The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 09, 1905, Image 5

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i ontimu-d from 1.)
$M !N. Tim exact floured should bo
Woul l like to know bow this
Mr. Mi'DoimM tiaid that this was
very ovi'lently h mistake, tbat the
mmmiil ehi.uld lie ?!!!.
.Mayor llliiivern iis.-ured Mr. r'rather
that any mistaken of tbis kind would
lm recti lli'ii.
At thin juncture Mr. lleudursou,
tl:n city enijiiH'cr, -tepped forward hlcI
uiiido a pica with tbt; gentlemen Pres
ent, not to do anjtliiiiK more to delay
tt.e coiisti nctioii of t he sewer. He
said it wan nut the timo for squah
liliiiK, that the tiood of the city was
tit i-talic, that the sewer should be
constructed with as little delay as
ujsilile. Ho hat, he said, a large
assessment to pay; bo didn't know
how much i was, and didn't care;
he would try to pay it some way.
ilr. 1'eunh t'.en asked why the
length of the proposed fewer was
chunked ; that he understood origin
ally it wan to extend to the school
house only; that the people up where
ho lived didn't need a sewer aud
didn't want it.
Mr. Kin ly replied to this by saying
that at first it was the intention of
the committee, to only extend the sew
er as lur as the school house, but
that eventually it would have to be
done and that it nas better to do it
la. L., Smith spoke in tavnr of hav
ing the v ork done as soon as possible,
th ;t the city v as in an uiisufe tiutii
tniy condition, that the taxpayers
owed it to tl o r families and the Kell
er d community to i.o lender endanger
their health bv Laving tilth aud sew
;ig' pollute the streets. Ho bad a
lai'L'e assessment to pay on lots which
hud no houses on tliein and were not
in any way benefited at present, but
was perfectly v. iliimj to pay it.
Mr. l'rnther asked the indulgence
of -tile chair and c:id that he did not
want to be misiindeistood that he was
perfectly willing to pay the assessment
on nil his property except the lot in
Mowers.' addition, and that be would
not pay if he could avoid it.
Mr. Hartley thought that all should
be astcf.-ed equally aud did not UU-dei.-land
why Winans addition was
not included in the assessment. Mr.
I.'ooi! also would like to know why
all ie not asM'iscd equally.
Mr. K.arly said that owing to the
contour of the country it was not pos
sil.lo to drain the land in Winaus' ad
dition into this sewer. This state
ment was corroborated by Mr. Hou-!er:-on.
Tl e mayor asked Ml. Rand to take
the eh:: it and said that he wanted to
I,j r iiiirsMl! beforo the people he
had tol i that the sewer would not ex :-y faitlior than the school
hou-e, .ml that he v.oulld like to
!"vi- t i e i latter- (It layed a little in
unit . t. i gie t! e;'i an opportunity to
have u hearing. If possible ho would
like to i;ave council delay tho matter
sc.eial days. Was in favor of the
sewer project, but wanted everybody
In have a fair show.
Mr. I'ii iy siiid that ho wished to
say in behalf of the sewer committee
that if "as their earnest de-ire to
give evety one lair treatment, that lie
was thoroughly in accord on this
point v. i! h i he mayor, but that the
time provided by the charter for
training the eriliiinnco giving council
the right In a.-s'ss for this purpose
would expire Nov. 12th. The com
mittee had engaged an attorney to
draw up this ordinance who was fa
il, iliar with the matter and who would
b at in to do it. iietwren now and that
dale, but. a'tir that date would not
be ai !e to give it, his attention for lie would like to say that
the ei. in a i' tee had worked hard and
1''if! lly and that if the matter 'was
tl h eu now it. would have to go over
until aiii tl. i r council meeting and
much of l he work connected with it
dun" over a;: in However, ho would
I 'lLfgist thai the mayor call a meeting
ol ihe c iiiueil for either Tuesday or to hear any further objec
tion:. .Nlr, K.ool said that he would bo out
ii town V. edi i-slay. but thought the
idea was a ny '..mod one and would
he v -illiug to ree ain all day at the
ciiiuu i! looms li esday if neiessary.
