The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 09, 1905, Image 2

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isnm-it tvi'TV il.ulMlay liy
Akltllk D. MOH, Publltbar.
Terms of lubscrli'tioii
D fcdTttice.
The people of Fossil me just learn
tug tout it requires a 2 cent stamp to
doliver first-class matter mi rtiml
mail ronton.
Tlioro is au abundance of cheap
power in Hood Rivoi for iiniiitifaettir
ing purposes. Inducements will be
given to any reliable concerns that will
uso it.
There in little probability of the in
dicted HMititnr and congressmen frou)
Oregon resigning their positions.
Thny euro mor:i for tho salaries they
draw, while they can do nothing to
earn thorn, than for tho interest! of
the entire statu. It is pretty good
evidence that the men were not made
of the right kind of i-tull , and tiiat
they wanted the olilco simply l'ui
what wrs in it.
That the American Indian is nut
capable of civilization is a mooted
question, however, when a bronzo
hued squaw and her liege lord enter
a Hood River ding store, the one to
indulge in tho luxury of piirchiiHing
grease paint and a hand mirror and
the other to negotiate 11 bottle of
Pernna or Hosteller's J'itt.oi's, it is
time the great white race looked to
itself in mutters of cull inc.
There is every indication that next
year will lie a prosperous one tor
Hood River. Tho new railroad ii
the valley und the extension of tin
Northern 1'ncille along the norh bunk
of tho Columbia will give an added
ImpotiiH to business., and encourage
many new improvements in the valley.
The recent real eHtato trunsfiin luive
brought new men and capital into the
valley that will also help develop the
country, and shows a faith In Hood
River property that iH substantial.
NotwitliMtanding tho fact that the
t'zur of Russia haH ltiHiied a prnelii
mutloti giving the people of that
downtrodden nation tho privileges ol
a constitutional monarchy, liot,
bloodshed and disorder aro prevalent
in many parts of that benighted em
pire. There In nothing so terrible at
tho stampede of a herd of wild cattle,
and tho French Revolution may Imvc
Its counterpart In this uprising ol
Muscovite laborers and ignorant penn
ants who have been wearing tho yoke
of servitude for ninny generations.
Aspirants lor"the honor of repre
senting tho Htato of Oregon in the
United Btatoa Henate are being boomed
by their friends. Kx-Uoveruor 1. 'C
(leer representing interests i
central part of the slate it is sai
lio a candidate at the primaries, aujl
Judge Ktophou A. Lowell is the recip
ient of a boom from Eiisloni Oregon.
County Judge Lionel H. Webster is
ulso rumored to be a candidate from
Multnomah c ity. The many
friends of K. L. Smith, of Hood
River, president of tho State llorti
oullural Society and also of the Ore
gon Development League are trying
to induce that gontloin m to allow his
name to go before the pri nun-ion an n
candidate for gubernatorial honors,
but with what suoeoas is not yet
ii i, i,.
in til
.id wijl
The returns from the elections in
New York, Philadelphia and San
I' raiicisco show some surprises for the
politicians ami the public as well.
In New lork Mol'lollon was elected
over Hearst by a plurality of onl
.1,(100. The latter alleges that there
were WI,(HI(l tiiiudiilnnt, votes cast and
will contest the election. Tammany
is sunt to liave received the greatest
scare of his lll'.t. Jerome was trium
phantly elected by a plurality of over
Despito tho claims of the fiiuiouistt
Sohmitz win- reelected Mayor ol San
Francisco yesterday by it majority ol
40,000, over Partridge. Tlio union
labor party made a (dean sweep elect
ing every candidate on its ticket.with
majorities ranging from -l,iaxi to V.oou.
In I'hlladelphia there was a land
slide for Weaver, who is elected bv a
majority of over 7.",000. 'j', reform
movement swept the city and when it
was announced the enthusiasm of the
reformers knew no lion s and million
aire!! marched through the streets arm
in linn singing. The movement car
ried with it the election of William
II. Itcrry candidate tor Slate Tiena
urer, who is the llrst. Democrat to lie
elected to a state olliiv in PciiusjT
vania in many years.
Myron T. Derrick, Republican, was
re-elected governor of the state of
Ohio by the small margin of :i,ooo
votes, tho Democrats timing made
enormous gains. Tom Johnson was
re-elected mayor of Cleveland.
Senator (ionium's machine was put
nut of business m .Mm v, the poo
pie or that state icliising tndislrnn
chise the negro. The Mormon nrt
in Sidt Lake city was dclcatcd anil
Kra Thompson, (ieutile, was elected
In Nebraska, the Republicans wen
successful by a small i: ajority, lie
vote polled being Very light.
Mnssacliusettes has a new Republi
can (iovernor in Curtis W. (luild, jr.,
wlio tius servcil as lieutenant governor
for the past lew years, (mild's ma
jority is est imated at U,",ikHl,
lu I ii 1 it ii it the result is a iuied
one, but (iov. I'tlcr, lo- ul lican, is
re-elected by li.iw majority. A Dem
ocrat was elected Mayor of Tone
Haute and in other in is of the Stati
municipal olllcils vvcio elected by the
1 emocrats.
