The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 09, 1905, Image 8

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    Make Your Grocer
Give You Guaranteed
Cream ol Tartar
Baking Powder
Alum Baking Pow
ders interfere with
digestion and are un
healthful. Avoid the alum.
Tlio permanent exhibit of fruit arid
veKotuhloa from Mmiiit Hood Unit, hue
lioeu iilucod in Hie windows of the
Hinitli Mock, Ih nttnietinK a tfood
deal of attention. The veKotalilo flin
tdiiv is uniiHidlv line, mid Iihh opened
the eyes of many of tin) old residents,
oven, to tho lowwi liiliticn of tin upper
(jonnti v.
The Mount Hood )evelopnien(
Leauue are doin a i;ood work for
that auction. u"d this cxliihit is oni
of tho niHiilts of their work. They
hold reinlar inoetniL's, at which there
is usually a irood attendance, hiiiI
much Kood results from nil exchange
of ideas.
There iH no advertisement like show
ing the L'oods. And the Mount Hood
people have "delivered tho goods" on
the ground to convince the skeptic
that they have one of tlie bunt auctions
iu tho valloy. The soil or uio upper
valley la rich and deep, and with
plenty of water can lie made to pro
dues wonders.
In the display is a mounter hill of
28 potatoes rained by Jl. II. Mcyots,
that will meariiirn nearly half it bushel.
There la alHO Home fine iojicorn from
the Hume place.
Geo. l'erkins exhibit) inuiiiiiiol li
potatoes, carrots and turnips.
Homo lino specimens of JlaldwIiiH
and Kings are from Dr. Hhaw'a ranch
(ino. Wilson fiirniHheil lai'i potn
toes, squash anil cabbage.
W. H. (iribblo exhibits nweet pota
toes. turnipH und sunllowors that
would be a credit to Kansas.
C.A. l'uddy has an line box of IJ tier
NewtowiiM hh 'an lie found in tin
II. H. dray shows mammoth turnips,
onions mid beets.
Fred WiHhait Jiiih Nome line Hpi
meiiH of onions and carrots.
lti- l'nlalo ( rep at Willow Flat.
I). I.. Davidson wiih in from Willow
Flat Monday, and says the clear
weather is just the thing for Ihu latin
erg to llnihli digging potutoeH, and
it Ih also fine hauling weatlier. He
says that Willow Flat will produce
4. (KM) to fi.lHH) sacks of potatoes this
fall, and they are of good iiuality.
On the (larbude place most of the
Mil acres of orchard Ih in potatoes.
Mr. (Jurbcide iH also building u new
Davidson llroa. will have liuO or TlHl
sncks from I'll acrcM.
H. F. Davidson dug 500 sacks from
ten acre.
F. A. Masseo got UK sacks from u
Hinall piece of ground.
(). li. Hone liad the largest yield,
IiIh crop union 1 1 1. i i ik til about 'MV
N. W. Hone's place yielded about
KXHI Nlickri.
I . Ii. DavidHou will have about '250
TheHO potatoes were all rained among
young apple I runs, and at 0 cenla per
Hack, what the potatoes are selling
for at present, w ill pay for t he culti
vatiou of the orchards, leaving the
regular tree growth "s clear prollt.
I'hero wilt lie Home mole clearing
done 111 Willow Flat IMh winter, anil
more apple trees Hot out. N. W. Hone
Ih getting reaily to fence his ranch,
and li. II. liohhlns in intending to
clear up the balance of the twelve
neroH he purchased froniC. D. Thonip
Hon lust spring.
Hallowe'en Party at Hosier.
The social event of the season wiih
the Hallowe'en party given by Mis.
Alosior at her home in Mosier. A
hoHt of young people were present
and report the moHt enjoyable time
for the year. The allots were tnste
tully decorated with autumn leaves,
giving a very pleasing and inviting
After indulging in pleasant Hallow
e'en games and amusements inter
HporHod with violin and piano mimic
ami singing, tlie quests repaired to
the spacious dining room, where a
bountiful Hiipper was spread.
