nil y urn ! " HOODIiKIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1006. THE ROCK CRUSHER PROJECT REJECTED the meeting held Saturduy at the liarrelt nehool house for the purpose of voting on the qtieotiou of purcliag iii? a rock cnifher was well atteuded. lb are were letweeu 50 and Go tax payers of tbe district preneut and the matter wua discussed pretty tbor on :bly. (i. 1). Woodworth, road commits gioner of tlie diatriet,waB made ohair nmu aud H. C. Hiiteham, eooretary. Tbe proposition vwis to vote a 5-in ill special tax to be ap lied to tbe pur chase (if a rock crueller, which wag to l)e delivered on the paymeut of the firf-t iustfilliuetit of the purchase price. . 11. A. Dyke, of UohIh & Co., Port laud, was prtHtut and said that a crusher such' im the diwtrict bad thought of i urcbneiug would cost $2, (WO delivered at Hood River. He ex plain d the vulun of one of these ma chines in milking r-erniBiieiit improve ments ami nun i-aii teed its excellence and durability. Several questions were atked Mr. Dyke which be an swered satisfactorily and speeches la favor of pnrcbafihiK the crusher were made by i' W. Angus, county com missioner llilibard and C. K. Mark bam. 0. L. Morse, Koy D. Smith and j. 11. Shoemaker talked against the proposition. The iilea of those who were opposed to the purchase of the machine was thiit the town aud valley should be in cluded in the levy for the purpose and that District No. 3 should uot have to bear the expense alone. It was ar gued tbut the building of go d loads in thin di: trict would be a benefit to tbe whole community aud that tbe crusher could be used iu all the dis tricts. It is u!m said that wit'i some of those present the mutter was a per sonal ono and that thoy were really In favor of a crusher, but opposed it on uccouiit i i a disliUe of some of those who wore inter. led in it. Another argument that khs introduced was that tne crusher iniyht prove a white elephant to the district and that it would be uijwite to sink so much money into it. This diversity of opinion was fatal to the project aud the vote showed that tuo -thirds of those present were opposed to it. The outcome of the matter was a sore dii-apointnieut to many in the district who thought that if a begin ning was once made in using crushed stone for road purposes that other dis tricts would vote 1 1 pay their share of the piiichaso money of tbe crusher and I hut the roads throughout the valley would in this way be put in good condition for nil time. PINE GROVE Tho Pine Grove Orange, having se cured tlie use of tho vacant room in tho school house will hold its first session, Saturday evening, January C. liegiuuing at 7:!", the following pro gram w'll be reuderod: Roll c ,11 with responses by quota tions. Virlin solo Joe Vauuier Dialogue By three members Voci.l duet .Mr. and Mrs. B. Lage Discussion Tho lurai delivery aud postollico delicit. Reading Aniline Wi'icbell. Solo Mrs. JooJarvis. Paper What Should the different members of the family contiibute to an ideal home, by Mrs. A. I. Mason, fc'lovud by geneial discussion. Song Quartette. Let all members be prepared to take an active part iu tlie discussion. Tbe time for those opening the debates will be limited to live minutes and those following to three minutes. Several have expressed a desire to join tbe (irango. They should send in their names, accompanied by tbe fees, to this session, that their names may be voted upon at our next meeting. BARRETT. Kockford tiikos this opportunity to thank the annus for the last year, for tiieir liticial support, as our bus iness iueru i: o I du ing the past year a .d the coxing year we want it to still advaiii e aud nettling shall be wanting on our part, if you have not done as n.ucli trading as you might have mine, lei, us know w'mt is the n lie il r, matter mid 1 us verv start ( i ship il migiil i siiii, h,r indeed. John a vi: it'ir John ClinrliH thii razor i:i in,' soiii, I W.-ll. call i hair tonic Do you w your doing you will help I . lit tbe new year jioxl will aim friend- ii)t all to live for the we wsiit our iiiend ti i in ht-e 1 is a friend I: is g -ttlng to ! e quite to 'Jie Kocliford. Call again li.liiio is says he has got a I s uae of Williams' sbav- ho nee Is . he beard. Koekiord and get some L0;id service through ', l.