The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 11, 1906, Image 4

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fly Roswcll Slielley. .
Odell. Kastllood Kivor Valley, Jan,
10. The banquet given lunt Saturday
evening at the Alt. Hood Hotel was
truly tbe bin tbiiiu of tlio reason. We
feel instilled iu the foregoing Mtate-
merit when we remember the uiany el
Oiimt)t tributes paid our valley by our
flihtiiiKiiihlieil Portland visitors Judge
t ake, lorn Hiclmrdrtou and Mr. Hull.
'J'hfiH-reniemberijig twe f nut that tbeir
testiwoiiy whs corroborated by our
f veuerablo' neighbor and friend, tbe
"-hflou. E. L. Smith, who though rout
ing under tbe weight of yearn, in yet
young in heart, vigorous In body,
brilliant of intellect, gifted witbclio
cent language that Hows hjioii tuiieo jb
Jy, and U pregnant with the fragrance
of a ripened and well ordered life.
Mr. Smith in not ouly rloh in years.
Hen in experiencerich in honors, but
In also rieh io far a tb s -world's
goods are concerned, and who shall
envy LiniY He is aurely entitled to
all tlio comforts and luxuries that
this world can bestow upon him, and
there in no tipot on earth Unit nan
furnish tbem more lavishly than can
hid stately and elegant home in the
town of Hood Kivor, and we wish him
all of these ia unmeasured quantities,
as he journeys onward through the
romlulaccnt diiva of his life.
Our toast master, our honorable
friend, A. A. Jayne, should nut be
overlooked in tula connection. As
usual he honored tills position and
not only relleoted credit upon town
and country, but forgot not to honor
noitber our visitors nor bis fellow
townsmen, . I believe juu . will agrew
with the writer that be convinced the
audience that be could throw more
- bonqnets than any man .nrouud the
festive board. We dive .li'liu the glad
hand. ' "
Judge Cako said one thing1 that
should be framed and, hroonpe a pro
verb for every community, to wit:
" That wo must grow hig. " This brief
sentence means much minora than ti e
mere speaking or writing it;. Tbors
' are. niauy: ways In whioh a community
. may grow, and Mood Hive to on tbi
1 t ight traeic'aixt ia getting there.
11. V. DaviUaon. the eiub, president,
admitted himseu well, as did M. P.
lseuberg .iui liia heart to heart talk
concerning plonoor days la Hood
Kivor valley.
The Mt. Hood HotermiiiiHgement Is
entitled to great credit for the splen
did feed, for the unique and pretty
decorations, fur" tlie Ftxanolliij;ly ex-,
celleut manner In wlilch tlio guests
were served, and for the liberal 1ms-.
pitaity shown some of the banquet
tors' wives who were guests of tbe ho
tel, in stirring them with an excellent
spread in the parlors of the hotel. f
To tha Totem of Hooif River Valley.'
ItJuuow tlm to register for tbo
flomtiig-'eleetlon in ' June, so to those
who have political aspirations we say,
you had bettor send your friends this
way and have yiorrj reenter; Jfur ho-
fore vou can sign a petition for a can
didate vou mast first register. The
writer Lbs plenty of blanks and plenty
of time to register you. Bo come
Candidate are already bobbing. 1
have a petition from Birneon tlojton,
our present county clerk, asking a re
nomination, and also one from 1. C.
Sext n, our sheriff, who is willing to
serve for another term.
Doubtless there are aspirants in
Hood Krvr valley' for some place on
the ticket, to if yon will forward your
petitions, as I register voters I will
cull attention to the claims of tbe
modest candidate.
Oeo. W. Larferty of Odell went to
La Grande last week for a brief visit,
and while there attended the conven
tion of fruit growers.
There was a good attendance latt
Friday evening at tbe. literary club.
After recess quotations from authors
were called for and a pleasant half hour
was spent. Next Friday Longfellow
will be the subject of discussion.
