The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 16, 1905, Image 8

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    Be Sure to Use
Cream of Tartar
Baking Povgcr
Food made with alum
baking powder carries alum
to the Stomach unchanged.
Scientists have positively
demonstrated this and that
such food is partly indi
gestible and unheallhful.
The first miuirnieut In to grow the
fruit right. Tuiit iiiuludoa good vari
eties, healthy trees that huve been
supplied with propor proportions of
fertility nnd mointuro, properly
sprnyed to keep olf insoets and fungi,
and the fruit thinned to give it an op
portunity to doelop tho best advant
age. - We lino a half bushel round btt
ket with onn Imndle to pick the fruit
in, write U. T. Cox In Kural New
Yorker, and have an Iron hoop with n
loop for a loather strap to fanten tc
basket, and the ither end of liook
bent no that it just hiiugH over a limb
or a ruD? of the ladder. Quarter inch
iron is plenty large enough for hooka,
and eight or nine Inches will be about
right length to cut tho iron for a
book. Cut a leather strap about a ball
inch wide and nine or ten inches long,
and make a slit uear both ewls, then
run one end through the loop in the
book and put the other end of tht
strap through the flit and the strur
and the book are securely fantnod to
gether. Put the at rap around the ban
ket handle and run the book through
the uther slit in the strap and draw
up tight and it Is fastened to the bits
kot. Tliis way is much better than
tying. We use ladders made from two
pieces of light timber sawed tapering,
so tho heaviest and strongest p rt it
at the bottom, i loins are bored
through some pieces of tough timber
are split out for rungs and lilted into
the holes, then wedged, mid a few
nails driven to hold it together se
curely. Tho ladder should bo set al
most straight for tho picker to stand
on while picking, just so it will not
fall backward with bim while climb
ing. If it is set leaning very much it
Ih more apt to break a limb and throw
the picker olf tlinu if stood straight
as possible. The longer the buldor the
straighter it ran stand, and the short
ei the more It must leun to stand
while the picker Is climbing. I do
not like pickers to climb through the
trurMi 'f t.h turn the fruit from
ladders. They often skin the limU
and break them, which can be avoid
ed by staying nu the ladders. Poor
pickers are a prolltlo source of damnge
to trees. Tho proper way to pick an
apple or pear is not to tuko hold of
the fiuit and pull. 15y so doing the
stem oitou pulls out of the fruit or
tho twig breaks oil' with the frult.tiik
ing the buds that would mutes the
fiuit the following year. The picker
should put ids thumb or linger, or
both, at tho juuctiou of stem and
twig, and bieiik sideways, so ns to
leave the a' em with tho fruit and the
twig on the tree, and lay the fruit
carefully In the basket, so as n:t to
bruise it. Fruit does not all ripen at
one time, and consequently it should
not be picked all at once. We go
over the orchard and pick the largest
and best colored fruit as soon as it
will do, and leave tho others to grow
and eolor for later picking. It will
Hiirpriso any growor who lias never
done so, nor seen apples picked that
way, to see bow much the little green
fruit will grow and color iu two
weeks. A picker cau tako olf ail the
fnrt thnt will do for the best grade
about the llrst of October, and not
get more than half of the fruit picked,
and two weeks later get nearly at
many more tirst grade apples as be
got the llrst time. What is the use
of picking those little green apples the
first of October, when they are al
iiion' worthless, and let some of the
good ones drop from the trees because
all of them cau not be gone over as
soon as they shonll be? lly picking
only the best fruit the whole orchard
can be gone over in much less time
than when they are taken clean, and
then a second picking can be made,
Hiid if uecessnry a third. If there is
still quite n quantity of green fruit
when the second picking is made,
leave it for a third, becauso it is al
most worthless when immature and if
the foliage remains on tho trees the
fruit will grow and color.
When all the fruit is gathered at one
picking 1 would not give much for the
second grade, as it is not well colored
and Is immature, but by making two
or three pickings nearly all ot it will
have good color, and lie ripe enough
to taste well, and tho second grade
1 will keep better than the llrst usually,
' and sell in the winter for about two
thirds as much ss the tlrst. lly thor-
- ough spraying four or live times in a
eason, thinning so as to take off all
the imperfect specimens to bo readily
' two, and then some of the email ones
when they aro too thick, and success
ive piokiugB, most of the culled ami
poor apples will bo dune away with
and good fruit will I e in its stead.