Those present were .Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. llusbaiidH, .Mr. anil Mrs. F.lmer
I'oyle, Mrs. (!. (iraliain, Mm.
.loncH, Mis. Decker, The Misses
Kathr u and (iertriide Davenport,
Elsie Middlivwart, Amelia Mcl'lure,
llertlia Wright, I ; race and Iteatrice
t'oyle, Mat.tie ( ireen, I'ariie ililile,
iMiiud Evans AKueMiud li ina 1'hillips,
i .11 1 i ly Husbands. Messrs. limit., this
key. Craft, Wright, Marsh, Harrison,
tlrahain, McClure, Saliuaii, larn
pnrt, and Krncst. and Lee I'.vmih.
The Winter llaiiaaa.
Tho Winter lianalia is a uiriety of
apple which ia bein (mile or less dis
cussed this Heiisun, lint il is also one
line iookci' aim a lew oi uiem leu. in a
room diiriuK the nihl w ill pertuiue
the air ho stroiiKlv a- to leave tlie
lmp-essiou that tlieie w a bunch ol
luiiiuiiuH liauiiiK' Hoiiniw lieie in the vi
cinity. The flavor of this fruit, is al.-o
delicious, but as yet. they have nut
been raised in siillieient tpiaut it les to
become well know 11 t o apple buyers,
t). 1j. Vandorlnll, hoccr, raised
quite a few of this variety this year
which lie had 110 trouble in disposinc
A Kcutlcinan from thia city who re
nently made a trip to The DiiIIoh vinit
od tiie county jail and had an inter
view with Frank Kiea who is awaitiiiK
trial there nu tho charge of murder
ing Win. 1'ohh at Mount Hood nettle
aient. He mya that Kiea him many
priviictfcH at tliia iiiHtitution, beinn
allowed to nil about unattended and
mimii'dcd doinn odd jobs annulled
him bv tlie warden, and ia lookod up
on by 'the jail olficiala ts a "trin-ty."
It will be reniemliered that at the
time Kies waa arrested and examined
by the District Attorney he refused
to make any statement in regard t,i
tho murder. It ia now thought that
ho may have done no, and that ex
tontuatiiiK cirounistaiiceH in the cate
may account tor the leniency alio 11
him during his confinement.
The tide of public sentiment, it is
g;iid, In the vicinity where the crime
was committed has turned toward Kien
and that many who denounced him at
the time of hia arrest 1110 now assert
iiiU hia innocence,
llim himself is i-aid to be n rene
and contented and la HaiiMuine of hih
acquittal. A coincidence ill the 111 real
and trial of Kiea ia tlie fact that
these events bothoccurrid on tho Will
of the month.
New Machinery for the (iolil Itim.
H. H. ('ox was iu from tho Hold
Kim miuiiiK camp near Cape limn
last week ami helped Snow 4 Upsin
build a '20-foot hoisting inacliiue
for tho mine. Mr. Cox ia now in
charxe of tho work at the miin,
and Hiiya the work will be pushed
tiom now oil. lie ia puttine,
in new hoisting upparatiiM puiep
iiiK niiicliinery, hIiiiH liousn and a
blacksmith house, and KettniK ready
for active work tliia winter.
The ore is netting richer na they no
down and the ore already talfon nut
will more than pay for the work of
sinking the shall:, and if it increiiseH
in proportion aa it Iiiih ho fur the
mine will liecome a fortune for the
Work on the trail has made a very
fair road into the mine, and the short
distance from the Colmhin will make
the expense of ettiiiK the ore out a
nominal sum.
New Trout l.nke I rrtut i ng' Ditch.