This is a feature that will prove inter
esting with a little research.
II. M. Pool is home again a'te"
spending some time at Tbe Dulles for
treatment. He is somewhat improved.,
which is good news to bis friends.
Mr. Carl Johnson of W'inlock mis
out to Odell last Saturday looking after
his father's affairs. Mr. Johnson is a
sou of W. V, Johnson, who is now ill
at tbe Mt. Tabor sanitarium. The
county court has appointed Carl as
his father s guardian, U. if. IJone hav
ing resigned, and In discussing his
father's condition, we tiud him not
over hopeful concerning the ultimate
outoome. Often we hope against hope
and 'tis well we should. We exteud
our sympathy to Mr. Johnson and
shall hope for the best. . .
Tbe Kemp brothers. Dan and Will,
of Odell are turning out rick wood at
a rapid rate for the Little White store
people on the old lirisey place near
the store. We Mve a few yellow pines
that have l ean storm swept for many,
many winters that are turning out '
to 30 ticks to the tree. Tbe decree is
already rendered that the whispering
pines of Mood lilver valley must give
ilace to the apple tree that produces
the ') apple. The Dodge brothers are
grubbing largo trees faster than the
Kemp brother can saw them up.
Last Moiiiliiy at tbe annual meeting
for the election of one trustee, Rev.
Troy Shelley ; was ,el 'Ctod 'to succeed
I should have said last week that
the Neif brothers presented the Union
church usa New Year's present the
laat Sunday of the old year beauti
ful book case made by themselves.
it has tour shelves and double doors
that close the case. It is finished up
witn an oak stair) and varnish and is
an oruHunxitiii and neeful acquisition.
was dedicated to the public and
will be used by the church, Sunday
snhijol and Christian Endeavor socie
ty. The two Netf families are the
kind of people who are valuable to
any community. They can quickly re
spoud with a quartet or any public
occasion, and are generous and char
itable, l'ha. church going people of
Odell are grat 'ful for this testimonial
of their regard for the morals of the
4udgidg ; froia two incidents that
happened in our school last week, we
are glad to note tbe facttbat we have
a good ditoipli- arian at the bead el the
schools this j ear, and e take 'flea M
ure in noting another -fact, that thb
Odell school is maintaining its reputa
tion for good school work, upon
which fact tbe directors and patrons
of tbe school are to be congratulated.
Don Crosby advertises dance Fri
day evening at the ball in Odell. As
this is Don's first venture along toi
line, and as be promises to show liis
friends a good tmle for tbe small sum
of 70 cents a number, we wish him
W. B. Davidson ha been helping
get some logs ont for O. Fredenburg
Oscar will put op a barn ' and make
ctber Improvements. - , ;t ;
George Monroe' was disappointed
ben the snow left, as be could not
go sleigh riding and be has no buggy
nor no side saddle, so bo stays t
home of nights now.
We uudertsaud that W. 13. Morton
will teach music, literary and parli
meutary practice if he can get twenty
to take part at one dollar apiece for
twelve weeks " Any one not a member
can attend . by paying ten cents: u
Bigot- Vie Lave not beard tbe name
of tbe organization yet but we are sure
they will give It a first class one.
Tbe school teachers of St. Helen's
Hall, Portland, who have been gperd
ing their vacations at-this place, re
turned Home Haturday. The young
ladies spoke highly of tbe upper valley
and expect to return next summer to
speud a few weeks, i t. - 4
We were cautioned tbe other niglit
about travoling past the Grey place
alter dark with a crowd like the one
that wont by New Year's night. Mr.
Grey invited some of tbe jolly crowd
to come up and take a look at his
front gate and the boarda that are In
The Sunday school elected officers
last Sunday as follows. Mr; IPiidc
superintendent: George Wisha
assistant Bnperintadnent ; Miss ? Lldu
Morton, secretary; and treasurer
Maonn ltuMuiln I li l.rsi.l..n . M...
