The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 09, 1905, Image 7

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    Q CZ3
The Leading' 0
9 Up-to-Date
0 Ladies don't
l-j i-"ui-11 uoLianjr auucu at wild oeaoun. vv.c cany owiici d
"j Linens and Clover Leaf Irish Linens and we are making
U reductions on Yard Goods. Nankins and Pattern Cloth.
J, ' J ' '5 i
We Never
y in 2srepresent.
i.mcal .matthw.
M ; . II Mttih -m i i'ii :i ouch basis.
-!ii i .- al ii;:iniif:u Iiiiit's cost, Knapp.
i ' v 'ii ii V ji; lh:i soaii? 5t: per bur
lit M ' itlil's.
I r - irvr -t'.-j, ,-i-c .luliii I.i'Uiml 1 lei
I i.. li i ) . nipiu mid ICuftern (ivhUts nt
1 i i . - " !:, ('" ii'h Kiti'hi'ti.
.. l,.,t .1;-:,.! 1. 1., of I'ollli'l'd at tin'
lli'ii. M.l.lli).
Sli;i ' Sri- ii- for bi'Ht prii'ps.
( .!. mi I -i 1 1 1 1 ! r ( 'n.
! i l.;;:i,nn' iiiii-si'ptii' hair tonic
ml '-ii i- "'i .:ru? Uam.
! ! v.iIn hi im i ht. Dfliveiy Biui.e
.1 ,y . 'i.l' r i- ivi'.'iinl. Oregon LuniU-r
I '' y.i'i ii -,' I.m' Ii? (let our price ami
li.; ;::.' il uilh tliat of eompetitora.
i" hi will in a 1 1 m.iniy this way. Ore-
-r t . 1 1 i. n inhi. r i.
( i.i-iii'j n:it : I hut millinery, Knarp-
' 1. 1 to M r. i in l hank for ulif 1 racts anil
"..: .: il i.i'iK, ; i 1 1 1 i 1 1 ami collecting.
I. j ii (v,'i r- i . 1 1 1 ' 1 : 1 1 1 y drawn.
ii,.. ( ;!;. CmhIv Kitchen makes fret-h
tan i ' i ' i y (i.iy .
! '! a' A ilr iral lo house down
;.' i . i v at 1'. naip' store.
I. ! h: i,l til nil "1 mil sewed shoe
"-.!' '. , ally at T. 1 i. I lolifivan's,
.0-1 '. iliam's l'liarniacv. All
.. i; s'' ' '. !:--!-clasi.
! : . i , i ,-, s it to hiiii'elf and
' - ..'. .' ' i-'.-r .1 traili-or prot'esion.
,-;.! T. '1 V atisi tneiit of the
. ;..r- ,-t ' l "f Tehvntphy, in this
, .. . in ! !.:. i '...'A ea-ily a yountf mini
' . . a. u t-ii-uraphy and he
'.h i.'- I. a! .! I . i i-: -- at liolesale
! ,i ,; -, r :' .! l a'voiis may lake
v..'.!. 1. 1 , nut allowed on
. . . .i ! , i ii . a i t !i of tl.e mouth,
, . . i : i i I . . .' i'.i. 1 1 a s arrauu'ed
. ,, . i. : : i , : o,i..,- la tiie llavidson
;:';,.' ' . : s : il j. m. the tirsl,
' i,ii..i .' : .i i-vi :y "alunlay even-
:.. i-. . r a; 'i,-! to refer to Mr.
; . u -' . : . i' i lie iww system.
I'f.r ;. I : , .11.! t hlec 1,'Olld hOII.-CS,
!.: : . Hi-' - lor jiuht liontekccii
. ill . .( i i.i-i.ed house (or a
rt ! i -. :.. A . ,1. linker.
1 1,, . 1, ei a iivsh supply ol
:. . -1 e e, , I :
;.. e iaii-1'. all under ir-
! ! . ,.i ,.( s from Hood
;-' o . one acre '"'
, . ; I ; ... . , i i ; i ' i iirirkelalile timber.
. !" i ' .! .. ii lie r residence of
. -.(': ; ei ':; reasonable. I n
;.. ;, ' :! !! : "lerson.
