HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1905. COMPLIMENTS THE HOOD RIVER FRUIT Portland OregoniHU. II. E. Van UeniHn, who jtidcil the fruitH at the lair, uud wild that Ore gon Lad allured KWt lows tlirotiKli the incompetency ot tho people in chartfe of the exhilotn, returned from it trip of inspection of the I'ruitluiitU in the vulleyH of tho Hood, Regno uud Will mnet.e liners .yesterday and loft for the Kast lui4 n i K lit. "I think Oregon fruit compureH favorahly with that from any tsuctioti of the country, " he said while wait inn for his tram. "That of the Hood Kiver district in especially good. The Winter upplcH of that motion 1110 the lending truit of tho I'urillu Nurtltwuht; tho Winter Xowlowns and tho Hpitz enhergn foinnianil the liighoet price for their Huvi r, ki oping iimlitiej and appearance. Hood Kter luado a line Hliowing at the expontio attendantu from there were anions tho few men who knew horticulture and agriculture thoroughly. "Another thing ahout the Mood Itiver appk'H that impresHcM one it the honest niHiiner in which they are packed. The khiiio care iH taken with them that would lie given to ho many eggH; those In the bottom of tho box are of the same nize and quality a thiwo on top. Spraying and good cul tivation have done much to put the Hood Kiver and Kogue Kiver orchards on a paying buHiit and keep them there. "In the Willamette Valley I have not found condition nearly no good. Not enough cure In taken in the cul ture of the t:oon, which in many run are allowed to fake caie of themtidven. Above all things in fi uit-ralhing, at tentiou Mhould bo given to the culti vation of the trees. The Hoii xhoulci be uultivated frequently in the Spring and Hummer moutliH, and plowed, but not deeply. What in wauled it) to have a thin diiHt blanket over the ground, which will retain the inoiH turo for tho roolH of tho treon to ex tract iKiurihlinient from. "Too often, in tliu V iilametlo Val ley, 1 have Dome acroBH oi cliardrt w here weeds are growing proftiwily, and tak ing the bent cunlition of the noil from the treoH. Cultivation will keep these down. The nitrogen and hiimiiH ol the Hoil Hhould be renewed fre(iiently. Kor this purpoHo, it in well to plow the orchard deeply about the lliht ol September, planting it in criniHon clover or retch, both rich in liumtit and uitrogi n. iieforo the lliat IjikIi come out in tho Spring, thin Hhoulo lio plowed under to nouriidi the ground. Under no o.ircunixtane.eh should the crop be mowed and lined for hay. Where trees are closer than ill) or 40 feet, Home should bo pulled out by the roots. "The Willamette Valley in not a very good prune country, an there ii too much rain in tho drying season. It is better adapted to the production of applet) and pears. "The raising of nuts in Oregon Bhould be encouraged. Thin is an ideal country for their culture. Eng lish walnuts will be especially pro ductive. At Dundee, in Yamhill County, I Haw an orchard belonging to Thomas J'rinco, who has lin acris of walnuts in cultivation. The trees lire jiiHt gutting to the producing ago, and before long lie will llml I he money rolling in fattier than he known what to do with. "Oregon berries tiro the equal ol any; the Logan berry iH especially lino. The country is admiral, ly ad apted to raising tttruwherrlos, rasp berries, hlnekhorr ios and other small fruitH." notation In crop is not practiced by Willamette Valley farmers. Instead of ralHing wheat alone, which impov erishes tho soil, he says cropH of clov er Hhould be planted frequently. Some of this should be plowed under. Much stock Hhould also bo kept, from which tho soil could bo fertilized. Mr. Van Delimit is one of the most dlHliiiL'iiiHhod horticultural experts in the United SlaleH. His knowledge is the result of practical experience ol inaiiy years on a fruit farm. He held the position of United Stales l'oinol ogist for eight years, and taught