The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 04, 1906, Image 4

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By Roswell Shelley.
Odflll, East Hood River Valley, Jan.
3.-Whatshnll the harvest he (or Hood
Kiver valley during
Big things are coming our way if we
put our shoulders to the wheel. Bet
ter join the procession and get a move
on yon or yon may he laid up for re
pairs by getting under the wheels of
the oar of progress that Ik headed this
way Aftor thanking the Glacier read
ers for their Indulgence during the
pant year, I beg to Bay that unlets the
Cilaoier manager releases me from fur
ther obligations, it may be that I
might iiillict my notes upon them
aguin. At any rate my coat 1h otf and
1 intend to use whatever of ability and
intluenoe 1 may possess, in behalf of
the upbuilding of the vahoy. Hut
here we are at the open door of a new
year. Now in the time to write reso
lutions. Better write them on your'
cult's, unless you Intend to keep them.
We were absent from home when
the yule tide of Christmas rolled in,
bonce had no Christmas notes from
Cdell. Hut that your renders may
understand bow suporlloially many
people read, one of my good friends,
a gentleman who roads the paper and
who lives iu town, congratulated mo
last week on my Christmas sermon in
the Glacier. But when 1 told hi in
that I didn't write a lino last week,
and that be must apologize to Bro
Brayford of Rockford for this awful
bluudei, tie saw be was up against it
and promised to square himself with
your Barrett correspondent, for whom
wo have a profound regard. My dis
tinguished friend was reading fiom
the Barrett column Instead of the
Udell notes.
Last Saturday morning nature's ar
tist pave us a beautiful picture. The
earth was carpeted with white, while
the leafless oak limbs looked stately
lioueiith their ' jowolod-like settings.
Beside and about tho oaks were the
pities that seemed bowed down ueatb
their burdens, their limbs drooping,
Ho as we turn the luHt leaves of the
dying year and behold the weight of
winter as it grips the trees, and the
things about us In nature, may we
not as we pause upon the threshold of
the now year, and cast a swift look
backward through tho weight of years,
better understand the meaning of
these grey hairs and more fully real
ize that before many more mile stones
are passed that we, too, will totter
and fall like some tall tree of the for
est that for centuries has withstood
the storms of winter. But lest we
pauM too Jong nr brood over the mis
take of, the past, let's be olt again
and somewhere in the thickest of the
battle perhaps we may again catch
that bow of promise that during all
the years of our lives lias beckoned us
from defeat to victory as well as from
victory to defeat. Remembering as
we journey along, "Thut 'tis better
to have tried and fulled, than not to
have tried at all."
During tho holiday vacation the
teachers of the Odell school have all
been absent. Mr. Knuis with bis
family baa been in Portland; Miss
Thompson at her borne at The Dalles,
and Miss Davenport at M osier. Tbey
have all returned and are again in
the harness.
J. L. Tousey, one of Portland's
teachers, spent his vacation on bis
ranch near Udell.
Cbas. Roberts, Jr., who Is a student
in U. A. C. at Corvallis, spent the
holidays with bis parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C (1. Huberts, of Tauglewood,
near "Winans City." Charley while
here lauded an eight pound salmon
from turbulent Hood river. This feat
was accomplished in one boui's time,
when tne big fish had grown weary
struggling tor liberty. Charley did
this with book and line and should tie
justly proud of his acoomplishment.
Charley is an expert angler and there
are a lot of Odellites thut would like
to know bow it was done. Charley
says its easy, but tbe secret be keeps.
Utto Ehrek says be is lonely since
his brother Will got married and left.
Well, Utto, we know a young lady
who says she don't care if BiiJy is
married so long as you are left.
Last Friday evening after tbe musi
cule and literary program was o'er
there was an old fashioned spelling
class chosen, and tbe result was tbat
Mrs. It. K. Callison beat the whole
shootiug match. Mrs. Callison Is tbe
m ther of quite a family of children,
some of whom are in ninth grade,
but let me teli you that when Mrs.
Callison and some of us older than she
went to school tbey taught spelling
orally, and tbey not only taught it
hut tbey practiced it almost every
Friday afternoon and It is my opin
ion tbat some of tbe modern methods
of teaching are not as good after all
as tho oh. fashioned way. Spelling
seems almost a lost art, judging by
the army of poor spellers that are to
be found today. .