Af. Mi- i iina!d staled that this was
pe b et,., satisfactory to him. but that
is a i iiih r vl the sewer committee
he Pi I, tn .1. nnj more delays were not
to be eon-ddcied, that the committee
'.It tit: I o v.- doing what was for
; in ! et-i i oil -Is of the city and was
sttisiU-l that .,s soon as the sewer was
pni in iiiiv in'ocrty bolder would
lie i ongrat i.ia! ing himself that the
,-.i :', l ad I ii'ii delayed no longer.
Mr. Ihilh i -aid that the efforts of
tn m ,er con, mitten to establish a
-g.. ysi ein ill Hood IMver and
i, - 1,,-,-n In nil ( ;ed nnd he hoped
t;.".l anv nu li :b 1 ys ' mild be olivi
a!. -.1. Wiis ei nlii . i t that when the
. "wer iii.i I nill ii ; mi would rogret
it, l! ',;a, lura-i I o select Tuesday
af . ran a. .., I h" ti.'.e to hear any fur
t ! ..r i'p: i lairts.
h- M, 1 loud I moved that new
ei.ah le e-ta! i seed oil the streets
w lib ii the :ewer . nulii pass through.
I'm l ied.
ir. rally to a noeslioii as to why
.!-( stieets had not l en graded
.11 . noi.t! in the flint i I oi City Kn
g r i : , i on i: t.i the grades
v. .. . d id colli. mil to list' laud so
a.- t ,i b .-sen 1 lie e. pease.
! .: ;,. o o ml t litti a committee
! i ;. p: int: i i roia tl e n t n I els of
1!., -,i et eiii'iiiUee mil the ewer
'.; ...i, i e : a ( .-tablish a grade ill
; ii.. . is' ad.ii' ion. Carried
1 i,,. ciaii.c :i then pi ca u ded to
an i. r. a e l.iii- ami transact, other
i u.- -i,s.- a! lainoi i.i.pci tain e. when
in iira: oi lire was sounded and
ei.,: eil a i.joi.i ned.
....nil a g iu the i.-itement the
s. ! ci-itur.iilo net 'lue.-day after
1 1 -. . . j , . f cm 1 in I o clack, and ap: rt
l'ia a lew c.irrecl it,n. ill the nssess
ii. i rill-, no la.siness of importance
a 1 1 ai, .-,.(. : li.
, - oi, 1 1 Isoi 0 thai sew nil of the
go:.,;, laen whose uames appear on the
: ,: a l ieseiiied to council stating
'p.! ;ja le aie illegal meml ers ill this
Ii i : , , !: . e o, en s.ubi oonaed to appear
i e . V .i eioi sin stantiatc their us-
Vi. , oslmig n oved la-t week from
.1, ,', . .i, ni ias' larm to the Ida Crap
l . i i 1 a e ii. this i.eighl orhnod. which
w . ...r. c uii; vaeat'd ly 1'reil 'la; lor.
,1 VY. is visiting dd friends
in t ''is ieinity.
Mia- lliiMiLr and cbildien after
s lid ing "it r two yers in lowu, re
tii iii.i to their ohl'liome iu the valley
on l,.st Saturday
.1. II. Shoemaker started out ou
M n a.v mei ning w ith a torco of men
lo make the linal survey on the new
A c rutin young gentlemtin living
iu this neighborhood attends two
churches at Belmont.
The woods was full of tear hunters
iu tbis neighborhood one day lust
neek. There were enough men out
to have killed all the bears tbat the
old prophet called out of the bills to
eat the bad boys, and they made
enough noise to scare the oldest bear
in the world to death. In the excite
ment the "varmint" came very near
running over Duncan Martin, aud
scared him so badly that bis mother
is afraid that be will not grow any
more iu the next six months. Mr.
Neely gave it the fatal shot. They
killed it near Jasper Wick ham's place.
It would have appeared much more
neighbor-like if they had killed it be
fore it ate Mr. Uatcbell's pigs.
Mr. Haacke, who has been East at
tending to real estate interests there,
returned home last week.
I). C. Morgan, manager of the Allen
A. Wright farm, recently dug a thous
and sacks of potatoes for market.
The Northern Paoiflo Railroad com
pany has establised camp in Washing
ton, directly opposite town, at which
point they will be ready to begin con
struction work iu about teu days.
