The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 28, 1905, Image 3

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The prepuce of Sua Joe scale io
the roue buho of Foitland is a
Rniin to the rosirieaU of tbii aud
othur nearly towns to look after their
shrubbery aud trees. Too much care
cannot be exercised iu keeping this
dangerous pert from xe'tiug afoot
hold. The TflleKiiim iu a recent article
tell what it U doing iu Portland, and
iu a follows :
"Fortlund is iu emi greater dan
ger of lobiuK its ti'.ie to "Hone
Citv" through the de.tructiou of its
rose buBhes by the 8an Jose scale
thau was intimated by Fruit Inspec
tor James II. llekl in bis warniug to
rose growers through The Telegram
last week. Yardd in many portions
of the oity are already to lufected
with this pot that even should spray
lug be reported to at ouce it would
be impossible to save the bushes.
If anything were uoeded to empha
size Inspector Keid's statement, it is
furnished by the condition of some
clippings ho cut at random from
roue bushes iu one yard at Sail wood.
Thousands of the tiny insects cover
fie twigs and limbs to thickly that
they can even bo seen by the naked
eye. With a magnifying glass the In
fects, or rtither the fculy outer cover
ing beueutu which they lie dormaut
for the winter, is plainly visible.
The limbs of the bushes have a dead
appearance, while the bark is notably
lacking in the fresh, green tint -ohar-iicteriziug
n healthy busb. The ends
of the twigs are dead and brittle
where the scale iittacked them first.
These clippings aie now on exhibition
at thePortlHiid seed store, where they
were left by Inspector Held. 11 there
tiro doubting Thomases among the
rosegrowers ot Portland, tlioy aie ask
ed to visit the store to tee tor them
selves the destructive woik of the
A yard in the central part of Sell
wood is where Mr. Keid gathered the
clippiugs.the semwuy, unhealthy con
dition ot the roses attracting bia ut
tentiou as he parsed. It did not re
quire even a close examination to de
termine that the Baa Jose scale was
the came of tho trouble. Within '200
feet of this yard, au old cherry tree.
which had been a family back yaid
landmark for years, was fouud to be
a veritable uest of millions of the
pests, from h;jre tbe wind had cur
ried the scale to surrounding yards.
The insect is so inQuitesimally small
that the slightest breeze will blow it a
great distance.
Mr. I!id confirms the statement
made by Theodore Grueuiiiger of Ash
land tliut coal oil is a very effective
remedy for the test, particularly iu
small oichards and trout yards, where
the di moult ies attending the prepara
tion of tho lime, sulphur nd blue
vitriol spray hi like it hard for the
owner to use. lie urgently recom
meuds the immediate use of this rem
edy at the earliest opportunity by ev
orv person who owns a rose bush or
any other sli ub !u Portland.
"Now is the time to deal with the
nest." be savs "The scale is now in
a dormaut condition, in which it will
remain for the winter. It is not now
suckine th' sao of the t ee, and is es
oeciallv s seeiitit lo to the action of
soravs. No halfway spraying will do,
It must bo thorough. Where the
owner liuds his bushes too far gone to
save, he should root them up aud burn
them, for their presenoe means that
lii.v will'snrend to other bushes, un
doing the good work which may have
been accomplished there.
"After February, or after the bud
ding season oomnu noes, it is too late.
If the scalo has a cbnuce to get in its
work when the buds are young aud
tender no amount of spraying can
undo the danger. NowJsthe time."
A Common Sense View.
It is a great pity that the rebate
question and the rate question are so
com m 01 ily confused. The rebate is
an exaction from the railroad com
pany and is possible only where there'
is competition in transportation, and
it is unjust to the railway companies.
In legislating against rebntes, Con
gveess would have the asdstance of
the railroad companies or rather has
had it, for the law seems to do now
all that law can do to preveut an act
which is always secret. In legislating
on rates, Congress is assuming danger
ous powers aud arraying the entire
railroad interest in opposition.
The nielli charges in this country
are well known to bo extremely low
compared with those iu other coun
tries, and aro pretty steadily declin
ing. Not m my complaints have been
mado to the Interstate Commerce
Commission or the courts that rates
are intrinsically unreasonable, and of
these complaints few have been sus
tained by tbo Commission aud it has
bteu said that not ouo has been sus
t lined by the courts.