Last Sunday Rev. Wood preached
at the Union church here an interest
ing sermon. Mr. Wood Is intelligent
and cultured and bis sermons seem to
come from the bea't, and consequent
ly reach bis hearers. Tbe writer
would be pleased to bear biui preach
from the fifth chapter of James, tak
ing for his text the first six verses.
My reason for this suggestion is tbat
1 think he is tearless iu bis utterances
on the right side and believe hi in
cpalile of bundling tbe trusts and the
political grafter, concerning whom
this text refers.
K. B. Bragg, the merchant prince
of Hood Kiver, Mr. Byerly, the all
'round hustler for tbe News-Letter,
and Mr. llollowell were in attendance
at church here last Sunday. They
were here representing tbe church at
Hood Kiver to meet the oUlcers and
members of the O ell Christian
church to effect a mutual arrange
ment concerning the work of their
pastor, Mr. Wood, who is engaged to
serve the town church and tbe church
at Udell for the coming year. We
were glad to meet these genial gentle
men, and right glad, also, that they
had opportunity to take a look at the
Hub of Kast Hood Kiver valley. Call
Mr. Dudley Holland, who recently
purchased the John Lawless place,
will have a family move In soon, and
the work of improving will begin by
rebuilding eld fences and enclosing
the entire 10 acres, and putting into
cultivation all available land in ti e
spring. Tbis ranch when once fixed
up, as Mr. Holland plans, with quite
su increased acreage of apple trees,
will be one of the choice places of tbis
section, and will always bring a fancy
price if put upon tbe market. We
congratulate tbe community on such
an acquisition as Mr. Holland and
also congratulate him on bis excellent
Henry Avery was doing business at
tbe Little White store one diy last
week. For three years now bis grey
horses bead this way when their gro
cery stock runs low.
John Lawless and family will soon
be off tcward the sunny south. John
reluctantly turns his back on Hood
Kiver valley. He would not go at all
were It not iu tbe hope that bis wife's
health may be improved. John's sale
caused Pbil Warren, his renter, to
pull back to Viento, leaving vacant a
building that was erected for a meat
H. M. Poolo, who has been ill for
some time, is now in The Dalles for
Miss Netie Kemp, Udell's elocution
ist, is spending a few days at Menom
inee. Dr. Shaw was out to Odell last Sat
urday on a professional call. A doc
tor's call is an item we do not like to
record, yet we are always glad to greet
tbe doctor.
W. L. Carnes, who advertises for
bard jobs, is now engaged in grubbing
three acres by oontraot and is getting
on tine.
Tbe Little White store people have
let a contract to tbe Dodge Bros, to
grub out about 100 trees, ranging In
size from 8 to 36 inches, on their 25
aore tract near tbe store. This work
will increase tbe value of the pi ce,
and it might happen that if some one
should want to buy one of the nicest
little tracts iu all this section, thut
the owners might be tempted with a
fancy offer. Tbe man behind tbe
grub hoe and wood saw will be much
in evidence here for the next three
months, which will greatly enhance
values In tbe Odell section.
The closing of tbe deal of that Ger
man coach horse la still another in
dication that the people of Hood Kiv
er are entitled to tbe best things go
ing. A :W00 horse looks good, and
It is our opinion that under the liber
al terms of sale that tbis venture will
not only prove a public benefit In tne
breeding and growing of first class
horses, but a good investment for the
owners of tbi' valuable horse, who are
to lie commended for their enterprise
In placing this fine horse iu the
We received letter last Monduy
from J. 11. Dunn, now of Kansas City,
Kansas. Mr. Dunn formerly lived t
Udell and says tbat. sinoe going to
Kansas last fall he hasn't had a good
riuk of water, a good apploor a good
brea h of air. lie further says that
if tbe Lord is willing be will be in
Hood Kiver by tbe first of April. He
also authorizes me to have the Ulaciei
sent to hint saying be cau't live with
out tbe Ulaoier.
Dud Odell, who for some tlmo has
tieen absent at Starbuok, Wash., re
turned last Saturday somewhat im
proved In health. His many friends
From those cold East winds by wearing one of the
We have both ladies' and gentlemen's styles in a
size that will fit you.
the New Year RIGHT
: l ' ;
by having' your work
done where accuracy
of workmanship will
Where? Why at
,,, ., LARAWAY'iS
The Watchmaker and Jeweler
Losing your hair? Coming
out by the combful? And
doing nothing? No sense in
that! Why don't you use
Ayer's Hair Vigor and
fiair Vigor
promptly stop the falling?
