HOOD BIVEE GLACIER, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 18C6 THE SEEDLESS APPLE NOT A NEW VENTURE G. A. Braekett, PomnloKist of the United State Agricultural depart ment, in on article wiitteu for the Uem State Rural, ban this to Bay about the uoedlcHB apilo: Dear Sir: Koforriug to your of the '2nd instant couwrning the Spen cer SeedloM apple, which Iihh beu bo freely adrertiBed of late by the ousiih peotintf press of the country, 1 will gay we haro Rivon the mutter our moHt careful attention, and after col lecting upeclmeiiH of these no-called geedleHS and ooreleBO applea from var ious parts of the country, whore they have heeu known for the pattt century, and comparing them with the Spen cer seedier apple, we do not And any eBBeutial diiCurenen, and furthermore, we heliove we have the true hintory of thia Spencer apple, where it was llrst grown and how Mr. Spencer ob tained aciouH ot thin apple. It is claimed by the Spencer Seed lead Apple lio. thwt Mr. Spencer orig inated thin variety by budding and grafting. Thia Idea la prepoBtoroua. New f ru its are not origiua'ed thia way. The Bimplo art of budding or grafting doea not in any way alter UkT frut. A lUm Davis anion budded or grafted upon any othel apple stock will bear lion Uavia apples no matter how oft repeated. Seedluxs applea are nothing but freaks of nature and are by no means the result of any scientific effo.ta on the' part of man. These are purely acoidontal and not subject to control or design. These doformltioa for such they are are by no meana new or un known. Those abnormal forma have appeared and are likely to continue to appeal from time to time among any number of seedling apple trees. Such of these as have appeared of which history furnishes ua data, have been variously known as "Seedless," and "Condons," "lUoomlesa" aud "Seedless," "No Core," etc., all of which signiQes about the sumo in reality. The deformity tlrst manifests itself in the blossom that is lacking in the full development of its parts, just as the fruit that follows is deliciout iu some of the organs that constitute a perfeot 'typo of its species. The ohief defect in the (lower, and that which renders it inconspicuous and therefore said to be "bloomless" is the absenoa of petals or corulla. None of theso ao-calied seedless and core lens apples have boeu known to pos sess valuable qualities when compared with our standard variolic, neither are they entirely bloomless, coreloss or seedless. All have Dowers, though abnormal In character. All have abortive and some have perfect seeds.. 2 All have more or less well ueunoii corea which are more objectionable than aeeds, and as to the claim that these freaks are, "immune from insect injuries" 1 will tate that iu examin ing specimens submitted to this ollloe by the Spenoei Seedless Apple Co., the first specimen continued a well developed larva of the codling moth, alve aud kicking. The claims made for those freaks have been greatly exaggerated and the wonder is Unit so many of the newspapers ami magazines have lguor antly given free advertisement to what ii believed to bo one of the uiohI stupendous humbugs ever imposed upon an unsuspecting public. Will Mot Slop DlMcrliiilimlloiis. "It does not follow," so says the Milwaukee .Sentinel, "that tho Fed eral Ooverumeiit mnxt assume and ex ercise the rate mukliig power in older to scum re justice, nor la it certain that even If It should adopt that plan It would bo successful. It would be as easy to grniit a secret rebate on a rate fixed by the Interstate Commerce Commission as on one established by the carrier itself. The greatest evil in tho transport atlmi business is dis crimination of line kind or another. Government rate-making will not do away with discrimination. Lot Con gress pass a law granting to the Inter state Commerce Commission the power to make rates and put them to force at once and tho problem of pre senting discriminations would still be unsolved. "This, tho Seiitiuel believes, la the real question Congress should under take to answer : J low are dixurlmluit' tiona to be abolished f The Interstate Commerce Commission is now engag ed iu examining Into the practices of private refiigerator car companies, It assumes that It has the right to make such Inquiries in face of tho do murrer filed by the private car line ollicora, who contend that they are not engaged in Interstate commerce. "The Interstate Commerce Commis slou has formally expressed the opin ion that tho practices adopted by the terminal companies, branches of largo manufacturing corporations aud or ganizod primarily for tho purpose of securing rebates under cover of joint rate arrangement, i re iu direct violation of the mil .