statistics show
that the production throughout the
I' n iied Sti:tes has decreased and ia
decreasing, there remains no doubt
wh:iteer that price will continue to
advance. I am to well convinced
of this mid of the general hcalthful
ni .-s and beauty of the Hood Kiver
Valley that 1 have decided to close up
my business aud move out there with
my family about- the middle of next!
month. 1 have interested a few p'o
j le hero iu Winana City but I think
1 can iiccouiilish much more after 1 ;
get there. Yoma truly, W. Wiedrick. i
It will 1)0 remembered that W. R. j
Winiiiis met Mr. Weidriok and 'artyi
at the exposition und prevailed on
them 'o look Hood Kiver valley over,
aud sold Mr. Weidriok 4 lota iu Win
an City. Mr. Weidrick will immedi
ately build a large general merchan
dise store aud dwelling in Wiuana
- Horn.
In Hood Hi ver Valley, to Mr. and
Mrs. Walter laeuberg, a son.
Iu Hood Kiver, on January 15, to
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Thomson, a sou. I
n r n rssst
Department of the Interior, United Mate
Ijoid oftloe. The Dallea, Oregon, Derembere;,
ml -A Mifllclent contest affidavit having
ueen men id mum omce oy Aigorn H, Tingiey
contestant, aaalnat homestead entry No. lftioO
made May 26. 1U0S, for Iota 1, 2, NKJrf, Hee
llon 8, Township 1 North, Range 5 E. W. M
by Willie . Carrier, eonteatee. In wblch It la
aiirgea mat aaui wimeu. carrier naa lailea
to et.-ibllh his residence or make any im
provement npon aaM land, having totally
abandoned the aame for the uerlod or two
years last past; that aald alleged absence waa
not aue lo nm employment in the army, navy
or marine oorpa of the United 8tle in time
oi war.
talri parties are hereby notified to annear.
respond and otter evidence touching stld a I le
gal on at 10 o'clock a. m.. on February 20. 1MK
before the Register and Hecrlver at the Ui lud
Htateii Land umce In The Dalles, Oregon.
The said contestant having In a Diooer affi
davit, died December . Ilkft, aet mrtb facts
which ahow thai after due diligence personal
service or this notice cannot be made. It ia
hereby ordered and directed that such notice
tie given oy one and proper publica
tion. MlUlAf.L T. NUI.AN,
H 8. I'r.gue, Or.iionlnn bldg., Portland, tire.,
ah. Kir lAuiieeumt. jan2tetg.
tier r! meat of the Interior. United Btatea
I.nud office, The Hullee, Oregon, December 2a,
iwsi. a suiuciem contest amnavil navlllg
been filed In thia office by Andy M. Hem l v.
contestant. against homestead entry No. 122:),
inaoe marca iu, imh, itir rr.v Bee. ip. l,
range 10, K W. M., by Jatuea . Wait, eon-
trstee, in wnicn it la alleged tnal aald Junius
F. Walt has abandoned aald land Itir mora
than six months lat past and there are no
linprovetueuta thereon whataoever, and Dial
said alleged absence was not due U his em
ployment In the army, navy or marine oorpa
oi me in iiineoi war,
Hnid parties are hereby notttted to aooear.
repond and offer evidence touching aacn alle
gation hi iuociock a. m.on reoruary is, iwi,
before Oeo.T. I'rather.a IJ.H. Commissioner.
at hlsottlt-elu Hood Kiver, Oregon, and that
iiuhi neariug win oe neia at iu o clock a. m,
on February Sit, IWlii, before the Heglater and
Hecelver at the United mate Laud ornoe In
The I is I lea. Oreeon.
The said contestant having, la proper affi
davit, tiled December 1H, 1, set forth facts
which show that a iter due diligence persons)
service of this notice can not be made. It Is
hereby ordered and directed that such notice
oe given oy due and proper publication.
Jf' Register.
