The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 28, 1905, Image 4

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Mr. and Mrs. Rosewell Sh Hey
peut Christmas in Portland. The
occasion of their trip was to visit
their eon, Hugh, who is confined in
the Good Samaritan hospital at that
plaoe. Mr. Shelley's Bon is a railroad
conduotor and lives at Independence.
He is receiving treatment at the hos
pital and it getting along nicely.
, Koswell Shelley sold, lust week, 40
"aorea to Dudley Holland, formerly of
' JCngene, for M.B00. The land belong
ed to John Lawless and the purchaser
secured a great bargain.
Last week Mrs. Roswell Shelley
bought 15 acres of the old Divers es
tate for 12,100. The land was sold at
forced sale at the Dalles court bouse.
Christmas exercises were held at
the Odell school Saturday and were a
decided success. A pleasing program
was rendered consisting of songs, rec
itations and illustrations of the pu
pils' work in the various branches.
The blackboards were covered with
fliua nn1 ilufiiijna rirnwn bv the !U-
ptls and the talent displayed was of
no mean oriier. ii seemeu impowituiB
almost that some of the work executed
could have been done bv children of
such a ten. lor age and the good work
of the teachers is to be highly com
mended. While in Portland, Mr. Shelley
made a visit to the Mount Tabor San
itarium in which W. V. Johnson is
oonlloed and found that Mr. Johnson
was about in the same condition as
when taken there, lie seemed very
nni.h rilnnatvl in BAA Mr. HhfdleV. but
" was unable to recognize him. It la
hoped that the treatment may be ben
eficial to him.
Dm l fn lila nfnrwl absenoe
from borne, Mr. Shelley was unable
this weelr to prepare nis usual mier-
6.llno atlar frnlll Oilull and the Ula-
cler man has taken the liberty of
transcribing a lew items sieanei irom
editor-manager of the Little White
Store. V
The election at the Barrett aobool
house last Suturday was well attonded.
(Chairman F. C. Sherrieb called the
meeting to order and after a few
words of explanation, the meeting
was opened for discussion and after
several good uatured speeches, it
voted a 5-mill tax for school purposes.
It was also decided to build a new
Hohool bouse in the eastern part of
the district. It was also voted to
iil'oe it in the hands of the school
board to build or make suob arrange
ments as they saw tit, so as to place
more room to accommodate the in
creased number of sohilars a the
Barrett sohool. The meeting ad
journed at 11:15 a. m,
' Professor Thompson la still living
a bachelor life, but no doubt will be
pleased when his better half returns,
so as to straighten up the household;
lly the way, the Prof, has added to
his stock a full blooded collie pup
and says it Is a nice one.
Why do men sit in darkness, or by
the light of a glimmering candle when
they can gut the best of gasoline and
gasoline mantles at the Rookford.
' : Wo have now been with the Hood River people for eight months and are
pleased and gratified with the treatment we' have received. For this we
vi Mi to express our thanks.
Our resolutions for the coming year are to continue our endeavor of
conducting a first-class Pharmacy in such a manner as to meet the
commendation and approval of all to conduct such a business as wins and
retains confidence in our ability, our class of goods, right prices and upright
business methods. v
k aiiifiraafufl In lttflv. ttllV dO
a uiau vuftnuiivi. i. - j t -
you not send to Cash Jones for sugar
ana o trier gooa. ;ow do mu m
that the lady bad tried that business
and knew that she could do just as
well by patronizing the home mer
chants. Let me say that Bny mer
chant in Hood Kiver will till J our bills
for just the same prices as Jones. Re
member we uuiiu our u wuuvi
Chicago or Portland men contribute
to our needs and every uonar spent
at home helps to build up our coun
try. You win leel Deiier oy patruuikv
lng yonr own merchants, and when
you meet them, you will not hate to
look over the fence.
