HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1905. ADVISES PLANTING PEARS AND CHERRIES Tlio following letter to K. II. Khep iinl from Henry I'. Williams, Ozark, Ark., (lifers vnliml'lo miL'k'cst imiH to Hood liiver fruit ni ower.s interest';!) ia peur culture: You iiiiiiiru iibout pears. 1 have studied tliem n L'cod deal, and they will bear studying a khiI deal more. Tlie market question in tlie iiminipies tion, wliat tlie market likes best. Lute papers tell us of tlie ilecline of tlie peur liiisiness in California, ami 1 think there in a nood rhiince for Hood liiver to take its place, in good natiri faetory fru t. A leading dealer in .New York told mo they rained no Mich fruit hh was rained in California and the i'acillc Count, in the Kastoiu Slates. The flavor niitfht he heller, hut tlio maik et qualities were not there, of size or appearance, lie has Hold a car of flue Winter Nellis for .?). a hox in New York, that came from California, when nothing in the Kasteni States would hriiiK over 1.110 u bushel. Those from California were bright yellow or line color and size, fotii tier, vnd one glance sold the lot. Nothing iu the Kast could do this, so lie saiil we need not fear anything in the Kant. Wheu it comes to varieties of penis he told mo uothiiiK outsold the Hurl iott. As it comes iu just as there it a HliortaKO iu the Kasteni markts, the prico will be satisfactory tor anj Hartletts that Hood liiver can furnish, lint 1 can not estimate on transporta tion. II they will cany, the price is there for thorn the very best f tin season. I'ears raiseil under IrriKutio i are not ood keepers, norKood llavor. Hut on deep soil iu Hood Kiver, not too wet, not toodiy, pears will grow there ood enoiiKli to carry to any market, if the distance is not t Krone, and surely oiiKlit to carry m well or as (puck as lroiu California. The varieties of pours you mention, 1 have inquired into a ooil deal. The lietirre Hose Is a gain of a pear for any purpose. As far us quality Is con earned everything Is in its favor, iu desirability for market. Its main trouble is Unit it needs to be double worked. That means an intermediate stock, to ho worked upon. 1 do not know if the Oregon nurserymen o to this trouble, hut no good limit cultiirist in the Mart willrow it with out it is so winked and on satisfactory stocks. Otherwise there is no serious objection to the fiuit. It can he grown largo enough ami has good col or and the best of flavor and Is good all around in all tlie markets. Veij much among pears like ioldeu Crimes among appies. The li urre do Cornice is very tardy iu coming into hearing but bears well Inter, After it reaches the seventh year it is a good hearer, but before that it is not u good hear er. Its market values other ways is extra. 1 do not think it is a heavy bearer any where hut is good gener ally. The lleurre de Anjoii is a model pear in many nperls; a good shipper and good seller, not quite as high in standard value or demand as some others, but is good and reliable. The treo is model every way, the only fault is that the pear growing large and with many on tlio tree there will be a danger of falling oil', If 'here is uny motion of tlio wind to stir them or move the trees any. This peur is quite popular in New York markets. It ripens at a lime when it sells well. The tree growth tends mom to spuiV and less to excessive wood than any variety 1 know. .Still perhaps too many of this vaiinty might ho raiseil for the market. I It it iu general good large pears of good llavor and purlic ularly good color, will ho sure to llud a good market. The Winter N lis grow well enough In Hood Kivor. The main point nec essary to obtain fancy price is size, good four tier and bright golden col or. No one need expect fancy price unless he will get the lour tier size, mid the bright gohleii color. Then the market is ready. The Oregon pears have this dllllciil ty to meet-tlio lack of bright color. It will bo an obstacle wherever there is very damp atmosphere. 1 read of an ueoouut of some mitrvclnus returns for pears iu an orchard near Koise. The secret is due to the color. The orchard brought over i-tpMO per acre. The climate of Hood liiver should grow any pear successfully, and I do not seo any serious obstacle. The summer climate is quite moderate ami I do not thluK it materially dillers from that of 1'iance, where the best pears are grown. 