, The culled fruit hurts the market for
good apples more than the same
, quantity of good apples without any
culls, it Is necessary for us growers
to grow and put on the market noth
ing but gooil fruit that will keep and
jdease the consumers, llmv often
does the poor stud' t ut en the market
no disgust the buyers that they do
. not care to miike another purchase of
the same variety, fearing they will
, not be satisfied? It is too often the
Non Lost Mother.
"Consumption runs In our family,
and through It I lust my Mother,"
w rites K. It. Ueld, of Harmony, Me.
"For the past live years, however, on
the slightest sign of a Cough or Cold, 1
.have taken lr. King's New liiscovcry
, for Consumption, w hich bus saved me
; from serious lung trouble." llisniotb
; cr's death wa a sad loss for Mr. Held,
but be learned that lung trouble niuit
not be neglected, and how to cure it .
Quickest relief and cure for coughs and
colds, l'rice 50c and f UK); guaranteed
at C. N. Clarke's drug store. Trial
, bottle free.
By ticueriil 0. H. Howard.
If one wished to e,et a -lellimte id. a
and full inforn allbii hh lo the pro
ducts of euch county of Oregon, next
to a visit to the county itself and i
careful impaction of its agricultme
and liidiihti ies, would re a thorough
(xmina'ion t f the exhibits of each
eoui tyas found iu tho Agricultuial
building. These county exhioits weie
on eithe' side of one of tne principal
aisles. We present boiewith as a sam
ple a picture of Watco.
Wasco is the county in which Hrci;
Kiver is situated. Tho Hood Kivei
apples wero fairiu s t.efore theLeit
and CTu k, having taken the llrst re
tuiins at fair.-. Chicago has en
deavored to obtain some of these ap
ples, but one dealer 1.1 !ew iork bt
succeeded thus fur in purchasing tht
extra product. Other Iruits, if we
may judge from looks, tmell and taste,
are of a superior quality. The ri elons
seemed to our rather amateur i aiate
to be quite equal to Koeky 1 oids.
The courteous agent in clmrge of tht
exhibit, Mr. (1. 14. Cashier, did not
hesitate to claim for the Wasco ouu
ty melons even a superiority to the
Colorado pro 'net. Hood Kiver apples
are known in London and Edinburgh.
The firm of l' Newhall & Sous, lead
ing fruit dealers in Chicago, are
quoted as saying : "Other sections ot
the Northwest can produce line lieu
Davis and Wiueaips, but no section
In the whole United States can pro
duce Bpitzoiiburg and Nowtowns the
equal of those grown at Hood Kiver.'
It is claimed that with all its repu
tation of raising One apples the appk
Industry is but in its Infancy. It is
stated authentically that with an arei:
of more than i0,(XX) seres of land
adapted to apple culture not to exceed
7,(ijaeres is in cultivation and only
;i,000 acres have been utilized for or
chards at this time. Notwithstanding
the small area, comparatively, devoted
to the growth of fruit, Hood Kiver,
stands without parallel as the gieatest
apple district of the world, judgod by
the qualty of the fruit.
W soo county is one of the oldoal
oounties in the state. It extend
along the Colubini.i river from tin
Caaoade Locks to the mouth of the
Deschutes river a distauce of (10 miles,
and is traversed by the Oregon Kail
road and Naviagtion company.
There are foiests of good timber in
the western part. There is a. definite
fruit belt and a wheat belt. The cli
mate is varied. In the western part
tho rainfall is heavy, but less in the
east. In winter the thermometer
rarely reaches zero. The Dalles is the
county seat and is at the head of nav
igation of the Columbia, 8S miles east
of Portland. Borne of the valleys are
devoted to stock. Alfalfa is a success
ful crop "Kb thiee cuttings in a sea
son. M osier has a reputation for line
fruit similar to that of Hood Kiver,
Well edited the load
ing products of each part of the coun
ty, its soil and natural characteristics,
were distributed at the tali, not only
for Wasco, but nearly every other
oouuty. One of the wants for this
county is sot down as "10,01)0 more
people who will make their homes
here." Thcro are three common ial
clubs in the county one at Tht
Dalles, ono at lluod Kiver and one at
Duf,ur. The secretaries of these clubs
are ready to answer any letturs of in
quiry. Mi. A. D. Moo, oditor of the
Hood Kiver Olacler, is named as one
of tho oillcers of that club. In a num
ber of the counties the county court
made an appropriation to meet the ex
penses of the exhibit and to pay foi
iiuitabjo advertising literature. Or
chard ami (larden.
