The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 11, 1906, Image 2

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luecd i verr '1 huraday by
AU'ltlCK D. MOB. Pubil.kar.
Tenin ol iiberlption 11.40 jaar ala
Tie Wonderful Hood Hirer Apple.
A wonderful applo la tbe Hood River
Perhaps yon have heard this before;
Perhaps while you slept, of our prloos
, you dreamt, .
Of our fame and gold medals gulore.
We iutead to keep on top of the heap
: In Hood River valley with climate
' and view,
ML Adams, ML Hood, the Newtowus
. .so good,
And tbe Bpitz that we aii like to
The people all ax, "Are they real or
just wax?"
And cry," What a marvelous show !"
Other towus in diugtiut look as if they
would bust,
When Hood River commences to
Mow, E. II. Sbepard.
That the enthusiasm and good will
manifested at the banquet given by
the commercial club of this city wns
gratifying to its members goos with
out saying. That an affair of the im
portance and nagnitudo of this was
so successfully carried through speaks
well for the character and ability of
the citizens of Hood River. Admira
bly planned there was neither hitch or
break to mar tbe pleasure and enter
tainment of the evening.
While tbe social side of the gather
ing was a pleasant feature tbe busi
ness side was of course paramount.
Tbo tendency of segregation is to
. ward selfishness and individualism
and it is necessary to awakon most of
us to the fact that there are othor in
terest about us f hut should be of
more Importance than mere personal
gain. '
The romarks of the speakers cn
this occasion were, we think calculat
ed to make us forget ourselves for the
time being at leust and lemember tie
'needs of a larger and bettor commun
ity. Much can bo accomplished by
Intelligent organized effort, toward
the gohl of progress and prosperity,
while little can result from each one
trying to roaeb it by pulling In a
diffoieut direction.
The good feeling engendered at tbe
bummet cannot full to have Its impios
siou. The euthusiasui exhibited was
genuine and expressions of good will
towurd the club in its elforts to fur
ther develop tho resources of the val
ley were many.
The club and the goutlemou who
had the affair In clmrgeiire to be con
gratulated, the speakers are to Le
felioitutud and tho residents of Hood
River should lie pardoned if they hold
their heads a trillo higher than they
did previous to the occasion,
i '.' .. i
We think that Hood River should be
allowed to put IWelf on the back u lit
tie over the showing it made at tbe
meeting bi the llorUoiiltiuul Society
at Portluud. l' ivo out of tbe seven
cups offered as prizes -were captured
by tbe homo growers. This will do
very uicoly, thank you. It looks,
however, as though we were entitled
to another one, but that the judges
wanted to give outBido growets some
little consolation for exhibiting their
fruit. However, to repeat, we have
done nicely and it is a source of much
sutisfuctiou to tho (Under that its
statements as to the Hue quality of
this year's apples have been borne nut
by such tangible proof. Cups, like
llgnres, don't lie, and tho proof of
tbe pudding is lu chewing the string.
The cartoon man of the Oregon inn
caught A. I. Mason, 10. II, Sbepard
and E. L. Smith on tho Hy at the
meeting of the Horticultural Society
yesterday. We think bo must have got
bis suits slightly mixed, as it were, us
the dignified president of the society
is clothed lu the habiliments of a
bookmaker) A. I. sports a white vett,
aud the irrepressible fthepard Is seen
in a clawhammer coat.
We do uot remember any previous
time when local newspapers through
out Oregon have shown so much Inter
est lu the subject of fighting the San
Jose scale and other Insect pests as
at the present time. A part of this
interest has been aroused by the
county Inspectors who are almost
without exception good men, Ex.
The aunual meeting of the stock
holders ol the First .National Rank was
held Tuesday afternoon. The meeting
was well attended and all the share
holders were represented. W. Mill
key, of Portland, tho hank's attorney
Was ulso present.
An eleutiou of ofllcers for the ensu
ing your was held mi I the following
directors elected: 8. Stanley, K.
L. Smith, R. Smith, J, 0. Aiuswoith,
J. W. Jliuricbs.
The election of ofllcers of the bank
for the new year wastheu hold, which
resulted aslollows:
President K S. Stanley.
Vice-President K. L. Smith.