Nineteen hundred end Ave yeais
ago, the shepherds watching their
flocks by night, saw the shining star
in the east and led by that, weut to
the Inn at liotnionein, mere to uuu
. a., v. luha iihlnh tha nronh-
ets bad prophesied should be the Sav
iour OI trie WOria. History repema
and we bail with joy our Christmas
Day, in whiob we commemorate the
birth of him, who was rich, yet for
our sakes became poor that we,
through his poverty, might beer me
rich. We celebrate a nd oom men. 1 1 ate
the Uvea of our great wariors ana
men of state and renown, and we feel
glad that we live and are protected
under our stara and stripes, but oil
nature rejoices and commemorates
this one day as being the birthday
of oar Christ. Oar fathers lejolced
and were glad on this day, to it It
banded down from one generation to
another, while we may forget the great
and grand and glorious men who are
laid to rest, yet how strange that the
birth of God's only begotten Son Is
ever remembered and our children
look forward to that day as good
cheer. Shall we not take up yhe
strains of music and slug.
Ye nations bend, in reverence bend.
Ye monaroha wait His nod
And bid the choral song ascend
To celebrate your Cod.
The latest report Is, B. Adams is
still banging onto the depot.
The crazy quilt, made by Mrs.
Ryatt, was won by Roy Crow on
Christmas night
The Woodmans ball last Monday
night was a great success. They bad
the finest music ever given in White
Salmon. Maine, Bowman and O. S.
Smith, cornet; soloist from The
The Grangers of White Salmon will
give an entertainment on New Year's
ulgbt. A One program will be ren
dered and a small admission charged
for tin park fund.
The new ferry boat of Dean & Pear
ion, baa arrived and it a very Hue
boat indeed, it Is all inclosed. This
Is a great Improvement over the old
furry. They will have some more like
it In a abort while.
Dr. Geurhart was called to Trout
Lake last Monday morning.
The merchants of White Salmon re
port a good business during the holi
days. The trade this year was more
than ever before.
Look out for the Grangers' enter
tainment next Monday night. Tbia
will be an enjoyable affair,
R. O. Thomas came over from Port
Year" Resolutions
New Year
The Watchmaker and Jeweler
Smith Block, Hood River
land daring the Christmas to pay a
visit to bis parents in wmie e.iciod.
The Heiting brothers came through
White Silinoo to Gilmer for a vuit
tbia week.
The shooting match which wat given
by Bert Sandman last Wednesday,
was not vry well attended. We think
they had better get a steel plate about
ten feet square, as some missed a
block tmee feet in diameter.
W. S. Oribblo sayt he has not any
buggies which he cares to lend out, as
he lent one i.t a mouth ago and has
not beard liotn it since it left.
Martin Cribble, who hat teen at
tending school at Corvallis, is spend
ing bia vacation witb his mother,
Mrs. A. B. Billings. Martin is tak
ing a oourte iu electrical engineering.
It Is thought by f otnc of the boys
that tbey n il. uted tome cushions, as
the roller kkates have arrived. Most
of the boys are not acquainted with
the ways cf such vehicles.
Henry Oroff recently sold some of
his place to a Portland man We did
not learn the name, but anyway it
go a to sLow lb .t Mount Hood la not
going bicknnrd.
J. P. Cooper returned from a two
weeks' visit with bis brother at The
Dalles. J. P. weut duck hunting
while tbore.
Miss Nan Cooper left Sunday morn
ing, for The Dalles, where she will
visit ber parents and friends during
her vacation. .
Mr. and Mrs. L. fi. Barringer came
up, last Tuesday to work tor G. C.
Ruff. Mr. and Mrs. Barringer are
from Nevada. We extend the welcome
band to all the newoomera and are al
ways glad to Bee some strangers on
our streets, because we know, "once
here, always here."
W. B. Davidson took a trip to the
logging camp, Saturday. Walter says
the roada are not extra good and
thinks the good roads people oould
work on it if they cannot find any
other to work on.
Misaea Mae Land is and Margaret
Nash, two teachers from Portland,
came up by stage Saturday, to spend
their vaoatious. The teachers board
at T. "H. Larwood's.
W. B. Davidson, Chester Monroe
and Floyd Hess attended the dance
at Odell, Monday night. They all
seem to have bad a good time, espe
cially Walt, as be did not get up to
the store till after 8 o'clock.
W. M. Rush left Saturday for east-
ern Oregon, where be will work for one
of bia brother-in-laws. Well, we guess
Mao baa something else iu view as be
baa boon hard at work clearing some
grouud, which we think would be a
good place to build bouse and besides
he haa been getting some quilts made,
whiob makes tome of the young folks
uneasy, because they are afraid lie will
not oome back very soon.
