The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 28, 1905, Image 6

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An uddresa recently rnado hisfore
tlie Vnune Men's C'lirintUu axeouia
tion of Portland by Tom Kichardxon
4a rejili'te with wiwlom and cogent
reasons why the young man should
locate in the Northwest. The area
nients adduced hy Mr. Kichardvon ure
convincing, and aro not forth as fol
lows :
Firtit of all, the mont importaut rea
son why young men and young women
shunld soik this portion of the United
States as a permanent home is on ao
count of what I believe to be the most
invigorating moderate climate any
whore in the world, 1 base this
somewhat unou my personal experi
ouoo. for when 1 came here Home 20
months ago 1 wan pretty well UUed
with mularia arid tipped the sealos at
; 133 pounds Hinoe my arrival 1 have
been 'unite bun, and have spent
great many hoars at my desk, without
the privilege of taking as ruuou out
door exercise as 1 would have liked,
still 1 now weigh a littlo over 1UU
pounds. My health approaches per
fection, mill my appetite is all that 1
conld auk. My children, who were
jitalvM of the (lull (Jotiht country,
and tvnical children of that climate,
are today as rosy-cheeked as if Ore-
eon born, and Mrs. liichurdson has
been us much bonellttod as the chil
dren and myself. Climate is the most
important Item to every man, woman
and child in selecting a permanent
home. While it Is not, by any menus,
all the difference between heaven and
perdition, the Hiblogives it first place
in describing the joys or the one ami
tho terrors of the other.
Thero is no place whore the soil
produces more bountiful returns,
whore there is a greater abundance of
pure w ter, and with uu acceptable
climate, good soil and pure water the
butt le of life is more than mill won,
Tho best minds of tho commercial
, world Hgreo that there Into be an
enormous development iu the trade
of the Paul lie, mid thero are mora op
portunities for river transportation
throughout the section of which Port
land is the metropolis than iu any
otlior portion of the Uuitod States.
The very fact that rail transportation
i limited and that tho immediate fu
ture UHSiiros tremendous activity iu
this most Important item of material
development presents to many practi
cal opportunities for young men
throughout tie Northwest that it
seems iiunocessnry to iiume them.
Pioforo heoomiug specilic, let's say
that when we mention "young men"
wo mean capable young men, young
meu of good uioruls and good courage,
young men who have confidence in
themselves and iu their city, county,
state and country, young men who
are willing to do objectiouablo work
If It is honest, while waiting for an
opportunity to get something better.
This great Pacific Northwest coun
try is the home ol the greatest availa
ble timber supply in tho world, and
that practical, hard headed, self-made
' man, James J. Hill, president of the
(Jreat Northern railroad, which is
now building Into Portland In con
nection with tho Northern Pacific,
says that from a tin III j standpoint
one acre of good timber is oqual to
, oto hundred and eighty ucrel of
wheat. That is a startling proposi
tion that the crop of timber which
(Jail gave us mi one acre of this fer
tile Northwiiht will furnish as much
freight from one crop as will n fertile
acre sown iu wheat, the woild's great
est cereal, iu m) years, and Mr. llill
lu making this stataiuuut has told the
commercial and tluuucinl world why
it Is that tho railroads are seek
ing an outlet to the Pncillo and the
Orient with a view of helping handle
this timber before the great forests of
the Northwest are devastated.
The opportunities which will come
from the introduction of electricity
to universal transportation and 'he
many factories to be built olfers to
the young man many opportunities to
accumulate millions. I have a young
friend at Nowberg, soil of a Quaker
family, who makes a good living out
of an oleoma plant in that village. It
is possible for him to make money out
of this plant because he uses every
lossiblo common-seuso eouuomv.
liming the saw dust from one of
tho saw mills for fuel, And such op
portunities as these present theiu
selves everywhere,
in Portland from February 10th,
lOUii, until November 21 l'M, there
were issued by authority of the city
government H8i building pormits.
and the month from October Ki to
November Hi beat the record, show
ing '2H7 permits or more than 10 for
every business day in tho mouth. 1
mention this especially as it followe I
immediately alter the close of the ex
position, when so many doubters had
predicted a slump, and this particular
110 days was vital to Portland for the
reason that many people throughout
the entire o.uutlry were watching her
with a groat deal moro attention than
over before.
