The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 02, 1905, Image 7

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'223 C
0 Where Reliability
The Leading'
Reigns Supreme
Thanksgiving Sale on Linens
We have a beautiful line of Pattern Cloths, Napkins
to match, 2 1-2, 3, 3 1-2 yard lengths; all subject to special
20 discount. Buy now Table Linens, Bed Spreads,
Towels. The assortment is complete, the quality unques
tionable, the prices fully 20 per cent under the special sale
prices in Portland department stores. See window.
Ladies' Cloaks, Suits
Skirts, Rain Coats
Positively nothing reserved.
Prices slashed without regard
to cost.
Coats and Jackets, worth
$12 to $25, in a special lot at
Ladies' and Children's sizes.
A warm garment for $3.50.
Men's Heavy Worsted Suits,
New patterns, now cuts. Worth
to 118.00. Nodular this wot k
Men's Overcoats
Our regular SliMK) values, sold olso- ft (f
whore for $1 .".()(). This week 7 UU
See Window.
Hen's Sweaters
All wool fancy ami plain Sweaters,
worth .fl.r0 and $2 regular. This
week special offer, choice
Men's Wool Ribbed Underwear
Worth $1.00. All sizes,
value vet offered
The i-reatest
Copyrighted, Wi-
I RrRivleirV
4 Kim iiia &
A $5 Suit of XIRAGOOD Clothes
Free to the Best Boy Detective
Tli mini w lin m ils XTH V'.oiM) Roys' Clothes for
lvli rhcimor, Siciu & Co., Chicago, is coming to seo
us within 111 days. Wo will give free any Y't''"""l
i ui I in 'iir store to I ho Inst clover boy under sixteen
joars of age who finds THIS man before lie leaves
When you think you have found tho right mini, say
tohini; "Yon mo from lvlcrheini"r, Sloin , Co.,
Chicago, mill sell XTH """ Clothes." Remember
those wouls If you say uny t li i else ho will not
"a i MHiuui'i;
Coyi jilted, 1905 K;
B The Children
Q are safe with us
We do not open
on Sunday
3 C
3 C
boat prices.
Shinnies. See us for
Oi ('Hon l.uinhor Co.
Mantlo, wall ami conk no clockB on
asy terms at Clark's.
I'se Williams' anti-septic hair tonic
ami keep off gray hairs.
Sidewalk luinhor. Delivery same
day order is received. Oregon Lumber
1 iiuaranteo a tit in (.'lasses. Clarke,
tho optician and jeweler.
To make room for new stock all cut
glass w ill bo closed out at cost. Clarke
the jeweler.
Do you use I.ath? Get our price unci
compare it with that of competitors.
You will make umnoy this way. Ore
(;nii Lumber Co.
Well, don't you see that if you wish
to see well, yoli should see Clarke the
optician. Guaranteed work in glass
Closint; out all but millinery, Knajp
Now that all important question is
settled the next thing is the ring a line
new line of engagement and wedding
rings. Prices right. Cmrke the jeweler
Kor surveying, see John Leland Hen
derson Son.
All watch, Clock and jewelry repair
work gi.a iMiitoeil by Clarke.thc jeweler .
Every nian owes it to himself and
his laiiiilv t" master a tradeor prnfoion.
Kead t'ie' display advertisement of the
six Morse School's of Teb'.-raphy, in this
i-siie and learn bow ea-ily a young man
or may lui'ii telegraphy and be
as-ured a posit ion.
Hard W"od ha-kcts for picking apples,
onlv "0e at McDonald's.
(lulu Mr. Onthank for abstracts and j
notarial work, renting and collecting,
l.eiial papers carefully dravn. !
Do vu! u-e Naptlm soap? .V per bar
at McDonald's.
,-!i;.( s at manufacturer's cost, Knapi.
M r. 11 :' t me-s is on a cash basis.
pur v, i k where satisfaction is guaran
teed, p,i;r o.ize the Troy laundry. Agen
cy at O. K barber shop.
Ladies' band turned and sewed shoe
work 'i fpce'iilty at T. 11. Donovan's,
aero-s from William's Pharmacy. All
w ui'k strickly first-class.