Cooper, organist; R. B. Morton, chor
ister. 1 tie teachers were not all chos
en. R. 11. Morton was chosen teacher
of tbe Uibie class. ' i j CI
Mr. and Mrs. WH, Edick returned
borne Wednesday after spending tbe
holidays with Mrs. Kdlck's folks iu
Portland. . , ,. , ,-
Ariuand Patereau went to tojtn Sat
urday to have his shoulder reset.
The BaldwinSporting club will elect
omoers at tne regular meeting Satur
day night. Ail members are reqested
to be present aa there will be other
business to transact. ' They will tbeet
at 7 o'clock sharp.
Jess Davidson made u business trip
to town Saturday, returning borne
Sunday. He reports the roads in very
bad shape.
- The ladies did not tnrir ont very
well Friday uight, there beiug only
five girls. The small boys., helped
tneru out, so they had a jumo anyway.
Oue of Jim Davidson's -sister in
Ohio wrote him abont his painted hat
'and told hlin to tell that correspond
ent that she wears one of his old
painted strawhats for a parasol when
it rains. She says it; is an goad as
.;fr9m tHose!cold East winds by wearing one of the' '
We have both ladies' and gentlemen's styles in a
'! ,;;'f'.,..j't " size that will fit you. !'
3 CI
'.; -IS
9 WW
mmtjmmmmmamiidmvummBmmm mw
Don't try cheap cough medi
cinesV'Get hebest Aycc's
Cherry Pectoral. What, a
-record-it has, sixty years of
'cures!' Ask your doctor if
he doesn't use it for coughs,
colds, bronchitis, and all
throat and lung troubles.-, -r
" I haW foniMl thai! ATWI ClisrAVttai
li the bnt iii'iii'iim I ciiii ,r.-irli'ii-1tc.u-ClltUs,
lullUHT)Xii. 1-oiipM. Hint Imrd ouU."
M. UtilUSt M.ll.. ItllRiL.
2Sc.,9fle.,ft W, 4- 'Til..1ifHm.,
Correct anv t iiicr:c to coirjtipa
tion with smail cIubm ,! Ayer's Piils,
any ruin cfow.. m, J,,j !
O. C. Rutf came up from Portland
VVeduwduy, to look , atfes . aonie busi
lieHs.i .' We nnderrftand (. (V- has sold
part of his ranch., , ,
Jkh entaiininiBon willbe Kien at
flio Moulit liooil hall by home talent
on January VI. It v'lll be for the beh
ellt of tho liiraty and will be" on the
dramatic order,
. Joeo h Knox Qf. Dukes Valley was
up andp(fut Siiturdyy; night with his
eon u. a. ' - ' - ". .
. A. J.6iouxpaud !iiiuiily took. Jiuuer
witlrD. H. Cooper, Sunday.
Kelly A Wishart have finished saw-
Ing tlu liHibef for ,(tlie jOrcpoo 1mm-
the New Year RIGHT
by having' your work
done where accuracy
oi workmanship will
I I . r ' ' - '
Where? Why at
r": The Watchmaker and Jeweler
Tbe snow in goieir fnfct. It rained
sonie-Monday end a heavy log has
settled down to the Kfouud. It acts
livke spring, but it is pretty e riy for
wia(ea o. break up yet.
i AS rjoruirixj Lad the mUforutne to
lose a btch t cream, lie says it was
not the row that kicked tbo pail over
but the burse kicked the cream can
over. ' "
I). H. Miller returned from a two
months trip to Portland. D. B.
one ot .Mouut Hood's due strawberry
raisers..: s,
'i F ' if
Specuil ('orirv.-poudeiirni
'The snow, bat about all kou- and
every body is (i'ttii!( busy once more,
- Our merchant and postmaster has
beeU Jiiyillg iu a stock of dhoes.
The Mount Hood Portnillcehas been
made -uiouoy rdr llice, which will
lie very convenient tor the patrons.