'A' .i ' , .1 lea aeies uf partly
i i. . I .', i. : .;.;', hud blip's etc., in
r f..r iiiiprvi ucreai;e
; ; . 1 1 ;e ' . or I I : til- I'OUIlt c,
t .! Ai-i-lv - 'I'". I. fu'l-
A Cold iii.'ht will make you
"i-o fir wnian ii-d covir. We've
. .. 'ill, I l ed ill soft lleecV I'ot-
t ..a, lei i , satet n coverings; w ill
j a-a-i. vi. ;i iniiner-i Iv.
gl.Q8 and $2.48.
"Wisere did you get it"
: In! tii.-y aie asking Taiiima-iv'-
I a ix. and u hat your friends
,,' II he a-1. i m u on w hen they
V au i.i one of these pr tty
; e i - il.'i II wa:-N rtc are show
,;. t week. $1.25 t" $2.
V;".l Cvrc you in a day
! :' ; o. ha 1 r.e blue-, net one of
( l ';.' Ilel.f - I (inks "I l.l El'i'ln -;a
r." i lo die S'.ance Riei," "A
Ii nil. c .ludc," "The Jilck.
li. -," "U'l uvo," and others.
Toev -II f i' Mire. 25c.
A g'ooi preventative
;'. r i ...i- s i. ar ii Uiidi rwear.
i air il. i ee I; . . d nienV jjariiients
:,ie . .. . ...i l'io t le y'l'll be ghd
veil got one. Suit, $1.00.
3 1
Thanksgiving' Linen Sale
overlook us when
Are you watching' for the
man who sells XTRAGOop
Hi' will rail mi us within a week, perhaps in three
days, possibly to-liny. Watch all trains, t he streets
Ami especially nur store. We've a handsome suit of
XTRAGOOP clothes for tlie first Ivy under lt
who catches him.
Remember to say: "You are from
Ederheimer, Stein &tCo., and sell
XIagooD clothes'
All the latest styles I'hotos at the
Deilz Httulio.
Mn.vcs lirofl.' meat market lias been
supplied with a cooling fountain for
keeping veiietubles fresh and clean, liny
your vegetables w here they come fresh
as frutn the (iarden.
.lob a I. eland llemlerpoii and son are
equipped with two (inrley transitu and
w ill he ready to do surveying for the
next two months. Hats per day are
$" and $10.
I Iteniember liifttB shoe shop, next
I door to Mctitiire's uieat market. All
j work strictly first-class. Also boots and
shoes made to order.
Call and examine my new line of
watches. I can save yon money .Clarke,
the jeweler.
I'atronize home industry by buying
ranch butter at McDonald's.
Shoes half soled while you wait in
20 minutes. All work first-eland and
guaranteed. Ladies' sewed eoles and
O. Sullivan's rubber heels a specialty.
Iionovan's Shoe Shop, opposite Wil
liams' pharmacy.
WantedTo exchange 5-aere fruit
farm, well improved ami near Hood
Kiverfor resilience property in city.
Apply to (iei. I. ( 'ulberisoii it Co.
You will stop and look w hen yon see
the good things to eat at Meduire Bros.
The Koyal Neighbors will give a
dance TliHiiksgivicg night.
When you think of meat, phone 731.
All orders promptly tilled.
"I Thank The Lord"
tried Hannah l'lnlit, of Kittle Hoc!;,
Ark., "lor tin n-leif I uot from Huck
len's Arnica tSiilve. It cured my fear
ful running sores, w hich nothing else
would heal, mid from which 1 hud
suflcred for 5 yearn." It is a marvelous
healet for cuts, burns and wounds.
( iuaranteed at Cbas. U. Clarke's drug
store; L'fic.
For Sale.
One safe, cost $:',00; will sell for $175.
One oil tank, cost $45; will sell for $25,
Iiir'e cotinte.' scale, cost $'2li; sell $15.
Geo. 1'. Crowell.
! The regular annual meeting of the
! Hood liivcr Kruit Growers' Union will
re held Saturday, November U, at 10 a.
i in. in Arti-an hall. Hood River Fruit
' Growers' ln ion, K. H. Shopard, Sec'y.