In order that their patrons may take
advantairo of the discount allowed on
bills paid before the tenth of the month,
t be Water and Light Co. has arranged
lo keep their ollice in the Davidson
boil. lint: open till 8:30 p. in. the first,
ninth, tenth and every Saturday even
ing of each month.
Groceries, Hour and feed at Lamar &
Men's hats and shirts nt wholesale
price at Knapp's.
(i. .Id Medal butter at McGuire llros.
y (i Coe, tho carp" titer, will move
his shop (M'.ber 2H to I be DaMafl build
lie on fomth street, U t ween Oak and
liver -tieefs.
Mayes Bros, get a fresh supply of
meat every morning.
Mates Bros.' meat market has been
supplied with a cooling fountain for
keeping vegetables freBh and clean. Buy
your vegetables where they come fresh
as from the garden.
John Leland Henderson and son are
equipped with two (iurley transits and
will be ready to do surveying for the
next two months. Ratis per day are
$5 and $10.
Remember Rigns' shoe shop, next
door to McGuire's meat market. All
work strictly first-class. Also boots and
shoes made to order.
Call and examine my new line of
watches. I can save you money .Clarke,
the jeweler.
Patronize home industry .by buying
ranch butter at McDonald's.
Shoos half soled while you wait In
20 minutes. All work first-class and
guaranteed. Ladies' sowed soles and
O. Sullivan's rubber heels a specialty.
Donovan's Shoe Shop, opposite Wil
liams' pharmacy.
Chicken dinner at Kmstrum's every
All the latest styles Thotos at the
Doitz Studio.
Kresh Olvmpla and Eastern oysters at
the (loin Candy Kitchen.
See that dandy line of Folders at the
Doitz Studio.
Kresh vegetables, butter and eggs at
Mediiire lirof.
Kor rent Two or three good bouses,
furnished rooms for light housekeep
ing, or nicely furuished house for a
short time. See W. J. liaker.
MeUuire llros. have an up-to-date
meat market, clean and neat, and solicit
voni patronage. Their meats are the
best, and orders filhd promptly. Phone
Main 7111.
Some men spend their money and
time for things ; others invest time and
money. Invest in a season ticket to the
led ore course and you w ill make an in
vestment in yourself.
The (iem Candy Kitchen makes fresh
candy every day.
Kor Ron' A desirable house down
town. Ioquire at Knapp's store.
Wanted To exchange 5-aore fruit
farm, well improved and near flood
I River for residence property in city,
j Apply to (ioo. 1). Culbertson & Co.
I DiO aero mountain ranch, all under ir
j rigal.on ditch, twelve miles from Hood
River; six acres cleared, one acre or
I chard; good bunch marketable timber,
i Also four lots on hill near residenw of
! Charles Castner; terms reasonable. In-
quire of John Leland Henderson.
Wanted To trade ten acres of partly
improved fruit land, building etc., in
I Ho d River valley for improved acreage
lat White Salmon, or Patittn county,
Washington, Apply to Ueo, v. uui
bertsnn A Co.
It is to your interest to refer to Mr.
Purtmess' ad under the new system.
Order your supplies at once for mince
meat, and not wait until the day you
want to use it. This will insure having
It on hand for you when von want it.
New Today.
You will stop and look whon you see
the good things to eat at Mcliuire Bros.
Show at the opera house thioe
nights next week.
Order your ilro-s' d chicken for your
8unday dinner at MeUuire Bros.
The Royal Neighbors will give a
dance Thanksgiving night.
Try Mcduire Bros.' home kettle ren
dered lard. None better. Put up in
3, 5 and 10 pound can pails.
The New York Empire Theater Co.,
with a tioupe of tah nted actors, will
appear for three nights at the local
ot era house, beginning Monday
When you think of meat, phone 7,'U.
All orders promptly filled.
Home made pork sausage fresh every
day at MeUuire Bros.
"I Tlmnk The Lord"
cried Hannah Plant, of Little Rock,
Ark., "lor tin rdeifl got from Buck
Ion's Arnica Salve. It cured my fear
ful rnnnimr sores, which nothing else
would heal, and from which I had
suffered for 5 years." It is a marvelous
healoi for outs, burns and wounds.
Guaranteed at Chas. N. Clarke's drug
store; 25c.
For Sale.
One safe, cost $300; will sell for175.
One o I lank, cost $45; will sell for$'i.
Large counte." scale, cost $23; sell $1".