1 do not think we need to fear the blight. As to heui ing qualities, we need not expect them to hear nine'' under the llllh or sixth year, hut alt er that they should do well. 'The Cornice will lien year or two later. The Hi iso will lie nearly as good as the liartlett iu hearing. It is a strag gling grower and this is lis only oh jeetion. The limine Chiirgeau is a very showy pear anil sells well In t he mark et, but it is not as piod as the Unit lett, yet comes iu when the nun lot is bare, later than the liartlett, mi it. sells line anyhow. 11 is a line peur for market. The greatest dilllcully with the cherry business and carlot shipping, is the dill'ereiit times of ripening ot varieties iu t lie valley. Hardly any two parts of the valley ripen together just right to ma'ie up cm lots ea-iy. If the people go into it heavy this may he made suitable, but. I do not know how nil can he got together, ecept liy cohl storage, and holding until car lots are accumulated, t lion I would say t he cherry qno-.(ion will ho sue coHsful. It is a prime country for raising the n. Hut I believe the inoM success is in tlie two early varieties, the liiiynl Anno and the King. Solid carlots of t he King will outsell any other sort that can be crown. The fize of the liing is a wonder to the Kasteni people, and I le y will boy it for show everywhere. The Knv.d Anne spoils in handling and t he t rude prefers to have one darker. The pom old Ulack l.'epuhlieau with ils lent her skin, is t he line.-t variety to Kasteni ' people of all t hat i- .-out t here. Si ill I do not reeoitiieeiid it to growers be cause 1 think theio me I oiler, Put not enough of them. Ilood liiver has a good chance to make hers. II famous with growing lancy fiui'. ami, with Hood transportation, you will nut need to hunt up market-, the markets will limit up the grower and lake every thing, if of liet quality. It takes a long pur-e to held out in Hood liiver. but it is vv.mli waiting lor by any one who i in do -o. .lune is the proper ni.mlh lor Hood liiver to do t lie shipping e! her cher ries, liy that t me oilier sect ion.- who jire grow ing cherries an t of the way. All California, the Kewiston country. The I '.dies and all e.i.-t of Jlood liiver-1 hey w ill all he gone. Then Hood liiver fruit, will have an exclusive market. I he Ilood Kiver shippers will need to take lessons liud observations of the dilllcullies of carlot shipping of cherries from Cali fornia. It has not usually been sat isfactory. The fiu't does not arrive in suttlciently good order. Tlie iru.t is gathered and packed while it ir yet warm, and si nt. oil all at once. The cherries arrive more or h .-s rot ted, and it is dilllcult to gi L a good prico. This can not be obviated any other why than by tirst cooi ng off in some temporary stoiai. e, h-lore put ting in the cur, mi that when nil are in tho car. the fruit is all one uniform temperature, ihen it will entry will. There will have to be attention to the cars also. (, 'hemes not nllemled to rot easy in impioer tcmpeiiitiuc. This piocess of cooling beiera put ting: in ti e car i- uo.vleing lo. lowed by the lie .-I. giowcis. In the pi at h d stricts of the ninth it has hi.en found to make the carrying qulitie five times as great. And iu l.'uiiformu the subjecting the fiuit ton coolirg bieezo for five hours only insurot safety from mo-t retting. Add to this the advantages of tin liohli car, or a still better i.ne, llivt tried last sea. -on, and the Ibioil li r, . I cherry will be able to tiavel any where It must be lemon. I ' red thai there are but flvo or six good n.aikets tint can take cherries in carlnts. All others are secondary. 'Ihen; six icn ters, or less than ten, can and mi si do this business. liy lime of eaily peaches from the smith m July, with arrival of early plums and simii. i fruit from the I'ueilie Cua.-t, tin . neir by fruit in the Kasteni slatis, the Httei.tion of tho fruit enter is i.i verted to cheaper fruit l.liaii clieri i. s, henco would say it. is better tor tic I'ruit grower lo rui-e the, June chi r lies, the Lambert i- a treasure woiti. having, but it is a question if ciirli.t. are advisable. 