-0D RIVER GLACIER Ititued cverr Tnunvlay by A I HlW O. MOEi Pubuiber Terma ol ubwiripliun-l.oO a year wtu pale In advance. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1!K)5. OVERPROIU'CTIOX. In another column e publish an article on the subject of overproduc tion Unit no doubt will be perused wlH Diucb Interest by present grow erg and alto those contemplating tbe , talBinff of apples in the valley and , elsewhere, Much of the success in mining flu it of a superior quality at Hood River bus been doe tu the fact that uothing ha? been done blindly. The growers have ever been ready to experiment, iivestlguta and improve on oil tbe known method of fruit culture. To look ahead and not backward and not to keep on lining a method because some one eke used it. It la well then to look the mutt or of overproduction in the face an it w.ere and see if there is anything in it. From tbe figured adduced there 1 apparently nothing to fear. There in always a market and a good one for the boat and t Is not probable that Hood River (rowers are going to take any stops backward in tbe growing or packing of thoir fruit. The standard . has been established and thoto who intend to enter the linld hereafter will be compollod to aspiro to it. The convention of the Oregon De velopment League is one of the most important events of tbe year. There ia no elty in the ctatu that has created more intercut in tbe league than Hood River. Last year the presidency of this organization was won for this city by tbe syctoinatlo methods em ployed by the rlolegiiUa in presenting the name of K L. Smith and tbe personal popularity of the gontlim tin himself. If you are a dolegnto, you owe it to your home town to attend the convention ami soe that its repu tation for progressiveneMS is upheld. There is a movement on foot to bold a horticultural meeting here after the meeting to be hold at Portland in January. It is thought that while the information gleaned from tbe state meeting Is still fresh in tbe minds of thoso who will attend It, that .it would prove of great benefit to those interested to have a discussion on the. papers read before the State Horticultural Society in this city. QUIET CHRISTMAS IN HOOD RIVER Christmas was quietly observod In Hood River. Saturday was a very busy day for the merchants, however, some of them having done the largosl businesd Jtr1 their history. The rail road station presented the busiest scene of activity, as there were many home comings to spend the holidays Under the parental roof. ' Tbe day itself was wet and dreary and the streets deserted and those who could do so stayed at home, c ntont lng themselves with a good Christmas dinner and examining their gifts. - Tjie churches held services appro "pritite to the seusuu and the Sunday schools of the various churches held exercises ' Tbe Sunday school of the Unitarian church held apprporlate services for I hrltttiima Saturday evening. Bongs. recitations and dialogues umdn up the program. After the entertainment the distribution of gifts was made und nipper was nerved. There wiib a large attendance una the children spent cry pleasant evening KxorctHpM were held by the Sunda; solicol or the Congrogatoinai ohurc Saturday evening. with a program that recitations, aft .cr W'hich the gilts were riiHtrlliuted from the Uhrlstanm tree. A very enjoyable sacred concert was given in the church Sunday ev u ing In which Miss Hershnei, Miss vueason, nirs. Hieuin and Mrs. f. a, Davidson and Messrs, McOallev aud Clay Hrnck took part. The choir also rendered several selections. Mrs. Jenks presided at the organ. The church was .crowded aud the concert much enjoyed. The Christina exercises held by the nutinny scnooi scholars ot the r.piaoo pal church Sunday afternoon were well attended mid a program was ren dered lu which songs and reclU'tions were given. Ibo altiiir was concluded with the distribution of gilts from the Christiuaa tree, which was verv prettily decorated, Superintendent Wood was In charge of tbe exercises. The teachers In the new Sunday school reel quilo encornged al the good show ing made by t he scholars and the in terest manifested by them in the Hun day school v ork. The exeieii-cs In tbo United Broth Jen church