Dsn Mslaer left town Tuesday after
noon for Portland, wbers he expects
to remain a couple of months with
his wife who has been quit 111 at
that place for soma time. She is now
much improved, however.
Wood For Sale . '
All Kinds at Lowest
Market Price.
Prompt delivery, poons. ItilTtf aJ. .
For Sale
Vnr ! B nun. welaht 1M0. centl. tln-
rlc or doable: tooa cultivator, win umua
le or doable; good colli valor.
fur unatler bone. Phone laox farmers.
IIS Murray Kay.
For Bale-Sweet eorn ladder cheap. J. H.
Koberg- J1"
For Bala-A fine Poland China brood sow,
K.Hawkea,K.y.D.No,l. Jl
mm &nri hnvi. at Coarlav'a aboa ahOD. ODDO-
JWRiat Office. did
For aale. several aecond-band boggles and
eamagea. raetiion mania. je
Vfur aale ehean. OM two-horaa wiuron. En-
bulra ot J. C. Htener, one-half mile east of
Crepper school uooae, on Mrs. uoaaaro s
rancn. n
Vat aale. fhll blooded Plvmonth Rock roos
ters and pullets. Oery One stock; will grace
any poulir v yara; notning oeiier, guarsuisi
to pleaae ooo. only a few for sals. Mr..
uraytora, ttockrora a to re. ji
For sals, one gent's boras. N. W . Bods. Ji
For Hale-Kodak. 5x7: good aa new, Mrs.
k-plnta; chow-chow, per doa.. 1 pL: apple
IP. ..v.. lalllA. et sn M AltW
Duller, etc, qia. a?.w per uua, aisv cnuuw
rrul. at S9JI0 u J 7s ner doa. ota. Delivered
la dosen lot suy where In city limits, all put
apingiaaa. Mrs. -ft- vauoan. rarauiae arui,
rnooe tun. jo
BOYS OR OIRL8 or attractive young ladles
wanted If you hare only a few spare boars,
yoa can employ them profitably and earn
money r Aniaa; n yoa want to give your en
tire time to tbe work you can earn a nice liv
ing. The beat of It la, you don't need any
money lo start. A complete outfit free. P. O-
u rawer no, am, nunaio, n. i . : uzv
Strayed One red heifer with whits spot on
face, two years old dasL marked with crop
on each ear, brand O U on hip. Suitable re
ward will be paid for Information concerning
same. L. 8. Rboades, R. F. D., seven miles
out on east sias. , ju
tuijena eiDwio wna on improvea iauu.
First mortgage, short or long term, or on un
improved land part at a time as Improvments
are made. Address, J, cars Glacier, j 11
FARMER, do yoa know the Hood River
Artificial Hlone Oo. I manufacturing Just
the kind of concrete blocks to build an apple
or milk house While yoa have time think
It over. Tbe coat Is trilling. . (Jet prices. J 18
For Hale Het of International Encyclope
dia for sale cheap. Mrs. C, K Urmmeo. A
For sale all or seven dosen ales spring
ouicaens. uoaptnaa at uo. il
Wanted Wash woman for small family.
airs. nuaw.
Any person desiring to purchase family
cows ay secure aame by aitdreaslug J. w.
try , oww i y ,uu xvim vuiuuilSBIour,
Portland, Oiegon, Mr. Bailey belug a compe
tent Iiimmi, anmnlM Hllriorfln.
Wanted to Rent From about March 1, tor
nlahed house, containing not leas than four
(4) bedrooms, wiihln a mile and a half of
Hood River. Apply to Mrs. Houghton, care
sire. Alma uowe,riooa Kiver, ore. re on
For sale Great Baigaln Ten acres miles
out; small orchard, best variety of trees; two
mall bouses. Price, $S76, tilt down. Inquire
i;. a. uano. ami
For Bale lu acres, nearly all Improved,
vuwu uuwn mu imiu, jv luutim im w nr..
