The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 28, 1905, Image 7

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0 Our Store Open
fl Always up-to-date
We close at 0
6:30 P. L o
n Saturday Nights
Great After Xmas
Men's and Boys' tSuits
w -ZZ?" f " '" JHHI Wll a Mil III. .. Inillfc iM.HII ! Ill llll.HW tllll )
- nmm , -.M , ---M m
I ' "
& f&xf! "
All Wraps, Furs,
Ready Made
will be absolutely cut in two.
We must clean up
for stocktaking
We need the money.
Greatest opportunity
for securing stylish, reliable
wearing apparel ever offered
in the West. No trash here.
g Where All
Q is Reliable
t HramW
i Kincaid &
I Wood.
Copyrighted, 1905 1
Furnishing Goods
will be offered at
less actual cost. We
must not let a sale
slip. We will save
you enough on a
suit to., buy a new
hat. Shoes, under
wear; every gar
ment is new and
it ri'Ml ltJ'?hH u
i I! i;- ill
2hted, 190V, X
Brandeete, Kincaid & Wood. Copyri'i
, - i T
We Don't Open
M ai a ark
Money to loan. E. H. Hartwig.
Mr. Bartmess is on a cash basis.
j.lioes lit manufacturer's cost, Knapp.
Do you me Xaptha soap? 5c per bar
at McDonald's.
fresh Olvmpia and Eastern oysters at
the G Mil Cindy Kitchen.
Sec that ilutuly lino of Folders at the
Diitz Studio.
Shingles. See us for best prices.
Oregon Luinher Co.
Il'youwaot something that will he
unique, we have Japanese ware. It
ean't he duplicated and yet is service
able. At Clai ke's, the jeweler.
Sidewalk lumber. Delivery same
day order is received. Oregon. Lumber
Do you use Lath? Get our price and
compare it with that of competitors.
You will make money this way. Ore
gon Lumber Co.
Closing out all but millinery, Knapp.
All the latest styles Photos at the
Deilz Ktudio,
There is nothing, perhaps, that a wo
man admires so much as a diamond
ring. If you want to ' make yourself
solid with your bcU girl or your wife, it
is always a winner. Clarke, the jeweler.
Patronize home industry by buying
ranch butter ri McDonald's.
The Gem Candy Kitchen makes fresh
candy c very day.
I'uh't-rizriil icea an I Java c 'ff ;J a
(io to .Mr. for abstracts and
li' tnial work, renting and collecting.
IViifioii pioi i seen ed and legal pa
pers carefully drawn. .Mnny to loan
en lir-t nior gages.
Men's hat.i and shirts at wholesale
price at KnappV.
It. is to your inteiest to refer to Mr.
I5.i. t ;nejs' ad in der the new system.
liulilier liouti halt coled white vou
wait in 20 minutes. Guaranteed not to
leak. At Don an's Shoe shop. Oppo
site Wd;iam s I himnaej .
Don't v through life without a clock
or a watch to record the fleeting hours.
Time is money. Most anything might
happen to you by guessing at the time
Get a time pi ce or clock at Clarke's
the jeweler.
Notice U hereby given to the stock
holders of The YVa'er Supply Company
of Hood River Valley that the annual
meeting for the election of directors for
the enciiing yer, and any other business
that may come up before it, will be held
lit i he office of Judge Prather, Haturday
Jan. ii, I'M), at 'J p. m.
F (i. CllUUCH.Sec'y.
Extra fine pie pork sausaire at Mc-
Guire Utos.
What looks more handsome on the
sideboard than fonie nice silverware?
Nothing. Mother or father would ap
preciate this, and in fact we don't think
anyone would object to ha dim it. At
Clarke's, the jeweler.
Use Williams' anti-septic hair tonic
and keep off gray hairs.
Chickens, ducks and fresh oysters at
Alcorn's City Market.
The party who rented my orchard
having taken sick and is not able to
work, the place is open to another
renter. Will give two-thirds of apples
raised if I set a renter who will attend
to the orchard as be agrees to do. 1
want a man to begin work immediate
ly. W. Li. AdamB, Paradise farm.
