The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 04, 1906, Image 3

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Freddie liowen, who won the unit
of clothes offered by Ederheiiuer,
Stehi &. Co. through Frank A. Oram,
their local agent at Hood1 Klver, to the
first boy who ehoull detect their
agent when be visited thin city, bag
received h communication from that
fl tn Bhklnrf him to tell them bow be
dixcoverud him.
Freddie has answered the letter, and
tbis la how it reads:
Put. rm ber 29, 1905.
Messrs. Ederheimer, Stciu & Co.
Ueutlumeu: Yuurn of the l'tth lust.
at hand. In reply will say, I am very
much pleitsed with my new suit of
clot hen. It titn like the muzzle on a
calf's nose and all the boys in town
are M-aloun of me, und mother is tick
led to death. 'I lie ouly regret is that
yon did not pad the pauU a little.
as I am going to school and don't get
along very noil with my teacher.
But tuking al' into consideration, I
am delighted with the deal and wish
I could get all my clothe as easy as
1 did thut Hint. 1 think you are
Hue lot of fellows, and wbeu I get big
I am going to Chicago to see you,
and maybe you will give me a job. I
like your salesman, Mr. Claybaugh,
very much, too, and the way I got
next to him would make a Pinkerton
man turn green with envy. You see
1 am shining shoes at the Mount
Hood Hotel, one of the most popular
resorts on the Pacific coast, where all
first class people stop. When Mr.
Claybaugh got into the chair to have
his shoes shiiied, I could see he was
no cheap guy, so I said, "Are you
from Kderlieimer, Stein & Co. " and
he smilod and said "Yes," and then
gave me an order for the new suit,
according to agreement.
Well, 1 guess I will close by wishing
you aJl a happy Iow rear.
Very truly yours
Freddie Bcwen.
P. S. Is Chicago as big as Hood
Some Principle of drafting.
The first thing to be cotisid red by
the ft'ti it grower or nurseryman who
wishes to propagate new stock or
ohaiigo old ones by the grafting pro
cess is, will such und suoh trees or
shrubs unite their wood cells closely
and strongly so as to make a new and
perfect tree?
Never, to my knowledge, have trees
of different families been made to
unite their woods sufficiently to make
a lasting uniou. Many attempts have
succeeded fur enough only to form an
unstable graft that would break apart
sooner or later and generally before
the end of a year.
Again, it is often quite impractica
ble to obtain a good union between
members of the same family. The
rose family, to which most of our wes
tern fruits bt long, is divided into sub
families or tribes, and it is found un
natural for the members of one tribe
to graft with another tribe or sub
family. For intsunce, the apple and
pear which belong to one tribe of the
rose family, will not unite with the
plum, pouch or cherry, which bolong
to another tribe or tribes of the rose
family, in other words, you cannot
graft successfully the stone fruits with
the pome fruits. It is still more im
practicable ti graft any of these fruits
upon the most of our common forest
trees, which bel :ig to widely differ
ent families. The successful propaga
tor goes still further than this, in that
he Duds it to his interests to study
the common likes and dislikes for
each other among the various em
bers of the same family. For instance,
the peach and plum are very commou
ly gra ted or budded back and forth
upou each other. There are certain
varieties ot those fruits, however,
that are found to be better adapted
to each other than another, and it is
for the uurserymau or horticulturalist
to discover these varieties that
"work" best together.
The peach is a desirable and appro
priate stock for certain varieties of
the p urn, but there are certain varie
ties that do not form a perfect and
Listing union with the peach. I re
member at the time the Hawkeye
plum was first introduced of buying
about ten of the trees at ?1 each.
They wero budded on the peach and
wore tl no, thrifty trees as come from
the hands of the nurseryman. I set
them out in the orchard, expecting
quick and desirable returns frum
them. They had stood hardly two
years in the orchard before the; be
gan to show signs of weakness they
began to look runty. 1 dug them
out, one by one, and found a lack of
cougeuiality between the top and the
root. They wero like some people we
hear so olteu about perhaps know
some of them who get married on
sight, and after a few mouths, or at
most a few years, they find a remedy
for their uncongenial alliance in the
divorce conr's.
