The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 26, 1905, Image 7

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Top Coats
The Paddock New Raincoat
We show a line of these perfect
fitting garments one-third less than
of every description, color, weave
and lining. Our prices are a joke
to anyone who has priced elsewhere
Men's Furnishings
That's where we shine. More value here for less
money by 33' than Portland stores will sell equally styl
ish goods.
puts reliable
Clothinor, Shoes, Wool Underwear
f Rrandcgi
Kincaid &
I. Wood
Rubber heels at Donovan's.
Shingles. See us for best
Oregon Lumber Co.
Mantle, wall and cookoo clocks on
asy terms at Clark's.
Use Williams' anti-septic hair tonic
and keep off gray hairs.
Sidewalk lumber. Delivery same
day order is received. Oregon Lumber
I guarantee a tit in glasses. Clarke,
the optician and jeweler.
The Troy laundry does good work;
you know that.
To make room for new stock all cut
plans will he closed out at cost. Clarke
the jeweler.
Do you use Lath? (let our price and
compare it with that of competitors.
You will make money this way. Ore
gon Lumber Co.
Well, don't you see that if you wish
to see well, you should see Clarke the
optician. Guaranteed work in glass
Closing out all but millinery, Knnrp.
Now that all important question is
settled the next thing is the ring a fine
new line of engagement and wedding
rings, l'rioes right. Ciarke the jeweler
For surveying, see John Lelaud Hen
derson & Son.
All watch, Clock and jewelry repair
work guaranteed by Clarke, the jeweler
Every man owes it to himself and
his family to master a trade or -profusion.
Kcad the display advertisement of the
nix Morse Schools of Telegraphy, in this
issue ami learn how easily a young man
or lady may h am telegraphy and be
assured a position.
Hard wood baskets for picking apples,
only fide at McDonald's.
(io to Mr. Onthank for abstracts and
notarial work, renting and collecting.
Legal papers carefully drawn.
Do you me Napthu soap? 5c per bar
at, McDonald's.
.-lines at manufacturer's cost, Knapp.
Mr. Jiartmess is on a cash basis.
Kor work w here satisfaction is guaran
teed, patronize the Troy laundry. Agen
cy at O. K. barber shop.
Ladies' hand turned and sewed shoe
work a specialty at T. II. Donovan's,
across from William's l'harmacy. All
work strickly first-class.
Those contemplating putting in wheat
this fall should see the Hood liiver
Milling Co. lirst.
In order that their patrons may take
advantage of the discount allowed on
bills paid before the tenth of the month,
the Water and Light Co. has arranged
to keep their ollice in the Davidson
building open till 8:30 p. m. the first,
ninth, tenth and every Saturday even
ing of each month.
Groceries, flour and feed at Lamar &
Men's hats and shirts at wholesale
price at Knapp's.
Mat Board and Hindinf? for
mounting pictures. Anew lot of
very pretty styles and colors just
Tissue Paper riain, crepe
and f.incv, for baskets, flowers,
lamp shades, etc. All colors.
Little prices
Fancy WorK Materials
Time to commence your Christ
mas work. Stamped Doilies, cen
ter pieces, stand covers, silks, nee
dles, lace materials, handkerchief
and collar patterns, sofa cushion
tois, etc. Little prices
Infants' Wear We make
a specialty of this line. Under-wta-,
hosierv, mittens, sacqnes,
taps, shoes, 'moccasins, bootees,
Isiork pants, HUirK moi mor
' sheeting, dia(er cloths, cotton
Manuel, etc. Little prices
1. k WI
f Braiulwce.
Copyrighted, 1905 Kincaid &
I Wood.
Mayes Ilros. get a fresh supply of
meat every morning.
Mayes Bros.' meat market has been
supplied with a cooling fountain fur
keeping vegetables fresh and clean. litiv
your vegetables where they come fresh
as from the garden.
John Leland Henderson and son are
equipped with two tiurley transits and
will be ready to do surveying for the
next two months. l!ut s per day are
f and $10.
Watch our windoWB for Kail Styles.
