The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 16, 1905, Image 7

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    w3 Cm
0 Where ALL is
am0 mm
The Leading Q
f Up-to-Date
Thanksgiving Mk Linens are Shown Profusely at Reduced Prices
j ,
I A word wit
If you need, or are likely to need a
Coat, Cape, Fur Suit,
i kSKirt, Waist or anything else
to wear don't
We are just wild
and will save you
. Mr. Biirtmess is on a rash basis.
.-lines at manufacturer's coat, Knapp.
Do von use Naptha soap? 5c per bar
at McDonald's.
For surveying, see John Leland Hen
derson & Son.
Fresh Olvmpla and Eastern oysters nt
the Gem Candy Kitclien.
See that dandy line of Folders at the
Pcitss Studio.
Shingles. See us for best price.".
Oieuon Lumber Co.
t'se Williams' anti-septie hair tonic
and keep off gray hairs.
Sidewalk lumber. Delivery same
day order is received. Oregon Lumber
I o you use Lath? Get our price and
compare it with that of competitors.
You will make money this way. Ore
gon Lumber Co.
Closing out all but millinery, Knapp.
tio to Mr. Onthank for abstracts and
notarial work, renting and collecting.
Legal papers carefully drawn.
The Gem Candy Kitchen makes fresh
candy every day.
For Rent A desirable house down
town. li iiire at Knapp's store.
Ladies' hand turned and sewed shoe
work a ipec'ally at T. II. Donovan's,
ncro-8 fiom William's Pharmacy, All
work slrickly first-class.
Every man owes it to himself and
liis family to master a trade or profesion.
Head t'i display advertisement of the
W Morse Schools of Telegraphy, in this
issue and learn bow easily a young man
or lady may learn telegraphy and be
assured a position.
Men's hat-i ami shirts at wholesale
price nt Knapp's.
In order that their patrons may take
advantage of the discount allowed on
bills paid before the lentb of the month,
the Wa 'er anil Light Co. bus arranged
to krep their oII'ich in the Davidson
building open till 8:3(1 p. m. the first,
ninth, tenth and every Saturday even
ing of each month.
It is to your intetest to refer to Mr.
!artmess' ad under the new system.
For rent Two or three good houses,
furnished rooms for light housekeep
ing, or nicely furnished house for a
abort time. See W. J. baker.
Maye; Bros, iret a fresh supply of
meat eer.v ne-n i'ig
1(0 acre mountain ranch, all under ir
rigation ditch, twelve miles from Hood
River; six acn g cleared, one acre or
chard; good bunch marketable timber.
Also four lots tin hill near residence of
Charles Castner; terms reasonable. In
itiire of John Leland Henderson.
Wanted To trade ten acres of partly
improved fruit land, buildings etc., in
Hood River valley for improved acreage
at. White Salmon, or Pacific county,
Washington. Apply to Geo. D. Cul
bertson & Co.
Seen Our Premium
We are giving awav some very
beautiful premiums these days
I'e sure yoil gt yours.
Picture Mat We have
mat board in all colors. Poster
lioard, Passepartout Minding,
Hangers, etc. Little Prices.
Souvenir Postals
Many irew views jtlst in. They
are so nice to send to your east
ern friends. 2 for 5 cents.
Have You Seen the fine
values we are giving In Boys'
Fleecedined Hnderwear?
25c garment.
fail to see us.
on cutting the prices
fully half.
All the latest styles Photos at the
ueitz Studio.
Mayes Bros.' meat market has been
supplied with a cooling fountain for
keeping vegetables fresh and clean. Buy
your vegetables where they come fresh
as irom the garden.
John Leland Henderson and son are
equipped with two Gnrlev transits and
will be ready to do surveying for the
next two months. Rat3s per day are
1 ami t iu.
Remember Riggs' Bhoe shop, next
door to McGuire's meat market. All
work strictly first-class. Also boots and
shoes made to order.
Call and examine my new lino of
watches. I can save you money. Clarke,
the jeweler.
Patronize home industry by buying
ranch butter at McDonald s.
Shoes half soled whlle-yon wait In
20 minutes. All work first-class and
guaranteed. Ladies' sewed soles and
U. NullivHifg rubtier heels a specialty.
Donovan's Shoe Shop, opposite Wil
liams' pharniary.
