The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 09, 1905, Image 4

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lly KoHWi'll Shelley.
Odell. Kitsl Hood Hirer Vitllcy, Nor.
H, Tliere will bn a count' toiiclieiH'
iiiHtitulo hold at Odell on Sut unlay,
t he lHtli inst, witb the, follow intf iro
Ki am :
Morning Si'.-rtiuii.
IwuihUairn, J. S. LiiikIiih
Arithmetic, h. A. Wiley
Aftcriiorii Si'shUiii.
Literary and miihic conducted
by M. .1. Kininih (if Odell hcIioo
JIiadiiiL' .1. S. Jjindern
Aildrecs. "Ih Lite Worth While,"
Iv'ev. I. V. I'oliiiK
A free lunch will he nerved tn teach
ern and vimtoi'H, ho come filling and
hare ii kooiI time.
.lethroii MacHcy, fim of I'. MiisKiy
of Willow Hat, wlio for ten months
hiiH ii ii alirti nt at their former lionic
in AikaiiHiiH, returned liit-t Kuiiday,
tflad to Ki t hack to Hood Kiver. He
eoincs hack where he Inti-ndM to re
main. Jlin ii i m ii y liiendH welcome
ti I in liiick iiKaiii.
At thin writ iiik' the revival HrcviccH
w ith Mr. lliindhiiker its leader tire htlll
lilllllillK- lhe I'oiitiico.-tiil IJoshing
Iiiih come to Odell, lieinK of one lie
cord in one place. A uoilly iiuinlier
linn heen lidded to the church six
teen in all, and hMII the work kiioh
on. Mr. HandHiiker luis proven him.
nelf M Hiiritinil ca : puincr. Tim xhh
hhimI Iiiih heen biiwii and the harvest
time 8lnill cnnie. What cluill it he?
V commend 1 1 1 i h work and tiiist that
it will mean much to Odell uIdiik
moral lines. It in ciisy to criticise
thn inovea of otheiH, hut it iH iihviiyt
hotter to encourage than to condemn.
So wo take, pleiiHiiro in coniiiioiiilinn
thoHO who have acknow lodged the
('drink At the cIoho of the morning
Hurvlce last Sunday the ordinandi ol
) ti it i hi ii w'uh administered to ton per
suns by iniiiiei'Miiin in Odell creek In
the villain of dell. Anions t he vis
itorn present at thn Sunday Horvieos
were the familioK of M. Newman, Mr.
Kike and 1 1. i. Kohlnsou, nil of l'iuc
( Ii ovu.
K. 1). Klielley will leave the Little
White sturo next TucMdiiy moriiiiiK nt
! a. m. with u herd ol horn's for w in
ter pastures. All portions intending to
Mend lini'sna with him will round them
up there at that hour.
H. J. HnniH, p-iiicipal of the Odell
Hchool, reipiehtH us to nay that there
will he a meeting net Friday oven
intf, the h'th inst, for the purpose of
(irnaiiiiiiK a literary chili. The meet
ing will ho In the school house and all
persons interested in this movement,
lire cordially Invited to he present.
There U ample talent ahout Odell to
iniike up the personnel of u llrst class
literary Hocicly, This Is a t!ood on-
Coughs and Coids
Ih til IdiikI, and everybody is li;ilili to catch them. Of course yon ni.iy o'cl,
H)iiif honrhoiiii'i candy, a. box of conh drops, have mother make some flax
seed tea with a st ick of licorice in it, rub on some skunk oil and t urpent ine,
take a dose of kerosene; and if all this fails .you may ask your neighbor what
housed, etc. These remedies may be all rijrht to use .it times and under cer
tain conditions. But when they fail to aid you, why do you 'o on experi
ment ini; when you can ovt almost instant relief with our
White Pine and Tar 6Vrup
which is scientifically prepared, absolutely harmless to even the smallest
child, and every bottle of which is guaranteed, (live it a trial. Your
money back if not satisfactory. l'i ice, and :( cents.
tfHffV-tRV Jcf fPHI i
Over I'orty-tive years' experience in our line stands behind our guarantee, that ir"
can give you lhe best goods and do your work iu the most satisfactory
(ioods we sell will be engraved free of charge.
We do our own Diamond mount ing at home.
No watch so complicated we cannot repair it. 1
Our loii"
us on an equnlit v with any house in the larp' cities. Heine.' a graduate of t hive ;"f
colleges, the latter as Doctor of pt halinoloji'v, we nndeitand the eves, their delects h
and their relation to human ills. For headache, nervousness, etc., result ing from i$!
eve strain, we invite you I o call.
