HOCD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1805 NEED MEN AT BUSY MOSIER The Ulnoier niau dropped off the noou train at Mosier Tuesday ami fouud a general air of improvement and piotipority in that town that in iu keophiK with the growth i f the splen lid country to which it in the outlet. Nearly nil of the farmers are improv ing their rauohea, Km tilling and clear ing more laud, and many are looking for men. One of t!:o undent ueeiU of the place is more men to help clear land and do general work.. Of the number of houses that were put up iu the town lust year and thif, the last empty house was taken Tuesday hy a family from (ira?n Yi lley, and a new 3-room cottage is being put up for Cieorge Harrison. Alex Stewart, the gonial merchant, can now be found at his deli in hie new private otlice, iu tho additou re cently built to the store, where he acts as general manager of the Mosier end of the Pacilio States Telephone Co., or as purchasing agent for his large mercantile establishment, when the occasional Irummer drops in, or figures up the profits of the various industries of Mosier with which he is connected, including the big ranch south of town. A cozy trate lire adds to tho cheerfulness of tho place. Mrs. Stewart is giving eminent satisfac tion as postmistress of the little city. The Mosier Trading Co., of which Mr. liarrie is manager, also pre entsa neat and prosperous appearance, anil report an increased trade. Husbands & Root are enjoying a brisk trade in the blacksmith and wagon making line, although Leo Hoot took the time to make up a hunting party, of which Henry Wiig nor was also a member. At the black smith shop is a fine deer hide, one of four which the party brought back. John Wellberg is now enlarging hh hotel, adding three rooms which will be equipped with nice clean boils where the weary traveler may find rest. Mrs. Well and sister who have been visiting Amos Koot, returned to theii home iu Heppner Monday. Mr. and Mrs. II. Daniel of Portland visited friouds in Mosier last week. II. M. Huxley has purchased 120 acres of the Weiler place, on The Dalles road, and will tako up his res idence iu the spring. R. Husband and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wagner left for their home in Elkhart, Indiana, Tuesday. They have beeu visiting Amos Koot and other relatives and friends for several weeks. While here Mr. Wagner com pleted a cellar for Mr. Koot. Honda to the amount of S:i."00 were votol for new school houses, and two new schools will be built to accommo date tho growing community. A i"ii'U school will be bnilt on an aero ol ground secured from Mrs. Mosier's heirs, on a sightly location a hort distance east of the present school, and a school to cost jdiiiK) will be hi cuted either on the ridgi near the Wright pla"e or on Mosier creek, the location not yet being fully decided. Mosier haa now a very successful school. Miss Agnes (itilovaon the teacher is now entering on her second year's work, and has the confidence and highest respect of both pupils and parents. Lant year's work was the most satisfactory in the history of the district, and this year starts out with great promise. County Hiipniin teudent A'elf also compliments Mi: (iulovsou very highly as m:e of til best teachers in the county. James liurliugaaie met with a vei serious accident a few days ago 1 i 1 returning from the Vnkium Cuii':tr. where he was picking hops. I!' Ink returning to Mosier he decided ti drive south of The Dulles to make .' short v i J i I . While several miles Iron; any habitation, towards evening, ih horses ran away, smashing up lh; buggy and throwing .Mr. Uui!inj;:in:t out with such violetieo that ho win rendered unconscious. His sen Kilgar, w ho is only a young boy, man aged to sucure the team, and built a lire, where he cared tor bis father during the long cold nighe. In t tic morning ho made his v.iw to the nca -est fiinn house icr help, and Mr. I'ur lingamo was remrued to I'l'.fur, wh'i'c ho still lies in a very s.'iiniis condi tion. Mr. and Mrs. 10. U. i'liiilii c! Portland are visiting Mi.