Wanted To exchange o-acro fruit
farm, well improved and near Hood
River for resilience property in city.
Apply to Geo. 1). ('ulbertson & Co.
You will stop and look when you see
the good things to eat at McGuire Bros.
When you think of meat, phone 731.
All orders promptly filled.
Try McGuire Bros.' home kettle ren
dered lard. None better. Put. tip in
3, 5 and 10 pound can pails.
Gentle horse, harness and hack for
sale. Apply to McDonald.
If you are contemplating making
your father, mother, best girl or joiing
man a Christmas present, I have just
the thing for you, Clarke, the Jeweler.
McGuire Bros, will have new home
made coined beef the first of the week.
Pulverized Mocca and Java coffee at
I carry a full line of Dubar, Hemp
den, WaltliHin and Elgin watches, in
all sizes, 7 to 23 jewels; or if you wish
something cheaer, I have a line of
Swiss and German made watches on
all of these watches. My prices are
I lie best this side of Chicago. Call and
look at them. Clarke, the Jeweler.
K. G. Coe Is now settled in bis new
quarters on Fourth street, opposite 0,
B. Hartley's residence, where he is
prepared to do anything in tbe way of
carpenter work. Special attention
iven to small jobs.
I now have the most complete line of
watches, clocks, jewelry, cut glass and
silverware that ever came to Hood
River. I would like very much to show
them to you, because I believe that I
can save you money. Clarke, the Jew
eler. It will be to your interest to call at
the city market before ordering your
Thanksgiving turkey, goose or duck.
Drapery Materials
Wouldn't it be a good, idea to re
cover your couch, or to fix up a
pretty cozy comer? You, can do
it without much expense. Pretty
material" here.
Ladies' Oneita Union
Suits You see them advertised
everywhere. They're good as can
be made. Comfortable, fit well,
and not high priced.
Table Linens
Very beautiful patterns In fine
Irish silver white linen, table
cloths, doilies, napkins, scarfs,
et Little prices.
Dolls Fan-s Claus has sent
uis first lot to us, the kind that
you wtint to dress. They are
beauties. Come and see.
Z?. - ' ' . t' '-fit
'0k j . ' '- ill
xv 1 fv i 1 n
cn loilav.
Money to loan. K. H. Hartwig.
You dou't have to boy 100 potuids
of meat in order to get it cheap at
Aloorn'g City Market.
Money to loan on first mortgage.
A. W. Onthank.
You can depend on clean go. ds
when youjbuy of :Ucon'.
Tickets for I he ihu (o Le f,W n
by the football ti .cot nro now on tale
and may be pu chaseii from any mem
ber of the ten"!. H will tube pi ro
Thauksgiviug nilit and v. ill give yen
an opportunity to help digest your
Fine lino of fm h iish every day ut
the City Market
The re3ideni" M.U'Hrtised for sale last
week by A r. Kl ''ers is his home resi
dence. -Will nit t! or a portion of tln
IiiiiiI around it. A. H. Hioners.
Alcorn does not sell cheap meat, hi t
high gr ido iue-:t cheap. 3
All persons wh-i are indebted to me
come and settle at once in some vy
J. T. Uolmnn.
if yon want anythiug put tip in ijrod
shape, mi yon i-mi cimk it, the Cily
Market is the pl.ico to got it.
HL'hi-st cah price paid for chiclctis
at tiiH 1; ck Ui-ige ponltrv farm. Th-s.
Shere, pr prieor. Phone 3.4.
F. G. Coe, Hie carpenter, has n io--,v
teleph -mi' oi.m'erat liis new -. n
on I urn t i stivri. Call U Mai!-. ,ul.
Ic c earn Thntiksgiving at Youna's
Favorin- Oysier Parlor.
For n'fv roater chii kein, call at the
R-ck Ridge Poultry farm. Phone
Closimr Out Grocery Rusiness.
T am selling out lit cost everything
but it-eats. It you are looking for bar
gains in the grocery lino look at a few .
of the prices submitted below:
Tomatoes, Illc per can.
Iieans and peas, lt)e per can.
Table (,'nlitnrnia peaches, 2 can 2.jc.
Sehilling's best teas, regular 25 and
50c value, 20 and 40c.