-j on want to hear the bell give out a d si uud? lou say this id I pbunu is out of whack, when the 1 ,ut or the matter is, your batteries me played out. Rockford keeps t' o-e kin I of batteries that give good and lastin ; service. Wlii ii C 10. M.iinhnui passes through our sliiet- uitli I h fu-t driving team, j on would ivun ler sometime do your o;, es Ou. eiio you tuel :iy is that a team or ns it an HiHoieoIiile. W. NielmU delivered to Rockford, l." -acks of the very llnest of spuds. Will says tint when he does raise he likes to have it good. Ws, and it is right, too. lhe Simnnliaii boys &ie doing a lit tl gnibliit u i:nd cleaning up on their land this meter. RUTHTON Haby Snyder has recoieied from ber recent illness. . Mrs. Muuu is visiting her brother, Mr. Barton. Ozias Stevens vbited at W. J. Ross' one day lust week. Mr. mid Mrs. Slaniui entertained a party of friends, New Year's, at din ner. Mrs. Morton has returned from her holiday visit to lelutives. Misses Adell Kress aud Lulu Absten of Portland spent the holidays with tho house lulus. .1 . and Mrs. Rowlands and Miss Maiy Mtddlesivai't have been enjoy ing tbeir (Jrristnias sojourn with tbeir piii en Is at Murder. Little Roibiey Russ returned to ecnool at S..lw.i Tuesday after his Chi n-tx as mcitiuii with bis parents. ibo Cm i -vas tree and entertain mi nt t .Venon-inee were enjoyd by tie litt:o Santa Clau waa there in i ll bis glory, with a full sack ii r tl e liul!i:i8. CRAPPER. Mis Vinu Ua kttt very pleasantly critbit ,iaed i. party of her young friends on ibuisday e ening of last week. ii;oi-e present were: Mis liooker, Mr. and Mrs. Arneson, Missea Myrtle Carnea, Frelda, Emma and Anna Pregge, ti oldie Hall, Erma Lyons, lrma Miller, Mary Wickbam, Susie Kelley and Inez Martin. Messrs. Charlie Stranaban, Carl Jant zeu, Voyle and Johnnie Lindsay, Les ter Wickhara, Roy Kelley, Herman Pregge, Willie and Ashley and Ivan Miller, Fay Dinsmore. Nathan Hackett, jr., accompanied by Missea Lavina and Irene Totten ham came up from Portland on Fri day of last week, on a visit to his father, Nathan Hacket, sr., and re turned on Sunday. Miss Vina Hackett came home from Portland on Christmas day and spent tbe holidays with ber parents, return ing on Sunday. She is attending school at that place. Misa Lucy Ome'g of The Dalles vis ited in thie neighborhood a few days duiing the holidays, as the guest of Mrs. R. B. Lindsay. K. D. Martin made a flying visit home on Friday before Christmas and left for the surveyors' camp on the N. P. railroad on Christmas night. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Martin cele brated Christmas day with an old style family Christmas tree, which was greatly enjoyed by ail present. A family reunion wag held at tbe home of K, D. Martin, on the last day of tne year 1905, in celebration of the 13rd birthday of Patrick Henry Martin. Although it was striotly a family affair, it was a very pleasant occasion. To those who have a habit of "turn ing over a new leaf" on New Year's day, I would say, do not blot the page this year but make it the record of a clean, pure and upright life. LAST MEETING OF OF THE OLD COUNCIL The old Common Council held its last regular meeting Tuesday evening, Mayor Blowers presiding and all the members being present. The sewer committee submitted a written report which wag read and approved. Mr. Early moved that a warrant be drawn to the City Treasurer for the sum of $9.50 for services. Carried. Tbe written report of tbe Finanoe Committee wag then read and ap poved. Mr. Early moved that the railing to tbe steps going up tbe hill be repaired. On motion the matter was referred to the street committee with.instiuctlous to see that it was attended to. The report of the city tieasurer was then read and on motion approved and placed on tile. Tbe matter of purchasing books to keep the city records in was taken np aud after some discussion was referred to tbe proper committee. A motion was made to audit the bills and the following were ordered paid : W. S. Ganger, labor on streets, $0.50; S E. Bartmess, supplies, $2; D. F, Skene, legal work, ;S0; J. R. Niokelseu, postage, 12; W. Hayues, supplies, 81. 