were given on Saturday evening, und us Usual, were verv eu- joyable. The audience was nnt the characteristic jmii of the place, but mat added to the pleasure of the cu tertaiument, for every one was com- rortamv gealed. The cantata, "In Search of the King," 'was well rendered. The rcci tationa by the children were all uoud Miss Florence Henna's solo deservra special mention, because of the excel lent maimer in which it was rendered, The chief feature of the evening to the children was the treat following the exercises, when all formality was cast aside and every one entered Into the spirit of tl.e occasi in, without Whteli I hristiuas) Is not Chr stmas. Young and old, rich und poor should oe made to led hnppv over the world greatest gift of nineteen centuries ago. In this matter of gifts we are an moro or less childreu. blocks on Kxliihitien, The Hood River Artificial Stone Co. have placed several chimney and foundation blocks on exhibition at liragg's corner. They present a neat and substantial appearance and will likely be used quite extenshely by our people in tho future, (ieorge Rankin was the llrst one to place 1:11 order for chin uey blocks, and is hav ing a Hue placed on his new residence in White Salmon composed of tbote concroto blocks. The company informs us that they liRve already , Looked sevcrnl -orders aud that they ts vet to erect a large building fur their works at once. ' "Am luslaa Im Serpent LeseaeU The red men of the west have many turlous legenda concerning the riven, lakes and mountains of that region. Done more weird than that which li told concerning Rock lake, Washing ton. Since time out of memory th Indian tribe of that vicinity believed the lake to be Inhabited by a sea mon iter which never grows old and whosi chief diet la Indian flesh. Accordlnf to the legend, no Indian ever entered Its waters and returned therefrom alive, no matter whether tbe rash ad (was committed by approaching its mar gin for a drink, for a plunge and a awim or for a canoe ride upon its placid bosom. AJ1 of the Indians of the northwest know of the terrors ol Kock lake, and each and every one would prefer death with a poisoned ar row rather than to touch its waters The last Rock lake horror, according to tbe legend, wag in 1858, when f whole bond of noble red men we sent to the happy bunting grounds by the monster. Tit Gate of Paradise. When the plague which visited Flor ence in the year 1400 hud subsided tlx people decided as a thank offering tt add bronze gates to the baptistery ol tho Church of 6t John the Baptist and the guild of merchants Invited tin best artists of the day to compete. Tht design of Ghibertl was considered faultless, and he was intrusted wilt the work on Nov. 22, 1403. It wai tweuty-oue years before the two fold ing doors were completed, and so cr qulslte was their design and workman ship that Michael Angelo a century lat er said of them, "They are worthy tc be the gates of paradise." This up plied also to another door wrought and designed by the same artist, which was put in pluce June 10, 1452, a mosl Important creation of Florentine art and one which evidently Influenced Mi chael Angelo himself. Storklnra of Human Hair. They were black stockings, thick, stiff, lustrous, and the price mark on them was $10. "From China," said the dealer "from northern China. Every family has a few pairs of human hair stockings there. t They are worn over the cotton stockings they are too prickly to be worn next the skin and, properly treated, they last a lifetime. The Chi nese exporter who sold me these stock ings said that when a child's hair is shaved la northern China tbe hair Is preserved In a special hair box of lac quer. As soon as the box Is full enough the hair Is taken from It, and a pair of stockings Is woven. Such stockings have a sentimental, almost a religious value, and they are rarely parted with. It would be safe to bet that there are not six other pairs of hair stockings on sale In America." New York Press. Titer Tell a Different Story. There are peculiarities of our Eng lish language which no other language exhibits. Did you ever notice how many English words are formed by simply dropping altc-rnato letters for