The throe states of Oreuon. Wush
lngton ami Idaho haro about -ill per
cent greater area than the Japanese
Km pi re. and there Is about the same
proportion of waste laud In both seo-
tlons, Japan has l,"o,iHl,ltK) people,
and these three great states have not
to exceed l.OOtUiiK).
Now I uui not ijoiog to tell the
young man who expects to be a mer
chant just where he should locate,
uor nave any advice or this Kind f r
the young man who expects to en
gage in me Hanking liiiHiiiess uor
those who foil -w any of the given
trades. Hulllce it to say, that every
bran i! h of human endeavor will devel
opo proportionately here just as they
have in other sections o( advanced
modern civilisation, it will be but a
short time when the surplus money ot
this country cau't be loaned at big
rates of iutora-t, and t hen money will
be seeking investimtit in industrial
As a boy 1 lived iu tuincy, Illinois.
We had a very large wholesale trade.
There grew up such a competition,
however, beti eu Chicago, bit. Louis,
Kansas City ami other Misourl liivor
points that our trade area became re
strioted a had to light for all the
business we neuied the money en
gaged in the wholesale business did
not pay snllloient dividends we went
into muuufui tnring. 1 he present
and the immediate future will make
it necessary that we should diversify
investments to every possible extent,
throughout the Paeitlo Northwest,
and this diversillcatiou and t he growth
which must come iu all lines otrers
openings, not only for tho right kind
of young men as employes, but as
heads of the business, who will im
prove the opportunities that are pre
sented. Are you aware that cow raised
Just outisdo the city limits of Port
land proved in competition at the
World's Pair at St. Louis that she was
the greatest butter producer in this
country, and that there ure sploudid
openings in the dairy business iu all
of its departments, and that it ran be
l..,D(.,l tn in times its nresent out
nut without danger, because the
rioniilutiou is eoiiiK to grow eton fas
ter than the dairy business? This is
true with rogan to tho production
of noultry. Then there are opportu
nities in the lalsiug of horses, in the
cattle and sheep business, in many
departments of mercantile trade, whilo
the industrial field is so rich in its
iiosslbilities that to recount even
portion of them would keep me here
talking to you all night.
We feel that our fruits, and espe
cially our Himles. prunes and straw
berries, have a world-wide reputation,
but we aro lust beuinuing this branch
of industry and 60 times the r resent
production would find ready sale at
good prices. Particularly is this true
of apples, hich command an immense
foreign markets In addition to those
sold In the United States.
Irrigation Is not a speculation any
longer, and thero are many sections
of Ureuon. Washington ana luauo
where plenty of water and good pro
ductive lauds are adjacent, and there
fore available. Even with no greater
nooulation than we have at present.
the livestock interests would mnke
the production of alfalfa upon n
lion acres profitable.
1 have not touched upon mining,
although it is by no means one ol the
small interests or tho raeino noun
west, and whilo tbore H considerable
risk In mining, as mere must ue in
all branches of Industry that occa
sionally pay enormous returns, placer
mining, an impoitant industry
throughout many sections, gives re
turns which can bo depended upon
with almost the certainty of a payroll.
Now 1 want to tay ;o yon gentle
men present, those of you who have
an intoreBt lu the luting aiod'i unris
tlau association hate an interest lu
the upbuilding of Portland and the
growth of this portion of the United
States, and you don't w..nt to induce
young men to come here who are fail
ures elsewhere. No proco s has ever
boon discovered yet that will make
the careless, improvident boy or man
u silo- ess in any country or in any
climate, though it seems necessary
that we should have a certain percen
tage of that character of people In all
communities, The dreamer who seems
to think that money grows on trees in
some foreign land is not wanted here.
J'be character of individual to wuom
distance lends enchantment to the
view would walk by a river full of sal
mon or over land o vercd by great
f orests of tlr and pine, over soil as
rich as that of our best orchards, and
wonder how In the world be could
mako a living. To this kind ot meu
there are no opportunities 1 the Pa
eitlo Northwest, and to those of you
present who entourage such people to
come here I would any that you not
only do them an injustice, but you
are treating Portland, Oregon and the
Northwest unfairly.
Not long since 1 was present at a
dinner given lu honor of William E.