ag riculture and horticulture ill tho Kan sas Agriculture College. He is pres ident of a ooinimnv which linn lixw acies of nuts in cultivation in Eon isiana. Ho left for Washington, D. (!.. last night by way of Chelan County, Washington. Ailverllseil Letter IM. Advertised October I1H, U)0.ri: Lillian Hriinian, Lois lieth Cole, Mrs. Julia Clark, Mrs. L. W. Hills, Lucy Haiichot, Mrs. W. H. Lewis, Koht. llolnn, S. H. IHshop, I. S. Cohoon, Maria M. Eerris, Eon Oroer, T. lnoziik,(.lap. ), S. V. Miller, Don ald Mears, Kobt. McColltim, A. T. Mardeii, J as. Mallory, Hoy 1 Nima maker, John Newell, 11. II. (instead, l'Yod Oiiho, Wm. 1'lay, Hank Staid, J. S. Sterleke, I'red Siost, Walter St. Johns, Frank Truhu, Allen Under wood. W. M. YATES, 1'. M. Take Them ut ." I'er Wi Iconic. Irrigon Irrigator. It it) said that tho new system of primary nominal. ions w ill be a good tiling for the country newspapers, The most ol us are awaiting nilh open arms and empty nines any gooil things to come trom the primary or any other law. The Irrigator will welcome the announcements ot candi dates at live dollars per welcome ill advance. 10 not be deceived by cniilileifeits when you buy Witch Hael S.ilvc. The inline 'of E ('. I v Will A Co. is on every bo of the genuine. Piles in their woiM loini will soon p:is- away if you will apply 1'eW ill's Wiieh Hazel Salve night and liiorning. I lest for ('Ills, llui lis, Hoils, Teller, I .i rllia, i le. Sold by il. I-'.. W i ! ms. Ilouser anil .Melt, who weie in town today, tell u they plantid three and a half acre of their place, two miles wot of Tygh lo hups a rai ago last April, ami this tail realized 1SIKI pounds to the acre ; that is liie dried article, and lane the distinct ion of hauling the llr.-l hops to market ovei that load. T'hev now have four teen acres planted, and from their trial crop hae eveiy roa.on to evpect great things along t he hop line. Many of their neighbors are becoming inter ested and are following their lead. They tell us t here is no re'ts.ni why that section should not rival the taiu ous hop llelds ol oilier localities in Oregon and Washington. Chronicle. The l'olk County Itenner reports that the Ellis prune dryer near Dallas, Oregon, had a line run of 27 days this year. Mr. Ellis hud about Ttim bush els of prunes and about 7i tons wln u cured. The Chapnian and Kimball dryers each turned out about i'i tons of dried prunes. II. S. Hut, had Hbuut liHl.lHU.) pounds and has sold at from four to live cents, according to size. j Origin of the Wertl Oregon. The origin of the word Oregon Is clouded in mystery. It was first uted by Captain Jonathan Carver in a book called "Three i ears' Travel 1 hrotigh th Interior l'arts of North Amricu, for more Than l ive Thousand Miles, in tho Years 17(f 17W, " which was published in London in i"x. It does not appear from the book tint Carver cainouuy furthei west than Minnoaotii, where, he says, tho Indians told him a great river called "Oregon, or the Kiver of the West," rose near the Mississippi and Mowed westwaid thiol. gh the mounlaius to the Eacilic cnti. Ill's is the o ily ri feni.eo to ti e rivor in the I oot. ICu-ver was a Connecticut jankee, who served as a Holdier through the 1' reach and In dian war, and afterwards, on his own hook, explored niithcin Michigan, Wisconsin and ;inni m !a He return td to his home, vi.lel H bock and endeavored to peisiiide the cdonial HiithoritloH in -New Vork and New England to pay the cost of its iibli cation, or Bt least reimburse him for his expoiiHes. Having failed on this side, he went to Londi n to appeal to the government there, lie man! ged to get Ida book printed, but obti ined nothing more, and died destitute in London in 17HH. Tho liauie Oiegiai did not Hppeut in print again until William Cullen liiy aut ptibliHliod his poem "Thanntopir, " in 1H17. Ho had evidently read Car ver's book, and his sensiliva ear was llesatd with the pi.elic rliytlim of the wonl "Oregon." 