The common complaint is that a
rate is uul'air in comparison with
some other rate usually the rate to
some other po nt. The discrimina
tiou between individuals, are usually
altectel by rebate.. The rates com
plaiued of are usually discriminations
het.ive.m localities. The law already
ffirliida thse o far D ohably as it is
uufe to forbid them. The gross and
arbitrary discrimination (hat existed
tiventy vears ago have loug since
Webster's Little (Jem IMrtio'iarj.
Many so-called Webster Vest Pocket
Dictionaries have bceu put upon tue
market, but until no there has been
no authentic dictionary of this rlafs,
abridged directly from "Wbsstei's
International." Such a est pocket
manual has ju?t beeu issued, entitled
"Webster's Little (Jem Dictionary."
It is scholarly and strictly reliable,
being the best, most concise, an I
most coirpMe of its kiud. Tbe main
vocabul ;ry Incl idos by act lal couut
a.oie vi oids tlisii nre fouud in any
other piouuuueiiig dictionary of its
cope. BKhougb so'iie books, make
exorbitant cl ims to the contrary.
The "Little iieni" also contains a
very full and up-to-date (lazetteor of
tbe World, many valuable tables and
Jits, aud also taolse pages of colored
iiiap seldom published in a book of
tins size. It in just tbe guide you
u. tsd to auswer your many questions
with cc u racy. All copies are sup
plied with the niarigual Index and
wiil be sent postpaid on receipt of Dark green cloth, 25c; ianita-ti-Ki
leather, 40c; lull leather, 50c. 0.
& C. Merriam Co.. publishers, Spring
field, Mass (let tbe best.
Here U h Raigam.
vii-u i-rn firai-r'.asi land, one mile
from Hood K.vei ; idi in orchard ; new
buildings ' I'huv. Mum sell n- once.
For parricul ir see John Lelnnd Henderson.
The pre-eminence cf the Hood River
apple over that ot any otbei district
in the United- State can be seen v-
erwyhere that applet are displayed for
sale at home, in adjacent cities, in
the great markets east of tne Missis
sippi river, and abroad. Recent visi
tors to Portland from this city have
seen the tiuit from this locality on
sale at the commission bouses along
side that from other districts in Ore
gon, Wsshirgton, Idaho and Califor
nia. Comparisons may be odious,
but tbey are also convincing and
these apples as compared to tbe borne
product are aa sunshine is to a can
dle or a gooseberry bust) to tbe giaut
Tbe flue pack, color aud quality of
the Hood River product surrounded
by tbe other apples iu the commis
sion bouses of Portland shines out
like a diamond in a dust heap.
Among tbe other districts represent
ed were some Spitzenberus from
Snowy tiutte in tbe. Rogue Kiver val
ley, ihey were grown by ine uiwau
Bros, and would be considered a
poor quality for tbe cider mill here.
The demand for fancy Iruit at fort-
land cannot be supplied, and tbe
dealers there are anxious to get bold
of some Hood River Spitzenbergs for
tbe holiday trade. Page Sc. Son have
requested Manager Sbepard to try
and secure some fruit of this kind for
them, and be will make an effort to
do so.
From Portland to Buffalo is a far
cry, but commendations oi tne iioou
River apple, like brei d cast upon tbe
water returns. JU Miuiman, wno snip
ped some apples from here recently,
put bis name and address in the box
with his fruit, and one day last week
received tbe following postal;
Fruit, Vegetables, Poultry, Uame.
102 West Market St.
Budalo, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1905.
Dear Sir: We are handling some
of your Ben Davis apples. Tbey are
finest ever seen here selling at $3.00
box. Fouud your name on a piece
paper in a box ; enouia line to see
euch fruit growing it must re a
sight. C. O. ROUERS.
This is, indeed, praise from Sir Hu
bert, for Buffalo is the outlet for the
product of Niagara county and the
upper counties cf New Voik ttate
where the tin est ap les that are grown
in tbe Eastern slates can I e luuuii.
Young Lore and Old.