(-rebate law. The thing to do then is to enforce the law." Wyoming' (Jevcraor I. Ikes Our Apples (1. R. Castner of this city has re oeived a letter from (inventor lirooka of Wyoming acknowledging tho re oelpt of a box of apples sent him by Messrs. Smith v Castuer. The letter reads as follows : "tientlemen : Sometime ago I re celved a box of Kpit.enberg apples forwarded to ino from I ortlnnd, Ore gon, ami am informed by Mr. Camp who hail a picture exhibit from our Btnte that I n m indebted to you for tliis kind remembrance. "1 wiwh to express my thanks for same. On Thanksgiving day 1 took a few of these apples to Chicago and they ultracted a groat doul of attention. "1 believe they are tho best apples i nave ever eaten. Yours Iriilv, It. II. JSrooks. INTERESTING ITEMS OF HERE AND THERE Will (itve Ills laiireslmis of Europe Tho Oregon Journal has made ar rangement to secure the letter which will be written by V. J. Iliyau, giving his impressions of the various countries of Kuropu in w hich he is going to make a tour covering a pe riod of two years. Mr. liryau is a very entertaining wii er ami his des cription of life In the old world will be well worth reading, lie has reach ed the ago where his view will bo a normal one and will not, therefore, be fraught with the extravagi.nt en thusiasm of youth nor the pessimism of old age. That Mr. liryau is a statesman no one can deny and his treatment of the sociaj and ecouomic problems of Kuropu will bo road with interest. Perfection can only be attained in tho physical by allow ing nature to appropri ate and not dissipate her own resource. ('atl)iirllis (trip, weaken dissipate, while DoWitt'a Little Karly Miners liuipl.v expel all putrid matter and bile, thus allowing the liver to assume normal -tivity. Good for the complexion. Sold by U. K. Williams. The Orange Judd Farmer estimates the United States apple crop for 1905 at 23,4ifi,(XiO barrels, to be compared with 45,320,000 barrels for last year, 42,(120,000 iu I'M), and 40,625,001) in 11W2. In round numbers, therefore, we have just about half the apple crop of last year. Cun Buy one tell ua of a hsrd drinker who always eata apples freely? We have hunted for audi a man, but hare never found him. Do you know him? We believe that apple eating load a to temperance in the use of liquor. Is it bo? Itural New Yorker. Cow Hair in Oleomargarine. Concerning the mixing of cow hairs in oleomargarine for the purpose of deluding consumers, John P.St. John, an Omaha creamers man, ia ready to swear that tbia deception baa i ten practiced before bis very eyea. "1 bad long regarded the old but ter story aa a joke," he said to a re porter of the Sioux City Tribune, un til I visited an oleo factory recently. In some states manufacturers take particular pride In making tbe decep tion complete. There was a large amount of oleo, colored rioh yellow, ready to make into prints. The man operating the print machine weut over to a bench and brought over a small box with a sliding cover. "When he began to make tbe prints be opened the box and took from it and placed iu every piece of butter before it waa pleased into shape two or three white baira. They were fine aud white and 1 stopped over and looked at them. There was a whole box of the baira, laid iu as straight as though they were toothpicks. "They resembled cow hair, though 1 do not know whether even they were gon lne or not. They looked too white and too long and straight, but the oleo maker was puttiug hair into hia product to deceive tbe people aud make them think it had been near a cow." J.ate Strawberry Experiment. 