Mrs. Gilbert aud daughter, Flossie,
came down from their borne at Piutt
Flat ou Monday, aud took the train
at Mosior for Little Falls, Wash.,
where they will join Mr. Gilbert aud
Miss Ada, who are employed in the
railway service of the Nortberu Pa
cilic. Charles Cramer, after an absence of
about two years, has returned to bis
home iu Mosier.
After several months' absauoe Cbas.
(iraliam has returned hone on a visit.
Mr. aud Mrs. William Rowland
paid a visit to their parents on Fri
day last.
Miss Edua Root visited iu Hood
Kiver last week, the guest of Miss
Mary Middleswart, who is attending
school in that place.
Charles Davenport of Portlaud is in
Moiser superintending the fall round
up of cattle for the wiuter.
Mrs. (Jodborson and daughter Dor
othy went to The Dalles tbat tbey
might secure medical treatment for
Miss Dorothy, who is quite ill with
bone disease iu her right limb.
0. R. Wool has just completed the
finishing touches in paint on the ele
gant uew resideuce of- R. F. Hard
wick, which they are now delighted
to occupy.
Hubert Tihl is prepariug to erect a
tine resideuce on his farm three miles
east of town.
U. P. Hunter has recently assumed
the management of the Howe farm,
formerly purchased from Henry
Jemima Tanny washer, ii pioneer
aborigine of Mosier, has gone ou ber
annual trip to the mouutaius to se
cure cedBr roots, out of wbioh she
makes her famou Klickitat baskets.
She will have some nice baskets for
sale later iu the season. Vi I
A. P. liatohnm made a flying trip to
Portland last week. Mr. liateham is
preparing to erect au extensive fruit
building ou his farm, a requisite quite
necessary iu his line of business.
W. E. Husk y made a business trip
to The Dalles one day last week.
Ueorge Chamberlain is seriously
contemplating a goose hunt iu ( i ilium
comity after the rush of work is over.
Will Stevenson was a passenger on
Saturday's train for The Dalles.
Judgiug from the invoice of fruit
trees which arrived iu Mosier this
week, there will be a great increase ot
acreage in orchards in Mosier valley
this coming year.
Mosier was lively last week with
land seekers. One man having found
the object of his t eal eh, has decided
to remain with us.
The following is the lull of honor
for the month ending November li,
1!X)5: Willie Stewart, Wiliie Depee,
Oia Wait, Georgia Waif, Lloyd Fish
er, Gertrude Davenport, Alice Mo
sier, Shelley Hudson, Aldiue Hund
sou. Mary Morgan, Liodica Haacke,
Alefora Haacke, Annie Haacke, Mat
tie Greeu, James Green, Louis liur
Mosier is at last nicely equipped
with a first-class barber hop, a much
felt need among the male element of
Mosier. Mr. Van fortwick has op
ened a shop iu Johnnie Webbing's
store and is thoroughly equipped for
Rev. Frank Johns of Cascade Locks
began a protracted effort iu the school
house in District No. 8 on Wednes
day. Mr. Johns is aided in the work
by J. T. lirower aud others.
Was Sorry He Did Not Invest.
Robert Rand, while returning from
Portland ou the traiu the other day,
fell into converastion with a couple
ot Dalles citizens. Mr. Rand's name
was overhearil by a stranger in the
next seat. The stranger asked: "Is
this Mr. Rand of Hot d River?" Mr.
Kami acknowledged he was from Hood
River. "Well," said the stranger,
"eighteen years ago I was in your
town and stopped at your hotel. You
took me in your buggy to show me
the valley aud incidentally to sull me
real estate. As we rode along the
du.-ty roads you told me of the won
derful resources of Hood River and
seemed to be trying to impress upon
ir. y mind that Hood River would sure
lv c me to the iron t as the iiest fruit
section of the Pacific const. We got as
far as (Tucker's) bridge across Hood
River when 1 thought I ha ' enough,
and we tinned back. Upon r aching
the hotel 1 looked up at you as you
still spouted Ho id River and thought
you were the biggest liar in ten
states. Now I ask as a favor, Mr.
Rand, that you kick me from one end
of this car to the other."
"Why should I kick you?" inquired.
Mr. Hand.