Walter UnuMu is . buildiiiK anew
house bn bis kind iast north of the
Mount Hood 'School houre. IhiiiKH
bKiii to look suspicious over that
' V. S. Towers has a sick cow and we
adb-:ed him u give n dose pf epppreas,
bpt yui anyf nia. i , ,r J, : i j
Ont cream man reports several new
patrons on the eieam route, with more
to come. ' nun ire tvnox will start tnis
week. The creum buHiue s is some
thing liku u pension to a soldier. We
Inotf tor it iH letjlar n the, lOtb of
the tnont-ii cymes around. ' '
D. R, Cooper and O. M. Wishart
went tolhe IJhIIds last week io attend
-tbe' rfonndiirvrb'.jvi -UMMtiug to mv
part of our so .tool district.
There is some talk of annexing Wln-
n' Cttv'Wirito Mount Hood Citv.
That Is if lots bate not been changing
hands so fast as to mako the roads so
bad we can't move It over.
Miu M. K. Oiavea spent a few duvs
last week' visiting her sister, Mrs. K.
Leasnreand went to The Dalles Thurs
day, to visit .lier, daugliler, Mrs. K.
frenob. ,r $ ! ? v
Miss Uenevfvd Fishf and Misfl Mild
red Cooper returned to The Dalles last
Xbnrsdav alter sptndlng the holidays
witn rehitires ami irieuds.
Miss Mae Cooper made a business
triptotwn iast Wednesday, return
ng home Thursday.
J. C. Davidson was out Thursday
night for a sleigh rule. Jim was ao
coin ponied by three young ladies from
roriianii, n oat is tne niHiier wren
the Mount IliHid boys?
We are suroris d to learn that onr
neighbor, Mr. Wiuuns, has. been try
ing to cut our school district up iuto
snub a shape. We caunot tee hv
Mr, WltMlis wants to start a -school
with "only about six tchclais. Can
you blame those people on the ett
side for not whc&iug to lie cut out ot
the Mount Hood d istrict. where their
childieir can li ive nine months school
ing, and if they are put iu the newly
wanted district their chldreii Mill
only. get. threi mouths schooling in a
year.. '.Now it il up to U.e peoileto
do their duty. If thot-e folks on ti.
west side want to go to Wiuans City
to. school, hign the imtition for the
uew district; Imt if they should want
to stay where, they are, then sign the'' . v
Th danoe j l'r(tlay pight , givou ij
the Baldwin Sporting Club, was well
attended.. 'Hie l idios did their part
by bfiiigUiR.well filled baskets, but
we think the i lioys hardy did their
part, because they only said, we will
iiafe a iliinco, uuel that was all tbe
preparations the boys made.
Miiis Mildred Couoer and Geneva
Fluty of She Dalles came up by stage
Friday io Spend a few tttjil with old
friends and relatives of. this place.
We read a letter which- Robert Lea-
sure wrote lat week about poor apples
Unit. aiu net gr wu iu tbe Mount Hood
Wiuiitry. Ve do not , want to stop
wit only (I." (i Kiiff 'mid Loudou .V
I'ower., lllicr-m- lrr T'uddyho
rnisen the tire tier Newtown that
was oxlulutid in tke Smith store win
dow, N.v, where rajj "you produce"
thai yt'ety-ui hp Jt .out--vle til iht
VI.,...., 1 1 . I .. M...,
iu sua iiii.l a iu r , .llieni ure a liuni-
ber ir 01110,1' HKvfi'aj pie "rMiiihes tlmt
'n -ttUiu'-.tliVI crj ct -In all
M"fsnJrt, the nrtlsf of St.' Helens'
Unit 4'iitk.ud, c.iiu ji last lmwd y
to iliitt MTss .ish and Miss Landis of
the Same ph". '' ThV- young ladies
urited to ieiid t-bcir vacation w here
rthere 'mb' t-fcinf snow, n there is none
iu I orlliiinl. lljfrH made the trip
Up i tii in three and one-half miles of
4Jliitl (tap Inn Jdouday.. They bad
Htik 1; li iiau-v itid l'liiyd. Hens n
igUfiie ; , i r'' ' ' t. j ,,' j
'MistrifyrtK'Wohtfiirson spent'a fen
days last week with her grandmother
u,tttyeli:" -r , "'
.Mnu t Sujjdinau b.'ts Imeu tolling tbe
peoiile he is a crack, shot uonadavs.