11. Luters, Springfield, Pierce oonn ty, Wash., gives the llorticulturalist final figures on bis Alpine strawberry patch aa follows : Tbe ground oovera about llj acres, gravelly clay soil, plants set usual distanoe apart. The total crop waa 187 cratea for which WHO. 20 cah waa received. The ex nouses Including cost of crates, freight- wharfage and picking at 20 cents per crate, was $71.02, leaving a net balance of 118.58. The ground was cultivated with a .V tooth horse cultivator onoe every two weeks, beginning in March up through the time of picking and wa ter from adjoining springs waa run between tbe rowa, at intervals during July and August ao the ground was kept thoroughly moist, meanwhile the weeds waa kept down. Picking began June IHh and last crate gathered Oc tober loth. During the season when other berries were coming the picking waa not large. There waa no ruah any time and during August and part of September the price ranged from M.M) to 1 per orate. 'J here waa con siderable, work connected with the cultivating and irrigating. Perhaps aa much wagea could hae been made hi a logging camp for the time being, but this intelligently directed home labor has bo m well rewarded, besides the experiment ia of exceeding great value for future operations. J he problem of late strawberry cropping iu the Coast country with profit Is largely a quostlou of proper place for irrigating, some good variety of late cropping plant, aud close attention to cultivation and keeping down of tbe woods. A Treat For Music Lover-. Already music lovers throughout the entire state are looking forward with fond anticipation to the coming of the world's greatest singer, Msd ame Calve, aud her excellent com pauy of artists who will appear at the Marquam (iraud thentri for oue con cert only, Monday evening, January 22, l'.KKi. The demand for seats will be so largo that it baa been deemed nec essary to reueive mail or lera from iu and out ot town beginning Mouday, January 8, llKKi. Kach order must state clearly the mini her of seats wanted and be accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope inclosing money order or check made payable to W. T. Pangle, Marquam (Jrand the atre, Portland, . Oiegon. Thia will give out of towu patrons the same op portunity aa tlioxe living In Portland. The orders will be filled iu the order they are received aud seats assigned aa near as possible to the location de sired. Tbe regular sale will opeu Monday morning, January 15, 1900. This will nll'ord young men, hus bands aud fathers, also big brothers, an opportunity to make a unique New Year's present In the shape of Calve tickets. This is a gift the recipients will not forgot iu a day, it being near ly half a month betweeu the giving and its realization. The company includes Misa Argyra Kastrou, violinists; Mine. Vsabel Bar nard, pianiste; Derrick Von Nordeu, tenor; Mous. M. llouxman, basso; .Minis. Louis Floury, flutist. Prices Lower floor parquette, $5; first two rows In parunotte circle, ,"; last live rowa in paruuetto circle, fl. Unlcony First :i rows In balcony, $"; second ,1 rows iu balcony, H; 7-8 Pth rows lu balcony, f.i; last ,1 rows In ' balcony, 2.50. CJallery First two! rows, $2; H-l-fiOth rows iu gallery,! fl.ftO; last six rows, general admis sion, not reserved, H. lloxoa and logos 25. Excursion Itate to 0. It L. ('(invention, lu connection with the convention of the Oregon Development League at Portland January 12 and 13, tbe O, It. & a. will sell round trip tlckeats at the rate of fare and one-third. Tickets will be good going on train 1. January 11, ami trains II aud 5, Jan uary 12, with a final limit of January to. It is urged that all those inter ested in tho good ami welfare of the league be present at the convention if possible. Elected Sunday School Olllccrs. Tho newly elected officers for the M. I', Sunday school for tbe ensuing year are; ft. l. Uradley, superintendent; C. rouse, assistant HUimrlnttv dent: Miss Nilile lloruor, secretary; P. Mc- flliuin, treasurer; Homer Wood, libra rian; Pearl Uradley, organist; C. rouse, chorister. Ibe teachers are Mrs. ,1, W. Higbv, C. Crouse, Miss Ida Wright, Mrs. McMillin, Mrs. llal- vorsoii. Miss Hicks, and Mrs. Dr. Igington. Mr. A. K. Woohcit. Mrs. F. Doit and Miss Ida Kvans will lie the supplementary teachers. Here is a Itnrg-aiu. Five acres first-class land, one mile from Hood River; all in ore! ard ; new MiiiiiingN on place. Must scl at once. For particulars see John Inland Hen. dcrson. WHAT OUR EXCHANGES SAY ABOUT OUR CITY The city of Hood River, Oregon.haa just had added to its resources en electric power plant, with a capacity of 500 horaepower. The plant has been Installed about one mile from the city up tbe valley of the same name by tbe Klectrio Light aud Power company, at a cost of &'t0,0U), and it ia proposed to furnish light and power to tbe city at a reasonable figure. Ibe plant ia complete iu every detail and equal to the best anywhere. Tbe fruit, buyer was in evidence in Oregon very early this season aud it ia reported that Hood Kiver fancy ap plea were contracted in August for aa nigb aa 12.75 per box. When it is known these same apples bring 95.50 per box in the English maiket, and retail in the New York city markets at from 00 cents to 1 per dozen, you can easily realize that $2.75 f. o, b. Hood River leaves a fair iraigin for the middleman Orchard and Farm. The main things are to have uni formity in style of grade aud pack then to ship promptly when the pro duct ia required. A competent busi ness manager, stricter inspection sa membership increases and some back bone and sticktoativenesa of all com posing tbe oiganizatlon, are essen tials for auccess. An attempt to take in too much at tbe outset fa likely to prove fatal. Tbe Puyallup and Sum ner association in trying to handle the berries at Vasbon can e near wrecking their own, while results were unsatisfactory to both. At Hood River tbe Fruit Union handles only strawberries, cherries and some othei small fruits, while many of the aaite members join in an apple association for the specific purpose of bmdling that fruit, and a product of 200 car loads ia gathered within a range of ten miles. The Hood River apple growers arc of the opiuiou that places with wormy infected apples should bequaraotiuod. If infected trees are not only quaran tined but destroyed, why should in fected fruit go free, unless under bond and seal it oould be sent to the froze u north, where trees don't grow. Northwest Agiiouturalist. Millionaire's Poor Stomach. The worn-out stomach of the over-fi d millionaire in often paraded in tbe pub lic priii l a aa a horrible example of the evils attendant on the possesion of great wealth, but millionaires are nix the only onca alllicted with bad stomachs. The proportion is fur greater among the toilers, dyspepsia and Indigestion aie rampant among these people, and they suffer far worse tortures than the mil lionaire unless they avail themselves of a standard medicine like Green's Au gust Flower, which has been a favorite household remedy for all stomach trou bles for over thirty five years. August Mower rouses Ibe torpid liver, thus cre ating appetite and injuring perfect di jeslion. It tones and vitali.ee the en tire system aud makes die worth I'ving, no matter what vur station. Trial bottles, 25c ; regular size, 75c, For sale by C. N. Clarke, druggist. A. F. Si A. M. Inslall 0!l!cer. At a u.etting of llcod tiier Lodge No. 105, A. F. & A. M., held Wednes day evening, December 2, the follow ing officers were installed : W. M.-A. S. Illowers. S. W.-A. I). Moe. J. W.-O. N. Clarke. Treas. K. O. lilanchar. Seo.-D. McDonald. S. D.-J. K. Carson. J. D.-J. M. Wright. 8. S.-A. C. Buck. J. 8. A. L. Stauffer. Tyler-A. L. Phelps. Always Increases the Strength. A reasonable amount of food thor oughly digested and properly assimilated will always increase the strength. If votir stomach ia a "little off" Kodol IHx pepsia Cure will digest what you eat uid enable the digestive organs to assim ilate and transform all foods into tissiie bililding blood. Kodol relieves Sour Stomach, llelching, Hesrt-lliirn and all forma of Indigestion. Palatable and strengthening. Sold by U. K, Williams. Will Color Plumage of Fowls. Fruit growers have long boon of the opinion that the color of apples is improved by a liberal supply of iron In the soil. The poultry editor of the California Cultivator says she has personally found that iron will im part a yellow tinge to white fowls if giveu at the moiiiting seasou aud that It will deepen and brlghteii the color ing of colored fowls. The iron also Intensities the yellow of