The Republicans made gains in New
Jersey and also in Rliode Island and
the vote for joint Statehood in Okla
homa was successful.
It is very evident that the contrac
tors for the new railroad on the north
bank of the Columbia are going to
lose no time in getting to work. Mr.
(ones, one of the sub contractors is
in town purchasing lumber to bo
taken across the river to construct
camps. One of these camps will be
located at Underwood and tho other
at a point opposite Mosior. With
H-oruI hundred men working in this
vicinity it is expected that Hood River
merchants will derive considerable
benelit from this fai t.
Mr. Upright, ot the right of way de
partment ol the new load, has bun
at White Salmon for a iiay or two try
ing to adjust the claims iigain.-t the
railroad company for the stnuvhoiry
lands which it desiies to acpiire i ear
that town lor its roadbed, it will be
remembered that when an illoittn
buy this land was made some time iuo
the price asked tor it was to high that
the company decided to delay the
matter. It would seem, lu.wevi : 1 1 at
it has decided to inin ha-e the h u
ind tint' the tbiiving little town
across the river will secure the 1 clie
nts to be derived from the building
of the road.
A ricusiiit Surprise.
About 50 of tho friends of Frank
Dothuiau gave him a surprise party
Tuesday evening at the homo of lib
rents Mr. and .Mrs. u. w. iJctliiuati,
the occasion being Ids twentieth
biithdny. The piuty took with them
the usual supply of good things to
oat and with the aid of music, danc
ing ami giimou couph d with tho hos
pitality of Mr. and Mrs. Detliman, the
evening was u very enjoyable one.
Miss Nettie (ileason furnished the
inusio for dancing and Mesdame.
(irauger, DcMimnn, Muson and League
with the assistance of Miss Stuhr,
served the supper. All had a royal
good time and wished 1'iank many
happy ret ui us of the day.'
ihete were two birthday cakes, 10
cents havng been placed in each one
of them. Mrs. (iranger found one (I
them and .Miss Mildred Mark the
other. Those present wore as follows:
Mr.and Mi-.O. W. DethiiiHii, Herman,
Alfred, Laura, William, Jessie tied
Fred Dethman, Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Dellordo, Mr. ami Mrs. 1'. A. Cn,
Mr. and Mis. W. S. Carnes, A. J'.
Slade, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Lcaugo,
Mr. and Mrs. William Lhrck, Floyd
lOhrck, Mr. and Mrs. lien iheyson,
It. K. Wil hrovv, Miss Lulu W ithrow,
William (lunger and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Sevirkropp, Sophie, Herman mid
Kmmii Sevirkropp, Mrs. Johnson and
ehildien, Miss Nettie (ileason, Clnr
9iiee (hippie, Otis Khrck, Nellie Rod
gers, Miss i.isley, Miss Henna Wag
ner, Miss Ft tie Cox, M. Dragseth, A.
I. Masou ami family, Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Walleii anil daughter, Hester and
Until I arbison, Miss Jmi.o I'otnoy,
I'M Luge, Charles Luge, Mildred
Mark, Alice Mark, Ada Mark, Marion
and Klhol Sprout, Mr. 10. N. Newman,
Mi"s Amy Slulir.
I'li-tiwlntc Dancing School in Town.
l'roiessor and Mrs. William A. Hoist,
dancing teachers, now located at the
lialdwiii Opera house at 'the Dalles,
will open a school of dancing at the
Artisans hall, at Hood River, com
nencing on next Tuesday evening,
November 11. All who wish to learn
to dance in a quick anil fti ietly upto
date way will tie readily favored, if
taught by I'rofcHanr Hoist. Hero is
what the Dalles Chronicle says about
them: l'rofessor and Mrs. Hoist are
undoubtedly the best dancing teachers
on the I'acllle coast.
Tills omrht to prove that they know
their mildness. They have been teach
ing two successful terms at that place.
Terms Adults, nine lessons for Ki ;
single lessons, 7ac. Private, one dol
lar. Children under 1-, nine lessons
lor l'rivate, T0o.
l'roiessor Hoist, says: We will h:;w
you toady for the holiday teason il
you start in now. Hall open it t
o'clock sharp, tenehing begins at, H::io,
Spectators invited free of charge on
our opening night.
a n
il Never
i wist
l ;
One Price
to All
Rev. L. W. Riley, general mission
ary for Oregon lor IhoRaptist church,
was the guest of Rev. Siiight T'uesdax
and held service in the evening. 11
went to Mosicr Wedue-dav.
Itclicf ('in-is' Dinner n Snecess.