The piactice that prevails to quite
an extent among our nurserymen of
propagating these uncongenial varie
ties upon each other is done for the
mere sake nf gain, or In other words,
the trees, like Hodge's razors, "are
mad ti sell. " And this reminds me,
too, that the man or woman who mar
ries for the sake of sordid gain or po
sition meets a fate similar to these
tame razors. L. O. Williams.
The Halky Hers-.
Nine limes out of ten a bulxy horse
is tho result of a balky driver. Many
high strung and nervous horses are
completely ruined by bad manage
ment on the part of the one working
them. If the attention of a balking
horse ciu be diverted, half of the trou
ble U orer, yet bow few men will re
fraiu from beating him at such times.
When a horse is inclined to be
balky he should be put in charge of
the bet horseman about the place,
and not driven by every one on the
If he is inclined to stop say "whoa !"
sharply. '1 hen he will not think be
is stopping of hi ou free will. (Jet
down and walk about him, lifting Dp
cue foot und then another, tapping
them with a stone may answer in di
verting his attention ; pretend to flx
his collar, perhap bis mane is under
it an i needs attention. There are
many ways of diverting a horse's at
tention to make biiu to get bis bad
h iliits, like pouring a little water I u
in -earn oi rubbing sand in bis mouth,
lheu if you speak to the quiet horse
alongside' of him tbey may start off
together or they may not. In any
event keep cool. One scheme may
work this ti e and may never work
ou the same horse again. The ouly
alternative is to be iugenious,patient,
long suffering and kind until you Und
some other fellow that wants to take
a hand at driving a balky horse. The
TranHplantlns Trees. .
Mtofthe trees that are trpns
plauted come from the Juorsery.
Soma are shipped many hundred
milts, while others come from local
or nearby nnrseries. in either case
upon receipt of the trees the buyer
should see that the roots are in a
moist condition and not left to dry
out, says Prof. E. E. Little in "Wal
lace's Farmer. " If tbe weather con
ditions are unfavorable for planting,
or work so pressing that tbey cannot
be planted upon arrival, tbey should
be left in the bundle, should be well
packed aud kept in a cool cellar, or
tboy can be takeu from the handle
and tbe roots covered with soil, pro
viding the hard freezing weather is
In transplanting great eare should
be exercised not to disturb the natur
al condition of the plant. Where tbe
root system has been partly destroyed
by the operation tbe plant baa been
checked in its natural growth. Tbe
ouly way to overcome this injury is
to plant with such care that tbe con
ditions surrounding it are favorable
for restoring its vitality. Tbe older
tbe tree the greater check it receives.
To aid the roots in getting a new
start it la a good plan t cut back tbe
branches one third to one-half their
length. A main central stem should
always be left. If any of tbe roots
are torn or mangled, cut off thia por
tion, leaving the roots strong and
Before tbe plants are taken np for
setting tbe boles should be dug suffi
ciently large ad deep to allow tbe
tree to be set a few inohes deeper than
it stood in tbe nursery. Colmau's
Kural World.
The Good Old Apple Time.
Away in the glow of our boyhood's
When hearts were silly and free,
We told our fortunes with apple seeds
That grew on a seedling tree.
'Round the blazing hearth of a win
ter's night,
With comrade merry and gay,
As the wind roared loud up tbe chim
ney's throat,
We chattered tbe hours away.
And with rhyme, and tale, and a
merry jest
We passed the laughter about,
Till tbe old corn popper and sack of
From tbe "cellar-way" came out.
And up from the cellar's crowded
Were the apple bowls piled bigb,
Then one an apple would peel so thin,
While tbe jeering crowd stood by.
"Three twirls round your head and
a nay it goes,
Your sweetheart's initial to spell,"
For apples wete witches with rosy
'And a fellow's secrets might tell.