Whv not add vour name
Our motto: Honest
I Smith Block,
derttildnu and we hope it w ill he cur-1
l ied out.
Mr. oiler who recently took up HO;
acres of land on the oak liillw south- ;
wist of Odell comes from Seattle. !
His wife will soon join him here. Mr. !
Zeller says that -ii to St hcich ofhiitj
place will he planted to troen next i
year if money will do it. Tlmt'n the ;
kind of nenciimers we are Khul to vvel- I
come. I
Clarence 1 1 illiert of the Mount Hood i
hotel with a yuiiiiK lady and Mr. and
Mrs. N il hols, t lie new undertaker of i
Hood 1,'iver. were callers last Sunday j
afternoon on the Little W hile stole j
people. ThiH was Mr, and MrB.
Nichols' llrst peep at our fcectioii uiiil I
they were charmed. Mr. NieholH is
in liusiness to stay at Hood 1,'iver, and !
wo wish him success.
These mellow autumn days still con-
limit) and are dolilitlul. The stren-1
in us work of nature leaveH its impress I
upon hot h hillside and valley. The
uuickouiliLr forces employed lend col-
or to the scene on every hand. These ;
autumnal d;iys are the loveliest of the j
jear, hriiih'iiitf with them the harvest
time, and forcibly reminding iih that
winter w ill soon follow. Nature rover
Iiikb. As soon as one season passes,
the work of another lupins, and here
we read u los.-ou well worth reincni-l
berilitf each day brinns forth its op- !
portunitieH anil duties; if wo (lis-j
charge those dut ies and improve ouch
passiuK opportunity then we shall he
ready for the winter of life. One:
marked (lilference hetween nature and !
life is that nature each passing year'
brings its spring, summer, aiilumni
mid winter; while, alas, in life tlies-i
seiiNoiiM come to us only once. j
Last week O. II. Khodes and .Jitka I
Lenz, two all round Mount Hood
hunters and sports, went hunting hint, j
week for three days in the mountains!
toward the Cascade range, returning;
with live deer. ThiH trip closed their;
season 'h slaughter of deer, anil the!
next trip out. they espoot to hrlng in
a hear. Art and .hike are good fellows,
and hcing mountaineers know where
to Hud a good thing. Mr. Khodes
savH that their new snhool Is pr igress
ing llnely and will soon he completed.
Last Monday morning Frank K
Kemcorn went t.) market w ith the citr-
ciihh of II One heef. Now that huy is
plentiful, idiill fed henf will become,
one of the prodtlctH of the valley. j
Mr. I'reldly, the carrier on lioiite j
No I, informs iih that he Ih now on
his last month on his yearly contract, ;
I tint year his salary was ?M)it. and the
patrons repaired the wagon. Mr.
frendlv now proposes to keep the
wagon in repair during the winter
months when he says it will have to
he laid nil'. 'I'll n for the halance of
t he year he will furnish his own rig on !
the following terms : That the patroiiH
along the route raise Hiilliciont funds
to make his salary (MO, the govern
ment now paying bM. Mr. I riodly
Iiiih proven an excellent, iiccouimodat - i
ing currier and we consider liin olfer
reiiHiiiiuhlo. W'ho will take the mat
ter up In his hi hall' Some one must
do it soon if we want the mute con-j
tinned. j
The Oregon represent at iviw in Con- j
gresH should resign, i en, hut willj
- The 6'easora ForE
'Xperience, superior equipment and met hods uf lit t inii' ulasses places Sls-,'aa
to our list of satislied customers?
goods at honest prices.
Hood liiver
tliey? We have little faith in tucii
i n (midline. Vet the fact remains
t int they can be of no service to the
h ate. and if their salary, no part it
which they can euin is the only quta- i
I on, it would he well fur the govern
or to guarantee this and let the next
legislature cover it with an appropria- j
lion for the cure of criminals. 'II ei
state is already nirticienlly disgrace I. !
Let's end it as soon us possible. !
All the leading papers of the state are 1
demunoing the resignations of these
men in high places and yet they still
continue to draw their salary, Shame
le upon such conduct.