The dinner at Mrs. lieu Theyson't
given by the Women's Relief Corps
last Thursday was a grand success in
every way. The spirit, that was mine
(tested is worth mention ing and the
ladies of tho Corps wish to thank the
public in their Kindly clfoits to help
in a worthy cause. The purse made
up lieiug ran. oi.
ihe ii 1 1 ill i- was niven in aid of James
Riser, a war veteran, who is in the
hospital recovering troiu the ctl'ects ol
an operal ion, ami tho ladles ol the
Corps took t his method of lelioving
the Immediate necessities of one who
is highly deserving of the help of his
fellow citions.
I'upils to (ihe Music Iteellal.
The llrst of a series of music recit
als to lie given by the pupils of Mrs.
('has. Slelten, will take place Satur
day at the home of S. F. Hart moss.
The following is the program:
Dun Flow it Fairies I'ianofoi le,
I'eans. .Marie Hartiuess. Mis. ('has.
II. Slet'en.
Romance, op. To rianofoite, TVchai
kowsky. M iss Jennie F.dginglon.
Song -The Rosary Nov in. Mii-s
Agnes I ii'duekou.
Amtienfer See s Siinlgsuirgen - I'i
anforte llendel. Miss Ft led Church.
Flatterer il a Lisa iira )--l'ianl'oi te
Chami aide. Miss Nellie Soiiuer.
Seng- (I reeling. Haw lev. Mi-s
I'loreii.-e Manna
Vierhnnhig ; b Valse rianofurtos
Kohler. ( !eu Hunt.
Clover blossoms I'ianoforte Stullz.
Miss Mildred Metcalf.
Song- Loves Litauv -- I'eKoven.
Miss Cairie Copple.
I .clio w alt-- rianofoite - St i-eboci:.
Marie liartuiess.
Song (loo, live. Sweet Dav Van
nah. M iss Fay di r.
Xectiii lie - I'ianoforte- -Wacht 111:111 11.
Miss .leiinie lalgiiigton.
New rr.'i'iact lor Haul I! ver.
A new- precinct has lieen added to
I lus ell v and will be known as Hood
River Center. It is bounded 1111 the
north by the section line between
t ieiis a.'i and 'Jii. I eginniiii; at Hi od
River, running west along Sherman
avenue to the city limits, theme
south to Hood River, including t he
Fgs-ert place at Odell, t h -nee toll.-"
tug Heel River nort henstcrly to t he
place ol beginning.
The new precinct is in the form el
a triangle and was made neci u y I e-eau-e
several pteeincts in the citj
have nioie than the number ot rcsi
dents allowed by law, which is -J.'ui.
Hood River's Bargain Store
MerTs and Boy's Shirts
For i 1 purpoHcs and the price will suit any purse. Men's
Dine 1. rid White and Ued and Wliite .Striped Sdirts, made of
Madras shirting, soft collar, each flOc
.Meifh Heavy Twilled, double-breasted shirts, guaranteed full
cuh 45C
Men's Extra size shirts of good strong material, extra full
size in every particular 55c
M n's Pdiie Flannel shirts, cood weinht Oon
' CD - v' w
Men's Kiip- C tlifoniia shirts in blue and grey $1.40
Men's lvt ra Heavy ( 'alifoiniu Flannel shirts, double and singlebreasted 2 & 2..r)0
Men's ami Hoys' Dress shirts, very pretty patterns, well made and cannot be
! d in the ciiy for the money. All sizes from a 5-year-old boy's shirt
man's l!) inch collar, for .Tc, 50c, 70c, J)5c
Men's Half Hose
e iu
In wool and cotton we have splendid mixed cotton socks, run do by the Rock
ford ('ompajiy, per pair
Mcir's lllack, Tan and Fancy pattern dress half host in lisle thread and cash-
'"ere, for 10c, 15c, 2."c, and up
Men's Half Wool socks the pair ")C
Men's All Wool socks in blue and tan and grey, the pair 2."c
Men's Extra Heavy All Wool socks 40c
Hen's and Boys' Sweaters
In plain and fancy styles in cotton and wool down to, each 45c
A whole table full of sweaters worth from 50c to $1.00, youi choice, special ,'50c
We hdve a few all rubber artics, fleeced lined, hist year's goods, that we are sell
ing while t hey last for , 75c
A few Ladies' rubbers, in sizes (5, 0, 7, , only 45c
Ladies' Misses' and Children's Coats in endless variety
with prices within the reach of all
Wood For Sale
All Kinds &A Tnrest
Market Price.
Prompt delivery, phone. Murray Kay.
For Sale
Heiid your orden to tlie Acorn Cream Co.
for freHli milk or eream delivered dully. Ad
ireus K. C. Htout, Hood Klver. nW
for Sale-Young cow, good milker.
Carnei., Meadowbrook Furm, ri.
1. r.
Wau ted A light ningle buggy and huriirv..
H. C. riteliaiii. niii
A. S. HlllWiT.
For Sale-High Grade Wild Went shoe fur
men and boya, at Cowley'a shoe shop. Opo
For Sule-Kealdence, cheap.
aite i'osl uttlce.
