OD RIVER GLACIER IwuieJ everv Thursday by ARTHUg I). MOB, Publish. Terras o! (uWerliiUon 11.60 a Tu wkeu paid IB advance. THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1906. THE ROCK CIUMIER. The recent defeat of the project to buy ii rock crnshor should not be looked upon as final in thin matter. .The milking aud maintaining of good ; road a in the valley is one of the moat importiint exigencies that now con front the residents of this community. : 4 To maks good roads requires a solid foundation and there in nothing that let better for this purpose, as has been demonstrated wherever it has been used, tliuu crushed rock. While the expense of purchasing a crusher may seem lurge in comparison with the present methods of making roads, in the end it is moat economical. For the foundation onoe made a highway of thia kind requires very little work to keep it in good condition and lust for all time. , The purpose of the gentlemen who agitated the question of pu'chaaing a rock crueller In District No. 3 was not to saddle the entire coat of the ap paratus oo the tapayers of that dis trict, as many of its residents sup posed, but simply to make a start toward purohaeing it, and then have the other district in - the valley pay their proportion toward its expense for the privilege of having the use of it. , Many of the resident in the oth er sections of the valley have been heard to express themselves as in fav or of tbla plan, and there ia no doubt , but that a machine of this character will be purchased in the near future. Good roads bore would mean much for both town and country. The beu . eflt to those living here already is ! easily discornable. To the stranger' coming here lo Invest his money it 1 Would prove one of the strot gest argumeut I that any community can ' put forth. It ia to lie hoped, therefore, that , whatever opposition thore is to this , project will he held in aheyanoo, and : that a plan will bo evolved which will result in the purchase of a rock crush er for the town and valley before the . prewout year has run lta course. " '. The direct primary law will become operative at the June elections and in . order to bring the privileges of thia Jnw to a auccokaful isBtie it wlil be ueo ' oaasry to secure u large registration . prior to the primaries which will lie 1 hold April 20th. The election of U.S. Senators by diroot vote is a qnestloii whiob is being more or leas agitated la every state in the union. Thepres : eut ayatom of selecting incumbents foi this in t important oliloe has be- oome obsolete and vicious. The choice of the voter is miscarried by a legislature whiUi, ouco in ollice, dis regards the roioe of tho people and responds to the crack of the bosses' whip, Oregon has taken the initia tive in trying to obtain for her citi zen a law which will be more repie soutativo of tfiolr wishes. It is tip to f thi people to take advantage of its "privileges. Great endings very fie qiionMy have small bnginings and pro gress is imitative. If you would help abolish a system that has become ob noxious, register and record your choice for Senator at the primary election. . Too often merchauts are satisfied to allow customers to take goods from their places of business without the slightest uudoratuudiug as to when they are to tie paid for. The Oregon Tradesman publishes a pertinent edi torlul on this fact and says; "Iu their anxiety to guiu trade, too many merchauts have impressed cus turners with the idea that the prlnel pal thing to do is to take the good and that paying for them is a second ary matter altogether. Thia is not the case. The customer should no carry away an impression that he rati pay whou he gets ready, lu the dun . aud undefined future. You need not tell bltn to his face, but have it post ed in your store, or printed on your cheeks, or somewhere or lu someway oouvey the impression that 'here is a day for payment aud that you ex peot your money at a certain time. If he wants more time, let him under stand that he must ask for it and make a definite arrangement with you. .This thing of having au under standing with your customers is worth dollars to you." IDAHO'S GOVERNOR KILLED BY DYNAMITE rrank iMetineiihcrg, formtr governor of bluho, una killed at 0: HI o clock last Saturday evening at his home iu the suburbs of Caldwell. A dyi.amlle bomb was placed at. the front gate w ith some contrivance by which it was ex ploded when he entered, iiolh of hie logs were blow n off and be lived but twenty minutes. There was no known reason lor the outrage, but it ia charged to some meinher of the famous "inner circle' of (lie Coeur d A lene dynamiters, whom lie prosecuted so relentlessly in 18il, when governor. Governor (binding is in communica tion with the authorities of that countv and is preparing to put the full support -of the statu behind the otlieiala