Ueo. P. Crowell.
The regular annual meeting of the
Hood River Fruit Growers' Union will
re held Saturday. November 11, at 10 a
m. in Artisan hall. Iloorl Kiver rruit
Urowers' Union, K. II. Shepard, Sec'y.
Frnlt In Wi natcliee Valley.
It is estimated by Secretary R. O
Crider of the Wenatohee (Wash.) Pro
duoe Company that at least ri cars
of aDoles will be shipped from Wenat
chee this year. Each car will hold
about 600 boxes of apples, making a
total of 70,000 boxes. Apples this year
are bringing the grower a net revenue
of from $1 to $2 a box. This year's
crop of apples will aggregate $100,000.
A good example of what can tie
done on an Okanogan county ranch is
shown by the apple yield of U. W.
Adams, living four miles south of
Brewster, TVenty-two boxes of Spit
lenberg apples were taken from one
ot bis trees aud sold on the ranch for
$1.40 a box. Figuring 100 trees to the
acre, Mr. Adams could take oil g.f.OMO
from an acre planted with apple trees,
if all his trees did equally as well.
There's no use to wear a
ragged shirt when you can get a
new one for the price we are sell
iiiir thorn; white and colored,
f. tiff and soft bosoms; values up to
fl.OUfor 4Q cents
Biggest Values. We have
been kiivinir some remarkable val
ues in ni'derAoar the past few
weeks. Here are some more that
will save you money misses'
(leeeo lined 'union suits, 4Ctc;
bov-' shirts and drawers, 50 cent
vaiue. 25 cents
Two Special Offerings
wh eh wid iniere-t everylsidv and
which are decidedly under price:
'IK in. vellow mixing bowl--, regu
lar -lite" value, for 25 cents
Dinner plates, set of six, o" value
f,,r 35 cents
j. Our Stationery Depart
I merit ha- lieen and will be the
'n..i sneec-sful in the store. All
Little prioeB
Of course you know we sell
household goods scrub brushes,
mops, brooms, pails, wash tubs,
wash Isiards, wringers, clothes
lines, clothes pins, folding clothes
racks, sad irons, etc. Little prioes
Don't your lamp need atten
tion? U t a new burner and wick
and see how much more light you
will get. Limp shades, wicks,
chimney?, lantern globes, burn
ers, kitchen, sewing and parlor
lamp here at Little prices
When you buy of us
yon save money. If you prefer to
pay big profits we can't help you.
We are proud of the values we
Kive in ho-iery, because they are
the best ones we can get to sell on
a small margin stockings that
will stand the racket, 25" pair
Hood River Scenery
Albums contain 30 views of
citv and country. A fine book to
send to Eastern f iends. 35
Pictures. If you have a lit
tle corner in your parlor that
looks bare, look aver our framed
pictures. We'll give you some
dooorative ideas for the asking;
framed pictures from 35c to $5.00
Fine China. Wo are add
ing to our line for the Holiday
season some very beautiful things
that will delight our lady friends.
To those who enjoy pretty dishes
we wilt have a rare treat.
Glassware. Our stoie is
noted for its offerings in this line.
Prettier dishes than you can get
elsewhere, is our motto. We
siiend much lime in seeking nov
ties that the other lellow don't get
and always Little prices
Tinware. You know that we
require a great deal of room for
our Christinas stock ; that's why
we're selling our tinware so cheap
we want to get it out of the way
so now s your chance, fseewmqow
from Port-
Mrs. Marcollus came up
land, Monday.
Floyd Aruold speut Saturday and
Sunday with his parents at Cascade
CeorKe C. Teal and W. K. linrrell
of Portland were Hood River visitors
lust Saturday.
John Songer. foreman for the Ore-
gnu Lumber Co. atVieuto, spent Sun
day in town with his family.
W. W. Pickett returned Sunday
from Walla Walla, where he put in the
summer in the harvest Held. He will
remain in Hood River this winter.
The ministerial association will
meet at the U. B. reading room Mon
day 10 a. m. Nov. 6. Subject of paper
by Rev. U. M. Bedor, "The kind of
preachiug demanded versus the kind
the world needs."
S. F. Fouts is up from Portland to
make Hood River his homo. Sen has
hung out his shingle from the Brosius
building on Oak struct, and will prac
tice law, giving special attention to
problems of Irrigation rights.