For Hale or Trade A No. Ii lJeLavel cream
epacater, In good order; capacity 4:
an hour. Price . Inquire J. A. Hcnaernon,
Ulngen, Wash.
or Hale A Kently orgiin lu flrnt-clasH
shape: will take V) for It In exchange for imy.
J. F. llarnelt, phone VXi. Kin
For sale Harness and wagon. B. F.
ForHale-Flrm-elasHnillllary saddle, bridle
and blanket. Address V. 11. Vmiglian, care
Butler it Co.
For Hale Two brood sows, will farrow In
Nov. also Poland China bmir, slock can be
seen at A. N. Foley's. Jos. Kmzlirjr. uU
For Male Pure bred brown leghorn pullets.
Three miles out on west side. Funnel h phone
)W Mrs. U. II. Kobbins, Uoule 1.
Real Estate
K W. Iiiitki'iuii r Iiiih koiio on a trip
to tliu n 1 1 1 r Mount llnml country.
Ilo loft SWiilno-iliiy.
lr. Diiiul lit wiih ciiilli'd to HiiHiiin,
WoiliicMilny, to iittond Minn WilliiiniH
who in (iiito Hcrioimly ill.
Mih. l'.iiiftruin wwit to Tho Dull"!',
Tiii'Hiluy, to viHit lior nun, who in roii
limiil in tho liiiHiitiil tlioio with mi i 11-
TlumiuH Wliitpcinih, of Lylo, full oir
Iiih Ijiirn lu-t Tliiii-9iliiy mill wiih iiuito
ri ioih-ly injiiii'il, ImviiiK hud hit liciid
cut ami lioth vviiutH Hiriiiiiud. Ilo
whs ill town WndiicMdiiy to hoimii-o the
Hi'rvicnH of Dr. Duinlilo to (Iipbs his
illjlll ll'H.
Tho iliii:! for tlio .Mount llonl
i liiili-iiiiil lii'lvvccii tlio (). K. A N.
t riii-lvH ami t lio rivor id lailnn rupldly
put info 1 1 1 1 h i t i c i n mid wmk uloutf tho
iiicninii-li'il iii'tri of tho road ii l,o
iiiK I'iihIuhI iih vioroiifly hh iOb.-ilili'.
M i.-H ,li'nsii Mitcholl, who llllM 1)0011
updating tlio Simplox typo-KoftinK
niiioliiuo in I lio Oliicior ullico for n-v-oinl
vvooKh, loft 'l'uosiliiy for linkor
City, vvhoro nho Iiiih (ci'iircd u poni
tion on Uio Minor. Wo wih lior hiic-
'I'ho ynniiK' luilio.V (luild ol St.
MaikH' cliinvli hold iln mooting ut tho
homo of Mrn. Ci-osh Aloniluy ovouiiiK'.
Tho iiiooliu wiih vvoll iiflt'iulod anil it
oxpoi-toil Unit tho j on li K luilioH will
riiioii (jiti' mi euli'iitiliininnt in tho mil
of tho ohiiii'li. i'ho uo.t nict'tiiin will
ho hold nt tho homo of Alh llukor.
Miiiuior Dollnrilo if tho footlmll
t -ii 1 1 1 HiinoumiM that tho lioyx will
k'lvo ii iliiiico on llimikMiv-liiK oven-
init. It will bran omiy mid Into
iillaii' nt Lu- or, 1 dloH fn o. This
vv ill 1)0 mi rar-y vvny ol holpiiiK' tho tlo
v 1 1 1 1 i -t- of tlio pipkin nlnnt,', iih w i 1 1 iih
-ioiulinH mi onjoyiil lo ovonint,'.
('. D. Iloiii ii h h in rufoi t of it lot
Irr fioin II. S. lludsoii, Siipromo Mhh
lor Aiti.-uu ol tho I niliil Aitiniii.-,
-IntiliK' vvhy ho vviif iiiml lo to koop lilt
Mppoinl iiiont with tho luCIll hlll'O lioio
ii-i'ontly MiyiiiK that ho will positivoly
Ik' hoio on NovoiiiIioi l.'i, anil if puotd
lio liriiiH ul lior nii'inlioi'H of tho Su
inoino ( Mlli-o vv it h hiui.
A. Ii. ('ruin, m-ni'iul phh-oiimit nnont
ul tho O. . N. iiinl. S. 1'. Iiik-h, iio
ii.iniin it'll ly .Mr.-, t'riiij!, .spont Sun
'lay with Mr. mill Mr. iiiiilin hilt nt
I ' ' 1 1 1 a 1 1 I. und. i lii-ir son, llurvry,
Mini li.ts tii'i'ii ul I i . -1 1 i 1 1 1 I. and tor m'v
i ral wooKm, vv ill n niiiin for ciinio t iiuo
'I'ho o will ho a roul.ii- coniiiiun ion
lion nf Hood Kiwi- l.utlo No. Ii,',
I . A- A. M., Saluiiluy ovom:,ik', No-vi-Uiliol'
1 !. liouiiui Day iohi'iii-m on
lho!aiiii' ihito noil will lo liltinly
c lanuii'iiui: nt -i I . Vi hi k in tho M. .".1.
cwr. A lull iilti uilmici' i.s ilo.lio..
ifitiiiK' liiitlii'in i-oiditilly inviti'd.
