The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 21, 1905, Image 6

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A movement is on foot to either
rlecreano the size of the Classen or iu
create the salaries of the teachers at
The Dullea. Tfc average number of
Minils for chcIi teacher la said to be
f0. This is thought to bo too man
for them to handle oneotively,
ClmrloH Prwey whh fined $10 by Jna
tice Douthitt at The 1 nl)n recently
for pummclliuu Wilon liblwt -, a aix
teen-year-old boy. lloth persons were
employed on a sheep ranch lieloiiKin r
to Thompson Cooper near that city
and Pohst nays that Tibbeta bad nu
grovated blm to such an extent that
lie gave him a sound tliruxbinu. lie
' wag on bis way to nay the Hue when
Mayor Kelly bus brought before the
school directors a pioponition to dis
Dose of the old school building at '.
Dalles. The (structure is said to be
not "a thing of beauty and a joy for
ever" and mars the appearance of the
park site on which it is located.
The ton) porn tu re at The Dalles last
Thursday morning was only 3 degrees
above zero.
Cascade Lo:ge of Elks recently sent
(Senator Uoarin an umbrella as a token
of Ha esteem. Mr. Ueariu delivered
an address at the Lodge of Borrow
held In that city by the Klks a short
time ago and this was the way It took
of expressing Its appreciation.
The football game between The
Dalles luvincibloa and the second
Multnomah team was postponed on
account of the death of a relative of
lienry Kartell, the star half back of
The Dalles team.
It Is the intention of the oily gov
eminent of The Dalles to expend tj,
HXI iu the improvement of streets
there during the corning year. A spe
cial three-mill tax has been levied for
this purpose. Crushed rook will tiot
be a factor in these improvements.
TI.q n-Lr -.III nnnuluf I.. Illll.... In
rolling the dirt or gravol down hard
and then sprinkling with oil. This
treatment is said to have been very
aucoesstul in other eitios.
The funeral of Miss Kartell will take
plaoe at the family residence Thursday
morulug, at 11 o clock, ihe servlo
will be oonducted by Itov. 1). V. Poll
At a meeting of the oounoil held in
The Dalles Thursday evening that
body decided that the suloon keepers
were not paying enough lioeuhe. As
a result au ordinance was passed rais
ing the licenses of saloons in the city
from $'M) to IIOU. This ordinance is
in accordance with the state law,
which provides for a 1100 license.
The amount, however, is discretion
1 ary Jn municipalities.
Another ordinance refers to drug
stores or other places where spirituous
liquors are sold. This ordinance pro
vides for a liconso of &100 being paid
where liquors are disposed ot in less
quantities than one gallon in bottles
or packages only and not drank ou
premiheR. An infringement of this
ordinance makes the dispenser liable
to a line of not less than '2f nor more
than tM for the Hist olfenso and not
. loss than 50 nor more than 100 for
subsequent violations.
Mrs, Mury Campbell who died at
The Dalles laat Thursday, where she
bad taught school for some time, did
the very unusual act of wilting her
own obituary, which In part is as fob
lows: "I, Mary N. Campbell, nee
Mary Auu Northrup, was born iu Til
lamook county, Oiegou , J tine II, 1808,
being the daughter of Harvey and
Kuruu Northrup. (irundpureuts on
t both sides and father wore emigrants
of INiu. At the age of 1 years, in the
year 1872, 1 moved with my parents to
Uloucoe, Washington county, Oregon,
where 1 received my early training in
the Hhady Hrook country school. In
the full of 1HH1 I attended school in
ililltboro, Oregon, remaining there
until June, 188b. Then 1 spent two
years In the Portland public and high
schools. In the tall of 1887 I began
teaching in the public schools of
Washington county, and wltliit he ex
ception of one year spent at the Ore
gon State Normal, 1 have tai ght al
most ooutinuoiiHly in the public
schools ot Oregon, considering this
one of the greatest opportunities to do
good and impress righteous'princlples
lu the hearts or tha youth."
Seediest.' Apple Not it Success.
Apropos of several specimens of the
seedless apple, which it says were
submitted to it by the general mana
ger of the Heedless Apple company,
liural New Yorker publishes a state
ment by Dr. Walter Van Float, part
of which is as follows:
A single seed was found In one speo
liuou in an extra or advent it ions core
near the blossom ud of the fruit.