Cashier H. 1). lilauchar.
SAssistunt Cashier V. .'. lirock.
The latter is a new ollice aud was
made necessary by t lie increased busi
ness which the bank is doing.
E. 0. Rlauehar was granted a leave
of absence of two weeks do ling which
time Mr. Stanley will have persuual
The affairs of the were found
to be in a most prosperous and satis
factory condition aud the busiuesa
outlook for it for the comiug year is
equally satisfactory.
Don't forget that Claike's cut glass
excels any in town. Come and see.
The work of excavating foi the new
ewer was commenced Tuesday be
tween the Columbia River and the
railroad tracks. Psge & Clark, who
are the engineers on the sewer con
traot,have engaged Hall-Lewis to look
after their interests bere while the
sewer is in course of construction.
About .10 men have been placed at
work so far and it is expected that as
toon as the pipe arrives that as many
men will be put to work on tbe job as
oan be handled to tbe best advantage.
There have been a number of appli
cations for work on the sewer by meD
whose homes are here and it is under
stood that they will be given the pref
erence. The work has been started
about 1400 feet north of tbe O. R. A
N. station and is progressing quite
rapidly. The excavating will be the
most tedious part of tbe job, as once
tbe ditch Is dug th pipe can be placed
in position very rapidly.
The pipe ha n t yet arrived and
until it does operatlous will necessar
ily have to be confined to staking out
and excavating.
The city chrrter makes tbe appoint
ment of an inspector to look after tbe
Interests of the oity necessary, but as
yet no one has been selected. It is
thought that this provision will lie
complied with in a few days. The
sewer committee of council has trie
matter under advisment and it Is their
Intention to select some one who will
be conversant with sewer matters and
competent to till tbe position.
A Wonderful Aittimatol.
In the year 1770 tho most wonderful
automaton that baa ever been con
ttructed was exhibited at Exeter ex
change, London. This automatic won
der represented a country gentleman'!
bouse, and was of such Intricate and
elaborate construction that no one dis
puted the- claim of the exhibitor when
lie declared that be bad worked twenty
Seven years In perfecting it It showed
tho regulation English country house,
With parks, gardens, cascades, temples,
bridges, etc., besides over 100 appro
priately clad human figures in the gar
dens, on the bridges, chopping wood
and nt various building operations, lu
the park were several deer moving
naturally about and four horses and s
coach following the meandering road
Besides tbe above the figures of boyc
were seen fishing from the bridges,
while a boat load of ladles and gentle
men regularly rowed across an en
largement lu the brook, much to tin
consternation of the natural looking
figures of geese and ducks which were
paddling about In the water. Thi
whole of tlieso anlmuto and inanlmatf
figures were Inclosed in a apace onlj
four and onc-hnlf feet square.
A Winning; Text.
When the Duke of Ortnond, whos
family unme was llullcr, was going U
take possession as lord lieutenant ol
Ireland, ho wus driven by a storm on
to tho Islo of Man, where a Rev. Mr.
Joseph, a poor curate, entertained bin)
us hospitably as his means permitted
On his departure the duke promised to
provide for hint as soon as he became
viceroy. The curate waited many
months In vain and at last went ovci
to Dublin 'to remind his grace of bii
promise. Despairing of gaining accesl
to the duke, ho obtained permission tc
preach nt the ratuedrul. The lord lieu
tenant and his court were at the
church, but none of them remembered
their buinblo host till he prouounced
his text, which, It must be acknowl
edged, was well chosen, "Yet did not
the chief butler remember Joseph, but
forgot him." The preacher was at once
invited to the castle and a good living
provided for him.
The Tlielmn Sphinx.
The Thebuu sphinx wus suid to be t
monster sent by Juno to lay waste the
country around Thebes. It bad the
bead and bust of a woman, the body
of a dog, the wings of a bird, the pawl
of a Hon and a human voice. It at
once become the terror of the neighbor
hood and devoured all who could not
solve the riddle which It propounded,
"What animal wnlks on four legs In
the morning, two at noon and three a
night?" Oedipus, attracted by the
promise of King Creon of his crown
and his sister in niarrlugc, camo to
Thebes and declared that man goes on
all fours In Infancy, erect on two legs
when upgrowu and supports the In
firmities of age with a stuff. On hear
lug this correct solution tbe sphinx
dashed her head against a wall, and
the land bad rest.