Pound package Japan tea, 3 oc
Naiis, $2.75 per keg.
5-gal. Dolphos oil cans, 1.7"
8-gal. Delhos oil cans, $1 HO.
Other prices in proportion. Call in
and take advantage of this sale.
"I Thank The Lord"
cried Iluntiab Plaijt, of Little Rock,
Ark., "lor tin releif I got tiom jiuek
len's Arnica Halve, It cured my fear
ful running sons, which nothing- else
would heal, mid from which I bad
suffered for 5 veai'i." It is a marvelous
bealet for cms, buro ctol wounds.
Ouaraiiteed at Chas, N, Clarke's drug
store; 25c.
lleof, fceef, nief !
Parties wishing beef bv the (piarter
for corning will do wcH t i get ut,Juire
Bros, cash price be lure biijing.
diniers We hau' all sizes in
plain and fiiuey shapes. You may
need S itrU". Cet them hen".
L ttle prices.
Stone Jars- g--l. lolOgal.
in sir.e. You'll need them for
butter, pickles, saner kraut, elc.
Churns, milk crocks, etc.
Little pri es.
Pretty China We want
you to nee the big window'full of
Little Triced dishes. You can't
help buying if yu do.
BasHets of e-e.y dtscrip- M
tlon fancy banke's, wLinw and f
chip market hsslc-ts, wood ami -y.-elethes,
lunch and many ether Tj
kinds. Liny pri es 0
5..V i . . i I lit I f "
II. T. Jlibburd wont to The Dalles,
County superintendent of Schools
Noil' was in town Tuesday.
Elmer Rund made a trip to The
Halloa last week on business.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mohr have a new
son. It was born, November 11.
The Hood Hirer bund went out ou
a serenading expedition Hatiuday ev
ening. J. ii. i'h.tcher, the merchant en the
heipJi-K, is building a neat little cot
ti'L'e l:i k of his store.
(li.o. Piidhcr and liert Crahain are
; t .1 no 1 1 -diej this week . itnesses
in the i'a murder case.
K. L. Morse, ('. B. Haywaid, If. C.
('oo Mid J. K io.nd all went to The
Dulles 1 nesday i n business.
Mr.-'. Mnlthewii cf 1'ortlaiid, a sistet
of i cuf. Wiley, is spending a few days
ut the home of the profossor..
Mrs. Jones of Portland, sister of
Mrs. Duinblo, hits been upending a
few days ut the home of the latter.
Mm. O, L. VauderbilL returned
from Portland Friday, where t-ho had
hi on usiting for several days.
Leslie liutlcr has put tt new porch
on liis residence on Oak street, con
si. iciably improving tbe looks of the
Mr. and Mrs. Kobl. .VIcKamey of
Mount Hood, who wore recently mar
rind, wore visitors ut Hood Kiver Sat
urday. L. Dickinson and family left town
last Thursday for Salem, Ore., where
they will make their homo lor the
Miss ICiizabcth Liuier, of The Dalles
in ri veil in this city Mondny and is
"pending the week with Mrs. Hheriiinii
('ins. Davidson, better known ts
"the Deacon, " spent several dity s !
ti.;,; v.ii-k on liis claim at Hall liutte,
.douns ilood.
L. 1 1. Gould, who has boon spend
ing a few rlay:! i-.t his homo hero, re
turned t- Morn, Friday, where hois
constructing a in ii 1 plant.
W. (1. Snow, of thn linn of Snow &
L,rp.son, returned irom Foitland,
Tliurwlay u Ijoco ho bad been under
treatment by r, spciuiict for rupture.
Aliss Laura ('tamer who recently
ussiiiiioii new duties at the pott
ollic.e is ulready proving to be a valu
able aid to tne pust-oii,e!) foice.
From the iiuantily of household
goods to bo scon at the freight station
then) days it is ipiile evident that
something is doing in tbe moving
line. .
C. 1). Woodbury, the now agent of
the O. R. & N. in Hi, ml Kiver. is
making a favorable impression among
fie business men here by his courtesy
end prompt attention to the wants of
the ptdrrjua of the toad.
