The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 26, 1905, Image 8

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is made of Grape
Cream of Tartar.
Absolutely Pare.
Makes the food
more Wholesome
and Delicious.
1SOI.SK, WiiIio. Kreumiit Wood in
now busy imckinK the. iipplo crop of
his model orchiird mid taking care at
tho waste fruit that can not I hi mark
eted, it iH h II inspiring uihl thut in
presented in liin orchard ami piickiiiK
house, for, in addition to adopting
all the Improved methods, of rariiiK
for thti fruit during i In dtivolopemont,
ha lmH liknwiHO introduced grunt im
provemonta in preparing tliH apples
for iiihi kut, says tlm Statesman. In
order to attain perfect ion In packing,
Mr. Wood employed It. V. Ilrock of
Jlood Jllver, Ore., to superintend tho
work and train 1 ho crew in tho liont
methods, 'i'lm Hood Uivr apples al
waya con i in 11 M 1 a fiincy price, not be
cause tliey acre no much Letter than
tliofo rowu here, lint because I liny
are packed better and with perfect
regularity. Tho buyer knowH, when
lie ImyM a box of Hpplcw packed by
any of tho well known growers 0f that
section, that tiie fruit will ho uniform
and absolutely reliable.
Undiir Mr. lirnck's direction, tho
fruit of Mr. Wi oil's orchard in being
packed iih tliey pack in tint fainoUH
Oregon valley. All tho apples placed
in a box bxh of tho tamo size; they
aro all laid nn edge, and tho Hint
quality aro all wrapped in papor scpa
rately. For Instance, an applo of tho
largest size will pack 72 in a box ; of
another HI, of ai other 112 and o f an
other IIH. ill tilling an HI box thoro
arn four layers, oacdi with seven tiers
of three apples each. Tho end of each
box bears tho number of apples con
tained. Moreover, It is possible to tell
npiiroxiniatly tho number of apples in
a car. In one of the oars shipped by
Mr. Wood, by way of Illustration, it
may bo stated there wero (I boxes of
72 apples oaoli, lilt of HI, :)7.'t of 112,
142 of 128 and 50 of about 150. What
Is known as tho 4 1-2 tier can not bo
muilo to (111 uniformly, but tho num
ber is close to l."0. That oar, tliitrj
foro, contained practically 7!),H!Ni apples.
the orchard will this year produce
some liiioo lioxos or marki'talijo fruit
Mr. woods apples tins voar aro
mainly Jonathans ami Koine lioaiitios.
ilo has somo lion I 'avis, but many
of that variety of trees liavo boon
grafted to Newtown l'ippins. Tho or
chard contains Hi acres, with 2i00
troos. More than half the troos aro
young, and a great many more aro
grafted. Tho young part of 'ho or
chard is made up of Nowtown l'ippins
(Jrlmea' (ioldnu, and Jonathans. in
tho entire orchard about half aro Jon
athans. Tho troes that furnish this
year's crop number only about HOO.
Tho orchard is kept thoroughly cul
tivated, and tho trees aro sprayed )(H.
siduiiusly during tho soiihoii, with tho
result that there aro very few worms
and no sciiIih.
Mr. Wood is riinnning a cider mill
at his collar in connection with the
packing house, in which all the wind
falls aro being ground for vinegar cr
cider. Already iitin gallons have b
run into the tanks. Tho culls from
the packed apples will bo used for
making older, for apple wine, an. I for
preservation by a new process in its
sweet condition. In this piocess no
preservatives are to be used.
Mr. Ilrock, who is interested in the
business ntjlood Kiver, said recently
tho Jonathans ami Koine iieaut les in
Mr. Wood's orchard wero perhaps a
littl t linger tliiiu thi. irs. lie further
said the apple business could be made
a great feature in the valley. There
was no doubt whalecr that twice as
much net money could be realized
from the business as, from griming
wheat on land yielding 10 bushels to
the Here.
In the oichard in which he was in
forested at II I Kiver, he said,
"'"' -i i acres. J.nsl year
they shipped 12,000 boxes of apples.
The Npitozuhcrgs brought 2.2i on
board the cars there, the Nentovns
J2.10, and the Joimt hans f, while
the average price of the entire ciop
was td.'.io.