example, wheat, heat, eat, at; sham, bam, am; wheel, heel, eel; whale, hale, ale, and scores of ethers? . Aguui, wo htfcH'la our mother tongue two words which, Joined together, mako a distinct word of an entirely different meaning, Just as a single word disjointed does. Tako the words "since" and "rely" or the separate word "sincerely." To Illustrate: Tour letter came. In words that tempt m dearly. Tou wrote them, sweet, most truly and sincerely, for praise like that heroes might gladly die, But on another's love you slnoe rely. Tbe Final Blow. It is said that often when a woman says "no' she means "yes," but there are signs which discourage even tbe most hopeful and persistent wooer. "I didn't so much mind Hetty's say ing she'd as soon' marry a Jumping jack as me," said Ethan Hatch for lornly to a sympathetic friend, "nor I didn't much care when she said she'd rather stay at home than go out to Jordan's park with such a slow coach as I was, but when she told me she'd got to help her mother iron when I asked her to go with me down to the Center for some ice cream soda I saw 'twasu't much use banging on any longer." Bryant, Bryant always thought he could write much better poetry than that contalued in his "Thanatopels," which was one of his earliest. During his later days he on several occasions ex pressed some surprise at the prefer ence shown by his admirers for this particular poem, "when I have done so many things better." Ue believed the translations of Homer to be the best work he ever did. What Paaalcal Ulna. Wife I mended the hole hi your trousers pocket last night after you had gone to bed, John, dear. Now, am not I a thoughtful little wife? Hus band (dubiously) Well er-ye-es, you are thoughtful enough, my dear, but how the mischief did you discover that there was a hole In my pocket? Wise Willie. "You should be like the chickens, Willie. Just see how early they wake up lu tho nuirnlug." "Oh, well, I could wake up early, too, a, if I stood up all night" lier Vocation. She Yes, bhe married him to reform him. lie-But she Is trying to obtain a divorce now. She Well, I suppose she wants to reform another man now. Tho first aud most Important quality of woman Is sweetness. J. J. Rous seau. Advertised Letter List. For wtek ending December 25: Allllln F.iliimn Cluru l-'Aiitrtn 9. .1 C. II. Brown, J. C. llaye, W. R Cam eron, i. v. i reeman, j. tv. urnujee, Mr. ll..ff,ui. Can M.M.,,. 1 II Mekelsen, J.' M. Ferry, Martin Popp, Sam Richardson, Almon Twiner 2. W. M. Yale?, P. Al. W. H. Moduli left this week for Seattle and Colfax, Wash., where he win visit relatives aud friends. All persons who are indebted to n come and setile at once in some way, J. T. llolman. rvsn niissna3Nn I The PARIS L C 9 oMte hats. Our line includes all the latest styles in soft and stiff hats, nnd we guaran- antee everything to be juwt as represented. Men's hats, Fedora and railroad shapes, each.'..;.....' ....'kuQ..l'..;;? 600 Men's hats in Fedora, golf, planter and Pasha shapes, wiith f ft. 50 ancj f r., 11.25, each .....,...:.... ....J..' 1.00 Men's hats in black, brown and gray, good clean goods mid '-laW shapes, I U worth $2.25, $2.00, 11.75 and $1.50, for $1.50, $1.25, $1.00 and..,.......;.... 9O0 SPECIAL FOR ONE WEEK Commencing Friday, Dec. 27 and continuing . one week, we will sell vou anv of our S'Kincrsburv hats 7 ' All 4-1, mi ri i m -l 1 -v-1 1 n iui uic iiuiuuiuuoi These are not old ill Li 7 WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD The (ilrl From Sweden. Mananer Clarke Informs us that he has tccu ed an cxceptionrT uttructiou for our theutre-iioers in "The Uirl From Sweden." a oomedy drama in which heart interest and comedy are provided in about equal pints. This atolraetion will be presented at tbe opera house January 0, by JHnn aeer Fred FaJkner. It tells - an inter esting story woven about the lives of a Swedish trlrl and ber Swedlsli lover, aud while it Is largely ot the domestic style of drama, it odors a tbriliinu touch or two of melodrama. The Swedish dialect charoctor is a favorite with man; theatre goers, and tbe tun evolved in tbe stage stories of the ex periences in this country of the hardy immigrants from the Northland is of a sane and enjoyable kind. "Tbe Uirl from