The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 09, 1905, Image 3

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Horticultural Inspect inn In Oregon.
(From mi address delivered by IIou.
W. K. Newell at the Milwaukie OrauKe
Fair, October 3 ), lUOj. )
You who, are interested iu such
matters know that for the past teu or
twelve years we Lave had iu Oregon a
State lioard of Horticulture. This
beard has beeu composed of practical
fruit growers, who have tried to solve
the various questions relating to the
iudustry ; the be-t methods of culture,
pruning, spraying, etc ; aud by means
of a lii-enuial Keport they have given
this knonli-dge to the public. These
reports have come to be recognized all
over the Northwest as standards of
authority ou the subject. All nurser
ies have been given careful inspection,
and uone tut clean trees have been
allowed to be sold ; aud, as far as the
limited funds would permit, personal
inspection of orchards has beeu given.
Hut iu the last lew years pests have
ur ltiplied amazingly, aud fungous
diieises (detelOje, tee:niugly, iu a
night. The terriU ry is so vast and
the orchards are so numerous that it
was impossible for the commissioners
to gbt hi ouml and atteud to all the
work necessary if our fruit industry
is to be maiutuiued. So, last winter,
the Legislature was asked to pass a
liw providing for the appointment of
county fruit inspectors, and under
this law (T '.ckumas County was one
of the first to petition for an inspect
or. The county couit appoiutod Mr.
James II. Keid, and a tow weeks lat
er tho county court of Multnomah
County also appointed him for that
county, it is needless for uie to speak
of the good work he has beeu doing
iu stopping the sale of wormy aud
scaly infested fruit in the markets.
This iB a i-tep iu the right direction,
and a movement that should have the
support of every fruit grower, and, I
should add, consumer also. For the
consumer is boiug defrauded when he
buys a box of wormy, scabby apples,
even though lie may think he is get
ting them cheap. When ouly clean,
sound fruit is allowed ou sale, prices
can be bi'tter maintained ; the con
sumer will get full value for his mon
ey and tho demand will be increased.
This is tilt) only rational way to fight
tho fruit pest queftion. You may try
to compel a man to spray his trees,
but if he can still sell the fruit wheth
er he sprays or not, ho is not very
likely to care much, aud if he spray s
at all will do it ouly half heartedly.
You can luud a horse to water, but
you can't make him drink; so you
may compel a man to spray occasion
ally but you can't make him have
clean fruit, unless it is to his direct
interest. If he knows he can't sell it
unless it is clean he is very likely to
clean up. If a mini lias trees infest
ed with pests that are an injury to
his neighbors, and he refuses to abate
the n Uance, the inspector, under the
new law, lius the power to have the
trees destroyed by due process. There
is no desire to work a hardship on
anyone, hence tho diseaseil fruit this
year is allowed to be sold to the can
nery and viurgfir factory, as it was
thought right aud proper to give full
notice that none might plead iguo
ranee. The lines will be closer drawn
next season, autl the pig or sheep will
bo the only market for such fruit.
The services of the county inspect
or aud the district commissioner are
at the disposal of any fruit grower
who wants any information or in
struction as to the care of his trees,
spraying, etc , aud it is urged that
everyone will help in building up
once more a reputation for tine fruit
iu the Willamette valley. Kight here
iu MilwHiikie was at one time the
most famous orchards ou tho Pacific
Coast, ami tome of the most niagni
lioent apples that ever grew wore
prodc.ed here. Yuu h ar it said ou
every hand: "Oh yes, Hue apples used
to grow here, Lut they won't do it
any more." Hut 1 believe thoyjjwill
grow now just as tine as they ever did.
Of course, it requires more care aud
work, I. ut, it is work that will be well
paid. Insect pests and fungous dis
eases have increased so rapidly that
it, is ot course absolutely useless for
anyone to attempt growing tree fruits
without preparing to do thorough
spraying, not only once a year, but
every time it is needed. I am not
going to bore you with any formulae
for spraying tonight, Lut it has beeu
proven beyond question that a tree
properly pruned, cultivated aud
sprayed will produce just as many
line apples right here iu Clackamas
County as any tree ever did any
where, and furthermore, these apples
being free from scab, mildew, bitter
rot and worm holes, will keep just as
long and hnvo just as tine a lluvor as
they hit did.
Two years ago, iu a test, Jonathan
and Northern Spy apples lrom Scap
pooso were sent to Hood Kiver aud
placed iu an apple storage house to
gether with a great variety ot apples
grown there, and proved to be better
keepers than tho tame varieties there
and among the very best of any va
liety. Last fall some 121HI boxes of
apples were placed in cold storage,
for the Lewis and Clark Exposition,
ami the Willamette Valley ones were
among the bett keepers.