Mmk. Auhott.
All persons knowing themselv- ose
be indebted to Fruhn iv: ileaton are ret
quested to pay same at my ollice within
10 days from this notice. K. II. 1 Inrt
wig. Remember Rigtis' slice shop, next
door to McGuire's meat market. All
work strictly first-class. Also boots and
shoes made to order.
Don't forget the new shoo simp across
from William's l'harmacy. All work
strickly first-class.
Call and examine, my new line of
watches. I can save you money. Clarke,
the jeweler.
Watch the Troy grow.
Patronize home industry by buying
ranch butter at McDonald's.
Shoes half soled while yon wail in
20 minutes. All work Hint-class and
guaranteed. Ladies' sewed soles mid
(). Sullivan's rubber heels a specially.
Donovan's Shoe Shop, opposite Wil
liams' pharmacy.
Chicken dinner at F.instniiu's every
All the latest styles I'liotos at the
Dei I. Studio.
Fresh Olympla ami Eastern oysters al
the Gem Candy Kitchen.
See that dandy line of Folders at tin1
DeitZ Studio.
Fresh vegetables, butler and eggs at
McGuire liro.-.
For rent Two or threi good houses,
furnished rooms for light housekeep
ing, or nicely furnished house for a
short time. See W. J. linker.
MeGuirc Urns, have an up-to-date
meat market, clean and neat, and solicit
youi patronage. Their meats are the
best, and orders tilltd promptly. I'huno
Main 7111.
Some men upend their nion-y and
time for things : others invest lime and
money. Invest in a season t icket to the
lecture course and you will make an in
vestment in yourself.
Tickets for the entertainment course
on sale at Clarke's drug store, Monday,
October tl. Season ticket!' $1 .Ml; 'sin
gle admissions r0e; children bric. No
charge for reserve seats.
Two-quart combination hot water
Ii. l tie and fountain syringe guaranteed
for one year. Only $1.,V) at Clarke's.
F, G. Coe, the carpenter, will move
his shop October :!:! to the Dallas build
ing on fourth street, between Oak mid
River streets.
Cloves D you are I oking for
a L"-od pair of gloves that you can
get lots of w ear out of, conn- to u ;
that's the kind we sell. F"r
warmth, wear and looks we've
g it 'em skinned to deate.
Racine Feet for little and
Tbev are tictter to use than
Ki much da'iiing. You can only
get the genuine at this store
lOc pair
Drapery Materials for
curtains, couch covers, shell cov
ers, etc. Silkaline, figured and
tinted, for sasb curtains, brass up
holstery nads, curtain rods, etc.
Little prices
Pretty Dishes. We take a
special pride in this department.
ui can bIwh)- find something
new here. Cups and saucers, ten
sets, plates, individual pieces, c. d
ore 1 glasswa'c, eie., in large as
sortment at ' Little prices
Hats, Shirts, Hosiery, Sweaters, etc
We save you fully one-third on all your Wht. t oatiit.
A big line of Mackinaws and Lumberman Supplies
just received.
We have the Goods, and
The Gem Candy Kitchen makes fresh
candy every day.
Do not waste money buying a pool ly
finished fruit jar, but get tie.' genuine
Mason jar at McDonald's.
For Ken1 A de: irahlo house down
town. Inquire at Knapp's store.
Wanted To excliairje o-aen
lb, d
farm, well imp
liiver for rr-i.ti
:'ivel an 1
lira r
tc ill eil,-.
Apply to ( !
I . I 'n'i . r s ni & Co.
el.''-, i. ii i 1 1 , all inn I -r -I
vo miles fi-ein ,.d
i s i-I.M red, .'lie rre or
i'.i h v ii I.elaMe limber,
.n Ii Ii ne ir lesiilcnce of
,-: ,.(. r-:! -i in .1 1 le, 1 n-
100 acre lie cel.
rigation dil h rv
liiver ; si-. : . s
chard ; gi . Ui-.
Also four li.'.s on
(Tinrles l '"tier:
quire of John I I
Wnnted To I '
improved i-i i 1 !:.