Curtis, the famous correspondent,
and at that board were the actual
working newspaper men ot Portland,
the men who build the newspapers.
Mr, Curtis opened his remarks by
laying that the day of the tramp re
porter us well as tie tramp printer
was a thing of the past ; that the news
paper writer of today was not only
well dressed and an educated gentle
man, but he respected himself and
had the confidence ot the community.
lie told i us numerous experiences,
and gave us a word of advice to bis
brother workers:' lie i cooped 40
limes rather than break faith once."
And that Is just as applicable to the
men of any other avocation.
My avocation lu lire has given me
t he opportunity of becoming intimate
ly aciiuaiuted with the prominent bnt-
iuess men of many communities, and
1 am ploitbadto say that these success
ful men, with very few exceptions,
llnd their greatest pleasure iu being
ot assistance to worthy young' men,
After you gain the confidence of men
who hare made a big mark, who have
earned their spurs in finance, com
merce or the professions, they enjoy
above everything else telling you that
they picked certain young men as
winners and have had as much pleas
ure in the success of their proteges as
they derive personally from being
winners in the battle of life. Port
land is especially blessed iu this re
gard, for most of our big men not
only accept but invite the confidence
of young men, tlo uvei lu your mind
to whom I refer 1 will mention no
This la not
addressed to the sensi
tive plant, which withers at the slight
est blow it is not directed to the
young man 'Who anticipates in advance
having his feullngs hurt, and wheu
he tries to seo the busy professional
or business man feels au a If rout be
cause the man can't soe him that
special hour, for the young mau with
mettle iu hlin will go agaiu. He
must, however, buvo something to
ask for, and get to the meat of the
cocoa nut at once.
Portland is full of Institutions paid
for by her citizens. You can get
money here fo" any good cause jut-t
as readily as iu any city in the United
State-', and it is a community com
posed of meu who do tti.e things
which is always ready to extend to
the right kind of a young n an a help
ing hand.
The Northwest has not as much po
etry and sentiment as the South, it
probably lacks tho reserve of the Kast,
hut good character counts for as much
here as it does anywhere on earth,
and If a newcomer expects to bai;!i
upon his prestige gained from his
family tree, he Is counting without
his host. 1 lemembor upon one cc
casioii iu Denver, a young m; :i
whose father was a distinguished na
tional character was looking for a
position ami railed up Mr. Ia id
Moflltt, the leading financier ot tl.e
Colorado metropolis. His Introduc
tion to Mr. Moflltt was a story about
his father, about his social and fum
ily connections. When he was about
half through, Mr. Moflltt stopped
hi in nod said; "Say, young man. is
tho old man outside? If he is, rlea?o
have him come in and make his own
application I'm busy. "
the united States goes ahead as a
whole with about an equal ratio of
progress, except that there are hI
ways one or two sectious which seem
to nave tho rigl t of way. Tin t proud
Hstiuction is now tho property of tl.e
Paeitlo Northwest. The next two de
cades will see untold millions of ere
atcd wealth, and there is no line of
occupation ot investment of which
the human mind can conceive, which
is not open ami will continue open,
for young men ol real worth.
In Mad finite.
Millions rush in mad chase atler
health from one extreme of faddium to
another, when, if they would only est
good food, and keep their bowels rngu
lar with Ir. King's New Life fills,
their troubles would all pass away.
Prompt relief and quick cure for liver
and stomsch trouble. - 2tc at C. N.
Clark's drug store; guaranteed.
The O. K. A N. offers the followlug
Por the Northwest Fruit Growers'
association at LaGraude January It, 4
and 5. Fare and a third. Tickets
good till 7th. 1
Spirits have been getting in their
work at Wenrtchee, where fact, ro
mance and spiiitualism are so inter
woven iu a case as to be almost in
credible unless there was something
to substantiate the fact; but W. h.
liartlett and M. O. lilack have sub
stantial proof in the shape of a bottle
of gold to prove that the find they
hav made is genuine. These two
men. actinu on the advice of a spirit
ualistia medium of Portland, have
found a lo e long hidden in the
mountains, and which was discovered
nearly 60 veari bso by Mr. liartlott's
The liattlctt family are all spiritual
ists, and a short tine ago Mr. Part
lott's grandfather, dead for nearly 50
rears, sent word to mm tnrougn a
medium to find the mine, which would
make him independently rich, and
gave minute directions of the loca
tion. He was told to select ra. u.
lilack, a second band dealer of Wen-
atcbee, as bis companion, macs: con
sented to no and tbey made the trip.