Tho new water tank for the O. Ii. &
N. wcil of the station H completed
and i ! ti bout ready for iisii. The tank
toida tj.'i.lX-U gallons and t!"n water will
b iuinisliod from the ikon reser
voir. A s in of I. axe Va:i I ii.reconi, aged
eight years, while pmyitig in the
yard of tho Harrett school, Ltd the
liii.-iortuno to fracture his arm. Ibe
fiiiCtnro v.i.s reduced by Dr. Hbaw.
A lrpo do- attacked the 5-yi ar-old
son of IS. Turner, Monday and bit
the el. iid unite ici ioi. Jy. HU.fCHlp
v.i3 li.r ei ited and one ear nlmosl sev
ered from bia head. Or, Shaw at
tended ldm.
W. L. Wilcox, ex-sberilf of (lilliair.
coiii.ty, and E. it. Comet, both of
Condon, huve been inthii city and
White Salmon for several days looking
over the country with the intention
of locating here. -
Do not forget the apron sule in con
nection with tho tea at Mrs. A. M.
Kultay's on Friday afternoon. Novem
ber 17. This will be a good oppor
tunity to purebase Christmas infta.
as there will be a few other articles
I of fancy work on sale,
j Thos. Chapman, of Chapman & Co.,
j hile delivering a load of groceri a at
: Menominee, kim unfortunate enough
I to Hi-get the Wiicon an 1 sustain rain.
;fnl injuries. it ligamect-i of his
j right ltg weie torn apart and he will
i be laid up for some time.
! Tbe ladies' guild of St. Mark's
church belli their last meeting at th
b-T.o of Mrs. Jayne. Tbcre was a
' go i-l attendance and it was decided
; to give a ba.uar for the Hile of fancy
j work tho Brst week in December, in
aid of tho churoh.
18 t-Lif '"
-,. L. Mcllroom, of Mhite Salmon,
recently sold his fruit runoh neat that
place for ttl.iXH). Foui .yours ngo ho
paid J,4tKl for it. It consists of ltiO
acres and is considered one of tho
best ranches in that section. Mr.
Mcliroom's plana for the future are
not known.
Mrs. II. A, Tawuoy went to The
.Dalles last week to attend the funeral
of her brother, Frank Couliu, nged 25
years, who was killed at a logging
camp at Hixiuiiini, Wash., in an acci
dent which oeenred last Sunday. The
services were held at VI o'clock and
tho remains woro interred in the fam
ily lot in the Catholic cemetery.
Tho weekly meeting of the young
Indies' guild of St. Marks' churoh was
held Mi. nday evening at the home of
Miss linker. The meeting was well
attended and work for the bazaur to
bo held tho first Wednesday in De
cember was tlnnned. Tbe next meet
ing will be held at tho home of Miss
Captain liatigham, on old Columbia
river man will bring tho steamer Han
ouford to the portage road some time
this week mid will operate hor on tho
upper Columbia and Hnako rivers.
She has u capacity of 'ilKttons of grain
and wih be quite an uiblition to the
Heat of steamers already engaged in
the transportation of freight ou this
section of tho rivor.
A petition will be presented to the
comuiissio jors to have a new road
opened from Cloldeudala to Cleveland,
leaving tho present road at Hear
Springs and running south of the
present highway, it will be eight
miles shorter than the old route and
vill bo more level and easier to haul
loads over than the present
Muster Clyde Arnold, son of S. W.
Arnold of this cit s n bo is nt present
residing at C.-nadn Locks, where he
is executing a contract for th govern
inent, spent Saturday and Sunday in
town. The yoi.tig man says that tbe
work at that place is progressing
The Kleclrio Light A Power com
pany installed a -10 horsepower West
ingb'.uso motor in the Davidson F'ru St
compiiny's rej-'frigerHting plaut Satur
day. The motor is a great improve
ment over the tteain power which the
company bus had in uho since the
plant lias been in operation, and op
erates tho con pressor, two pumps and
two funs, it i much more economi
cal than steam and ions the plaut with
' hoisepowor.
Hood River Lodge No, "On, A. l' &
A. AL, commemorated T Ionian Day at
their regular communication Saturday
evening. Tlipre whs a large attend
ance. Tho third degreo was con
furred, folliu' i d l-y h I .aliquot. Dr.