The Baldwin Sporting Club will give
a danoe at the Mount Hood ball,
Friday night, Deoember 29, for the
benefit of the club. They will give
a flue supper free. The boys insure
good musio and good order. i,very
body cordially invited.
The Portland school teachers Climb
ed to the top of Ball Butte Christmas,
Tbey were accompanied by J. C. and
W. B. Davidson Tbey report that
Bald? Scalp shiny and thin?
Then it's probably too late.
You neglected dandruff. If
you had only taken our ad
vice, you would have cured
Hair Vigor
the dandruff, saved your hair.
and added much to it. If
not entirely bald, now is your
opportunity. Improve it.
Ibm Tr' llnlr Vliror for inn M
jHn I Km now 9 .ni a ..lit Iimtt
Erowth of rti-h liroon 1lr. duo. I tbilik.M
rolj to ?"" Ilitlr VIt." ,
flits. M. . KkitH, Blllll, 111.
T. O, aSTIlt CO.,
for i
Good Hair
it snowed very bard while t on the
Hntte but at tbev tot near tbe foot it
was raining. . Xbe teaohera want to
take a nnrnber of aimilar trlpa only
a little shorter.
Have bought a stock of shoes and
rubber1 at reduced cost and am In a
position to aupply any one needing tbeee
article") cheap.
r -a a a a
w. . udDDie, nil. noou.
We are etill doing gometbing in tbia
little village. r Quite a number of men
are moving rock, tnaKing ready lor
tbe iron horse.
Last Friday evening the natives and
tome tlHitora tested tne noor oi toe
new ball over Smith & Clark'i ware
house, and tbey proclaimed it to be
faultless. All njoyed themselves in
a tooial dance. ' Supper was served in
tbe Underwood Hotel. Some visi
tors were beard to say that they were
very agreeably surprised to Bud so
many good looking, sociame girls
that oould dance well. Htill we are
sorry to know that thero is not enough
to go around.
Uncle Abe, our mail carrier, is gone
on a visit to Tbe Dalles. William Un
derwood will do duty as mail carrier
for a few days until Uncle Abe re
turns. There are some whrations in the air
whiob say Cupid bus visited this
neighborhood lately. He is a busy
little weaver, lie is always wearing
his nut around some gill. Somehow
this time be has woven bis net around
our dark-eyed, charming belle, one,pf
our most popular girls, and there
aeemB to be an uudnidtanding between
Santa Claua and Cupid. The vl bra-
vtious tay that dear old Santa Claus
will on Christmas day m ko the bride
a present unto the weaver. Should
the vibrations become realized, we
congratulate the weaver, and wish
them material success.
Tbe enterprising ladies of this vil
liice are mukinit ready to give a bas
ket social and dance in Alpha Hall for
the benefit of tbe dock. The dock is
in need ot funt?s to com pie to it. All
are expected to attend and have a
good time and contribute a plank,
snike or a shinule. .
God bless the uweu they wash our
dirty sums; tney mena our noiey
books; i
They bake the cakes; they make tbe
pies ; they help ue build the docks.
Though they often say they wont,
when they really mean tbey will
Ood bless the women, for they love us
District Voiet Road Tax.
District No. 6 met and voted a 5'
mill special road tax, Friday, for the
mirnoHe of making nia-adam roads
This district hiS taken advantage of
the law allowing a tax of teu mills to
be voted for this purpose each year
since it bionme operative. This year.
however, owing to the fact that it has
voted J l mills for school urposes It
reduce . the amount to 5 mills.
An Appropriate Ulft.
The management of tbe Mount Hood
botul distributed a very appropriate
gift to its patrons on Cnristmas. it
consisted of a portable soap dish with
a cake of toilet soap inside - marked
"Mount Hood Hotel." The dish is
made of celluloid In two pieces that
cun be ttuhtly closed together and
packed into a suit case or travelling
bug without fear of soiling the cloth
lng or other contents of the rccepta
Mole t00 Worth of Stamps.
While the postmaster at Wyetb slept
last Friday night, some one entered
the postotflce and stole 1200 worth of
stamps. The thief also took H in
cash. Mr. Stevens is the agent for
the O. K. & N. at Wyetb and several
unsigned pay checks are also missing.
Issued (hrlstnms Edition.