"Name for your sweetheart, and wish
a wish
Aud count tbe seeds they enfold."
Ah ! many a fortune grave or gay
Have the little black apple seeds
Count, "One, I love and two I love
And three 1 love I say,
Four I love with all my heart
And five I oast away.
Six. he loves; seven, she loves;
Fight, they both love,
Niue, he comes; teu, he tarries;
Eleven, he courts, and twelve, be
mames. "
Ah, days of kughler and days of
What romance the old time yields.
But Spencer has stolon our seeds
0, Burliank, leave us our peels.
Maude Meriditb,
A lady who couteiuila es remodel
ing her hou.e uitoss the river was
beard to remark she was "going
to build a condition to ber residence
so she could ascertain htr friends
with more hostility." She al.-o was
"going to bave a purgatory ou top of
tbe bouse and a memorandum lit up
with indecent lights for them to lem
onade in."
Nnm Vnyir innJi 1 ftVl OOO n An,
nC" a ui am d'uuud v t i jw a unj
for drink, according to the Rev. Mad
ison C. Peters, of Ephipbany Baptist
church. He gave bis congregation
some figures ou the subject today, says
a .New lork dispatch.
New lork s annual liquor bill is
This is more than the incomes from
the tariff.
Four times the annual gold output.
Six time tbe yearly silver produc
One-third the value of all coal min
ed in a year.
In some sections of JNew York tbere
is one saloon to every 30 families.
The money spent here in 10 years
for liquor would buy every working
man a home in the suburbs.
New York's annual diiuk bill will
buy : 73.000.000 barrels of floir: 730.-
000 wagon loads of wheat. It would
take 50 persons a year to count tbe
money in 91 notes.
There are 240,000 liquor dealers in
tne United States.
"Men who wear glasses are not at
tractive to women," said the come
dian, Joseph Coyne, in a Washington
"The fact was .forcibly brought
home to me on a railway jounrey re
"Ibe drawing room of the carl
was riding in was occupied by a bride
aud groom she very pretty, he ugly
and weak-eyed, but a millionaire.
-'From where I sat it wag possible
to overbear a good deal that went on
in tbe drawing room. This is one ot
tbe things I overheard:
" 'Ob George, 9 by do you make
faces at me like that?'
" 'I can't help it, darling. My
glasses are falling off, and I don't
want to lot go of your bands.'
Denver Times.
"Hawaiian servants," said a woman
with ton e experience of them to a
writer in Modern eocietj, "are tbe
best iu the woijd, hut tbey are
straugely unsophisticated, strangely
naive, incy insist on caning you
by your first uame, Ours was always
saying to my husband, " 'Yes, John,'
or AJ right, John,' and to me,
'Very well, Ann,' or 'Ann, I am go
ing out. ' At last I got tired of this.
and to John, when we got new cook,
isaid: uoo ( ever call ma by my
first name in tbe new cook's presence.
Then, perhaps, uot knowing my name,
he'll bave to say Mrs. to me.' So
John was very oareful always to ad
dress me as 'Dearie' or 'Sweetheart,'
but the new oouk, a watchful chap,
gave me no title at all
"One day we bad some company,
some English officers, i told them
bow I bad overcome in my new cook's
case, tbe native servants' horrible
abuse of their employers' Christian
names, and 1 said : 'By this servant,
at least, you won't bear me called
Anu. ' just tbeu the new cook enter
ed the room. He bowed to me re
spectfully and said :
" 'Sweetheart, dinner is ready.'
" 'What!' 1 stammered.
" 'Dinner is served, dearie 1' an
swered tbe new cook."