Mr. and Mrs Edwin Jones and
little daugther, Margaret, of Little
Falls, N. )., arrived in Hood Kivor
a few days ago. They are the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. John Songer, Mrs.
Jouos being a sister of Mrs. Songre.
J. C. Mclsaao of 'Mount Hood left
Tuesday morning for Portland. Next
week he will leave with his family for
a visit with relatives and friends at
Ocboyedan. Iowa. They will be east
until after the holidays. Mr. Mclsaacs
will do insurance work while in the
Frank Caddy, who is becoming iu-
terested in the creainpry route, has
secured a number of good cows, and
while waiting for a cream separator,
is making ;)2 pounds ot butter a week
from five cows. He believes there is
money in keeping a few cows when a
farmer has a good clover patch.
The ministers met at the U. B.
reading rooms Monday with a goodly
iiumbei in attendance. JSeports from
members of the committee appointed
to formuliite a better orgauizaiton
were received. Rev. U. M. Bonier was
asked to present a paper at the next
sessiou. A regular order or business
will be adhered to and the association
will be placed on a sound working
George W. Krum und family of
Claremcnt county. S. I)., have moved
onto the Fred Bailey place three miles
south of this city, they having pur
chased this 10-acre tract for :iX).
Mr. Krum spent last winter In Cali
fornia, and traveled all over Oregon
before locating In Hood liiver. Mr.
Froyln, who w s with him, has gone
back t South Dakota. Hut he ex
pects to return and tiring with him
several more families, all of whom
may locate here.
Mr. and Mrs. James !. Lead hotter,
son and daughter reached Hood Iiv
er Friday morning from Battle, Wy
oming, and are guests lor me pre
sent of Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Abbott.
Mr. Leadbetter and Mr. Abbott were
interested iu the mines on the Amer
ican desert for several years. Mr.
Abbott says he has been endeavoring
to get his friends to leave the sage
brush plains of W joining lor many
years, but Mr. Jxadlieller remained
until bis mine paid him someming,
Mid since reaching Hood River Is glud
indeed that he came,
A. C. Stateu owus i cows, which
produced over t0 pounds of butter
fat during the month of October.
B ltter fat Is now bringing .11 cents
pound. Mr. Stateu expects
near future to see a creamery
in Hood River. He does not
to make any lariie amount of
from his cows, but says they
a means of using tip his
He doesn't have to hunt a
in the
clover hay.
buyer now
for hay, and has a Hue lot of fertilizer
for the enriching of his land, while
the cows more than pay for them
selves. Next year Mr. Staten will
construct slios that he may have green
feed throughout the year.
That display of fine apples in the
window of the First National bank
cam from the orchard of William
EhrcK of Odell. Mr. Ehrck has a fine
crop of apples this year, his total pick
running over 1000 bixea of market
able fruit. Very few of bis apples are
wormy. Mr. Ehrck does not irrigate
bis orchard, but he has some of the
Onest fruit grown iu the valley, Fr ro
one 8-vear-old Ortlev tree he gathered
j 20 bushels of apple ; from three others
of the same variety be toon m uusn
els. Some of bis fine specimens of
lien Davis measured over 15 inches in
Mrs. Root and family left Tuesday
for Klla, Sherman county, whore they
will live on a homestead.
Tho Ladies' Aid society of the Con
gregational church will meet Friday
afternoon at tho resi 'once of Mrs.
Charles Castner.
Dr. U. O. Deputy and family have
left for Riverside, Calif., where he!
will locate and practice his profession.
Dr. Deputy has a brother there.
tleorge Ireland of Mosier was a
Hood River visitor last Thursday.
Mr. Ireland owns one of the line
fruit ranches of this growing commu
nity. Mis. E. J. Nichols arrived Tuesday
from Moro, where she has been visit
inu for a week or more. Mr. and Mrs.
Nichols will move in the llatehani
cottage in Con's addition, Mr. Bate
ham and family moving out to their
Columbia nursery.
Three basket ball teams have boon
organized umong the school girls of
Hood River and a team is iu process
of organization among the young
women teachers. It is the intention
of the young ladies to give several ex
hibition games during the winter. .