C. W. (iilmer met with a painful
i.ccidcnt while loading hay, the tight. -i
uing pole broke and struck him on
the mite cap. The injured member
was attended to by Dr. J. W. (ieai-;
lia t. ;
Fred McNeil and wife of Miwsouii, ,
brother-in-law of Fred Thomas, have
made their permanent home in White
Sul nun. j
Miss Kut Ii W ii.-on, who was taken;
to St. i. coi. i l.i.s, in I'ortlnud ;
hot wick alliictod with a paralytic
e'ludil i.iu, is re.o i ted as being incur
able. Last S.iti riluy a 1 .1 ge party gathered
at the chinch and in a body made a
siirpi in) i. i! to 1 1 e Jewi tt ranch to
celebrate tue ti lii biithday of A. H.
.lewett. M'. Jewett has spent just
half of his yearn in While Salmon,
and is cshcni'd for his 1 regressive
ami generous iiatuie. He is a leader
in all entei pri.-es that make for the
improvement mid development of the
White Sol ii.Dii valley. Mr. Jewett was
presented with a new slick pin and
pocke'. knife.
William lliesiuiz is having the pool
room plastered.
The Coiignvi' 'mini church has been
nicely repaired and decorated. The
chinch is making steady prorgess un
der the elhcient leadership of liev.
l'eny llartie, who has recovered
from his attack of typhoid fever, re
turned to his home in Trout Lake
Mr. lienton, the local butcher, has
moved into his new butcher shop.
I he building was especially erected for
that pur use liy Mr. Wyers, and is
complete in all its department.
The e was a parents' meeting at
the school house Monday evening.
M. H. Adams was elected chairman.
The meeting was addressed by Mr.
('ohiirn, who stated that the object
of the mei ting was to get parents and
teachers together to discuss the prob
lems of the school and the children.
Mr. t 'ol 1 111 111 staled that iudilfereuce
on the part of parents breeds con
tempt 011 the part of the child for the
teacher and school. He urged that
parents take an interest in the school
work and aid the teachers in better
ing the 1 oucral conditions.
Several parties have been touring
tho While Salmon valley last week
looking for lai.d.
hilin Leland ll"iiderou of Hood
Kiver was in town ho-t Sal unlay.
The sick people I i:ve obeut. all 10-
JAiud; DKnaiists
What are your friends saying
about you? That your gray
hair makes you look old?
And yet, you are not forty !
Postpone this looking old.
Hair Vigor
Use Ayer's Hair Vigor and
restore to your gray hair all
the deep, dark, rich color of
early life. Then be satisfied.
"Ayar'ii Hair Vixor reHtoreri th mliirtl
color to my f;oiv hittr, ami I am greatly
iilttafteri. It h all you claim for It."
MUM. E.J, Viu Alt. MechaulCKllla. N. T.
1 1 00 a bottle
All n'riii'L'tBH
J. O. ATBIt TO.,
The riht of way mail, Mr. Upriulit,
iH iu White ShIiiidii tliin week KettiiiK
the locMil rights of way across the
Htrawborry farum.
The HOwitiK circle r,f Cook addition
met laet Thurwlay with Mrc. Field.
Mr. Andcrdiiii and ( luido Wttherel
of Citrnon wore in town lut-t Monday.
John WUhoii in puttiiiK a stone wall
under K. Field's house this week,
and Mr. is putting a stone
wall under the White Salmon Land
Co. 's l.uildiiiK.
Lumber is 011 Hie ground to fence
ill tho school yard.
The school at White Salmon is well
attouded this term, a good many new
H'hnlai'H beinn uei-ciit. The school
hriuse is so full aain that they have
to use the bull urt of tho time. An
addition to (lie school bouse will
have to bo built next year.
The Stratitian boys, with Chester
McKcyiioldrt and Kd liarther, have
been busy all last week and will be
this week packing apples at J. J.
millions'. John will make a nice little
pilo it of his ai les thiH year.
I'M Watts has spent all the week on
tli'i Kant Side plastering a large now
L. I);rt was shaking hands with
the gray mare. I.. 1). says she eatne
near laying him out.
(irnuilpn Nichols was busy most
every day hu-t week hauling lirewood
to town. (Irnuilpa is a regular hust
ler. The old lliirret lanch is putting 011
new life since its new owner, Mr. Sar
gent, is making lot h of improvements.
L. niiiunt is the carpenter who s
llxing n i things in tho wood line.
Joel kiums how to do it when he gets
nt it.
It has been fully demonstrated what
can be done with rocks and grawl in
the way of making good roads. Now
if wo cuuld have a tax levied and buy
a rock crusher we would have gooll
roads everywhere through the valley,
I do not know I hat there is any place
in the union that could have' better
and more pcrt,netit roads than Hood
liiver valley. Why not try to get a
rock crusher?