Tbe following article taken from the
Yakima Kepublio will prove interest
ing reading for Hood River apple
growers :
"Fifty boxes of Yakima apples were
furnished to J. J. Hill to be need by
Dim aa presents to some of tbe crown
ed heads of Europe and dignitaries
or America, these apples were fur
nished by tbe Yakima growers, but
none of tbe growers knew where tbey
were going to be used. About half
the number were sent out by Agent
Meeka to Mr. Hill aud the other half
were shipped by the Northern Pacific
Express company.
tbe apples Mr. Hill will give to his
intimate friends in the East. One
box will go to President Roosevelt
and tbe rest of them will be sent to
King Edward, King Wilbelm, tbe czar
and the rulers .f other countries. Tbe
apples are tbe best that were grown iu
tbe Yakima valley last year and fancy
prices were paid for them. Such a rec
ognition of tbe superior quality of
Yakima over other apple growing dis
tricts of America ia something for the
people here to be proud ot. "
If the palates and eye ot King Ed
ward, Emperor William and the Czar
should be pleased with the apples sent
them by M. Hill, we should like to
have tbem sample some of the Hood
River product. We are inolined to
think that King Edward would for
once foget to pose, tbe bellicose Ger
man emperor leave off twirling his
warlike mustache, and tbe Czar for
get his troubles, at the sight of fruit
that has no peer anywhere.
Indigestion Overcome.
Indigestion is easily overcome by the
use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, because
this remedy digests w hat you eat and
gives the stomach a rest allows it to
recuperate and grow strong again.
Kodol relieves Indigestion, Belching of
Gas Hour Stomach, Heart-Burn, etc.,
and enables the digestiveorgans to trans
form all foods into the kind of rich red
blood that makes health and strength.
Sold by G. E. Williams.
Tbe farmer has faith. He sees good
oorn going into a pig without having
a qualm of fear. He knows that it is
a good investment of feed and will
pay him. Tbe advertiser has not the
same faith at times. He has a spasm
every time he puts a little money into
an advertisement. Yet the money be
invests in this way pays the adver
tiser, just as tbe oorn put into the
stomach of the pig pays the farmer.
Soothing and Comforting:.
The soothing and comforting effects
of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, when
applied to Piles sores, cuts, boils, etc.,
subdues pain almost instantly. This
Salve draws out the inflammation, re
duces swelling and acts as a rubefacient,
thus circulating the blo'id through tbe
diseased parts, perniiiting or aiding
Nature to permanently r. move tbe trou
ble entirely. Sild by G.K.Williams.
Want Toll Abolished.
A petition ii being circulated in
rnuevuie tor tne signature or real
deuts requesting th ,t tbe matter of
the state purchasing the old Mt. Hood
and Barlow toll ro. d from the Paciflo
Coast Abstract, 'iunranty & Trust
company for tf.'l.tlOO and made a state
highway aholi iiiug the tolls, to be
submitted to the voters of the state
at tbe uext general eleo ion in June.
in the petition it is set forth that tbe
highway is much used in crossing from
Western to Eastern Oregon and that
it would be a great advantage to
stockmen especially to abolish the
toll. This load crosses the Cascades
about 35 miles south of The Dalles.
Crook County Journal.
A tirini tragedy
is daily enacted, in thousands of homes.
as death claim, in each one, another
victim ol Consumption or Pneumonia.
But w lien coughs and colds are properly
treated, the tragedy is averted. V. 'J.
Huntl.iy, of Oaklandon, Ind., writes:
"My wife had the consumption, and
three doctors gave her up. Finally she
took Dr. King s New discovery for Con
sumption, Coughs and ('olds, which
cured ber and today she is well and
strong." It kills the germs of all dis
eases. One dose relieves. Guaranteed
atSOc and fl.00 by C. N. Clark drug
gist. Trial Bottle free.
TheBrooklyn Eagle says, in speak
ing of Fred Faulkner's company in
"The Girl From Sweden", which will
appear at the Opera House Jan. 6th.
"it did not require an opera glass to
see that the large audience at the Grand
Opera louse were more than pleased
with Fred W. Fallrner's company of
comedians and comediennes in the new
Sweedish comedy drama, "The Girl
From Sweden". Specialties are intro
duced by members of the company
throughout the play and everyone who
attended the play went away happy
ana pieaseo.
A Talented Youngster.