The Work of tUe Heart.
One of the most remarkable things
about the heart Is the amount of work
it does. Considering the organ as a
pump whoso task Is to deliver a known
quantity of blood against a known
"head," It is easy to show that In twenty-four
hours a man's heart does about
124 foot tons of work. "In other
words," says a contemporary, "if the
whole force expended by the heart lu
twenty-four hours were gathered Into
one huge stroke, such a power wonld
lift 124 tons one foot from the ground,
A similar calculation has beeu made
respecting the amount of work expend
ed by the muscles Involved lu breath
ing. Iu twenty-four hours these mus
cles do about twenty-one foot tons of
A Chines Ctilon.
A quaint custom practiced by Chi
nese mothers when a child Is restless
and does not sleep Is to write the fol
lowing verse and pin a copy of it on
each of tbo four corners of the house,
that tho pnssersby may read and the
child find rest Literally trausluted
the verse reads:
Brilliant sparkling heaven,
llillllant sparkling- earth.
In my house there Is a child who cries at
The gentlemen coming from the. four
quarters behold
Peaceful sleep till break of day.
lie who can put real human sym
pathy Into the conventional phrases of
courtesy is indeed a man of tact.
Le RIre represents a dentist's serv
ant opening the door to a patient.
"And whom, sir," asks the servant
bowing low, "shall I have the misery
f announcing?"
Aa Excnae.
Patleuce-What reason had she for
marrying him? ra trice-Why, tie had
money. Fatlence-Tbat la not m re
mrrthfmammrtmmm 4'
We carry one of the bent assortments of work gloves in the city, and our
prices will always be fouul to be the lowest., - .
Muleskin gloves, just the thing; for rough wear the pair 250
GoatHkin gloves, nice and r;oft,' an all right glove for light work the pair.... 250
Calfskin gloves, Saranac make, an all around work glove the pair...., tO0
Good heavy buckskin mitt ens for, the pair.... 650
Gauntlet gloves, fire and water proof, a good driving glove the pair 750
Gauntlet gloves of heavy lioi-sehiile, the pair.. 950
Gauntlet gloves of genuine buck, very soft and pliable and a good wearer,
the pair ...-. '. 1.35
Heavy horsehide gloves for heavy work, worth $1.2.", for th' pair 1.00
llorsehide work gloves, asbestos tanned, tbe pair 950
Horsehide gloves of best quality, worth 1.40, for 1.25
For gloves for uny purpose, give us a call.
See our Bargain Tables of Shoes
You can't make money easier than buying these snaps.
jwiwiwuiiwi mni ipqi nnn iriTTi-n imr m mi inwi tbttiwd iir 1 1 ' imim"; 1 1 if sjw -7 TCf T : f 1 T mi"ti"T nm m m mini ittt irni irTi''"i 1 m --p ' r" w
-' Or BOTH $ i
LU06S "FFp ? 0 1 "-
. J feg IMM L I
jVj J3 uu mij Li iij LiiUll i
Cured of Consumption in lis "Final Stages :
J.O. B. Hooper, a merchant, of Woodford, Tenn., write: "Fifty witnesses
here, will swear that Dr. King's New Discovery cured Mrs. Mollie Holt of Consump
tion after her family had watched at. her bedside for the end, which doctors said
was near."
Price SOc and $1.00 CUAflAflTEEP Trial Dottles Free
When W. 11. Moore, ol Poi timid
mmle the tHtoinnt nt tbe tiuniiuut
Saturday night that h intern. til to
"do soinutbiiiK. " coiiNlderaliln inter
cut wus awakened In the minds of bis
boarers. Kumors to theell'ect that un
eleotrio road was to bf- Imilt out the
went side from Hood Kiver to Mount
Hood have beeu pertdeteut (or Home
time and It is thought that thin i the
project of which Mr. Moore Ltd iu
mind when he mude tbe above btate
Dient. Tbe proponed line It la suid will go
out tho Hulinont road, taking a course
that will bring it aruuntd by liurret
aud the planing mill of the Btunlty
Smith Lumber Co., aud buok into
town near the bank of tbe river.