The Dalles Chroniole Issued a Christ
mas edition Saturday, it consisted
of twenty paos of local and general
news with the front arid packpages
in colors and a special section devoted
to tbe resource!) and advantages of
Wasoo county. The various liriuet
ries of the county are. represented in
ficture, among which is a scene in
lood Kiver apple orchard, Tho de
scriptive matter is interesting and
the edit ioi would be a credit to any
printing establishment.
What Have Yont
Wo have a client who desires to rent
a fruit farm near Hood Kiver with a
view to buying a place later.
Another wants to runt a small place
with cottage for a home next summer.
We daily receive many inquiries re
garding Hood River and White Salmon
fruit land, let us know w hat you have
to offer. We art in a position to sell it
for voir. Lamiille & Hand, Sixth and
Oak stieets, Cortland.
litve Your Stomach Rest
Nothing will cure indigestion that
doesn't digest, he fi d, itself, and give
the stomiU'li rest. You can't expect
that a weak stomach will regain its
strength and get well when it is compel
led to do the full work that a sound
stomach should do.- Yon wouldn't ev
pect a sick horse to get well when it is
compelled to do a full day's work every
day of the week. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure is a perfect digestant and digetta
the fiMxl regardless of tbe condition of
sour stomach. Relieves Indigestion,
lfc'lching, Soi.r Stomach, and all Ptoui
arh disorders Sold by G. E. Williams.
Iu order that their patrons may take
advantage of the discount allowed on
bills paid before the tenth of the month,
the Water and I.icht Co. has arranged
to keep their otli.-e in the Davidson
building open till 8:30 r. in. the first,
ninth, tenth and every Saturday even
ing of each month. j
This is the time of year we are preparing for
our annual invoicing and general cleaning up,
getting our business generally in shape to
know the results of the year's work, and start
. ing in to the new year with as clean a stock and
slate as possible. We have a lot of seasonable
goods that we will put prices on that will cer
tainly move them before commencing the in
voice. We invite you in to enjoy some of the
great bargains we will have for you.
Wishing you a happy and prosperous New
Year, we are Yours
The bends cf tho Hood River Irri
gation District have been signed and
sealed uud tbe money turned over to
tbe treasurer of tbe irrigaliug com
pany. Tho amount of tne bonds is
$C(,000 and tbe period of payments
on them is 20 years. Allrgetber there
are 132 bonds with 12'VZ interest-bearing
ooupons, and 4101 signatures were
required to make tne bonds legully se
cure. Tbe accumulated interest on
these securities ft ill, at ti e end of 20
years, amount to Soil, 130 00, which
with tl e amount of the bonds them
selves, will eggregate $119,43';.
It is estimated that if 1000 ioohet
of water is consumed for the first teu
years tlint tbe ditch is in use, at the
rate of $5 an inch, the revenue from
it will amount to 0,0U. It iu tbe
second ten years at la estimate.!, 1800
inches are consumed, the figures will
run up to $90,000. Tbe total revenue
received In tbe 20 years covering tbe
maturity of the bonds will thus be
seen to be $140,000. Figuring tbe cost
of the conduction of tbe ditoh and
interest at $119,430.00 and tbe revenue
from the waterway at $140,000.00, at
the end of 20 years there should be a
surlpus loft of $-0,5G4. '
If tbe estimates above given prove
to be anywhere near correot, tbe resi
dents of tbe new ditoh district will be
very fortunate. The formation f tbe
land through which it is to be con
structed is of a very difficult nature
to handle and U" for teen obstacles may
arise that will scale down the furplns
as estim ted. Tbe ditch will piove,
however, of snob inestimable value to
tbe di triet when completed that even
if the eitl notes of Its profits re net
realized it will still be a great boon to
Us users' in that locality.
Admitted to Soldiers' Home.
R. Peiler, a veteran ot the civil
war and one of tbe oldest pioneers of
Hood River, made application and
was admitted to the Oiegon Soldiers'
Home at ' Koseburg latt week. John
A. Wilson, a civil war veteran, and
Mr. Pealer's neighbor and friend for
30 years, accompanied Mr. Pealer to
Roseburg and saw him comfortably
quartered in tbe Soldiers' Home. Mr.
Pealer baa been an invalid lor a good
many years, having lost bis health In
the army, and liuoe tbe death of his
wife, about a year ago, he has had no
one to look after him and care for
Mr. Wilson returned from bis trip
Friday. He reports that there are
106 inmates of tbe Soldiers' Home.