350 apple tress, 1M bearing; 40 cherry trees, 1
acre of atrawlierrles, 14 pear tree and other
runs; a miles rrom town, will sen at soar
gain. .aareasB., eareuiacier. QM
will contract to clear sams If' purchaser d
airea. r. w.Angua. i7-ir
For Bale Ten, 20 or 80 acres; apple and
ciover; y, etearea; unaer alien, u eeiiunaa,
kv. r. v. uo. i. nai
For Bale 180 per acre. 40 acres of level land
four mile southwest of Hood River, near
church, store, R. V, 1). and good a-n om sn! ool.
Will sell In small tract If desired. For fur
ther particulars inquire of A. J. Emerson, rfd
loo. s, uooa til ver. jiu
handsome wall of panel or rock face concrete
blocks placed around 11 If your resldenoe Is
on toe siae diii. i ns Hood Hiver Arlinclal
Nione uo. is ready to book your order. JU
Bids Wanted-For7S cords of fonr foot fl
Wood will be received Air SO dava bv aclionl
district No. 8, same to be delivered before
sepu i, nun. V. ii. Vaughan. clerk. da)
Notice The undersigned will act a a free
agent tot all persons w suing to aee the coun
try around West Crepper. J.J.Jordan. d!4
For sale W acres of timber for aale at a bar
gain; att. Hood railroad through center. In-
ifuire i wis umue. fi
For sale 20 acres two ml lea annth or town
on tbe Mt. Hood road; can be divided Into
tweivaanu cigui acres, ti. w. Uuapman. n
Lost -A mackintosh cape, between Fashion
Uvery barn and my home. Finder pleaae re
tarn. Mrs. Murray Kay. j .
Lost-Package containing alz yards of silk,
Saturday evening. Return to Williams'
Pharmacy. jig
Lost-Lady's gold watch. Please leave at
Urla office. ju)
Loet A large, light brown dog; part colie
Ind narl ali.narri. uuw .. . ..... . .1
------ . . .. , u. vu uuus ui maa.
8. F. Blythe, 'phone S4zl. Jau25
" -" uiimuc, m iivvrr uiouill-
ed umbrella with "W. M. 8." engraved on the
handle. Finder will please leave at Stewart s
store. J18
f JW. r,. l.k.n k. mU.k. 1 .
Lost-Man's mackintosh, between freight
depot and the Franktun school bouse, Friday
afternoon. Return to Daisy K. Thomas,
Frankton school, or Glacier omce. jib
Strayed -One year old heifer, red with
rhltjl iiuil. !...! I,, ..,,.
- ....... ,.. e . . wo rmi urv
ped: has horns. Owner can have aame by
l J M,M,wnwiiioiiisuu eapenseoi
fet dlug. H. A. Moore, seven miles southwest
ol Hood River. das
9tMWMt A mim Mil ut k. A i k- .
no horns, . lit In each m r aud wire twisted In
edge of right eat. Had her since December 1.
A.U. Uerahey, R.r. 1. .o. 1. d28
PLACE YOUR OKDEKH at ouce with the
Hood River ArtiflviMl Stone ro. for chimnn
blocks and foundation or retaining wail work.
Tbey will do II tor yoa cliesir than you can
have atone eut for and belter. lis
If a infflelent number of borate can he nh.
talned R, U. Hbelley will take them to pasture
Phone Utile W bile More.
a . iihd ,im jw QlOflinr
residence raised and a concrete block wall
ptaoed onder It? It will took so much better
nrf a aallar I. LanHu Th. LJ ., I I - . .
tuv-r IT An.-,lTi a-rids. . i . l
-- ; - -- ..j. " - nuvu aim nm-
flcial tMone Co. will do It cheap. 18
For Bent.
1IW Banl Tka U.. t, . ..
- -' . ii. B.iw ia. uuiwiaj t srra9i:
5 rooms, pantry and I a h. Fine reaideiire
with modern Improvementa. Urand view.