"liecause I didn't take your word
for it and boy a quarter icetion of
that land iwi oil. led for 10 au acre.
It is now wtitu ijiAU t.u acre."
"How much bave you made since
that time?" inquired Mr. Rand.
"Not a dained cent."
Death of Mrs. .Martha Harden.
Mrs. Martha Hayden, Bister of our
esteemed townsman, Mr H. Peugh,
died November 1, at Columbus, Ind.,
at the rge of '2 ears. Mrs. Hayden
came here some time ago to spend ber
renaming days with her brother, but
could not become reconciled to the
hills and mouutaius of Hood River,
and longed to be laid to rest at ber
old home. She left bere September
lti, and returned to Columbus, where
she lived until her death.
She was a devoted, sincere Christian
lady, was a member of the M. E.
church nearly all ber life, was very
fond of ber bible and spent a greater
part of ber time f late years reading
its pages. She was beloved by all who
knew ber, and ber true, faithful Chris
tian life will remain a shining light to
her many friends as long as tbey shall
"Messed are the dead which die in
t! e Lord that they shall rest from
their labors and their works do follow
Ministers' Association.
The ministers' association met iu
regular session Monday morning at
the U. H. church. After devotioual
services Rev. U. M. Heeler presented
a timely paper ou the kind of preach
ing the world demands vs. the kind it
needs. The paper was very much en
joyed and was stimulating. A sug
gestive discussion followed being par
ticipated iu by Revs. Spigbt, Elkin,
Evaus and Gilmore. Reports were
giveu us to the Sabbath's work and
matteis of local importance to the
moral life of the community were dis
cussed. These meetings are entirely
free from church and social gossip,
but they do deal with living questions
of civio aud ri;bteous value and will
aim to unite tbe entire membeiship of
our churches iu work of moral growth
and l ighteous living. The next meet
ing will be at tbe U. B. reading room
at 10 a, m. November lit.
Has Fine New Hearse.
S. E. Harmless reoeived, Friday,
by boat, a Due uew bearse oi tbe lat
est up-to-date patteru. It is rubber
tired, bas beveled plate glass windows
and is hung inside with silver grey
trimmings, which are considered the
proper thing nowadays in place of
black. The car that the casket rests
on is automatic and does away with
having to shove it by main force
which is verv inconvenient at times.
Tbe metal trimmings are all silver j
mounted aud au electric call bell with 1
a button located iu the rear of the ve- I
hide euables the undertaker by the
aid of a code of signals to communi-
cate with tbe dr;ver wheu it is neces
sary to bave tbe hem so proteed or
W. D. ROGERS, Hood River, Or.
Removal Notice.
Owing to the stress of work and
cramped quarters I moved my
shop on October 23 to the
Dallas Warehouse, Fourth St.
Opposite 0. IS. Hartley's Residence
where I w 11 be better able to at
tend to the wants of my customers
in my line. F, (i. COE, Carpenter.
Hardware Stewart's Furniture
l'lease remember tluit wlieo we nay a complete line Of Oils, we in
clude Illuminating Oils, ami Headlight atamlH at the top. KoM
in bulk, caacn or gallons.
Lamps at 2nt to 1 )(). Lanterns, ."c to $ 1.00.
Meat Cutters, 7."c to .f 4.00. Lard presses'. lli-h
grade Stove Pipe, 15c a joint, with all our stoves.
Stove boards, asbestos paper, oilcloth, rugs.
Tliia ia the time to talk to us about
Building Paper, Lining Paper, Mnlthoid Hoofing.
Wm. M.
jLicclq. ABBOTT,
Hili Class 2vllllner37
Hood Hiver, Oregon.
Good Things
at the
MAIN 703.
It has the full, rich flavor of fine
old coffee that has been properly
aged in its native country.
Sold in 1 and 2 lb. aroma-tight tins.
Grind fresh each day not too fine.
J. A. FOLCCR U CO.. San Francisco
Established In lJO
Thanksgiving Day
Nov. 30, 1905 j
At Columbia Park
Rain or Shine
(iiime called nl ."!().
Dance in the evenin"' at1
at the Opera House.