! Beer, Beef, Beef I
i Parties wishing beef by the quarter
for corniiiK w ill do well to get McGuire
liros.' cash price before buying.
The Ladies' Aid society of the M.
K. chinch will serve a New England
dinner on next Satur 'ay, November
11, from 11 until 2 o'clock. The pub
lic is cordially invited. Price ot din
ner 25 cents.
Outing flannel for right
gowns, dressing sacks, kimonos,
etc , in plain and fancy patterns.
We've cat the good sort.
lOc per yard.
Buster Brown Legg'ins
are vi r. i-mr for the little shav
eis. They're warm and comfort
able, too, and save stockings.
91.00 per pair.
Caps for Hoys and Girls. A
dozen ditl'erent styles. Pretty
patterns and dressy shapes. Get
your boy a new one. Special,
Woodenware Chopping
bowls, I'Utter ino'ds, rolling plus,
potato mashers, slaw cutters, but
ter IkiwIs, wood faucets, tubs,
washboards, etc. Little Prices.
considering the additional
y By
Sew Today.
Try McGuire Bros.' homo kettle ren
dered lard. None better. Put up in
3, 5 and 10 pound can pails.
Gentle horse, harness and hack for
sale. Apply to McDonald.
If you are contemplating making
your father, mother, best girl or young
man a Christinas present, I have just
the thing for you. Clarke, the Jeweh r.
McGuire Bros will have new home
made corned beef the tbstof the week.
Pulverized M in n an. I Juva coU'ee at
I carry a full line of Dubar, Hemp
den, Waltliaui and Klgiu watches, ii.
all sizes, 7 to jewels; or if you wish
something cheaper, I have a line of
Swiss and German made watches on
all of tlnse watches. My prices are
the best this side of Chicago. Call and
look at tii. in. Clarke, the Jeweler.
F. G. Cue is now settled In bis new
quartern mi Fourth street, opposite O.
It. Hartley's residence, where lie is
prepared to do anything in the way of
carpenter work. Special attention
given to small jotis.
I now have the most complete line of
watches, clocks, jewelry, cut glass and
silverware that ever came to Hood
River. 1 would like very much to show
them to you, because I believe t hut 1
can save you money. Clarke, the Jew
eler. F. G. Coe, the carpenter, has n new
telephone nuiiilier at his new location
on Fourth street. Call up Main 571.
tihei liseil Irf'tler List.
Miss I.illie Boman, Edith Bacon,
Mrs. W. A. Durham, Mrs. A. S. Em
erson. Mrs. Sophie Myhse, Mr. and
Mrs. 1;. Allen, U. A. Challman, O.
Edwards, Geo. Fitch, E. L. Gear hurt,
John llamerly, E. Kelley, Nurberto
Luustiu (Italian), Rev. Piglet, Mr. J.
Turner. William Sill, package.
W. M. YATES, P. M.
In Hood River, Nov. 7, 1005, at the
home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Mar
tha Powell, at the Sanitarium, Mr. N.
B. Jordan and Dr. Mary P. Johnson.
Owing to the feeble condition of Mrs.
Powell's health, the wedding was a
quiet event, the ceremony ueiug per
formed in the presence of relatives
only. Rev. W. C. Gilmore, of the
Congregational church, ottlciated.
Slight Fire Monday Night.
An alarm of fire was sounded about
ten o'clock Mond y night and caused
considerable excitement among the
residents of the city until it was dis
covered that it was a small affair and
it had been put out before the lire en
gine reached the scene. The tire was
in the attic of the resilience of J. L.
Kooutz and it is thought it caught
from the chimney. It was extinguish
ed by members of the family with tie
help of neighbors.
For the Lady's flair.
The newest tfliclH in mnilis,
shell hairpins, curling irons, kid
C111I1 rs, etc. Lii tie Prieig.
Handsome patterns in
Golf Gloves for Ladies and Miss
es. You'll need them from now
pn. They're pret'.y, w,ar!ii, dura
ble and n t high priced.