in run ning down the perpetrators of the crime. liewar.la aggregating j-lS.OtlO have been offered by Shoshone comity and the Stale of Idaho and a number of sus pects havo been arrested. One of them It is said was a prisoner in the famous "bull pen" dining the labos troubles in the Coeur D'lcne country, and is known to have been hanging around Caldwell for pome time. Altogether tivo men are in custody. suspected of the crime and it ia expected that evidence will be developed in a day or two that will lead to the arrest of the perpetrator of this dastardly crime. HOOD RIVERITLS MAKE SPEECHES We publish below two addresses that were delivered at the convention of the Northwestern Fruit Orowrs at La Grande today by K II. Sbepard and J. L. Carter. Mr. Shepard's ad dress is entitled "Hood Klver Meth ods," and Mr. Carter spoke on "Spraying." lioth these subjects will be interesting to fruit growers, both far aud near, aud we tegret that we were not able to obtain the addressee to be made by E. L. Smith and A. I. Mason in time for this issue. The addresses are as follows: Hood River Methods. By E. II. Shepard. At our last convention in Iioise, I heard two Idaho fruit growers discus sing Hood Kiver. One said to the other "Hood Kiver grows fine fruit, but it is not because their apples are better than ours that they g t such wonderful fancy prices, but Ucauae they are such d u blowers." One of our growers called me up on the phone and asked the title of my address, and 1 replied, "Blasts of hot air from Hood River, the valley that grows the finest Spitzeubergs and Newtowns grown anywhere ou God's green earth aud sells them for the highest price." 1 will not waste time in the usual peroration full of platitudes about not being able to make a speech or having the time to prepare one, for a Hood River iiihu is "semper paratua" to talk, but merely aak your indulgence if I seemingly epart occasionally from the subject to blow about Hood River, for that Is one of the methods that assisted in making Hood Rivei famous. And whou 1 do 1 will grant you the privilege of tailing all I say "cum gratia saiis. " 1 will now endeavor to explain in a systematic way the Methods employed that have beeu conducive to securing for Hood River such fancy prices as 12. 10 to $2.50 for Newtowns and 12. fit) to $3.00 for Spitzeubergs, f o. b., and the only grand prize given by the St. Louis exposition to a single county in the United States for green fruit. One of the fundamental principle of the rapid progress of America has beeu specialism, and it is au old law of political economy that not only the Individual but the locality aud the community should devote Its time to a specialty, if it expects to achieve the greatest success either in the 0 nancial world of wealth, or in the more laudable aud crowning glory of fame and honor. Hood- River fruit growers are spe. ciallsts to the extreme limit. We grow practically nothing but fruit, and of that but two kinds, apples and strawberries; the apples are practi cally limited to two varieties New- towns and SpiUonberga and the strawberries to one Clark's Seedling, 1 beg of you, gentlemen, not to expect too much iu the way of iulor miitiou ou the subject of methods, for we aie but mortals and much more of our success is due to the supreme gift of soli and climate than to our meth ods. No matter how high class the workmanship may be you "oauuot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear." We had the good luck to discover the opportunity God gave us, aud the en ergy, perseverance and progressiveueas to accomplish the rest. The Lord fa vored Hood River with a soil full of potash, phosphates and other minerals necessary to produce nign quality fruit of good size, tine color, excel lency of flavor and No. 1 shipping qualities; au ideal climate for perfect development warm days and cool nights; tho ever shining sun kissing our fruit by day, giving it color, while Mt. Hood aud Mt. Adams, 11,000 feet high with ever covered snow capped peaks, cool our atmosphere it uight. I will now tell you as best 1 can how we have done our part, liy investiga tion some year ago we ascertained that Spitzeubergs aud Newtowns were not only high quality fruit, but alwayt In demand. We fouud by experiment that they grow to petfectiou in Hood Klver soil and climate, we otiserv id that these two varieties could be grown successfully in few districts and these comparatively small, We then decided to plant an I grow them, aud have been continuing to do so ever sinco. The point I wish to bring out here for the benefit of every one is that each Individual, each locality, is par ticularly adapted to some one thing, lo do that one thing well and better than any one else will surely bring suc cess and a rich harvest. To illus trate, Los Angeles aud vicinity is famous for oranges aud lemons; Fres no for grapes; Vacavills for apricots, .Sacramento River for peaches, in Col- orudo.Urand Junction aud Panma are celebrated for apples, Rocky Ford for cantaloupes, Parts of Misslouri beat the world on our old friend. Hen Mavis, anil, by the way, dou't forget it is a grand state and supplies the government with more aud better mules than any other slate iu the Un ion. These mules beat the world for kickers. 