Clarke still has a few good watches
and diamonds whoce pi ices don't need
lowering nince Christmas for they have
never been raised from rock bottom
Dressed chickens lor Sunday dinner
at McGuire Bios
Madam Brown, Palmist and Phren
ologist, is at the Thompson house.
Tells you your past, present nnd future
and every thing you ymi want to know.
Readings 50c fur a few day only.
Pure leaf lard home made, at Mc
Guire liros.
Ilegin the new year by getting your
self some of Clarke's china.
Head clirece, pvs' feet jelly, fresh, at
the City Market.
A. Kiiimoiis will open a meat mar
ket on the hill opposite Gill's store Jan.
1. tie will have on hand a line of
choice meats at lowest prices, and will
also handle the Royal Bakery's bread,
fresh every day cakes and pies. Before
going elsewhere get his prices.
Clams for chowder at Alcoru's City
Vou will be sure of a perfect cure for
all watch diseases if they have been to
Clarke's watch hospital for treatment.
Father time baa left some good time
pieces at Clarke's, lk'gln the new year
w ith a clock that keeps perfect tune.
Fresh vegetables, oranges and apples
at the City Market.
There are a few pretty bracelets at
Clarke's that would make good gifts for
people who are a trifle late deciding
hat to ge.
Don't forget that O n ke's cut gliss
excel any lit town. Come ami see.
Watch Clarke's watchos go.
Cudahy'g Ilex brand hams 15c per lb.
at Mc. Gtiire Bros
The controversy which has been on
between the towns of White Salmon,
Bingen and Underwood ar to where the
new railroad -tatio.i would be located
is said to have h en Kittled by the se
lection of Bingen as the chosen place.
Theo Suki-doif, who was recently in
Hood Rivi r f om the neighboring town
across the r announced that he had
sold 18 arivs t" i Ik- railroad company
and that pnilot' I right of way bought
from him inclnd d i atrip 300 feet wide.
This win the n p ''ed purchase of 1000
feet of I lie sain dill from Judge Byr
k tt would iud ca pretty conclusively
that it is tli ' intention of the com
pany to locate die station at Bingen.
It is said by purlieu who claim to know
that long siding wilt be constructed at
Ibis point and that it is also the inten
tion of the company to erect repair
shops there.
The people of White Salmon ' have
not git en up the struggle yet, however,
and think that the railroad company
will make some provision for them.
It is hoped tlii.t a station will be made
at Unde wood so that they will be en
abled to ship their apples and berries
from that point instead of having to
haul them over the long steep road to
bingen. it is thought that the new
road may establish a flag station at
Un lerw od.
The prices, received for the land
takeu the new road, have been sat
isfactory. One man who disposed of
three quarters of an acre is said to
have received $2,700 for it, and others
are tttid to be getting in the vjoinity
of 91,000 an aore for their strawberry
' Arsenate of Lead Spray.
The Union has obtained the exclu
sive agency for this spray for Hood
River valley, and consequently oan
save the growers from 2 to 3 cents per
pound. It cost last year 16 and 17
cents. The Union will furnish it this
year at 11 cents per pound, tat in or
der to do this we must get the orders
early, so as to order in bulk We are
now figuring on a carload. Growers
are requested to fill in the postal card
orders which have been mailed, 'or
call at the office and order.
The Union desires to say that or
ders from all growers will receive the
ame prompt attention. It is not
necessary to be a member of the
Union In order to get tbe price of 14
cents per pound. We want to save
all the money we can for tbe growers
of Hood lilver valley.