35c to 60c per pair
Thanksgiving Day has
been pioclaimed. Keep this in
mind if you need table linen, sil
verware, glassware, crockery,
baking dhiis, etc All your leeds
supplied here at Little Prices,
For the feet Cork insoles
leather half soles and heels, cob
blers' outfits, shoe nails, shoe
polish and oreming, rubliers, arc
tics, legghis, etc. La tile Prices.
Bniklrgrc. K:m-ai.l
Cass Weygaudt made a trip to The
Dalles Monday.
Truman liutlor made a business trip
to Portland Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Butler made a
trip to The Dallos Friday.
Mrs. 11. I). Smith visited at The
Dalles lust week, roturiiiug Friday.
Dr. Dtimble reports I. II. Jlenett
seriously sick with typhoid lever at
Miss Eliza Parker of Portland is
the guest of Miss Clara Jllytho ui Twin
Oaks farm.
A. A. Jay no and E. II. llaitA'ig had
legal business Ht The Dalles ti e liit
of the week.
County Commissioner II ihburd went
to Goldondalo Monday altei noon, re
turning Weduosday.
Jack Morrison came down from The
Dallos uud spent Sunday with his
family ill Hood River.
Richard Jones of Appleton, Wis.,
arrived Saturday and is busy shaking
hands with old friends.
O. G. Chamberlain of Athena, Ore.,
was consulting Ceo. T. Prattler on
business matters Friday.
E. Shelley Morgan came up from
Portland, Thursday evening, to look
after his fruit ranch on Phelps creek.
Jas. T. Wourt has givm up h's 1 a.-e
of the linker ranch ami moved into
the ; Itaa house in Hood R:ver last
w eek.
Miss Isabel Whitby, who has been
visiting at the home 01 Miss Carrie
liyerlee, has returned to her home at
C. A. Duno sold two lots 011 Rivet
street for the Hood River Develop
ment Co., in Idlewilile addition, to
J. N. Early, for M
M. L. Emry .t Son sent their no'v
water motor to The Dalles hist week
to get a longer shaft put in, ami were
eomp Hod to shut down the cider mill
lor a couple of days.
Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Huekabny, who
weto the guests for ten days of Will
iam lluckabay and family at Mount
Hood, left last Wednesday for their
home in Portland.
That the hunting season is neai at
hand is being evidenced by the many
applications fot licenses for this pur
pose at the ollice of George Prather.
l' C. Stout Iihs started a new milk
and cream route, as will be seen by
bis ad. in another coliiin, and is pre
pared to servo customers in Hood
W. L. D.miorest, who purchased
the Lamar property just south of town
inteuds to remodel the old residence
and make many substantial improve
ments to the property.
W. V. Johnson left, Saturday for
Winlock, Ore., where he will open
rial estate otllco. .Mr. Johnson ex
pects to make an extended trip east
soon, to visit old places uud friends
of former years.
John Newton Moody, who has been
employed at the Menotuunee 11 ill for
soBie time, lies seriously ill it the
Hood River hospital, of cirrhosis of
the liver. Ho has been hi k ul out a
There ii a scarcity of help for clear
ing land. Many of the farmers aie
getting ready to do considerable
clearing this winter, but are having
trouble in securing hi lp. Good men
are scarce, and there is employment
tor a good many all winter.
Subpoenas are being served on a
large number of people for the Ries
trial which will come up at The Dalles
on the Pith of this month. Ruth sides
are actively at work securing witness
es, and a long, hard-fought case will
probably be the result.
The carpenter work on the remodel
ed cottaue of C. F. Waldo has been
completed, and after the painters get
through this week the building will
be ready for occupancy. Mr. Wald
says that a tent is all ritrht for a sum
mer outiug, but he prefeis to live in
a house in the winter time.
The finest apples ever grown are on
exhibition at the office of the Hood
River Apple Growers' Union and ubo
t the Davidson Fruit Co. Some
wonderful specimens are being ob
tained this year, and It is no wonder
that suoh good prices are being ob
tained for Hood River apples.
The Ladies' Aid society of tho Con
gregational church will lioid their reg
ular monthly tea on Friday afternoon,
November 17, at the residence of Mi.