A company of local men at Trout
Lake have formed a corporation for
the purpose of huildiiiK an lrriuntinu
lituti troui LijhI deck that will m i
nute a Modioli about lf miles bmi
from Trout Lake west. ThW will
open up a new country that will
make one of the llnont dairy sect inns
iu tlie upper White Salmon Valley.
Tho ditch will follow the natural
water courses for most, of tho way,
ao that the expense w ill bo very Unlit
for the distance traveled, tho esti
mated cost lieiiiL' only about Xiilo.
It is siiid that theie ia plenty of
water to irrigate all the land under
the ditch.
Ililf Yield of IVai'M.
Win. K, Locke, who resides five
miles down the Coliibmin river, has
five-eleventh of an acre planted with
pear trees, from which he cleared this
season ftiOO. lhls is certainly a most
prolilio yield and demoiiHliatea the
fact that pears are a must prolltable
crop when properly cared for. flir.
Looks lias in all between five and six
acres set out in apples anil pears from
which he will clear over ;s,otH) for liia
summer's work.
Itox Social a Success.
The box social at the K. 1'. Hall
Friday ereniiiK Kivon in tho interest
of the Hcl1c.1l lib a y, was a timu suc
cess. Tlie allair was arranned by tho
teachers to raise money to purchase
supplementary reading and new books
for tho school library, An admission
fee of ten cents was churned, and tlie
boxes brought, by the Kills were auc
tioned oil and sold to the )i i u ln-t-1
bidder. .( Ivor 9M waa realized tiom
tlie alfalr. A short proL'ram consist
inn of aonKs and recital ions was nivin
and well received. II. M. Abbott
and Will laenberK were tho auction
Hal Few Are Free.
Hut few people are entirely free from
iliilip'sliou at Ibis season of tlie year
kodol 1 vspepHiu ( 'lire is licit only the
best remedy to use because it digests
what you eat but In cause it also en
ables the dieesl ive apparatus buw init
iate and transform ail foods iolotissue-
huildinc; blood. Kodol relieves sour
stomach, heart burn, hclchintr, and all
forms of indieeslioii. Sold by (). K.
Anniversary of A. 0. I'. W.
Saturday was tho twenty third an
niversary of the oranint ion of the
local Indue of the A. It. U. W. in Hood
Kivcr, and tlie occasion was llttincly
celebrated by tlie members mid their
families with an oyster supper. A
I n IV" number wero present and enjoy-
I themselves in social converse and
in talk inn over reminiscences of tlie
early days of the loduo. 1 he supper
was excellent anil the toothsome bi
valves were enjoyed by all.
(iiaud Ivecorder .Newton (link,
whose home is iu Hood Kiver, but
whose ollleinl residence is in l'orl
land, was present and made a very
interesting address 011 he general
oud it ion of the order.
Son Lost Mother.
Consumption runs in our laniilv,
and tliiMiinh it I lost my Mother,"
writes K. II. Held, of 1 1 a I'll it II V , Me.
For 1 be past live years, however, on
tlie slightest sinn of a t'ounh or Cold, I
have taken I'r. King New Inseovcry
lor Consumption, which has saved me
lie 111 serious III utf troll hlo." 1 1t- ni'l li-
r s death was a sad he lor Mr. Held,
tail lie learned ihal I u 1 1 14 trouble niiisi
not lie neglected, and bow to cure il.
Quickest relief and cure for cotinlis and
olds, l'i'ice ellc and tfl.(K); guaranteed
C. N. Clarke's dnie store. I'riil
antic free.
Groceries, Flour and Feed
has been installed by
at 1 he olil stand, just south
of Indian Creek bridge, and
the linn extends an invita
tion lo their former natrons
to call and see them.
Cordially yours,
Ufa rnVrt." ii' IV-,.
(fl P J I II H I V. .k i 1 1 -1
Wl l !l '( il'lt JOUHNKY
If your ticket, lead overthe llenver
and llio (iiMinle Railroad, tlio
"Scenic I iee of 1 li World,"
There are mi many sci nit: altiaetiolis
ami pin 11 1 a of in I tn .-t nloi.n the line
between Ondeii and Denver that
the trip never bei onus tiresome.