1 know this because a few of them crossed the plains aud stopped off at Hood River and went Into growing fruit, aud let me tell you, gentlemen, that a Missouri mule fruit grower will lie awake all uight to thiuk up something to kick about to the manager of a fruit union. Hut to returu to our subject. I would say, do as Hood River and other dtatiicts have doue find out what you can grow to perfect iou loi which there is a good demand, and give it every care and attention. Nurse it eat with it, sleep with It. We began at the begiuuiug by buying the best trees, the price being no ob ject. We buy them of reliable nor aerymen whom we kuow select their scions from parent trees known to be good bearers and producing fruit ot tine color aud excellent quality. We cultivate with unceasing cate and iu our orchards you will always Hud the moistuie retaining dust mulch and uo weeds. We prune aud shape the trees with the same care aud fondness we would prune our child of bad habits and shape its character. We spray thoroughly for every dis ease or iusect pest our orchards have or may have, spraying is uow prao- tCHlly a dellulte science, ami ly nu lling energv aud eternal vigilance every orchardist can grow a clean crop of apples. From tho success achieved nst yea i with live and six sprayings with arsenate of lead, we are con vinced that this uumbor of sprayings sulticlont, if properly done at the following times, to insure a dean crop Once before the blossoms have fallen ; next ten days after, and two weeks af ter for the first brood. Two spray ings two weeks apart ar sulllcieiit for the second brood, the time to be de termined by brooding cages. Should there be a third or partial brood, give one spraying aud determine the time i iu the same manuer. 1 do not mean to say that a less number of sprayings would not lie auttlcient, but 1 do mean (Continued oo ei je 7) i ne . Wo have a large money on. Each one is The prieoH on ISuit A big assortment of Picture I'Vuftps worth three times the amount asked, in black and gilt, oval shape, 28 inches'outside measure, for only 350 each. t While they last at 0 Jacket for A f Jacket for We 1 and Tecks lfive a very Your choici All our Toilet Articles, including Face Powder, Liquid Tace Powder, Hair Tonic' Face Creams, Sachet Powder, Shampoo Powder and many oilier articles, at HALF PRICE. ; . ) J Children's fleece-lined Undervests, sizis 28 and 30, worth 30' each,, reduced to 200 A small amount of Golden (Jate and Tree brands of Tea we ave" selling at 250 a pound. If you need any of this, now is your last chance. f ' " " Come and wse uh. You are always welcome. 5 ' ' FALLS 40 FEET INTO WELL AND LIVES A Blx-year-old sou of Ell Robinson, who lives out ou the Ilelinout road, had a narrow escape from being drowned iu a well Mouday. Mr. Kou iuBon was finishing up the curbing of a well that bad been recently dug on bis place, and the little fellow, iu company with his sister, was playing near it. His father was using u r liimt) bob in connection with the work and asked the boy to pick it up aud bring it to him. Tliu plumb bob was lying near the well curb aud the youngster on picking' t up, instead of walking toward his father, stepped backward aud fell into the well, which is forty feet deep. The horrified father descended into the woll by a rude ladder that hi.d beeu used iu the court ruction of it, expeoting to find the boy dead. On reaching the water, howevei, he found that the youngster bad struck on a plauk that was flouting in it aud was calling lustily to be taken out. Fearing that he might have sustained internal injuries, Dr. liroaius wna summoned and made an examiiiutlon, but fouud that beyond a few bruis 's the lad was uuhuit and that there wus no water iu his lunga. liis escape from death or serious injury is con sidered miraculous. (J. E. Williams Sells l'huriinicy. (1. K Williams, proprietor of the Williams' Pharmacy, has sold this business to Charles Hall, of Portland. Mr. Williams is retiring from business here ou account of ill health. A throat elfection with which he Ins beeu suiter lug for some time ninkes it ueiessary for him to seek a climnto with drier atmosphere. Mr. Hull h is been engaged iu the drug business fur a number of years nnd was recently located at Kugene. He v. ill continue the business under its present name of the Williams' Pharmacy and w 11 conduct it on the Hist class plan here tofore adhered to. Possession was