Come as early as you like
and stay as lon as you
Tickets. 7"c. Lnlirs I'ii-h
For Sale
Ten aerett In Crupper illMnrt ulmul
5 Illllen freill lown. I Willi the niljolll
lng 10 ni'ren last year for SI :tt s.x-t eitsli.
I f sold within 60 days will tnke Sliii
A liarKitin for any out' Hunting u
miitill place near town.
ItiO acres ten lulled (ruin IIihmI Itlvei
and only three miles from tnietl sta
tion on new Mount IIikhI rullroud.
AUiut Kit) acres especially adapted to
apple culture. The place adjoins the
Klppa Orchards owned h b Portlund
corporation, Is sheltered from the
wind uiid un Ideal place for u commer
cial orchard. SJ.mxi.
11X1 x 161 feet on Klierimtn uveuiie ad
joining Wni. Graham's new house
Very desirable. $120J. lor further
purtlciilitrs cull on or itddreNS the
.. N. HI.UWF.KS.
Stewart's KH
to Eat
City Market
The First Step
toward a good
Drink a cup of
.Men's and Boys' Clothing
100 Suits
of Men's Heavy Fall and Winter Goods
$10, $11, $12.50, $13.50 Value, will be closed out at
Ideal Home for Invalids
Climate ami view niiHiupiiHHed
in the Tinted States.
Some Bargains.
Our lint contains about 4(1 different
tracts of fruit ami general farm laials in
Mosier ; about 0(10 acres in I'nderwood,
divided into tracts of from 4(1 to li'.'il
acres each; also about 1K.1 different
tracts of furin property in I loud Kiver
valley, and some very desirable resi
dences in Hood River anil Mosier.
Sit. li acres., mile out; berries and
orchard. A beautiful location. Will bo
sold at a bargain.
24. 42 acres. 4 miles out , 111 acres in
orchard, 10 full heariii";. First-class ini
proveinelitH. A beautiful home,
2. 40 acri'H in the most beautiful por
tion of the valley. 4 acres in oithard
aie veur old, !M acres iu berries, 4 acres
iu alfitlla, balance general farming.
114. Two lOO-acre tracts about nine
miles out; one on cat side, other west
side, Choice for fl 100.
A number of 5, 10, 20 and 40 acre
IraclH of unimproved laud that will
bear investigation. Also a number of
large tracts from Kit) to H20 acres in Ore
gon and Washington,
Some few residences and lots in every
portion of the city.
Real Estate Agents
Hood River, Oregon.
eiviuenua 10
(1 , r.(My Vii
3 tt!ryliwt')WJ
i 1 ff ure
Kor aiMitional infurniati'in apply to I'. V. LK.VVY, Mannger, 711-712 Maniiiam l!uiMin,
JOHN LELAD HENDERSON', Agent, Hood River, Oregon.
Every Suit in the house Greatly Reduced
20 Reduction on All Boys' Clothing
Hood River, Oregon
The tay Satisfactory' Range
Coe's Addition
Cheap for Cash or on
your own terms.
Now is the Time to Buy.
Phone Farmers 1233.
ASSETS $44,000,000.00
INSURANCE IN FORCE $210,000,000.00
tU Investments are not oneeMod by those of any company In
the world. It has no fluctuating stocks and bonds. For over
twenty years its mortgage loans on farm-lands have earned
the highest r.-.te of . interest of any American company.
Its ratio of death O losses and expenses of manage
ment have aUays been very low. As a result it excels in large
poncy noiaers, among wnom are oivioea
w me company.
Union Central
0vmt;J dtf-r mm HtTicuttts,!
vcturrioM anu mourn una Yl AK of otKTH. I
Sale I
Monarch Malleable
Ranges Awarded
Highest Prize
At the Lewis and Clark Exposition
liecause the Monarch was the only range
with u patent Duplex Shaft, which cauBes
the fuel to burn evenly in the firelioz.
liecause the Monarch was the only range
shown with au emery polished top, requir
ing no blinking.
liecause Monarch Hanges have oven
thermometers made especially for tliern,
which tell the degree of heat required for
roasts, bread or pastry.
Pennine the Monarch Range bodiel aro
made ot the heaviest Wellaville blued
steel, without enamel, and do not discolor.
For Sale by W. HAYNES
and Lots
in proi'13
1 'or Hand. Oregon, or