Home (irowu Product ltcst.
llickleton had an example of the In
fertility of the mail order businot?
last week. Homo time ago a certaii,
lady of this vicinity received a lettei
from a gentleman at Hood Kiver wh
had in some manner got hold of hei
name. Nho replied and soon a cor
respondeuce was iu full blast. I lot I
of tho par ios seemed to be iu the
matrimonial market, and ere long a
match was arranged and the date fixed
for tho wedding. Hut tho well laid
plans o' mice and n.en gang aft aglee.
Last week the gentleman came up
from Hood Kiver but after they had
met and become personally acquaint
ed, they decided they were not suitod
to each other and Cupid went into
mourning. Moral; "Take tho borne
grown product, " (loldendale Kenti
nol. Hut Few Are Free.
Hut few eiiple are entirely free from
indigestion at this season of the year
Koilol Dyspepsia Cure is not only the
liesl remedy to use because It digests
what you eat but because It also en
utiles the digestive apparatus toasiiui
late and transform all foods into tissue,
tiuilding blood. Kodol relieves sour
stomach, heart burn, belching, mid all
forms of indigestion. Sold by (J. K.
To Irrigate Hogue Kiver Valley.
Plans nre being completed to irri
gate the Kongo Kiver valley, capital
having been attracted to that district
by the line quality of fruit raised
there during the past season. It is
said to lie very feasible to irrigate
this country and no less thau live
water companies aro preparing esti
mates and having preliminary sm
ve.vs made to supply wat. r to these
K.very Ounce Yen Eat.
Kvery ounce of food that you cat
t lint fails to digest does a pound of
harm. It turns the entire meal into
poison. Thin not only deprives the
blood of the necessary tissue-biiildiug
material, but It poisons It. Kodol Dys-
neiiMitL ("ih'm In a licrfect diucstiillt. II.
digests the food regnrdless of Hie con
dition of the stomach. It allows that
organ to rest and get strong again.
Uelieves Itelchuig, Heart Hum, Nmr
Stomach, Indigestion, Palpitation of
the heart, etc. Sold by G. K. Will
iams. Wmileu Mill For The Dalles.
A meeting of businessmen was held
at Tim Halloa recently for the purpose
of discussing plans for building a
woolen mill at that place. It is pro
posed to capitalize it at ?."0,iHiO, and
if built would lie of the same capacity
as the ouo at Pendleton, and employ
ing about forty or fifty hands, with a
pay roll of M.000. The matter was
favorably received by those present
and a committee appointed to make
inquiries a to its feasibility.
Packed a Few Apples.
On November 3, Mr. Parson's crew
of four men packed 315 boxen of ap
ples in 10 hours aud cleared the pack
ing taljes of apples three times. The
records of tho men were: It. D.
Prouty, !)S boxes; llort Kelly, 7G box
es; Howard McK.lroy, 71; Clin
tou Parsons, TO boxes.
Offices anil Ittimus.
The very best for rent in Smith Block
' W , fi"'i,i
Ir'T .'71.
We are again ready to
supply our patroriH with
Eastern and
S, L. YOUNG, Prop.
Phone, Main 55.
Do you want a snap?
You can't lone if you
buy a tract in famous
' ' ' i ' -'y
v .- , i"t i 'P",
-ft ' ' ; i . i ' ,
Cut up in tracts to suit you
Just sold ten acres for two
thousand dollars and the
rest, than tha t which we
serve will soon be sold.
The finest berry aud apple land in
lie world. Within the city limits ol
White Salmon. Ten-acra or smaller
tracts Just tho thing for berries and
After you have looked around come
and see us and you will find just what
you have have been looking for.
Cherries from tract this year
are t he winners in
fruit exhibit s.
the great
White Salmon, Wash,
Who Wants It?
It Im nn 111 wlml Una Mows no icond. The
Hoott riiilrottfl hnH rut iy (mm tn two trat tK,
(i ml I him gnlntf to m-II one of ihnn cheap.