The others were eutireiy freo from
seeds, though the usual woody car
pels ot core divisions were not only
present, but strongly developed. The
apples are rather small lu si.e, round
and smooth in form, dull red In color,
with many li.,'ht dots. Itie calyx is
very large and open, and the bastu
is wide and deep, extending almost to
the core. The ttcsh is white and ilrm,
quality very ordinary, about on a par
with LI in Lei Twig, and scarcely as
good as lieu Davis. The claim made
by the promoters that the tSpeuoer
seedless apple contains 20 per cent
more apple substance than other vari
eties of the tame si.e is scarcely
borne out iu the specimens examined',
as the substaueo lost by the huge
open calyx huMn would quite olfset
any gain iu the t paces normally occu
pied by seeds.
A pome or applelike fruit is, botan
ically, the diluted and softened
flower stem oveigiowing the ovary or
true fruit, made up of woody or bony
carpels (core plates) and stds. lu
tbo. bpeuoer ami other seedless apples
the seeds alone are absent, but the
objectionable core is present as usual.
Unless the seedless variety should
possess in addition unusual good
quality or oiuer vaiuanie attributes
it is not easy to see w hy it shoul I be
particularly desirable except as a cu
riosity. We are told the Spencer apple pio
moters expect to develop seedless va
rieties of commercial apples, such as
Winvsap, Jonathan, lielilloner and
(Jaub. This can only be done by the
usual nreetling method of cross pel
leuization and careful selectiou of
succeeding generuti ins. While it is
within the nintje ot possibility t h it
seedless varieties rc.-emhling to some
extent our present successful com
mercial apples may iu tune bo secur
ed, such result in most uncertain and
likely to icqniie indefinite time. I
P Tbe Kieffei pear is as likely to drive
Hartlett. Bono. Clapp and tbe other ones out of business as this seed
less a i) i ile is to dispose of Baldwin
Northern Spy and other standard
sorts. "
Illustrates Point Aim nl Hates,
The Trenton, N. J., American gives
the following as au Illustration: "An
ignorant .co ttractor in Albany not
long ago failed to shore up one pillar
that as a part of the support of tbe
building. This Millar gave way, and
the whole building came down. If the
Interstate Commerce Commission
should chanuo the first class rate be
tween New York and Chicago it would
affect fully 10,000 other rates, becauee
the New York-Chicago rate is a base
rate for practically all tbe territory
eust of Chioago,and for more than hrlf
of tbe territory west thereof. Inter
mediate places take a percentage of
the Chicago rate, so that a single
change, say from 75 cents per bund
red to 70 conts per hundred, would
necessitate iuuumeiable other
"When tbe ariuments ou rate legis
lation are divorced from politics, and
the situation looked at calmly and
honestly from a strictly business
standpoint, it is quite difilcult to no
oucile tbe statements of some ot tbe
members of Congress who are in fa
vor of rate regulation with tbei;
acta. A representative is quoted as
stating that it is not tbe intention of
tbe administration to have a rate bill
which will enable the Interstate Com
merce Commission to make all rates,
but that they will only change a rate
that is challenged.
"Perhaps this is their intention,
but Wiat they did In the tincti-Iowu-
send bill was to give to the Inter
state Commerce Commission not only
full acd absolute control of every
rate, but of every method now In
foroe ou the railroads that bad refer
ence to the transportation of fre ght
and passengers. It is dillleolt to see
how a law could be drawn that would
give authority only over certain
A meeting of the Crmmercial club
us held at Prineville recently, at
which it was determined to take de
cisive action toward enlisting tbe sup
port ot the Commercial clubs of all
sections in tho state In a united elfort
to correct the mis-statements printed
in tlieOregonian regardiug unlawful
ness prevailing iu that region, occa
sioned by its published reports in tbe
urain case.
Kesolutions were adopted ftatiug
tnat tue runout investigation ebowed
thut tbe articles printed are utterly
devoid of any foundation and have
caused a false impression of tbe dis
trict iu the minds of the people, re
sulting In a dir ct injury to the com
munity and region. Delegates were
appointed to take the matter up with
the Portland Commercial club and se
cure its aid in presenting a true re
port to the people.
W. A. lialdlaw. general manager of
the Columbia Hnuthern Irrigation
company, and w. lllalue and 1'. W.