Jltsrt was oat Thursday and succeeded
iu lriniug home a cougar that meas
ured jkoinetaing less thau teu loet long.
A nieri'v lmrtv of twelve of the
jomife tfi of tUie place got a four
This is the time of year we are preparing for
our annual invoicing and general cleaning up,
getting - our business 'generally in shape to
. know the results of the year's work, and start
ing in to the newyear with as clean a stock and
slate as possible. We have a lot of seasonable
goods that we .will put prices on that will cer
tainly move them before commencing the in
voice. We invite you in to enjoy some of the
great bargains we will have for you.
Wishing you a happy and prosperous New
Year, we are Yours
horse team and took a trip up ti n
Mount; Hood toad Sunday night to
watch tbe old year out and tbe new
year in. 'Ibey started from D K.
Cooper's down to tbe saw mill,
a ootid by the store, and when tney
made the turn around the store the
leaders wont one on each side ot a tree
and snapped the lines, but no danrege
as oone to tne tree, lire Ijovs soon
got the horses straightened out and
were oft again.' Ibey cuili d at S. M.
lialdwin's, then they called at H. B,
Morton's, but they grt no satisfaction
there, so they v, n.t to Mr. Grey's,
where ho was warned to take in bis
chimney, as it was liable to storm.
lire- next stop wag it (J. C. Huff's
place where George Monroe treated
the crowd to sou e tine apples, which
the young people did justice to, and
returned to tboir starting place alter
an exerting exporic nee iu front of
Mr. Grey's. For further 'nforma-
Uon, cull on the driver, J. C. David-sou.
J. P. Hatchelder of Portland, ac
companied by three gentlemen of that
place, OJine up by the wav of Win-
ans City Sunday, viowiug the country
miine expoetax on or investing.
We wouM be glad to have them come.
bb there is lots of room. Always room,
for improvement
Messrs. James and Walter B. David
sou and Cbailie Thomas attended tbe
dance at Odell New Year's night
Miss Nen Cooper returned Moudav
night from The Dulles, where she bad
peeu vial lug friends and relatives.
Jeste Davidson was the loser of a
storm coat at tbe dance Friday night.
He would appreciate it verv much if
whoever got it would return it.
S. B Hess was uulucl.v at the dance
aud got the worst end of the bargain
by exchanging lanterns with soa.e
Charles Schmidt was on our street
Tuesday. Charles is working at the
big mill near Dee.
Mvrou Wishart vitited lit The Dalles
last Keek.
The n ii u mil meeting of tbe Couure-
gational church took i luce last Moo-day.
The followina officers of Good Will
I,odgi Jo. m of I. O. O. F. were in
stalled Friday evening:, John O. Wy
ers, N. G. : A. 11 Uresbona. O. G. :
Guy G. Crow, Kec. Sec. ; K. Field,
rtens. ; C. L. Colburu, Fin. Sec. j J.
A. Henderson, K. S. to N. G. : Fred
Grosboug, T. S. to N. G. ; W. H.
Overbaugb, K.' S to V. G. ; G. A.
1 nomas, r. S. to V. G. ; A. H. Jewett,
war lor; J. II. Giuder, Conductor;
M.C.Martin. C. G : Tbouius Sukes-
jorf, Fust Grand.
There will be an entertainment in
the school house Saturday evening fur
the purpose of raising money for the
"choel. A good program will be ran-
ered. The children lia. e been urac-
iciug for a loug time.