I'lierti Ih iitutut IU iH ifH, Mi of M htcll Itt Wt In
Newtnwn nml Hi tiztMihcr itppli tivtvn; uocui
so; well wnlct'ctl; locution lit the Iichi'I of'our
host H)pto tlislrtct; cIom' to it 4-i'oom vrtttlcd
Hchool Iiouni, and mntl ttcMvery hik! U'le
plton wrvloe hi your dor. T'n etiny. For
parctilttiM, tnquirp of A. 1. Mason. h.J
If your tickets read overthi- Oenver
and Rio lirnndc liailn-aii, (lie
"Scenic Line of the World,"
There nre so many scenic Attract ions
and points of interest uIoiik t be line
between Oden and Idnver (hut
(be trip never becomes tiresome.
If you are tfoing Kast, w rite for Infor
liiati'on and Ret a pretty bok that w ill
tell you all about It.
W. ('. MellUlDi:, (ieneral Ajrent,
11M Third Street,
White Salmon-Hood Kiver
Two big sail boats, two
big perfectly safe gasoline
launches and two big ferry
seows. Expert sailois in
charge, lloats leave at all
Licetuud J-'errymin.
Fine line of
Toilet Articles,
etc. 'Also
Spray Material
Bring in your
I bold llcem-o from the State Board o( Oregon and Washington, and am qualified
to ship bodies to any point, l'rompt service either day or night.
Pallor riione Main 1143 Schifller Building,
Residence I'hone Main b75 Hood River, Oregon
Golden Crown
Hard Wheat Flour
Is the best flour ever put on the Hood
Kiver market. It is made from selected
hard wheat, and put up expressly for
Hood River trade.
The Hood River Pakery" has just pur
chased 200 barrels of Golden Crown
Flour, and says it is the best flour they
have ever used.
For Sale By .
Hood River, Oregon
Nice lot of Yellow Newtowns, Spitzenberg, Baldwin, Mam
moth lilack Twijr. Jonathan, Rome Reauty, Lawver, etc.
lso large line of general nursery stock. Send for catalog
and price list. Breeders ot Shorthorn tattle una Berk
shire Hogs; all stock registered
The very finest line of Pianos, from the cel
ebrated t'hickering, the renowned Weber, the
line Kimball, which is used and known for its
purity of tone and easy action, the silver-toned
Hobart M. Cable, and on down the line of
Pianos to suit your means and pocket book.
Pe sure to write for terms, or come and see
A niXIXTC jC mi ir.wcc
The Dalles, Oregon.
A little mtisoimble fnig-alit.v while ono is earning money;
a little money put cnrenillv tiwn.y in ti e of pome
good hintitution, may menn a bar against want, rare and
trouble that the improvident person will foil to cope with.
Why not the old and tried
Hood River, Oregon.
Buy Your Fruit Boxes
Hood River Box Factory
and Patronize Home Industry.
Best Quality Lowest Price
. Home Made
Phone Main 71
I To the People of
Hood River Valley . . .
Our Flour, Graham, Whole Wheat,
Farina, Bran, Shorts and Middlings are
as good as can be made by any mill on earth.
All made from good, strong Hard Wheat.
We ask you to give them the preference, and by
patronizing home industry help build up your
own community.
If your merchant will not furnish you with
the home product, call on us and we will put
you in line with some one who will.
Hood River
WOOD & SMITH PROS., Proprietors.
Groceries, Flour and Feed
Only Exclusive Grocery Store in the City. Free Delivery. Phone
Can get a First-Class 250 MEAL at the
P. F. FOUTS, Prop.
Dealer In General Merchandise
and Lumbermen's Supplies,
Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts
Free Delivery. Phone 931
White Salmon, Wash.
General Contractors and Builders.
Estimates on all kinds of work diet rfnllv furnished mid (lie licet of work
manship guaranteed. We are doing tlie hnilding of tliis section at nnwnt. t-ur
work will ipeak for itself.
F. 8. STANLEY. Frr. E. L. SJini!,
ILC First National Bank
Remember That this l,ml is a Home Institu
Established 1900.
Residents of Waco Co. for 24 Year a
Milling Co.
Vic-lKn. K. 0. FLAMIIAR OsM.r
tion and we invite your business on
a bais of nutunl helpfulness.