There is a vast M.iirkct opening up
across the Tacilic lur our fruit, not
a high-priced market perhaps, but our
medium grades will go there, while
our strictly fancy ones can go to the
ivistein states and F.urope.
I'roliiahlc truit Season In Idaho.
Tho last shipment of prunes to the
eastern market for the season of 1IW.)
was made Monday, tho product of
southwestern Idaho approximating 3UU
cars, and at prices considerably above
the average. The commission houses
aud larger growers are now packing
pears and apples for shipment. This
will continue toi two or three weeks.
About twenty cars of pears aud
peaches hae been shipped, itti per
haps teu rars of Winter Nellis pears
jet to l,o loaded, sujs the lioiss News.
The Siusel Commission Company is
loading lis liist cai of apples today.
11 consist.- ut Jonathans, Human
lie.ui.ty, aud tirinuv' Colden, iu about
equal part.-, and all of a superior qual
u, which are expected to bring the
top ut the inaiket. The prediction la
n.adethat fully J II 0 cars of apples will
be sent east, besides a larger amount
t.jin ever will go into storage lor
hon.e consumption.
vV bile tho early report that the crop
would show a shortage has uot beeu
ventitd by the result of the shipments,
the i.t-.v u'ichards coming into bearing
making up tor tho apparent damage
caused by unseasonable weather last
spring, the indications are that with
a.ei .o weather uext spriug the crop
of i.ioii will lie a record breaker.
As a rule the quality of fruit of all
kinds has beeu excellent. Some orch
ard ists have neglected spraying at
freely as they should, and as a conse
quence hate produced scaly fruit,
which has beeu reject) il by the buy
ers, and the marketing of the crop
prohibited Ibis will have the effect
of causing tho growers to be more
carelul iu the future, aud the reputa
tion of Idaho trull placed in the trout
rank. ,
The season generally has been the
most proUtable ever enjoyed by Idaho
nrchaidists. the total amount being
received approximately upwards of
$500,000. Fears are especially high
in the eastern market, one oar (hip
ped from Medford, Or., foiling for
&),42 or nearly 10 cents for each pear
in the car.
This morning C. J. Siueel who
made an exhibit of prunes railed to
the Boise valley at the St. Louis ex
position, received notice that be bad
been awarded the silver medal for the
prune display made in competition
with the world. He has plaoed the
diploma on exhibition In bis olBoe,
aud expects to receive the medal in a
few days. Although the exhibit was
made at au expense of more tban WOO,
the advertisement it bas given Idabo
fruit has fully repaid the cost.
Underwood The Logical Depot Site.
Amos Underwood is firmly convinc
ed that Underwood will be tbe main
depot of the Northern Paoiflo when
the railroad is completed down the
north bank of the Columbia. He fig
ures it all out this way :
"Stevenson will of course be a
depot. Carson will be another and
Drano at the mouth of tbe Little
White Salmon will be a whistling sta
tion. The next stop, about seven
miles this side of Drano, will be Un
derwood. You can't get around that.
Tbe trad i from tbe interior will
ootne down tbe new grade from Trout
Lake and thus our town is tbe logical
location for tbe main depot opposite
flood Kiver.
"The White Salmon dock is bat a
few miles distant. The traius would
bardly be started before tbey bad to
stop there, and as Jim Hill intends to
make fast time both going and com
ing, his train will bardly make regu
lar stops at that point.
"This means that the next depot
east of Underwood will be at Bingen.
This would give tbe people of White
Salmon town a better grade anyway,
than the one to the boat landing.
From Bingen the trains will run di
rect to Lyle. There will then be a
station opposite The Dalles and at
"Mark my predictions and see if I
havn't got it figured out about
A Slight Mistake.
As an instance where a bad cold
caused a startling conversation there
is a joke being told here at tbe ex
pense of a modest young newspaper
man in a neighboring town, whioh is
so good it ought to be true, says tbe
Bristol News. The young man in
question it appears was recently invit
ed to a party at a residence where the
home bad recently been blessed witb
an addition to the family. Accom
panied by his best girl he met bis kind
hostess at the door aud after the cus
tomary salutations, asked after tbe
welfare of the baby. The lady was
suffering from a severe cold wbicb
made her slightly deaf, and she mis
takenly supposed that the young man
was inquiring about her cold. She re
piled that though she usually bad
one every winter this was tbe worst
she had ever bad; it bad kept ber
awake at night a great deal at first
aud confined ber to her bed. Tben
noticing that the scribe was becoming
pale and nervous, she said she could
see by his looks that he was going to
have one like hers aud asked him if
he wished to lie down.