Wilson have made a thorouuh investi
gation of the Craln case. For a week
they have examined witnesses and re-
ort that they are satisfied of the un
truthfulness of the story minted.
They Interviewed persons in a posi
tion to know facts in tbe cane and
find that the attacks are au injustice
to tne county, giving a false Impres
sion which injures the district, and
therefore binders settlement. Jour
A gentleman who was recently at
Fargo, N. D., and who is a resident
of this city, tella a good story about
Hood Kiver apples.
Wbile sauntering around a hotel in
that place one afternoon he got into
conversation with a gentleman who
was stopping at the same hotel, and
among other things they got to talk
ing about apples. Of course when this
topic was reached tho Hood Kiver
man was at home. He told abftut tho
glorious fruit raised lu tbo valley, tbe
Hue color, the enormous size and the
fine quality. Aud incidentally wound
up by stating the prices obtained for
His companion listened Interestedly
to all this, and when be had conclud
ed, remarked that there must be some
mistake. That be bad been down tbe
street that morning and bad steu Hood
Kiver apples displayed iu front of a
grocery store for f'J a box. This tbe
Hood Kiver resident would not be
lieve, of course, and told his newly
made acquaintance that this brand of
apples suld for more thau that on tbe
They finally compromised the mat
ter by agreeing to go to the grocery
store aud examine the applet. On
arriving at their destination the pro
prietor of the store was called and was
asked to exhibit tho fruit.
Cioing over to a box of apples be
said, "Here they are, gentlemen."
Tbo apples were an assortment of
big, little, gnarly aud iudilfereut
looking fruit.
After looking them over the Hoed
Kiver mau sai I : "These are not Hood
Kiver apples. "
"Ob, yes, they are, " replied the
"Lot's see 'i.M box or barrel they
came In," said his Inquisitor
The box rrthooiniiig, and cn
one end of it was marked "Yakima."
His attention being called to tbe
iiurk, the groceryman SBld: "Well,
ain't they Western apples?"
"Yes," said the Hood River man,
"but Western apples are not necessar
ily Hood Kiver apples."
The SenMMi of lndigest'en.
The season of indigestion is upon us
Ki dol Dyspepsia Cure for Indigestion
mid Dyspepsia will do everything for
the Moniucli that an ovcr-losd'ed or over
worked stomach can not do f ir itself.
Kudol Invests, what von eat gives the
sb'inarli a rest relieves four stomach.
belc dug, heart-bum. indigestion, etc.
Sold by ti. K. Williams.
Xew Thlii'.' In Water Wheels.
A new thing in water wheels is go
ing to be tried iu the DesCbutes riv
er, i ne device Is constructed so as
to float in tho water aud Is anchored.
It will bo connected up with tbe shoie
by knuckles anil kept as nearly sta
tionary as possible by cobles that will
bo Hitched to the bauk of tbe river.
I lie new wheel only draws three feet j
of water and weighs luU) pounds. It
has a rapacity of 10 horsepower aud
can pump 11000 gallons of water per
Here Is Bargain.
,Kie acres first-class land, one mile
f '"in lie. d Kiver; nil in orchard ; new
buildings mi place. Must sell at once.
ro particulars see John Inland Hen
It is said that Captain Spencer has
found steamboating so profitable dur
ing the past season that be is thinking
of placing a steamer In operatio
ou tbe upper river above the portage.
He will do so, he says, if he is given
sufficient encouragement by tne snip
f.era. The bponcer has bad a veiy
Kiccessful te ir.oo and the Journal bas
this to say abort it:
"After tbe most l.uty and profitable
season, tbe Charles K. Hpencer be
been takeu off Tbe Dalles route, but
the captain says she will resume ser
vice as soon as Ihe trafflo condition
warrant it in the meantime she is
being overbau.ed thoroughly and
placed In tLe best of shape for active
work. For eight months tbe was op
crated regularly without missing
singlo trip. During the set ton it is
estimated that she covered a distance
of C0.0OO inilef, a record that no other
bout in local water bas to fcer credit
Those in a petition to know, say that
during this period the retted her
owner do less than 2o,CC0 iu clear
pro tit.