Your hair will begin to grow,
too, and a?! dandruff will dis
appear. Could you reason
ably expect anything better?
Aysr'i Vtfnr li a irrr-t- tuccm wllli
m. My luitr wan IttlHuK ..til very bmlljr. but
tie Hair V igor iow'l It urn! now nijr lutir it
IAWlOH, iJliUMiT. Ulil.
1 2iira'S3s?2Ji;iss3dMi; ;y i
all ciiilit."-w. J,
(I IK bfltlla.
All rlriinirl.1,.
3. O.
Thin Hair
are glad to sea, bliu home again.
V. V. Willis who taught tbe O'ell
school lust yobr, bad business that
culled him here hint week, lie is now
teaching a school iu Washington.
On New Year's eve the sound of a
hammer wan heard across the street
after the evening shadows had fallen.
Next morning there wag a notice on
the front door of Phil Warren's meat
market, which read asfollows: "While
you 'Watch Tacoma CJrow,' keep your
eye ou Odell," .
This reminds us that if we bad
Brother Dennett, of the Irrigator here,
he would be counting the thousands
of people who pans through Odell, in
stead of having time to count theflOUU
coyotes thut crowed the Columbia at
hla thriving village the other day.
I ' erewith enclose a letter from my
esteemed friend, .1. O. lliivtor, editor
and publisher of tbe Polk county Ob
server, published at Dallas, county
seat of the blue ribbon county, where
it was my good fortune to rosido for
a period oi 37 years. Von may pub
lish it if you like, for I should like
your renders to know the opinion of
many non-resident people concerning
our valley.
Mr. lloswell Shelley,
Odell, Hood River Or.
Dear Sir and Friend : Your check
for SI. 50 received. 1 desire to espe
cially thank you for the good letter
accompanying it; it is just such kind
of messages of encouragement and
good will that make lite worth living
to the newspaper iiuiii. It is an In
spiration to a man to give bis readers
the very bent that is iu him, as be re
alize tbat there aie those who appre
ciate his efforts. I thank you very
much Mr. Shelley, both for tho letter
and the subscription.
The circulation of the paper is hav
ing a most healthy growth, and 1 hope
to still fu ther i nl age and Improve
it at no distant dale.
1 read your Odell correspondence
every week and inn getting quite well
acquainted with the people ot your
community through your items. 1
notice that the railroad is gradually
moving out voi r nay and thut is good
news. Hood Kiver valley was good
without the railroad. Who can fore
tell its development and prosperity
once tho road is built ami iu opera
tion? Surely, great limits are in
store for the residents of your charm
ing valley.
With kindest regatds for yourself
and Mrs. Shelley, and wishing you a
happy and prosperous New Year, 1
am Sincerely,
Preferring to a letter from ono, J. L.
Mitchell, published in this issue of
tho Glacier, in which he takos me to
task for writing the facts iu the case
concerning the insurance of the late
U. 0. Crockett, and inasmuch as he
seems anxious to learn the unmo of
the writer, 1 beg to respectfully in
form him that 1 am the author ot said
article, and us such, hold myself re
sponsible for the same.
The fuct Is that 1 stand ready to
prove every stiitoment made concern
ing the settlement of this claim, in
the interest of Mrs. Crockett. 1 fur
ther desire to say that it will robalily
be to Mr. Mitchell's interest to dtsist
from further false accusations fen-
coming the writer, as he might
called upon to prove them. A h in
to the w Uo, etc. '
KOSW Hl.Li Ktll.UJ' .
The ('nickel t Clai
Spokane, Juunaiy 1,
Editor Hood River Glacier,
Hear Sir: Mr. J. P. Hill.-trom
forwarded to our ollica a clii u i
from your paper under date ot I
cemoer i, anil wnien cupping un
tains a very unjust statement in re
gard to the settlement by the Order
of Washington of t tie Crockett claim.
lhe writer i-i out visiting all the sub
orillnale Union of the Order and th
clipping has Jibt reached him, elst
you would have received our explain!
l ion sooner.