Ilo. d liiver vclVi
at Win e . ,!,. ,.
I Henderson,
len acres of part Iv
I :i buildings etc., in
i v . r iuipr-iveii acreage
o . or ':li llic counlv,
A p. ly to Geo. I). Cn'l-
W n s 1 1 1 J e -1 '
bet'tsoli A (
Order your supplies at once for mince
riieal, tin I not " it until the day you
want to ii'o it This will insure having
it on hand (or um hen vou want it.
.Mi-lll'l'lil-: I'.KOS.
It is to y nr MilereM to refer to Mr.
l'.irlines-' ad under the new sy.-tem.
Th" r g Jnr annual meeting of the
ll. ii.l Riv.-r Fruit Glowers' 1'uion will
i e held . a' in .lay, November 1 1 , at 1 p.
in. in "i-an I. all. Hood River Fruit
Grow, r-' I'nio i, V.. II. Shepard, Sec'y.
For Sale at a Sacrdice
l'i te. n e r.'s eloseiu on the Fast side.
G I p, i hind; inn.-l sell. What will
yov g i 1 .r it'.' For parliculars sec
For Sale.
One safe, c ist fidO; will s. II for if 1 7."i.
One oil tank, cost $):; vv ill sell for $L'.".
Large counfe.- scale, cos sell $lo.
Oeo 1'. Crowell.
Bids Wanted.
Notice is hereby given that the
board of directors of ichor l district
No. bl of lloodli ivor, Whsco county,
Oregon, will receive bids f ir the car
penter work fir the consti net ion of a
school hoiiro U)tl fur snid district to
be constructed in accoi ilance w ith the
plan and rq.c rilical ions t hen of. Heal
ed liids'lor such work will b received
lit the ollice of the boaid nt the resi
lience of ,1. !!. Steele), clerk ill said
district, till Saturday, t he 2t h dav of
Octobei. i'.i'.o, bt the hour of 1 o'clock
p. ill. The hoard reserves the right
to reject any and nil bids i'lans mid
specilicatiens may be seen at. I lie ollice
of the clerk in said district.
.1. R. Sri.l.IJ:, Cicrk.
V. K. Hacked, and V. ,1. Sir.itli of
Wolverine. Mich., were in liio city
yi steiday looking up locations, and
were being shown iibont the city by
Will Rand.
J-Ion's Shirts -toe i ind ih t
W - :!ll ! .1 . 't -'C'W 'I !' ; n eli
lieeie, o .1 ii, a-, -.'.V.-, ', I,, ...
Sleeves 50eeaell
IfandKcrchicfs. Ue have
l! o-t i .-aut.f il line of hand-
kelihiefs f.r holiday- ve leue
ever had. ,lii. I ie n, and
mii-'in embroidered, silk initial,
fioev beideis and plain hein
stilc'lied, i-oii, 2 cen's to $1.50.
See t belli.
For your Uird ilrass and
painted cages, elia.ns, s). rings,
hooks. eed enis. baths, bird s j
in packages, bird gravel with cut
tle bone, ete. Little prices
Hardware. Whit's tie-use
ot paying more for hinge, pad
locks, halllllie-, hatele'ts, faws,
axis, shell' I r ! "'s, M- -ws, wire
cutter?, h o s, p'y.o- and a hun
dred other arm b-that yoil need
occasionally, when yii can get
themhereat. I.i't i.riee-
J R. J. Melsaae of Mount Hood hum
i transacting business in the city,
j Tuesday
I Joseph Vogt was in The Dalles Sun
day to attend the football game be
tween the homo eleven and The Dalles
Mr. and Mrs. (iildersleve, after un
extended visit with Mr. and Mrs. ti.
R. Castner, left Saturday morning for
their home in Jackson, Mich.
K. H. London and C. F-. Rowers of
Rnrtland spent Saturday ami Sunday
on their fruit farm in Mount Hood
valley. They returned to Portland
early Monday morning.