The lumber company U ulxo euid to
be interested iu tbe new line aud if it
is oouetruotod it is undeiKteod that it
will be made to conform to tbe tttund
ard railroad gaugn which will permit
tbe compHiiy to have railroad cars
hauled out to tbe planer aud there
loaded. Much an arrangomeut would
give the lumber company an oppor
tunity to market its drebred lumber at
a great adVHiitrgH,
Abundant water power could be ob
taiued from tbe uearby river for oper
ating a power plant of ulinott any
magnitude, ai d it is thought that a
plant may be built at n point near
Tuckers bridge. 1 rem thia point it
in claimed that povur 10 I I be didri-
buted to a greater advantage than if j
placed nt either ( ml of tl e line. i
'The ultimate destination of the line '
is said to be Mount Hood, with the
view of haudliug ILe local trade and j
also for the purpose of seem nig the '
tourist traU'o nhHh it U expected!
will bo develni ed I r the large amount !
of mom y I eiiig X mided by tbe O. j
K. A N. lik :.! i oi ; is.r.g the, aUruotioiiK
of the Hood Hivei Valley and the
matcbles.-) beauty of the mountain it- i
self. i
It is said by thine who ought to
know, that an electiio road tiiiouirli
this tirst section mentioned, which is,
so cloaly settled and which tin s one!
of the in Oft fertile tru it localities in
tbe valley cannot bi lp but bo a prolil- j
able iuvestuient and that iU coi;-tiu.'- -tiou
would lie couararntivel' iuexpeu- j
sive. j
Walked 20 Miles lo Ski;) Hoar 111 III. I
Last Thursday Kd Do; an waj i.rrest
ed here and takeu buck to The al!rs;
by Constat 1 Wood for skipping a i
board bill. Ooitin was accompanied
by his wife and the couple bad wuImi
the railroad track l'roui The IV lies lo
this city during the night, a oVtauce
of ver teutv u.ils.
Diran wan taken b.ek Thurto'ay af-1
ternoon, but his ilu v. as to fatigued !
that the was nnao'.e to accompany;
r-ifrrrvr .rv. rv j'xi-i' i
Square Deal Store
"Honest Goods and a
; V full lino of
Groceries, Flour and Feed
"to 8. lect from
Farm Implements of all kinds
Wagons, Buggies and Hacks .
Osbourna Spring- Tooth Harrows and .
Canton Reversible intension Discs
Mi'o eoniitlote
Agent for DeLavel Cream Separator
t lie only first-class wparntor on the niurket
Have just received
and Stumping Powder
100,000 Brick for' salo
Phone 741
3rd nd River Street.
hi '. and returned tbe next day. At
a hearing betore Kecorder I iilooii
Friday bo v.a.i liued but having
no money and ns there did tint teem
to I e any pifj-rretof bis havli ij nuy,
the ivcoiiku lliscbiiigoi him wiib a
waruii'j,' to leave town.
Wants Sdoel bis'iici
Onr' et onty judgs is certainly a ver-r-itile
r, ';:! and one can .scaicely rec:
oguie in the. item jrulgo i-eated on
the I ench thlf uu rnit g, the "s-tai "
of a lew rvcirftj"' 'li ce, nor would
they iniariiM'. Mint be a u bad cai-e
of ".-tiigi' i ti'ii k. " Hut -1 v U down
to bin inss t'at View (ioinfi a tunt
ithca;nly i.iils. nl ly 'lip oited by
(' nm ij-j-ioi;! r i ton t :ul
baid. A ; all r ttli.eb
the in je.-teidi- A the pet ilii.n i f
W. K. WiiiaiiH and (tiers lir the for
mal ion of a i;civ n-liool district to in
clnoe Wisunt City, In ttio lleod UUci
v; ilev. I his o.s-lriet wcold slice into
Mount Iloul ii istrit t No. ( matei billy,
and a n uiorit-ti auce acoi n i anii d the
petition, ba.iig a luipe untlrr of
signal iu s. ion coin! ion Ins the
n .Iter uiullr cot idert tion I'fcrrn
M'antel-- l,atty iinvasT8, A rxoepli' i;
a!l K,Mtl oiler. I'm ivi M-rtnanenl. A.;
ilre, lH-k li.ix ii.7, 1 lie Imlles, Oregon, u
Square Deal" i my motto.
orchard tools in tht'insi'lvt
a Carload of Dynamite
in lots to suit
Hood River, Ore
Chooalnar W Ife.