'J heodore W inthrop (ueated the word "Tacomu" in his "Canoe ami Saddle" in a silnilai manner. So far as any one can as certain, it was never written or spok en ollicfor tho cl a, ining mil nil i e ol his western experieniis appeared in la IH-'1 a liostou si lii.nl teacher named Hull Jackson Keliv became in fatuated with Oregon, and although he never visited this country, he do scribed it an a paradise and predict ed for it a wouderlid inline. lit wrote pamphlets and nowspap t artic les, made speeches, delivered lectures and addressed memorials in Congress advocating a colonization of Cieon, and Hiicceeded in exciting much in quiry and Interest. Among fit In i s whose curiosity was aroused by the writings and speeches of Kelley wan Nathaniel J. Weyth of Cambridge, Mush., who dispatched a vessel loaded with merchandise around the Horn, anil started overland in 1. ,i2 to met t it lit tho mouth of the Coin iiibia river. T he boat never arrived, and was probably li st at sea willi ali on boaid. Wyeth waited a year or two thou went back to Huston, lilted out another voshcI, called the May Dacre, which arrived safely at the mouth ol the Willamette, where ho set up a trading post and collected furs and packed salmon. I luring his lirst .journey ho was iicompaiiied by John ISall, who taught the Hint hcIiooI in Oregon, beginning November. 1H,'I'-. Among Hull's pupils was Konald A. McDoiial, who went to Japan in IMH, succeeded in obtaining the good will of tho ollicialri and Un people, and establised the Hist Eng lish school in that empire. Commo dore 1'eny found him tin to in infill and used liiin us an interpreter. John linll returned to tho East and after ward founded the i ity of Oiand Kaput-. Mich. The great river Oregon was after ward called Hie Columbia in ITU- by Captain (iiay of I'o-ton, who sailed a considerable distune - inland, ill I lie ship Colmliiu and gave the river that name. I le never heard of the word Oregon. Careful Investigation has tailed to find that word in any of the Indian languages, or any Indian who ever hoard of it before Carver'H book was printid. It is a question wlietliei he invented :L or whether lie misun derstood tie pronunciation of some other name mentioned to him by the Indians in Minnesota. William E. Curtis In Chicago Itocord-Herald. Let Their I'ruil Ite "Shew n." Attention has already been called to t he line aii'ay of cups to be a.winl ed for apple exhibits at the next an nual meeting of the Oregon llorticul tiiral Society to bo held In 1'oilland In January. Hood Kiver has already announced its Intent ion of capful ing everyone of those cnpH. Wo often see and hear the charge that the pen pie of l'oiilaud seem to think Hood Kiver 1h the only place in Oregon that raiscH good apples. If the apple rais ers of other poi lions ot the state do not contest for the honors ut the coming meeting, Hood Kiver's pies tlge in I'orllaiiil and abroad as a raiser of Hue apples will be more llrmly established than ever. If you want to convince people Hint Hood Elver is not the only place in Oregon that raises fancy apples it. is well to remember that M issourlaiiri are num erous in I his county. A few enterprising fruit growers are working hard lo make the coining meeting of the State Horticultural Society a success. The ell'oits of these men should bo met with co-operation in all pails of the state. It. is siguill cant I hat the one locality which can be depended upon to send u large del ligation to Hie meetings of the Society is Hood Kiver. The fruit growers of this favored valley realize that the successful fruit grower owes some thing to his iiidiisfiy as well as to himself, and that ho can promote the interests of hoi h by attending meet ings of hurl it it It 1 1 I'm 1 sncielies and doing his share to make such meet ings interesting and prolllalle to all w ho attend. Advises hin; To Try