Tbe spirit of Christmas saturates the
pages of Lippincott'8 Magazine for De
cember. "A Moment of Confidence"
by Ella Middleton Tybout (whose "Wife
of the Secretary of State " is one ot tne
doom or the year), exhales tne season
of good cheer beside tbe glowing fire.
As sparks fly upward a new love Is born
on one side of the curtain ; while on the
other, old fires tre rekindled in the con
fidences of a man and a woman who
have weathered love's battles. Bnt the
scars are there, and to these scars they
now point not without pride. Miss Ty
bout's treatment is delicate aud sym
pathetic. Climatic Cures,
. The influence of climatic conditions
in the cure of consumption Is very much
overdrawn. The poor patient, and the
rich patient, too, can do much better at
home by proper attention to food diges
tion, and a regular use of German Syrup.
Free expectoration in tbe morning is
made certain by German Syrup, so is a
good night's rest and the absence of that
. i i. .ii.:k....i.
we&Kening cougu mm ueuuiutuiig mgut
sweat Restless irgtits and tne exhaus
tion due to coughing, the greatest dan
ger and dread of the consumptive, can
be prevented or stopped by taking tier-
man Syrun liberally and regularly.
Should you be able to go to a warmer
clime, you -will nna mat oi ine inou
sands of consumptives there, the few
who are benefitted and regain strength
are thote who use Herman Syrup. Trial
bottles, 25c ; regular siaie, 75c. For sale
by C. N. Clarke, druggist.
The Finest
New Vear Present
For Any -
Boy or Girl...
Deposit one dollar to
their credit with
The First
National Bank
and get a fine new
steel savings bank
for them free of charge.
It is sure to please them.
Call and investigate.
(Timber Lnt. Act June, 18781
Young, the confectioner, had a
bunch of bananas banging in his win
dow recently that contained the larg
est fruit that the writer has seen in
some years. The bananas sold here
aie shipped into Portland from New
Orleans aud come from points along
the eastern coast of South America
and Cuba. It would seem that it
wonld be cheaper to bave them sent
from tbe Hawaiian Islands, where
they grow in great profusion and of
fine quality, but the ways ot tbe ban
ana trade, like other eatables, is "regulated."
Tbe O. R. N. station presents a
pretty lively appearance these days
on tbe arrival and departure of trains.
Since the holidays are here travel has
increased. Some are going away to
spend New iais and others are com
ina heie for the same purpose. Tbe
trains are running on time lately and
the road is handling tbe heavy travel
with as little discomfort as possible.
United 8taU Land Office, The Ialles, Ore
ion. Nov. 2iith. 1. Notice Is hereby slveo
that In compliance wltb the provisions of the
act or congress or Junes, una, emttiea "Anaci
for the Mile of timber land, in the state of
tfe Ifornia. Orraon. Nevada and Washington
Territory," aa extended to all tbe public Laud
State, by act of August 4, 12, tbe following
named person have tiled lu this office tbelr
.worn auiieiuenia, to wiu
of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, aworn statement no. .;', men No
vember loin, iwrt, tor me purcunseoi in nr.
8W, Section 8, XWSj and NEJSW!
8eclion 11, Tp. t north, ranire 9 E., W. M.
of Portland, county of Multnomah, alate of
Oregon, sworn auttcmeni id- 2n. nteu bo
venioer L-itn, iwn, lor tne purvimae oi uiv yy
8K'-4, Mectlon , Tp. 2 north, ran e 9 E., W. M.
That tbey will offer proof to allow the land
i uiihl are more valuable for the timber or
tone thereon thun for agricultural purpoaea
,nd to eatabliah their claim, to anld lands
before the Knrlaler and Receiver at the land
office In Tbe Dalle., Oregon, on Ft bruary S4lh,
They name the following wltneaaea: Charle.
a A mUa I .ill. la- A mli.F U A nhr.
John D. lidwarda,!'. Hark'er.Nlla OlBn, Dul
cine. A Barker and Marie T. Hcbaus, .11 of
Portland, nreiron.
Any and all persona claiming adversely
auv of the above described lamia are requeot-
ed to Ale their clalina In thla office on or be
fore tbe aald 2-llh day of Kebruarv lw.