Sweden," tho heroine of tho play, is a lovable character and wins the sympathy a:d emdnuse of her audiences by ber simple devotion to truth and duty, aud her courage in dangerous ci isises. The hero of the play is a young Swede who Is ever ready to do battle with his wits or his lists lu defense or wohc is jutt and right. An unusual amount of comedy Is developed in the action of the play, and many specialties are introduced. Chrlslmas Dinner 1'srly. A merry party, -'2 in number dined at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. li. Hartley on Chiislinas day. Kvery tbliiit one could think of lluit was uood to eat was partaken of. Aside in oi turkey and elm-kens a young roust pig, garnished with holly ribbon, and one oi Hood River's big red annles in lis mouth, reporod in a gracctul attitude tit one end oi tbe table. Tbe lutu-r was prepared and nasted by Mis. A. t), Kutrican. Those present "wore l Dr. and Mrs. Kduingtun, tlauizl ters ,'emiio, Grace and Heih; Air. ami Mrs. S. K Harmless a;,d family; Mr Wrighi; Mis Wright ; MisB Shannon of Forest (i:ove; Clint Dicken ; Robert I'.nigo of i'oit- lun.l- l.'llia tl... II... ... family. The same iarlv, joined liy the ll inna (umilj , continued and concluded .1... t t .i . j ... ... . i .. t tou itswviu s oi uieuay m luo iiohib oi Mr. aud M'H. a.t:uess in ti e evening. The Snndar Stone. The "Sunday stone" of the Oxford museum was taken from a colliery drain aud is a perfect calendar of Sun days and holidays. It Is composed of carbonate of lime. When miners were at work, the water running through the drain left a black deposit colored by coal dust. At other times the water ran clear, leaving the stone deposit wiute. lu coi.rse of time these black and white layers formed a stone of considerable thickness, which consti tutes a ery complete calendar. Each day of work has as Its record a black Btreak, followed by a white streak, which marks the hours of rest at night. Wider White streaks mark the Sundays and whole holidays, aud thus It has taken Its uaiuo as the "Sunday stone." London Mall. Hnaalal'n Memory. HussluPs memory was lacking lu re tentlveness, especially In respect to tho names of versous who had been Introduced to hiui. This forgetfulness was frequently a cause of amusement whenever Rossini was among compa ny. One day be wet liishop, tbo Eng lish composer. liosslul knew the face well enough and at once greeted him. "Ah. my dear Mr."'- but the niim . coped his memory, and to convince biiu that be bad not forgotten him Kossinl ' began whistling ltlshop's glee, "Wliou ! tbe Wind Blows," a compliment which "the English Mozart," as Bishop had beeu dubbed, recognized mitte as i-eaill- ly as if bis ecclesiastical surname bad lxHn mentioned. HOOD RIVER'S LARGEST AND BEST STORE MEN'S AND BOYS' "' '' i .' S:,, ;:. 'J'!, i -HATS' We have one of ihe fineist iiiiw of men's and boys' hats that can be found : anywhere. : Rain -hats,, iff hat.H, felt hats for dress and knock about hats. - . Bovh' hats of good felt in black and nutro . color, each. J.......... ...... ; 500 Boys' hats of first qualitv in Fedora and golf shape in black, grey In the line of men's hat h we carry the celebrated Star Brand hats, made by BotliKohild, Bros. the, Kingsbury hats and the oiiinal "John B. Settson T ATTT VV! nr f iuw piiuc ui.. .uu styles, but good, clean, new stock. -TRY 0W "North Coast LimiteiP The Electric Lighted Observation Car Train between Portland and St. Paul. Pullman First Class keepers, s Pullman Tourist Sleepers, Dining Car, , Day Coaches, Observation Car. The Acme of Travel Comfort is found on nnv of tho 3 DAILY TRANSCONTINENTAL TRAINS 3 Swiil four cent's for our Lewis and Clark Booklet, or six cents for ''Wonderland 1905." Yellowstone Tark Literature fiin be bad for the asking. The Ticket Office at Portland is at 255 Rlorrison JL Cot, Third. A. D. CHAKLTON, Assistant (Jeneral Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Hotel Waucoma A First-Class House Moderate PLates Good Service Farmer's Dinner, 25 cts SIcod River PT A li and brown, each...,. .