1 have watched the Kuroean tradi a good deal, and there i - no limit li. i lie sale of good carrying pea s ti.ai Alb stand transportation uen.-s thi water, iiml will keep snliieieiilly louj. to (lo tuts. All gooil lie: ping peals for winter use, that stand the test f the ma. ket in appearance and color, will he sure of selling. Hut they must lie up to the mark in looks and size. The inaiket takes nothing secondary iu this mutter, There is plenty com mon elsewhere. It does not pay to freight it across the continent. LAD THEY SCARED WAS ONTO HIS JOB Special to the llaeier. lielinont, Ifood liivei Valley. Nov. 1. On Thursday evening, October Uny Woodwoi III ami .Marsh Iseiihcrg run a lauakahoo on some of then young associates which caused amuse ment for tlie Kchnonl neigliohrs dur ing the balance of the week, ami even some of the victims of tho ruse have mi occasional smile over it yet, liny mid iMurs'i had been laying their plans for a week previous to have a little fun. So on the evening mentioned ehueu yoiin fellows, rang ing iu ages from sixteen to twenty-live years joiued Marsh in u plan to quiet ly slip around the house on the old Hiittou furin, where (iuy keeps bach elors hall, uui frighten fluy, the boys being tirst fully prepared lor some grand sport by -Marsh giving them assurance that tiny was a great coward and picturing a laughable scene of Ids rapid exit from the little valley, m v iu to return to occupy the hous alone igain. They stole down, and to make it exceedingly frightful for young Woodworth. they all crept into an out collar, and began scratching on tlie walls, ami making calls like wild cats. Marsh suggested that he would ciawl out ami get closer to the house so that the attack would be more Uneat en ing, but he only reached the open ing, when (iuy, whose nerves were no doubt strengthened by his knowledge of the nrrangenieiits, begun yelling ai. them, accusing them of theft, and accompanieil ins I Meals with llrnig his revolver. Marsh dropped on the door step pierced with sinotlu red laughter and uunoiii.ccd lo his accom plices that lie was wounded, I sup pose he roferiod to his pr de. "Yes, ami I will lliiish you," yelled (!uy, as he Hied again. Then he liuu ed his attention to those present in the cellar, with no way of escape ex cept through the door, past tlio in I u i i at i)i I protector of his property, and he armed with the deadly weapon with which he had already pul their companion out of Commission. When the hoys in the cellar refused to come out being sustained ill their obstinacy by their knowledge of (luy's gun, (iuy said: "1 uni prepared. 1 will bring you out or make a new exit for you by blowing the top oil' the cave with this bomb," ami as he said this he threw the I. rgest lire cracker he could purchase in Hood liiver lor the occa sion, into their mills1, ami linn such scrambling and running us was done there, has never been witnessed in this country before. They trampled over their fallen comrade on the door step w ith as little regard as if he were a sack of hay. One ran into a horse rake ; a number were caught iu the wire fences, and it is licleivid some are running yet. I will not give million but if you will phone to numbers 1.271), llxl, 127x1, KIT and inquire of the heads of the families, and ask John Ca-tner about a couple of his apple packers, you will learn by the number of missing coat tails, pants legs and seats, and scraicneii laces ami lunula that were In evidence on Kriday morning lust, that 1 have not exaggerated on tlie tact s - I hut t here was somet hing doing on Thursday night. X. Y. ,. Valine irils Hut I. bile. Natiue ne. .Is only a Mule Parly liiser now and then to keep I he bow efs clean, the liver active, and the system tree fiolu bile, headaches, coii-tipal ion, ie famous little pills "Kuily are pleasant In effect and per notion. They never gripe or but lone and strengthen the 1 ki.lnevs. Sold '.V (i. K. Will- A. CZESk Happy Home livcrvicw CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS FOR SALE IN- m mm AND Park Idlewilde Additions To have a happy home you should have children. They are great happy-home makers. If