-s Dollh Mosier. M .. Phillips is supet ii.tcnti ing the gathering of Miss Mosier', apple crop. Dr. Humble was called to M'Me; Tuesday on account of the serinu illness of Fiank Pepper's baby. The little fellow's condition is not regard cd as dangerous by the doctor. Vthde there he idi-o vi.-ited Mis. A. il. llogan, Mrs. Oeo. Cm roll, Mr. John Smith and Mrs. John Carroll's little girl, who have teen under his care, but who are ;.ll now ci;r.ile.-:ci nf. Olive Fischer wont to Hond Hirer tho Hist of tho weik to visit her grandmother M. H. Craft will fluish grubbing an 1 getting his ranch ready lor crep. thid winter. Judge Filloon whs down from "tie D;dls the tlrst of tho wod; looking u; a homestead. l-r.uik Cir.yiT s t Is guide. Mr. Palmei of North Dukota, who has been visiting his brotbor-in-law. J. P. Snyder, for a couple cf we, I--, left for home Tuesday, lie is lull ! in praiso of Mos.irr. Price Hunter has taken charge of tho iiowo ranch. F. Lupere has sold part of his ra:.eh to Mr. Mulhollai.d of lined liner, who will make improvements on the place this w inter. Klmer Koot has tiiiisho;! delivering sixty tons of hay which he baled on his ranch this summer. All of the hay was sold to Mosier parties. J. K. McCregor is laying the foun dation for ouo of the linest suburban ranches or country homes in Mosier. Mr. McUregor has fourteen acres just in the east edge of town, and is mak ing a contract to grub and improve tho laud. He has an ideal place for a i cherry orchard, and will, set nut six acres of the tinest varieties this fell 1 The land is rich, the soil deep, and j well sheltered from the we.-t wind, a'ld while rather steepen the hillside, , will nirke a very prolitable cnerry ranch. Several largo blind springs have been discovered on the proprety, an 1 one of tbe.n has been piped to the old house down on the rou.i. giv ing the family an abundant Mipply of the tiue-t sprin,' water. On tho brow of the bluff, overlooking the Colum bia, Mr. McUregor intends to erect a nice residence, and will be in a posi tion to enjoy quiet rural lite iu one of tho prettiest spots in the Cascade. Just above the McGregor flncp is a commanding point of the bluff, on the Dr. Macrum property, where the doctor declare? he wilherect one of the finest re.-idences in this part of the country. These improvement! MM STRANGERS AT WHITE SALMON 1 Special ('"Tespiiinlcnce. j White Salmon. Wash., Oct. 24. -A i large number of lots have been gold I lately in Vthile Salmon, and contracts let for residence ami business proper S ty to be I nilt the coming spring, it I looks as if White Salmon would double its population in the coming year. I Many strangers are ta be seen on j-the street each day. The majority of i them have heard of the opportunities to oe inui liere to enter the fruit In- tistry, and there are numerous in qirics for land. That the price of land iu White Salmon valley will advance rapidly now that tho railroad is as sured seems to be the opinon of the wise ones. Mrs. Snyder, sister of Mr. Rose grant, who has been visiting in White Salmon will return to her home in Michigan by way of Montana, where she will visit her sister. Lynn K. liuuett of Portland, Ore., baa purchased lil acres of the Evens farm for UK. He will plant a large orchard of high grade commercial ap ples. This place is admirably adapted for a large orchaid. They will take possession within tiO days. Mr Hudson, the Supreme Master Artisan of the Order of Artisans, vis ited White Salmon assembly No. 177 last Friday, and was greatly pleased with the push of the local lodge. He gave aii excellent address upon the rise, growth, ami business methods of the order. The Artisans are alive, up to date and are adding to their membership weekly. Tho sidewalk extending from the steps to the postollice and down the south side of Jewett avenue to the Congregational church is now being built. Perry Hnrter, tho stage driver, who has beeu very ill with the typhoid fever, is new on the road to Wellvilie. Tho little sen of Mrs. Hanson, pro prietor of the Pingen hotel, fell and broke his arm. The injured bi nibor was set by Dr. (ieaihart. The Royal Neighbois gave a royal entertainment iu Ijiiutcrlach hall Sat urday night. Tho store keepers of White Salmon repoit a rushing business this fall. C. M. Wolfoid i. ml Co. have 7 men steady in and arou d the store. Mr. W. Hi! ore ot (lilmore Hat, was iu White Salmon lat Monday on bua-ine.