Adolph Aschoff, of Mm mot, Clnck
ainaH county, superintend! nt ottho
north half of the Cascade Forest Re
serve, spent Sunday iu Hood River,
in enntcioneo with Doug Langille, a
member ot the forestry service.
H. D. Shelley of Odell advertises in
another column that. he is in position
to supply winter pasture south of The
Dalles for a number of horses. .Mr.
Shelley expects to leavo hero shortly
after the lirst of the month with a
band of louses, and insures careful
handling of the animals while in
Friday morning Mrs. V. 1 McFvvrn
went to her Hood River farm for a
uliort time. For a time she fearod on
account of change of headquarters for
railroad men that they would bo com
pelled to " ove to Portland, but bus
now decided to remain here and occu
py their, new homo now under couiso
of construct ion. Chronicle.
An inverted digit, in last we k's re
count of the annniil meeting of the
Farmers' Ditch Co., caused the im
pression that Mayor lilmvers ree ived
but 0H4 votes for re-election ns a of the board of director!,
whereas the figures should have state.)
'.Ml 2 Kvery stockholder present
cast his vote for Mr. Mowers.
Fj. C. Miller ami son Raymond oi
Mount Ilo id left Monday afternoon
for Pi rtlautl, where , specialist tliinkn
postilily with a slight operation he
can restore sight to the injured eye of
Master Rnym ml, who lost the tips of
two fingers and a thumb and possibly
an eye by the explosion of a dynamite
cap which he held in his hand.
Tom Kiunaird is new a member of
the Tiansfei and Livery Co. N. II.
Jordan disposed of his stock in the
company to Lou Morse, who in tin n
transferred tho same to .Mr. Kiunaird
I he three members of this firm are
Lou Mcii-e, Norman Young and Tom
Kiunaird. Mr. Jordan has no definite
plana just yet for the future.
Tho White Salmon Transportation
Co., which intended to operate a
ferry boat between here and the north
bank of the river, concluded after u
day and a half that there wasn't bui -iness
for two companies and depar'ed
with the White Flyer for the lower
Columbia. The expenses for tho two
days' run here was far iu excess of the
cash receipts.
Wind liiver Lumber Company, Chm
carlo Locks, has closed its mill for the
next three months. The reason of the
shut down is duo to the fact that the
State of Washington conducts a sal
inm propagating station on Wind
liiver and for three weeks each year
the stream is given over to the Fish
Commissioner, and log driving opera
tions are suspended.
H. M. Abbott returned Monday
afternoon from Mosier, where he is
er -cting a residence on his fruit farm.
Mr. Abbott savs property is incrtns
iug in value at Mosier. a huge amount
of Portland capital having been ii -vested
there during th" last spiiug
an I enmmer Tho land there is i spi c
hilly adapted to fruit, and many sie
goiug extensively into the business.
James Cooper of Rowena was iu
Hood River Tuseday, to see about the
purchase of a band of sheep from the
Davenport Hroa. Mr. Cooper owus a
ranch at Rowena, where he has plant
ed 20UO peach trees this fall. Ho also
has a farm at Mount Hood, whort he
will set 1") acres to apple trees. The
l.r acres are already cleared. Ho
might clear five more this winter and
set out tho entire 20 acres in apples.
D. L. Davidson of Willow Flat,
president of the Dukes Valley Liter
ary society, reports that the progn in
coinmitt-e, owi-igto si' kness, was un-
r. pared at last Saturday's meeting.
The question box vas opened, and
sime good dhc-iiB'ons were had.
Next Saturday there will le a debate
on the subject ; "iien.lved. That ti e
printing press has done mere to civil
ize the United States than the rail-
MBs. i he debaters are: Atlirtnative
J. O. Cameron, Will Durham, U. W,
we sell X.
.-. a a
Murphy. Neg.'l ie A. T. '
.Murk Cameron, the I'm I member yet !
to bn chiiscii. '
Will I-;. Sherman m mt la-t ueek in !
Salem, his t'oi nn r l;..u,e, I
W. R. Winnie- v. a- 1 1 . i; ,m i ino bus- i
iness in Cortland la t v.. . I,.