It is not possible, Mr. Editor, for
you to nave leen acquainted with tin
tacls, oJse you would never hare per
nutted such an unjust, unkind and
iinfraternal statement to have becu
published in your paper. We are of
the opinion that the writer of tho ar
tide penned it with nialieioua inten
and shall ask that you coriect this
very tintruthlul strtemont, giving it
as much prominenco as be attracting
article was granted.
lhe tacts in this ease are. that Mr.
Crockett did join Tbe Order of Lions
as the article states and was a mem
tier for some time but at the time of
the consolidation of The Ordor of
Lions with the Order of Wai-biugton
ana nr. tue tune or the dent li of Air.
Crockett about the same time, the
records of tbe Order of Llous showed
Mr. Crockett to tie delinquent ou ao-
count of the failure to pay his assess
uient for Uiu previous mouth. It was
upon this ground that the claim hung
fire so long. Furthermore let it be
said that the former Supreme Piesi
dent of The Order of Lions had this
cuse under luvotigatiou with the Su
preme Odicers of the Older of Wash
ington and that he himself advised
that the claim could not be allowed,
There is no blame to be attached to
lhe Order of Washington and instead
of Maine it deserves the Vniise of the
triend at Mood luvnr who so fur for
got the truth to tell that which must
have been known to be false iu every
part. Whon the claim was sent to
Portland, the Order of Washington
met the situation and a careful and
campleto investigation was made and
a settlement made which was fair and
square aiuljwaa a settlement that was
made not on actual liability so much
as it was made to give this widow and
children the b-neiit of the doubt. j
We ask you, Mr. Kditir, to see that
justice is given in this case, if you
This is the time of year we are preparing for
our annual invoicing and general cleaning up,
getting our business generally in shape to
know the results of the year's work, and start
ing in to the new year with as clean a stock and
slate as possible. We have a lot of seasonable
goods that we will put prices on that will cer
tainly move them before commencing the in
voice. We invite you in to enjoy some of the
great bargains we will have for you.
Wishing you a happy and prosperous New
Year, we are Yours
insist we will produce the books iu
your otlice to piove our statement and
i' e will get a statement from the at
torney that looked after Mrs. Crock
ett's inteiest, which statement will
no-incido with the one wo herein
Yon cannot understand hew much
damage this report will do cur organ
ization and create a impres
sion where the facts are not known,
tliorefoie we leave lhe case to your
own sense offaiiui'-s and honor at
least for the pieici.t.
Ke.-pectfullv Yours,
Supreme Secrt tary, Portland, O-e.
with the
Therr is a now real estate
in White Hnluion, st rted
uume of A. W. Kstees & Co.
Tbe (rangers' entertainment Mon
day night was a great success. A big
crowd attended and every one on the
program rendered thoir part well.
Thoro are several strangois ou our
streets every day, looking fo.' land
and going in the country to see land
even if the suow Is i n the ground.
J. II. Ilussenshutt has moved iuto
White Salmon lately from Uilmer.
Mr. Ilussenshutt sold his place at Gil
mer Jately.
Mr. Watson has moved into his new
house lie lately built ou Wyers avenue.
Thursday be went to Chehalis,
Wash,, to visit relatives.
Mrs. K. M. Ilolmau of Hood River
is visitiug relatives in this district.
W, J. Parrel, wife and daughter of
Hood Kiver are spending Christinas
at the home of Richard Kolley.
Earl Holmau of Hood Kiver was
visiting with his friend, Paul Neil, a
few days. We are not sure whether
any one lost any sheep or goats; we
didn't examine theirthe boys') teeth
to find out particulars.
Active railro.-,d work is now being
pushed iu earnest ou the Portland A
Seattle railroad near the dock. Grad
ers are busy ou tho Shurte plaoe and
trom the constant thundering of the
bias's we imagine that tbe lock work
Is getting rapidly into line. Keports
are current that tho right of way has
been secured and a satisfactory agiee
nient reached with C. A. Shurte, Mr.
Dean, S. 0. Zoigler, J. P. Egan, D.
I . McCluieand a. K. Byrkett. Tbi
now loavta only the places of C. 1).
Alooieand Mrs. Warren, and we snp
! ose that satisfactory terms will soou
l o ananged with these.