While they will not tell the location
of the find, they eay it is nod beyond
belief and that lbs told is practically
virgin. To prove it they exhibit a
bottle filled with metal which tests
have proven to be gold.
They state it was found in rough
and mountainous region and the ledge
is of grey quartz, literally tilled with
gold. Small pieces were broken oft
and pounded up In a f ying pan
which they had with them, i rom
this they picked stiougb chunks of
gold out with their ringers to fill the
bottle. Should the ledge prove s
rich as the samples, a man could go
into tbe mountains with a mortar and
gold pan and in a week be independ
ently rich. Tbey state the trip fs
perilous now, but that in the spring
they will return and develop the find.
The find Is not as marvelous as tbe
manner iu which the mine was locat
ed. 1). E. Ingulls, Mr. liartlett '
grandfather, was a plo eer prospectcr
and in 1HoT drifted Into locution if
Wenatohee with eight others from tho
California gold fields. While alone
one day be made a find In tbe moun
tains near Wenatchee that he consid
ered tbe greatest discovery of bis life.
lo tbe members of bis family be con
fided bis secret and tbey have kept it
as an heirloom. He went into tbe
mountains one day and was murdered
by a companlon Jack Knott. Hi
body is buried up the Columbiu,
about two and onehalf miles from
Wenatchee. Last summer the medium
communicated tbe messago to Mr,
liartlett's grandfather and lilack was
selected to go along. Although the
trip was a perilous one, the directions
were so minutely given that the men
went directly to tile spot.
Another peculiar fHCt is that tbe
family thought lngals' body was bur-
ted In Southern Oregon, until a med
ium last summer told wheie the body
would be found, and upon investiga
tion the spot where ho was buried was
exactly located. Exchange.
The Season of Indigestion.
The season of indigestion is upon us.
Kcdol Dyspepsia Cure or Indigestion
and Dyspepsia will do everything for
the stomach that an over-loaded or over
worked stomach can not do Pir itself.
Kodol Digests what you eat gives tbe
stomach a rest relieves sour stomach,
belc'dins, heart-burn, indigestion, etc.
Sold by G. E. Williams.
Will Attend Fruit Growers Convention
A delegation consisting of E. L.
Smith, E, H. Shepard, A. I. Mason,
J. L. Carter and O.K. Castner will go
from this city to attend the oouveu
tion of the Northwester I Fruit Grow
era convention to be held at La Grande
January 3. These gentlemen will all
read papers concerning apple oulture
aud the methods employed in market
lug them, and their addresses are
awaited with interest by the fruit
growers of the Northwest.
A Liquid Cold (lure.
Croiip, Coughs, Colds, AV hooping-cough,
etc., have no terrors for children or
adults who vacnnte the bowels with
Kennedvs Laxative Honev and Tnr
the Original Laxative Cough Syrup and
Liquid Cold Cure. Tills remedy expels
all cold Irom the system and strength
ens the throat, lungs and bronchia
tubes. The mother's favorite and child
ren's safeguard. Sold by G. E. W 1
It win pay you to take good care of
your Bver, because, If you do, your
liver will take good care of you.
Sick liver puts you all out of sorts,
makes you pale, dizzy, sick at the
stomach, gives you stomach ache,
headache, malaria, etc. . Well liver
keeps you well, by purifying your
blood and digesting your food.
There Is only one safe, certain and
reliable liver medicine, and that Is
For over 60 years tills wonderful
vegetable remedy has been the standby
In thousands of homes, and Is toJay
the favorite liver medicine In the world.
It acts gently on the liver and kid
neys, and dues not In lute tlie bowels.
It cures constipation, relieves con
gestion, and purities the system from
an overflow of bile, thereby keeping
the body In perfect health.
Price 25c at all druggists and
Test It.