0.11. Hartley, of Hood River, was
over in White Salmon last Monday.
Hob Fordys of Wasco, was in White
Salmou lust Tbur day.
Mrs, L. F,. Morse of Hood River is
visiting with C. M. Woltard.
Owing to (his spell of pleasant
weather the continued sijueck of the
machine andtgronning ot old stumts
tell us that the industrious citizeus of
this place ure busy,
A few daysagn the excavators un
earthed an ancient iclio ot idolatry.
A stone tut and shaped like unto tbe
Lead and neck of a mountain sheep,
neighing a little less than a hundred
pounds. Undoubtedly this lelio in
ancient 'days did duty us a god. Also
some huii uu skulls have been dug out
ot their resting places by the railway
Mr II. Weaver and Miss E. Under
wood were married Christmas day,
'iind "6're uoiv keeping .home, bin ing
lenled tbe llolliii raucn, where Mi.
Weaver n,ll mine draw berries and big
red u pies.
Christum and New Yeai's day was
properly teiebiated. JiAeryliody n
jojred ihetntelfes acooruiug to their
own I ctiiiiar roetbeds of enjoyment.
Kveu old ti.uer wbistti j bad a jolly
good tuiiu eutcrttiui. g Ua u.auy olu
aotiuaiutance.-', especially on New
iewr'a day. It is reuarkable how
many cun.e forward to shake hands
with hi ui and lovingly embrace him.
AH be trebled right royally.
Some he sprawled out on the floor,
Sou e be n.ado to rsing iu a voice so
Others. be bounced out through tbe
door; s . - ' ; ;
Sua e be i aiuttd black their eyes. '
'Tis cpreer Hie tricks that men will do,
Wbeu fullot tbe product of the still.
Hut, thunder, bow it aiskes the eagli
Right down iuto the money till. '
Still it's true, as Shakespeare said,
What fools some mortals be;
Sense, tbere is none in tbeir beads
When they're full of whiske-e-e-e.
Uncle Sam was very good to his chil
dren this Christmas at Underwcod.
He made us a present of a new post
olHce, which is gratefully aooepted Ij
all. ' '
Your correspondent received a letter
from Dr. U. O. Deputy, now at Coro
na, Cal. The doctor says: "Yon
uny expect us back in the spring,
when we expect to make Hood River
our future borne. My wife has not
been well since we came here, and we
think there is no place like your
charming village, and we long tor
some of your rich fruit."
We notice your Odell correspondent
excused himself for no items on
Christmas week, but that a reader of
the Glacier complimented him on bis
sermon, but It turned out to be the
Barrett items, and we take pleasure
in thanking Mr. Sbelley for putting
tbe reader in the right light. May I
say that I would only be too pleased
to write some little sermon every week
if it would be a belp to some one, so
as to make life brighter and better.
I notioe that a scheme ia now beina
agitated to divide our road district.
Now if this is accomplished we shall
certainly loBe by it when we consider
the amount of taxes that are paid by
tbe railroad company, and we in tbe
Barrett district have bad the benefit
of a good share of that tax and if it is
divided, we will lose it. Some are
dissatisfied over tbe road supervisor.
There is one thing sure, we have bet
ter roads now than we ever bad, and
o must remember that we oannot
have all our roads made good In one
or two years. It has already been in
timated that if tbe district is divided
that no donatiou work will be dout
by some parties. Now, perhaps, we
had better let well enough alone, and
wait a little while nntil all tbe roads
are in good shape.
On Friday about 2 p. m. a fire was
discovered in the barn of J. H. Mer
riern. Tbe contents of barn and sev
eral cords of oak wood were burned
up by tbe die. By bard work and
plenty ot water tbe bouse was saved.
Have not learned bow tbe Are started.
F. W. Angus baa a foroe of men
slashing on his 120 aores one mile
soutb ot Rockford store. F. W. will
be at it. He cannot be still only
wben asleep.