The plainest features become hand
some unawares when associated only
with kind feelings and tbe loveliest
face disagreeable when linked with III
humor or caprice. People should re
member this when they are selecting
B face which they are to see every
morning across tbe breakfast table for
tho remainder of their lives,. N. P
Willis. Strange Condition,
A negro woman was heard to remark
that she "was going to build a condi
tion to her residence so as she could
ascertain her friends wid 'mo hos
tility." She was "going to have a purgatory
on top of the house and a memoran
dum all lit up wid lndesceut light for
'cm to lemonade on." Memphis Scimi
tar. Read Your Letter Asalm
Kevcr mall a letter written at night
nntll It has been reread iu the morning.
You may materially reduce tbe number
of j our correspondents by persisting in
tliis course, but you will gain In repu
tation for prudence and common sense.
What seems philosophy by candlelight
Is but folly by day, and the brilliancy
of night lacks sparkle In the morning'.
Wood For Sale
All Kinds at Lowest
Market Price.
Prompt delivery, phone. Murraj Kay. "
For Salo
for am slier borw.
PhoDe laozfarroera.
Murray Kay.
For 8ale-8weet eora fodder cheap. J. H.
Koberg. J
For Male-A floe Poland China brood sow.
E. Uawkea, tt, K. I). No. 1. J 18
For Sale-Hlith Grade Wild Went ahoea ftir
men and boya, at Cow ley ' alios abup. p po
inted! Cilice. d2l
For Bale-A rood hrm home cheap: also s
good oow. Inuulra of Wm. McKeyoolda od
? W UTavMn nl. IU imIIm uililk nf bln
For aale, several aecord-hand buggies and
carriages. Faahlou Hlable. Ji
hulre of J. C. rilener. one-half mile east of
Crapper acbool bouae, ou Mrs, Uoddard'a
raocn. j
For aale. full blooded Plymouth Rock roos
ters and pulleta. Oery flue mock; will grace
any pounr yara: notning Doner: guarantee
to please oou. only a few for aaie Mra. K.
urayiora, mwi mru more. jit
For sale, one gent hone. N. W . Bone, i
For Mle, home-made jellies, tlJtO per di
H-pInu; chow-chow, 1.60 per dos.. 1 pc: apple
hiiLUfr. etc. otA. S.50 ner cliMt. Alao CM lined
frulj ttir-'.W to$2.; par doa. qu. Delivered
la doaen lota aay where In olty IlDilta, all put
up in glana. Mra. K Vaubaa. faradlae Farm.
BOYS OR GlKLSorattraetlvsvouuK ladlea
wanted If you have only a few spare rours,
you can employ them profitably and earn
money for Xuiaa; If you waul to lve your en
tire tune lo the work you can earn a nice liv
ing. Tue ueNi oi u la, you uon i neeu any
money to atari. A complete outfit free. P.O.
Drawer No. w, Hunalo, N. v . an
Htraved One red belfer with white spot on
face, two yeara old Daak marked wltb crop
off each ear, brand o K ou hip. Bultable re-
waiu win ue ef19 Mlr lu'oiumuou uuuuvruiiiK
same. L. H. Klioadea, H. F. 11., seven miles
out ou eaal giue. - jn
To Lend 11600 lo lend ou improved land
FlfHt mortgage, ahorl or long term, or on un
improved laud part at a time aalinprovuienta
are utaue. Aoareas, 4, care uiacier.