Accompanied by bis wife aud son
Charles, Captain Hpencer left
yestorday on an extended l.astern
tour. They will visit New York, Wash
ington and points on the Ohio river.
where the ciptaiu steamboated In tbe
palmy days when railroads were not
so numerous as now. He is familiar
witb every bend in tbe Ohio from
Pitt burg to Bt. Louis and probably
will make the trip over tbe old route
before bo returns. The captain, ex
pects to be absent a couple of months
at least Wblie in he Last be may let
a contract fo the construction of
boat to run ou the npper Columbia.
During his absence be intends to keep
in close touch witti Portland altalrs
A Liquid Cold Cure.
Croup, Coughs, Colds, Whooping-cougl
etc , have no terrors for children or
adults who '-vacuate tbe bowels witl
Kennedys Laxative Honey and Tar-
tbe Original Laxative Cough Syrup and
Liquid Uold (Jure, this remedy expels
all cold from ttie system and strength
ens tbe throat, lungs and Itronclual
lubes. Tbe mother's favorite and child
ren's safeguard. Bold by U. K. W 1
Millionaire's Poor Ntoinacli.
The worn-out stomach of Ihe over-fed
millionaire is often paraded in the pub
lie prints as a horrible example of the
evils attendant on the possesion ot great
wealth. But millionaires are not tbe
only ones afflicted with had stomachs.
The proportion is far greater among the
toilers, dyspepsia and indigestion are
rampant among there people, and thev
suffer far worte tortures than tho mil
llonaire unles they avail themselves of
a eianuaru n euieine line ureen s Au
gust Flower, wlreh has been a favorite
ousebold remedy for all stomach trou
les for over thirty live years. August
Flower roues the torpid liver, thus cre
ating appetite and in uring perfect di
gestion. It tones and vitalizes the Ca
iro system and makes life worth 1'ving,
no matter what your station. Trial
Kittles, 25c; regular si.e, 75c, For sale
by C. N. Clarke, druggist.
Jt. A. . Elect Officers.
Hood Kiver Chaptor No. 27, R. A.
M., bold its annual meeting Friday
evening aud elected the following o di
cers :
I 11. P.-l). McDonald,
f K.-H. F. Davidson.
I 8.-K. O. Illanchar.
C. II. -O. K. Castner.
K. A. C J. K. Carson.
O. M. 3d V.-C. H. Stranaban.
(1. M. 2d V.-J. L. Hershner.
U. M. 1st V.-J. M. Wright.
Sentinel A. L. Phelps.
Secretary A. I). Moe.
Treasurer E. L. Smith.
Is Not a Candidate.
E. L. Smith of Hood River will not
be a candidate for the Republican
nomination for governor at the pri
maries next April. It has been a
mooted question among politicians
for a long time whether Mr. Smith
would figure lu the approaching fight,
but yesterday, for the first time, bo
went on record by declaring he would
not be a candidate.
"You may say for me that I have
not been, am not, and do not intend
to be a candidate for governor of Ore
gon," said Mr. Smith. "Further
uioro, 1 would not by initlat on seek
any olllce lu the gift of the people."
Dalles Chronicle.
In Mad Cluise.
Millions rush in mad chase after
health from one extreme of faddism to
another, when, if they would only eat
good food, and keep their bowels ragu
lar with Dr. King's New Life Pills,
their troubles would all pass away.
Prompt relief and quick cure for liver
and stomach trouble. 25c at C. N.
Clark's drug store; guaranteed.
re symptom of tne most serious
trouble which can attack a womtn,
viz; falling of the womb. With tills,
generally, comes Irregular and painful
periods, weakening drains, backache,
headache, nervousness, dizziness. Ir
ritability, tired feeling, etc The cure Is
Idlewilde Additions
Easy Grades, Fine View and Good Water ,
Cheap lots for building: Small Houses near Flour Mill
Office next Jo Waucoma Hotel
All the late books a fine line to
select from. Call and look them
For Children
Linen books of every
. Little Story 1'ooks
Big Story Books
Chatter Box
For Boys
A'gers' Series
Henty Series
Frank Merriwell
Animal Stories by
Ernest Seaton
. Thomas
Picture Mats
A new stock
Just Arrived
Bed '
This is a heavy boa rd with
a high finish. lfc sheet,
20x30 inches.
Have you noticed the quality
of the paper in our Xmas boxes?