That was a year when there was a
Kieut crop elsewhere, yet I lie average
price realized there was nearly twice
as high as t he best received in t bis
Tho loss fiom all causes did lint ex
ceed I per cent of, apples, Mr. Ilrock
Mild. The trees weie carefully thin
lied early in the season, and there
wero few windfalls and few small ap
ples. Th y splayed nine times din
ing tho season, he said, and twice
during the winter.
Mr. Ilrock added that they had kept
a careful account of cost, of producing
tipples. Tliey made liberal allowance
for the time of the t luce owners, for
all expenses. Mich as taxes, fur a team
all the time, ami for every other item,
the total being the e.iu ii alenl. of N'
cents a box for apples placed on the
cars. it Ii equal care, Mr. Ilrock was
satlstled, lie said, equally good
suits could be secured here.
other remedy I ever used for stomach
trouble." sirs J. I'. Klote, of Kdina,
Ui l.'nr;iiiv disorder of the stomach
hiliousiicss or constipation, these Tub-
lets are without a peer, l or Kale by
Williams' I'li.'irinaey.
Most of our inhabitants have been
nninueil in nicking. wiping and swip
tng apples lately. Money certainly
grows on trees and bushes in this part
of the worM.
Since tho fair at Portland has passed
into history, the community can once
more settle down ami try lo maKo u:
what they spent there.
One of our little Sunday School
scholars rather surprised her teacher
recently when she insisted that Lot's
wife "turned to rubber" before she
"turned to salt." The younger gener
ation hero is especially Dright.
William Peterson, one of our up-to-date
and enterprising citizens, has
just completed the erection of a cosy
little residence, ilo recently return
ed from the wheat. Melds near Walla
Walla, ami intends now to enjoy the
comforts of 1 fe around his ow u lire
side. Scott KdwHids, alter looking the
landscape over around these parts,
lias deluded to invest in Fruit Colony
land. He savs he almost made a
dicker fur a squaw to look alter hie
household which ho proposes to estab
lish soon, but when she smiled some
what broadly and disclosed an awful
cavitv in her face Idled with crooked,
broken ami vcllow tombstones his
heart faioi1 him and he decided t hat
it would be better to call tho deal oil.
Scott said hop mouth was so large
that every time she yawned her face
became washed timi dried with tin
John Anderson is getting ready to
build a habitation on Ins tract here.
In nrooortiou to our inhabitants
Fruit Colony is building faster than
Portland or Taenma.
Hilly lOdwnrds thinks some of the
womoii in mind Whit ' Salmon are
great bakers. Ilo bought a loaf from
a woman there and lie said she liiusi
have charged a penny a pound, as he
paid ton cents for it, and was fully
satislled that he got ton pounds in
the lump. He declared lie hail to
take a cake of magic yeast before lie
could rise iqi next morning.
K. 1). Cameron has all his lino ap
ples picked and shipped. If it hadn't
been for the shape nd color it could
have been hard to distinguish some
of them from pumpkins.
Our neighbor felt somewhat indig
nant over his slobbering horse epis
ode getting into print, but says it is
not as bad as what his next door
neighbor did. Ilo said he acciden
tally fed his cow sawdust instead of
chop lute the other evening and t ho
patient, long sullei ing animal ate the
moss with us much relish as it could
muster. Next morning when tho
man wont to do the milking the cow
let down a bushel of shoo pegs and a
bundle of lath in tho bucket, instead
of the usual supply of milk.
Fruit Colony is getting well cleared,
and the face of the eart h hereabouts
is beginning to look us if it had just
hail a fresh shave.
Advertised Letter 1. 1st.
Advertised October 21, l!io."i:
Mrs. S. S Allen (2, Mis. C. Free
man, Muggio Freeman Martini Martin,
Myrtle Powell, Nellie Wicks (2),
Oluf Chiuson, W. II. Cooley, II. C.
Dodge, C. Ferguson, Lew tircor, ,1.
K. Hardy, A. N. Kimeus (2, Win.
I. uk, J. A. Lore, l'ietro Lupinacci,
Karl W. Martin, J. C. Noble, Charley
Peterson, Small Wood, W. C. Wheel
er, II, S. Young ,1. K. Vandcuhurg,
W. M. VAT MS, P. M.
A Pleasure In nil.