FARMER, do joa kuow the Hood River
Artlllulal Hlone Co. la manufacturing Jia-I
the kind of concrete hlocka to build an apple
or milk house? While you have time tuink
It over. The cost la trlfltug. Uet prices. -J18
For Hale Mel of International encyclope
dia for Hale cheap. Mrs. C. K. tleinmeu. 11
For aale lx or aeveu dosen nice spring
cnicKeua, unapniau a uu. n
For t-ale tlreat Rh Ktitn-Ten aerea 5 mile
out; tuiall orchard. b t viirlety of Ireea; two
small bouaea. Frice, $H76, Mi6 down. Inquire
i;. n. Lmno. ai-iu
For Hull- 1 ai-n-a. nearly all Improved.
h.m.u in. I h..n 111 Im.hui r.
iiO apple tree, lW b. iirlng: l cherry trees, 1
hereof atruwberriea. II pear treea and other
iruna; a iiinea innn uiwn. win aen at a oar-
aln. Addiewi ., care Glacier. &M
For aale, ISor 20 aerea of the Ileal berry land
In Hood River, M in I lex limn town, nearly
all under cultivation and In line condition, at
a bargain If taken uow. Addruaa Ownar, box
iHi, roriiHiin, nr.. nam
For Bale Fifteen aurea laud, unltiinroved
will contract to clear aame if purcbaaer de-
stkh, r. w . AUgllB. 8-II
For Bale Ten, '4) or HO a-re; apple and
ciover: y, cieaieu; unuer alien. l Belllinaii
it. r. l). no. i. n'is
For Hale SUA ner acre. 40 acres of level land
four allien khi Hi went of HiKid River, near
cniireii, aiore, tt. r. u. anngiain -i-r did ho1 ooi.
Will sell Inainall linen, if u. sired. For fur
ther purtleulHia inquire uf V. J. Kiucraon, rfd
no. nooa niver. jiu
BKAUnrV YOUll HdMK bv havliin
naiidHome wall of panel or rock face coucrete
blta-ka placed aiouiin II If your realdeiice la
uu me aiue uin. i ne himhi aiver Artinciai
stone Co. Is ready to book your order. JIS
Bids V, uuieU-For ; corua of four foot dr
wood will be received lor DO dava bv school
dlnliict No. 8. aauie to be delivered before
SepU 1, 1KOA C. Ii. Vaugban. clerk. da
Notice Tbe undendgned will act a a free
aiteui for an persona w ahlng lo aee the conn
try around Weal Crapper. J.J. Jordan. 014
For sa'e -80 aerea of tluibur for aale at a bai-
g tin; Ml. ll.xicl railroad through center. In-
quire at una omce. n
Foi aale 20 aerea two in I leu south of town
on Hie Mt. Hood road; can be divided inn
twelve and eight aerea. H. W. Chapman. 11
Lout A mackintosh cape, between Fashlou
Livery ham and my home. Finder please re-
...... ,1 L- ...
mill. nil. miiriBj' ', j.o
Coat 1'ackaue Mtntninlnv alv vnrrla r.1 allb
Saturday evening. Return to Williams'
uaruiavy. JIS
Lost I.ady'a gold watch,
tbia ollice.
Please leave at
Lost Or taken bv mistake, a sliver mount
ed umbrella with "W. M. tt." engraved on the
handle. Finder will please leave attttewarta
aiore. jm
Lost-Man'H mackintosh, between freight
depot and the Frank ton school house, Friday
aiuTuoou. iieiurn w uaisy c rnomaa,
rrauaiou acuooi, or uiacier omce. jts
Strayed On year old heifer; red with
wnite spots, note in rignt ear, len ear crop
ped; has horna. Ounir can have name bv
paying for this advertisement and expense of
ictunig. n. a. moo re, aeveu nil lea southwest
oi tiiKm ttiver. d28
Htmyed-A oow, red streaked with roan.dry;
uo uorua, in in eacn ear anu wire twiatea in
edge ol riKlit eai . Had her aluce December I
A. U. Herahey, K. F. U. No. 1. d2S
I'l.ACE YOCR ORDKHH at once with the
Hood River Arllnelal Hlone Co. for chimney
blocka and fountiation or retalnlmr wall work.
riiey will do it for you cheaper than yon can
nave auiuc cui lor ana oeuer. JIS
If U K1 1 H1 f-1. Ii I ni.inluirnl Iuwm. n.. h. . ...
lalned R. ii. When,-, will take them to pasture
ruuue biuie v uiie ntoie. .