At a meeting of citizens held in
.antorhach s tall X nesduv alteruoon
i oommitteo ot ttve prominent citi
zens was sppointed to go o Vancou
.eriiudtryto convince tho
f the Portland & Soi.tlle Railway
company that ne will need a defot at
misplace, i ne count, litre consisted
of C. M. Wnlb.rd, S. 0. Zeigler, J.
(;. Wyers, A. H. Jewett and J. P.
I'gau. The count itlce dc arted Tues
day Uiotning and will Intel i lew the
authorities in Portland and Vancou
ver. Mot of the men ou the commit
tee have been instrumental in the
past few years in werking up a name
for White Kaltrnu fruits and berries
in the nmikets of the world and do
not propose to bavo all this work
thrown away and asted by the rail
road culling their statiou here by
some other name.
tbe very next day after tbe cougei was
killed and seem to be well pleased to
get tbe news of its death.
We are having some winter here
now. About five inches of snow fell
Friday night and Saturday morning.
A few were out iu tbeir sleigbs on
Saturday and Sunday, but the mud
and slush under tbe suow made it im
possible to enjoy sleigb riding. We
called it sleigh riding just tbe same.
C. R. Bone shut down his saw mill
fot the season last Friday.
J. P. Thompsen will have a force of
men at work next week cutting saw
logs fot his spring work. He expects
to start his saw mill here as soon as
spring opens up and he wants logs
enough on hand to keep all hands
busy for the summer.
Grubbing machines will lie idle now
until the snow leaves. Tbe Dodje
Bros, have received a contract of
grubbing out about 100 pine trees
for the Little White store people at
C. Busey was in our town last week
canvassing for our rural mail carrier.
Mr. Busey reports that all in the val
ley came up with (be big dollar, ex
cept one family and tbat familv re
ceives as much or more mail than any
one in the valley. We have had better
mail servioe In the last year than we
nave uad since the route was estab
lished and any one who would be
grudge a dollar to hel the carrier
out, ought to have to go to town for
their mail about one winter. Then
they would learn the value of our free
mail delivery. What does a dollar a
year amount to compared with going
wiiuuui our man nair ot toe time or
going through mud and slusb four or
five miles to get our mail? Any one
who has lived in Hood Kiver valley
more than one year knows that the
mail oannot be carried for what the
government pays and those who have
boxes and secure mail ought to be
willing to Help keep tbe service np.
A few Dukesvalleyitoa held a watcb
meeting at Joseph Knox's, on New
V ...... I . r . ...
eve. ui urn ana conee was
served and all enjoyed a pleasant ev
Those who attended tbe dance given
by the Baldwin club at Mount Hood
hall, report a good time and the best
supper ever tasted at a dance. Tbe
ladies of Mount Hood surely kuow
now to make good cake and coffee.
A Ilia; Duller.
A large boiler which will be used
by the Stanley-Smith Lumber Co. in
tbe big mill tbey are erecting at
Green Point, was received at tbe
freight station last week. The boiler
weigns in tbe neighborhood ot six
tons, aud it required an eight horse
leaiu 10 move it up trom tbe car.
The ground is shrouded iu a cover
ing of tbe beautiful mow to an extent.
of about eight inches.
There was a verv eood ilminn vlnn
by tho boys at the Mount Hood hall
ln-t Friday evening. It was very well
nueuoeii consmei mg the weather and
all report a good time. There was a
silver sirred at midnight alter which
the dam lug continued till the e
small hours of morning.
. H. Oavidson made a bushier
trip to Pine Grove, Odell and Hood
Kiver last I ridav afternoon, lint Wnll
says he was not very successful in his
venture aud hopes to do l etter.
Miss Genevive Fish and Miss Mil.
dred Cooper of "lhe I'alles. arriv e! in
town last Friday to visit relatives and
to attend the New Vear's l,nil.
A monstrous conger was killed al
most in the heart of tbis setllnnmni
lust Thursday by Hurt Saudman.
The cat was seen ou dilUti-nt wess
ons near W. li. Edick's him, so Burt
got ins dog and urn and started in
pursuit with blood iu his eye. After
following it a mile or more h;s doir
came up with it and put it up a tree
i. d Kurt tan e up ana on seeino it
only about 2." feet high, be lost no
ime in uiilimbering bis artillery and
tore the ton of its head or!. He onlir
id a small single barrelled shotgun
id No. (J shot Tbe cat measured
brut 5 feet from tin to tin. Our
fiicuds lu Cougerdoiii came to town
After Clouds comes Bunhhutb.