a weak woman, you can be made strong t 4 4.4 4 t enough to bear neanny cnu- t j dren. with little cain or dis- comfort toyotifa:If,by taking CF If Ml III il A Tonic for Women It will ease all your pain, re luce lnflamn.ttiun, cure leucorrhua, (whites), Tallinn xvoinh, ovarian trouble, disordered menses, lack- ache, headache, etc., and make , Childbirth n llural and easy. Try It. At all dealers In medicines. In Jl.00 buttles. Easy Grades, Fine View and Goo;d 'Water ALSO MANUFACTURING SITES FRONTING ON 0 R. & N. TRACK WITH DEVELOPED WATER POWER Cheap lots for building Small Houses near Flour Mill tfRUIT LAND FOR SALE IN TRACTS TO SUIT HOOD RIVER DEVELOPMENT CO. Office next to Waucoma Hotel HOOD ItlVI "DUE TO CARDUI Is mv baby eirl, now two weeks i old," writes Ars. J. Priest, of Web ster City, Iowa. "Mas is a lino healthy babe and we are both Joini; nicely. I am still bikini; Cardui, and would not he without It In tlie house.' The Slid Tale ef Idll and Ihth. Hob fell iu with Kill, one day, lint ptomptly they fell out; Ve . hv the lake they ntop ed to pi V, And thiiH it ciinie about, They both loll in, nlaok-a-ihiy ! And nevermore fell out. IJppincntt'n. The (hind O'd Way. A severe cold or attack of la jrippc i:i like a lire, the sooner yuii c nol'iit H the better your chances are to ovcrpovv er it. lint few mot In rs in this :i-;e tire vvill iti;todolbe necessary vv m :; o .piired lo lve a eMd ohhfn-hini'cd leliiilile treatment siiehns would bo n, i : i i -u t . 1 1 ley their Krainliiiotlicr-, bucked by li chee's (ieiiiian Svnip, which was al ways li'n mlly Usui in connection vvbh Ibe home trcntnn IP of !! atid is still ill stealer household I'aVor limn any known remedy. Ihil even without the application of the old-fashioned aids I iernnin Syi up will cure a sevi tc cold III (jllll'U ( II, children ur j.m o.vii the coiij;esled or ;. . tion, and (dice I iv I Any child will lalo Me in a lions- hold -i.e bottle, I'oe; re ale by ('. N. ( bn'e will b"op cure It I s Ibe II. e is il i'li ie ds in lievi s v.'lllU- Ti'l d lo.r Si iv aire. A snnke i'l a i t 'I t ied to -v.allo 1 he uoiif muilo a : i that the butler Would melt ill bis I lull. it i r t ,v n ; ' ' 1 tiluiipl t in.iut.il !" eaid 11. e gnu. l,iipineot I'm. I'.verj Oiiiic V 'in rut, 10 very ounce of food I hat you . :d that fails lo .liuest doe-, a pound ol harm. It turns the entire meal into poison. This not only deprives the blond of ihc necessary I i-siio-lnii ili u material, biil.it poi-on'-il. Kodol ly--p. psia ( 'lire Is a p. i lei I d, jcslant 1 1 ilil-.-ts I he food re.U'ilh s of the con dition of the slolluieli. ! ellow S that f-OHI to IV-l i,. eel H'-oni; il'Mln. :! heVes I'.elel, , nj;, lb-ill'' 1'-U:l, rVhl' loinacli, !iidii:c-ii' ii, I'nlpipiti. ' heail, etc, Nild by -il . I 1 1 :- alll- Musi Have Taken "Mnmishine. White Our con last week about, a White jumpine, (he moon. It v, man who did I lie net. 1 1 1 1 i i ' 1 1 leil"i ll ioinlent. was l Sail iii.-!ak-i on II'.; iliovv.i' W II Slay The remedy t hi and mow strong, will be Hold ro I'harina.v, II I I uei vi' and eoiisl iinl i alia per bo, six box flood Hiver TALLY CARDg The TALLY CARD is in dispensable to the Whist Party. Why not have a neat, pretty design? It adds to the attractive ness of the party and costs but a trifle. & Fifty New Designs AT vSLOCOM'S SNOW & UPSON Blacksmiths and Wagon Hak ers The niost, coinplclcly c(uiiij)cil iowt'i- plant in Oregon. Contract work a specialty. Grubbing .supplies and Log gers'; tools always on band. The care of the horse's hoof is csm-iiI ial. We are exports in that line and cure corns and interferes. R. D. GOULD, PLUM Steam and Hot Water Heating All jobbing promptly attended to. HmtWall Paper Co Carries everything in the line, including Krinked Silks, Sik Embossed, Tapestries, Moires, ngrains, Varnished Tiles, B anks, etc. Uptodate Paper Hanging-, Sign, Carriage and House Painting. Lnvst and Oak Streets. lit me ( DAVIDSON FRUIT CO Dealer in Building Material, Doors, Windows, Lath, Mouldings, AND ALL (iltADKS OF f-a.sh:io2T stable ..Livery, Feed and Draying.. STEANAEANS & RATHBUN. FRUIT DEALERS and Manufacturers of fill kinds of t run lli-'liestr rices Paul for High Grade Fruit A. J. FLOOD, GENERAL CONTRACTOR FOR ALL KINDS OF i!m,V:i.i,.'t.'