-s in the laud olllcu. M. W. Freehand was in town from the apple held .Monday laying iu his winter supplies. .Mr. Fre land sold two tracts of land lately. li. Oginond of Fuldu was in White Salmon Thursday laying in provisions for tho winter. The White Salmon people are pre paring for w inter. Many loads of hay and wood are coining into town every day. A new lodge was lutey organized iu White Salmon, a ladies' society, the Royal Neighbor. The Voodmen gave a line ridertaiiiiiient Thursday night with a supper lit for a king. (leiisey Siriiii sold his 10 aero place 1 'l miles west of town last week to James Carter from I'oiti.iiiii. It is reported that Mr. Evans, liv ing i miles nortloMi-t of town, has sold his hi) acres of land iu the apple belt. Mr. Evans is one of the old settlers, 1 1 1:1 .a C Unci- Han-;.- i. at ." o'clock fi,. tlyseo'eiy, nii i olmrcheard ,. ing at to i'Y:o' r years oi a . e at t and w great I;; . fuiniliaily known in . I i -" i H-in-l .? e t Ming in mi .te ii'tulc!' of i orii d in tho Tve-iiay n.oi -.V i ( 'o. k was tii I '..! e el' his deid il, . ! . -ill for hia i -. r -. ' j j n Uiadle ,i. lavuiiie of the !-. cam; here about , I own. He was a t i gi-ntl'-ie and i m-.-s and was a t:i children. Mr. ( i I Im-"" vears ago 1 brother of Mis. Main, and has child ren living iu Iowa. .Miss Uuth Wilson,' iu Cooks addi tion is very sick. Mr. i'eny. tho singe driver, is get tingi;'. better now, having been sick over a month. T. li. Sliir.sou has opened a harness and shoeshnp in the Imil ling of the White Salmon Lewi Co. Ihisisll.e lii'st establishment if its kind in the country, lii-i Hi, I ei e a l.'i cent job had to bo sent to Hood River or The Dailis. and the f; tight piid lortinu sit liia U v ays Anioi'g the 1 1 ( o 1 1 ( filings be fore Coii-missi-mer Machines are: Ralph I". la avay cf Hood River, homi -t"-il mar J. F. Stninahan's hivr.o; Iv.eri't V. Lewis of W ilmar, Minn., limber claim: Marion W. If. !. Itiin! cf t'. e same ) hue, timber eiai.n ;. Roth I lie latter epplie e.ts are cugica rs ronnccted with ihe Northern lacilic surveying crew at - in k ah ng the river hr re. I red Then. a; baa rented his home north of town to Mr. Nichols and mined with his family into his new cottage on Jewett avenue. A. D. Maine A Co. were the contractors foi the new dwelling, one of the substan tial audit iaes lo the line residences of White Salmon. W. M. Rogue has been assisting A. '), Maine in tho ( obstruction of tho en i e-idi ai e I eii j erecli (I by Fred il.cua?. menu c.ijch for the fatare of Mosier. A. P. iiati ham is getting ready to bn:i 1 the law county road from Mos ier to the 1 oat Fooling. The road will go in no uly a .-i might line from the i :e. en I boat I-mling between his property a'ui tie liiover and Sellirg- pi- ci s i.otii it i-.-: e;.es a out near lv t ti.e ! t I l:.)!i s roc). It wi th-i. on :'. i ti e m.Io cf the hill e" r ' r pnule nutii i! i . ! li fl.ni t (listhiice - 1 . i y.oi-icr creek I '; ! i. i ::1 s liorten the reus h. . i -. t'l ivili he ( li!n!H'l tl) til ! o il 1'tinii-JK ..: I make i ml the uv. With 11 VI TV l-Ilf.V i!'- the cnir.i:iL' ol tho new railrnau uorosB the Coltilmn . thin rmul iu n neceity, s thurc ivill ho coneiilenilile nhippini; of trail HiTorH tho river to connect with N'ortVi'in Ihicillo anl Ureal Northern tn.ins Amonif thi 111):; npjilec on iliH lny at StoivurtV. i-i n (ilnria .Mumli that iiieasnnis over 10 inches around anil l'ii!h -li oilliCl'S. (iiio:? Cli!iini.eil;:in had locatetl a luiiilier yrr l near tho hox factory, ivhero he will keep ;i niipply of lnm licr. which i-i inuiiiifactiireil at his mill .