Aftkr Dhscondency comks Jov.
Aftkb Su knkss comes Htll.m
Aftkb Wkaknkss comes Strength.
Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription U
it wit doe it all. If i a trotidcr worker fur
uviirwM because it Is Kature'ii remedy,
adapted to the needs of twentieth cen
tury women.
No alcohol, ko nabcotip. wo injitri
ot'8 dkuo. Made of glvoeric extracts
from roots, therefore their virtues grew
In them In A'nture's UibomUiry, vln:
Lady's Slipper nxit, Hlack Cohosh root.
I nicorn root, Blue Cohosh root, ami
Golden Seal root: extracted, combined.
preserved without alcohol, by Jfcirtw
rurcti own jiecuiuir jmieewt,
the most exact proportions to
hip oesi enecis.
If In need of careful, competent advice
before beginning treatment, you will re
ceive it without charge by writing, ami
slating your case, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, tityt
Main Street, Buffalo. N. Y. All letters
confidentially received and answers sent
in securely sealed envelories.
I was a rrvat sufferer for six rearV
writes Mrs. Cra. stwdtMi. of 641 Bonds Strwt.
Ssuinaw, Mich. "1 commenced to take jonr
. ! i ira niiuuii ana nave tan ten
Nn lies in all. Am now tvirular. after havlm?
missed two rears and sufferwi with pain In
the head and back. I was so nervous, could
not eat or sleep. Now 1 can thank jroa (or
my recovery."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet enre eon.
Mlpatlon, One little 'Pellet" is a cuulie
laxative, and two a mld clhartio.
and in
Under An-plces of the Oregon Devel
opment League, Leaves Portland
on Nptcial Train Jan. 13.
Secretary Tom Richardson, of the
Oregon Development League, Is very
anxious that the state at large should
be well represented on tbis excursion.
The party, which will be composed
of ladies and gentlemen, leaves Port
laud at midnight, January 13, 19UC,
stops being made at Sacramento, San
Francisco, Palo Alto, San Jose, Paso
Robles, Santa Barbara and Los An
geles. Special entertainment will be
accorded the party at these points.
Tbe rate from Portland will be $03
for one person, which includes three
meals to be served on dinner between
Portland and Sacramento, and Pull
man berth to Los Angeles. A rate of
$58 will be charged where two people
occupy a double berth. A deposit of
$25 is necessary on each ticket to se
oure reservation. Section reservati ns
will be held until December 2T)th. ,
This Is an excellent opportunity to
visit California, as the auspices under
which it is given Insures a most en
joyable outing.
The excursion is to be run only
provided that not less than 125 per
sons make the trip. All communica
tions In in reference to reservations
and to the trip in general, should be
addressed to Mr. Tom Richardson,
Manager Portland Commercial Club,
Portland, Oregon.
That a hotel like tho
Mount Hood Hotel
is a big drawing card for a
town the size of Hood River?
That a great many of tho
dollars that come into tho
town are left here by
strangers who stop at
hotel. That every cent
get hold of is spent with tin
merchants in our own town.
They appreciate it. It helps
the town. Ii helps the valley.
They help us. We appreciate
Did you ever stop to think
that the stranger forms his
opinion of the town by tho
hotel the people can support?
That it takes money, and
lots of it, to run a place the
size of the Mt. Hood Hotel?
That a meal taken at tho
Mt. Hood helps maintain a
first-lass hotel, and gives the
town a good name?
Did you ever stop to think
that you could help the town
in this way; that you would
Helping yourself: that von
would be helping your neigh
bor; that you would be help-
us; ve will appreciate
it. We will remember if.
Think it over. See if von
can't have a meal with us
once in awhile. Next time
you want to take the early
morning train to Portland.
get a room at the Mt. Hood
lotel. Leave your call for
the train, and nine times out
of ten you will get from one
to two hours more sleep, for
if the train is an hour late,
we call you accordingly. You
feel better nil day. You en
joy your trip better. You do
more business. 80 do we
We want your trade. Gei
the habit. It's a good one.
Think it over.