No more than 160 cau be accommodat
ed and bo no more applicants cau be
admitted until death makes a vacancy.
Death occurs about as often as appli
cations are made for admission. Mr.
Wilson speaks well of Mr. Elder, corn
mandant of the Solders' Home, who,
he says, is doing all be can to make
comfortable tbe aged veterans in bis
charge. Governor Chmaherlain, be
says, makes frequent visits to tbe
borne and looks after tbe wants of tbe
inmutes as well as the meagre appro
priation, made by the state, will al
low, Charles Prother of Hood River, a
well known civil war veterau, occupies
one of the cottages ith his wife.
Cninhiercial Club WHI (Jive Itxiiquet.
The trustees of the Commercial Club
held a meeting Tuesday afternoon and
elected the following uflicors for the en
suing year:
President H. V. Davidson.
Vice President V. C. Brock
Secretary A. D. Moe.
Treasurer John Iceland Henderson.
The club has diciiled to give a ban
quet on Jan. (ith for the purpose of
Drouiotin!! the Interests of the club. I
The speakers on this occapion will be
Tom Richardson, Judiie Cake and It.
M. Hall f f Portland and A. Bennett, of
lirigon. lhe banquet will lie held at
the Mt. Hood Hotel.
ll Y jTeS E ALT"
Fes berg Stone.
Leroy Posbergand Miss Edith Stone
were married at the retidenoe of tbe
Rev. W. A. Weed, pastor of tbe
Christian church in this city, Christ
mas day at ,1:JO p. m. Mr. rosbers
ia a travelling LhotoKrarher and his
parents reside in tbe dapper dis
trict. The bride is a daughter of D.
I. Stone who resides in the hill dis
A pretty home wedding took plaoe
at the residence of Mr. and Mra. H.
M. Abbott Sunday, December 24, at
high noon when theii daughter. An-
tonette 11., was nnited in the holy
bonds ot matrimony with Leslie V.
Clarke of Portlaud.
Tbe ceremony was performed by the
Per. W. O. Eliot Jr., and being a X-
ru as wedding, tbe home was decorated
with holly aud mi site toe. Tbe mar
riage took place under a large wed
ding bell decorated with long white
satin libbon streamers entwined with
smilax. Tbe lunch table had suitable
decorations of tea roses, ferns and
Tbe bride was gowned in a dainty
Princess of Cream Etamine and em
broidered ohitf on and carried a shower
boquet of bride roses.
The couple left on No. 1, foi Poit
land, with good wishes and Christmas
greetings from their many friends.
They will be at home to their friends
after January 10, at 987 Union avenue.
Although the train did not reach
here until 2 o'clock Sunday Horning
tbe many frienda of tbe bride assert,
bled at tbe station aud made it inter
esting for he newly married couple.
In order that no one might be mistak
en about their being married tbe
bride'a trunk was labeled in large let
ters, "Just Married," while a collec
tion of old shoes, ranging., from that
of a logger 's to an infant's wat at
tached to its bandies.
Hughes llb'n.
A pretty but quiet weddiog was sol
em ized oa Monday, December 25,
Christmas Day, at the residence of tbe
bride'a parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Allen, when their daughter. Miss
Sibyl O. Allen, was joined in matri
mony with Mr. Thomas . Hughes of
Tbe Dales.
To tbe sweet strains of Lohengrin's
wedding march, reudered by Miss
Lota Kelsay at tbe piano, the bappy
oouple took their place beneath a
pretty wedding bell, where the Im
pressive marriage service of the Epis
copal ritual was used by the officiat
ing minister, Rev. J. L. Hershner.
Only the Immediate relatives and
frienda of the family witnessed the
cerfmoiy. Tbe bride was bautlful'y
anirea in a tun oi c epe ae mine tu,
Mr. Geo. 1. Slocom was groomsm
with the bride's sister, Miss Phra
Allen, as brid maid.
The groom ia a well known and
popular business man of Tbe Dalles,
while tbe bride, though not very Ions
a resident of Hood Kiver, baa mod
deservedly gained tbe highest esteem
of a wide circle of acquaintances.
After the marriage ceremony a
sumptious wedding dinnet waa served.
after which Mr. and Mrs. Hugbea left
on a weddius tour to Portland. Mr.
and Mrs. Hughes will reside at Tbe
Mrs. Ruth BevanB. .