-out!) of the town. Green it Hick hare rebuilt their box factory, ami lime the tame reaily for operation. rwvenil luro orilera are waiting to bo lllleil. Big Sale of Land. !o you wnnt a te n tp tnwt of first-Hans str-t wherry or iVinl Inntl at r. l-nrruiii? If so, pxiiiniiu the M. It. I'oiicr fnrni m-ar city of HimmI Kivt-r, liri fi'-n-s. Junt plnccj on the nni-knt to h fo. hi lots to unit, full t the lax in or any ral es:;ii- firm In Hotd Hiver. HANK MrKAKLAM), 12 M 13tb street, i'ortlaad LARGE NEWTOWNS FROM WEST SIDE Special Correspondence. Orapper, West Hood River Valley, Oct. 24. Some of the apple growers here maintain that theii apples are from 30 to ft) per cent better in point of quality than they were last year. P. H. Martin had 5iif boxes of Yellow Newtwous, of which 5iVJ boxes were 3 and 4 tier iruit. Tha; is pretty good if tbey are grown on the west side. The attendance at the Crupper school is unusually large this term. Mr. and Mrs. Perry of Hood River visited with Mrs. E. E. Lyons on last Saturday and Sunday. O. O. Miller of Portland visited in this neighborhood on last Saturday. T. II. Hayuor, after spending two years in Iowa, returned to his old home on the Ronshaw placelast;week. It is hard for a man to reuounoe bis allegiance to Hood River. Miss Lucy Omeg of The Dalles spent Saturday and Sunday in this neigh borhood as a guest of Mrs. R. H. Limlsey. She left on Sunday evening for Rnfus, where she has chaigeof the school. Hardware SteWaft'S Furniture Ours has not been a complete store long. Have you been in recently to inquire Into the thousands of things that you buy from day to day? We make it worth your while to progress with us. We have hund reds of articles in stock now that you could not find when you called ,'iO days ago, and you probably did not find in town. Our prices are light, because we buy right. We are merely your agents, and wo have the cash to back you. We buy the quantity that gets the price to meet ARE competition; we get the price by knowing the markets. We know the lowest selling markets and price our goods to meet it without regard to tempory local conditions. Lot us explain about coal oil lamps, stoves, doors, glass, and the many needs before winter closes down. ,iuv mi. in. JlCWdll Material ATTENTION! I wish to announce to the people of this com munity that the doors of the new City Market, situated first door west of the Oregon Lumbt r Co., will be opened to the public MONDAY, OC TOBER 30. This is a first-class, up-to-date marl: 1 1. All orders, however unall, will be de livered promptly, (live me a trial order. Sat isfaction is guaranteed. Phone Main TO.'l. IRA ALCORN, Mgr. IV Coffee Perfection We have been selecting, blending, and roasting coffee for over half a century. Golden Gate is the result of our long coffee experience. We cannot improve it. Could not make it better if we tried. No one knows how to blend it but ourselves. Golden Gate is fragrant delicious. High grade grocers sell it. I and 2 lb. aroma-tight tins. J. A. FOLGER A CO., San Francisco KatablUhd In 1850 S. J. FRANK All Repairing Promptly Attended to HOOD RIVER OREGON English Walnut Trees, Fruit Trees, Scrubs Planta, etc. Oretfon ifl developing as a wnmlurful walnut proilu inc scclion. liii; proli's, wi h small outlay of capital. Chance of a life time. No i-pnii iii(; nor expensive dryera. We have the hardy varietion, eirly bearers. A pnt-tal card will bring yon walnut catalo(f, a treatise on their culture and recoils here, .Ah send for nursery catalog. BROOKS & NONS, Walnut .Nursery, CmUon, Ore. AGENCY TROY LAUNDRY R. E. WITHROW Has ncccptod tho Hood Kivcr agency for tlw Troy Luuii dry Co. f)f Portland, with an oftico at KniKtruni's. Ho will call for laundry W'ednenday and Tlmrsday, dolivcrin'; Tuesday. These dates will hold for a few weeks, owing to the rush of work in Portland. Dates will be changed later and notice given. "Wagon will collect and deliver goods. Phone Main 203. Hood River Cider Mill We have completed our Cider Mill and are ready to do custom work and buy cider apples. I.ring in your apples. Barrels and Cider for sale. Mill phone, Main 191. Residence, Main 203. M. L. EMRY & SON. POTATOES YIELD 300 SACKS PER ACRE Special Correspondence- Mount Hood, Ore., Oct. -I-Ram ti ers are taking advantage of this line weather to get their apples picked and potatoes dug before winter. Apples are of fine quality m:d the yield is much greater than was ex pected. Potatoes are as good as can be raised