IHN'T IT ABOUT TIME that vou hart vonr
residence raised nd a concrete block wall
placed under It? 11 will look no much better
ana a cellar la handy. The Hood River Arti
nciai stone Co. will do It cheap. 18
Farms Wanted
We have buyers for farms and can
make quick ea'e.-t. Write us, giving full
particulars and lowest price oer acre.
V'e have choice pieces of Port. and
iniMiiess and rvraence property b rnnle
fortunes are daily Mug made in P.irl-
land real et te luvestuieula. Make
your liuiliey earn Kdiietliin by iuveeting
in Portland realty. There is no cii in
the country where values will advanee
ag they will in Portland. With our ex
jierieiice we can help piospeciive buyers
purchase property where values will
enhance most rapnlK .there pmpe ty
khi (inutile itsoil i i a short tune, be
sides paying a good peicenUge in r i -luU
on iuvi sttneut We take gnat rare
in investing fur nou-residems.
Keal K- sle Agents,
635 Chamber of Commerce,
Portland, Oregon.
To Thos. H. Donovan. ten Dound
girl, Wednesday, Jan. 10.
la Hood Kiver Taller Januarv 3.
19 6, to Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Rakseraw.
a daughter
At the Charches.
Belmont M. E. Cbim h.-H. C. Clark,
pastor. Service. Belmont: Sumiav
school at 10 a. m.; Class meeting atll
a. m. ; Epworth League 7 p. tu. ; preach
ing every Sunday evening and 2d Sun-
Real Estate
Five room houae, snrl lot 80x140 feet,
on the heights, l,Ht. Terms reason
able if taken soon.
160 sere mountain ranch, all under
irrigation ditch, twelve miles from Hood
Eiverj six acres cleared, one acre or
chard; good bunch marketable timber.
Also lour lots on hill near restdence of
Charles Cnstner; terms reasonable.
S acres, one mile from Hood River;
all apples, 1 acre bearing. Price for 30
days, 1850.
40 acres 6 miles from town, east side;
20 acres oleared, 10 acres orchard. $125
per acre, cash.
10 acres, 2 miles from town; all in cul
tivation. Price,
4 room cottsge. East 45 by 150 feet of
Lot 2 block 9, Parkhurst, 1050; 750
Honae and two lots in Barrett-Sipma
addition. $700.
Fine business lot on main street for
$1600 on installment, or $1500 cash.
6 acres at Belmont, 6 acres in cul
tivation, cottage aud outbuildings, 150
apple trees, 2 acres strawberries, 2 acres
alfalfa, $1300; $750 or more cash.
New 6-roomed cottage, patent bath
and closet, four lots, 3 blocks from deiait,
center of town, $2100; terms reasonable.
Two lots centrally located, $550.
Two lots, new 6-roomed house, patent
bath aud closet, 3 blocks from depot,
center of town, $1700.
Two-story H-roomea cottage, lot u oy
140. on the hill, $1200; terms reasonable.
For Sale 9000 acres pine timber; 1
saw mill, cuts 20,000 per day; 1 planing
mill, capacity 30,000 feet per day; 1
store and stock of merchandise, about
$3,500 ; 1 hotel and contents; 1 saloon
building, rented ; 3 bouses, rented; iu
head horses and harness ; 9 road wag
ons, 8J H: 1 logging truck; 5 pair
aleighs; 30 head cattle; 50 head hogs;
600 feet lumber; 2000 cords wood. All
located at and near Hilgard, Or.
For Sale New two-story 9-room
house; Stranahan addition ; $1100; terms
14 acres across the road from the M.
H. Davenport residence. $60 per acre.
Terms easy. .
160 acre mountain ranch, all under ir
rigation ditch, twelve miles from Hood
Kiver; six acres cleared, one acre or
chard; good bunch marketable timber.
Also four lots on hill near residence of
Chsrles Castner; terms reasonable. In
quire of John Leland Henderson.
One goat ranch ou mountain east
of talley on county road. Price $1,600;
has small house, running water, and is
tenced. Terms, ey.
For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi
tion, center of town, from $-00 to $300.
8. 160 acres at V bite Salmon; tine
timber land ; $10 an acre.
Lots 10, 11, 12, block 5, Waucoma ad
dition; improved; price $1,600; )i,or
more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent
Small bouse and lot on bill to rent, $-4
t year; two vacant lots with privilege of
purchase $20 a year for the two.
r'or Sale Resident on State etreet at
head of Front; $2,500, including 3 lots.