,1. A. Diiutliit, of I'ho Dallosi, wnHii
callor ut tlu lihtoior olilco WodnoHiliiy.
Ilo vvuH in Hood liivor on hiiHiios!..
"North Coast Limited"
The Electric Lighted
Observation Car Train between
Portland and St. Paul.
Pullman First Class Sleepers,
Pullman Tourist Sleepers,
Dining: Car, Day Coaches,
Observation Car.
The Acme of Travel Comfort
is found on -,uy of the
Send four cents for our
or six cents for
Lewis and (lark Hooklet.
Wonderland 1905."
IliO Brio mountain lunch, ull under
irrigation ditch, twelve miles from Hood
Kiver; six ucron cleared, one acre or
chard; pintl hunch inarketithle tinilier.
Also (our loin mi hill near residence of
CharleH (.'iiMnor; teinis leasonahh-.
! acres, one mile from Hood lliver;
all apple-'. 1 acre bearing, l'rice for lid
da.VH, 1K.')0.
40 acres (i inilec from town, cast side;
20 acres cleared, 10 acres orchard. $1-0
per acre, cash.
10 acres, - miles from town; all in cul
tivation, l'rice, lL'40t).
4 room cottatre. East 45 bv l'0 feet of
Lot 2 block J, Parkhurst, 10o0; $750
House and two lots in Iisnett-Sipina
addition. $7U0.
Fine business lot on main street for
tUiOOon installment, or $1500 cash.
(i?3 acres nt l'.eliniuit, (i ncn s in cul
tivat'on, cottage and ouibnililini;s, 150
apple trees, 2 acres straw berries, 2 acres
alfalfa, $i;;iKI; ?750 or more cash.
New li-moined ciitliip-, patent batii
and cl. he', iniir lids, .' blucks from ilepot,
center oi town, $21(10; lerins reasonable.
Two luls centrally lucated, $550.
Two lots, new (i-riinmed liou.-e, patent
bath anil closet, M blucks from depot,
center of town, $1700.
Two-ttury S-ro'iiiied cut t aire, li t 70 bv
140, on the hill. $1200; terms ri-asomiblo.
i-orSale !)0o acres pine timber; 1
saw mill, culs 20,000 per day; 1 plaiiini;
mill, capacity oO.lloO feet per day; 1
store mill stuck i f merchandise, a1 mil
;l,500; 1 hotel and contents; 1 saloon
buililili).', rented : M Inmscs, lenloil; 10
head horses harness; !l road in-
,,MU ::i M- I Ii r l.n.-l. - .", ,r:!r
For Sale-Hnlldlnu "nil uroiind now eci-ii- i al,.;,',!" -'o i',,..,, .... t"t i.- - 50 he-'id b.
Pled bv the TrunulBr c. i ii, r,,.,t siei(.i,s, i mail (.inn, oo i.tau ms.
I of first street. 1'ilee UM. Iiuiulre J. 1. II. n-, ,M) h'i t lumber ; LMOO cords wood. All
derson. .';t i located at and near llilaard, Or.
i'or ale .New two-story O-room
house; Stranahan addition ; fllOO; terms
For Hale-About IS fine young pigs.
J. I. Miller, phone fiOU.
KorHale-40 triacre8oforehrU land Willi
pure spring water, situated one hull mile
from odell. UarKulu. ."See !h l.itlle While
store people for pHrtleular-. on
For Hale-Good wheat lmy, $10 per ton; ho
Black Minorca pullets. Kulph K. Lewis, Hi -moot.
For Sale-Choice fruit land, one mile from
Mo ier. Inquire of Mis. L. J. Davenport. u',
For Sale-so acres of lundH miles from V hue
Halinon; tine apple hunt; about 4ll acres hin-li
land, willow and hazel, rest fir limber; al.iaii i easy
4 acres cleared; Utile lux cabin; two never- l i
fulll.ttf Dnl....u. ...1. ...Ill ...
nj.iiiiKn, ,ri iro ITI'MII,, Wilt Ul Itf I'Ulti .
trade for Hood Itiver nrnnerlv. It Field ' i'av
White Halinon, Wash. ui i Tonus easv.
acres across the ro
npiirt residence.
id from the M.
JiiO per Here.
i,wa.i 7.i i i i A 40 acre tract, unimproved, suine
1-orHale-Hfteen acres land, unliuprov i il: ; r ... ' . I, . 1
will contrsct to clear same if purchaser llel' irri.'atll!t; water, 11 miles In mi
slres. F. W. Ainius. s7-tf i rett school huuse. 1.HH1.
HaniiH house and lot, $2,000.