The paper came out as usual the
uext week, but the editor bas given
up inquiring about babies.
Iu Memory of Miss Ada Crockett.
Thy mission here is ended,
Thy Saviour called thee borne.
Witb outstretched bauds He welcomes
To His bright and happy throne.
He called thee iu life's morning,
A lily pure and fair,
To decorate the heavenly throne,
And bloom forever there.
Thy loved ones dear will mourn for
And miss thy presence here;
But God will be their comforter
Aud wipe away their tears.
She was too pure for earth
So heaven claimed its own;
She left her loved ones here
To mourn and weep alone.
She's standiug 1 1 tbe golden gate
Witb arms extended wide;
Waiting to meet her loved ones
Wheu they reach tb 3 other side.
Oh Ada, dear, from thy brigbt bome
Of happiness and bliss,
Ask thy Saviour dear to pity them.
And cheer their louliuess.
Now farewell, beloved Ada,
Though on earth we meet no more,
Wo hope to meet you, darling,
On the bright eternal shore.
A Friend,
Teachers' Institute at OdelL.
The teachers' institute at the Odoll
school house a week from Saturday,
which is the 11th of November, prom
ise; ot be well attended. The teachers
aud patrons of the Odell school are
working hard to make the institute a
success, i ud Justus T. Net?, superin
tendent of public instruction for Was
co county, desires that teachers wbo
have not attended a local iustitute in
Wasco county this fall be present at
this meeting.
The program for the day Includes
a morning session, when J. S. Lead
ers will give instruction in language
work, aud L. A. Wiley in arithmetic.
In tbe afternoon, S. J. Knues will
conduct a literary aud musioal. J
S. Landers will discuss reading, and
Kev. D. V. Polling will deliver an ad
dress entitled , "Is Life Worth
Newspaper Head Lines.
"Roosevelt to Probe the Trusts,"
"Get Hich Quick Schemes 'Bout to
"Life Insurance Getting Rotten,"
"Honesty Is all Forgotten,"
"Bank Cashier (Jloms All the Wealth,"
"1'rcsidei.t Coos North for Health'
"London Bauker's Finance Crime,"
"iMuu is Murdered for a Dime,"
"Stuge Held Up iu Idaho,"
"Tiain is Ki in Mexico,"
"(ii. liters .iix in I'olitics,"
"Farmers Buying (..olden Bricks,"
"Philadelphia Grafters Caught,"
"Honest Goveruoi Is Bought,"
"Postal Sraiidals Everywhere."
"Gratting Makes a Millionaire,"
"Coal lands Swiped by Syndicate,"
"Two men Steal an Eastern State,"
"Eastern Senator is Bribed."
"Conscientious Meu are Gibed,"
"Boodliug Down in Arkansas,"
"Cotton Trust Evades the Law"
"Cotlln Graft in T'eunessee,"
Are tbe things what tbey ought to be!
Nature Seeds But Little.
Nature needs only a Little Early
Riser now aud then to keep the bowels
clean, the liver active, and tbe system
dee from bile, headaches, constipation,
etc. The famous little pills "Early
Risers" are pleasant in effect aud per
fect in action. They never gripe or
sicken, but tone and strengthen tbe
liver and kidneys. 8ld iy G. E. Will-
Cong t'unntj Apples.
So far this season 15,000 boxes of
apples have been shipped from Myrtle
Point, Coos county, Or., by one firm.
Volunteer Work an Uaridssb Hill.
Hood Rifer, Ore., October 31
Editor Glaoler: 1 herewith take
pleasure in making the follow lug
detailed report of the volunteer work
done recently upon the Davidson bill
aud situated io road district No. 7.