$1.00 CJ f ' - - - TB.E- P. F. FOUTiS, Prop. Fair ; Wood For Sale All Kinds at lowest Market Price. Prompt delivery, phone. Murray Kay. For Sale ' MISCELLANEOUS. r'or Hle Bay mare, weight ll&O, reotle, ln gle or double; good cnlUvator. I1 bone laox (uruwr. Murmy May. - J IS For Male Sweet corn fodder cheap. J. H. Kobei. J1S For Hale A flue Poland, China brood now. E. Hawken, K, K. P. No. 1. JI8 For Sale-High Grade Wild Went iboeefor men and hoya, et Cow ley ' ihoe atiup. Oppo lie rat Ultlco. asi For Mle, learn, sorrel hone and black mare, broke aluiile or double: weigh irom 2,800 U S.uuulba. Kouulre of M. I CarnabaD, liukee Valley. &U For Bale- -A good term bone cheap; also a good cow. Inquire of Win. McKrynolda on C. K. Warren'a place, 14 nlleeeoulb of lowu. For aale, aeveral aecopd-band bugglea and oarrlagea. Faaiilou bUtble. Jf For aale cheap, one two-borne wagon. Ha liulre of J. C. ritener, oue-balf in lit) eaat of Crupper aubool bouae, on an Uoddard'a railed. ji For aale, full blooded PI j month Rock moa tera and pulleta. Oery tine atock; will grace any ponltr yard; nothing belter guarantee topltuueoou. only a few for aale. Mra. K. Braylord, KK-kford wtore. Ji For aale, one gent e Iiorae. N. W . Bone. " J4 For aale, home-made Jell lea, 1190 per doi. 'vplnu; chow-chow, a.M) per doi.. 1 pt.; apple butter, etc., qui. 1160 per dot. Alao cauued frul.a at 12.60 to ti.,b per dox. qta. Delivered In dozen lota anywhere In olty limits, all put up in glHs. Mra. K. Vaubau. faradlae Farm. Phone (. J6 BoY8 OR UIRL8 or attractive young ladlet warned If you have only a few apaie ' oura, you can employ them profitably and earn money for Xma; If o j want to give your en tlie lime to tbe work jou can earn a nlee liv ing, Tbe best of It la, you dou't need any money to atart. A complete outfit free.' H. O. lirawer No, m, Buffalo, N. Y. All KtrayeU Oi.e red beirer with wbite spot on face, two years old past, marked with crop off each ear, brand O K on hip. Hulloble i ward will be paid for information concerning same. L. a Hboadea, H. F. 1., aevea milea out on eaat aide. Jll Wanted-A man to clear ten acres that have been bund grubbed. Mu.l aboot atiinipa and clearott and burn brush. C, K Copple, Route No. I d 81 1 f To Lend-1M)0 lo lend on Improved lnnd. First uiortgsae. ahorl or louir term, or on un improved laud part at atmie aalmproviuenu are mauc. Auuress, j, care uiacier. J li FARilKR, do yon know tbe Hood River Artificial Hume Co. I manufacturing Just the kind of concrete blocks to build an apple or milk Iniuset While you have time think Hover, Thecoatlatiiflliig. Uet price. 118 REAL ESTATE. For sale Ureat Ba'galu Ten acrea Sniilea out; small orchard, best variety of trees; two small houses. Price, 87B, H'it down. Inquire For Hale 10 acres, nearly all Improved. Good house and barn, 10 lncbea free water; 2n0 apple treea. 160 bearing; 40 cherry trees. 1 acre of strawberries, 14 pear trees and other iruna; u mueairom town, will sell at a oar gain. Address b care uiacier. ax For sale, IS or 20 acrea of the beat berry land In Hood River, 1 miles from town, nearly all nnder cultivation and In fine condition, at a bargain if taken now. Address Owur. box oti, roruaua, urt. naltf For Bale-Fifteen aorea land, unimproved; will contract lo clear same If purchaser de sires, r. w , Angua! B-ii For Bale Ten. 20 or 80 acrea: smile and clover; cleared; under ditch. L. Helllman, For Bale 886 tier acre. 40 acrea of level land four miles southwest of Hood River, near church, atore, R. F. 1J. and good 3-r om an' ool. Will sell in small trsots If desired. For for mer particulars inquire of A. J. bmerson, rfd -u. s, noou uiver. jiu BKAUTIFY YOUR HOME by having a handsome wsll of panel or rock face concrete bloc ks placed arouud II If your residence la on ui siue dim. ine iiooa tiiver xrunciai stone (Jo. is ready to book your order. J18 For Rent. For Rent Five-room cottage. H. M. Hux ley. 028 Bids Wanted-For75 cords of four foot Or wood will be received for 30 daya by school district No, 8. same to be delivered before epi. l, tuuo. u. it. vaugban, clerk. aa HO VlSYOURCHIMNEYt Isn't It better to put In a concrete one rather than run the nwK oi ine nouse ourning down with a defec tive flue? Belter see tbe Hood Klver Artificial ione to. about It. Ive order now. JIU Lost. Lost Packaire eontalntmr six vsriia nf silk Rum r day cveuing. Return lo Williams' rnarinacy. jig