Truman llnyner, after an absence
of twelve months spent iu the Kast,
has returned again to our district,
and says there is no place like Hood
liachelor Wilson says he can buy
bacon cheaper at iiockfoid si ore than
atany other place. Yes, of course
you can. Wii-on, and other goods,
too. 'try once, for spot cash.
1. Lnbhoy is now digging up pota
toes and seems to 1110 w ill have a very
good crop, and nico ones, too.
As wo lock out into the clear blue
-liy we h o tin' autumn leaves are fall
ing fast, w bile t lie tall towering pine
and lir trees retain their beautiful
coat ol' green and the mountain in
the di-tance speaks (Mit and says: "1,
loo, retain my white vesture, both
winter mid summer." This sends
out our thoughts, to the (Ireat lleyond,
where we are told it will lie a perpetu
al summer, and as we look out upon
t lie beauties of creation, with sliminei
and winter, day and night, morning
and evening, wo cannot help but ex
claim : "There is 11 Hod. "
We have been frozen up for some-
; tin, e but Inn e thawed out now. So
will let you know some of things do
ing up here,
-Mrs. Drown has been ill with heart
'trouble and has gone to her mother's
at Pendleton for a while lo recuper
ate. I. I Icy t ing sold a team to Menom
inee lugger.- for l?'i"i.
M. Mauley has been mixing his
house ami thing up for winter.
1'aiil Mnnley has taken up a home
stead near I'nnicknie on the summit.
Hliss Holt man hud a riiaii vay Sun
day evening which scattered lumber
and stripped the horses when Ihey
tried to griih a t ec. Nobody hint.
Will (id r iH being treated nt
W hile Sul, n. ii for a bad knee which
he received while loading hay.
Wiclieus , '! niupkins have purchased
a tract ol i e timber from ( M
Ihiuglas. They ran now furnish lln
tshing lumber in pine.
I'.. I.. Iloltniau is getting lath sawed
at the mill toi his house at White Sal
in ri which will 'bo line when com
pleted. Mr. 1 1 i list ii has returned from
t ii'hlenJale whore he has been sowing
tall grain on his farm.
Luis of Canias I'rairio hay is now
being hauled to the river while the
I nad- are g. ml.
I Dark Hairf
mwguwmfc-jipwjw awwMwi ill
Heating Stoves, Furniture, Tin and Granite
Ware, Crockery, and in fact everything in the House Furnishing liue.
Big Reductions this Month
We Exchange New Furniture for Old.
Our Full and "Winter line of Black Cat Hosiery is just in mid wo Iimvo every
thing in Cotton, Flee:e-linel, Wool and Worsted for Lndies, Misses, Men, lioys and
Children. This is the prettiest line and best Stockings that it is possible to get. If
yon buy Hlack Cat Hosiery you will get the worth of your money and be satisfied.
I'l iee, 120 per pair up. Try Black Cat-
John Strontman's line of Shoes for
Ladies and Children in the newest lasts,
are the best wearers,' snappiest styles,
best fitting and most comfortable Shoes
you can get.
Ask to see the
The farmers around here have their
fail grain all sowed.
P. Hughes and others are clearing
up and will put in orchards in the
Miss Penyoualds is having a cistern
built on her homestead, her fath r do
ing the work. She is teaching school
this winter at Trout Lake.
Mr. Falmer has heen very ill with
cong9stlou of the lungs, but is recov
ering. H. Falmer is building a house on
his homestead.
Miss Falmer went to The Dalles last
week to accept a situation.
If yon want masonry 01 brick work
done, call on Mr. Ueynolds, who can
give sat i-fact ion.
Mr. Ncidy is
here. There are
in the district,
tho school teacher
not many scholars
and We need more
emigration or scholars. Ho is a new
teacher and well liked by thescholaia.
Old Mrs. Whitcomb hud a surprise
on October till, which was her HTth
birthday, and a few neighbors went
in and entertained her and made her
think of bygone days. Sho is the
mother of George aud W ill Gilmer.
Hope she will live to see many more
llev. Tufts, president of the auti
suloon league, has bought the ten acros
belonging to Will Potter ; considera
tion, in in. Mr. Tufts will erect a
i urn oi. Lhe i lace immediately.
Four new members were received
into the Methodist church last Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Price of Pine Grove
have moved into Kev. Tufts' house.
We are glad to ve'eome Mr. and Mrs.
