The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 16, 1905, Image 4

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By Roswell Sholloy.
Odell, East Hood Kiver Valley, Nov.
15 Last Saturday watt a red lot' or duy
for Odell. The oouuty teachers' in-
etitute brought crowds of people, the
county being well represented. Thore
were - bout fifty teaehorg present.
About 9:110 a. m. teams began to at
rive, and by ten o'clock, wheu the
meeting was called to order, every
neat in the lower eust room was occu
pied, and people standing. Tbe pro
lirain was well rendered. Mr. Wiloj
of Hood River and Mr. Land us of The
Dalles were both on the program and
acauittod themselves with credit. In
the afternoou after a muslcalo. Kov.
i). V. Jfollofc of The Dalles delivered
an excellent address on the following
subject: "is Life Worth While."
The weather was ideul and the touch
ers teemed to enjoy the day. All
ages and sexes were repr vented by
the teachers, from tbe blushing young
maiden to the gray haired veteran.
My brother, Troy Shelley, seemed to
share the honors whoa it came to gray
hairs and years of service. From the
view point of the writer thore were
many charming, capable young women
and several men who are worthy ol
their calling, yet the women predom
inated in numbers. Among the teach
ers present we noticed the following
gentlemen: Messrs. Wiley and Laud
us, Thompson, Shelley, Kiinis, Urown,
Polock, C'rouso, and among the ladiet
we saw Misses Thompson, HouJl, liow
orman, Wright, Pitney, Cooper,
Jleudrichs, Deits, Stewart, Huckoy,
Norman, and a hont of others whose
names 1 do not now recall.
At 12 o'clock lunch was served lu
the upper west room of the building.
This part of the program proved an
agreeable one, for everybody had a
cbanoe to take part. Two long tables
were spread with a seating capacity
ot more than llfty persons. My, my,
such a gpriad. After everybody wu
tilled with good things there still re
mained enough for ' mauy more.
About 100 people were fed, and were
we to believe the statements of the
pedagogues present we would suy it
was good enough for a king. It wat
truly a feaNt where a jolly good time
was hud. Toasts and responses were
indulged in, and altogether it was
(Moll's big day, and one long to be
romembered. The teachers of Odell
school are entitled to much credit for
the successful planning and carrying
out of the free lunch scheme. Miss
Thompson and Miss Hull worked ex
ceedingly hard and to their tilforts.
assisted by the good womnn of Odell,
the lunch was a groat big success.
The grounds were neat and clean, as
was the, building, both of which were
We take pleasure at this time in
saying thut Odell can now truthfully
boast of one of the very nicest school
buildings in all tho vulloy, and hon
esty compels us to say further that we
are of the opinion that we have as
good a school as can be found In the
' Another important event of Satur
day was the voting of a 10-mill special
road tax for the improvement of our
roads. Quite a lot of practical vol
unteer rood- work has been done this
season, the result of which was a
-stimulus to the voting of a tax. For
three years we have been working
lor good schools and good reads in
the valley, Bud now, having secured
a good school with good prospects
for gooi roads, Odell will soon be en
titled to a seat in the front row.
And still another matter is worthy
of o.ention. I Recently a moral wave
has swept Odell with the result of a
now organized church of sixty mem
bers or more. This is the harvest
of nearly three weeks' hard work on
the part of Kev. Ilandsaker. We un
derstand that the new church, In con
nection with the Hood Kiver church,
has employed a pastor whose time is
to be employed in the work of these
Churches, aucu a tueniDersnip wuu
united effort will surely leave its im
press upon the community, and while
not in position to counsel, we beg to
commend this work.
Lust Friday evoniug a liternry and
musicul association was organized,
which will meet on each Friday even
ing hereafter. Odell has plenty of
talent wbloh If developed will form
no lnteretsing chapter in the winter
history of Odell. Director W. L.
Carues was made president.
Last week our neighbor, Alfred
Wood, celebrated his 77th birthday.
Mr. Wood la a typical Westerner, hav
ing been a California miner In the
days of 'i'.K His mind is still bright
and his body vigorous, aud he bids
fair for many happy returu of these
milntsoues that mark the road from
the cradle to the grave. The lives ol
uch men enter largely into the his
tory ot tbo state - of Oregon. Mr.