ntTi,TOfTlUTQ TTTT7T7T7' Blioulil be rail of rausld and merry maklnr. We wlh to help yna on thli occasion
Vjli LvlO X illixp W XiiXi. bv ni'ln a iieclnl offarof the newet and prellleit inuaic published IhU mmin at '
n price Hint von could not get It Air at inv iitv mini.- rrf In I li country. Look In our t)lg window and see the hundreds of
I'roliy ptw pieces, j'tck out Ave or i I'iwia H ill . yna m l them at tlU spee at price, and yoq'll opt be aorry,
New Marphei
S ncopated Rags
Cupid and the Cowboy
My Dream Lady
Happy Heine
Chicken Chowder
Cleopatra Fiolirgap
Southern Roses
Maude Fealy, with fine picture
Belles of Dixie
H i IVcp
Wake Up, Malinda
Me ie-ina
A Daughter of Shiloh
The Biph'nl Cac! elor
The J General
V Deed of the IVn
Neath hou'hern Skies
New Songs
IJ-rause Vou Were An Old
Pweeihr-Bit of Mine
J net Plain Folks
I Can't Think ob Suthin'ise
But You Alone
Evoryduy Is Sunshine Wt&&
the Heart Beats True
Hack Among the Clover and the
In the ('itv of Sighs and Tears
A Penny for Your Thoughts
Just for Tonight
As Your Hair Grows Whiter
My Dream of Love
I've Got a Fcelin' for You ,
My Rosary
Silverheels, new Indian song
The Girl I Loved Out in the
Go'den Wert
Thj Trouhador
The Picture That's Turned To
ward th Wall
New WIUe
Viola, very pretty
My Lady of the Nor'h
Value Tranquil, the latest
Itoee Dreams
Golden Sunset
A Lady of Quality
Northern Lights
My Lady Grace
Hearts' Haven
Bride Bells
Queen of Heart
Iu tlie Shade of the Old Apple
Soldiers of Fortune
Burt Van Horn, of New York, spent government buildings, came to this
Christmas here. city Saturday to spend the holidays.
H. P. Davidson went to Seattle on A Anoi.t la also Here
business last week. na w,u mm lor
Frank Chandler waa a visitor in . t: K- Castner went un the road on
Hood Kiver last Friday. Diuuness luesuay.
Will Vost spent Christmas at his .. "r9- . '"'ur ?l'el'Vl,lsA,al
former home at Tbe Dalles. nomo ' "er onngr, m rs. i;c iu,
J. F. Culbertson went to The Dalles " ; " f'
on business last Thuraday. Aiiorney uauwig went to i ne j.aues
Mrs. H. L. Vorse is spending a few , '.rilr fl.
days at the home of Frank Cram. .... , , .,
I Wait Tl.tntj 1. lint will iirimli al (ho
MrB. E. II. 8hepard had the pleasure ITi(:; i,,..i. mm,..i,.v. iu an
of having her mother with her Lt eleven o' clock a. m .
Christmas. ... . .....
. . .... ,. , 11. . .1 (.1111 III , IIU IB uviiik mo
E. E. Allen, who Is attending school Mt ,, ,,,,.,.1 ot Iiroaf a,
atCorvallis, is home for the Christ- ri...;D(m. .;ii. i,;a .,,, t; i'.!ni wl
mas vacation. . . . ., . .
r a L t-ii. a - M I V. A. IttUU In 1IHVIIIU II1U ruulllB 1 II
O. W. Krum left here Saturday for L. , . v..wul i,ii,ii., (i(t.i ,,t
?up,tuB?,dJ' Wh"e he wlU- remBin over will occupy them as a real estate bllice.
the holidays. - . ' , ,lf , ,,. .,,
D. R. Cooper, E. H. Shepard and ia " ,: in iwiiiwi i,a ,'.,,( u
A. D. Moe spent the day in Portland moveJ Bnd Js ,low ,ivi, at 3,,4 ColwuJ.
last Thursday. hift HtrBat
W. 8. Urlbble, tbe Mount Hood A p vv:i.. .1.0 ,i, i
merchant, and postmaster, baa moved the q jt & jf,' stationwho went to
his family to this oity for tbe winter. (, d t . (or Christmas, is
Miss Kate Davenport, a teacher In again on duty. -,
the Odell schools, is spending the hoi- Carl Jones, who has been employed
Idays with her mother's family at on tbe work tram of tbe Mount Hood
Mosier. railroad, bad the misfortune to have
We know of one little girl who receiv two of his fingers mashed wbilo un.
ed 89 gifis Christmas and $12 in money, loading lumber luesdny.