No I'll! Is as pleasant and positive as
IV Wilt's Kittle Karly Hisers. These
famous little pills are so nnld and el
fcclive that children, delicate ladies
and weak people enjoy their cleansing
ellecl, w hile strong people say liny ah
the best liver pills sold. Sold l Wil
liams I'liurinacy.
The Cockutuo-'-llavo you been talk
ing long?
Tho Put rot Well, I guess I have!
Why, my father lost nil his friends
trying to toll them the cute things 1
said when 1 wits only throe mouths
old Puck.
Will Slay in llooil Ki n r.
The remedy that makes you eat, sleep
and grow st long, culled I'.ilino Tablets,
will hi' sold regularly by Williams'
I'haruiiicv, Hood Kiver. These great
nerve ami constitution builders, cost only
Wli' per box, six Ikixcs $2..r0.
Groceries, Flour and Feed
lias In wi installed by
at I lie old stand, just south
of Indian (.'reek bridge, and
tin; firm extends an invita
tion to their former patrons
to call and see them.
Cordially yours,
with von: .iofknkv
If your tickets read over the Denver
and Uio (irando Itailroad, the
"Sc enic Line of the World,"
Tin n? are ho trumy Hivnie ill tract ioiiH
himI point of intercut along the line
Ix'tween Officii itnd IirnviT Omt
the trip never heeonies tiresome.
If you are tfohitf Kast, write fop infor
mation mid jet a pretty hook thut will
tell you all about it.
Y. ( McKIHIlK, General Affrnt,
llM Third Street,
roiITUND, ()KK(i()N.
iV il:
ilia roatly to
natrons with
I Tlinhrr hand Act June.'l, lsj
t'lllli-il SViIch LitlHl OMlcc, The I 'a I Irs, on.
tfnit.ltct. h, llHtt. Nnlli-n In lirtvhy K I V rli thill
in t iiiiiplliitii-c with tlh provisions of Ihr act
o ( .'imiifis o .luiu- ;t, lrs, enlitkil "An mi
Inr Hit- -iiilrol tlinhiT IuImIn III the nIhIosdI
i 'tth lot 1 1 1, i, t ii't'Koh, Nt-Miitu ami W mMm nton
l' thIoi ," iin i' xt rii (h i! Id all 1 lu 1'ti hi lr
l.ltfld Malr's hv lU'l Ml AtlHUNl I, iM"' I lie litl-
to iin; uumiM piTMins liuvt lllcl In thl oi-e
ihi'U suoiu sinlt'iiu'iilH, Id wil:
i:m,m. 11KIMJKN
I I'ltrtlaiHl, manly n( M n llnoinah, slatr il
ili tJHii, HMt II hlati Iin lit Nt. -Mtt, tllt d III this
iluv sriiit'tMhrr 17, Iimi.i, lot- the iMin lnisc di
(hi- s di -iH thm 7, township J inn t h, ruiit-it-aM,
v. M.
ol roitlaml, county of Multiti ih, slatt- ol
iiiutn, sworn Kiatcim-m No. J.iu, Ulnl iji.
h iiihci tor (la plIivluiM' K tht- NU1,
Nl 1 h'K i Hint 1' ol rlloll If, Ivvp. J liotlli,
rn i iu-',' t-iist, . M
I'tuil tla-y will ttlli'i )nofs lii show Mini Hu
la mis mmii; lil are nioir alnahlt- lor t hr I iinhri
oi mu tlu-iiHin than lor ai;i w-tiliuial mr
(Misrs, jilid to rntahllvlt Ihi'll i-lulliis lo ai,
IjuiiU hi-toit' 111' It-yWtti' ami H-irUi'i' nl the
lain! oith'e in Tin halli-H, Hit'niin, on hrt-fin-In
i :in, en..