10 ; Mrs. Emstrum, meals for prisoners, $1.50; W. H. Wilson, day book, $4. A bill was presented by Marshal Oliuger for $150 for services for three months. Tbe city charter requires that tbe marshal must make a report each month to council, dinger was appointed marshal last summer during the strawberry time to serve for an indefinite period aud bag served since that time, but has failed to make any report. There wag considerable rHg cussloti on the matter and it was finally referred to tbe police commit tee for a settlement which is to be re ported at the next meeting. Mayor Blowers presented a sub-division plat of Blowers Addition No. 2 which he asked to have acceited by council. Tbe plat was accepted sub ject to the approval of the city en gineer as required by tbe charter. Recorder Nicklesen then brought up the matter of purchasing a sate iu order to insure tbe safe keepiug of tbe city records and hooks. After Jbeing discussed it wag refeired to the city recorder to report at the next meet ing. Recorder Nickelsen repotted that Paquet, Oebiscb & Joplin had filed a bond for $15,000 as required by coun cil for a faithful execution of tbe sew er contract. Council tbeu adjourned. Miss Adele doff Entertains. Last Wednesday evening Miss Adele (iolf entertained a number of her Hood River friends in honor of Miss Ninon Oakes and Mr. Oscar Beck aud Mr. lvau Oakes of The Dalles, who have been visiting at ber borne. A Christmas tree lighted with mini ut"i'e inoandescent lights was a feature of tbe occasion, each guest being re membered with one or more gifts con sisting of tin horns, jumping jacks and other toys. Progressive games were played and Mr. Johnson wag the recipient of a beautiful prize. During the evening Miss Shannon and Miss Hartley, both of Pacific University, and Mr. Hen derson of tbe University of Oregon, entertained tbe guests with solos, Mr. Brock and Mr. Gilbert, aided by Miss Hartley, rendered several selec tions on cornet, violin and piano. Dainty refreshments were served and the evening was closed by an old time Virginia reel. Want District Divided. A petitiou is being circulated in District No. 3 to divide tbe district. Tbe proposed dividing line is about 80 rods south of tbe preseut township line, between districts 2 and 3. Tbe district is thought by many to be too large. By doing this tbe railroad property will be thrown out of tbe district which is a very important factor in paying its taxes. Tie valu ation of district 3 is placed at S285, 000. Weather Report fur December, Tlie following Is the leport of U. H. Volun tary Weather observer D. N. Byerlee, for Hood Ktver, tor month of Deoember, 1905. Date ....... l II u w II In Hi 17 Is ! 1 ai i u 2: u i 21 t is. i m v :tl mine ! 4il ' 40 41 S 3D IU IS 4.i 3 M If! :u XI ;u :u :t ; 41 42 41 4: m XI 4 47 42 3.4 40 44 Mini. I munv ' 34 ! ! M : n I ! it! i it! H W 31 3; 3S 13 i i, 31 3 ,37 . 31 Si! .31 : Prec'p Itat'n .IS .00 Trwe .04 .Hi .25 :ii .i.. .04 Ol .02 .27 M m .03 .14 .40 itbararu-r of cloudy cloudy . ..part cloudy psrtcloudy ....prt cloudy cloudy . uioudy ..pcrtcioudy ....cleAr part cloudy . ...part cloudy .....part cloudy part cloudy . part cloudy cloudy cloudy . . . part cloudy cloudy cloudy -..part cloudy emudy cloudy cloud? cloudy part cloudy parteliwdy ...-part cloudy cloudy cloudy .-..part cloudy Alcorn's Meat Market Now occupies the old Wood & Smith Bros, build ing. We are better located and better prepared m every way to supply the demands of our fast in creasing trade.- We have a full and complete line of everything carried in the modern meat market of today. As for our meats, they are honest in every re spect, and government inspected. Confident of your satisfaction, we merely ask you to give us a trial order. Our phone number is 9G1." ALCORN'S CITY MARKET. Shepard & Franz HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Are in correspondence with all parts of the United Htatea and are in good posi tion to sell your Farm Property LOCAL AGENTS Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. Orient Fire Insurance Co. UPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family Liibary The Best In Current Literature 12 Complete Novel Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 PER YEAR i 25 CTS. A COPY XO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF Hardware Stewart's Furniture Picture Framing and Furniture Repairing We have added to our force a first-class mechanic in these lines, and with him the newest in frames, units and furnishings. Reducing our work to a sys tem has reduced our cost s. No city store could improve our style nor cut our price. Clearing House for Stock Taking Odd pieces in China and Glass, carpet and matting remnants, high grade furniture, and some beautiful Morris chairs and rockers that arrived too late for the greatest Xmas sale known here, will be put to the knife to clear out before inventory. No duplicates. Don't wait, then blame us. Buy now. January 13th, 1906. Paints nts -AwnH-'c