D30f82 Register.
t ,
ITImb T Land, Act of June 8, 1878
United Rtatea Land Office. The Halle. Ore-
mil. Nov. 2Mb. 190ft. Notice la hereby given
that In compliance with tbe provialonaof tbe
act oi uongreas oi June o, mia, euuueu -au
act for the sale of timber lands In the atalca
of California. Orenon. Nevada and Waahliig-
ton Territory." ax extended to all the public
lum! taia nv ant o' ism. I he follow
ing named peraon. ttuve tiled In thla office
their .worn statement, to wit:
of Portland, cotitv of Multnomah, state of
Oregon, aworn im mem. ,mi. um, inea io
vemberith, W lor t..e nreliiij I the NE'4
8c- lion 11, Tp. i none, roi r... w. M.
of Portland, county of -lininomnli, state of
Oretron. aworn Biat -ne tr No 2720. filed Otio
her afiin. lyeo, lor nie uu eotiaeoi me w
and NK'.SW'i, Kecli i 8. to. t north, range 9
K... W.M.
That they wiiloffi-r p'oofato .how that the
landa aougbl e in i ' valuable for the tim
ber or atone thereon than lor agricultural
Kurpoaes, anil to eHUthlodi thelrclalma toaald
,iul beiore the Kejeierand Receiver at the
Ilea, Oregon, on reoru-
l)o Yon Suffer with Dyspepsia
indigestiont Clarke's Dyspepsia
Tablets willcure vou. l'nce only 60 t
Another Car of those Fine
on hand. We solicit your orders.
Hood River, Oregon.
and Manufacturers of all kinds of
Highest Prices Paid for High Grade Fruit.
AJv.rtUed U tter l.lU
Lillian Heci' k, Mr. J. D. Ned
hit; Mrs. P. R. Price. J. T. Carpen
tor.T. W. Calkins, F.E. Enloc, Ocar
iniooan,. Kit ltAiu i John naia-
,ie H .ivev'.Mo.ui. Audrew Overlay,
J. M. falton 2, Wm Itoblnson, J. Wal
A cood story is being told about
one of Hood Kiver's minibters, and is
worth repeating. It seems that tbe
seatleuiau of the cloth was having a
stove put up by one of the employes
of a local merchant, ana as is usual,
was having a very difficult time In
getting tbe pipe to fit. The miniater
and bis wife, whom we shall desig
nate as Mr. and Mrs. X, were inter
ested spectators of the maneuvers and
gyrations of the stove man in trying
to get the pipe togetner. LiiKe every
one who s arts ou a job of this kind,
the man was tt first as pleasant as a
basket of chips, but a'ter numerous
twistings and turnings and bumps and
thumps, bis face began to gee r ;a ana
he commenced to display considerable
temper. After a paitioularlarly hard
struggle, the irate stove man looked
as though be would explode, and cast
an appealing glance at tbe minister.
Whereupon Kev. Mr. X turned to his
wife and said: "Mrs. X, will yon
please leave the room Mr. B wants
to relieve his feelings."
If you waut to become United
States Senator from Oregon you must
become a member of the law firm of
Dolph, Mallory, Simon & Oearin,
That this is the open sesame to wear
ins the toga la evidenced by the Even
ing Telegram's following sketch of the
life of tbe new senator:
"John M. Oearin. Oregon's new
United States Senator, is 54 years old.
He was born in Umatilla county, and
is proud to claim Oregon as bis native
laud. He comes from old Irish and
Indiana stock, and bis parents were
amang the sturdy pioneers of Oregon.
"The youthful days of the future
senator were spent at bistorio Cbam-
poeg, wnere ne women on dis miner .
faim aud lived in a log but, nntil 12
years of age, lie eatly displayed signs
of intellectual ability, and be was
sent to St. Mary's college, in San
Francisco, iu 180.1, where he studied
for three years. From there he went
to Notre Dame, lud.. and when be
uraduuted at 20. be determined to fol
low tbe profession oi jaw, ana ior two
years studied in the otBoe of Mitchell
A Dolpb. in 1st ne was aaruumo io
the bar, and tbe Bame year witnessed
bis election to the legislature. Two
years later he became city attorney,
aud in 18S4 wjs tie-cted district attor
ney. 1 our years utter this be was
nominated by the Democrats to run
against Uingen Hermann for congress,
but was defeated by the big Republi
can majority of that day.