West Crupper. Hood Kiver, (Ire., .Nov. 1. Editor lllicier. I sen that neighbor King has stopped the (llacier because it brags so much on Hood Kiver. Well, I do not. wonder at it. Hut here is a panacea for his ill. If he will sell oot down there and come up lo West Clapper he can buy some of the best fniii. land iii the valley for .:inii per acre, set lo strawberries and apple tree-.. We do not have to plow up oiii heiries because they will not amount to anything. On the contrary, they will net liuu I'ronisdiHi loJUi per acre viiuh and by the time his berry paVh is played out his apple trees are h-.irnig. I ni l herniore, we pick our hi I les ell lli. frees, not. t ho ground. Ills land will be worth, will the Ola cii r sav luuv much per acre? And he A i II haie a sin ite on his face and be taking both the Olacier and the Sun dav ( it ei;e;i ian. ,1. J. JOUDAN. I!erv Ounce Veil I'ltt. l-'verv eiinee of food lhat you eal I hal I'.uii in iltireM does a poui.d ol hanu. II liirns the entire meal into po-MMi. This not mi i V deprives the lil. ilnf liie necessary tissiie-huildini; iii.-ilei eil, I ill il poisons it. Kedol Dys peps.a Cine is a perfect diia'-tanl II ii'"Mslie food regardless of lliece'.l dil iuii of ! he slomacli. It allows llt.it ei-iMii In i.'-i and net strong again, llelnves llelelung, Ileal'! Kuril, Sour "..'loacli, Imlipcstioii. Palpitation ..I H e heart, clc. Sold by li. E. Will iams. Ollii'i's ami I! minis. The verv best fur rent in Smith K'.ock j You Look Yellow The trouble is, your liver's sick. One of its products, "bile," is overflowing into your blood. You can't digest your food, your appetite is poor, you suffer dreadfully from head ache, stomach ache, dizzi ness, malaria, constipation, etc. What you need is not a dose of salts, cathartic water or pills but a liver tonic Bedford's Black-Draught This Kreat medicine acts gently on the sick liver. It purifies the blood, renews tlieappetite, feeds the nerves, clears the brain and cures consti pation. It is a true medicine for sick liver and kidneys, and regulates all the d't;estive functions. Try it. At all dealers In medicines In tl ;c puuiuge;. "BCETSSTT" Mulled 1M Ways. The 1'ost Otlice says that Chicago is the word most, frequently and moi-t horribly mispeliod by foreigners. It iH claimed, indeed, that I his word has been mispelld in IN!) dilierelit ways Some of the ways in e: Zizao, Jagjago, llipaho, Jagiga, (-'ehocchnoho, Hiago, Chacliioho, Sliieahbilo. The Knoll Old Way. A severe cold or uttaek of hi grippe is like a lire, the sooner you combat it liie better j our chalices are to overpower it . Kill few lumbers ill this age are will ing to do the necessary work required to give a good old-fashioi'cd reliable treiiUncnt such as would be ministered by I heir grandmothers, backed by l!os eiiee's (ieinnin Svrup, which was al ways liberally Usui in connection with the lii'iue treiilini III of colds and is still in gicaler household favor I hull any known 1'i'ine.lv. I tui even without tin1 application ol the liernuui S.VI'M' will in qlliek tillie. 1' children or gi w Ihe congi'Sled org m lion, and elleel iv. h Any child will till i' bit in a household size bottle, L'oe; H i. sale by C. X. Clarl e, ld-l'ashioned aids cure a severe Cold will l ine colds in people. It relieves , la v -i the irrita . s'-'i'S Hiccough. , 1 1 is invalua o e'liiili'en. Trial l'or : u tin Tuleiram : li II. linker savs u In at cut put i f i :.o I ii hleliiialu dis liiet will n I i ll ti e grand total of 1,1 I 0,(1 II I, in 1. els. i l.ii tidily ail cl this will sceli tie l'orfhind markets by way of the C. li. A N. which was n ceiitly built linm Kyle to (ioldei; ilale. Will Slay in Hood Itiver. The remedy that, uuiltes you cat, sleep a ml grow si rung, called l'alnio Tablets, will be sold regularly by Williams.' I'harniacv, Hood Kiver. These great nerve and const il ill i ni builders cost only fine per box, six