A. M. Kelsay. At this tea a sale of
aprons will be held, and every cue
needing an apron either for use or
Our $6.75 Clothing Sale
was a Grand Success
For the benefit of those who did not learn of it in time we
will continue to offer suits worth $18, $12 and $10 for $6.75,
all sizes.
Great Overcoat Offering'
j r liiivculso
.1 . i i
. Wood. CwwrililoJ. IVOS. IS Si III Oil.
(beauty should avail t lieiu.-.elves of this
o 1 ' 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. v 101- ooiaiiiuig one. 1 no
lio.-tesess on this occasion will be Mis.
Kinnaird, .Mrs. Price, Mrs. Nicholson,
.Mrs. Metealf, .Mrs. illianiH. Mis.
Young and .Mrs. Kolay.
The new plant of the Fleet tic Light
A I'mu'i Co. Inn- been furnishing tho
light since .ocnihnr 1, and tho ser
vice is a great improvement over the
old one. '1 lie I i; h t is lailliaiit and
s'eady and its cenven ieuce will no
doubt recommend it to many.
Lyman Smith and Newton Clark
were up from Portland Saturday ami
atleiidi'd the anniversary meeting of
tho A. O. I'. W. bulge' here. They
are charter members of the Hood Riv
er bulge, and enjoyed the reunion
w it h old friends.
A sample room lia.J 1 11 lilted up
near t ho Hotel Waiicoina for tho ac
comodation of the traveling salesmen
who stop there. 1 1 is located on sec
ond street near the hotel and use of
it will no doubt be appreciated by
salesmen visiting this city.
II. 11. Johnson of Los Angeles has
been here for several days looking
over t he valley w it h the intention of
making Hood River his home. Mr.
Johnson has spent considerable time
visiting dilferciit. localities and has
made up his mind that Hood River
is the best place of them all.
Contractor.). M. Wright is in re
ceipt of a small I ox of colt. on blooms
scut him by his mot her from Louisi
ana. 'Tonne who has not ecu raw
cotton these blooms are an interesting
object, lesson. Mr. Wright, in whom
one can delect the soft sunt hern ac
cent, says cotton begins to ripen in
June. Picking begins soon alter and
continues until Christmas.
R. II. lining leluriii'd Saturday
morn ing from a two weeks' trip to
tho Palouse count rv. Mr. Ilragg has
a brother at Colfax', Wash., and 11. II.
Ilragg .V Co. also lane a store at Pull
man, Wash. Mr. Ilragg mivh that the
country is fairly prosperous, and that
the loss of the wheat crop in the Pa
ioiiso country as a whole will not
amount to over tun per cent.
Mr. and Mrs. Xandl'ord Smith, who
recently moved lu re f rom Pino Flat,
Wash., lett for Spokane .Monday, 111;
compan ed by their daughter, Mrs.
Ray linbler. '1 hey will spend a few
weeks at Spokane and then go east to
Missouii, whole they will spend
about three months visiting old
friends and relatives.
Ihirnetto Duncan, who is employul
in the ollico of t he New 01 It Central
railroad, at Poitland, was in the city
dining the week, looking alter an in
vestment ho is considering on some
fruit land at While Salmon. Mr.
Duncan has a la acre ort-haid on the
Fast Side, which hi; gives close at
tention. It. will la in bearing next
year, when ! Mils t.. r .an here
t lb,.. ; . . 1 1 1 i, ... home.
C. S. Smil '.vri
from M i line; : is ;
to t he ( liaeier
: is ; " A c aie havi'.g a
it her here, as you will
ing from Hit .- morn
olis 1 rihMic, which 1
is only :. tendency to
to sco'i a viiniier eli-
'st 1 in iy he able to see
.1 the 1 unt rv I 1 lore
al l il . 1 all you claim
e t hole. " '1 he clipping
"s that r live inches
.day. Oct. j:t.
a I.igl.l A: Power colll-
I a .. id of .H0 and
dlv .- 11 ill in g foi evi-
lill In u inter
note 1 10 111 el 1
ing's -Minni ,
enclose. T I :
make one wi
mate, and 1 1 1
your section
spring, and . I
it is, may 1 . : 1
referred tot i
of snow fell ! '.