Miss bh l Wond-Aoilh I. honed la-t !
week from n time woo!,-' i- it in!
Henry llm-kctt . t 1 t.:rii
a Hying v isil, to hi, f ! !. i , I la, i y
llackett on Salin.h.y ., las! wael,,
Mr. and Mi A . I . er in
I'm t hind hot wei i, to ;,; : u i t l.e per '
lor in ii n i' of lieu I'm it. tne Manpiiiiu
Gum. I. . I
A Highland Kan-. Vi h-tte reach i
ed the I loo, I Kb i r p,, . ei'iee w it hunt. I
mi adress. Tho own. r may have the I
same culling at the Glacier ollice.
liev. !'. la. Iiillinutoo, eorresponing i
.secretary of t he o. ( '. M, ('. will i
preach nt the Valley Clnislian chinch'
next Sunday tuoriiing at II o dock,
W. G. Flint, jr., reached a very
able sermon in the I'liiiarian chinch,
Sunday morning. In tl." allernoon
he conducted sei ice.-, at the ('rapper
school house.
A. W. King hint oi eoiitiir ed bis
subscrii t ien to 1 l e l i li.eii i- I., caiiso
this paper lias, been .lev . i in-.' too much :
space to suit him I., . -'ii the world I
what a gi. i id o 1 1 1 ; i " I i i o.l Riv er is.
Phillip Ki-liiis mi. iu loan Monday
to extend his sub imioii another j
year on the ( . I ici.-i . i ! i . K ol las says j
that of the v aiioie. I i r I Isii papers he ;
( akos, the. Glacier i In - la . m -ilo, and
one he could not ,1 1 .b. ii Innil.
J. R. Nickel-en, the vehicle and im
plement man, has leeched a display
horse, which make, an a! ! r,,et i , e window-exhibit,
v In ii hari i .M il and at
(ached to one el ill , taney rumibollti.. j
Mr. Nickcben u i ' i I n e :i glass f ront i
in his warehouse on I'oaith street,!
and otherwise imp oo 1 1 o ,-l re. j
II. H. Cralh. i arrived in Hood Riv- j
er Thiirsduy morning from .Monmouth,
where he bus been vi -it inc. his mot her
tor several weeks. ,r:, 'i .. ; t,t r tell
here last spring I'm I !. I! , u"1 am, where
he says ho spent m-voii m i K- in a hos
pital siill'ering from an X aa, of pneu
monia. W. (). Sanders. A Co. -1 . i i t - I the
pbuteiers, .Inset h I in.ier .-, Hon, all
work on the Slici mini co!!t:i 'n this
week. font i net oi S mi, h i i e--! s to ,
have this dv illiug ton, a I. I wiliiiij
a fow ibiy,-. Work I fi-".:r in:; nii'e.
ly wit h I be new re.- idem e V r. Sand- 1
era is en el 'nig lor A. ('. .-a, ai.-u hii-li
is also ready tor t ! e ! i-tei . r-'.
Till) inelll I ers ol lie ,1 u ; i i Guild of j
the episcopal clii.ien n i i unlav
evening at t ho i oy In
Wait on, wheio they pi
for tho annual hay nil',
take place I he lil t w. e
her. Nest. Mm i, v i
young wim . "'
homo of ,W i ;
A ('hill .ge ' - or. 'HI I'd
land Jon i ii. hr.. Ian
tho t bird .1 ricf . ..i i
of Tho l,il'.. 1,1 iia.' n
from Miss I :ni I . C:.
.. .:' Mi-s
I ii I-. , 1 u oi k
. I n h is to
i : I leeen,
II the
: ! He
, . . r i 1 1 i t..
. Iia. I': It,
it-.-t in
.ee.le Cl ile
la a!.T-!,p
. i of Tin.
- !'".', Hi
a .,r be
, tdla
i : !, 1 1 . 1 i ii
Dalles. Mi
votes and .
( '. at
- I 'i
ind, I. living
Riclini d.-im
t Ins dist rid
Mr. and .".
ed Tile: :a
accomp; i, ii
.1. W. S, !!.'
trnde R. s
ret 111 ll-
;; t;i,s
' t .1 1, or,
. ( ;, i-.