Mrs. Ruth Bevan' died at the hos
pital here last Thursday, where she
Lad undergone an operation for ap
pendicitis. Mrs. Bevans waa the wife
of Bert Bevana and t'-e daughter of
C. Vaughan. The deceased waa 'A
years old.
After Ctuns comes Sunshink.
ArrnH Dkkpondency comks Jot.
Aptkr Sicknrss comks IIealth.
After Weakness comes Strength.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is
iffMit tUiet it all. IV awwulerievrkerfiir
women because It is iViiture's remedy,
adapted to the needs of twentieth cen
tury women.
ors nni'o, Made of Rlycerie extracts
from roots, therefore their virtues grew
In them In Nature' lithtnntory, vir.:
Lady's Slipper root, Black Cohosh root,
I nicorn root. Blue Cohosh root, and
Golden Soal root; extracted, combined,
preserved without alcohol, by Doctor
Pierce' own imnlUir inmcem, and in
the most exact proportions to secure
the best effects.
If In need of careful, competent advice
before beginning treatment, yon will re
ceive It without chaw by writing, and
stating your case, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, fin
Main Street, Buffalo. N. Y. All letters
confidentially received and answers sent
in securely sealed envelopes.
".I wf,s '-rp5' sufferer tor six Tor,'
writes Mr Geo. rtocden. of 641 Bond Strwt,
Saitiniaw, Mlrli "1 coninwmtvd In like your
r svorite I'resrrlption ' nd hire lakrn teu
bottles In all. Am now rwultr. sfter litvimr
nilswed two rears uid nuffered with pain In
the head and back. I waa so nerroua. could
not eat or ah-vp. lSow I can thank xou for
my recovery."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets care con
stipation. One little "Pellet" is a gentle I
laxative, and two a mild cathartic
The disease which 'roved bo fatal
lor Mrs. llevans made suob rapid ad
vancement, that although two opera
tions were performed she succumbed.
Beside ber husband and father, the
deceased is survivei by a ten months'
old child.
Tbe funeral arrangements were in
charge of Undertaker Nichols and
services were held Friday afternoon
at 2 o'clock, at the Congregational
church, Kev. Mr. Oilmoie officiating.
Tbe pall bearers were members of the
Woodmen of the World, of whioh or
ganization Mr. Be vans ia a member.
Tbe body was interred in Idle Wilde
Born. .
To Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Vaughau,
December 22, in this city, a daughter.
Closing Out (jrocery Business.
I am selling out at co-t everything
but meats. It you are looking for bar
gains in the grocery line look at a few
of the priee snhmitied below:
Tomatoes, 10c prr can.
Beans and peas, 10c ht can.
Table California peaches, 2 cans 2."c.
Si-billing's best teas, regular 25 and
60c value, 20 and 40c.
P.itind package Japan tea, 35c
Nail9, 2.75 per keg.
5-gal. Delphos oil cans, $1.75.
3-gal. Delphos oil cans, $1.00.
Other prices in proportion. Call in
and take advantage of this Bale.
That a hotel like the
Mount Hood Hotel
is a big drawing card for a
town the size of Hood River?
That a great many of the
dollars "that come into the
town are left here" by the
strangers who stop at the
hotel. That every cent we
get hold of is spent with the
merchants in our own town.
They appreciate it. It helps
the town. I' helps the valley.
They help us. We appreciate
Did you ever stop to think
that the stranger forms his
opinion of the town by the
hotel the people ca n support?
That it takes money, anil
lots of it, to run a place the
size-of the Mt. Hood Hotel?
That a meal taken at the
Mt. Hood helps maintain a
first-lass hotel, and gives the
towu a good name?
Did you ever stop to think
that you could help the town
in this way; that you would
b helping yourself; that you
would be helping vour neigh
bor; that you would be help
ing us We will appreciate
it. We will remember it.
Think it over. See if vou
can't have a meal with us
once in awhile. Next time
yon want to take the early
morning train to I'ortland,
get a room at the Mt. Hood
hotel. Leave your call for
the train, and nine times out
of ten you will get from one
to two hours more sleep, for
if the train is an hour late,
we call you accordingly. You
feel better all day. You en
joy your trip better. You do
more business. So do we.
We want your trade. Get
the habit. It's a good one.
Think it over.