If you ale K' inx Fust, w rite f.u- lefor
Illation and net a pretty book (hat will
tell you all about It.
W. ('. MclilUDF, (Jeneral Affent,
1JI Third Street,
We are a-aiii ready to
supply our patrons with
Eastern and
S, L. YOUNG, Prop.
I'hone, Main r.".
Do you want a snap?
Von can't, lose if you
buy a, tract in famous
4--, -: '
Try Clarke'H Cough Elixir for that cough
we are confident that it would cure it; in fact
w e are so Confident that we guarantee it to
do the work or refund your money. Come
in and let us tell you some of the good
point ; about it, anyway. It wont cost you
anything to get acquainted with it
Clarke, THE Druersrist
Williams Pharmacy
Fine line of
Toilet Articles,
etc. Also
Spray Material
Bring in your Prescriptions.
EsUhlihed 1900.
Residents of Wasco Co. for 24 Years
A little reasonable frugality while one is earning money;
a little money put carefully away in the keeping of some
good institution, may mean a bar against want, care and
trouble that the improvident person w ill fail to cope with.
Why not the old and tried
Hood Kiver, Oregon.
Buy Your Fruit Boxes
Hood River Box Factory
and Patronize Home Industry.
Best Quality Lowest Price
Home Made
Phone Main 71
I hold liocnpf from tlie State lioiird (if Oregon hikI Wanliiniiton, and am qualified
to eliii iiodKis lo Hny point, l'ronipt nervine eitlier day or nigtit.
l'nilor I'hone Main ll-l:t Scliilller Building,
Ilesidence I'hone Main o75 Hood Kiver, Oregon
Cut up in t racts to suit you.
.lust sold ten acres I'ortWO
thousand dollars ami t he
rest, than that v
mil we re
serve Will soi ill be sold
Tlie finest lu i i v and apple hind in
tlie world. Wiiliiu Hie city limits o!
White Su 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . Tcii-iutc or Himiller
Irni'lM jusl tlie tliiii)! for henies and
v getahleH,
Golden Crown
Hard Wheat Flour
Is 1 he best flour ever ut on the Hood
Kiver market. It is made from selected
hard wheat, and put up expressly for
Hood Kiver trade.
The Hood Kiver Bakery has just pur
chased 200 barrels of (Jolden Crown
Flour, and says it is the best flour they
have ever used.
For Sale By
Alter you Lite l.mked around eoine
and n c us and ,. hi ill lio.l just what
you have hae In en InoK iiw for.
Hood River, Oregon
o c,;::,::..i;jc.,.li'3 l cr...::1,1 .:
Cherries from tract this year
are the winners in the great
fruit exhibits.
ol at it prolituWe tiKore. K. K. liar
liiaiui has tree that produces nliout
four boxes a year, and William Klnvk
hIho Iih.: it tree iu iiearin.
Kstiiuiites xlioiving I he eii.-t (if miIi-t-t
it utinn oil for cohI b find on Hie
locomotives of the O. K. A N. und
the Southern l'acillo companies' lined
ill Oregon place it at cioU.iKii, mi, it
is understood the executive hoard ot
the lliirriniHii system lias authorized
the expenditure lor the lietterinent ol
the (service.
I. II. Nichols tlio iiudei talier, mi
noiiiicex that Ins olln'o hours week
are troui H a. in. to li p. in., at
Hie undertaking pallors. Sundiiys,
at the I'Chideilce, exce't dill'ini; ehllM h
hti ices, when ho fan lie found ill tlie
t'oiwri'tiat iiuuil church, should he l o
needed on an urgent call. When out
ol town on liiisiinh!i lie call lie re udied
hy teleplionin the Mount Hood hn
tel. where lie will leave word us to Ins
liereiiliouti. All calls will he an
s(red promptly at any lime of the
day or nUht. Otlice phono, .Main
lli:i; residence, Main :17.".