I ;. pi e
I a at, i.
I '- ' I ' '
tef 1 a t.
s he is
! is hrni en
irl mi n'ii l . ! . 'I , i ped .-. i.
'J r ivi I r- : I'. ml ei pie
who live i ! ; : I... i . - ,,v :l Io. .I,s
irood to .o i I 'ie . t ol'.i'll ill
inak i un ile ; I , i ri , .- o a I o . . .-. o the
river, l a'. 111. fl. I ! the poltauo
road. i':i ta: ' .;!, ' o i ar.-oes of
wheat Iriv.- 1 ' i e . . ami the tra-
file bids tan 'i I... in. :.r. Other
i steaiiiet s w ill i c ! 1.1 ,.. ! iver us
soon as j rat t n- ' , i ; . i I lie i i.ilb s
II. W. H ' m Ih" it Fri
day so, -kin; i . i . ' ' lor an
injured I :p, !.;!, i ' 1 1 ' -''iny,
I the ej litnier i f a . a .' i :i " 1 i'!i!
j I ile' .V r. Sehiityer v : - i It h si
, than t .vo le. t ti ,.:n la . . , . )' r.
Seilillper did no! i o: a i I a.- i . j II y
o very i i c- ' 1 l.e
turned to i, a! ;: n I ', nays, but
within the b si fe.V .iaV hi . hip hi s
i been Kivim; bi n n ii; !-r;.l In pain.
Mr. Si-Hiiiy r la.s move I a. ;t h I. is fam
ily from 'I rout Lake ami wills end
tlie winter at liinnin.
1. ii:!MM 111
Brandecee, Kincaid & Wood. Copyrighted,
Millinery Clearance Sale.
Street I lilts, Tailored HtTocts, French Sailors all good
sli;iie,styles. From $2.00 to $1.."0 values, now fl.00.
Don't forget sale on hi'h gradt; Ostrich l'lunieH.
Your choice from the best stock of Shoes in
town at cost. Broken lots below cost.
Iron clad school hose at cost-
H. IC. JudKe, aKoiit for the Valvo
limi Oil Co., was seeuriuu orders iu
Hood River Monday.
A mnrrhiKo licenso was Rranted
Tuesday morning to J. A. Fawuott of
Grass Valley and Sarah 1). Woygandt
of Hood River.
Mrs. J. M. Sprigs of Mill A, at
Chonowith, sull'ereil a broken arm last
week, and was in Hood River Tues
day for treatment. The broken mem
ber had swollen severely.
Members of the W. C. T. U. are re
quested to meet at the Cmi;refational
church at il o'clock Tuesday after
noon. The subject for the weekly dis
cussion is: "Loyalty to tho Work. "
Harry Moo and bride of Dayton,
Wash., wore quests during the week of
Mr. and Mrs. A. 1). Moe. Mr. Hany
Mod is associate editor of tho Colum
bia Chronicle, at Dayton, a city of
:;."iiHl population.
Mrs. Louise Goddard left Friday
ii i 1 1 1, for 1'orfliind, where she noes to
take charge of the department of
physical culture ami to assist in tho
elocutionary department at the West
ern academy of music ami oratory.
She will remain in Cortland during
t he winter.
Waller Walton, recently of Pitta
burs,', U in lb, od River on a visit with
his mother, Mrs. Walton, who resides
i i the Arnold eottiiKo in Coo's addi
tion. Mr. Walton Is a brother of
Mrs. Murray Kay. Ilo may decide to
.-pend the winter here.
Teams were busy the II rat of the
week hauling a carload of rolled bar
ley and wheat to the farms of tl. D.
Woodworth and Robert Jones, who
purchased a carload of ttie feedstulf
at, Grass Valley, Sherman county.
The ear contained about l'i tons of
I'iro resulting from a defective flue
destroyed the residence of Thomas
Goss on Methodist lnie last Saturday
afternoon about 4 o'clock. The
daughter, Miss May, was alone at the
lime, al tend iug to chores at the ban.