Inquire ol A. W. Anthank.
Thomas Itay, plalutlff, va, Anna E. Day, de
fendant. To Anna E. Day, the above-named defendant :
In the name of lbs Mate of Oregon: You
are hereby required lo appear aud answer the
complaint filed against you la Ihe above en
titled ault on or be lore the 2nd day of March.
ISos- and If yoa fall toanswer said comnlaint
on or belore said date plaintiff will apply to
the Court tor tbe relief prayed for therein, t
wit.- a uccree uiaaotvtng ine Donas of matri
mony existing between yourself and plainli tt.
mu nuwuiuiiia puuitsnea oy order or tne
Hon. W. L. kradshaw. ludM of tha akwa
entitled Court, duly made and entered on
th 10th day of January, lSUi, directing thia
summons to be published once a week for six
consecutive weeks is tbe Hood River U lacier,
a weekly newspaper published In Wasco
coonty. Stale of 0 egon.
Tbe date of the Brxt nnbllcatlnn at thl.
summons Is January lath, 1!M; data of lust
pnuucauiun at arc n 1st, itais.
ronuist ueroy, attys. ksr plaintiff. ml
W sb ted Lad? ean
An except loo-
ally good offer. Position pennanetit. Ad-
wws, sow dux ay, ine isaiies, Oregon, n
Real Estate
Vive room house, and lot 80x140 feet,
on the heights, 1,100. Terms reason
able if taken toon.
160 acre mountain ranch, all under
irrigation ditch, twelve miles from Hood -ii
acres cleared, one acre or
chard; good bunch marketable timber.
Also lour lots on nut near reeiueuce ot
Charles Caatner; terms reasonable.
5 acres, one mile from Hood River;
all apples, 1 acre bearing. Price for SO
daya, 11850. ,
40 acres 6 miles from town, east siaei
20 acres cleared, 10 acres orchard. $126
per acre, cash.
10 acres, 2 miles from town; all in cul
tivation. Price, f2400.
4 room cottage. East 45 by 150 feet of
Lot 2 block 9, Parkburst, (1050; $750
cash. t -
House and two lots in Barrett-eipma
addition. $700,
Fine husinest'lot on main street for
f 1600 on installment, or $1600 cash.
i acres at Belmont, 6 acres in cul
tivation, cottage aud outbuildings, 150
apple trees, 2 acres strawberries, 2 acres
alfalfa, $1300; $750 or more cash.
New 6-roomed cottage, patent bath
nt elnaat. fnnr Inta. 3 blocks from derjot.
center of town, $2100; terms reasonable.
Two lots centrally located, $550.
Two lots, new 6-roomed house, patent
bath and closet, 8 blocks from depot,
center of town, $1700.
Two-story 8-roomed cottage, lot 7U xy
140. on the hill, $1200; terms reasonable.
For Bale 9000 acres pine timber; l
saw mill, cuts 20,000 per day ; 1 planing
mill, capacity 30,000 feet per day; 1
store ana stock of merchandise, about
$3,500; 1 hotel and contents; 1 saloon
building, rented ; 3 bouses, rented; 10
head horses and harness; 9 road wag
ons, 3 H: 1 logging truck; 5 pair
sleighs; 30 head cattle; 50 head bogs;
600 feet lumber; 2000 cords wood. All
located at and near Hilgard, Or.
For Bale New two-story 9-room
house; Stranahan addition; $1100; terms
14 acres across the road from the M.
M. Davenport residence. $60 per acre.
Terms easy.
160 acre mountain ranch, all under ir
rigation ditch, twelve miles from Hood
River; six acres cleared, one acre or
chard; good bunch marketable timber.
Also four lots on hill near residence of
Charles Caatner; terms reasonable. In
quire of John Leland Henderson.
One goat ranch on mountain east
of valley on county road. Price $1,500;
has small house, running water, and is
fenced. Terms, easy.