"When the celebrated opium iraoas
were unearthed in Portland in 1893,
Mr. Oearin was appointed by Presi
dent Cleveland to act as special prose
cutor for the government. For several
years Mr. Oearin has been associated
with tbe legal Arm of Dolpb, Malloiy,
Simon & Oearin, which, since its for
mation, Las provided material ior lour
United States Senators John U. Mit
chell, Joseph N. Dolpb, Joseph Simon
and John M. Oearin."
Excnraiun Rate to 0. 1). L. Convention.
In connection with the convention
of tbe Oregon Development League
at Portland January 12 and 13, tbe O,
K. A N. will sell round trip tickeats
at the rate of fare and one-third.
Tickets will be good going on train 1,
January 11. and trains 3 and 5, Jan-
nary 12, witb a final limit of January
ltl It is nreed that all those inter-
e.ted in tbe good and welfare of tbe
league be present at the convention if
Thrv name the follmvlnir wltuesBP": John
E. Hedge, and Jainm D. Wlitfi, of Tualatin,
Oreirnn: .lull ii I). Edward.. Jean Ollne. Nllst'.
Oliuin. rliarlptt H. Archer and Lu I. K. Archer
of Portland, otegon, ana Jei. Helton oi vi-
Anuv fn-eirnn.
Anvumt all nei-HniK claiming adversely any
of the auovH deMcrllH! land, are requested to I
tile their i-IhIiii In thla oftlne on or beloretbe
said 23rd day of February, 10. -
u28ne Koglster.
Vehiclesand Agricultural Implements
Sharpies Tubular
Received the Highest Award-a Gold Medal
at the Lewis and Clark Exposition.
. .k of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators aud repair", drubbing Machines and
" r Cable, Aermoter Wind Mills, Buckeye Pumps, Holster Springs',
Hoyt's Tree Supports, and Hsnford's Balsam of Myirli,
n.ll Kxtra Buggy Tops, Cushion, Dashes, Poles,
Shafts, Singletrees and Ncckyottcs.
R. II. WEBER, Prop.
Roses and Shrubbery.
Remember, Our Trees are Grown Strictly Without Irrigation.
Houses and Lots
oes Addition
Cheap for Cash or on
your own terms.
Now is the Time to
Phone Farmers 1233.
ITIinbrr lAinfl, Act June 8, 178.1
United Mtut'( Land Offlcfl. Tbe Dalles,
nrrann. November 2S. 1005. Notice la hereby
given tliut In cuuipllttnce witb tbe provisions
of the ml of eongreM of June 8, 1878, entitled
"An act for the sale or tnnuer, lanaa in me
.tiiten of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Waahlniiton Territory," aa extended to all
the nubile land alatea by act of AUKUnt 4, lmi.
the Rillowing iieraoua have filed iu tills office
ttietr aworu matemenu, u wit:
of Tualatin, county of Washington, state of
Oregon, aworn atatemei t No. OT15, nled Octo
ber aith, WO&, ror ine purchase oi tue
fiEt WVaHtek and BESW!, section No 8,
In township No. t north, range S E. W. M.
of Portland, county of Mnltotnah, atate of I
Oregon, aworn atatement No. 2731, tiled Octo
ber lioth, 1U0B, for the purchase of the WW
N WV WU BW, aection , township 2 north,
range 9 E., W.M.
That they will offer proof to abow that the
lands aougbt are more valuable for the tim
ber or alone thereon than for agricultural
nnrooses. and to establish their claims to
anld land before the Register and Receiver at
the land omoe In The Dalles, Oregon.on Feb
ruary lam, itutt.
Thev name the following witnesses: John
R Hwlmi at Tualatin. Oretron: t'harlus H. Ar
cher of Portland, Oregon; J nines 1). Wlrth, of
Tualatin, Oregon; jonn u. Kawarns oi run.
lano, Oregon; J. m. wirin in luaiaun, urc
gon; N. c. oieaon or rorttana, Oregon; yv. .
Hedges of 8ellwd, Oregou, and Jean t'line
of l'ortlond, Oregon.