boxes tfli .r0. Ayplo Growers We wi-h to correspond with you iiaoiit apples. Will pay cash tur rigid ,u iel ies and puces. A. D. Hlowers A Co., Seattle, Wash. WOOD FOR SALE. 1 am prepared to furnish mill and slab wood, also other kinds of wood. 1 have a new sleiim wood saw and ttni prepared lo do sawing. Also do general team work, FRED HOWE. l'hone 121. MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY Tho Best in Current Literature 12 Com pict Noveli Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON THY. ELY TOPICS $2.60 PER year ; 25 CTS. a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS FOR SALE IN- o Rivcrview Park and Idlcwildc Additions Easy Grades, Fine View and Good Water ALSO MANUFACTURING SITES FRONTING ON 0 R. & N. TRACK WI1H DEVELOPED WATER POWER Cheap lots for building: Small Houses near Flour Mill FRUIT LAND FOR SALE IN TRACTS TO SUIT HOOD RIVER DEVELOPMENT CO. a Office next to Waucoma Hotel HOOD RIVER TALLY CARDS The TALLY CARD is in dispensable to the Whist Party. Why not have a neat, pretty design? It adds to the attractive ness of the party and costs but a trifle. j& Fifty New Designs AT 6LOCOM'S SNOW & UPSON Blacksmiths and Wagon Hak ers The most completely equipped power plant in Oregon. Contract work a specialty. Grubbing supplies and Log gers' tools always on hand. The care Of the horse's hoof is essential. We are experts in that line and cure corns aud interferes. DAVIDSON FRUIT CO FRUIT DEALERS and Manufacturers of all kinds of mix ooxes Highest Trices Paid for High (Irade Fruit. S. J. ii narnefisccbaddles AM Repairing Promptly Attended to HOOD RIVER OREGON Bartmess' Furniture Store ON A CASH BASIS Your dollar will buy one dollar's worth, and we will show you we appreciate it. Prices greatly reduced. Remember we are the leaders in reducing prices. Come and see what Cash will do. S. E. BARTMESS Building Material, Carpets, Paints, etc. Undertaker and Embalmer. At I ooushs QUICSyES i CURE colds THE WONDER WORKER FOR H THROAT UVkn Wi :1 Ann 'S I LUNCS 13 FOR CONSUMPTION CHAS. EBY, SR., of Elizabeth, III., writes: MI paid out over $150 to locI phy sicians, who troatod mo for La Grippe without giving mo any relief. I afterward bought a $1.00 bottlo of DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY, and after taking contents of this ono bottlo 1 was entirely curod." Pr!c9 50c and $l.C3 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! Trlil Bottto Fw SOLD U3 RECOMMENDED BY CHAS. N. CLARKE R. D. GOULD, PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating: All jobbing promptly attended to. Dealer in Building Material, Doors, Windows, Lath, Mouldings, AND ALL GRADES OF .sszionsr STABLE .Livery, Feed and Draying.. STRANAHANS & RATHBUN. Hood River, Cre. j3I lliirst's boutilit, buKI or exchanged, riciisiirc parties can sei'iire Hrst-cluss ris. Special attention given to moving furniture ami piano. Wo do everything horses can do. Hun a Faoer Carries everything in the line, including Krinked SilRs, Sik Embossed, Tapestries, Moires, ngrains, Varnished Tiles, Banks, etc. Up-to-date Paper Hanging, Sign, Carriage and House Painting. Phone G71. First and Oak Streets. HOOD RIVER TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. TICLET OFFICE FOR THE REGULATOR LINE OF STEAMERS. Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready. Thone 131. Square Deal Store Do not forget that you will get full value for your money every time you trade with me. When in need of Groceries, Flour and Feed Call and see me. You will find it pays to trade here. Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and aii kin is of Agricultural Implements Alfalfa, Clover and All Kinds of Field Seeds. I have just added a stock of PAINTS and am pre pared to guarantee prioe and xnality. Come in and make your wants know n and get prices. It will pay you. Yours for Business, D. M DONALD 3rd and Hirer Strmmt. Hood River, Ore.