Said work consisted of graveling,
cross laying and culvert wrk :
Tate 8mith f'JO 00
B. K. Tuoker 14 00
Wm. Davidson 13 00
E. Strang 12 00
J as. Wilson 12 00
Leslie Butler 10 00
a Copple 9 00
Bert Boardman 8 00
Sbelley & Son 8 00
Wm. Eberok 8 00
Lewis Plog 8 00
Cbas. M. Busay 7 00
Clarence Copple 7 00
John Kroger 0 00
L. D. Boyd 2 00
P. Jooheusen 12 00
H. F. Davidson 5 00
C. G. Roberts 5 00
Cop Henricbs 4 00
Pate Davldsou aud Nels Haven iu uu
Clinton Wood 4 00
P. P. Perry 4 00
J. P. Fiiudley 4 00
Byron Smith 2 00
Phillip Warren 2 00
Ed Williams 2 00
W. a Oribble 2 00
Chas. Clark 2 00
Lucky and Mullen 2 00
Dan Ciosby 2 00
Jack Scroggins 2 00
D. L. Davidson 10 00
M. D. Odell 2 00
O. Predenburg 2 00
a L. Young 1 00
Andy King 1 00
W. R. Wioans 1 00
Hugh Smith 3 00
In addition to tbe above
work in tbe district parties
work last spring as follows :
Cbas. Davis
Wm. Eberck
Shelly aud oou
S. Copple
J ohn Law lea
H. C. Crockett
Louis Plog
C. R. Boue
Suow & Upson,
11. F. Davidson
D. L. Davidsou
Cbas. M. Busay
Dau Smith
L. M. Wilson
$227 00
gave in
$20 (X)
12 Ot)
12 00
2 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
10 00
2 00
5 00
5 00
2 00
i 00
4 00
Total $87 00
Grand total all work $314 60
We are well satisfied witb the above
showng. As to the work, it speaks
ifcudf ntifl am harnhv AYt.end our
IUi m , -- .- .
thanks to all persons wbo came to our
assistance enabling us to acoompiisn
substantial auu permanent worn.
r . A. ftiAasr-di.,
Supervisor, R. D. No. 7.
The Youth's Companion In 1 !!(.
nnn.n innfi Tho Youth's Cnmnun-
lon will publish iuG2 weekly issues
serial stories, etch a book iu itself
reflecting Ameiicau life in borne,
camp aud field.
special articles contributed by famous
men and women travelers, essayists,
soldiers, sailors, statesmen aud meu
of affairs.
thoughtful and timely editorial arti
les ou important public aud domes
tic questions.
complete stories by the best of living
story writers stories of character,
stories of achievement, stories of hu
mor. 1000
notes on current events and discover
ies iu the field of science and natural
brigbt aud amusing anecdotes, items
of strange and curious knowledge,
poems and sketches.
This is what Tbe Companion offers
its readers during 1900. And tbe
quality of it is fully equal to tbe
quantity. Tbe paper is interesting
without being sensational, bright
without being flashy, elevating aud
strengthening without being prosy
a paper for every member of the fam
ily. A full announcement of tbe new
volume will be sent witb sample cop
ies ot the paper to any address ou
request. The new suubsoriber for
190U who sends $1.75 for the new vol
ume at once will receive free all tbe
remaining issues for 1905, including
tbe Double Holiday Numbers; also
Tbe Companion's "Mlnutemen" Cal
endar for 1906, lithographed in twelve
colors and gold.
144 Berkeley Street, Boston Mass.
A Liquid Cold Core.
A Cough Syrup which drives the
cold out of Hie system by aetiug as a
cathartic on tbe bowels is ottered iu
Kennedy's Laxative doiiey and Tar.
Clears the throat, strengthens tbe
lungs and bronchial tubes. The
mother's friend and tbe children's
favorite. Best for Croup, Whooping
Cougb, etc. A liquid cold cure and the
only Cough Syrup which moves the
bowels and works all the cold out of
the system Sold by G. E. Williams.
Annually, to nil the new position created by
Railroad and Telwraphoomoanlej. We want
YOUNG MEN and LAD1K6 of good hablta to
We furnltth 75 per cent of the Operator and
Station Agent In America. Our nix Mix ncIiooIn
are th lanrnt exclusive Telegraph School in
this woKi.n. KntablNh'd 20 yearn and en
dornert by all IfarMiiK Hallway officials.
We execute a tVftO Boud to tvti y student to
furnish htm or her a position paying from $-10
m vki n ilium ii in i lea eai or Uie nock y
Mountain, or from $?? to tit a month In
HbitM wwt of the lit kten, iMMKOlAlKLV
HtudentH can ntir M an time. No vaca
tion. Kor full particular regarding any of
our Hchooia, write flirt ci io our executive or
flee at Cincinnati, O. Catalogue free.
The Morse School of Telegraphy
Cincinnati, Ohio
A Urdu, U.
Teiark&na. Tex.
Buffalo. N. Y
LaC'ruHiw, Win,
Man r ranewco, Lai.
U. S. Commissioner Notary Public
The Oldest Insurance and
Real Estate Agent in town
Insurance Loans Abstracting
Hood River, Oregon
Save Somethini
Its the sure way to succs.