Lost Lady's gold watcb. Please leave at i ins omce. jis Lost Or taken by mistake, a silver mount ed umbrella with "W. M. H." engraved on the handle. Finder will please leave at Htewart'a jig ' Lost Man's mackintosh, between freight depot and the Franklon school bouse, Friday a fie r noon. Return to Daisy E. Thomas, ri.u.HJU UI UIHVWI UllllS. J IS 8trayed-One year old heifer; red with white spots, bole In right ear, left ear crop ped; baa borne. Owner can have aame lv paying for lb Is advertisement and expense of ic mug. n. a. woo re, aeven miles southwest oi noou niver, ds Strayed-A cow, red streaked with roan.dry; no horns, -lit In each ear and wire twisted in euge oi rigiu ear. niul ni r since IJecember 1. a, u. uersney, a. r . u. yo. 1. d'J8 PLACE YOUR ORDKKH at once with the mxiii niver Ariincial Htone Va. lor chimney blocks and foundation or retaining wall work. They will do It for you cheaper than you can iwisiwuDcuiiuT miiu uviier. us. Wanted Wnnted-Torent, s furnished house In tbe the lower pan of town by small family; no If a sufficient number or horses can be ob tained R. U. Hhelloi w II take them to pasture dai agent for all persons w shlug lo see the coon try around West Crapner. J.J.Jordan, all IBNT IT ABOUT TIME that you had your residence raised end a concrete block wall placed under Itt l will look so much better and cellar Is handy. The Hood Kiver Artl flclal Btone Oo. will do It cheap. (jg School Report. tha snhnnl rannt-t The following lg ror mpntn eoaiog JJeo. 22, 1906: '. ep- daya daya tar toll, pres. ab. dv grade Miss Mathews, I.I 11 J.. . 11 1MB I MUIU M ias Bowerman Miss hicks Miss Wright Mr. Eereit Mls Dleta Mlsafiopplo Mrs. Kocbe Miss Xtewsrt 2nd "1st 243 m Sid 1 I 8 K 4(t 41 4 s 477 4HN im 7 tsiV 45 41 41 CO Mrs. (Jove Hlgil School , HUH" st n ToUls M4 HUbK - Aversf- allepdance 44. Average nnnjuer belonging 4H6, PercvntofatwndancelKi.il. ' Per cent of punctuality Daya taught IS. 5u Alts, A mob la usually a creature of very mysterious existence. DartlcuiariT in . large city. Where It comes from w! w tinner it goes few men can t..n i. embllng and dispersing with equal uuuennesa, it. ia aa difficult to follow to Ita Tartoui sources as the sea itself, nor doe the parallel atop here, for the ocean la not mere fickle and i.l tain, more terrible when aroused, mora unreasons Die or more cruel. Dickens. Real Estate Bargains. AT THE EMPORIUM. 160 acre mountain ranch, all under irrigation ditch, twelve miles from Hood River; aix acres cleared, one acre or chard; good bunch marketable timber. Also four lots on hill near residence of Charles Castner; terms resnonaMe. 6 acres, one mile from Hood River; all apples, l acre bearing. I'rice for 30 days, $1850. 40 acres 6 miles from town, east Bide; 20 acrea cleared, 10 acres orchard. $125 per acre, cash. 10 acre, 2 miles from town; all in cul tivation. Prii-e, $2400. 4 room cottage. East 45 by 150 feet of lot 2 block 9, ParkhurBt, $1050; $750 cash. House and two lots in Barrett-Sipma addition. $700. Fine business lot on main street for $1600 on installment, or $1500 cash. 6 acres at Belmont, 6 acn s in cul tivation, cottage and outbuildings, 150 apple trees, 2 acres strawberries, 2 acres alfalfa, $1300; $750 or more cash. New tt-roomed cottage, patent bath and closet, four lota, 3 blocks from depot, center of town, $2100; terms reasonable. Two lots centrally located, $550. Two lots, new 6-roonied house, patent bath and" closet, 3 blocks from depoti center of town, $1700. Two-story 8-roomed cottage, lot 70 by 140, on the hill, $1200; terms reasonable. For Sale HOOO acres pine timber; 1 saw mill, cuts 20,000 pr day; 1 planing mill, capacity 30,000 feet per day; 1 store and stock of merchandise, about $3,500; 1 hotel aud contents; 1 saloon building, rented ; 3 houses, rented; 10 head horses and harness; 9 road wag ons, 3J H: 1 logging truck; 5 pair sleighs ; 30 head cattle ; 50 head hogs ; 600 feet lumber ;'2000 cords wood. All located at and near Hilgard, Or. For Bale New two-story 9-rooin house; Btranahan addition; $1100; terms easy. 14 acrea across the road from the M. M. Davenport residence. $00 per acre. Terms easy. 160 acre mountain ranch, all under ir rigation ditch, twelve miles from Uood River; six acrea cleared, one acre or chard; good bunch marketable timber. Also four lots on hill near residence of Charles Castner; lerms reasonable. In quire of John Leland Henderson. One goat ranch on mountain east of valley on county, road. Price $1,500; has small house, running water, and is fenced. Terms, easy. For Sale Beautiful lots in Park addi tion, center of town, from $200 to $300. 