Master Georgia, who will appear with
the "Girl From Sweden" at the opera
house Jan. 6, has a reputation that he
may feel proud of, A mere child, he
can put to shame many of his elders in
the theatrical nrofessh n. He has had
the pleasure of being admired by the
i remueni oi ine united HtaUM and ap
plauded by the largest and best city
audience. The youngster is not ouly a
born actor, hut sings well, his singing
speoialty being one of the big hits of
the show. For the past few seasons he
retired from the stage while attending
the New York Normal School. So great
has been the success of the child that he
has played several Europeon engage
menti under a well known manage
ment. WASTED.
An experienced man fur dairy and farm
work, Mni-llw Hean. truthful and of
good character ' Apply to
Underwood Hotel
Mrt Mary D. Olson
Fir-t-clsss accommodations for travelers
Meals ami lodging. Meet all boats.
Lunches at all hours. Waiting room.
Comfortable rooms.
Undibwooo, Wash.
Best line of Cigars in
the City
Also handle line of
Pipes, Tobaccos and
Fishing Tackle
The Finest
New Year Present
For Any
Boy or Girl...
Deposit one dollar to
their credit with
The First
National Bank '
and get a fine new
steel savings bank
for them free of charge.
It is sure to please them.
Call and investigate.
Do Yon Suffer with Dispells
or indigestion? Clarke't Dyspepsia
Tablets willcure vou. Price only 50c.
and Manufacturers of all kinds of
Highest Prices Paid
Veh ides and Agricultural I m plements
. .k of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and repairs, Grubbing Machines and
V i Cable, Aermoter Wind Mills, Buckeye Pumps, Holster Springs,
Hoyt'sTree Supports, and Hanford's Balcani of Myirh.
rkct-noas Extra Buggy Tops, Cushion, Dashes, Pules,
Shafts, Singletrees and Neckyokes.
J. H.
Staple and
Fancy Groceries
Majestic & Mesaba Ranges
and Stiletto Cutlery.
Stock Grown on Full Roots.
We desire to let our friends and patrons know
that for the fall planting we will have and can sup
ply in any number
Cherry, Pear,Apricot,Peach& Plum Trees,
Shade and Ornamental Trees.
Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can
supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitzen
berg and Jonathan apple trees.
RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River. Or.
Closing Out Ladies' Top Skirts
inese bkirts are of the latest Fall and Winter
styles, in blacks, broAvns, blues, plaids and tans.
Exceptional good values at these prices.
Ladies' Top Skirts, worth f 9.00, reduced to $7.00
Ladies' Top Skirts, worth $7.00, reduced to 5.50
Ladies' Top Skirts, worth f G.00, reduced to 4.50
on hand. We solicit your orders.
Oregon Lumber
Hood River, Oregon.
for High Grade Fruit.
Sharpies Tubular
Received the Highest Award-a Gold Medal
at the Lewis and Clark Exposition.
Another Car of those Fine
It. II. WEBER, Prop.
AND I If 111 AND
Evergreen, Rosea and Shrubbery.
Remember, Our Trees are Grown Strictly Without Irrigation.
Houses and Lots
IN -
Coe's Addition
Cheap for Cash or on
your own terms.
Now is the Time to Buy.
Phone Farmers 1233.
H. C. COE.
Dealer in General Merchandise
and Lumbermen's Supplies,
Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts
Free Delivery. Phone 931
..Mount Hood Store.
W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor.
Fine Fishing Tackle Ammunition Dry Goods
Hardware Graniteware Notions
Hay (irain Flour Feed Full line of Groceries
Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First
Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready.
Phone 131.
Tinners, Plumbers and
Steam Fitters
PumpS. Windmills, Spray Fittings
and Hose
Blacksmiths and Wagon Hak ers
The most completely equipped power plant in Oregon.
Contract work a specialty. Grubbing supplies and Log
gers' tools always on hand.
The care of the horse's hoof is essential. We aie
experts in that line and cure corns and interferes.