Wood is now about completing a com
fortabe new house, in which he ex
pects to spend Lis declining years,
liy an houornble life and frugal living
he will have an easy chair for the rest
of bis days. We wish him all the
comfort thut this world can give.
On lust Wednesday, the 8th Inst.,
the county judge, A. E. Luke, ren
dered a decision in the will contest,
concerning the will of J. W. liluck.
deceased. In September lust the will
was contented by Virgil Hobo lilack,
brother of the deceased, and who re
sides in Texas. The court by his de
cision sustained the will, aud as exe
cutor of the will, we hope thut an ex
pensive, disagreeable mutter is set
tled. ' ' '
The result of the'reoent elections
throughout the East and particularly
u Philadelphia, point clearly to the
fact that the rascals must go. The
machine politician Is about to lose
bis job. We trust thut other states
and cities will follow suit. With
Foulk of Missouri, Weaver of Phila
delphia, Jerome of New Vork, and
others who are oomlng to the front in
behalf of their country instead of
their party, there is hope of political
roform. The rights of the people
cannot always be trodden under foot,
aud the land frauders, political graft
ers aud life insurance oopmaules had
best take warning, for when the peo
ple become thoroughly aroused some
thing is always doing.
The Invincible John Lawless has
loused his ranch for three years aud
is going to California for rest and rec
reation, John has worked hard, and
Give nature three helps, and
nearly every case of con
sumption will recover. Fresh
air, most important of all.
Nourishing food comes next.
Then, a medicine to control
the cough and heal the lungs.
Ask any good doctor.
I llrit nd Arr'n Chm-v PMtoral M rn
stn. I tmv tu trrtble eatflt of hull dl-
I eiireil li, It. i Niii tiver without II."
Alukut U Hamilton . Murtatu. Ohio.
A it tli-trvkriftrit.
for '
I.e. a ran no.
Health demands daily action of tho
bowel. nnttm with nr's PUIS,
is entitled to a layolf. We hope he
will enjoy the change and wheu th
time comes thut be again wants a job.
he will return to Hood River. Phi
Warren, our moat merchant, take
charge of the laucb lu John's ul
Bright tunshluy dnjs, line Noiem
ber leather, dusty trail, wild ttraw
berries In blosKoni, been iml I utter
files on the whig, lailtotid rapidly
bearing completion to the city, wise
men from the Fast buying Mf, 910,
MX) mountain pleasure report Hourly
Nnlsned, are some of the doings at
Winans City.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Velzy and Mr.
aud Mrs. Joun W. Wei Irick of llutl
alo wore recent guests of the City
Mr. Weldrick bus invested in busi
ness and residence lots, and will Im
mediately build, aud stock a general
merchandise store, and buy and sell
all products of orchard and farm
Ibis enterprise will be gladly wel
corned by all, and Mr. Weidrick will
sou be doing busy business. He
brings with him bis charming family
consistit.g of wife and four daughters.
who will be hoartlly welcomed by the
social circles of the City.
Mrs, Edith T. Weatherred of Port
land chaperoned a party of six to the
City last week, who went with her to
ber hometead adjoining, and spend
ing some time as guests of the City
I tie party consisted of Mrs. Edith 1
weatherred of Po tlaud, Mr, and
Mrs. Charles D. Perkins of Massa
chusotts, who had charge of the Mas
stichitsotta state building at the Lewi
and Clark fuir, ' Wallace S. Shaw of
Canton, Mass., chief advertising
ngent lor Walter JJnkor Chocolate Co.,
ivir. tingioy ana jwiss Melon C. Bun
iiean ot .mucoid, ftt'h, They were a
jolly set of people and will be wel
come members of the City's society.
Mr. Perkius and Mr. Shaw bought
l.usluess lot and the other members
made selection!:, to be heard from Inter.
Are You in Need
"Ofagooil planter to draw out that sorenons from your chest,' limbs or
back a plaster that is strong enough to do the work quickly and well, but
wliioli will not draw or blister the skin? If SO, WO have it.