given Jan. 1. With the exception of tieo. Crjwell, Mr. Williams had beeu In business longer than any one in Hood Klvi r. Twelve yeais ago the first of January he started his pharmacy in the build ing that Wood It Hunt h Bros, n.ovod out of on the first of the present mouth, Ho 's a tirin believer in the future prosperity of this city, iuhI is much attached to it, both from his long residence here aud socially, and as soon as his hea th will permit, ex pects to return here to reside. Kvenlng Wli 1st Club Has Jolly Time. The Evening Wbist Olub accepted an invitation to a chicken dinner ut I'rot. Thoini sou's Saturday eviuieg, and all went out ut 0 o'clock iu h l.ig wagonette to partake of tho least which Mr. Ihouipson bud 1 repined, with the aiil of a special committee of three of the lady members of the club, who went out earlier in the day. A yell was practiced ou the way out, which wont: Thompson, Tl onpson! lah, rah, n.li! Chicken pie, Clib k. n pie! ha, hit, 1 t ! When the 1 1; 1 1 v weie seated at tl.e table at a signal ft out cue of the n em tiers it was giveu with genuine eiithu slasm, Prof, lhompsoo iind the thick en pi hr.tli luiiig prc.-eut. I t. II jus tice was dorr to tbe generous iej u;t, alter which the e uiug was stent iu playing whi.-t. Air. i ml Mrs. l.ou Morse being tho lull junto i m is of tin pri;cs. At a littU a;li r tie-tit, vvllh v. pnMt:g M'll tho atty started en their return trtn, vctit g the even ing one ot the jollie.t ot the souson. An I p-to-lhite I'lucksmlth Shop. Jant;ary 1-t, Sr " & Upion were in Imsiiio-s three veirs. During tl.hl time the business lias glouu to such proportions tluit it has been neces sary to make tovprnl i i.lnrgeinetits ot the plant. i lie lam how has an equipment tluit is c p.hlo of tiiroing out any kiou ui woiu iu tho I l ak- smithing or lirn work line and it i.-: tho only shi p oi tMkind iu this mt of the state. Tl.e l ull is prepated to bid on both snii.il and latt ct utt.icls: for ironwork ami bias tuii to bet on e J inie ui 11 oou lvini s ieuuiug iiulns tries. Ji, w Tlii:c r.tnl - n 0. K A X. The O. R. & X. Iies issued a lien time card which v tut Iuto eilect at 12 o'clock, Jun. 1 No rl.aiiKC is t. i:oe in the time cf No 1 which will con tiniie to tmiro rt'2:.ritlp ri. No i will arrive nt 11 40 iutteiid of ll:t:ln. in. No M viill arrive st 5:!ti totcud of 8:1 tia m No I at N:.''f, instead ot 8:40, p. m. No. . . t i i lu tenl of 44 :S, a. m. .V c ill l e an hour and two minutes b.tir, a riviug at 11:42, p. in. F". i" - . HOOD RIVER'S LAE.GEST7AND BEST STORE stjzt cases :: :. lino of tfait Caws and Telescopic that we ran Have you largain at the prices we are offering theiu. j. . r Cusva rangt from $11.60 dowu to $1.15. : 1 lalf the original price. . This :. V 4.50 large assortment of Men's Ties Toilet Article HYMENEAL. Wells-Clark. Mias Nellie Clttrk and Peny K. Wells were married New Veers Day nt the home of the bride's father, L. K. Clink, near I'ine Grove. The cite uioiiy was performed by the Kev. Mr. Kighy, by 11 :tl) a. m groimia i an was Warren Wells a brother of the groom and the brides maid waa Miss iVaigurit Wells his sla ter. The marriage took place under a wedding-bell mucin of Oregon grape with a liirgu ciilb lily for a clapper. The parlor was very piettily decorat ed wilh braided ropes of Oregon grape looped from the four corners of the room to the center, f:om which wus suspended the wedding bell. The bride's dress waa made of white uiLOiudiu, triniuicil with white satin ami she wore a wroiith and bridal veil mid carried a boi,it(t of roses and cat uiitioiiH. ihi gloom was attired in a block traciliii! suit. After congratulations were offered a Hue v. i). IU i iik dinner wus served uud tho uewly marreid couple were drneu to this city where they took train 1 for Portjiud for a sliort weddiug tri". On their; return, Mr. aud Mrs. Wells will tiiko up tlu ir residonoe at Pine drove uear the home of the groom's father. Those present were L. E. Clark and family, Jerome Wells and family, ii M, Hull, wife and daughter of Duiur, J. C. Hwauk ami wito, Misses Nellie and llrace Perry, M. K. Thomas and family, Mr. and Mrs. LHtleflold, Mrs. Mnreellua, of Portland, Mr. ami Mrs. Highy mid Fred Mack and K. C. lirock. Senator Whealdou of The Dulles, was a visitor in this city Tuesday. Chi is. Dethmun and Hans Lage went to i Jut u r on tho morning train Tuesday, on business, A. M. Kolsny and his son Claude lfft Saturday for r.o.-oborg where the former will engnge in the lumber bus iness. We are in receipt of a coiiimunica tlou for the liev. T. L, Eliot, asking us lo thikiik tlio neighbors and friends who assisted him and his family dur ing liu lire at his residence recently. C, D. Hendricks, who hits been em ployed as clerk and bookkeeper at McDonald's store, bus nct'cptei a position a bookkeeper with the tirst National but k Henry Wolharl, who'. met wilh a er iotis accident while iirenkiiig hoises recenlly, in which he lu.