The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 26, 1905, Image 6

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Three lawmiita made tilings lively
In Jiihtice liowniHii's court ut White
Salmon hurt week. Monday, Daniel
Jomob, a will known Htoekman of
WeHtern Klickitat county, was called
upon to pay t;:i.75 for a12 calf, for
merly the property of J. (J. Clurkhon.
According to the evidence, brought
into court, ClarkHton traleil a calf
to Jones for its value in hay. When
ClarkHton weut to Camis Prairie he
found the hay of hint year's cut him
all mouldy. He then refused to ao
oept the hay and wanted his calf back.
Davis told him the calf was running
with his herd. After several days'
search, ClarkHton came upon the hide
of his calf. He thou brought suit
against Davis, und won nut iti the
local court, Jones being ussossed ith
h11 the eosta in the case. Jones, it is
stated, will appeal to tho uperior
J. O. Machines acted as attorney
for Clarkston.
Tuosday the case of the Htate of
Wimhitigton vs. Matthews was tried
out, and tho young man bound over
under U'200 bonds to appear before the
superior court, which convenes next
January at (loldendale. James lirowu,
the complaining witness in this case,
charged Matthews with taking a
purse and IU7 from his house. The
defendant brought in witnesses who
testified that they would not beleive
lirown under oath, and sought to
question the good standing of iirown.
On the other hand, 'Irown had wit
nesses who declared Matthews remark
ed in the piesenco of Hrown : "if 1
took your money I had as much right
to it as you." Another .witness de
dared Matthews even admitted taking
the coin. On thin ground, the young
man was bound over on the charge ot
grand larceny. John Loltind Hender
son of Hood itiver acted as Matthews'
attorue .
Tuesday night, a farmer named
Hottman was hound over to answer
to the charge of obstiuctiug a public
highway. John HaiiHeu it appears biic
been accustomed to using a road
which runs through Hottmau's farm.
Hottman made another road so Han
sen would not hnve to go through the
farm, and closed the old highway by
felling trees. The merits of the caHc
will lie fought out in the superior
Wlllumette Valley Apph s.
Portland Journal.
Oregon can ruise tho best apples in
the world. It not only can but it
does. At least that is tho opinion of
apple epicures in three continents.
ThoHe superb and matulilnss apples are
raised in only two or three sections
of tho state. Hood Kiver has and so
fa" deserves the greatest reputation
though other localities in eastern and
southern Oregon may and perhaps al
ready do produce apploa of equal ex
cellence. Ths Willamette valley can produce
excellent applet equal to those of Mis
souri, Michigan, New Vork and other
apple-famed states. Hut certainly
many of the apples raised in the Wil
amette valley and put upon the mark
et here and iu other towns ate not a
credit to this part of the state. If ot
fair size and tolerablo appearance
at a glnnooJUio producer can got some
thing for them, half or one third what
he could for a box ot line perfect ap
ples, and he would rather take what
he can get than to go to the trouble
and expense of rehabilitating his or
chard and keeping it free of pests.
Doubtless many orhardists of the
Willamette valley are entitled to he
exempted from this criticism. It docs
not apply to all, but it does apply to
many too many. The younger or
ohards, and tin newer men owning
orchards, we hope anil beleivo, are en
titled to ored it for an improvement
that it gradually taking plane, but
taking the whole region together the
Improvement seems sluggish.
The Willamette valley in tho early
(lays was tamed far anil wide for its
big red npbples, and then the poHts
hail nut played havoc witli the inch
ards, as they have been doing, in
many instances unmolested, for many
years. Thero ought to he a concerted,
determined elfort, backed by tho law,
to revl.o those early conditions in
this respect, for witli work enough
the pests can be eradicated.
Wormy apples ought tj bo driven
out of the market. Oregon people
living in towns are as well entitled to
gowd apples as the people of New
Vork City or London.
Tliroe Jurors Cured.