Any ana au petsons claiming auvurseiy
anvot the above-deacrlbed lunrtu are requesU
ed to Die their claims In t his office on or be
fore the aald nth day ot r eoruary, itsw.
o-Xm MICHAEL T. NOLAN, Register.
Staple and j& j&
H. C. COE.
Dealer in General Merchandise
and Lumbermen's Supplies,
Railroad Ties, Cordvvood.-Lumber and Cedar Posts
Free Delivery. Phone 031 HOOD RIVER, OR.
Fancy Groceries
Majestic & Mesaba Ranges
and Stiletto Cutlery.
Department of the Interior, tnd Office at
lies, Oregon, Nov. H, iwd.
The 1)m
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed no! Ice of his Inieu
tlou to make final proof in support of hla
claim, and that aald proof will be made be
before Oeo. T. Prather, United Htatea commis
sioner at hla office In Hood Klver, Oregou, on
January i, I'.XKI, vl.:
of Mosier, Oregon, nn 1). E. No. R3ir, for the
EU NEiand E'4, Sec. , Township I ,
He nitnes the following wltneaaea to prove
his continuous residence uimn and tiiliiva-
tlon of said land, via: William lisvls John
Davis and Albert Norder. ot Hood Klver, Ore
gon; Vincent Young of Mosler, Oregon.
UJSKiiS niUUAU. 1. mJWtfl, IV,"S J-Ll
Department of the Interior, United Slates
Land Office. The Dalles. Oregon, November
a, ltkfi.-A aulHlent contest affidavit having
been tiled In this office by Olyde o. Kicnaras,
conleslanl, against nomemeaa enirv no. t,-
Stock Grown on Full Roots.
We desire to let our friends and patrons know
that for the fall planting we will have and can eup
plj in any number
Cherry, Pea r,Apricot,Pcach& Plum Trees,
Shade and Ornamental Trees.
Also, all the standard varie ties of apple trees. Can
Bupply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitzen
berg and Jonathan apple trees.
RAWS0N & STANTON, Hood River. Or.
aald Henry K. . Kiss died on May t, 1WU;I
that his known helra are aa RMlowa: It, r.
Kiss of Vancouver, Washington; Anna Kiss
of l'hlo. Illinois: Frederick Klse ofOrnnan,
Hanover, uermany. mat neuner oi aata netrs
bave ever resided npon or In any manner
eultlvated aald tract or oausea me same to ue
cultivated by any person whomsoever, that
aid tract la ana always naa oeen entirely un-
fenced, unimprovea ana open to me com
mons; that said alleged absence was not due
to employment In tne army, navy or marine
corps or tne unitea mates in iiine oi war.
Said oarllea are hereby notified to appear.
respond and otter evidence touching said al
legation at 10 o'clock a. m. on January 17th,
'. before the Kea-lster and Receiver at the
United Htatea Land Office In The Dallea, Ore-
ra i.
The aald eontsatant having. In a proper af
fidavit, filed November 21. IWt. set forth facta
which ahow that after due diligence personal I
service oftbls not ice can not be lal
hereby ordered and directed that such notloe I
be given oj due ana proper punncaiHm.
dTJIl ANNE M. LANU, Kecelver.
..Mount Hood Store.
W. S. GHIBBLE, Proprietor.
Fine Fishing Tackle
Grain Flour
Ammunition Dry Goods
Granitewnre Notions
Feed Full line of Groceries
Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First
Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready.
Phono 131.
Tinners, Plumbers and
Steam Fitters
Closing Out Ladies' Top Skirts
These Skirts are of the latest Fall and Winter
styles, in blacks, broMns, blues, plaids and tans.
Exceptional good values at these prices.
Ladies' Top Skirts, worth $0.00, reduced to $7.00
Ladies' Top Skirts, worth $7.00, reduced to..., 5.50
Ladies' Top Skirts, worth f 6.00, reduced to L5U
Pumps. Windmills, Spray Fittings
and Hose
Blacksmiths and Wagon Hak ers
The most completely equipped power plant in Oregon.
Contract work a specialty. Grubbing supplies and Log
gers' tools always on hand.
The care of the horse's hoof is essential. We are
experts in that line and cure corns and interferes.
lum. W. XL i Aita, r. n.