Our Belladonnal and Capsicum Plasters
are u scientific preparation made especially for this purpose. They are
easily applied, can be worn any time, day or night, and are guaranteed to
-be one of the best plasters for coughs, colds, lameness and nervous spinal
trouble, that you can get, by
iiMaSWITiftl2 attailttbsss3 IHisi
Z3 Cm
.. Over forty-five years' experience in our line stands behind our guarantee, lhat
we can give you the best goods and do your work in the most satisfactory
Goods we sell will be engraved free of charge. '
Wo do our own Diamond mounting at home.
No watch so complicated we cannot repair it.
v Our long experience, superior equipment and methods of fitting glasses places
us on an equality with any house in the large cities. Being a graduate of three
colleges, the latter as Doctor of Opthalmology, wo understand the eyes, their defects
and their relation to human ills. For headache, nervousness, etc., resulting from
eye strain, we invite you to call.
Why not add your name to our list of satisfied customers?
Our motto: Honest goods at honest prices.
Friday and Saturday, November 1 7th and 1 8th
Commencing Friday morning at 9 o'clock and continuing for two days
we will hold "One Hour Sales " and of fer to the rmhhV n 1
of the latest and most up-to-date merchandise, at prices that can not be A
J 1? . . 1. . .1 .V.-. . 1 ii it 1 . . IS!
uupiicaxea, direct irom tne lactones, even were you to buy them m large
quantities. Look the list over carefully and you will realize at once that
money can be saved by taking advantage of these "Hour Sales." Practic
ally every article listed below represents a loss to us, but that is a secondary
consideration if our efforts will be appreciated and more permanent cus
tomers gained as a result. . No goods will be charged on our books at these
prices. . "v-, ': '
Hosiery Sale
Friday and Saturday
9 to 10 a.m.
10c values ..v.. .07
12 and I.h: values .10
20 and 2."c values ",13
553 and 40c values .23
30 and G3c values v ."..40
Ladies' 4 Misses' Skirts
Friday and Saturday.
2 to 3 p. m.
3.00 and 4.00 values 2.23
4.30 and 3.30 values 3.00
0.00 and 7.00 values 4.00
8.00 and 9.00 values.. 3.00
Underwear Sale
Friday and Saturday
10 to 11 a. m.
23c value 18
30c value .22
33c value .23
40c value 30
30c value 40
GOc value .43
73e value 33
23c values ": .20
33 and 40c values......... 25
50 and 65c values......: .40
75 and 85c values .60
1.00 and 1.25 values........ 90
1.50 and 1.75 values .1.25
"2.00 and 2.25 values..:..;. 1.80
Infants' 4 Misses' Cloaks
Friday and Saturday
, 3 to 4 p.m.
1.25 and 1.50 values 1.. .85
2.00 and 2,50 values ........1.35
3.50 and 4.00 value8.........l......2.75
5.00 and 5.50 vnlues 3.90
6.00 and 7.00 values.....;..........4.50
8.00 and 9.00 values .........6.25
Tabic Linens, Napkins and
: Oil Cloths
Friday and Saturday
11 a. mi to 12 m.
45c values......'...;.... .37
50c values........ 38
GOc values .48
85c values;.....;.. .63
75c values, . : 58
1.25 values,,..,! 95
j Napkins
1.00 values .70
2.50 values ....1.95
3.50 values 2.85
20c values .15
Ladies' Waists
Friday and Saturday
4 to 5 p. m.
1.00 and 1.25 values 85
1.50 and 1.75 values 1.05
2.00 and 2.50 values 1.50
3.00 and 3.50 values 2.50
Sheetings and Muslins
Friday and Saturday
12 m to 1 p.m.
8- 4 bleached sheeting 20
94 bleached sheeting 22
9- 4 unbleached sheeting 20
8c values 06
9c values 07
10c values 08
Embroidery and Laces
Friday and Saturday
1 to 2 p. m.
5 and 6c values .03
8 and 10c values 06
V2 and 15c values 08
16 and 20c values 11
25 and 30c values 18
Saturday evening we will
sell any and all goods adver
tised at prices quoted in the
"Hour Sales."