It is the very best and the boxes
are beautiful.
For Girls
Marl ha Finley's Books
Louisa M. Alcott's Books
Our stock is already
broken. It will pay
you to look them over.
The stock is too large
to describe.
From 25c to $5.25
Longfellow, Tennyson
Milton, Whittier in
beautiful burnt leather bindings.
Will Carleton, Ella Wheeler Wil
cox, James Whitcomb Riley and
many others in fancy cloth binding.
This is a Book and Stationery Store and
we make a specialty of these lines
Annnallv. txv All the new DOHitiooa created bv
lUllroad nd Telrarauhcmnixinles. We want
luimu ainw ana LAmnsai goou uroiu to
We furntKh n per cent of the Operator nM
Station Agenu Id America. Uuraix alxacboola
are the largeat exclusive Telegraph Hcbools IN
THI would. Kxtabllnhfd 20 yeara and en.
domed by all leading Hallway Otflclala.
We execute a tao Bond to eve-y atudentlo
furnlxh him or her a position paying from H0
toftua month In Hut eaxl of t lie Kooky
MounUtlna, or from t:b to fHM a month In
HtateaweHt of the Hookies, JMMKDIATELY
Htudenta can enler at any time. No vaca
tion. For full particulars regarding any of
ourKohoolH, write dirt ct to our executive of
tlce at Cincinnati, O. Catalogue free.
The Morse School of Telegraphy
Buffalo, N. Y
LnC'ronse, Wl",
Ban Francisco, Cal.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Atlanta, ua,
Texarkana, Tex.
Shepard & Franz
Are in correspondence with all parte of
the United Htates and are in good posi
tion to (ell your
Farm Property
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Orient Fire Insurance Co.
Underwood Hotel .
Mrs. Mary D. Olson
Firi-t-clnat accommodations lor travelers
Meals and lodging. Meet all boats.
Lunches at all hours. Waiting room.
Comfortable rooms.
Underwood, Wash.
0 Q
The season is now coming "on
Stock Foods
s. '
We arw tigent.s for the security, International
and Columbia Stock Foods. Did you know that
.by feeding a good stock food to yonr horses and
cattle you can save at least half the feed and
better results besides.
Come in and let us show you.
Clarke, THE Druggist
Steam and Hot Water Heating
All jobbing promptly attended to. , ;
..Livery, Feed and Draying..
Hood River, Ore.
Horses bought, sold or exchanged.
Pleasure parlies can secure firet-class rigs.
Special attention given to moving furniture and
We do everything horses can do.
Hunt Wall Paper Co
Carries everything in the line, including
Krinked Silks, Sik Embossed. Tapestries, Moires,
ngrains, Varnished Tiles, B anks, etc.
Up-to-date Paper Hanging, Sign,
Carriage and House Painting.
Phone 671. First and Oak Streets.
Bartmess' Furniture Store
The Female Regulator
that wonderful, curative, vegetabto ex
tract, which exerts such a marvelous,
strengthening Influence, on all female
organs. CarJul relieves pain and
regulates the menses. It Is a sure
and permanent cure for all female
At all druggists and dealers la 11.00
In my womb and ovaries," writes Mrs.
Naomi Bake, of Webster Grove, Mo.,
"also In my right and left sides, and
my menses were Try painful and Irreg
ular. Since taking Cardul I feel like a
new woman ar.d 6o not suffer as I did.
it is the best medldnf I ever took."
Mnilrable I roil P.eds1, guaranteed -against breaks by the
Victory for o years, and yet cheaper thau the east beds.
We get them direct from the Kast. "all and look them over.
Craphoplione on household goods free for $JK)
Building Material, Carpets, Paints, etc.
Undertaker and Embalmer.
Square Deal Store
Do. not forget that you will
money every time you trade with
get full value for your
me. When in need of
Groceries, Flour and Feed
Call and see me. You will find it pays to trade here.
Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and
an kinds of Agricultural Implements
Alfalfa, Clover and All Kinds of Field Seeds.
I bore jqst uddud a stopk of PAINTS ant ain prp
parod to guarantee price and quality,
Come in and make your wants known and wt, nrWa
It will pay you.
lours for Business,
3rd and River Street.
Hood Riwer, Ore
KigTlx Class IMZilliaa-er
Hood River, Oregon.
! t
j i