-t soteia sipiaro inches of tculp and received other injuries that ieiUired li.e str vice of a surgeon, bus lecotticd. The Hlvcr Jordan. Concerning that unique stream, tii river Jordan, Dr. Ltubey, lu "Tbe Jor dan Valley nnd Pctra," writes: "Per haps the strangest thing about this fa mous river Is what none of the an cients ever guessed that its course was mostly below the level of the sea. They journeyed up uud dowu the val ley since la-tore the days of Abraham, they climbed down the roads from Je rusalem to Jericho and up into Moab and Edom; they built roads east and west of tho Jordan; they built roads nnd bridges and cities far below the level of the .Mediterranean nnd yet nev er seciu to have suspected that this stream differed from most of thorivers of the glolte in this Vespect. Greeks, llomans and Mohammedans, Jews, Christians and crusaders knew every nook and cranny of its winding course, but failed to realize that while Its head nud source rested high ou noble llermou's shio its mouth iu the Dead sea was far below the surface of the luiliitnlilo world and all tho surround hi; oceans." I'll -amities That llidn't Occur. When the lirst use was niaiie of the (ml ural as wells people of a certain class were much disturbed. All sorts of evils were predicted, and warning letters were receiv'ed by tho companies In charge, tine man scut a caution against boring much iuto the earth. The world vas a hollow sphere, he said, rilled with a gaseous sulistuuce and floating like a balloon in space. If the gas were allowed to escape disaster would follow. Another, claiming to be j a scientific man, assured the owners of a well that any lire coming In contact with the escaping gas would be coin-' inutiioated to the gas beneath aud cause terrific explosions. "Men are toe inquisitive." lie Raid. "They peer too far. Let tliem beware." The gas com- j panics nave kept on boring, and the world luis so far held Itself together. J means , $3.00 in Strings, Shields, Bows .........100 Michael Ansrrlo's Vow. . 1 The story is told, but with no solid foundation, that Itaphael had under taken to decorate the walls of the man sion of Cardinal Farnesina, on the banks of the Tiber, on the condition that no one should see his work until it waa completed. Michael Angelo took an oath that he would atop this work. Finding his opportunity when the artist came late to work and disguised ns a seller of cakes and wine, he distracted the attention of those round the scaffold that was prepared by offering to them his warea, and, as- cending, he drew upon the wall a gi gantic head of Jupiter and hurriedly left the building, his vow thus accom- pllshed. "When Raphael presently came he instantly exclaimed ou seeing the sketch, "Michael Angelo!" and left the palace never to return. Marriage of the'Adriatlc. "The marriage of the Adriatic" was instituted In commemoration of a na val victory won by Sebastian Zinvl, doge of Venice, over Otto, son of Fred erick BarbaroRsa, 1174. In consequence of this victory Pope Alexander III., who hud been driven to take refuge in Venice, gave to the doge the sovereign ty of the sea, and every year the doge used to go iu grand procession In his state barge nud throw a gold ring into the Adriatic, saying, "With this riug I thee wed." Flowers were then thrown iuto the sea, and the procession re turned. The sentence delivered by the doge on the occasion was literally, "Despousauius te mare nostrum lu sig nuui verl perpetuique domiul." Bible Arithmetic. Ezeklel'g reed was nearly eleven feet; a cubit was nearly twenty-two inches; a baud's breadth is equal to three aud five-eighths inches; a finger's breadth is equal to a little less than an inch; a shekel of silver was about 2s.. 8d.; a shekel of gold wag 2; a talent of sil ver was 400; a talent of gold was nearly 6,000; a piece of silver, or a penny, was Slid.; a farthing was equal to halfpence; a mite was less than a farthing; a gerah was lV-id.; an epbah, or butb, contained four gallons and tlve pints; a hiu was three quarts und three pints; an omer was six pints; a cab was five pints. Loudon Globe. Romance of a Song:. "I'll Hang My Hurp on a Willow Tr.ee" has attached to it a bit of royul romance. It was written by a young nobleman who became deeply enamor ed of Queen Victoria a yeur or so be fore she ascended the English throne, which event destroyed his hopes of winning her hand. The words first ap pea red in an English magazine aud wore set to music by Wellington Guernsey. Thin mm the Mlat. Scene, a town In the north on a very misty day. Sandy McKay (coining put of a pub lic house and meeting his minister face ta face) Losh, sir, It's an awful de celvlu' thing, this mist. D'ye keu (Im pressively!, I wandered lu there the uod, thlnkln' it