Mi. O. W.Fowlerof liiglitower, Ala.,
relaley un oxperlonue lie had while serv
ing on a Jury in a murder case at
KdwardMVille, county seat of t'lchnurne
couuty, Alabama ' le says: "While
Uicm 1 Mtt 43U9 IrMi meat and souse
Iliuatail'l It ?iw ti 'cholera morbus in
a very Nevf'ra frn. 1 never was more
Icknfny Ufa in I Hcnt to the drug
esU.r fiiranertalu loleru mixture, but
oililrrifh1, nav iie a bottle of Cham
lH'lnll Oil Vic Uioleraaud Miirrlmcii
Heme! iuUtrl. mying that be had
vvhiit I tMv, t ut ihat this liiedieine
Win ' "ii !.-Hi"r he would rather
Html U l.i ' lie tlx 1 was in. 1
Vnr ..i) (lew u jt and was better in
live uiliUllc l lie second diiMO cured
me entirely. Two fellow Jurors were
Hlllleted in the same manlier and one
small bottle cured the three of us. for
sale by Williams' Pharmacy.
Sayri tVauil Wedding.
M. M. Sayer of this city and Mrs.
Nellie Waml of The Dalles were mar
ried in Portland at St. Ihivid'schurcli
in that city lust Wednesday evening.
A reception was stterward given at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Krnest
Coblelgh, tlie house being prettily
decorated in the xhades of pink ami
green. Mr. and Mrs. Sayre went to
Keattlu and other Sound cities for a
wedding trip a d will lie at home in
11 od Kiver about the 'Jilth or USIli.
Mrs. Waud was the widow ot the late
Captain (). S. Waml and the bride
groom is engineer of one of Hood
Kiver's largest saw mills.
A Splendid Idea.
A now idea in a Cough Syrup is ad
vuiiced in Kennedy's Laxative Honey
and Tar. licside.s containing I'iiu- Tar,
Honey and other valuable remedies, it
is rendered Laxative, so that its use in
sures a promt and clllcicnt evacuation
of tho bowels. It relaxes the nervous
system, and cures all caiigiis, colds,
croup, whooping cough, etc. A red
clover blossom and the honey l'e is on
every bottle of the Original 1 axative
Cough Svaup Kennedy's Ijixalive
Honey aiiil'l'ar. An ideal remedy for
children. Mothers praise it. It is best
for all. Sold by (i. V., Williams.
"My poor man," said Henpeck,
"I sympathize witli you."
"Was you ever iu de chain gang?"
pskod the recipient of his sympathy.
"No, " said Henpeck, "far worse;
tny bonds are more galling than
yours. "
"Oeel" replied the malefactor,
"you'se must have a case of aprou
strings." i
At one time a purely religious fes
tival or holiday, it hardly stems pos
sible that times have changed so
much as to make of Hallowe'en a time
of frivolity and merrymaking, as it is
at the present time, says a writer in
the Salem Statesman. Ail Saints Day,
Hallowmas or All Hallows, was llrst
celobratd about CIO A. D. At tl'at
time tho llrst day of May was set
aside for a celebratio in memory of
those saints who had not already le-n
honored with a feact day. It was Im
possible to give to each one a day, so
it was decided that all should lie re
niembered ou a certain day, that day
to be called All Saints Day. The naii.e
"Hallowe'en" came from the name
"All Hallows," and meant, hs the
name implies, the evening l.efi re
About the year KM A. I), the day
was changed to Nnven.lcr I, rnd
since that time that day has I ecu
kent in the Korean Catholic. J i.tlish
and Lutheran churchm.