I ht' naillO tht' folloWILtK V ll Hcsm's: .luhti
IvIUdiS, I'lnm-!'! I. Uori-, KalU1 N itt nii'ti
(linl .1 1 lm I.. Sin 11 h ot i'liiilal in, i tivuon; Mai
I Hi'ilyi's ol ShorwiHul , ( hvhoii; aiirr ct-i
o .m .lohtis, oii'noa; Nils l l Mstin nl Mt-. i,.
voi:, iishinnlon; lliirrv W . I'ctt-iHon, l-'nuna
Unlet -timi William Itt'ilut-s ol I'.-ri,
i li liun: Jim- M HailH tt ol I'ta llamt. iiri;oii,
told I- u L 1 1 ill I litlfM itil St'llw noil, tMroii.
u ami a 11 itoiin claiinlnii ad cim l tlu
ah.iv I- tli'M-n hi'il la in Is an- ri-niii-sttil to lilt-ihi-n
flaiin in this oilhv on or h.liiiv ant
..Oih o hi't-rnihi-r, lKK
o'.i. tl.m M U It A K1, T. Nol.AN, li.isli-r.
supply oui
Eastern and
Do you suffer from
You need not, for they
can be cured
for the small sum of
15 cents.
Clarke's Chilblain Cure
will do it
Williams' Pharmacy
Fine lino of
Toilet Articles,
etc. Also
S, L. YOUNG, Prop.
Main "i5.
Doyouwa ntasnap?
You can't lose it' you
buy a tract in famous
Spray Material
Irinr in your Pr'.fccriptions.
Gold Medal
Lewis and Clark Fair
Awarded to
White River Flour I
Cut up in tracts to suit you.
lust sold ten acres for t W0
thousand dollars ami the
rest, than that which we
serve w ill soon lie sold.
Tlic liin
w i r 1 1 1 .
Uliiti' S:i!ninii
I nu ts just tlx
t lii'irv mill
Within tin'
;illi' la ii 1 in
citv liniilH ol
IVll-aiTl' III" HMKllllT
linn '"i" hi'i'iii'H mill
Allrr you haw lookr.l aronnil nuiif
mid see iifi iiii.l vmi will liml just what
oii hac haw hocn loolvin; for.
Cherries from tract this vear
are t he winners in t he pvat
fruit exhibits.
White Sainton, Wash,
White Salmon-Hood ltiver
Two hix sail boats, two
ife e-asoline
Also special mention by Jury
of Awards
Selling Agents
Hood River, Oregon
4 White River Flour Makes Lighter,
Whiter Bread"
Nice lot of Yellow Nowtowns, 8pitztMiberjj, Baldwin, Mam
motli Black Twij?, Jonathan, Ilomo Beauty, Lawver, etc.
lso larv line of jLvneral nursery stock. Send for catalog
and price list. Breeders of Shorthorn Cattle and Berk
shire Hogs; all stock registered.
Establinlie'1 1900.
Kn-idt Dte oi Wan-o Co. fc r 24 earn
A little reasonable frugality while one is earning money;
a little money put carefully away in the keeping of some
good institution, may mean a bar against want, care and
trouble that the improvident person will fail to cope with.
Why not the old and tried
Hood Kiver, Oregon.
Buy Your Fruit Boxes
Hood River Box Factory
and Patronize Home Industry.
Best Quality Lowest Price
Home Made
Phone Main 71
As price of wheat has
dropped, we have
Reduced the Price of our Flour
Grocers are now selling
"HOOD RIVER" $1.15 per sack
Ask your grocer for our flour and feed.
If you are tired using ground bran for
shorts, see that you get Hood River
shorts, and you get the best. Also
Bran, Barley, Middlings and Graham
Whole Wheat and Farina.
Hood River Milling Co.
WOOD & SMITH BROS., Proprietors.
Groceries, Flour and Feed
Only Exclusive Grocery Store in the City. Free Delivery. Phoi e
Can get a First-OlaSS 250 MEAL at the
P. F. F0UTS, Prop.
Dealer in General Merchandise
and Lumbermen's Supplies,
Railroad Ties, Cordwood, Lumber and Cedar Posts
Free Delivery. Phone !Ktl
WuriU (Ml' I'lit iiiiiiiiiia.
All I'oulis, cnliU ami ni'm(iii:iry
ttimplitihtM Hint mo rmiiUn nr.' ciuirkh
ciiri'l I y Oho minim' Couch ruiv.