For Sale Ten, 20 or m ni-res; tipple and
clover! cleared; under ditch. I., s, Milium,
K. F. 1). no. 1. nis
For sale A sound, gentle work team, one or
both, for J60. Kpeak quie'e. II. C. Han ham.
n 10
Wanted-Uneor two farm hands lo work
by day or nionili; some slashliiK lo do. .I.J.
Jordan. n-,:i
Wanted-OIrl lo do housework In family
of three. I'honc Main 10U, Mrs. l'aton David
sou, Hood Hlver, Or. ii,
Wanted To trade a 0-year-old mare, vv-i iaht
l) poiuulii, ror hay. Can be seen at Mosicr.
Frank UiiiKer. nlii
Wantid-To let contract for itnibb n-;
Apply to CD. Thompson or U. II. Knnbms.
Wanted-dood farm team of lift) or lJOil
pounu norses: a so nice drlv nu inrse weium
about 11UU. . A. Jaym. nil
Wanted-Hlds on IS cords nf wimil fli.llvpr.'rl
weekly at Underwood. About aiOcords In all.
Address M, this oitlce.
Lost Pair of eveurlnsseK
Leland Henderson.
Hel urn
to John
n in
Lost Pair double lens n-la
road, Monday afleinoon. I.arawuv's iiiinie
on box i-ontalnlnii same. Kel urn to Jewelry
store or Ului-ier ollli-e. nii;
Ixist A note for S ill irlven hi- Iti.rt ll..l.ra
toT. K. Wickens, between Uilmer, -.Vasli.,nnd
Hood River, or I i lino. I Hlver l,..n.-....r,
ofOciiiberlluaiid Novembers. Kinder please
leave same at this i.illi e. n. o
Fonnd-l,aily'H nir scarf ami ban I bier.
owner can secure same at Glacier oitlce.
Taken tin on souiiiwest i
of section ?7, township :t, i,ne I
of sotlltlcasl .
Illliell Mint' lli.r
Owner can have same by paying daiiniaes
and paying for this uoiice. I), r i:.,i.
Kound A .IlllCs coal. Owner e,ni
sauie ny uescrioing properlv and paying
ceuts for this nulice at 11. It. Tucker's. i
ror Sale Ihe Henderson ranch, lur
merly owned by .1. K. (iulliiim ; (iOacro.
Ii() cleared; orcliard; strawberries;
clover and timothy; well irrigated ;lurno
2-story niansion, new burn ; all fenced,
l'rice $10,000. lirook runs through ranch.
Kasyteinis; telephone; rural delivery.
Four miles from Hood Kiver.
One lioal ranch on mountain east,
of Milley on county road, l'rice $1,500;
has small house, runnim; water, ei I is
fenced. Terms, easy,
For Sale Beautiful lots in 1'ark addi
tion, center of town, from $200 to $H0O.
K. 100 acres at White Salmon; tine
timber land ; $10 an acre.
1 ots 10, 11, 12, block 5, W'uiiciima ad
dition; improved; price $1,000; ., or
more cash, balance, 1 year, 8 per cent
Small house und lot on hill to rent , $24
a year; two vacant lots with privilege of
purchase $20 a year fur the two.
For Sale liesiilence on state street at
head of Front; $2,500, includina :i lots.
For Sale i.r Kxcha:i'o for Hood lliver
property Fine resideme in business
center of Siunpter.
.Money to loan.
21 a. at Frankton ; improved; $24'iO.
First-class Surveying Outfit.
At the iMiiporiiini are kept 2 lii -l-clnsc
transits and solar attachments, v , the
proprietor, a practical survevor, in pie
pared to do the work of luvitiif out ai-re-a;o
property in lots and blocks, and du
in all kinds of survevinir and platiin.
Citv Fmrini-or.
Winter Pasture
For Rent.
For Rent Six room cini
quire lllluiii Kable, West
gc Willi hnth;
Hlver street.
Rooms To Rent
For Item Neatly furnished front r.
with bath. Mrs. Henry Mciiuire. I'hone
For Kent Two rnrnwlieil r.u,. ..
house wllh electric light, use of baili mi l lur-nai-e
heat. .Mrs. .1. v . lfiirhv e,,,..r ,,t
8lxth streets, Hood Itiver. m,.
I'tirtlcs i. -it Oil' u ilih-r i
Would ilo W i ll In see 1. 1 1, si
lie White .-tore: plmi.e l.'i
charges, anil gisid care ol' ho
Big Sale of Land.
lo ynu want n !cn ticrc trail i! Mr-i
tit't rv oi I'l llit Ian. I n t: Iml;' nii'.'
fxarniftf tlu1 M. H. I'oiuT t,irn, ;-';ir
MimmI Kivt r, ll." ji. n s. ,)u.M y-'.-.u; u .i
mnrki t Ut he noM in 1.1'- Ut suii. ( ,ti n
(arm ur any ivl lnh' linn In 1 1-. al
I K WK M,--
1-J lt urn mi, ,m, CiPt
Jersey Bull.
lor service.
my pine,
Yl. 1 1 1 1 1 ;
t'p -llel'i
At tliB (ii ii relies.