She .nust have spent a merry Christmas A.M. Kelsay, K. K. Allen and B.
indeed. Johnson have purchased a saw mill at
8. H. Cox, manager of the Gold Roseburg and will go into the lumber
Run mine, arrived in town, from the business there. Mr. Kelsuy expects to
mining camp Thursday and spent the leave town tins wcca ami win return
holidays here. later and move his family to his new
... , . p ace 01 DusineSB. air. Alien win aiso
W. II.. Eccles, managor of the Ore- L u , m., ,. u,w..h,...,. 1., n.Q
gon Lumber Co., left town on train 2 f,nre
Friday to spend Christmas at his . . ., ,. , ., , .
home in Odgen, Utah. , John bniclUcr and wife and tiie.r
0 ' rlnmilila. i.f W nt It I tl ir l.ill In U'lin nm
Rev. H. Barnes, who has been crit- , " i: n. .... ,.' f,.,.i i,.n.
ically iU with pneumonia Is, we are lau, imUy ai d p.'t Christman with
pleased to state, much better and ' 1. m. Kelnnelizer. who is 11 of
now thought to be out of dangei. Mr. and Mr s.-hmeltzer. Thev were
Dr. Waters of White Salmon waa a driven over the valh v and returned to
caller at tbe Glacier ouioe Friday. Portland Tuesilav.
Tbe doctor thinks theie Is a prosper- R. Hall who has been in business
ous future in sight for bis resident at Eugene in the diug lino was here
town. last Thursday looking over the ooun-
Mlss Grace Carter, who ia spending 1 try with a view to buying a fruit
tbe winter at Oregon City, eame borne ranch. W. J. Baker drove him through
to spend Christmas with ber parents, a portion of the valley and he whs very
Air. and Mrs. J. U Carter ot the East lavoramy lmpresseu who uio oiiuook.
Side. R. G. Davenport, who was munager
Miss Ella Evans, dauuhter of Rev. of Tbe Dalles Chronicle for eleven
W. C. Evans of this oity, who ia a years, and who has been 011 a pleasure
student at the State Univera'ty at Eu- trip foi three months in Califoroii-,
ffene. is at borne for the Christmas was a passenger on train 4 Thursday
vacation. eevuing. He was returning to tbe
Norman Young and wife have gone ooun;y seat, here he expects to eu
to Collins Hot Springs for several gage iu business shortly.
days. Mr. Young Is suffering with j. L. Haiidersoi, who waa recently
rneumatism ana win lane weaimeni cDuflued to the hospital with
at tbe springs. troubleaome abscess, sulf ercd a slight
ui r.n wnn., .hn Atia . . relapse after leaving there last week
.,.n0ii.u n.nun in t.o utnn, f wii. I and baa M'eii otiiigcii to remain in
liamsACo.. at The DaUes. is snend- oora again. Mr. liemlersoii is gut-
ni, th hft (flova th hap nurAiila In IIUK BIUUK ll'iuv nun, ii'inciui. auu
Hood Kiver it la expected that he n ill soon regain
nnfn nil,a . f,m ,.Mt. nis oia-ume iKr.
of Hood River, but whose family is ' ' tue Journal a content, lor ine inp
in n-iifcmu in i.nAi.H. 1 to Hawaii the ote of the candidate
ne the Chr stmas vacation with o. lul". r .
Bartmess. Mr. Dlcken ia attending Crossen of llio Dalles,
school at Corvallls.
Mrs. James Rees, of tbia city re
cently underwent an operation at The
Dalles hospital and is making a good
recovery. Mrs. Rees waa formerly
Miss tiinma Fisher aud resided at tbe
county seat.
W. R. Winans made his family a
Christmas present of a Gabler Grand
iniuno. Uueot Messrs hou e Kros. IlOiKJ
instruments, manufactured by Gabler
- 1 It... r.t K'o V.rk Vul-hllul,..,! 1m
rDl PT A T vricm for th wH on all SJe, 85
oirJlUXALi jfoc publications. , .
5 COPIES FOR $1.00
Bros, of New York. Established in
1854, these pianos are at the head of
the list (or soulful tone.