CIcnrH the phlrnni, druvs mil iiill.iniii
linn hiiiI ImmIs nnil MiMiths thi' iillrrtnl
!irts. NtreiiKUiniH tin- hums, wards nit'
pneumonia. I brinies anil (ileasanl
to take. Sol.l hy (i. I-:. illmnis.
that youiitf
Kooil thin
Kthel-I rather like
Douliloihiy. lie has i
month mill chin.
.Myrtle Oooilness ! has he heen kiss
inK yon too? .Imle.
A Itemed v Hit hunt u 1'ier.
"I finil Cliainherlain'fi Stonmeh ami
Liver Tuhlets more UmicIU'uI than nuy
5000 telegraphers;
mmmmm NEEDED i
tig per
ectly s;
ami i wo nig terry
lert sailors in
Itoats 1,'ive at all
i. ii i n.
,V 1
Amiiiully. lr. till thi1 mv iNitinim orfHtt-tt liy I
lutiliiuhl ami I t'lt'uiaph conipunlt s. c v am
Ml M KN Hiul I.AimSal punt hit hi is u
Wi- tintllsh T.S pi'IMVIlt of tluMirH(nX tUht
Matioii Went in Aint'i h a durvix m vliouN
!IU' tin- lit I i;ehl 1 11 Tt'lrm'Jtih S-1 it litis I
s 1 1 u n. Ksluhlistii il JO nirs atul in.
iloist .i t hII UtiiliiiK KiOUttiy odlcmi?.
U'c i .-t uit' ii Itniiit tu i've y sin. It'iii to
lui nish Imn iir hrr ti Uitn );i nc Itoin io
motilh In sihIi'p cast ol tlic Ko,ky
Mi'iintaiiis, or finin i,";S r tm a month tit
Siuttw.M of tin- Kocklcs, IMMKUlAlKI V
1 l n tiUA IH'ATION
Midli nm i an rnlcr al unv tlnuv No vai-a-I
ion). Km lull particular ii'naiMinK any ol
"iirscl is, wi ttctlln ct to our t-tvulic of
tUt- ui t m.iiuiMt i, a. falrtlntfu' five.
The Morse School of Telegraphy
Cincinnati. 1mo Hiittalo, N. Y
Atlanta, (in. l.nCrosM', Win,
l'i ai kana. i'cx. San t- ranrist o, cal.
rrymt it.
l'ur I'artienlais Aihlress
The Pacific School for Stammerers
l :. VuniMII si. imi; l'l .M, el!.
The very finest line of Pianos, from the cel
ebrated flackering, the renoiinetl Welter, the
lino Kimball, which is used and known for its
parity of tone and easy nctiontho silver-toned
llobart M. Cable, and on down tho line of
Pianos to suit your moans and pocket book.
Do sure to write for terms, or come and see
The Dalles, Oregon.
White Salmon, Wash.
General Contractors and Builders.
Kstimates on all kinds of work elieei fully furnished and tlie best of work
manship guaranteed. We are doing the hniMinu of this section at present. Our
work will speak for itself.
Who Wants It?
Ii W an til wind that Mow, no ijihhI. The
Hoott iHtlfoatl tins cut my farm in two tract m,
Hint I am yoiint to sell one of thcin cheap.
I'licli' Is rtti-ait Ii' acres. . ol which is set In
New low n ami .siti.i-.iiU ta ntw litis, ttod
soil; well wntereci; locHtion In the heart of our
lies! apple itlstriet; cIom1 to a troom railed
Kt-hotil house, atnl rural ilchvcry anl tele
pt.onc scrviiv ai ouritor T"rniseas. Kor
partlculitrs, imiuirf ol A. 1. Mason. u,l
hold license from the State Hoard of Oregon anil Washington, and am qnalitted
to ship bodies to any point. Trompt service either day or night.
hone at lioth Tailor SehitHer Building,
and Kesidence Hool Hiver, Oregon
F. S. STAM.LY. Vnr. . 1 . SM l'l It, Vi. -I'n s. Y. O. 1 I AM'llAH Cashier
1? First National Bank
Remember Timt this bt.nk is a Home institu-
tion and we invito yonr business on
a bnsis of nntnnl lieljifulness.