Neighbors caine to her assistance , and
some of the furniture, including tho
kitchen range, was saved. The loss
will amount to about MM. Mr. (Joss
was absent, visiting his son and
daughter in Kastern Klickitat county.
J. P. liarnett, who was iu the city
Wednesday morning, reports that
Supervisor Woodworth has placed a
Imee of men at work on the road in
Methodist lime, where they are gravel
ing the north end of the road and lin
ing up mud holes elsewhere. The road
bed constructed by Supervisior Wood
wort h lust year is wearing well, and
when this mile of work ia completed
it will represent one of the best roads
iu the VHlley.
The local chapter of the Order of
Kastcru Star held its annual chicken
pie supper in the banquet hull of
Tie mini temple, Tuesday evening, the
occasion being a celebration of the
lJth anniversary of the establishment
of the order in Hood River. Worthy
patron, C. D. Thompson, presided as
toantiiuister, and several very instruc
tive talks were listened to Ham liart-
mess, not being eligible as a Star, was
introduced as the tail of a comet, and
replied to tho introduction with befit
ting humor.
Carl ami Henry Jantzen re erecting
a commodious dwelling house ou
their ranch.
Mrs. Henry Oleson, who waa over
from Underwood yesterday, report
her uow hotel Hearing completion.
Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Davidson have
again taken up their residence In
town, having moved iu from tboir
Willow Flat farm.
Kldor J. W. Jenkins, formerly pas
tor ot the Valley church, arrived Wed
nes'ay noon from Portland, on his
way to his home at Athena.
" Mr. and Mrs. 1). S. Nelson of Lar
I m ore, N. D., were guests during the
week of Mrs. George P. Crowell, and
Mra. Nelson's brother, Will Sheets.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sosey and child
ren ot Canton, 111., arrived Saturday
with the intention of making Hood
River their home. Mrs. Sosey and
Mrs. II. F. Davidson are sisters.
A baby girl but a few-days old was
left on the door step of the home of
Mrs. ladith Sprackleu, Sunday night
at The Dalles. The foster mother is
already the mother of five little ones.
The Davidson Urns, farm at Willow
Flat will turn off this fall between
tiOO and 1000 sacks of line potatoes,
Tho potatoes are being stored for the
present in tho warehouse of the Dav
idson Fruit Co.
Councilman J. K. Hand left yester
day for The Dalles, where as a mem
ber of the sewer committee of the city
council ho will roview the county rec
ords to secure a complete list of the
property holders of this city.
II. S. Hudson, supreme master
Artisan, was iu Hood River last night
and addressed a large audience iu
Artisan hlal. Mr. Hudson baa attain
ed considerable of a reputation as a
hiimorou speaker, and his remarks
are always appreciated.
The following party left last night
for lilnlock on a duck shooting expe
dition: J. II. Nickelsen, F. E. Jack
son, Hurt Stranahau and Kdgar
Wright. Mr. Wright went up in ad
vance and secured transportation for
the party to the hunting grounds, i.nd
camping places. Frank liutton and
Cecil llolmau ineexpeuted to join the
party later. Ducks are reported ery
H. W. Simpson, clerk at the Hotel
Wauconia, returned yesterday from
his ranch at Mosier. He reports many
improvements at that place, among
them : A ue barn 40xK) for Mr.
j Stokes, also a new house lHx.'IO. Mr.
Stokes has slashed bix acres, which lie
will plant iu the spring to apple trees.
Gotten Trefz is rebuilding the dwell
ing destroyed souio time ago by tire.
Mr. Finny has slashed and burned
four acres, and erocted a neat cottage
enclosed with a picket fence. Mr.
McVey has a large crop of vegetables
of all kinds, and a second crop of
straw dierries, some of which Mr.
Simpson gathered himself. Thomas
ia erecting a new lxtru. Winifred
dinger of Hood River Is busy clearing
land on his homestead, and will set
au orchard iu the spring.
Have Vou Sprayed Vet I
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