Tbe friends of E. Olinger, tbe oity
marshal, made him a Christmas pres
ent of a One 38 caliber Smith i Wes
son six-shooter "Eph" ia very prond ;
of his new weapon and wishes us to
thank tbe "boys" for this remember-1
A long distance drrp-a-coln-in the-
slot telephone baa been installed at
tbe Mount Hood Hotel. Tbe phone
is in a booth, insuring privacy and it
should prove a great convenience to
tbe patrons of the hotel.
D. E. Rand, foi merly of thla city,
bat now living in Portland, spent part
of Saturday and Sunday here. Mr.
Rand went up tbe road Saturday but
returned io tbe even ng and visited
friends and relatives until Sunday ev
ening when be returned to Portland.
W. S. Arnold and wife, wbo have
been at Cacaade Locks for some time,
where Mi. Arnold has been superin
tending tbe constriicop, of the new
Miss Emilie
Ui.liKO; Miss
Lucile Crate, also of TI10 Dulles, i'J,
6; and Mirs St Uu Uichnrdson of
Hood River. 4L74H. The contest
closes ou the !U)th of this mouth.
Mrs. Mailiu, of The Dulles, who is
81 years of age suffered a stroke of
vararlvsis there lust week and it is
not thought that the cau survive.
Mrs. Marlin is tbe mother of Mrs. J.
Ii. Grosser. Hiid Is well known to a
uumber of iicod Kiver residents.
Among the witnesses wbo came np
from Mount Hood to testify in the
Helmer case weie Miss Sun Cooper
and Mrs. Larwood. Ibe latter was
formerly a Dalles girl, Misa Miuuie
Wiggle. Miss Cooper tehtilled to the
fact that the children iu question were
not aent to school regularly. Chron
L. Taylor and W. L. Taylor of
Grand Junction, Colorado, have de
cided to m ke this city their home
for tbe future. They are ranchers
and have been in the fruit business
for a number of years. It is their In-!
tentinn to look tbe valley over and if
possible rent a fruit ranch.
The Woodmen of tho World will
hold a lsket social and entert ainment
January 13, at tbe K. P. hall in the
opera bouse. It will be un Jer the
auspices of the uniformed rank of
that organization aud an eujoyable
time is looked forward to.
Miss Gladys Ilartjy entertained,
Tuesday evening, in honor ot Miss
Maud bhauuon of Forest Grove. The
young ladies are school friends. The
for YOU NONE for US at our CLOSING prices.
All we ask you is tho factory price and the freight
charges on any of our stock, except millinery. We
havejnatle something out of profits on mei chan
dise, and now if you do not make something out of
it then it is YOUR fault
We have seasonable goods in Men's, Ladies'
and Children's Arctics and Rubbers, Silk Velvet and
Felt Slippers, all sizes. Sweaters, Underwear;
Gloves, Mittens, Shawls, Hosiery, Shoes, Caps,
Leggins. Get the goods and take our profits all
home with you.
evening was enjoyably spent in listen
ing to music, after wbloh refresh
ments were served. The party num
bered about twenty.
Louis A. Henderson, who is attaini
ng the state university at Eugene, is
home lor the Christmas vacation.
Charles Morse and Cecil Holman
went to Mosier Christmas, and spent
the day duck bunting.
Miss Delpba Hammond. teacher
in the Fraukton schools, Is spending
her vacation at ber borne in Port
land. Miss Hammond's pupils had a
Christmas tree in tbe school room
Friday afternoon. The little ones
showed their appreciation of their
teuober by placing many little remem
brances oi her on tbe tree. Collect
ively they gave her a gold pen.
Mrs. Gilbert of the Mount Hood ho
tel, wbo has been on an extended vis
it to ber old home in Ohio and other
eastern poluts, returned to Hood Riv
er, Sunday. - Mrs Shoemaker, Mrs.
Gilbert's daughter, of Pendleton, and
nor nusband, wbo has been In Ha a
Francisco, also oame here for Christ
mas and there was quite a family re
union under tbe hospitable roof of tbe
Mount Hood.
McGuire Bros, report the biggest
trade tbey have ever had. All of their
poultry aud extra Christmas meats
and eatables were well oleaned out,
with practically nothing held over.