was the grocer's? Lon don IVlegrnpli. ltu portent. "John, I simply must have another powu." "For what occasion?" "The new cook is coming tomorfow, and I have nothing decent to receive her in." -Cleveland Leader. Sot Overatudy. Lowe Comerdy Yes, Starman, the tragedian, is hopelessly mnd. HI Traff. edy Overstudy? Lowe Comerdy No, his understudy. Ho made a bigger hit In the part than Starman. Philadel phia Press. A Iirare Fraction. "I see that Johnstone Is advertising his goods for sale for a 'fraction of their real value." " "Yes, about elght-flftbs, I thiaV Real Enjoyment. . "Yes, you can spend the day at grandpa's, but be a good boy or your papa will whip you." "Yes'in." "I dou't see how you get so much enjoyment out of talking tb grandpa." "I get him to tell me about the lick ings he used to give pop." Houston Poet Wood For Sale All Kinds sfi .lorves Market Price. Prompt delivery, phone. Murray Kay, For Sale MISCELLANEOUS. For Hale Bar mare, weight 1150. itcntle. sin gte or double; good cultivator. Ptioue lft)x farmers. Murray Kay. J 18 For Hate Hweet corn fodder cheap. J. H Koberg. j is For Hale a fine Poland China brood so. E. Hawkes. H. K. D. No. 1. J IS For Sule-Hlah Grade Wild West aboe for men and boya, at Cowley's ntioe simp, (lupo- roal (Jlllre. au ri.ruir, uwiii, .)rra uurne aim uuk. rimt, liroke single or double; welgb iroin li.sOi u 3 .Olio lbs. Enquire of M. 1 Carnabao, bukea I'.lU ..ill For Stale--A good farm horae cheap; also good cow. Inquire ol Win. Mclleynulda ou c. ai. warren place, i' nines touin oi town. Q21 For aale, aevVral second-band baggie carriages. Fashion b table. and For aale cbeap. one two-home wagon. Kn be l re of J. C. Htener, one-half mile east of trapper school house, oa Mrs. Uoddard rani. ii. j-i For aale, full blooded Plymonth Hock roos ters and puileta. Oery tine slock; will grace any poultr yard; nothing better; guarantee u pieaae oou. uuiy a lew lor aale Mrs. c. I raylord, Hockford Mtore. J4 Far sale, one gent e borne. N. W . Bone. . .... wre, iniuicuwi, jciiiB, i .uu yvi uw. '-i f. nu; chow-chow, fl.bU per doi.. 1 pt; apple ' ' ,B ........ ......... ...1.1 . .A .1 . . uutter, nw., qui. w.ou per aos. Also eannea fruij at K.80 lo 12.76 per doi. uta. Delivered In dosen Iou any where In city flnilta, all put upingina. lira, cu vaunau. raraaise f arm, ruonerai. , j& "BoYfJ OR Uifili or attractive .voungTadlei aoieu ii you nave oniy a rew spare roura, you can employ mem proniaoiy ana eaui money for Xiuas; If yon want to give your en. lire time to the work tou uan earn a nice liv ing. The beat of It la, yon don't need any money to awn. A complete ouintirae, r. O. orawer Mo. vra, tiunalo, N. . 021 Htraved Oi.a red heller with white ami nn face, two yeara old past, marked with crop off each ear, brand O K on hip. Hultable re ward will be paid Air information concerning same. L. H. Khoadea, U. F. !., seven miles uui on enai siue. t jll Wanted-A man to clear ten acres that have been huml g.-iibbed. Mul ahoot atuiuns anil elearolf and burn brush. C. K. Copple, Route o. a. iiiitt To Lend 8IMJ0 to lend on Imnroved hind First niortgHge abort or long lerin.oron uu Improved Und part at. a time aslmprovmeuta re iimuf . Auureas, j, carp uiacier. j u FARMER, do you kuow the Hood River Artificial Hloue Co. is manufacturing Just uie sum oi concrete oiockb. u buna au appi. ormoa neuse- wnne you nave lime linn It over. 'I he cost Is trifling. (Jet prices. 118 REAL ESTATE. For sale Great lla'galn Ten acres b miles out; small orchard, bi st variety of Ireea; two iiiall bousea. Price, $1176, 176 down. Inquire For Male lt ucres. nearly ill Imnrnverl ft.utri hiiniui unit Ku.n ill In.l.u. ........... iH apple trees, ISO bearing: cherry trees, i acre of all uwberries. H pear treea and otner iruus; a nines irom town, will sell at a liar gain. AdUress n care Ctlacler. liM For sale, 15 or 20 acres of the best berry land In Hood River, I y, miles tiom town, nearly all under cnlllvation and In fine condition, at a bargain If taken now. Address uwiur. box roriiaiia, or. . uaoir ... . iiit.fi mica iniiti, uiiiuipruveu; will contract to clear same if purchaser de- Vnr a.. luirinuan .......... i....,, ....i niren, r. w . Aligns. S7-U For Sale Ten. 20 or SU acres; apple and clover; cleared; under ditch. u Beiumau iv. r . l. no. i. n2S For Hale $SS per acre, 40 acres of level land four miles southwest of Hooil Klver, near ciuircn, siure, iv. r. u. nntl gissl .l-r om so not Will sell in small trscis II flettliHri. Knrfiir. ther pnrticulars inquire of A. J. Emerson, rfd no. s, nisia Kiver. ijo HKAUTIFV VOUK HOMK bv havlnir' bandsoine wull of panel or rock face concrete bloi ks placed aiouuit It If your residence Is mi uie mue inn. i ne nooa Kiver Artincial itoue uo. la reauy to book your order. J18 Bids Wanted-ForTS cords of four foot ft wooo will be received for ao daya