Lutheran. Services will ho held
aain next Sunday, November 12. at,
the Adveut rliurrti. Sunday school
at 2 p. ni. German preaching nt II p.
. 11 J. Kolb, pastor.
Services will be held in th o.hl
Fellows' hall, over the Paris I'air
store, Sunday, November 12, by elders
K f'l. 1. , ... . .
ui 1.110 v iioiuu ui Jesus v. nrist or
Latter-Day Saints at 10 a. in. and 2
m. Klilei- Nc;hi Pratt nf Klt
Lake city and t tier ipeakers will le
Everybody are cordially
List v
ot .Mr,
and .Mrs. ,
visited l
e.k. .Mrs
i. Humble.
s. Wilddell t f l!.,ker
an i M is. I iiuiil le
Waddell is a sister
Attend the N.'ciin.-.
II. Shemrd. secretary
liurvvors I'liiim, desri'
bo a full lepreseiitat ion
al niootini: ne.t Satinday
it ten o clock. It U nocoai v
majoiityot stock be pro-onl.
' thai
at I he
e or
I'.. II. Sheimrd. secretarv of
I riilt
1 here
(UK a
that a
aim all t lio-o who own sti 'a should
ii t. 'ml, w hot her thov hav e -i i uv l ei i ic
not. A those who i annul
hould send a iiroxv.
(.'. A. (iilinore and wife returned
li-om their trip to the Willamette val
ley 'I lie.-. lay. I hey visited several
places ill the valley, and .Mr. (iilmoie
I'm ill i -i-.l 10 acu-s near Walker sta
l mil, live miles ti'oui t'otlae (liove,
and w ill move there inn few Oav s.
they visiie.l ,1. S. Hai'liisoii at Alliauy
anil also .vl . I . .Molt at laicue, boili
ioniici' llcod Kiver people.
.Miss Ulna llodley left today for
Fortland. She will visit Seattle und
loliirn to her homo in I'onnccl ieut by
way of Ci lit Dili in.
licv. II. W. (.Talk, pastor of the
lU-lnuint church was called to Kinder
nook, III , Wednesday, by teninm
.i;inouiiciu; the death of hisbiiher
at thai place. He lott Thursday n otn
ni and expects to 1 e nwny some t line.
Ycllowstoiic Park Literature
e;in be had for the nskinsr.
The Ticket Office at Portland is at 255 Morrison St., Cor. Third.
Assistant (ieneral Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
o Meat Market.
Ira .Mcoru has opened up a new
meat market next to Geo. T. 1'rat bet 's
which he calls the City Market. Kv
erythiiiK i- new and of the latest de
sign, mid cl tinliness will be the mot
to in the -hop. Tho stock of u-eats
villb of the best quality, and the
Mock kept fresh A lull supply ot tlsh,
oysters, etc.. is kept on hand, as well
us vegetables.
Sheritr Sexton and Poputy Srto ilf
OliiiKoi wi re in the Mount Hood set-1
tleuient Wednesday servinu subpoenas
in the Kirs cuso.
.'. P. 1 homsen nnd Hans Hansen
of The Pa lies, visited Mr. Thomson's
Pukes Valley ranch Tuesday.
Monev to loan on first mortcHac I
A. W . Onihank. j
Nursery Trees.
Twenty thousand, carefully grown,
choicest varieties Apple, Tear, Peach
and I'heriy trees can be found at our
Tiiie tieName iinrserv for the coming
siaon'H planting We have never been
able lo supply tho ilemamj nd hence
i you "hould tile your orders at an early
, dale to Insure attention.
Hood Kiver, Or.
Apple Shippers
Your shipments, law or small, re
sotlully solicited. We can get von
good prices. Prompt returns. Scud' fur
shipping stamp.
Commission Merchants,
12ti Front street. Portland, Ore.
I er '.'II. a lila k
VCill:-Olil, UM I ,11' I'.oji. e.l Uii, r
Oil, Ivll hoi ii liroki-ll.un.l some u lii
iiwo.r iliae fill ami h.kcawii) ;
pay chai-'ies.
Mraveil- sniaH ha s.-uliile
llholll Mill; wileti l:i-re. , iuul
iall Iniiter; xhml Willi liite si,
Fas iioti ,-lahl. , : 1 1 1 ' 1 I will i,av
i . .Vlillcr, iiooil Kiwi' nr.
i end-
i i.k.ii:.n r.
s helel,
illiislr.itnr ,m
. lie. ei,-, ,l, Ii
I'olitily eollll
o . oi. Ill , .
Ill'lOllle.l .-I..',-,
I C, 1,1
I lie te .ii me,
tllll lOi-i lie
U1M II lilt
II -10,
I- Hie. I I,.
I he millers,"!
of J.'hi, W . y
no li I 1 1 t I
her ol.i.-,e,l m! nollee ,.' .,,.
tl I'.V I'lllllll'lllli 11 o )l llollee
iVl- W, l-l.s III III.' ll.lo.l (V. r 1
ller -I -on-r
le tore m,. ,
ii'iil Millc i
ii'i'oiinl or o
'en.) my I lu
ll. ii .. i re,. 'l.