Dobiio of 'i hn Dalles made a very in
teresting talk n Masonry, and short
talks wero n.-r'e by members of tho
lodge etilog v.iiig llrothor Tleman,
who willed II i bulk of bis property
to tlio lodge November 11 has been set
apart by tbe ! ilge as Tieuinii Day, as
an annual cb. t-i vance.
Albeit To i, r. an old time nowspa
per mm i of 1 . i il md, dropped in at
the (ilacior t Ibce Monday on his wtiy
home from ('t our d' Alone, wbero he
has extensive mining inteiesst. Mr.
Tozior's gisti'r, F.dil h Weathered, has
a claim near tho Winans settlement,
ami Mr. F .lor expected to visit,
her, but foto.-l out i fter his arrival
that she took the bout for Portland
that morni! , so ho left on No. 1
Tuesday afternoon.
With potatoes imported from Ger
many selling i t $2.00 for a sack weigh
ing 108 pouii'ts In New York o ty, it
would seem ti at there ought to tie a
market for v. torn tul.ers at a profit
able ilguro. tiood potatoes can be
bought at lit cd River for 60 cents a
sack and selected ones at 75 cents.
Why dou't thn railroads encourage
the borne producer by giving him
a rate that will allow bim to compete
with foreign irarkets?
ISeards are very likely to become
very prevalent at Whiti Salmon this
winter. The local burlier there is said
to have closed up his shop and gone
on a two week's fishing trip. A gen
tleman living across thn river who
came to this city recently to receive
tbe attention of one of our tousorial
aili-ts remarked that he didn't know
whet) er it was worth while, as by tbe
time ho bad made the journey over he
would be ready for another shave.
Mrs. Chas. Sletten is contemplating
giving a production of "Pinafore"
under the auspices of the Congrega
tional church this wintor. AJra. Siet-
We have just heard from the man
who sells XTRAcoon clothes. He is
due now, is likely to reach town on
the next train. The first boy to find
him gets a $5.00 vtracooti suit
free at once, or when he next needs it
$sxy to him: "You
are from Ederheim
er, Stein & Co., Chi
cago, and sell
XTRAGOOD clothes
""""" s." iiiiiimi l.i..ui i im i mi i imniw m mi i.iiiniifc
um-t 111 -Ti r -., ii i ii l, i r "- J U
Leave Your Money at Home
Just Bring Your Small Change.
We are closing out ut cost. Going out of business,
e'crytning but millinery, 1
Ladies' Rubbers, First Quality, 50c.
Hoys' Rubbers, Rolled Edge, G5c,
Walk Over Shoes, for Men, at f 2.70, $3.00 and $3.20.
Men's Dress Shirts, value $1.50, closing out at 86c.
Bargains in Hosiery, Corsets, Men's Hats.
Don't Forget
the Sale of Ladies' Street Hats
ten la in possession of the muslo of
mis lunerui opeia, and It Is Doped
that she mnir hn nhln t.n aonnra annmrh
local talent to insure its presentation.
Mr. and Mrs. P I. Perk In a nt Ttoa.
ton, Mass., woie in the oity last week
looking up a business looation. They
were with thn rmrtv in nhitraa nf t.hA
Massachusetts building at the fair.
ui tne twelve persons lu charge ol
that i)ll i hi i ill, ten nf thnm hum non.
eluded to remain. Most of them have
found locations, and the rest are look
ing around. Mr. and Mrs. Pork ins
are druggists.
Frank Noble, who lives a short dis
tance out of town ou the blast Side
was in town consulting a physician
Wednesday. Mr. Noble had the toes
on one of his feet frozen while In tbe
army a good many years ago and at
times his foot is very troublesome.
Ceojlt) Fox has purchased a place
at Oregon City called "The Hub," and
has gone there to take charge of it.
Tbe Friedlaud Comedy Company
gave a performance at the Opera
House, Tuesday evening. The enter
tainment provided was very credit
able and the house waa filled to over
flowing. Mrs. L. W. Marceilus, who has been
visiting in Portland during the sum
mer, has been visiting at tbe home of
Mr. Clark in the country for two
weeks but returned to Portland Wed
nesday evening.
W. II. Gray, of Wlulock, Wash.,
has purchased the interest of Mr. Em
strum, of the firm of Fmistrum &
Wood, cigar and tobaooo dealers, and
will receive his friends and patrons
at his new plaoe of business.