Invitations are out for a dance this
Thursday evening at the opera house,
under the n Hnugemont of Mi. MoCul
lay and John Culbertson. The young
men are assured it good attendance,
and the Hlfalr promises to be one of
the pleasant social events of tho sea.
At the insurance ollice of George T.
Prather are samples of Yellow Dent
corn which would be prize winners
even in jMisHiiuri. The cereal was
grown by J W. Strong, adjoining
Mr. Prather's farm south of Tuckers,
and goes to show the possibilities of
this country in its ngricultuial re
sources. Owing to illness, Rev. J. li. Spight
was unable to 1111 his appointment in
the Baptist church lust Sunday. Mr.
Spight holds services here the first
and third Sundays of each month.
Last Sunday was tho fifth Sunday,
and he had hoped to give the people
of his church an extra discourse, but
sickness prevented. Mr. Spight was
bettor yesterday, but is not yet well.
Ho ho oa however to fill the pulpit
not Sunday. The second und third
Sundays of each month he is in
Manager A. C. Staten of the Farm
ers' Itrigation Co., started Monday
with a force of men and ciimpiiig out
fits for Pine creek, where several
weeks' work will be done on improve
ments to the big ditch. Improve
ments will be made to the, Hume where
it passes over the shell rook this side
of Pine creek, and at tho old Van
Johnson place a portion of the Hume
will be replaced with ditch. Mr.
Staten and men expect to be at this
work until the middle of December,
unless snow interfeios beforehand.
A "stroniK us term" might bo the
proper term t o apply to the session
of court just held in Prineville, from
which place Judge 'iradshaw, District
Attorney Meiiefeo and Court Stenog
rapher I tufui have just returned, re
marked The Dalles Chronicle. Seven
days were consumed In trying seven
criminal cares, and as u result six
prisoners are now on their way to the
penitentiary at Salem to serve tonus
varying from one to five years. One
murder case was up, that of Curbed
Holt, an Indian, who killed another
Indian on the road near Mndrass last
May. The jury brought in a verdict
of manslaughter and Holt was given a
two-vear sentence. Speaking of Prine
ville Judge Bradshaw says, "1 tell
youth little town is booming those
days, several line buildings are going
up and in e cry way it is on tho up
move. "
W. II. Buskirk, who was d wn from
Umatilla during the wei'k, states that
he and his brother John have sold the
lo acres they purch sod there a few
years ago. T' e purchasing price was
70 an acre, and the selling 110. The
land lies t e llrst under too irrlgon
ditch, and is very fertile. This year
the Buskirk llros. disposed of a large
crop of berries and watermelons at
very good protits. The berries, the
Clark seedlings, sold at Hi a crate,
and aie slightly earlier than Hood
River berries. The watermelons were
sold in the patch, so great was the de
mand for fruit and vegetables at Uma
tilla this year. Mr. Buskirk says a
vegetable garden would do well at
Umatilla. The land produces bounti
fully. R. J. McFarland of Grass Val
ley is the purchaser of the tract.
John Buskirk's family reside in Port
Millinery Clearance Sale.
Ui ( 11. .4-.. rn. ! 1 l.MV... i;.o,,..1. t).. !l,, " ..
rM icri iiutrs, liiinnt-ii liiu-ii, r iciu ii muioio ,i
vliann uli'leu From .) (Ill f n ft .".O vnlima nnw " !
Don't foi'o-t't Nitle on liili mile Ostrich riuiiKV.
Your choice from the best stock of Eh
town at cost. Broken lots below cost.
Iron clad school hose at cost.
where he will locale, but says it Is
the last time he will buy unimproved
land fur the purpose of improving it.
He is getting too old, he says.
M. V. Rami is up from Portland
setting out an apple orchard on his
farm on the East side.
The Indies of the United Mrothron
church held their regular Kensington
at the home of Mrs. Harry Million
last Friday.
S. II. Cox was iu the city during
tho week, lie reports good progress
on the work of driving the tunnel at
the Gold Run mine.
W. J. Baker made the following
sales last week : J. W. Strong 5 acres
to S. S. Thompson; Fred Bailey 10
acres to (1. W. Krum, (U.ri00.
Ike Nenleigh was in the city yester
day with the skin of a b'ar which
weighed 2'20 pounds. Bruin it seems
had been making raids on the pigstys
of the Crupper neighborhood.