Mihl il,lte In:
eil lor MH'll h
olijecl ions lo
lar items Ihe
itieon, i
Ilooil Ui,
'tfon, ,,.s i,, h ,1 v
ill-: -
CM' i
If -lll'll Ol'j
I'.lt, '1 III
nil. 17
i IXTllK riKcrir , oi l;; n
in oi'.I'.iion Ko.: v.-r
I lira liouy;lici;y. !'
vi rst,s
.Intnes Iionyheriy. lii
lo James liotiejietiy, Iiel 'iehmt:
in nii' imiuri'i ii,- .i;t,' oi 1 1 . . ..
re,inri il lo appi'iii' iin, '
i in 1 he
dav in month Mill . , -iv.. ' ' '""" . .' '"'- expir.ui.m
. - -, ' "O, I IIH, I" ', !, 11,1111 Hil l HI
St. Mark's Eiiitcmml. Smulnr
school at 10 a. m. : Holv cnuiniunioii
t il a. m. ; chord evening prayer i t
i ;,n p. m. Allure invited. Ifev. 11.
D. Chambers and Kev. Ii. H. liarnos.
Riverside Congregational W. C.
(lilmore pastor. Sabbath school nt in
a. ru., worship and preaching, 11.
Rev. J. Morgan Lewis of Wliite Sid
mon, will exchange with tho paster.
Evening services begin at Gilo, le tell
ing, 7:30. Good music at the ser
vices. Belmont M. E. Church. H. C. Clark,
pastor. Services, Belmoni: Sunday
school at 10 a. m Class .neetinc mil
a. ui.; f.pworili Leauneo. in.: iinnc!. I hereiiy re,nnii,i
inif every Sundav eveninir ami .! s. ! ,'"!"l'la'1" a-'ainst
. . . . lltll'll Sllll 111) III" llel, i
r lae til
this siimiuoii, ii, wm: on I,.- i
iUv ol lits'emii, r, l-.i ,.,ii-i,i n v
mg, hich is on 1st and 3d Sundavs at I uiiun, n.,,,1,- t'u i',,
a. m. ("rapper 1st and 3d Siinibnv : t mr in m-r iimini.'iiiit.tii wo- t
at 8:30; Suudav schiK.I at 2'30. Moiimi i "' '"":! ,,,""n ;mn
Hoo,l.-The 411, Sundav at 11 a ,, i T''' .. T.' '!
. . . - - ' -,e. .,.. in,, ,i, in,-,, ' l
oumiHv Hcuooi at in a. m.
First Christian Rev. F. E. Robin
son of Portluud will preach next Sun
day morning aud evening.
Methodist Preaching at 11 a. m. am
8 p. m. Subject morning sermon, -'i-.s
lllu. i .... I.. IJ... 11 , I ,
nisi ifaniiij( ii, r ner i eopie. r.ven-
lnn, lemperance meeting. Subjects i,.i
i res?, Chrrch, Young Women, Yo-',i"
.neii. i-auiiain scimoi to a. in.;
worth League p. m. Prayer m.c
Thursday evening. All coidiahv n
vitevl. w . I . hvans, pastor.
Unitarian Subject of morning s, r
mon, "Some Otir-grown Clothes. Sun
day school at 10 a.m. .C. Nelson
-a-1, iitini
il III
HI' III ) !i 11
111 . 1 Ilia: s
ing jnnmiay 7:30 p. in. Services at!
fine itrovesame as aliove except preac
I ,ii- -limiiio
H ,i. V. 1.. I,,
fn.ii-lai Im-Ii
c.i-r w.i- ii.;i e
- i I',
.e.ol.el-. I
1 1 111 l 1 ,
: l-i - lll.l
. I'll,.
II I ill
is is puhiisheil hy or,), i ,,
e-ll.',)V. .IllMLC (if the s. '
, t. M. He ol nr. ",.n. .in.l .
hi, I I-1 1 1 ct I', I on in,. Tit! ,,, ,
. 1111,1 Ihe ion,. ,,1 .,, (
'Ill I. .'IV ill' .NoVeni'i f, I i, , .llM
ill. in I- 111,- Jl I ,h,v ol liiven,.
ci. vrni. n,
Alloitiei lor T,
.llg i ii-
olh-e i
. ti, i
I'll III!
1 WlWV
Inc last u ui oi .1
i p- r-uhs r. iv oi.: e
l.i , l.v i ..Ii , I
llieil, O, : , l.i Ol
el' V ol 1, il l i.
. Wltllll! SIX liloiii
EM.Ct TlilX Niil'it l..
Ii. lehy tiveii Unit Ihe m,, I
I l.innille. l.y in,. ,' inn: . ,-,
' of Ole.'on. ex. ..
's lirillialli. 1, e. .;
"I A. . .la
' I .i.
.1,1: ! :
i ' eoii,
il ' - I . i