Best line of Cigars in
the City
Also handle line of
Pipes, Tobaccos and
Fishing Tackle
Easy Grades, Fine View and Good Water
Cheap lots for building Small Houses near Flour Mill
i Fon the '. I
LOiJOS frv
' I
Cured of Consumption in Its Final Stages:
J. O. R, Hooper, a merchant, of Woodford, Term., writes: " Fifty witnesses
here, will swear that Dr. King's New Discovery cured Mrs. Mollis Holt of Consump
tion after her family had watched at her bedside for the end, which doctors said
Price GOc and $1.00 GUARANTEED Trial Dottles Free
Mill Stay in Hood Ilivcr. i
The remtily tliat makes you eat, deep
and grow Wrong, culled Palino Tabli-ts,
will bo ittiilil ii'LMil:irlv bv WiMiinns'
Pharmacy, 1 1 nod Kivur. Tlii'su great
nerve and constitution builders coat only j
60c per box, six boxes $2.50. i
iCall up 82
"i If you have a preNcription to be filled. We
will call for it and deliver tlie inedicine to you
without extra chare?.''
OR ;; if yon wqht a doctor, Jet as know and we will
lie!) you linu Tlie one
pifttlTl? T XT A XT Tl QT?17
,. if you wish any information about any niedi-
jciiie or drug. We
you in any way.
Clarke, THE Druggist
Steam and Hot Water Heating:.
. All jobbing promptly attended to.
Bartmess' Furniture Store
Malleable Iron Beds, guaranteed against breaks by the
factory for 2o years, -ami yet ehen per than the cast beds.
We get them direct from the East. Call and look them over.
CJiiiphophone on household goods free for $30 in
trade. !
Building Material, Carpets, Paints, etc.
Undertaker and Embalmer.
next to Waucoma Hotel
1 fflf!IP
All Repairing Promptly Attended to
you want. ;
would be pleased to serve
' . :
i 0
I n
' Dealer In
Harness S: Saddles
..Livery, Feed and Draying..
HnntWall Paper Co
Carries everything
Krinked Silks. Sik Embossed, Tapestries. Moires,
ngrains, Varnished Tiles, Banks, etc.
Up-to-date Paper Hanging, Sign,
Carriage and House Painting.
Thone 671.
Square Deal Store
Do not forget that you will get full value for your
money every time you trade with me. When in need of
Groceries, Flour and Feed
Call and see me. You will find it pays to trade here.
Plows, Harrows, Cultivators nnd
aii kinds of Agricultural Implements
Alfalfa, Clover and AH Kinds of Field Seeds.
1 have just added a stock of PAINTS and am pre
pared to guarantee price and xuality.
Come in and make your wants known and get prices.
It will pay you. .
Yours fur Business,
3rd and River Street.
Higrlb. Class 21111zxer3r
Hood River, Oregon,
Annually, to All the new positions created by
KatiroHdanri Telexi-apl) companies. We want
YOUNti MEN and LAUltMof good hablu to
We furnish 75 per cent of the Operators nd
Station Agents tn America. Our six slxschools
are the lanreat exoluive Telegraph Schools IN
TH woKl.n. KstuhllMhid ijl) years and en
dorsed by all leading Hallway Officials.
We execute a Bond to eve-y student lo
furnish him or her a position paying from 140
tofMa month in Htales eUHt of the Rocky
Mountains, or from 7& to fliio a month In
Htateswesl of the Ro, kits, 1 M MWUATKLY
Hluiimls can enler at anr time. No vaca
tions, for full particulars regarding any of
ourHehools, write din ct to our execullveof
nre at Cincinnati, O. Catalogue free.
The Morse School of Telegraphy
Buffalo, N. Y
Lacrosse, Wis,
Ban Francisco, Cal.
Atlanta, Ma.
I'rxarkana, Tex.
Shepard 4 Franz
Are in correspondence with all parts of
tbe United S ates and arc in good posi
tion to (ell your
Farm Property
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Orient Fire Insurance Co.
Underwood Hotel
Mrs. Mary D. Olson
First-clast- accommodations for travelers
Meals and lodging. Meet all brats.
Lunches at all hours. Waiting room.
Comfortable rooms.
Underwood, Wash.
Hood River, Ore.
Hori-es bought, gold or exchanged. i
Pleasure parties can secure first-class rigs.
Special attention given to moving furniture and
We do everything horses can do.
in the line, including
First and Oak Streets.
Hood River. Ore