Although I a
pany has oil . e
has been dii 1
deuce again L 1 ho vi
lals who inter
f'ered with t
light service
found 110 ch
linking of t he electric
, ; diawe'en night, il has
to t he 1 el polluters of
.- act. It is to be hoped,
t icy will bo i.pprehend
1 to book as a warning
. light in the lutiiio try
: this dangeri
! however tin.
j ed end broi
to tho.-e u h'
I this trick m
I Manager i-.l.cpnrd
i ers t'nion, l as been
if t he Fruit (irow
lamng some ex
periments 11
!n din ing t he past week
toward inipp
lent method
practiced ii
It is found I1
on the ii ph
part to coiiio
1 1 11 it it foi:
. ing the already e.xcel
at lacking apples an
I,.. II a d River Valley,
at by 1 I icing the paper
a a - l a allow the unused
.ai tie' b ttom of tho
,s a pad. thus almost
eliminating any poibilily of bruia
! ing-
1 W. I!. Colo wan in from l iout l.nko
i Friday on Ids way to Portland. Mr.
j Colo has sold out his 'iront Lake
store to Smith v 1'eets ami has
I bought an interest in a bakery and
, confectionery at I'ottland, known as
'tho (lordon llakery, located at II")
' Third Btieet. Tho style of the new
ax . i r v
.ln tr
I la connection with our Suit Sale wo
included a splendid line
)i' Mei.'s Overcoats and Raincoats
- M."i. lii.r. ) hi ! ! at
.Underwear vSale
Leave Your Money at Home
Just Bring Your Small Change.
We mt closiii"' out. at cosl. (ioinp; out of business,
evervtning but millinery,
Ladies' Rubbers, First Quality, .lOc.
Hoys' Rubbers, Rolled Ktljje, '.,
Walk Over Shoes, for Mm, at -.7, ft.'t.OO and 3.20.
Men's Dress Shirts, value if 1 ..(), clos'uio- out at 85c.
Rar'iiins in Hosiery, Corsets, Men's Hats.
Don't Forget
the Sale of Ladies' Street Hats
firm will bo llaradon Si Colo. The
now purchasers of tho Trout Lake
store ure local men. Mr. Smith form
erly owned tho store, selling to Mr.
Colo and removing to (iareld, where
ho engaged in business, but recently
sold out and came back to Trout
Lake. His partner, Mr. Poets, has
been living at Trout Lake for borne
Nod lllythe, who has boon ci nnect
ed with tho (ilacior for the past year
and a half as city editor, and whoso
native town is Hood Hirer, loft here
Saturday evening for Lowistoii, Ida
ho, w here he will engage in tho news
paper business. Mr. lllythe will in a
few days commence tho publication
of a paper to bo known as the Lewis
ton llaily Teller, and tho (Ilacior in
company with his many friends in
this city, w ish him success and pros
perity. Ned is a rising young news
paper man of more than ordinary
ability, and we predict that tho lav
oniug Teller will become a power and
soon bo ranked with the leading dail
ies of that section of tho country.
W. F1. Lnraway has sold his Iowa
home, including the 20 aeio orchard
that was the talk of that country this
fall. Mr. and Mrs. Laraway loft for
(lh nwood,lowa, Sunday evening, to
remain until a tor the holidays, after
which they will return to Hood liivcr.
Mr, Laraway expects to havo llfty
acres out in orchard on his two places
in tho valley by next year. He will
I, 'iaih out about llfteen acres of the
( iro.-ser place this winter, and all of
the land on that place wiil ho cleared.
During his absence Ralph Laraway
will have chargo of his jewelery store
here, and the business will bo con
ducted in tho same ofllciout manner
as before.
Mr. and Mrs. ,1. S. Iiodbotter have
removed to Hood Kiver from llattlo,
Wyoming, where Mr. Ledbetter has
largo mining interests. Mr. Ledbetter
has decided to locate in this vicinity
on account of his wife's health and
it is his desire to acquire a ranch
somewhere in the fertile Hood Kiver
Valley. He will retain his mining in
terests and will spend much of his
time in Wyoming overseeing them.