Ill days gone by, in Knghuid i nd
Scotland especially. Hi Howe', n i as
the occasion ot certain obtervaia
and tfiere were curtain superstitions
connected with the day and the man
nor in which it win celebrated. O
that night witches, fames i.nd impf
of all kinds were Mipposed to malic
their appearance on earth and in vor
ions ways make the niiiht interesting
In Scotland in tho time of liobcit
Hums the young people of both sexes
gathered together Hint pirlormeil un
ions tricks and tccts li r tho purpes
of revealing future hushumlH and
wives. Those ti iclis are described ii
Hums' poem "llalh wn n," in which
tho writer refers to dill'eicnt tricks
and especially to tests pen lined with
apples and nuts, in fact "Nut crack
Day" was tho name commonly given
to Hallowe'en in Scotland. Hums
says :
"Among the honnio winding I auks,
Where Doon rins wnniiliii, clear;
Where iiruce mice ruled the martial
An' shook his Carrick spear;
Some merry, friendly country folks
Together did convene,
To burn their nits, and pou their
An' hand their Hallowe'en
L'u' lily the that night.
"The aillil guid wife's well-hourdeil
Are round an' round divided,
An' monie lads' and lassies' fates
Are there that night decided;
Some kindley couthio, side by side,
Are burn the gitlier trimly;
Some start nwa' wi' saucy pride
An' Jupm out owre the chimin
l'u' high that night."
These ohservanes have descended
through generation after generation
and to this day are popular, not only
among tiie superstitious hut among the
sensible and practical young people of
America as well as among those of
other countries.
lief ore the Clv.l war, in the south
ern stales, Hallowe'en was one of the
most popular holidays. It was th
custom there to observe it not unlike
wo, of tho present day, observe our
Decoration or Memorial day. Iu
Louisiana it is still customary to dec
orate the graves of friends aud lela-
Tho tricks and toHts common to Hal
lowe'en were also popular among the
southern young people. At the pres
ent time Hallowe'en is still observ d
hut not iu the same manner exactly,
us it was in tho olden days. Now the
usual mode of celebration is the re
moval of gates, the greasing of street
car tracks with soap, and other tricks
which, to the boyish mind, are amus
ing. Among the older people ilallow-
e en U observed as a time for tho en
tertaliimeut of friends in the home.
There are innumerable tricks that can
bo tried which will all'ord amut-cmciit
to almost everyone. Ono appropriate
at any time, lint more practiced on
Hallowe'en, is the apple paring test.
A person is given au apple ami a
knife, the amde to be nared in a con
tinuous strip. After this is done the
paring is swung three times around
the head and these lines are repeated:
Apple, 1 pare and swing to know
I soon shall marry.
Prom my hand 1 now thee throw;
Mystic letter carry."
The paring is then dropped to the
floor and nearly always forms some
letter. Another is called the "Weal
or woe" test, and consists of suspeud
lug a horse hoo in a doorway, each
fortune seeker to attempt to toss an
apple through tho shoo. If successful.
happiness is ids fate, but if the apple
goes wide ot the mark, woo to mm.
A tent performed by Southern girls
In tho days before the war was as fol
lows: One girl was blindfolded and
a lighted caudle held before her.
After she was turned around throe
tunes h!io was supposed to blow out
the light. If successful, she was loved
by ore of her clioico. If she f iled to
cvtinguiKh the light, his lovo was
anot tier's.
i'he tent of the threo dishes origi
anted iu Scotland and great faith was
placed in the charm. Three dishes
were placed side by side one contain
ing clear water, one full of muddy
water and the third empty. The per
sons testing tin charm were blindfold
ed and foun 1 their fortunes by dip
ping their fingers into one ot the
dishes. If they dipped Into the clear
water a miilden or young man (as the
case may hoi as their future partner,
into the second a widow or widower
and if into the empty dish it would be
one's fate to remain single.
1 he can. Hi. test is an interesting
one. Ihree lighted candles are placed
in an open window and each guest
names the candle tor a sweetheart.
The eaiuile to lie eUinguishod tlrst
sign i lle that the lover for whom it
was named is untrue, the one flicker
ing in the breeze shows llckleness.
aud the one burning steadily shows
the one who will ever be true.
1 hese tricks combined with fortune-
felling by cards, tea leaves or any
other way, will furnish a very jolly
evening h entertainment. Decorations
of jai k o lanterns, owls, bats and
other thing myxtio help carry out the
werid ell eel. K M. 1 1.
I'ailli Net Necessary.