Earl Rowlands of MoMinnvilln ar
rived last Friday to take the position
of clerk at the Hotel Waucoma. Mr.
Rowlands was a neighbor of the Mo
Gnire llros. when they were residents
of Yamhill county.
Iliillow'oon pranksjwere plainly in
evidence as the business men came
down town yesterday morning. The
windows of the stores were decorated
with nainted slims in a manner to
cause no end of laughable comment.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Dano of Cresco,
Iowa accompanied by Mr. Dano s
parents, Mi. and Airs. Frank Dano
of Riceville, Iowa, arrived ill Hood
River Tuesday to make this place
their home. F. E. Dano is u brother
of Harry Dano. the contractor, and
a nephew of C. A. Dano, the insur
ance man. Mr. Dano is a printer and
newspaper man.
The members of the junior guild of
St. Mark's church met Monday even
ing at the homo of -Miss Dano on
River street, where they did more
sewing for the annual bazaar, which
iH to take place tho llrst week ill De
cember. The next meeting of the
Junior Guild will be hold at the
home 'of Miss Walton.
The Hood River candidate for that
! free trip the Portland Journal is
offering to Hawaii is gaining rapidly
over her contestants at The Dulles.
Tuesday, Miss Stella Richardson had
21, till votes against 17.IKI0 a week
auo. The vote for the three leading
candidates now stands : Miss Emilio
Crosseu of The Dalles. 27.7'.Hi: Miss
I.ucile Crate of The Dalles, 21,7!;
Miss Stella Richardson of Hood Riv
er, 21,131.
The family of Dr. M. A. Jones suff
ered a peculiar experience Sunday
niL'ht. for which the doctor caunot
wll account. About 2 o'clock in the
night Mrs. Jones awoke suffering
from severe cramps of the stomach.
The doctor arose to build a lire and
heat some water. His wife went into
a serious spasm, and while Mrs.
Jones was in this condition one of
the boys took violently ill, and tho
doctor following suit iu a few min
utes. It was sometime before they se
cured relief. Dr. Jones thinks possi
bly himself and family secured some
spray poison from some apples which
I. a t v.u .tut, l.rnrA from White
II 1
The Ladies' Aid S
Methodist church will I
Fred Doitz on Friday af
Mrs. W. H. Eooles wa i .
iously ill Sunday, aud t .i
her husband aooouipauL t .
homo in Ogdeu.
M. L. Emry, theoidei I. .i t
has installed a 12-Inch j .
wheel, and Tuesday all
pipo line of Joe Wilson'. ,
Judge llowlapp of (
the olticials in the O
Co., was in the city du . .,
looking after the settlei I
of way matters for the ...,.
Miss Laura Cram. :
years manager for the
Telephone and Tolegra i
city, has accepted a pi i i
in the post otiice. He. .
central olllco will be .
Nettie Buck, with M .
Mrs. Carl (ton II. V 'i
tainod last (Friday a' ". .
home of Mi-b. Tiumau
street, ill compliment :
mother, Mrs. J. S. Va
egoii, Mich. Dain.
were served, and a t
noon spent with tho IhkIi
of honor.
A man giving the u i i
1 in H of Hood River to. .
story to the Portland , .
day night. Ho dool.u
robbed of 2H0 by t
the threo wore steali
land. He declared I
had shoved him otf t
cape from death I
wheels being very c. . u
Miss D. Howard, i
Southwestern Librai
Chicago, is in tl i
membership for the
hrury of 200 volume- ;
Membership in the :
for two years. Mi
to secure 200 me:
books will be place ' t
of Kier A Cass, un: l
or building can be o
At Stevenson, W ... .
tober :t(, Profossi i
of Underwood an 1 .
of Chenowith.
lb. .
At Vigan llaoo
Islands, August 2 1 '
Mrs. C. H. Simpn... i
Simpson was foi . il
Scliungol, princii i
public schools two .e
Iu Hood River, ,-i ..
28 to Mr. and Mr-. . .
In Hood River, Tl .
to Mr. and Mrs. i.
iansi twin hoys, ,
nine and a half i i i
In Hood Rive .
23, to Mr. and M . . .
Ofllces a '
The very beat t .
p. Ml
. till
iilsKira s iaiimy reside iu lui.-iucmMuw ..j
He baa not decided just yet I Salmon.