iu any country and yield as high as 300 sacks to the acre. O. C. Ruff of Portland is here for a few days, looking after business in terests. The Mount Hood Development League will hold its regular meeting on Saturday afternoon at the Mount Hood ball. Joe Hess left Monny for Canby, Ore., where he will attend school this winter. Henry Tomlinson, Joe Dinimick and Jim Wishart are working for the Ore gon Lumber Co., helping to construct a dam near the Lloy bridge above Wiuaus. Elmer Oribble and family have gone to Portland for a few days visit. Always at the Front Dealer in Harness St Saddles $mi&JcLemf& i f.' I "XT -H. I I . 7 for men of professional leanings, abounding in dignity, but with a wealth of comfort and many pockets. Come in to satisfy curiosity. You need not buy. HOOD RIVER Sanitarium MARY P. JCii'iSON, M.D., Supt. ! Ideal Home for Invalids (.'liniiite iin.l view unsurpassed in the L'nited Stiit.es. Some Bargains. Our li-t riuiliiiiis iilu.iit -ID different lnirt nl fruit iimi -..'i iii'iiil fin in liiiuls in MilMCI' ; ilhilllt .'l'KI lirl'i'H ill I IK llT IM 111, iMUilnl into tniris of In, in 40 Id iil'l) :i '! H e.ich; iiImi al'uill 1 Si (lil'ferent tnicls nl la' in property hi Mood Hiver ,iiley, iiml hhuc t-rv dc-indilu resi ilenccs in lluiiil l!ivcr and .Moshir, ;;:!. ii iicre-i '.J mill' out; hcrries and ..rcliaiil. A lir.iutilul locution. Will be solil at n haivaiii. 21. 4-' acres 4 miles out, 111 acres ill ul'cliiil'il, HI iu'l lii'iiriiiir. Kirst-clasH iill proveinciil.s. A licaiilil'iil home. '1. IU at'iv-i in tlirlliot lieitlltiful por tion of the valley. I eeies iii orchard ne veal' old, .'li urns ill berries, 4 acres ill aif.ilm, l.alaiici' j;i m nil fanning. 114. Two li.O ane I I'acts aliout nine mill's mil ; one on cad side, oilier west nle. Choice f-.r tr I M)l). A tiniiiliiT of "), III, L'O and 40 acre trai'tH nl' uiiiiiipniM'il Ininl that will liL-iir invcstiiralii'ii Also a number (if hiriie tracts (ruin 1 i;o In ojo acres ill Ore ;fili anil Wii-liinlmi Some h ' I'iniili'iiccs and lots iu every portiiiii of the city. W. J. BAKER & CO. Real Estate Agents Hood Rivor, Oregon. Oiviaenaj o r - ifLmt I GRANT t- j jfT - ti' ac&"fi HAYES I ' S Sfcuuuw GARFIELD I ; f -m -jt BtNJ.HARRlSON I: i ,fm& lift iNtuRANCe AT lOwtJT cost im M'KINLEY For additional information apply to 1. F. LKAVY, Manager, 711-71 2 Marnuam I'.uildinL', Portland. Oregon, or JOUN LtLA.U UESDJ-IIWO.X, Ageat, llwl Kiver, Oreijon. ' 1 VOGT BRO Hood River, Oregon The "Stay Satisfactory' Rang Houses -IN- Coe's Add Cheap for Cash or on your own terms. Now is the Time to Buy, Phone Farmers 1233. H. C. COE. fa ASSETS $44,000,000.00 INSURANCE IN FORCE $216,000,000.00 fas Investments are not sxcnllod bv thoso of any company In) tha world. It has no fluctuating ctcci'.s fnd bonds. For over twenty years Its mortgage bns cn fe.rrn. lands havo earned the highest rate of toau ,rt'rol of any American company. Its ratio of death "C losses and expenses of manage ment have always been very low. As a result it excels in large pone noiaers, among whom are Oivifled tne ui ine tompany. THE Union Central OF CINCINNATI wtriw ANotmHTM ado rtn or biatw I How close have vftlI been to Smart Clothpc? IIav(,you ft lt their fab ric? Orlu'ldthomupbe f ( re y ( u? Or tried them on? The clothes the Stein l'loch tailors have made for us for Fall and Win ter are unpacked, (iraeeful overcoats of many weights for all de grees of temperature: sacks for business or leis ure, slitted, vented, long and full; Knglish walkers Monarch Malleable Ranges Awarded Highest Prize At the Lewis and Clark Exposition 1 MASONS WHY: lieciiiiflo the Monarch was tho only raiiRO wilh a patent Duplex Shaft, which caiiBcs the fuel lo hum evenly in the firebox. UcctiiiHo the Monarch was the only range shown with an emery polished top, requir ing no blacking. llecHiiHM Monarch Kanges have oven therinoineterg made especially for them, which tell tho decree of heat required for roads, bread or pastry. Ilocuuso the Monarch Mange bodies are. made of the heaviest Wellsville blued steel, without enamel, and do not discolor. For Sale by W. HAYNES and Lots ition prola J 8.