After bavltiK spent the summer In
Wagoo, J. M. Denny and family re
turned on lant Thursday to their home
in JMOBier.
Mr. Ilaiisklim, who baa had the
management of Dr. WoC'rinn's farm,
has been supereeded by Peter Hen-ninifron..
Mr. Bailey, who baa been in the
miUiiiK tiuHiueHS in Hosier for iome
time, baa moved bin mill maobinery
to Vancouver, WhhIi., where be bai
made a dispoHHl of it.
Mr. and Mrs. Burlinsame of The
Dulles are lu our city attending tbe
protracted meeting wbloh are being
held in District No. 8 school house.
Mrs. Rozella Jones end ' Min" Nora
Root have gone to Tbe Dallos, at
which pluce they expect to -remain
for some time.
Mrs. Popper and Infant daughter
were passengers on Thursdiy' train
for Hood Kiver. Mrs. Pepper went
to consult medical advice concerning
tbo condition of her child, whioh has
neun quite ill ror tne past tnree weeks.
Mrs. (ieo. Carroll, who hag been
conllned to ber bed for the past three!
mouths with serious heart trouble, is
uHB to be up once more.
J nine Carroll shipped a carload of
apples on last Wednesday to a North
unttota tl rm.
Mr. lttiHck is getting another car
load of apples ready for shipment la
tbe near future. .
Tho Davidson Fruit Co. hag bought
up ail the - apples lu Mosier which
are for sale at the present time.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. MUcregor were
visitors in Hood River on Hatnrlav.
The Sunday schools of Motder. bar
ing united into one Bible school, are
no iu a thriving condition and ex
cellent work is being accomplished
under the etticieut superintendent!?
of (J. L. Carroll. Muou enthusiasm
is being shown by the touchers, and
new scholurs are oomlng in from Sun-
ay to Sunday.
Roy. Spight held service on Sunday
laHt in both the morning and evening.
no tnoruim: service was particularly
well adapted ;o the needs of the
churches at lurge. Ilia discourse took
into nucstimi the systematic plan in
irectiug the inauces of the church
plan to be highly commended, as
we aro taught to believe that "order
Heaven s first law. ' Mrs. Spight
accompanied the Key. Spight on his
trip here last Sunday.
After a two months' visit with her
;areuts, Mr. and Mr. (1. R. Wood,
rs. Decker, accompanied by Mrs.
amps, left on Tuesday a early train
for Oakland, Cal.
Smith Wock, Hood Kiver
.dr. Chapman, city engineer of
Portland, has platted luto town lots
tha railroad station addition to White
Salmon, and has put the lota on the
ninrket. .Mr. Chapman has appointed
K. h ield hia agnt to sell them for
him. Already twenty lot are spoken
for an i we expect iota will go very
I lively the next two weeks. The addi
tion is close by the ferry landing.
All indications are that the depot will
be there; also there ia a movement on
foot now to put a cable elevator no
the bluff for freight aud paseenge a
j Town lots below and np on the Mat
I will icove tery rapidly uow.and White
Salmou has a very briglt future, in-
E. Watson, teacher of .the Look
district, went to Stevenson last week
for examination before the state board
of education, which met at that plaoe.
Mr. and Mrs. Qullor of Trout Lake
were in White Salmon last Sun 'ay.
It is reported that the electrlo rail
road to Trout Lake is an assured thing
now, the citizens of that plaoe having
aabserilwd about $10,000 as a bonus
to tbe company.
' The railroad camp close by the
steamboat lauding la well established
now. Many tools and scrapers have
arrived and work will begin at once.
It is reportei that Mr. Upright, the
right of way man, hag made little pro
gress through tbe strawberry fields.
The following real estate transfers
have taken place during the past
week: Z. B. Turner sold 120 acres;
consideration foOOO. R. Lauterbaugb
five acres for $1500. J. C. Clarkson 20
acres for laXX). . ,
There wag a surprise party at U.
Thomas' last Friday evening, it being
the birthday of Mrs. Thomas. Most
all their neighbors and friends gath
ered there and all had a good time I
until way into the night. i
Mr. Look la shipping the flue
lot of apples he raised on this place. .
three miles from White Salmon.