Von may be just as s-keptical and
H'sI'iiimIic as vmi please. Kodol will
digest w hat you eat whvtlier voll eat
or not. Von can put your fi oil In a
bowl, pour a little Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure on it and it will digest it the
same as it will In your stomach. It
can't help lint cure indcgcslion and
Dyspepsia. It is curing hundreds and
thousands sonic had faith and some
didn't. Kodol will cure you if medi
cine can cure you, whether you have
faith in it or not. Sold by ti. K. Will
iams. Depaiting (iuest Do you permit
your servants to accept little er
Summer Landlord (ireat Scott!
You rrnvu't any money left, have you?
It will pay you to take good care of
your liver, because, If you do, your
liver will take good care of you.
Sick liver puts you all out of sorts,
makes you pale, dizzy, sick at the
stomach, gives you stomach ache,
headache, malaria, etc. Well liver
keep3 you well, by purifying your
blood and digesting your food.
There Is only one safe, certain and
reliable liver medicine, and that Is
For over 60 years this wonderful
vegetable remedy has been the standby
In thousands of homes, and is today
the favorite liver medicine In the world.
It acts gently on the liver and kid
neys, and does not Irritate the bowels.
It cures constipation, relieves con
gestion, and purifies the system from
an overflow of bile, thereby keeping
the body In perfect health.
Price 25c at all druggists and
Test It.
I Iiiip Anil Trouble Make It Different.
Kditor Lyons of tho Independence
Knterpriso reoalls that on November
12, l'.HKI, Congressman Williamson was
interviewed at Latirande concerning
Kx-Congressiiian Malcolm Moody,
then under indictment by the federal
grand jury charged with misuse of
the mails.
Congressman Williamson then said :
"1 am surprised that Mr. Moody
should undo) take to play upon the
credulity of tho good people of Ore
gon, by posing saa victim of the mal
ice of his 'political enemies.'
" 'Political enemies, ' presumably,
of course, means myself, as 1 am his
arch 'political enemy,' having defeat
ed him for renominatiou.
"Under the circumtanccs, can it be
possible that Mr. Moody, assisted by
a newspaper or two, can make the
good people of Oregon believe that his
troubles with United States court-i are
all brought nl out by his 'political
enemies,' presumably headed by my
self. No, such a thing seems ridicu
lous and impossible. 1 w ill never be
lieve it can be done until 1 see it
"The fact of my Icing indirectly
accused of peisecutiug my predecess
or, is sulllcient cause, 1 take it, for
my making just one brief deduction
concerning such a defense, and that
is tliis: Whenever my owu 'political
enemies' become so numerous and so
powerful as to cause a grand jury of
my own citizens from my owu native
ntato, alter bearing my side of the
case, to Und a true indictment Bgaim-t
me for rilling the United States mails
and using information gained thereby
to rob a defenseless widow, I will
then and there throw up tho sponge,
retire from public lifo and go back to
the ranch."
At The Dalles, last Monday Con
gressman Williamson was agaiu inter
viewed. He said :
"Why should I resign? Who knows
whether or not the Supreme Court
v ill dismiss or alllriu the proceedings
in Judge Hunt's court? If they are
conllrmed, then thero will be time
enough to canvass the subject of res
ignation. 1 see no reason for hasty
"There may be a feature of my res
ignation which many good people are
overlooking. Suppose 1 should resign
at once and someone be elected who
would go to the Nat ional o pital am!
empioy his tune and talents in antag
onizing every movement nindo by Sen
ator Pulton. Would not such a move
lie a detriment to the interest of the
state? Is it not clear that one man
can accomplish more than two men,
each of whom is pulling in dilferent
direct ions?
"1 shall give this quoi-lion careful
consideration when the proper time
arrives, and if 1 cousidei Hint the in
terests of Oregon will lie advanced by
my resignation, I shall do it quickly. ''
No I'niiils To Com pic to (iraile To limit.