by achiail district No. 8, same to be delivered before sept, i, mm. c. it. vaughan, clerk. dlM Lost. Lot-A mackintosh cape, between Fashion I.I very bain and my home. Finder pleaae re- Luru. .urs. murruy aay. Uist Package containing six yards of silk iiuurUiiy eveulug. Return to Wllllains' ruarmuvy. Lost Lady'a gold watch, his office. Please leaver at J18 I-ost Or taken by mistake, a sliver mount eu iiinnreiin Willi "w .. is." engraven nn I lie iiiiiniie. r inner win picase leave alslewarL u nunc. IIS Lost Man s niacklnlOHh. hftwwn rcAiuh, iirp.1, tiuii nir r thii k inn Hciinui nouse, r rutay niit-i iiuiiu. iveiuru 10 oaisv E.. i noiiiilH. rruiiKton acnooi, or uiacleromce. Jis Htrayed One ti year old heller! rrt aiiih white spots, bole In right ear, left ear crop. .mi, ii,,i us, ivuer cmi nave aame by r.- 1 i'S iinn nuverLim-iiieui anil expense OI its ding. H. A. Moore, seven mlli.ii uiinliw..ui oi uisia ttiver. (ivM Htrsved A cow. r.rl Mtrulrait u.111, .,., it-.. no horns, lit in each ear and wire twisted In miKcoi nam eai. nan ner since December I A. O. Ilershey, H. F. 1). No. 1. i!28 FLACK YOUK OKDF.HS at once with the Usui mver Artincial stone IX). for chimney blocks and founoailou or retaining wail work, i'liey will do It for you cheaper than you can nave atone out lor and better. Jis Wanted Wanled-,To rent, a rurnlshed house In I he the lower purl il towu by amaii famliy; no viinuiru. m, uiucier omce. trasnttlclent number of horses can be ob tained H. D. Mhelley will take theni to pasture . ...ruv l.l.o UIIVOIUIV, d nniice-ine un icrsign.si will act as a free w.-m in mi iieiKius w filing ut see the conn irj.munu ist LTBpis'i-. J.J. Jordan. UU IMN'T IT ABOUT T1MK lhal you had y.iur residence ralneu nil a concrete blink wull placed under II? li will lixik much better iiu a eeuar is a inn v. t tie MooU Klver Aril- nciai siione co. win ao tt cheap. its Notice I ne annual no el lug uf the stock hoMers of in-, men iiiiuriiveiiieni. v o. w o iu. i.u ti their hall at o ell. Tu.xday, Junuary la, at ,u. nit v t'Kiiiii.ii.ia requested to iiiw iii. ini, Lscy, l'n. J 1 K.T. Foils, M-c'y Alts. P S. Uavidsou. Sr.. who hat oeen spenoing a mcutli with her sou in the (Joeur d' Aleue country. I. returned to this tity. Alter tiieudinff their vacation with the Misses Moor at Piue (irove,Mises iruia ana vman Mascall returned to Poitlind to r nin e their studies ut St. Helen 'a ball Mr. Arthur tilover Otis and U tlii Mascall who hate been viaitinu at lb Ikuu of Mia. Jobu Mohr, returned to Vancouver, Weduesiav. to resmoi. tbeir studies at St. James cuhege. Miss Alta Poole, one of Hood Liv er's school teachers who has beeu spending the holidays at her borne iu Portland, returned to this oity Mon day eieuing and is ugaiu on duty. Mhsos Siua ai.d Marie Mobt who have spent the past foui days at thi ir hone in the Last Side, returned to 7 ihe Dulles luesday. Miss Marie goes to resume her position as head i loi k tu the dry goods store ot H. HerLng The ladies' aid society of the Con gregational cbuich ill hold tbeir an nual meeting and election of othctr on Friday afteri.oou. Jaunarr PL ut the residence of Mrs. Capt Davidson. a iuu atcenaance is requested. Real Estate Bargains. AT . THE EMPORIUIVla Five room house, and lot 80x140 feet, on the heights, $1,1H). Terms reason able if taken soon. 160 acre mountain ranch, all urioer irrigation ditch, twelve miles from Hood River; six acres cleared, one acre or chard: good bunch marketable timber. Also four lots on hill near residence of Charles Caetner; terms reasonable. 6 acres, one mile from Hood River; all apples, 1 acre bearing. Price for 30 days, $1850. 40 acres 6 miles from town, east side , 20 acres cleared, 10 acres orchard. $125 per acre, cash. . 10 acres, 2 miles from town; all in cul tivation. Price, $2400. 4 room cottage. East 45 by 150 feet of Lot 2 block , Parkburst, $1050; $750 House and two lots in Barrett-Sipma addition. $700. Fine business lot on main street for $1600 on installment, or $1500 cash. 6 acres at Belmont, 6 acres in cul tivation, cottage and outbuildings, 150 . apple trees, 2 acres strawberries, 2 acres alfalfa, $1300; $750 or more cash. New 6-roomed cottage, patent bath and closet, four lots, 3 blocks from depot, center of town, $2100; terms reasonable. , Two lots centrally located, $550. Two lots, new 6-roomed house, patent bath and closet, 3 blocks from depot, center of town, $1700. Two-story 8-roomed cottage, lot 70 by 140, on the hill, $1200; terms reasonable. For Sale 9000 acres piue timber; 1 saw mill, cuts 20,000 per day; 1 planing mill, capacity oO.OOO feet per day; 1 store and stock of merchandise, about $3,500; 1 hotel and contents; 1 Baloon building, rented; 3 houses, rented; 10 head horses and harness ; 9 road wag ons, 3 H; 1 logging truck; 5 pair sleighs; 3( head cattle; 50 head hogs; 600 feet lumber; 2000 cords wood. All located at and near Hilgard, Or. For Sale New two-story 9-roora house; Stranahan addition; $1100; terms easy. 14 acres across the road from the M. M. Davenport residence. $60 per acre. Terms' easy. 160 acre mountain ranch, all under ir rigation ditch, twelve miles from Hood Kiver; six acres cleared, one acre or chard; good bunch marketable timber. Also four lots on hill near residents of Charles Castner; terms reasonable. In quire of John Lelsnd Henderson. One goat ranch ou mountain east of valley on county -road. Price $1,600; has small house, running water, and is fenced. Terms, easy. For Sale) Beautiful lots in Park addi tion, center of town, from $200 to $300. 