U. Raniu ia putting up a fine
residence in town on the lot he bought
of Mr. Chapman.
. W. Ferguson has just completed tbe
harvest oi his potato crop and cleared
big strawberries up for winter and lett
last week for the logging camp.
Mr. Ward of Coo'a addition was in
town this week after a load of provis
ions. The Ladies' Sewing Circle met at
Mrs. Smitb'a last week.
11. a Clyde was ont at Trout Lake
last week surveying tbe new ditch for
irrigation there.
Rev. Uilinora of Hood River was In
W hite Salmou last Sunday. He ex
changed pulpits with Kev. Lewis.
Mr. (jiluiore ia a bright, up-to-date
speaker, and we enjoyed hia ermon
very niuob. Come again,' Mr.CHlmore, i
and we will take you on top of the
highest hill to look over tbe beauti
ful valley of Hood River. ,
his house and fixing things up in gen
eral. Grandpa Dodson was home and staid
over Sunday with his family last
Mra. W. C. Dodge wag visiting her
niece, Mrs. Fred Chandler of Crapper
for a few days this week.
Thompson and Hansen were down
from The Dalles last week looking
after their mill property and attend
ing to othe' business.
There wag no meeting of the Dukes
Valley literary society last Saturday
night on aocount of sickness and
other things. One of the debaters was
sick, tbe musician got his finger
mashed, the editor failed to get any
items, one bad a headache, one the
toothache, one had the rheumatics,
and we don't know what the rest of
them had, but all come out next Sat
urday night and hear the debates aud
tbe paper read and have a grod time.
Vou will not regret it
Roll of honor for Dukes Valley
school, for the mouth ending Novem
ber 10.
WilDur Carnahan. .Tamna- Hnok
Tommy Dodge, Chester Dodge, Arlet
Dodson, Floyd Dodson, Perry Mur
phy, Vera Dodge, Meda Murphy,
Maud Dodge, Winnie Kessell, Alva
Majcomo, narry smallwood, May
"e ! Smallwood. TROY SHELLkY.
' Teacher.
aides, but am now perfeotly cnrorl by
using Dr. Collins' remedy. I have
neither axe to grind nor flab to buy.
but say this for tbe benefit of any one
who suffers with a rupture. Should
you need one, write me, enclosing
stamp for reply. Kockford Store, K
P. C. Sherrieb has been out during
the lust week with the surveyors
straightening up the corners for tho
new ditch. It seems the more F. C.
works tbe better he gets.
When needing anything from town,
just leave your orders at Kockford
aud the mail man will bring it out for
a small charge.
Apples to tlie Orient.
Twelve carloads of Oregon apples
will be shipped from Poitlaud to Oii
ental markets this full, a larger quan-
niy man ine ouyers on tne side
have ever before takcu. 'Ihe fruit
will be distributed between tho var
ious ports of Jupan, China aud Man
churia. Most of the apples aro of tho
Beu Davis varoty, which are cho-en
because of their excellent shipping
qualities. The Manrhnriau order ;f
apples bogau iu the day the
peace tieaty was signed, hoing tbet
tLe market wrs ready for the fruit
and was only waiting for the resump
tion of shipping facilities. Oregon
This must be what they call Indian
I ummer. Back East they can call it
what they please, It la tine weather.
guy way, aud the farmers are taxing
advantage of it and getting their faU
worn aoue in good suape.
Potato digging is about done, tbe
yieia neiug up to tne average, and in
tome ins'aiioee a little above the aver
age yield for this section.
Mr. Whistler, our enterprlslug mer
chant, is busy completing bia store
building, and as soon as it ia finished
be will commence building a dwelling
nouse and making other Improve
ments. Mr. Whistler is a hustler and
we are glad to see euch men settle
amougst us. There is plenty of room
aud lota of laud for mora just like
him. . - 1 j :
Wm, Durham baa purchased forty
acres of land from J. A. Knox, and
will commence improving it right
away. Mr. Durham paid 11200 for tbe
forty, there being about four or five
acres cleared and in clover, tbe bal
ance uncleared with a large amount of
good saw timber on it.