II. M. Abbott and family of this city
are old friends of Mr. and Mrs. Led
better whom they met in Utah a num
ber of years ago.
N. W. Jackson, of Portland, who
last year purchased a portion of the
liarry Kemp place near Captain Jack
son's on tho East Side, was in Hood
Kiver last week, accompanied by his
father and mother, Mr. and Mrs.
Allen Jackson, who have recently
come here from Hudson, Mich., to
reside on tho fruit farm. An Mr.
Jackson came through tho sago brush
lands of the interior ht concluded he
wanted nothing in tho West, but after
his son showed him the Hood Kiver
valley and its fruit farms, he changed
his mind at once, and is glad he left
Koman Kosso, an Italian employed
on tho construction of tho Mount
Hood Kailroad, is tho proud father of
twin boys, born since the last issue
of this paper. Wo are pleased to note
that Mra. Kosso and children are do-
ing as well an could be expected. It
CupytlEbtcJ, 190S 4 KtncaiU f3
i WouJ.
We Do Not Open (j
on Sunday. j
is suggest o1 that onu of tho Infants
be named Spitzenburg and tho other
New town, hut whether the dusky sou
of Italy will entertain this suggestion
is of ciiiiimi a matter of conjecture.
The ilacior is tho recipient of a
curiosity made with a jack knife in the
hand of W. A. Jones, of Whoelor,
Porter county, Ind., and loft at this
ollico by Charles Waters of White Sal
mon. To describe tho intracacieB of
this piece of whittling is beyond the
ken of the editor of the Olucior but
anyone interested in tho art of man
ipulating the jack knife is invited to
call at the ollico and see it. Mr.
Jones is visiting his brother-in-law,
Dr. Swart, at White Salmon, la a re
tired farmer, and took up this Inter
esting work about four years ago as
a past hue.
Down in Arkansas they have intro
duced hugging societies to swell the
church treasury, and an Arknasas
paper gives the following soalo of
prices. C i iris under sixteen, If) cents
for a short sipieeo; from sixteen to
twenty, oil cents; schoolma'ms 40
cents; another man's wife, $1; widow
aei ording to looks from 10 cents to
ijill; old maiils, three cents or two for
a nicklo, and not any limit for time.
Preachers are not charged. Editors
pay in advertising, but are not allow
ed to part icipate until everybody else
is through and even then they are not
allowed to squeeze anybody but obi
maids ami schoolma'ms. Doctors and
law. ers lit it barred altogether.
lav. 11. D. Chambers, Episcopal
missionary oleivyinun, will conduct
services in St. Mark's Mission next
Sunday, November 12, when ho will
be assisted by Key. K. II. liarneds
of Seattle, w ho has accepiud tho ap
poiument of Itishi p Morris to take
charge of St. Mark's Episcopal church
of Hood Kiver. Mr. Karnes held ser
vices in St. Mark's last Sunday. He
is an earnest churchman, and has
been very successful in his work.
II noil Kiver is fortunate in securing
Kvangclii-t llamlsakerand wife have
been veiy successful in the revival at
Odell. Tliere have been IS conversions
ami tho meeting continues with grow
ing interest, i he special services will
cloo next Sunday evening. As a re
sult of the meeting, a church of 40
members has been organized. Follow
ing the rev iv ul regular services will be
held every second and fourth Sunday
Kev. W. A. Wood of Fulton, Mo.,
has la o:i called to tho pastorate of the
Chi ist inn church of Hood Kiver and
Odell. It is expected that Kev. Wood
w ill take chargo of his work January
1. For the remainder of the year the
church will be under the care of Rev.
F. E. Kobinson of Portland.
E. (!. Jones, of Appleton, Wis., la
spending a feu days in towu. lie for
merly lived at Hood Kiver and baa
not been hero ill lit years. Mr. Jouoa
says that when he left here thre was
hut one business building in the town
and is very much astonished at the
rapid strides this city has made in so
short a period.
Mrs. Kix of Latourelle is visiting
tier sister, Mrs. .U L. savage.