8 100 acres at White Salmon; line timber land ; $10 an acre. Lots 10, 11, 12, block 5, Wauconia ad dition; improved; price $1,600; j or more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent. Small house and lot on hill to rent, $24 a year; two vacant lots with privilege of purchase $20 a year for the two. For Sale Residence on State street at head of Front; $2,500, including 3 lots. For Sale or Exchange for Hood River property Fine residence in business center of Sumpter. Money to loan. 21 a. at Frank ton; improved; $2400. First-class Surveying Outfit At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class transits and solar attachments, and the proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre pared to do the work of laying out acre age property in lots and blocks, and do ing all kinds ot surveying and platting. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON, City Engineer. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, tlnlti d Htntea Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, December 211, 1H05. A aurnclpnt contest affidavit having been tiled iu thia othce by Andv M. H. ntlv. contestant.against homestead entry No 122;io, innue fiarco iu, nnw, ior nr.y4. isec. ay. tp. i, s., ranvu 10, E. W. M.. bv James F. Wall, cm- tesiee, iu which it la alleged that said James r. wait, has abandoned sa d and for more than six months last nasi and there are no Improvements thereon whatsoever, and that said alleged absence was not due to lits em inoymeiit In Ihearmv. navv or murine corim oi the United Htates in time or war. siald nartlex are herehv notllled tn n incur. repoud and oiler evldeuce touching audi alle gation at 10 o'clock a. m. on February 18, l'.KM, before Uid. T. Frather. a IJ. H. t.'oininlioner, at hlsoine In Hood Kiver, Oregon, and that nnai nearing win ne neiu at IU o'clock a. in. on February lit, W0H, before the Keglner and Itecelverat the United States Land Office In ine oauea, Oregon. The said contestant huvtn. In nrnnn, am. davit, Hied December 18, 11105, set forth facta which show that aiter due dlllirence nerwinul service of thia notice can not be made, It la hereby ordered and directed that such notice oe given by aue aim proper publication. iHiiiiflia. i. mo. Art, -Jl Keglster. At the Churches. Belmont M. K. Church. H. C. Clark, pastor. Servicee. Belmont: Sunday schisil at 10 a. in.; Class meetinu atll ui. ; Epworth League 7 o. in. : nreach. ing every Sunday evening and 2d Sun day in month at 11 a. m.; Prayer meet ing Ihursday 7:30 p. m. Services at Pine (.4roi-e same as above except preac!. ing, which is on 1st and 3d Sunday at. 11 a. m. Cranper. 1st and 3d Sumluva at 3:30; Sunday school at 2:30. M.mm Hood. The 4th Sunday at 11 a n t Sunday school at 10 a. m. Methodist .Preachinir at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m Sabbath school 10 a. m.; Ep- worth League 7 pm. Prayer meeting rhuisdav eveniiiij. All conliMllv ed. V. ('. Evans, oastor. St Mark's Euiscoual Chiinh n,,t H wiiiHIUIIIIJII HI o o CI(Mg ; prayer at 11, and evening 7:30. s morning prayer at U. B. Church Sabbath si-brail, o js- preaching, II a. m.; Junior services un- lerthe leadership of Mrs. Elbe Heeler p. ni. ; I litl-tlim Ludeavnr ii,..i,,r 6:30; -erinon by pastor, 7:30 All are nvited to any and all of thee set vice M. Heeler, pastor in charge. Uuitariau Corner Stutu arrant Park avenue. Service at 1 1 a day school at 10 a. m. Valley Christian Sunday ach! nt 10 a. m. : nieachins at n. v u c C E. at 6.30 li. m rrnnehin.r ui- :H0. Chalk talk every Sunday even- oif. We extend a cordial invitation o all to attend the day. W. A. Elk ins, pastor. Riverside Concresatinnnlv.v n (lilmore, pastor. Sabbath school t iu a. m. Worship and nreachinu 11 Quartette choir. Sermon bv the naa! tor. C. E. 6:45. Evening :30. Christian Services for next Sunday ill be held iu the K. P. hnll K.,n. oay scnnoi ut 10 a. m. Preaebio at II a ui. and 7:30 p. ni. C. E. at (i 30 p. in. Cordial invitation to ail theseivi. t. W. A. Wood, pastor. ruther.u Services will be held again next Suuduy, Jtin. 7. Sunday schi ol at 2 p. ni. English preaching with couitnuuiou at 3 p. in. H. J. Kolb, pastor.