8. 160 acres at White Salmon; fine timber land ; $10 an acre. Lota 10, 11, 12, block 5, Waucoma ad dition; improved; price $1,600; or more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent. Small house and lot on hill to rent, $24 a year ; two vacant lots with privilege of purchase $20 a year for the two. For Sale Residence on State street at head of Front ; $2,500, incluilinu 3 lots. For Sale or Exchange for Hood River property Fine residence in business center of Sumpter. Money to loan. 21 a. at Frankton; improved; $2400. First-class Surveying Outfit At the Emporium are kept 2 first-class transits and solar attachments, and the proprietor, a practical surveyor, is pre pared to do the work of laying out acre age property In lots and blocks, and do ing all kinds of surveying and platting. JOHN LELAND HENDERSON, City Engineer. Hexcursioji tocTlIforxia. , Under Auspice of the Oregon Devel opment League, Leaves Portland on Special Train Jan. lit. Secretary Tom Richardson, of the Oregon Development League, is very anxious that the state at large should be well represented on this excursion. Tbe party, whiob will be composed of ladies and gentlemen, leaves Port land at midnight, January 13, 1906, stops being made at Sacramento, San Francisco, Palo Alto, San Jose, Paso Roblea, Santa Barbara and Loa An geles. Speoial entertainment will be acoorded tbe party at these points. Tbe rate from Portland will be 903 for one person, which includes three meals to be served on dinner between Portland and Sacramento, and Pull man berth to Los Angeles. A rate of $58 will be oharged where two people occupy a double berth. A deposit of $25 ia necessary on each ticket to se cure leaervatio'n. Section reservati ns will be held until December 25tb. Tbia ia an excellent opportunity to visit California, as the auspices under which it is given insures a most en joyable outing. The exourslon ia to be run only provided that not less than 125 per sons make the trip. All communica tions in in reference to reservationa and to tbe trip In general, should be addressed to Mr, Tom Richardson, Manager Portland Commercial Club, Portland, Oregon. At the Churches. Rolmnnt M. P. Phm-ch U n r1. Dastor. Services, ftlmnnt fimwluJ school at 10 a. m.; Class meeting atll a. m. ; Epworth League 7 p. in. ; preach ing every Sntiday evening and 2d Sun day in month at-l a. m.; Prayer meet ing Thursday 7:30 p. m. Services at Pine Grove aAiiip ah ahovo evco., viMa.).- ing, which is on 1st and 3d Sundays at 11 a. m. Crapper. 1st and 3d Sundays at 8:30; 8unday school at 2:30. Mourn Hood. The 4th rinnrluv ot 11 a n f Sunday school at JO a. m. MethrxliBt-T-l'rpncliincr ot 11 u m o,,,t 8 p. ui Sabbath school 10 a, m.; Jpi WOrtll LefttfllR 7 n m Prutrur miMtlinii Thursday evening. All cordially invit ed. W. ('. Evans, Mgtor. St Mnrk'a F.niacousl fl,i.,r.l, II. ,1. Communion at 8 o'clock; morning prayer at H, and evening prayer at II R f'l.nrcl, l.l,ll, ..I. 1 n ..c. s. r t" - ."h .-'"uiu etiiuui, .r;to; preaching, U a. p.; Junior services mi ner me leadership ot Mrs, o nf Mm h'li;u Hp. m.; Clm.-tinii Endeavor meeting, 6:.;0: sermon bv nualor 7 'ill in nru invited to any and all of these sei vices. U. M. Beeler, pastor in charge. Valley Christian Sunday school at 10 a. m. i Diaanhlna at. ii. v v a ' " ' r,r"; ' tti w I, tu at 0.30 p. m, ; preaching at l unaltt talk every Sunday even ing. We extend a cordial invitation to all tn nrtAnri 4 ha bqwU. . v, . . . . -u 1 1 . n,t. tUO day. W. A. Elkina, pastor. Riverside Congregational W. C. Gilmnre. naatnr. .MunHnv ohl ia a. m. Worship 11. C. E., 6:45. Song tervcle aud pteachiog, 7:30. Lutheran Services will be held again on New Year's day, at 2 o'tlock in the a'ttrnoon. Herman rreucbing. After the rervices tbe quarterly con gregationbl meeting will be held. H. J. Kolb, pastor. I