A Wiuiiciis' .Missionary Astocial ion
was cifc'anicd at the I'niled ISretheni
church hist Wednesday evening, liev.
and Mi'm. l'ace of Ohio were present
and addressed (lie meeting. In the
alteruooii a reception was (,'iveu liev.
l'ace and wifel in the rei.diin; room ot
the eluii'ch. I'ollowinK are the olllcers
elected for the new orpin iul ion :
1'resident, Mrs. Stpvenson; ice pies
iilent, .Mrs. NicUelseu : secretary,
Mrs. dunes: treasurer, Mrs, Heeler;
collector, Mrs. Hartley. i
White Salmon, Wash,
White Saliuou-llooi
Two ln'o,' s.iil boats, two
bio; perfectly safe oi-asoliue
launches iiiid two Vv ferry
scows. Mxpert sailors in
chai'oe. I'.oats leive tit all
hours. lV I'KAKSON
N ice lot of Yellow Xewtowns, Spitzenberg1, Ualdwin, Mam
moth Black Twi-, Jonathan, Rome IJetiuty, Lawyer, etc
lso lurye line of "eneral nursery stock. Send for catalog
and price list. Breeders of Shorthorn Cattle and Berk
shire Hogs; all stock registered
rrihn a.
l or I'aiticulars Ad lr. ss
The Pacific School for Stammerers
1 li'I K. Yiililliill SI, n IKT1 ! i Ui.
Who Wants It?
It ts mi til wti't 11i;i! I'i.'w
ratli.vhl tuts mi m !":.-
Hiul 1 It til to sell iMlt1
ThiTt' is nloiil lit m-it i, l.'t i
Ni'vitt n titi-l in In 1 1;
lio i;.k,. 'Ih,.
in in ti tm. iH,
if t( t lo in ch. M.
i m Inch is m' in
M'tl; V Wnlil-t-.t; Im-atioii III tin1 he;.r .'CiHir
ht-st n.tMliln. t; t'ldv tn m t i'tmin ii!:lt
st'tuHtl houi', niikt ruriil liclivfry nit t lelo
1'Ihmh1 MMAtff at oui" lHr. Vt'tiis . l or
I'HTlU'Ulars, inijuu'f of A. 1. M;tMn. nii
Tlio very fiinst lino of IManos, from the? cel
ebrated Chiekerm', the renowned Weber, the
tine Kinball, whieh is used and known for its
purity of tone and easy action, the silver-toned
llobart M. ('able, and on down the line of
Pianos to suit your means and pocket book.
He sure to write for terms, or come and see
The Dalles, Oregon.
To the Farmers !
We are making-superior bran,
shorts and middlings. When
you buy any feet, see that your
merchant furnished you the
HOME product. We are help
ing to build up our town and
community and we ask you to
help us by patronizing home
Our sacks are always full weight
Hood River Milling Co.
WOOD & SMITH BROS., Proprietors.
Groceries, Flour and Feed
Only Exclusive Grocery Store in the City. Free Delivery. Phone
Can get a First-Ulass 250 MEAL at the
P. F. FOUTS, Prop.
Dealer in General Merchandise
and Lumbermen's Supplies,
Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts
Free Delierv. Phone !K51
White Salmon, Wash.
General Contractors and Builders.
Estimates on all kinds of work rlit't-rfiillv furnished and tli best of work
umimllip guarantied. AVe are doing tlie l;.ildint: of thin eertinn at present. Our
work will ppeak for itself.
F. S. STANLEY. Free. K. I.. SMITH, Vi(-l r.8 K. 0. 1 I.ANCIIAR Cashier
ILe First National Bank
Remember That i his i.ank is a Home institu-
, tiOll ami we invite your-business on
a liasis of -untunl helpfulness.