Mr. Knox ia improving his place bv
fencing, clearing land aud remodeling
The Barrett school will give an en
tertainment Friday evening, Novem
ber 17, at 8 o'clock The proceeds
will go for tbe benefit of tbe library.
Let everbyody attend go as to swell
the number of library books. '
Rookford hag just ' received a large
new stock of candy and crackers of
tbe very best quality.
Mrs. P. M. McCreery and two little
dmghterj are now visiting with Ma
lngalla at her borne on Kockford ave
nue. Albert Gibbons, with his biolher
Frank from Walla Wi Ua loft on Wed-1
nesday of last woek for southern Ch.'- 1
ifornla. Frank's health ia rather potr!
and b- expects tbe climate will help;
to bnild him np again.
Ladd k Warrens had a carload if1
feed and wheat hauled to their ranch
last week.
Tbe harvest la past and tbe summer
la ended, tbe finny trrbe geek deep
Titer, the little chipmunk and the
active squirrel have Jaid awty a good
store of nut for winter, tbe sound of
the croaking toad ia heard no more in
the land; all these in some way or
other have made provision for the fu
ture, yet man speaks of old age aud
tbe next world, and of God. Now if
there ia a world of happiuesa after
this Ufa of toil, the question natui
ally foroee itself upon us. what on.
pa' at Ion have we made for the life to
come? ve are au-ely traveling to
gome place. Have we no definite place
in view, or are we traveling in dark
ness?' If all be true of the world to
come, it seems to me that we should
tarn our feet into that path which !
will lead na into tbe land of light and j
not into darkness, tbe day of separ
ation will surely come, so will Judg-!
ment day, and aa the shepherd diviii
eth the goats from tbe sbeep, so will '
tbe good be separated from tbe bad. I
Wonld like to say for tbe benefit of
any one that i ruptured that thev i
can be coied by nai ig Dr. Collint'
tiugs, 1 waa ruptured myself on bo.h .
The Indian nwr .:kod work but bo
wanted hln siiunw to get well as soon ih
u.Uulli.n u.x .1.... ..... ...I.I i .i .
i"""' 'uw sue couiu uo we work
nu ici nun
hunt, therefore
he dug jxipoone
root for her, for
that was their
?reat remedy for
e m a I e weak
nesses. Dr. Pierce nses
the same root
called lllne Co
hosh In his" Fa
vorite Prescrip
tion" skillfully
combined with
other agents
that make it
more effective
mnciionai nisturnance.
Is not nor ever was a "patent medicine."
but it is the carefully wrought out and
tmumnghly tested real prescription of a
rail ptnixirAon in a rent 'prnctire.
Jr. Tierce's unparalleled success with
this remedy was such that more wanted
to uso It than anyone doctor could attend
to In a private practice. This Induced
him U) manufacture It on a sufficiently
ilyral (scale to moet the demand. '
I!y his own special processes, he ex
tracts, combines and preserves the medi
cinal qualities of the several Ingredients
without the use of alcohol fusing chem
ically pure glycerine instead), thus ren
dering it absolutely safe for any woman
of any nsre and in any condition to u-e
freely The names of the Ingredients are:
Ladys Slipper root, Black Cohosh root,
I nicorn root. Blue Cohosh root and
Golden Seal root.
M Iss May Rohrback, No. 73 Amsterdam
Avenue. New York City, Treasurer of tho
Womnn s Progressive Union, writes:
"I had heartache, backache. nd was verv
nervous: Naively able to sleep more thaii
!!v".t,"rs 'i""- 1 advised to try
IH I ierce r avorlie Prescription, and was
delucliied wuli the result. Within a week I
was sleeping- splendidly. Continued usinir
the r avoriie Prescription 1 for eiirht weeks,
and then stnpppd. for 1 was fxrtwfly (!.
Kyer since u,en your medicine has been ntu
fartH-lte 1'res. riptlon,- too. I recommend
H to every ime,
Constipation although a little 111, he
arts big on. if neulected. Dr. Pierce'l
Pleasant Pellets cure constipation.