stovcs Glass oieWdllb Crockcry We have added another line to the store Picture Framing If you have a picture that you want to save bring it in and let' us frame it. The cost will not be large. A nice line of new and nifty mouldings to select from. Remember, we have a nice line of fine stationery and popular books. SLOCOM'S A. D. MAINE & CO. White Salmon, Wash. General Contractors and Builders. Estimates on all kinds of work cheerfully furnished and the best of work manship guaranteed. We are doing the building of this section at present. Our work will apeak for itself. Monarch Malleable Ranges Awarded Highest Prize At the Lewis and Clark Exposition REASONS WHY: Recause the Monarch was the only range with a patent Duplex Shaft, which causet the fuel to burn evenly in the firebox. Because the Monarch was the only range shown with an emery poliahed top, requir ing no blacking. Because Monarch Ranges have oven thermometers made especially for them, which tell the degree of heat required for roasts, bread or pastry. Because the Monarch Range bodies are made of the heaviest Wellsville blued steel, without enamel, and do not discolor. For Sale by W. HAYNES The difference between a V6P Shoe and "others" is not only a differ ence of style, but of durability. ' JUL JjUFAWVl Hood River, Oregon 0 A Basket vSocial dl Entertainment Will be given by the Uniformed Rank of t lie Woodmen of the World in the K. of P. Hall in the Opera House 8 O'clock Committee, A. Neal, A. Norder. A. D. Garner. 'V;i'fi- f b !' :lVB.irfil YOD If ILL BE MM WITH YOUR JOURNEY If your tickets read over the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad, the "Scenic Line of the World," BECAUSE There are so many scenic attractions and points of interest along the line between Ogden and Denver that the trip never becomes tiresome. If you are going East, write tor Infor mation and get a pretty book that will tell you all about It. W. C. Melt RIDE, General Agent, 124 Third Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. I'.ST.Ull.IMllKl) l'.KH) IMdlll'OliATRO 1U05 BUTLER BANKING CO., SUCCESSORS TO BUTLER & CO., BANKERS. fully paid $50,000 Ol'TICEItN AM) DlIJKCTOIlH Leslie IUitler, President J. N. Teal, Vice President Truman l.ntler, Cashier J. W. French R. T. Cox HOOD RIVER Sanitarium MARY P. JOHNSON, M.D., Supt Ideal Home for Invalids Climate and view unsurpassed in the United States. Bids Wanted. For wood. 20 rlrku oak wood 3 feet long, not over 8 liifli tnmy, ) rleks pine wood S feet long not over 8 Inch fucp; to be delivered and piled In bHwment of Kmnkton Mthool Iioum by Kept. Bth, MM, rendy for warming. Bid. will bo received by the clerk until Jan. Jib 19011. The board rewrve. the rlirlit to releet nv or all bids. M. 11. Nlukelaen. clerk of achon! district No. ii. daj UNjP; GRANT r mtf- m0tr' BENJ. HARRISON ure inur,anci at iowt$T eot in MKIN(,CY .HiHIO'S largest J ISlIAfCE COMPANY ASSETS $44,000,000.00 INSURANCE IN FORCE $216.000, 000.00' Us Investments are not excelled by those of any company In) the world. It has no fluctuating ctocks and bonds. For ove? twenty years its mortgaga loins on farnvlAnds have earned) the highest rt.e of cofi,u. interest of any American company. Its ratios of death "O losses and xpenses of manage ment have almavs been very low. As a result It excels In large dividend to policy noiaers, among wnom rt divided tne profit) THE Union Central OF CINCINNATI JOHN M.PATTI50N r ' r AflflM IDvtKliSiNt etr-r rot nuTlcuiAtS,' f0 1 ymmunrioN and wr a yrut tr aiKTM.i 1 1 For add iti'iiial inf.iriiiati in npply t V. F. LRAVY, Manager, 711-712 Marquam Building, Portland. Oregon, or JOHN LELAND HENDERSON, Agent, Hood River, Oregon. t.44 Scientific Aatrieal Aaencv for 'mm 1 A . 1 I 4 'r CAVtATt. rftft COPVUIOHT, ota. gar iRfnnnatKn ml free Bandbonk m to II N COnkil BUOADWiT, HfW TOBt OMeat karaea for Mrannc patent In Amertca, Brarr patant takaa nut bf mt la broubt befuia liw poUM by aotM glvan baa or fUioia la (b S rieutific tautau larraat etreatatloa at mt aelentlRv paper In the world, ftpieajklir HltMtmad. Ho Intallirrat ua abimld be wttanal It. Waetir. 93.08 a tear; !!. az wmtti, A4dra MVSX A OOm oau&aAaA.Kittroadaar.l'aa Iwk, T he Big Secondhand tore Heating' Stoves, Furniture, Tin and Granite Ware, Crockery, and in fact everything in the;House Furnjshing line. Big' Reductions this Month We Exchange New Furniture for Old. Furniture Repairing. Stove Repairing. SSffirs O. P. DABNEY & CO., Proprietors. r : i 1 ir! 41 3 f 0