.i'.s'-!-'. 4 l:Mv hv Williiii'i ' tl tf'. SRk g i'ivcuiciiii SO i n ill- tii- Work l'istinuite I'.uilding 1. s given on short notice. Work a specialty. Hood River, Oregon. . v t ; i in 1 1 1 v . I., lii! H I : 1 1 1 T : I I Mil I h i,', nl Si ,M l-.N mill I. V I 'I I .-Mil ii. ... I I LEARN TCLrGRAl'i'V AND R. R. ACCOl'XTI.xfi Wi tin i'li-. I i;iscr' I'i'i'l in slrlii'li. liv IT .11 I.IIIIS. Mllli.His ('.iiiii- Frani Alaska. itu uni t ly -111 u, 000 ill mil. I Iml linn u'ri'ivi'.l ln.-l. vviM'k nt 1 1 it I'luti'il , SI nil's ii-.iy olliro in Sculllo Iiitiis! I III' t.itlll fur OrloliiM' up lo tl,,"s;t,.ii'ti, I liKIIIOs Slllijci'l (I Mllllit illlTl'llsll vv lien I lie us.-iiy i i'i'iii'lcftil mill :i mhui' : I'XUi'l I'l'llllll Ulllilo. Oil (IctolnT 1 tln ullii'i' Iki.I t ikon in ii'T.imiittlv 1 l.iKKi.m 0 ilnriiij; t lie viilmnliir yciir, iin.l tin' i'-t iiii.il,' vmis iiiiulo that tin' ii'inaiii lit; t lir.i' months vvoul.t show an n. I. Ill inn il s ;,iH'0,(iro. Nut uiily has I Im c.-l iniuti'il Jil.tHlO, (V''.' alii'a.ly ln'i'ii received, lull the re is sin,! to lie a I.h'hc quanlity of Held in transit from tho Tanaim mi. I .N.mie. I'aHMiii is o(vte.l to lnaLe ship Hicul.- all vv inu r. im n!: ... it Ani'ini n i h k mhui p. !: ilniv. il l.v nil !: VV.- .K.'.,.ll.. A fllt'ili-ll him in' li.T ; Id ?ii.i ii llli'lil It in M'Hint.-tiiiv ... ti .'h si iti-s . . i ..r i i. I I'i i.S l.li A lt M l Slllil.'lll rntl i nt. I I inns. I'i .r in : I , hi It. i In Is. w 1 1 .1 HOOD RIVER TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. I1CLET ClTiCE FOR THE REGULATOR LINE OF STEAMERS. Hauling-, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready. Phone 131. Hood River, Ore I I'lr-iH In infill, id ur I'Miliiiiigi'd. 1 i'!siuv I'lti'iii'S can seeure tirst Special alli'iili.iii iven to niovii; piuims. We do over-, I hins: hm-sey can dn fnniiliire and i jg,gs5garBC r! I .! . .. n u uuiuen u row n Hard Wheat Mour Is ilic lii-st Hour liiver market. It hard wheat, and Hood Kiver Iradi The Ilood Kiver chased LM)u barrels Flour, and says it is have ever used. ever put is made put up on the Ilood from selected expressly for P.ak erv lias nist nur- of (Joldeii Crown Ihe best, Hour thev For Sale By STRANAHAN & SHEETS Hood River, Oregon hi nt t 'i 11.'! Illl'i Tlie Morse School uf Tdvr.:;,;iy Ayplo Growers vvi-li l.i ivn, ii.. 1 vs , Square Deal Store w nl' Mit appl. s. ill drieiie .uid pi ie. Ah p'lV i'l, o not forgot that you will get evcrv time vou trade with mo. full value for your Wheu in need of WOOD ICIl CALL l am pivi n ....I, als,, , i 1 have a in epar.d to . I tntli i';i! roceries, Flour and Feed 1 and see me. You will find it pays to trade here. 4 i- nvri s- r.i-ii rtrs.nr ut 0 IF YOU WOULD le.llll Wetl, I'lt.'lie l"l. FEE I) H0vK I'onot l.c deeeived by c.ninlerl'eils j when yon l.nv it.-h llael Salve. The j Maine of Iv ('. UeWiU Co. is on ' every I'.'V of (Ho genuine, l'iles in theii vvois in w ill sunn as-t avvayi if .vim will apply 1VU ill's Witch lla..'l Salve nielli and 1110111111'. tori I'llN. I'll 1 11-. 111. ils, Teller, I'.cZeina, ele. I Sold hv (.. K. illiuniK. I LJ .IBS: n 1 J t . - I' U :1 ,1 ' - - MONTHLY r.:ACAZ!N:; A Family Lio:;ary Tha Eest in Current Lilc;::.:;: 12 CoMPLtTe. Novels c.r.ii MANY SHORT STOTHCS AMD PAPERS ON TIMCLV TOPICE- $2.50 per VEAa ; 25 CT3. a co . NO CONTINUED STOSIE:? CVCRY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSElf Mows, Harrows, Cultivators mi a i kin is 01 Agricultural Implements Alfalfa, Clover and All Kinds of Field Seeds. 1 have jiis-t added a stook of PAINTS and am pre pared in guarantee )fiee aiid xuality. ' 1 i n i i 1 ami make your wants known and Il will pay you. Yours for l'usiness, Try Clarke's Cough Klivir lor that cough we are contident that it would cure it; in fact wo are SO Confident that we guarantee it to do the work or refund your money. Come in and let us tell you some of the good point ' ;il ion t it. anyway. It wont cost you anything to get aeiju.iinti'd with it Clarke, THE Druggist P't prices. 0C3 3123 Q GZIS D. M'DONALD S. J. FRANI Tea cr in HarnesaASaddles All Repairing Promptly AttcnJeJ to HOOD RIVER OREGON i3rd and River Street. Ilood River, Ore. 1