With an empty treasury, it is im
possible to complete the grade to the
boat landing begun two years ago.
ami on which something over fUH'U
has been expended by the city and
business men in popular subscrip
tions. Lou Morse llguros that about
51.11HI would complete the till needed
just beyond the railro'id bridge. This
would then give a practically level
grade to the hotalauding east of the
sawmill, and save much wear and tear
on horsellesii expended every day on
the old route.
Mr. Morse reports that shipments
by boat are increasing daily. Lat
Prlday, the Transfer Jt Livery Co.
hauled over ten thousand pounds of
freight into town, which had been
shipped from loner river points by
way of tlio Kegulator Line of steam
ers. A great many apples are being
shipped by the boat line, many of
them going to the cannery near Van
couver. Pleasantly Kft'ectivc.
Never In the way, no trouble to carry,
asy to take, pleasant und never failing
ill results are DeWitt's Little p.arly liis
ers. These famous little pills are a cer
tain guarantee against headache, bil
iousness, oi put liver and all ot the ills
resulting I'ioiii constipation. They
Ionic ami strcimtlicn the liver Cure
Jaundice. Sold by ti. K. Williams.
lTrst Subordinate Was your garden
a success tlrs year?
Second Subordinate Vou bet it
was. jly next door neighbor s chick
ens took the tlrst prize at the poultry
A Family Library
The Best in Current Literature
12 Com plctk Novel Yearly
$2.60 penycan; 25 cts.a copy
;no continued stories
Rivcrvicw Park and Idlewilde Additions
Easy Grades, Fine View and Good Water
Cheap lots for building Small Houses near Flour Mill
The TALLY CARD is in
dispensable to the Whist
Party. Why not have a
neat, pretty design? It
adds to the attractive
ness of the party and
costs but a trifle.
Fifty New Designs?
j0 AT &
Carries everything
Krinked Silks, Sik Embossed, Tapestries, Moires,
ngrains, Varnished
Up-to-date Paper
Carriage and House Painting.
Phone G71.
and Manufacturers of all kinds of
Highest Prices Paid
Estimates given
Building Work
Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First
Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready.
Phone 131.
Square Deal Store
Do not forget that you will get full value for your
money every time you trade with me. When in need of
Groceries, Flour and Feed
Cull and see me. You will find it pays to trade hero.
Plows, Harrows, Cultivators ami
mi kinds of Agricultural Implements
Alfalfa, Clover and AH Kinds of Field Seeds.
I have just added a stock of PAINTS and am pre
pared to guarantee price and xuality.
Come in and make your wants known and get prices.
It will pay you.
Yours for Business,
3rd and River Street.
next to Waucoina Hotel
in the line, including
Tiles, Banks, etc.
Hanging, Sign,
First and Oak Streets.
for High Grade Fruit.
on short notice.
a specialty.
Hood River, Oregon.
Hood River, Ore.-
Blacksmiths and Wagon Hak ers
The most completely equipped power plant in Oregon.
Contract work a specialty. Grubbing supplies and Log
gers' tools always on hand.
The care Of the horse's hoof is essential. We are
experts in that line and cure corns and interferes.
Steam and Hot Water Heating
All jobbing promptly attended to.
Dealer in
Building Material,
Doors, Windows,
Lath, Mouldings,
.Livery, Feed
"North Coast Limited"
The Electric Lighted
Observation Car Train between
Portland and St. Paul.
Pullman First Class Sleepers,
Pullman Tourist Sleepers,
Dining Car, Day Coaches,
Observation Car.
The Acme of Travel Comfort
is found on any of the
Send four cents for our Lewis
or six cents for "Wonderland 1905."
Yellowstone Park Literature
can be had for the asking.
The Ticket Office at Portland Is at 255 Morrison St., Cor. Third.
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
BKftiiyit i
and Draying.
Hood River, Ore.
Ilorsos bought, sold or oxcliangec!.
l'lt!Biiro piiiiies cmi secure fl rut-class rigs.
Special attention given to moving furniture and
We do everything horses can do.
and Clark Pooklet,