Price int j our midst.
Mr. aud Mrs. Andrew Liudes and
daughter, Olgn, have returned to this
place. 'They are visiting Win. Farrell
aud family, to whom he rented his
farm about two years ago. Mr. Lin
des will erect a dwelling on his lots
iu town.
Miss Olive Phelps, who is cooking
for the apple packers at the home of
J. J. Gibbous, spent Sunday at home.
Km ma Gibbons spent Sunday with
Winnie Purser, who got scalded a
week ago Sunday, is recovering, but
is confined to her lied.
Win. Snterlee and family aud John
Tyler aud family were lieluiont visi
tors lust Sunday.
There will bo a stocking social given
at tho home of Mrs. M. It. Potter ou
the evening of November 11. Cards
have been distributed, but all who do
not receive a card are cordially iuvit
ed. 'The admission will be the num
ber of your stocking multiplied by
two. Refreshments will be served
to all. There will he some home
made candies which will he gold at
reasonable prices. The following will
furnish games for the evening: Mrs.
II. C Clark and Alice Churen, trotu
T::t0 to K :;!; Mildred Metcalt and tho
Church, from S::!0 to9:(K; Mr. llrown
and Peail lsenlierg, from 9 :00 to !):'W;
tev. .Hark and Maud Merrell, from
!):.-ft to 1H:(i(; Pearl Kby and Pearl
Hi'.vlock, from 10:00 to 10::i0. The
pi (.cetus will go toward buying seats
t r the new class room in the chinch.
Mrs. llurton Is very ill with pneu
monia. Mrs. Mitchell and family who have
been visiting her sister Mrs. Forbes,
have returned to their home iu
Mrs. Oriscoll of White Salmon is
visiting her sister Mrs. A. J. Snyder.
Miss Klsie Middleswart spent last
week with Mrs. Kowiand.
All Hallow Kve was celebrated at
MoUDininoo with n sooner unrl n unn.
end good time for all.
Pilly McAllister was pleasantly sur
prised by au unexpected visit from
10 o
For IBargraixis
his father.
The Columbia school, under tho
able management of Miss Anna Shea
is doing good work.
The summer is over, aud autumn
stands, j
Serenely waiting with folded hands.
Jake Leuze aud Art Khodes have
.gone on a bear bunt.
Miss Cook of Butler. Wash., who
has been visiting ut the Cooper home,
returned home Sunday.
D. E. Miller spent a low days in
Hoood River the first of the week.
J. Vauthiers had a piece of ground
50x75 feet wLich yielded 'ill sacks of
merchantable potatoes. !
H. Myers raised a hill of potatoes
ou the W. H. Rodenhiser ranch which j
consisted of 14 large potatoes, weigh-
ing 10 pounds; another hill of 'Jti
potatoes weighing '11 pounds. He also ;
has ahout ihree acres of e."ept ion idly
good potatoes, but as they are not j
dug yet can give no estimate. He has ;
popcorn of the best; carrots, turnips,
beets etc. i
W. II. Rodenhiser is expected soon j
from Eastern Oregon with a bunch of i
Mr. Rodenhiser is going to sell his
hay to the cows, they to pay for the
same iu cream. 'The cream he w ill
ship to the Hazelwood Cream Co.,
and receive a uice ittle check once
a mouth.
Who says animals have no business
faculties, aud that the Mount Hood
fanners are not going to mako mon
ye? Look out I
Where could we go to Hud Uuir
weather than wo aie having at pret
eut? It freezes some nights and is
quite cold of mornings, but the days
are as tine as one could wiah thi
time of the year. W. C. Dodge, who
is working at Condon, writes that
they have snow there aud theweathor
is very cold.
J. P. Thompson's men, who have
been hauling lumber to be shipped to
The Dalles box factory, finished last
C. R. Hone is makiug preparations
for starting his saw mill next week.
This will give employment to several
iu the valley who are now idle.
A. T. and D. D. Dodge have taken
a contract to clear some land ou W il
low Flat for F. H. Robbins, the nur
seryman. The Dodge brothers have
gent for a new grubbing machine, in d
as soon as it comes they will be ready
to take contracts of clearing 1 ml :,'t
a reasonable figure mid do first class
John Keid purchased twelve acn s
of land of Mrs. M. L. Carnahan last
week. Mr. Keid expects to buil I a
house this winter, improve his laid
aud get an orchard set out as soon as
Win. Durham and Willie Dogde
weut out on the mountain lust Sun
day to shoot a bear. 'They tiamped
the hills h11 day and c.inie home at
uight wishing there v. as no suck thing
as a bear in li e worl i.