For Bale Beautiful lots in Park addi
tion, center of town, from $200 to $300.
8. 160 acres at White Salmon; fine
timber land ; $10 an acre.
Lots 10, 11, 12, block 5, Waucoma ad
dition; improved; .price $1,600; or
more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent.
Small house and lot on hill to rent, $24
a year; two xacant Iota with privilege of
purchase $20 a year for the two.
For Sale Residence on State street at
head of Front; $2,500, including 3 lotc.
For Sale or Exchange for Hood River
property Fine residence in business
center of Sum pter.
Money to loan.
21 a. at Frankton; Improved; $2400.
First-class Surveying Outfit
At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class
transits and solar attachments, and the
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laving out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing all kinds of surveying and platting.
City Engineer.
Farms Wanted
We have buyers for farms and can
make quick sales. Write us, giving full
particulars and lowest price per acre.
We have choice pieces of Portland
business and residence property for sale.
Tortuties are daily being made in Port
land real estate investments. Make
your money earn something by investing
in Portland realty. There is no city in
the country where values will advance
as they will in Portland. With our ex
perience we can help prospective buyers
purchase property where values will
enhance most rapidly where property
will double itself in a short time, be
sides paying a good percentage iu ren
tals on investment. We take great rare
in investing for non-residents.
Real Esiate Agents,
635 Chamber of Commerce,
Portland, Oregon.
At the Churches.
Belmont M. E. Church. H. C. Clark,
pastor. Services, Belmont: Sunday
school at 10 a. m.; Class meeting at 11
a. m. ; Epworth League 7 p. m. ; preach
ing every Sunday evening and 2d Sun
day in month at 11 a. m.; Prayer meet
ing Thursday 7:30 p. m. Services at
Pine Grove same as above except preach
ing, which is on 1st and 3d Sundays at
11 a. m. Crapper. 1st and 3d Sundays
at 3:30; Sunday school at 2:30. Mourn
Hood.-The 4th ISunday at 11 a.n t. ;
Sundav school at 10 a. m.
Methodist Preaching at 11 a. m. and
8 p. m. Sabbath school 10 a. m.; Ep
worth League 7 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. All cordially invit
ed. W. C. Evans, pastor.
St Mark's Episcopal Church. Holy
Communion at 8 o'clock; morning
nryer at 11, and evening prayer al
U. B. Church Sabbath school, 9:45;
preaching, 11 a. m.; Junior services un
der the leadership of Mrs. Efne Beeler,
3 p. m.; Christian Endeavor meeting,
6:30; sermon by pastor, 7:30. All are
invited to anv and all of th PSA Bo r . imia
U. M. Beeler, paator in charge.
Unitarian Corner State street and
Park avenue. Service at 11 a. m. Sun
day school at 10 a. m.
Unitarian Re. W. O. Eliot will
preach Sunday at 11 a. m. Sunday
shoool at 10 o'clock.
Valley Christian Sunday school at
10 a. m. : Dieachintr at 11: V. P. St
( R at fi !l n m naal,ln .t
" "" f aa. , yiTOVUIIIg a.
7 :30. - Chalk talk every Sunday even-
ug. ns exieua a cordial invitation
to all to attend the aerrinna nf lhA
day. W. A. Elkins. pastor.
Christian Services for next Sunday
will be held in the K. P. ball. Sun
day school at 10 a. m. Preachin, at
11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. C. E. at
6:30 p.m. Cordial invitation to all
tbe service. W. A. Wood, pastor.
Riverside Congregational W. C.
Gilmora, pastor. Suuday school 10 s.
m. Pmf. T. A. WlUv UIMnafaaa.
ant Worship and preaching at 11.
lall.. I I . aa . ,
auaotu vj uuuat, oaertory, GUet J
Sermon. Jesus growing in favor with
God,and man. Hymn "Ye fair green
hills of Oalilee" arranged from Dun
man. C E. 6:45 p. m. Sermon with
special music 7:30.