For Sale or Exchange for Hood Kiver
property Fine residence in business
center of Sumpter.
Money t loan.
21 a. at Fraukton; improved; $2400.
Flrst-class Surveying Outfit
At. the Emjiorinni are kept 2 flrstrclaHt
transits and solar attachments, and tbe
proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre
pared to do the work of laving out acre
age property in lots and blocks, and do
ing ail kinds of surveying and platting.
City Engineer.
Department of the Interior, I' n I led Wales
Land Office, The Dulles, Oregon, December 2H,
llms.-A sufficient contest atHdavIt havhiK
been tiled In this ollice by Andy M. Really,
contestant, against homestead entry No. 1:10,
made March 10, 1WI3, fur N KV4, Hec. 2U, lp. I, H.,
ranae 10, K. W. M., by James F. Wait, con
lestee, In which it la alleged that Raid James
F. Wait haa abandoned said land for more
than six months last past and there Are no
Improvement thereon whatsoever, anil that
said alleged absence was not due to his em
ployment iu the army, navy or marine corps
ol the United Htatee In time of war.
Hald parties are hereby notified to appear,
repond and offer evidence touching such alle
gation at 10 o'clock a. m. on February 15. Hum,
before tleo. T. Fralher, a U. H. Commissioner,
at hla nftli In Hood River, Oregon, and that
final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m.
on February WW, before the Register and
Receiver at the United Htates Laud Ollice In
The Dallea, Oregon.
The said contestant havlnur. In a proper affi
davit, Hied December 18, 1005. set forth facts
which show that aiter due diligence personal
service of I Ilia notice can not be made. It Is
hereby ordered and directed that such notice
be given hy due and proper publication.
JI8 Register.
day in month at 11 a. m.; Prayer meet
ing Thursday 7:30 p. m. Services at
Pine Grove same as above except preach
ing, which is on 1st and 3d Sundays at
11 a. m. Crapper 1st and 3d Sundays
at 3 :30 ; Sunday school at 2 :30. Mourn
Htd. The 4ih Sunday at U a.nt. ;
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Methodist Preaching at 11 h. m. and
8 p. m. Sabbath school 10 a. m.; Ep
worth League 7 p.m. Prayer meeting
Thursday evening. All cordially invit
ed. W. l Evans, pastor.
St-Mark's Episcopal Church. Holv
Communion at 8 o'clock; morning
?rayer at 11, and evening prayer at
U. B. Church Sabbath school. 9:45:
preaching, 11 a. m.; Junior services un
der the leadership of Mrs. Eflie Heeler.
8 p. m.; Christian Endeavor meeting,
6:30; .-erinon by pastor, 7:30. All are
invited 10 any anil all of there services.
U. M. Heeler, pastor in cbarue.
Unitarian Corner State street and
Park avenue. 8ervioe at 11a. m. Sun
day school at 10 a. m.
Valley Christian Sunday school at
10 a. m. ; pieacbing at 11: Y". P. S.
U. E. at 0.30 p. m. : preaching at
7:30. Chalk talk every Sunday even
ing. We extend a cordial invitation
to all to attend the services of the
day.t W. A. Elk ins, pastor.
Riverside Congregational W. C.
Gilnore, pastor. Sabbath school 10
am.; worship and preaching 11 ;
Christian Endeavor 6:45; sermon with
song seivlce 7:30.
Christian Services for next Sundav
will be held In tbe K. P. hall. Sun
day school at 10 a. m. Preach in at
11 a. m. and 7:30 d. m. C. R at
6:30 p.m. Cordial invitation to all
the services. W. A. Wood, pastor.
Lutheran-Services will i leld
again next Sundav. Januarv 14. Sun.
day sonool at 2 p. m. ; English pren -h-
mg n a p. m. ine confirmation class
meets 8 it 11 rd ay afternoou at 1 p. m.
11 J. Kolb, pastor.
Chtbolic Servicet in the church
at 10 o'clock Sandy morning. Ser
vices will be held at the residence of
Mrs. J. A. Mohr Mondy morning at
8 o'clock.