Del Rand and FVank LangllJe are
going to open up an ottlce in Portland
for the sale of fruit lauds and real es
tate in general We publish their
card in another column.
Rev. R. II. Barnes and wife, the
former the new rector of St. Mark's
church, arrived in this city Tuesday
night, where tbey will make their
home in the future.
J. R. Hubbard recently gold ten
acres to W. N. Stan tier for $1750.
Mr. Stauffer recently bought tbe Carl
Ross place and this late purchase
gives bim 20 acres in one body.
Considerable interest ia being cre
ated about amoag the youngsters in
the announcement in Cram's ad vert is
meut of a boy detective wanted.
Bragg & Co. are Instituting a new
feature at their store called an "Hour
Sale." Certain articles will be aold
at a reduced price for an hour.
The Ladies' Aid society of the U.
ti. church will bold a Kensington Fri
day, Novebmer 'U, at the home of
Mrs. W. H. Peugb in aid of the
churoh. A number of useful articles
will be placed on sale and there will
also be table 01 lancy worn.
II. D. Wylie and wife of Eugene
pent Tuesday and Wednesday look
ing the valley ovei with Her. Oil
more. J. E. Dugan of Portland and rel
ative from Oakland, CaL, visited
with Mrs, W. C. Uilmore Wednesday.
Mrs. Marshall Hill went to Tbe
Dalles Tuesday and aocompanled her
son, Fldward, to his Dufur home,
where she will visit for a abort time.
Mrs. W. S. Oribble of Mount Hood
went to The Dalies Monday and will
remain a few days.
The trial of the case of Frank Rios
was commenced Wednesday.
Meeting of C. E. Society.
The C. E. society of the Congrega
tional church held a social at the
home of Mrs. C. E. Gove, Tuesday
evening. Apples and pop corn were
served. All had a very enjoyable time
from 7 :30 to 1) :30 p m.
Those present were : Maurice Jayne,
Burton Jayne, Leonard Miller, Teddy
Button, George Tripp, Stanley Tripp,
Mair Dauo, Rev. and Mrs. Uilmore.
Professor and Mrs. Wiley, Hazel
Oliuger, Lottie Kiuuaird, Irene Gorf,
Eva Yates, Kitty Bragg, Franots
Bragg. Leila ilershner. Pearl Brad
ley, Margaret Mercer, Ellen Treiber,
Luoile Ko bards, Helen Orr, Elnor
Jones, Susie Vaugbau, Eva Brock.
Miss Hazel Ollnger Surprised.
The young friends of Miss Hazel
Olinger gave hor a surprise party last
Friday evening, tbe occasion being
ber 15th birthday. About 25 of the
young ladies' friends were present and
spent a very enjoyable evening. Re
freshments were served by Mrs. Ol
inger and the young peolpe amused
themselves with games and In ways
that only young people can. Those
present were: Virgia Crouse, Mamie
lioweu, Susie Vatighan, Irene Gotf,
Lenore Adams, Eva Yates, Eva Brock,
Kitty Bragg, Lottie Kinnaird, Roger
Moe, Bert Jayne, Teddie Button, Karl
Franz, Homer Hollowed, Fieddie
Bowen, Maurice Jayne, and Leonard
Will Play Cascade Locks.
Four aro lights were placed in the
Columbia baseball park FY id ay, and
the football team baa been using it to
tbe best advantage for the last few
evenings. A scrub team has been or
ganized and under the direction of
coach Kay the local eleven ia improv
ing very fast.
Tbe boys feel very grateful to Mr.
Davidson for allowing them tbe use
of the electrio lights below tbe usual
rates, and have asked the Ulaoier to
say as much.
A game has been arranged with the
team at Cascade Locks on Sunday
and the boya will leave on trains for
that plaoe.
Real Estate Sales.
W. J. Baker reports the following
real estate sales : Mrs. L. A. Foster
to S. E. Douglas, six acres on the
west side; Prioe 12,000. J. C. Boggs
to S. B. Carnine eight acres; prioe,
A son was born November 7. to Mr.
and Mrs. John Kroeger, of OdelL
November H, a
sling and wife.
girl to O. J. Ges-