Everybody can save some
thing, if it is only a small
amount, and the small euniH
saved and deposited REU I '
LARLY soon yield large re
sults. It may mean the building of a
home, the foundation of a
business, or a college educa
cation. We receive deposits of one
dollar or more at any time
and pay interest at the rule
of four per cent per annum,
compounded semi-annually.
Do You Suffer with Dyspepsia
or indigestion? Clarke's Ihspepsia
Tablets willcure vou. rnce miiy one.
Vehiclesand Agricultural Implements
. . aock of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and repairs, drubbing Machines and
A" e Cable, Aurmoter Wind Mills, liuckeye l'limps, Holster Springs,
Iloyt's Tree Supports, and llanford's l'alsani of Myirh.
.tu nss Extra Bnguy Tops, Cushion, Dashes, Poles,
Shafts, Khmletrees and Neckyokes.
When you buy a Wagon
PCf 1 The
J. H.
Staple and
Majestic & Mesaba Ranges
and Stiletto Cutlery.
a T. RAW80N.
Stock Grown on Full Roots.
We desire to let our friends and patrons know
that for the fall planting we will have and can sup
ply in any number
Cherry, Pear,Apricot,Peach& Plum Trees,
Shade and Ornamental Trees.
Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can
supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spitien
berg and Jonathan apple trees.
RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River. Or.
Still have left a few pairs of Men's and
Boys' Merrit's Pants and Ladies' Skirts.
Men's Tan Shoes, Qo in Comforts, splen- or
good values, at I)3e4U didly made, 1 to pl.3D
Trading Stamps Given for Cash Purchases.
l'HOXE 51.
ed Cedar Shingles
on hand. We solicit your orders.
Oregon Lumber Co
Sharpies Tubular
Received the Highest Award a Gold Medal
at the Lewis and Clark Exposition.
Rushford" is built (or flurdy
o( lhe righ( flu(l inj in tlie
wv the waoon for the
hardlieaded (aimer who rightly
wants (ull 'value (or every, dollar.
It's a wagon that lands the
racket has more real flrength
and wear than you ever saw (or
the same money; and yet a
Rushford Wagon is neither over
heavy nor clumsy. :: " ::
Forty fun have gone to lhe making of the
Ruahlord Wegon't reputation - you'll tee why
thai count il you'll look one- over. Want
to aho YOU Ruahloid -come id and
look -looey. c a - u
J. . R. Nickelsen
of Hood River, Oregon
Fancy Groceries
Another Car of those Fine
Hood River, Oregon.
It. H. WE I! Kit, l'rop.
Evergreens, Rotes and Shrubbery.
Remember, Our Trees are Crown Strictly Without Irrigation.
All kinds of Seasoned Lumber in stock. The Little
Mill with the Little Trices. Everything as cheap
as the cheapest and good as the; best.
Mill one-fourth mile west of S. A. Hclmers' store.
Kelly Q. Wishart,
MAYES BROS., Proprietors.
Fresh & Cured Meats
..Mount Hood Store...
W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor.
Fine Fishing Tackle Ammunition Dry Goods
Hardware Gninitewure Notions
Hay Grain Flour Feed Full line of Groceries
0. L. GILBERT, Proprietor.
t. Hood Hotel
Headquarters For Tourists & Commercial Travelers
Regular Rates. 91-25 to 92.50 per dy.
SbMlal RUi bjr W..k or Month.
Ufa. 1m Y. d.llj for Closd Cap Inn during July, Auguit and S.ptembtf.
Tinners, Plumbers and
Pumps. Windmills, Spray Fittings
and Hose
English Walnut Trees, Fruit Trees, Scrubs
I'lantH, etc. Oregon in developing as a wonderful walnut produ inn hoc t Inn. l!in
profitH, wi ll Binull outlay of capital. Chance of a life time. No HprayitiK nor
expennive dryerH. We liavc the liardy variotioa, early bearers. A pot-tal card
will tiring you walnut catalog, a treatiHe on their culture ami resultH here. AIh i
wend for nurnery catalog. IIKOOKS k SONS, Walnut iirsery, Carlton. Ore.
Hood River Cider Mill
We have completed our Cider Mill and are ready
to do custom work and buy cider apples. Ilring in
your apples. Barrels and Cider for sale.
Mill phono, Main 101.
Residence, Main 20-').
Yes, we do job printing of
all descriptions. Bring it in.
rnoxE 5i.
0. F. GILBERT, MsnifM.
Steam Fitters