C. Jaoobson is busy nowadays blast
ing rock on bis ranch, a part ot tbe
oru carrot c rancn.
Tbere is do reason why we should
not have tbe electrio light service
from tbe Columbia nursery to Bock-
ford store. If every bouse on this
load would take it, it would come so
much cheaper tbat it would not ex
ceed tbe cost of oil. Then we should
consider tbe better light we get and
that it ia less dangerous. It may not
belp me to sell my coal oil, bat I am
not after tbat. I will advocate tbat
which will be best for us and tbat
which will advance oar property. We
are not in tbe days of the tallow dip
or tbe runner to carry our messages.
Let us step out into tbe full light and
enjoy all tbere is, as we only pass this
way once. Let our cry be, "Electrio '
light, electric light IV
Card of Thanks.
Tbe undersigned wish to express
tbeir deep appreciation and gratitude
to tbeir kind friends and neighbors
who worked so faithfully and strenu
ously to save their borne on the occa
sion of tbe loss of their barn by tire
January 5, 100C
Mr. and Mia. C. A. Memam.
A five room house, and lot 80x140
can be secured n the bill for $1,100 if
taken soon. Term; reasonable. See
J. L. Henderson.
Civil and Architectural
Engineers and Surveyors
Make iarveyi, plans and estimate for Hew
r, IlKht and power snit railway plums, and
riiruUh, subject t approval, plans, 8 p men
tion and eilm um mr all chkr.-oI buildings
public, private and mercantile. Hprcial 1 1
tentlnn elvan In wonomtc and slnw-'Jurnln
construction. Accuracy and economy guar
anteed. .
Wood & Gray
and Cigars
Troy Steam Laundry
May be real or the snake may be a harm
less one, but there is danger that menace
every child's life if the mother is defi
cient in womanly health and functional
Thousands of women have borne their
sufferings and kept their troubles to
themselves from motives of delicacy and
feeble childhood has paid for it.
Dr. Pierce, forty years ago, contuUed
Nitture. and found that she had provided
remedies In abundance for the cure of
woman's peculiar ailments and weak
nesses. He found that non-alcoholic
glyceric extracts of (iolden Seal root,
lilue Cohosh root. Unicorn root. Black
Cohosh root and Lady's Slipper root,
combined in just the rlpht proportions,
gave such surprising results that this
compound soon became a standard fa
vorite of his in the treatment of such
cases. In a little time the demand for It
became so great that he determined to
pnt it up and provide for its general sale
so that the multitudes needing It could
readily supply themselves.
This Is now known all over the civil
ized world as Ir. Pierve't FavnriU PrB
acripMon, and Its nnparalleled record of
hundreds of thousands of cures, In the
last forty years, Justifies all that can bt
said of iU
it to non-oiooholie, non-narcotic It ia
ne ami reliable for any woman, of any
age and in any condition, to use. .
Dr. Pierce's Peasant Pellcta only one
or two a day will regulate and cleanse
and invigorate a foul, bad Stomach, tor
pid Liver, or sluggish Bowels.
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser will be sent free, paper-bound, for
21 one-cent stamps, or cloth-bound for U
stamps. Over MX) pages and Illustrated,
Address Dr. fi. V. Preroe, Buffalo, M. Y.
U. S. Commissioner Notary Public
The Oldest Insurance and
Real Estate Agent in town
Insurance Loans Abstracting
Hood River, Oregon ,
. Shepard & Franz
i . ' - '- ' 'i' .
Are in correspondence with all parts of
the United H ates and are In good posi
tion to sell your
4 Farm Property
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Orient Fire Insurance Co.
Richardson Bros.
Horseshoeing a Specialty
All rqmirwbrk neatly
ami promptly done.
Corner .f Oak and First Streets
The Best in Current Uteratura
12 Compictk Novci Yearly
2.60 pen year ; 25 era. a copy
? f f I ' I
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