yellow-shanked fowla. W II Slay iu llooil Kiver. The remedy that makes you eat, sleep and grow strong, called Palmo Tablets, will be Bold regularly by Williams' Pharmacy, Hood River. These great nerve and constitution builders cost only 50c pur box, six boxes (2.50. How's Your Liver? It wlO pay you to take good care of your liver, because, If you do, your liver will take good care of you. Sick liver puts you all out of sorts, makes you pale, dizzy, sick at the stomach, gives you stomach ache, headache, malaria, etc. Well liver keeps you well, by purifying your blood and digesting your food. There Is only one safe, certain and reliable liver medicine, and that Is '8 Black-Draught For over 60 ysars this wonderful vegetable remedy has been the standby In thousands of homes, and Is toJay the favorite liver medicine In the world. It acts gently on the liver and kid neys, and does not irritate the bowels. It cures constipation, relieves con gestion, and purifies the system from an overflow of bile, thereby keeping the body In perfect health. Price 25c at all druggists and dealers. Test It. 4 Thedford O- -CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS FOR SALE IN- iverview Park and Idlewilde Additions if Easy Grades, Fine View and Good Water ALSO MANUFACTURING SITES FRONTING ON O R. . , & N. TRACK WliH DEVELOPED WATER POWER Cheap lots for building Small Houses near Flour Mill V FRUIT LAND FOR SALE IN TRACTS TO SUIT HOOD RIVER DEVELOPMENT CO. Office next to Wauconia Hotel HOOD KIVER 0 Call up 821 0 ; If yon have a prescription to be filled. We will call for it and deliver the medicine to you I without extra charge. OR if you want a doctor, let u.s know and we will help you find the one you want. 0 COME IN AND SEE US if vou wish my information about any medi-fS eitie or drug. We would be pleased to serve;; you in any way. I I Clarke, THE Druggist Bartmess' Furniture Store ON A CASH BASIS V jilt ' -w ' .. . Malleable Iron Beds, guaranteed against breaks by the factory for 2-7 years, and yet chen per than the cast beds. We get t heiiMlireet from the East. Call and look them over. (iraphophone on household goods free for f.'5() in trade. S. E. BARTMESS Building' Material. Carpets, Paints, etc; Undertaker and Embalmer. Square Deal Store l)o not forget' that you will get full value for your money every time von" trade with me. When in need of Groceries, Flour and Feed Call and see me. You will find it pays to trade here. Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and aii kinds of Agricultural Implements Alfalfa, Clover and All Kinds of Field Seeds. I ha ve just added a stock of PAINTS and am pre pared to guarantee price and xuality. Come ia.nd mnke your wants known and get prices. It will pay you. . '' Yours for Business, R. D. GOULD, PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All jobbing promptly attended to. IFLSIHIXOILT STABLE ..Livery, Feed and Draying.. STRANAHANS & RATHBUN. Hood River, Ore. Horees bought, sold or exchanged. Pleaaure parties can secure fl rat-class rigs. Special attention given to moving furniture and pianos. We do everything horses can do. Hunt Wall Paper Go Carries everything in the line, including Krinked Silks, SIR Embossed, Tapestries, Moires, ngrains, Varnished Tiles, Banks, etc. Up-to-date Paper Hanging, Sign, Carriage and House Painting. Phone 671. First and Oak Streets. -TRY THE- D. M'BONALD "North Coast Limited" The Electric Lighted Observation Car Train between Portland and St. Paul. Pullman First Class Sleepers, Pullman Tourist Sleepers, Dining Car, Day Coaches, Observation Car. The Acme of Travel Comfort is found on any of the 3 DAILY TRANSCONTINENTAL TRAINS 3 3rd and River Street. Hood River. Ore- Hotel Waucoma A First-Class House Moderate Rates Good Service Farmer's Dinner 25 cts Hood River P. F. FOUTS, Prop. Send four cents for our Lewis and Clark Booklet, or hix cents for "Wonderland 1905." Yellowstone Park Literature can be had for the asking. The Ticket Office at Portland is at 255 Morrison St., Cor. Third. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. S. J. FRANK Harness & Saddles All Repairing Promptly Attended to HOOD RIVER OREGON ZMIro-e. ABBOTT, ZEIgh Class 2villirLex37" . AND HAIR GOODS Hood River, Oregon.