Ed Wentzel h as pi :c' lueii the ! on i -stead
reliniuishuieiit nt Mr. Wriglt
on the hill west of hcie. Ed says l,c
is up pretty high, but wait until he
gets to raising Spitzenl.crg and Ner,
town apples and then we will all want
to live up there.
A. T. Dodge butchered a hog he t
week that was at out a year old. It
dressed 20S pounds, and the actual
cost iu raising and fattening did nut
exceed ?,"). It was fattened mostly on
sweet corn and vegetables. Talk
about buying your meat cheaper than
you can raise it!
Apple Trees for Sale.
The uml.TKitfnpil hits "mill ...... .....i
old Ircex, liu'luitln:.' v triiMioMis ,,n,m-,, 'ui'iu
teuberu. iirtlev and Newiiiwiis Pri..o i...,., ..
jJcetils. Phillip Koilas. ,,
Furniture Pepairing.
and Turnovers in the newest styles.
Plain and colored. lOmbroidered, drawn
and hemstitched.
150, 200, 250, 350, 500 750
Ladies' & Misses' CAPS
New Things in Caps
500, 600, 820, $1.00
In kid, navy blue, plain or checked,
which are the very latest. Also mixed
Scientific Horseshoeing a,
Guarantee to pat a, horse on
its feet; stop interferine; and
cure any corn; spread con
tracted feet, etc. General re
pair work.
$365 BUYS
2 very choice resi
dence lots on the
Heights. Adjoiiiinji'
property offered at
."()(. Impure of
John Leland Henderson
or A. W. OnthanK.
Best line of Cigars in
the City
Also handle line of
Pipes, Tobaccos and
Fishing Tackle
Knnri the time of our birth till we Ik
(limn fm- the lasl time.
Tlie liext ilcjcnue from the ilnni'eiN ol
disease is fruf o
body and aiiiviiy
of the natural fiin,'
tinns. The Jtfm? nf (ix
xixltinrr is import
ant. It must, not
lie st i in i I :i I ii hi tor
that, fives hut tem
porary effect, it 1 1. 1
i lie reaction is more
than depressinu'.
Tike, ii funic- one
that, will re-establish
normal ilk'c;
tion anil assimila
tion and prove a reconstructive rather
than a promoter of waste. This will iicc
nature a fair cluiiiir to put in motion
normal work of repair and tissue huildimr.
Smli it tntilr was grown in Nature's
Laboratory, hidden iu the ground ai d
brought thence forty years ami by Dr.
K. V. Tierce, who has made the treat
ment, of lingering diseases his life-long
study and care.
lie uses glyci ric extracts instead of
alcoholic ones, exactly proportioned and
combined by processes of his own inven
tion, lirst used in his private practice and
now given out. freely to the world in his
"Golden Medical Discovery." which is
((imposec! of Golden Seal root. Queen's
root, stone root. Black ( herrj bark, liloud
Mot and Mandrake root.
Mrs. A. T. .bines of stli Hayes Sired. San
Prnnclsco, ( al.. wriies: "As a child 1 was
(li licale. and treat care was taken or me
tMv:ui-e some of ruy relatives had died of
consiiiniiiioii. alllioui-'h m.v father ;ntd n.oihi r
cr" healthy. 1 irrew up wnh only lite or
dinary of all children, hM about
two years a-'o I cot.lraeted a sew re Cold,
w hich would not yield lo such home-l i enl -meat
as was handy. Ilocuns weic Hied, but
after three months of this treatiuenl I was
onl. woinc. Then 1 was adcised to try lir.
Pierce's (ioldeit Medical Idscovery. and ant
triad tosay that three bottles not only cured
me of the cohi anil comrti. but made me fee
l.el'cr il, an I ever had l'fore. I w ill always
Ictv e a bottle of this medicine In the house."
F7"i.Tf-i These tiny, sutrar-coated antl-
VA2,A bilious granules teriilnie ami
Kcea Invii-'orate Slomac!,. Liver and
llowels. Ilo not tteirel the 1II
habit," tint cure constipation, cue or t wo
each day for a laxative and reirulaior. ihiee
ol four fot an active caiharlic. dnec tiie.i
always In favor. I'm uu ill vials; ulwun
tre&t aud reliable.
Stove Repairing.
I'uJ -H'J
0. P. DABNEY & CO., Proprietors.