The Christmas dinner served at the
Waucoma Hotel was very much enjoy
ed by the patrons of that hostelry and
Landlord Fouta reoelved many com
pliments on ita excellence.
The Luge family held a reunion at the
home of lieu I.age Christmas. Twenty-
one members of the family were present
and a merry Christmas was spent. A
son of II. Lage who was not at home
was the only one absent. Itiose present
were Mr. and Mrs. II. Lage, Mr. and
Mrs. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Koberg,
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lage and their child
re nr.
Eastern Star Installs Ofllcers.
Hood River Chapter. No. 25, O. E.
3., installed tbe otlioers recently elect
ed at tbe annual meeting Tuesday
evening. They are as follows :
W. M.-Mrs. T. J. Kinnaird.
W. P.-C. D. Thompson.
A. M.-Mrs. C. N. Clarke.
Conductor Mrs. Harry llailey.
A. C.-Mrs. Chipping.
Hecretaiy Mrs. Theresa M. Castner.
Treasurer Mrs. H. II. llailey.
Ada Mrs. H. L. Dumble.
Ruth-Mrs. J. Otten.
Esther Mrs. O. E. Gove.
Martha Mrs. Frances Morie.
Electa Mrs. A. D. Moe.
Chaplain Mrs. Mary Clarke.
Warder-Miss Wright
Sentinel-H. II. bailey.
Sew Meat Market.
A. L. Emmons will open a new meat
market on the bill, January 1, and
will havt a Qrst-clasa supply of meats
at reasonable prices. He baa made
arrangements to handle the Royal
bakery bread aud other products
and invites tbe residents of the bill to
give him a share of their patronage.
Hood River may bave a vinegar
factory. A representative ot Jones
Bros., ot Louisville. Ky.. was recent
ly here looking ovor the ground with
tbe intention of locating suoh a plant
here. Jouea Bros, claim to be tho
largest manufacturers of vinegar iu
the world. The compauy is a wealthy
one. but in order to insure the suc
cess of the enterprise here they would
like to have the residents ot 1100a
River and tbe valley take stock io tbe
It is the intention of tbe new con-.
cern to utilize the cull strawberries
and apples for tbe manufacture ot
vluegar and if the citizens show dis
position to render aid there is no
doubt that the factory will be built.
Another feature of tbe business
would be tbe making and the bottling
of refined cider. There Is a good de
maud for this at all seasons of h
year aud it oan be kept lndeflnate v.
There Is also a good profit in it.
While there was not enough cull apt Ion
tbisyear to have supplied a factory of
thai character, the increased numli r
of orchards which will come into
ing next year and the many new r-
cbards which are being planted ill
add their quota of cull apples frtm
year to year aud the establishing ol a
vinegar factoiy here will make a mar
ket for these otherwise unmarketaLle
Jiy utilizing tne apples in in tan
and the strawberries in tbe spring it
is thouubt that the plant oan be kept
iu operation almost the year around.
Hoist Masquerade a Success.
The masquerade dance given by
Profeor and Mrs. Hoist last Friday
eveniug was a deckled success. It
was well attendod aud all report au
enjoyable eveniug. At VI o'clock the
merry party numasKea ana ic is need
less to say that there were many surprises.
The llrst prize for ladies was won
bv Miss Bess Isovbers. who represent
ed a Spanish dancing gill; the second
prize was taken by Miss Mamie Bow
en. representing me uregon journal.
The first prize for gentlemeu waa giv
en to J. U. DeBorde as the best
dressed man on the tloor, and C. R.
Sch i tiler captured the second prize in
costume of a Zulu.
Basket Ball Dee. 29.
A game of Basketball has been
ranged between the Hood River team
and the Dalles team, and will be played
at the gymnasium, Friday evening,
Dec. 29.
Increases Its Accommodation.
Manager Gilbert of tbe Mount Hood
Hotel, has leased six rooms in tue
Davidson block and will lit them hl
to be used as sleeping rooma in t
uection with the hotel. The roouit
are team heated and supplied with
other conveniences and will be qniU
an addiiton to tbe botel in ita over
crowded conditio"..